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PRESIDENT’S PAGEDr. Terry Ellis | Page 2



SO GREAT A CLOUD OF WITNESSESDr. Ricky Dunsford | Page 3


Rock of Ages Digital Magazine Page 2

The words “old paths” seem eccentric in our technologically advanced generation. Scientists

believe that modern technology allows knowledge to double every 12 months. As a result, the current tendency is to reject most everything that is associated with the past and replace it with something new. Technology can serve as an effective tool in propagating the Gospel; however, we should never allow it to replace biblical mandates. Therefore, we should remember in the midst of our advanced civilization the Bible commands that we are to walk in the “old paths” wherein is the good way. I personally owe everything to the old paths. It is because of the old paths that I was converted to Christ at the age of 17 at Dogwood Valley Baptist Church in Tunnel Hill, Georgia. The church was founded in the year 1845, 69 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Recently, the church celebrated its 170th anniversary and our Pastor, Roy Gentry, celebrated his 51st anniversary as pastor of the church. I was saved under his pastorate in 1977, and I accepted God’s call into the ministry a few months later in December of the same year. My life was forever changed on that Sunday morning as I sat under the old-time preaching of the man of God, and I came under conviction of my sin and received Christ into my heart. In 1986 while still a member of Dogwood Valley Baptist Church, God called me into missions to serve with Rock of Ages Ministries. I owe everything to Christ who saved me and called me into the ministry and also to my pastor and local church that has stayed faithful to the “old paths” and the purpose of a New Testament church.

Paul gave a classic example of the power and effectiveness of the old paths when he visited Athens and passed by Mars Hill as recorded in Acts 17. The Athenians were renowned for their knowledge, modern culture, and pursuit of new things. When Paul preached and expounded to the Athenians the old paths the Bible

declares, “Howbeit certain men clave unto him, and believed: among the which was Dionysius the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris, and others with them.” I believe it is time our generation returns to the old paths, too many have compromised for too long; as a result, we are seeing and feeling the results of a compromised Christianity across our nation and around the world. It is time we return to soul winning, straight preaching and simple faith that believes “God is able.”

We must be committed to the preservation of His work from the past and into the future. The old paths worked in Jeremiah’s and Paul’s days and they still work today. But who will preserve the old paths for future generations? Will you be the one? To be clear on the matter as to where we stand at the Rock of Ages, we still hold to the King James Bible, the indwelling and guidance of the Holy Spirit, repentance, conservative music, soul liberty, separation from the world, holiness, sound Bible doctrines, preaching that exalts Christ, edifies believers, and exposes sin. We still believe in sanctification, that God answers prayer, the authority of the local church, the eternal security of the believer, pre-tribulation rapture, and Baptist distinctives. I thank God for my rich heritage, for it was at an old-fashion Baptist church, with an old-fashion Baptist pastor, preaching the old-time Gospel, where I was converted to Christ, called to preach, and sent out as a missionary. Let us hold to the old paths wherein is the good way.

Rock of Ages Ministries Digital Magazine2015 Winter Edition

Editor - Dr. Terry Ellis

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Hebrews 12:1

So great a cloud of witnesses. . .


Page 3Rock of Ages Digital Magazine

This year the theme for the ministry has been Jeremiah 6:16 with the emphasis being to stay focused on the old paths.

Hebrews 12 opens with the word ‘wherefore’ which basically means ‘as a result of. As a result of what is written in chapter 11, and as men and women of faith, we are challenged to lay aside any and every thing that may beset us from staying in the race that is set before us. We are challenged to stay faithful to

so great a cloud of witnesses or those that have laid the path for us. As I looked at the great opportunities of the work, I was reminded that we are forever indebted to the faith of those that preceded us in this great ministry.

Rock of Ages Ministries is the result of a Bible-based beginning by men of God who believed that salvation was the only answer for those locked away behind prison bars, it is the result of brethren that believed a missionary was needed full-time to reach such a forgotten people, and it is the result of men of God who believed that only a King James Bible, which is the power of God unto salvation, could carry that message to the prisoners. With so great a cloud of witnesses, we must hold to the “Old Paths.”

It is truly because of the faithful servants of our Lord, who paved the old paths, that we continue to run with patience the race that is set before us.

Dr. Ricky Dunsford is the Executive Vice President of Rock of Ages Ministries.

Missionaries Jim and Connie Jeremiasministering in an orphanage in Zambia

Dr. Dunsford and Missionary John Alves meetingwith local pastors to set goals to reach

prisoners in Brazil

Missionaries John Shelley and Ray Davisreaching Liberian prisoners

Missionary John VanHorn distributing Chinese Tracts in China Town

Page 4Rock of Ages Digital Magazine

The Prison Prevention Team of Rock of Ages Ministries has developed a curriculum of over 160 lessons to teach in a program of Biblical character, morals and ethics to the youth of today’s world. This program and curriculum is widely accepted in even the most stringent of school districts. We call the program Character Under Construction because we are building, and sometimes rebuilding, a good foundation of character in the young people around the world. We are currently working in 16 states of America and five countries; with another five countries to open soon. All we need is more laborers for His harvest.

to be shipped around the world. In this second edition we have included four extra pages with a special salvation presentation page that we call the “Parents’ Page.” A twenty-foot container was shipped with 40,000 coloring books, 40,000 packs of crayons, hundreds of Bibles and thousands of New Testaments and Gospel tracts to be distributed by our Rock of Ages missionaries in Ghana, West Africa. The crayons for the Ghana shipment came from a crayon drive promoted by several churches across America. All this effort and materials is going to help the missionaries to be a blessing to the schools, villages and churches in reaching souls for our Lord Jesus Christ.

We are in the process of printing 50,000 coloring books at the Rock of Ages Print Shop to ship to our missionaries serving in the Philippines. The coloring books are being translated into French for Togo, West Africa and Portuguese for Brazil. Brazil and Togo are scheduled to have the coloring books by autumn of 2016.

and the children came running out of the houses to receive a coloring book. Several of the children

brought their parents out to meet the men distributing them. Traffic even became congested as cars with children stopped, some vehicles made U-turns to see what was going on and get coloring books for their children. Children and parents alike gladly received the Gospel and there were sixteen people saved that day! This summer the coloring books made their way to Wyoming where some grandparents were coloring with their grand children and came under conviction and were saved! Since the beginning we have received multiple testimonies of parents and grandparents receiving Christ while coloring with their children and grandchildren!

We are currently in the process of printing 200,000 coloring books

About this time last year we began asking the Lord what He wanted us to do to reach more souls. To say the least, a coloring book was not on our mind. During prayer time and much to my surprise the Lord confirmed a coloring book featuring the older generation teaching the younger generation about missionaries, creation, and the plan of salvation. The Prison Prevention Team went to work and in just a few months we finished the coloring book called “Lets Learn About Missionaries.” It features the “Tater” characters that we use in the elementary schools. Also, this coloring book only uses the KJV Scriptures. It quickly became popular and we went through the first 20,000 copies in less than eight months. We began receiving reports practically every week of souls being saved. The very first time we used it was during our annual blitz in

Montgomery, Alabama. A group of men went to the government housing projects


Bro. Jeff Bellamy is the Prison Prevention Development Coordinator at Rock of Ages Ministries.

We have received multiple testimonies of parents receiving Christ while coloring with their children...

Dr. Gene Hooker is the Ministry Secretary at Rock of Ages Ministries.

Page 5Rock of Ages Digital Magazine

Publishing Department

W e rejoice in the blessings of the Lord for our publishing

department. 2015 will soon come to a close and if Jesus does not return first we will enter a new year of printing Gospel material for free distribution by our missionaries. Every Gospel tract and book we print is the result of God’s people who pray and give. This year alone hundreds of thousands of pieces of material have been printed and given to souls who need the Lord. We have received many letters from people as the result of our publishing ministry. The staff and each friend of this ministry have prayed and given to make this possible.

We have prayed for some time that God would make it possible for us to purchase another four-color press. We knew it was not the will of the Lord for us to spend upwards of $100,000 for a press, so we waited on the Lord, and He had something better in mind. A few days ago a Christian business man who owns a commercial print shop called telling us he had a very good four-color Heidelberg press he no longer uses. He donated it to the Rock of Ages at no cost to us. All we had to do is have it moved which only cost the ministry about $8,000. God has already provided these funds. PRAISE THE LORD!

Our web press prints approximately 70% of our text material. It is very old and takes a lot of effort and repairs to keep the quality of print up to par. We must replace this press after the first of the year. We have located an excellent buy in a newer

God has provided the equipment and personnel

for the ROA print shop to print millions of pieces of

ministry literature each year free of charge to our

missionaries serving on the field. Gospel tracts,

study booklets, and correspondence courses are

printed daily and distributed world wide. The

Publishing Department plays a vital role in getting

the Gospel in printed form to the prisons, schools,

and military prisons across America and in foreign


press for $35,000. To date we have received $7,000 toward the purchase of the press. Please join with us in prayer concerning the $28,000 balance; we believe God is able to supply this need. This is an opportunity to invest in a ministry that will bring forth fruit for decades to come as millions of pieces of Gospel literature will be produced and sent around the world.

Paper and printing supplies are always in demand. The cost for rolls of paper for the web press varies depending on weight, but each roll costs approximately $500. When we can purchase a truck load, it is $13,000 to $15,000. An average roll, depending on weight, will produce between 175,000 to 200,000 Gospel tracts. Just think, one roll of paper puts a Gospel message in the hands of 175,000 to 200,000 lost souls! Millions are dying without Christ because they have not heard a clear presentation of the Gospel. Will you help us carry the “Good News” to them while there is time?

Thank you for your prayers and support as we keep on the old paths.


For more information see page 10

Heartbeats of the HolyA PHILOSOPHY OF MINISTRY

By Keith Knauss

ONLY $5.00

Premium Deluxe Goat Skin ROA Study Bible

Features:- The Unpralleled ROA Study Bible Notes- Beautiful Premium Deluxe Goatskin Cover- Supple Calfskin Lining - Stitched Cover Edges- Four Marker Ribbons

Colors: Black and Burgundy.

ONLY $150.00

Page 6Rock of Ages Digital Magazine

Dr. Mike NorrisHost Pastor

Dr. Terry EllisPresident of ROA

July 31st - August  4th, 2016

franklin road3148 FRANKLIN ROAD

baptist churchMURFREESBORO, TN 37129



Dr. Ricky Gravley has been the pastor of Bible Baptist Church in Rossville, GA since 1998. He is also the founder and president of Heritage Baptist College in Rossville, Georgia. Dr. Gravely is the author of the “Preach the Word” outline series and a graduate of Faith Baptist College in Resaca, Georgia.

Brother Jason McNeese was 18 years old when God called him to preach. After initially wrestling with the call, he finally relented and accepted God’s Will for his life. In August of 2004, Jason became the Senior Pastor of Rural Retreat Baptist Church in Rural Retreat, Virginia and spent 10 years there. He has now been serving as pastor of Emmorton Baptist Church since July of 2014.

As director of Rock of Ages Ministries I would like to introduce you to two new pastors which joined the Rock of Ages Ministries Board of Directors during our September 18, 2015 board meeting. We welcome Pastor Ricky

Gravley, Bible Baptist Church, Rossville, GA and President/Founder of Heritage Baptist College. We also welcome to the Board of Directors Pastor Jason McNeese, Emmorton Baptist Church, Bel Air, MD.

We continue to claim Matthew 9:38 “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” We are thankful that God continues to answer our prayers to send forth labourers to work with us here at the Rock of Ages in God’s harvest. The following are our new missionary families that have joined the Rock of Ages Ministries since our last printed publication.


Dr. Terry Ellis is the President and Director of Rock of Ages Ministries.

Page 7Rock of Ages Digital Magazine



Ricky, Rena,Josh, and Ruth Burnette

Augustine, Comfort, Michael, Ruth, Grace, Josiah, Joshua, and Jordon Paykai

Liberia, AfricaAugustine went home to be with the Lord

on July 17, 2015. Please pray for Sister Comfort and the children.

(Continued on next page)

Page 8Rock of Ages Digital Magazine


Patrick and Amanda Fitzgerald (Children - John, Levi, and Abigail)

Richard and Linda Fulton Thomas, Stephanie, Vivian, and Isolena Hawkins

Josh, MelissaMadelyn, and Marley Hill

Matthew, Charity, Bethany, Hannah, and Ian New

Sidney, Gail, and Cooper Stone

Marvin, Pam,Megan, and Levi Hollifield

Alfred and Jean Pritchard

Pete and Lana Wardlow

Keith and Carol James

George and Sandra Shield

John, Marty, Jed, Jamie, Clinton, and John Wilson

My work with the Rock of Ages juvenile revival team has me

traveling over several states in the southeast US. As we travel we come

across many opportunities to witness to people along the way. Having God’s call upon our lives as missionaries means that we are not just missionaries when we arrive at the prisons but also as we travel, just as true Christians are not just Christians when they are in church but in everyday life. One group that we see often and God spoke to my heart about is the homeless.

Several of the homeless that we meet are former inmates and know us from the prisons. So many people today want to avoid them or complain about them without ever trying to present the Gospel. The Lord showed me that in the Old Testament God often used a famine to get His

peoples attention. He then spoke to my heart about following the old paths that He has laid to reach them.

We have seen groups try to feed the homeless but neglect their spiritual need. This only makes them comfortable on the road to hell without leading them to their ultimate need of deliverance through Christ So, with the help of many church youth groups, some school groups, and several friends we started filling backpacks with items that the homeless need and use them as a tool to reach out to them. We mark each can of food with

Bible verses and include scriptures with each item as well as a Bible and Gospel tracts. Many of the homeless have commented on the scriptures and how they enjoy looking them up in the Bible. Over the last few years our team has been able to give out over

2,400 of these “Bags of Compassion” and have seen over a hundred come to

Christ as a result of our efforts. Part of the old paths and following the Lord is looking for sinners to share the Gospel with instead of looking down on them and realizing the many opportunities that we ignore along the way.

When Bro. Larry Key and other Rock of Ages

missionaries have free time between prison

revivals they look for the homeless in the area

to distribute “Bags of Compassion” which are

filled with Gospel tracts, Bibles, scriptures, and

food. Multitudes are receiving a Gospel witness

and being reached through this outreach.

Bro. Larry Key is the Juvenile Revival Team Coordinator for Rock of Ages Ministries.

Page 9Rock of Ages Digital Magazine


But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost.

2 Corinthians 4:3

Considering the Homeless

The Lovely Ladies Ministry is structured to reach women prisoners and family members with the Gospel through our “Help for the Hurting Christmas Stocking” project. Working through local churches, we are able to emphasize evangelism, discipleship, character-building, and distribute Gospel literature.

We named this the Lovely Ladies Ministry because most of these ladies do not feel lovely due to shame associated with their crime, and each of the thousands of Christmas stockings distributed annually are filled with personal hygiene items and most importantly, Gospel literature, tracts, and New Testaments when available, resulting in hundreds trusting Christ as their Saviour.

Page 10Rock of Ages Digital Magazine

As we handed out our “Help for the Hurting” Christmas

stockings filled with soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, greeting cards, Gospel tracts, NT Bibles, and many other various items, tears filled the prisoners’ eyes as they expressed their joy. For the most part the Christmas Stockings are the only thing they receive as a Christmas present. Truly God even uses pencils, pens, tubes of toothpaste, etc… to reach the lost with the Gospel of Christ. They are wondering, “Who would do this for me?” Their friends are gone, and they feel their family doesn’t care anymore and now they are given something from someone

not wanting anything in return. We appreciate the sacrifices each of you have made so we can go in your place and tell others of God’s grace, love

and mercy. Please continue to pray for those who received the Christmas stockings during the 2015 Christmas season as they read the Gospel tracts

and Bibles we included that they will trust Christ as their Saviour.

God has given our ministry great opportunities in the prisons to reach judges, administrators, district attorneys, wardens, officers, and prison employees with the Gospel of Christ via our Christmas stockings and Christmas services. At the Silverdale Correctional Facility in Chattanooga, TN, every secretary, officer, staff member, and prisoner received a Christmas stocking from the Rock of Ages.

Praise the Lord for His wonderful supply, we had all of the hand-made

Dr. Peggy Ellis is the Director of the Lovely Ladies Ministry for Rock of Ages Ministries.

Christmas stockings necessary for each stocking project this year. We are already collecting hygiene items, candy, paper, pens, cards, and other

supplies needed for next year’s Christmas stocking projects.

Please keep Rock of Ages Ministries in your prayer. We are so thankful that God supplies all of our needs and that you allow us to be a conduit of blessings on your behalf, as you allow us to represent you on the mission field.

Page 11Rock of Ages Digital Magazine

Introductions with outlines set the stage for each book of the Bible

16 pages of Oxford Bible accurate, indexed, full-color Biblical world maps

Sectional headings and outlines are indicated within the text

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The Rock Of Ages Study Bible (5th Edition)The 5th Edition Rock of Ages Study Bible (printed only in the King James Version) offers an unparalleled selection of helps designed to encourage the study of God’s Word. Rock of Ages Ministries has used quality Oxford materials and workmanship to ensure that your copy of God’s Word will withstand years of faithful use.

The Rock of Ages Study Bible features: Over 975 in-text notes for instant background information

35 black and white in-text maps provide geographical context

33 in-text charts for easy to understand factual information

Asterisks by keywords indicate where study notes are available

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Seven Styles to Choose From!

(Continued on next page)

Each purchase of a Calfskin Leather Bible helps us purchase two Vinyl Study Bibles for a prisoner.

Heartbeats of the HolyA PHILOSOPHY OF MINISTRY

By Keith KnaussIn Heartbeats of the Holy, Author Keith Knauss examines men of God from the past with the intent of capturing their heartbeat for ministry and stir up the fires of ministry in the hearts of men of God today.

ONLY $5.00

Premium Deluxe Goat Skin ROA Study Bible

Features:- The Unpralleled ROA Study Bible Notes- Beautiful Premium Deluxe Goatskin Cover- Supple Calfskin Lining - Stitched Cover Edges- Four Marker Ribbons

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ONLY $150.00


Page 12Rock of Ages Digital Magazine

Additional ResourcesRevealing Islam By Dr. Robert KeetonSince May of 1996, Dr. Robert Keeton has taught missionaires and held church seminars on the religion of Islam. In Revealing Islam, Dr. Keeton gives us an informative look at the beliefs and practices of Islam that will help to equip the reader with knowledge of how to reach them. This instructional book reveals his research to us, and the blessing he has had to put his findings into practice. He does this by providing examples of his experiences witnessing to many Muslims and seeing them come to Christ.

Dr. Keeton also reveals the rapid advance of Islam in our present day and its emerging role as the one-world religious platform for the antichrist during the tribulation period.

This is a wonderful resource, and has been instrumental in many accepting Christ as Saviour through the Biblical principles it presents.

Ron Gearis - The Man, His Mission, and His Maker By Evangelist Ted HutsonIn Ron Gearis - The Man, His Mission, and His Maker, Evangelist Ted Hutson uses the memories, stories, and life of Dr. Gearis to stir the reader to do greater and more glorious things for the cause of Christ and the saving of souls.

Dr. Gearis was a worthy servant of the Lord with a very direct approach in the pulpit, not holding back for anything or anybody, that challenged everyone to do more and reach more souls for the Lord. He was also known as a Godly gentleman who, when he was out of the pulpit, was a most kind, humble man of God who treated men with respect, and ladies like they are treasured friends.

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Lovely Lady CookbookBy Mrs. Peggy Ellis

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Rock of Ages Study Bible (5th Edition)