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Production Log

FMP – Callum Drake

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For the first week I began to write ideas about what I wanted to feature in my game.

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For the first week I also began going through what specific features I wanted in the game and to try and introduce you into it.

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For the first week I also began writing about what inspired me into creating the game the way that I wanted to, by saying what kind of games and films gave me inspiration.

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Game Visual Research

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Movie Visual Research

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For the first week I also began writing about what the target audience would be for my game and why I wanted it that age.

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For the second week I began writing the scenario for my game including why I have done this, what I expect to achieve throughout this.

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Market Research

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I began to write the background story for my main character Tanik, which included past wars and reasons to why he's in power at the moment

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I began to create some ideas that I wanted my character to go off, these don’t look much like romans/gladiators but I was using them for there clothes and certain aspects of there design.

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I began to create some ideas that I wanted my character to go off, I went back to the roman idea with just the main clothes and armour on him with a few touches.

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I began to research into some ideas on what I wanted the landscape to be on, I wanted to keep it traditional to the roman buildings but also give it a futuristic feel and look towards it.

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Some more research designs

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Some more research designs

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I began to sketch out some ideas on what I wanted my character to may look like, I wanted to keep with the traditional look but maybe add a few touches to it

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Here are some weapon and some armour designs similar to the other ones

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Some more sketches on what I may want my character to look like including badges

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Here is my watercolour picture of my main character unfortunately it didn’t go to plan as water had gone onto the page and unfortunately some of the colours ran including the light grey sky but overall I think its better than what it was and pleased with it.

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Here I have started to begin to create my overall main character, the drawing to the top left is what I wanted to go off for the main image, I started to go around the body parts and armour with the pen tool and then coloured them in with the same colours as the original image and then used the gradient tool to give the character a better look.

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This was the finished piece.

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Here I have started to begin to create my overall background, the picture to the left is what I wanted to go off for the main back image I started to go around the pillars with the pen tool and then coloured them in with the same colours as the original image and then placed my overall character design onto it including ROME X sign.

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Here are some of the steps that I had taken to create my overall finished background, I wanted to include shaded images of people in the background to give it a better look and to make you concentrate more on the main character. I used Illustrator and the pen tool just like before.

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This was the finished piece.