Page 1: Ronn Torossian on the Basic Steps to Improve your Personal Public Relations

Basic  Steps  to  Improve  Your  Personal  PR  

Page 2: Ronn Torossian on the Basic Steps to Improve your Personal Public Relations

Public  Rela+ons  is  For  Everyone  One  of  the  key  methods  of  maintaining  a  successful  image  for  your  business  or  personal  pursuits  is  to  have  a  decent  grasp  of  how  Public  Rela?ons  work.  Managing  Public  Rela?ons  is  an  important  facet  of  several  different  career  fields,  because  many  successful  people  will  at  one  ?me  or  another  find  themselves  in  the  public  eye.  This  aFen?on  can  catch  some  by  surprise,  therefore  it  is  a  good  idea  for  anyone  seeking  upward  mobility  to  at  least  learn  some  PR  basics.  By  following  a  few  simple  steps,  even  those  who  seem  to  suffer  from  perpetual  foot-­‐in-­‐mouth  syndrome  can  become  a  Public  Rela?ons  maven.  

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Take  Stock  of  your  Public  Rela+ons  Situa+on  The  first  step  to  improving  the  public  image  of  a  business  or  individual  is  to  perform  a  Public  Rela?ons  Audit.  It  may  sound  complicated  or  even  scary,  but  this  audit  is  basically  a  list  of  pros  and  cons.  To  complete  a  PR  audit,  compile  2  lists:  Things  which  have  the  poten?al  to  help  your  public  image,  and  things  which  have  the  poten?al  to  hurt  it.  AKer  the  informa?on  has  been  organized,  it  can  be  compared  in  order  to  assess  your  Public  Rela?ons  Risk  Factor.  There  is  no  par?cular  scale  to  follow  in  regards  to  how  high  your  risk  factor  may  be.  They  key  is  to  simply  work  on  decreasing  the  items  which  may  have  a  nega?ve  impact.  

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Modera+on  is  Key  Once  you  have  iden?fied  poten?al  Public  Rela?ons  risks,  the  next  step  is  to  work  on  increasing  your  general  appeal  across  the  board.  This  is  useful  for  poli?cians,  business  owners,  and  public  speakers  alike.  In  general,  you  want  to  at  least  appear  to  be  very  “Middle  of  the  Road”  in  your  dealings.  Any  poli?cal  poll  from  the  last  50  years  of  elec?ons  will  show  that  moderate  candidates  do  beFer  across  the  board  in  elec?ons.  Of  course  candidates  who  express  fervent  approval  for  special  interests  will  gain  a  great  deal  of  aFen?on  and  press,  but  they  rarely  get  elected,  why?  The  answer  is  simpler  than  you  might  think.  Human  nature  tends  to  lead  people  to  prefer  leaders  whose  behavior  can  be  easily  predicted.  Being  outwardly  moderate  indicates  to  those  observing  that  you  are  more  considerate,  intelligent  and  trustworthy.  

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Who  Are  You  Trying  to  Impress?  The  third  basic  step  to  maintaining  good  Public  Rela?ons  is  to  iden?fy  your  key  demographic.  This  is  the  group  of  people  you  most  wish  to  aFract  to  yourself  or  your  business.  Certain  demographics  will  be  aFracted  by  certain  behaviors  and  repelled  by  others.  It  is  useful  to  learn  which  issues  and  features  are  important  to  your  target  demographic  and  use  them  to  your  advantage.  Consider  the  current  18-­‐30  year  old  urban  demographic:  This  group,  more  so  than  any  other  is  aFracted  to  representa?on.  They  want  to  know  that  you  not  only  want  to  sell  a  product  or  idea  to  them,  but  also  that  you  consider  their  ideas  and  interests  to  be  a  valid  contribu?on  to  the  culture  at  large,  and  not  simply  things  to  by  laughed  at  and  chalked  up  to  youthful  silliness.  For  the  current  genera?on  this  typically  involves  the  integra?on  of  technology  into  your  business  model.  However,  the  need  for  representa?on  is  not  a  new  facet  of  this  demographic.  

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In  Spike  Lee’s  1989  film  “Do  the  Right  Thing”,  an  Italian-­‐American  business  owner  opera?ng  in  an  African-­‐American  neighborhood  ends  up  losing  his  restaurant  to  vandalism  that  was  the  direct  result  of  his  refusal  to  acknowledge  that  his  business’s  success  is  due  almost  en?rely  to  the  Black  customers  that  frequent  it.  A  running  theme  throughout  the  film  is  the  idea  of  escala?ng  events,  in  that  several  scenes  which  nearly  became  violent  (and  one  that  did)  could  have  been  avoided  by  simply  acknowledging  the  value  each  group  represented  to  the  other.  

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Managed  Public  Rela+ons  =  Increased  Expecta+ons.  Managing  Public  Rela?ons  can  be  an  incredibly  rewarding  skill  to  master.  Though  tradi?onally  considered  to  be  more  a  part  of  poli?cal  and  big  business  environments,  even  everyday  people  are  increasingly  beginning  to  realize  the  benefits  of  having  a  few  PR  tricks  up  their  sleeves.  By  learning  to  conduct  business  in  a  more  organized  and  image  conscious  fashion,  anyone  can  increase  their  personal  profitability  improve  their  public  image.  

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