
Club Bulletin - Issue 12 Monday 21 October 2013

I can't believe how quickly the weeks are flying by. It only seems like yesterday we were setting the amended date for the Battle of the Bands Quiz Night. In April it seemed so far away and yet here we are on the eve of the event. A tremendous effort to date by all members. I'll save all the thank you's until next week after the event. Tonight (Thursday) whilst allocating donations for the various prizes for the night Lloyd told us that we are close to capacity so with any late sales of tickets we should have a full house!! Don't forget to wear your club shirts for the Quiz Night so attendees can quickly recognise Rotarians if they have any queries. Thank you to all who wore their special hats to the meeting Monday night for Hat Day for Mental Health. We did not have a fine session, however members made a donation to Australian Mental Health. It was a busy meeting with the cheque presentation to Veils of Gold and our hats. We invited former member Michael Young along to the meeting and during the meeting we announced that the Club was honouring Michael with an Honorary Membership. Needless to say Michael was speechless - if you could imagine that! On 28 October we will be holding a Vocational meeting at the Racecourse Museum. For those of you who haven't had the opportunity to visit the Museum you are in for a treat. Lloyd and I had a quick look

when we met with Tim to organise the night. All I will say is you will be surprised at some of the memorabilia that is on display. On the night we will meet at the usual time and have pizza for dinner. Coming up very quickly is our next exciting morning at KBULG. We will again be taking cuttings and potting them for the plant nursery. Kim will be coming along to the meeting this week to be presented with the cheque for KBULG and to tell us a little more about the activities of KBULG. Don't forget to ask around for any young people, 18 to 25, who would like an opportunity to participate in the Rotary Youth Leadership Award. We have one nomination to date. with nominations closing early November time is fast running out. On Saturday 26 October the Club has been asked if we would provide a Sausage Sizzle at Harvey Norman for their carpark sale. Members will be asked if they can spare an hour or so during the day. We will discuss this fully on Monday night. It is planned to hold a Social Evening on 6 December with club members attending the Goldfields Repertory Club Christmas Show. This is a great fun night out. Let me know how many tickets you want as I will be purchasing them as soon as they go on sale. Tickets are always at a premium so we need to get in early. Enjoy the rest of your week while you Engage Rotary, Change Lives.

105th Rotary International Convention 1-4 June 2014 : Sydney

From president ESTHER ...

Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie


2013/14 President: Esther Roadnight OAM

From President Esther


Meeting Wrap Up

District News

Meeting Attendance

Meeting Roster

Meeting Make Up

Battle of the Brains

So, what is Inner Wheel?


Club Calendar

Club Details


President Esther

Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie

In Rotary, October is the month we set aside to remind ourselves of our second Avenue of Service: vocational service. While some Rotarians call this the "forgotten" area of service, I would disagree: In fact, vocational service is the avenue through which we serve so often, we don't always recognize it as service.

Vocational service has its roots in the second object of Rotary, which encourages all Rotarians to hold high ethical standards in our business affairs and our professions, to recognize all useful occupations as worthy of respect, and to dignify work as an opportunity to serve society.

In short, the idea of vocational service is that our jobs, in themselves, are a way of serving society. Whether we are serving customers, teaching students, or treating patients, whether we're involved in commerce, research, the media, or any one of countless other fields – we take pride in doing our work with competence and integrity. Every occupation fills a need, and by doing our work well, we are contributing to our communities and our society.

The role of vocational service in the club is important, even if it isn't always prominent. By maintaining high standards individually, we earn a reputation that we share collectively. By valuing all occupations equally and by maintaining a classification system in our clubs, we ensure that our clubs reflect our communities – and can serve them well. A Rotary club of all lawyers wouldn't be capable of nearly as much as one that also had teachers, engineers, business owners, and dentists; in Rotary, our diversity is our strength. That diversity is an advantage not only to our service but to our members: It gives us all a valuable way to find the connections and opportunities that help us in our own careers.

That aspect of membership is as old as Rotary. Paul Harris himself wrote often of the business advantages of Rotary membership, believing, as I do, that being a Rotarian means a person holds a certain set of values that will make him or her a good person to do business with. Today, with the world more connected than ever, Rotary membership is an honor that we should be proud to share.





Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie

Monday 14 October What a busy meeting!

Presentation of funds to Veils of Gold, represented by Marianne Cope

Former member Michael Young was bestowed with Honorary Membership

Everyone wore hats for “Hat Day” with a fine box donation to Australian Mental Health

Gloria Moyle came along to another meeting and has expressed an interest in joining us

Georgia was using her mad marketing skills to sell club shirts

Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie

Events Coming in 9465 Friday 18 October

Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie’s Battle of the Brains Quiz Night

Friday 18 October Rotary Club of Mandurah City

“A Night of Intrigue” - Supporting Beyond Blue

Sunday 20 October Rotary Club of Mill Point’s Rotary Ramble

Thursday 24 October World Polio Day - Paint Your Pinkie!

Sunday 27 October Rotary Club of Hannans

Balzano Barrow Race

8 November Rotaract Club of South Perth

40th Anniversary Celebrations

21-23 March 2014 District 9465 Conference in Mandurah

5-8 June 2014 International Fellowship of Motorcycling Rotarians

Go to the District 9465 website

for more information or Club contact details.

Australian Rotary Health's Hat Day for Mental Health Research is

on this Friday 18 October!

Rotary Club of Kwinana Inc is to be recognised as the club raising the most money globally in the Rotary Global Swimarathon


The Australian Rotaract Conference has concluded.

Looks like a fun time had by all and another success story for the

organisers, our own Rotaract District 9465 W.A.

Well done chief organiser Laura Cheetham, DRR Mat Mathew

French and team.

Rotary in WA's Climb for a Smile took place on Sunday 13

October. An opportunity for some "social" climbing in aid of terrific causes including End Polio Now,

Interplast, WA Rotary Cord Blood Bank and The Hunger Project. The

winner did it in 6m 29s!!

2014 Conference Update To read all of the latest

information on the 2014 District 9465 Conference in Manduarh,

go to the District website at Find out about the Conference MC

and the special guests.

You’ll be able to register using the interactive PDF form as well!


Please provide your intention regarding meeting attendance as below:

PETER SWEENEY 0434 942 244

by 12.00pm Mondays

if you are going to be an apology or if you are bringing a guest.

If you fail to apologise, and are absent from the meeting, you will be charged for your meal.

g{x YÉâÜ@jtç gxáà of the things we think, say or do

1. Is it the TRUTH?

2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?


4. Will it be BENEFICIAL

to all concerned?


21 October Cherie Wallace

28 October Edward Brennan

4 November Lea Van Rensburg

11 November James Mercer-King

18 November Sue Morley

Please be at the Tower by 5.50pm at the latest to set up the meeting to be ready for members and guests arriving at 6pm.

There is a guide on the cupboard door to assist you with set up.

If you can’t attend on your rostered evening, please make arrangements to swap with

another member.

Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie

LOTTO WINNERS Week 1 Jess Galin

Week 2 Gerald Roadnight

Week 3 Jacinta Yuryevich

Week 4 Jacinta Yuryevich

Week 5 Norm Sharp

make up opportunities

Want 100% attendance but can’t make the weekly meeting?

Rotary Club of Boulder Tuesday at 6.30pm for 7.00pm

Tower Hotel

Rotary Club of Hannans Friday at 6.30am to 7.00am Kalgoorlie Overland Motel

Away from the Goldfields?

Go to to find a meeting close to you.

Or, can’t physically get to a meeting?

The Club Locator will also help you find an

e-club to attend online!

Meeting Make-U p One of the many benefits of Rotary Club membership is the luxury of being able to travel the world and never miss a weekly meeting. Club members are welcome and encouraged to visit clubs while traveling to make-up the meeting missed back home.

But Rotarians often ask what options exist if there is not a club in the area of travel, or if the member is home but an emergency causes him or her to miss a meeting.

One option is to attend a regular meeting of a local Rotaract or Interact club, Rotary Community Corps, or Rotary Fellowship. According to Article VIII, Section 1a of the Standard Rotary Club Constitution, attending one of these meetings counts as a make-up.

Another option is to spend time participating in an interactive activity on a Rotary e-club Web site. Rotary International has approved the request for a limited number of clubs to form with virtual or electronic locations. A visit to one of these e-clubs may satisfy a club member's make-up requirement. Please check with your club secretary and the e-club of interest to see if this online visit counts.

The following is a list of chartered Rotary e-clubs who are participating in the Rotary eClub Pilot Project.

Clicking on the name of the club will direct you to its site.

Rotary e-Club One - District 5450 (USA)

Rotary e-Club of London Centenary (England)

Rotary e-Club of Southeast USA and Carribean

Rotary e-Club of District 4500 Brazil (Portuguese)

Rotary e-Club of Taiwan (Chinese)

Rotary e-Club of District 9600 (Australia)

Rotary e-Club of District 7890 (USA)

Rotary e-Club NY1 of D-7150 (USA)

Rotary e-Club of Southwest USA, D5510

Rotary e-Club of Latinoamerica (Spanish)

Rotary e-Club Verkkorotary (Finnish and English)

Rotary e-Club of District 3310 (Singapore)


Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie

The Rotary organisation has welcomed men and women for some time now, but for those Rotarian men who have female partners that wish to serve the community in some capacity but have not found Rotary to be the avenue for them, may wish to direct their partners to Inner Wheel.

International Inner Wheel is the administrative body that acts as the umbrella for the organisation worldwide. They are one of the largest women’s service voluntary organisations in the world and are active in more than 103 countries with 100,000 members in 3,895 Clubs.

Personal service is a top priority and members find many ways to carry out projects in their local communities. They provide help in hospitals, hospices, care homes, schools, entertain the elderly and lonely and offer help to needy children and the disabled.

Objectives of International Inner Wheel

International Inner Wheel has three key objectives:

To Promote True Friendship

To Encourage the Ideals of Personal Service

To Foster International Understanding

Any woman who shares the three central aims of International Inner Wheel can join the organisation

Members achieve these aims through Club events, which combine personal service, fund-raising, fellowship and fun, united by friendship and a common aim to serve the local community.

Members give practical support as well as financial help whenever there is a crisis, whether this occurs l o c a l l y , n a t i o n a l l y o r

internationally, for natural disasters or for people suffering in war-torn regions.

Mrs. Margarette Golding, a nurse, business woman and the wife of a Manchester Rotarian, started the Inner Wheel movement in 1924. Prior to 1924, wives of Rotarians in many cities and towns, prompted by a concern for public welfare, had been voluntarily, in the background, giving their time and energies to help in any service being undertaken by their menfolk.

On t h e 15 t h Nove mbe r 1923, twenty-seven Rotary wives, led by Mrs. Golding, met in a Cooling Room (because it was free of charge) at Herriot's Turkish Ba th s , S t Mary ' s S t ree t , Deansgate, Manchester; they discussed the possibility of forming an independent ladies' group run on Rotary lines. The objects of the Club, they explained, would be twofold, to foster friendship and to offer much more in the way of service.

A notable landmark in Inner Wheel history: In 2012, at the 15th Convention in Istanbul, members voted to open up membership. Women, who have no connection to Rotarians or Inner Wheel members, can now be invited to join Inner Wheel. It is important to note that this change was as a result of an amendment to the International constitution proposed by the Inner Wheel Club of Kalgoorlie-Boulder.

In Western Australia, all Inner Wheel clubs belong to District A40 and, locally, there is one club in the Goldfields being the Inner Wheel Club of Kalgoorlie-Boulder who meet on the third Wednesday of every month at the Tower Hotel.

Foodbank operates on a skeleton staff of paid employees, so they always need vo l un tee r s t o he lp w i t h t he work. Volunteering at Foodbank means you’ll make a meaningful contribution, gain new skills or put old ones to good use, meet new people and help them disseminate food for 55,000 Western Australians every month.

Activities include picking and packing of food orders and other general light warehouse duties.

Volunteers also give support in Foodbank’s administration office and in turn receive valuable hands on experience and on-the-job training.

Foodbank provides a clean, safe and happy work environment and are always seeking volunteers to help them cope with the increasing demand from the charities they serve.

Don't forget to search through your pantry and find a couple of items for Foodbank for their Clean Out Your Pantry for Spring project.

Bring something along to a meeting. Butch will be coming along to a meeting in the next couple of weeks so he can update us on the work of Foodbank in Kalgoorlie-Boulder and then we can present the foodstuffs to him. Popular food items include:

Meals in a can



Evaporated milk

Canned vegetables

Canned fruit


Canned soup

Canned fish and meat

Interested in volunteering? Foodbank Kalgoorlie-Boulder

175 Forrest Street, Boulder Ph: 08 9093 0284

Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie

So, what is Inner Wheel?

THAT’S SO FUNNY!! An Englishman wants to marry an Irish girl and is told he needs to become Irish before he can do so. It is a very simple operation where they remove 5% of your brain. Anyway the Englishman wakes up after the operation and the doctor comes up to him looking all worried and says "I am terribly sorry, there's been a mistake to be sure, we accidentally removed 50% of your brain instead of 5%!" The Englishman sits up and says, "She'll be right, mate".

Rotary Youth Leadership Award Program for 18-28 year olds.

Applications are to be submitted to the RYLA Coordinator by no later than

11 November 2013.

Applicants contribute $165 with a sponsorship from the Club of $695, this is a great

opportunity for young adults to attend.

Program at a Glance!

� Self Awareness and Emotional Intelligence � Communication and Public Speaking � Leadership, Team Work and Group Dynamics � Problem Solving and Decision Making � Goal Setting and Time Management

Contact Youth Director: Edward Brennan for more

17 - 24 January 2014 Serpentine Camping Centre


Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie

The International Director is collecting used postage stamps, on envelopes, to be sold overseas to assist Oxfam and other projects through District 9465. Please bring stamps to our meetings.



Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 2 3 4 5


7 Induction - Stephen


8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16

17 18

Quiz Night!

19 20

21 22 23 Board Meeting

24 25 26 27

28 Meeting at

Racecourse Museum

29 30 31


Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 2 3

Propagating at KBULG

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 Board Meeting

21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30




Coming very soon … Birthdays and Anniversaries!!

Name Partner Position Phone Email

Esther Roadnight George President Club Service Committee

0407 218 700 [email protected]

Gavin Gilmore Colleen Secretary Club Service Committee

0418 934 696 [email protected]

Billy Cumming Carol Treasurer Club Service Committee

0417 747 027 [email protected]

Ross Collins Yvonne Vice President International Service Committee

0409 688 055 [email protected]

Edward Brennan Ena Youth Service Director 9080 0800 [email protected]

Lloyd Morley Sue Vocational Service Director 0458 911 604 [email protected]

Anne Skinner International Service Director 0417 611 274 [email protected]

Peter Sweeney Robyn Community Service Director Attendance Officer

0434 942 244 [email protected]

Cherie Wallace Darren (Wally)

Membership Director & Bulletin Editor

0409 807 517 [email protected]

James Mercer-King Sergeant Vocational Service Committee

0408 692 505 [email protected]

Sue Morley Lloyd International Service Committee 0407 437 077 [email protected]

Angelo Sbizzirri Marie Community Service Committee 0418 934 267 [email protected]

Georgia Underwood Membership Committee 0427 388 900 [email protected]

Lea van Rensburg Charl Club Protection Officer Vocational Service Committee

0448 034 238 [email protected]

Stephen Harper Youth Service Committee 0408 785 126 [email protected]

Find us on Facebook!

Please be aware that the above list is for Rotary use only and should not be forwarded to third parties or used to promote your own business

President Esther.

Rotary Club of Kalgoorlie