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Autoscopic phenomena: case report and reviewof literatureFrancesca Anzellotti1*, Valeria Onofrj2, Valerio Maruotti1, Leopoldo Ricciardi1, Raffaella Franciotti1, Laura Bonanni1,Astrid Thomas1, Marco Onofrj1


Background: Autoscopic phenomena are psychic illusory visual experiences consisting of the perception of theimage of one’s own body or face within space, either from an internal point of view, as in a mirror or from anexternal point of view. Descriptions based on phenomenological criteria distinguish six types of autoscopicexperiences: autoscopic hallucination, he-autoscopy or heautoscopic proper, feeling of a presence, out of bodyexperience, negative and inner forms of autoscopy.

Methods and results: We report a case of a patient with he-autoscopic seizures. EEG recordings during theautoscopic experience showed a right parietal epileptic focus. This finding confirms the involvement of thetemporo-parietal junction in the abnormal body perception during autoscopic phenomena. We discuss and reviewprevious literature on the topic, as different localization of cortical areas are reported suggesting that out of bodyexperience is generated in the right hemisphere while he-autoscopy involves left hemisphere structures.

BackgroundThe term autoscopy comes from the Greek words“autos“ (self) and “skopeo“ (looking at). Autoscopic phe-nomena are psychic illusory visual experiences definedby the perception of the images of one’s own body orone’s face within space, either from an internal point ofview, as in a mirror or from an external point of view.Autoscopic experiences were first described by theGreek philosopher Aristotele, but it was subsequentlyadmirably described in its ambiguous presentation byOvid in the third book of its Metamorphoses where theauthor narrates the myth of Narcissus, a beautiful boywho falls in love with his image reflected in a watersource. In the first place he mistakes his own imagewith another person, but when he suddenly realizes thathe is looking at the image of himself, desperate for thehopelessness of his love he is forced to commit suicide.The variable presentations of the autoscopic phenom-

ena, which will be extensively addressed below in theirscientific meaning and correlates, clearly appear in thecomparison between the aforementioned myth of

Narcissus and the description made by Plautus in hisAmphitryon: here the double (represented by the godMercury) is an entity completely distinct from the char-acter Sosia who shares with his double only the physicalaspect, but not the psychological and intellective atti-tudes. At difference with Narcissus, Sosia is frightenedby the double: he believes that the double could havestolen his identity or, worse, that the appearance of thedouble could have been caused by the death. As itappears from the descriptions the theme of the death isoften strictly linked with the theme of the double. Auto-scopic phenomena are considered at the basis of manyself-portrait paintings [1]: Durer, Rembrandt, Velazquez,Schiele seem to have painted during autoscopicexperiences.Dostoevsky made this phenomenon more popular in

the nineteenth century in his novel “The Double”, wherethe doppelganger (i.e. haunting double of the self) ofGerman legends was the background.The German word “Doppelganger” was brought into

the language, and simultaneously, into the literary tradi-tion by the novelist Jean Paul Richter, who in 1796defined the word in a one sentence footnote: “So heissenLeute, die sich selbst sehen” (So people who see them-selves are called).

* Correspondence: [email protected] of Neuroscience and Imaging, Aging Research Centre, Ce.S.I.,“G. d’Annunzio” University Foundation G. d’Annunzio University, Chieti, ItalyFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

Anzellotti et al. Behavioral and Brain Functions 2011, 7:2

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The first medical report dates back to Wigan’sdescription in 1844. Subsequently, the term autoscopywas used to describe various phenomena of variousaetiologies and mechanisms.Brugger was one of the first authors to study auto-

scopic phenomena [2]. He proposed a classificationscheme based on phenomenological criteria. Along withexamples of illustrative cases, he outlined the main fea-tures of six types of autoscopic phenomena: the feelingof a presence, the negative heautoscopy, the inner heau-toscopy, the autoscopic hallucination, the out of bodyexperience and the he-autoscopy also defined as heauto-scopic proper.The feeling of a presence, first described by Jasper in

1913, is the distinct feeling of the physical presence ofanother person or being in the near extracorporealspace. No visual impressions are involved but frequentlythe presence is felt to be “at the fringe of vision”. Likehe-autoscopy, it is usually accompanied by alterations inthe experience of one’s own body. It can be reported byhealthy persons in conditions of sensory deprivation orsocial isolation [3]. The feeling of a presence is oftenconfined to one hemispace particularly when associatedwith a seizure disorder [4].Negative heautoscopy refers to the failure to perceive

one’s own body either in a mirror or when looked atdirectly. In the latter form the confinement of the (nega-tive) hallucination to one’s own body and the frequentcoexistence of depersonalisation are considered evi-dences of its close relatedness with the positive forms ofautoscopic experiences.In inner heautoscopy, a type of experience frequently

treated by French Authors of the early 20th century [5],the inner organs of one’s own body are visually halluci-nated in the extra corporal space.In the French psychiatry literature of the late 19th and

early 20th centuries, the typical autoscopic hallucinationwas also labelled as “mirror hallucination” [6-10] andconsists of a visual perception of an exact mirror imageof oneself, occasionally only one’s face or trunk is per-ceived. Patients with autoscopic hallucination do notlocalize themselves at the position of the illusory body.Commonly, autoscopic hallucination lasts only a fewminutes or seconds, often followed by flash-likereoccurrences.In out of body experience, localization of the psycholo-

gical self to an extrapersonal space is completely disso-ciated from the perception of one’s body, implementingthe “dissociation of egocentric” from “body-centred-per-spectives” [11,12]. In this form of autoscopic phenomenathe subject sees himself and the world from a locationdifferent from his physical body (parasomatic visuo-spa-tial perspective, disembodied location). People explainingtheir out of body experience never use the words

“double” or “doppelgänger” in their descriptions. An outof body experience is defined by the presence of threephenomenological characteristics: disembodiment (loca-tion of the self outside one’s body), the impression of see-ing the world from a distant and elevated visuo-spatialperspective (extracorporeal egocentric perspective) andthe impression of seeing one’s own body (or autoscopy)from this elevated perspective [11].The theme of the separation between self and body is

frequently found in philosophy. Hume claimed that“when he introspected, he was unable to catch his selfwithout a perception and was unable to observe ‘any-thing but the perception’ itself”. He concluded that theself (or the observing introspective subject) is simply acollection of different perceptions. The interest of occi-dental philosophy for the body was also exemplified inDescartes’ effort to separate mind and body.The he-autoscopy is rare but probably more frequent

than pure autoscopic hallucinations. The term “Heautos-kopie” was proposed by Menninger-Lerchenthal [13] todenote the experience of seeing one’s self and to desig-nate the classical doppelgänger experience described inliterary accounts [14,15]. The double usually appearscolorless ("foggy”, “pale”, or “as through a veil”), canbehave autonomously, may or may not mirror the per-son’s appearance and maintains sidedness. The expres-sion heautoscopic “echopraxia” means imitation ofbodily movements by the double, giving rise to the illu-sion that the doppelgänger contains the real mind[16,17]. Among autoscopic phenomena, “polyopic”[18,19] and “heterosexual” [20] cases have also beenpublished. There is considerable variation in thereported duration of heautoscopic experiences; they maylast for seconds or hours and even cases of persistenceof the double as a steady companion are not exceptional[21]. Depersonalization may be experienced as a feelingof strangeness towards one’s own body or as the impres-sion that one’s own mind is contained by the doppel-ganger, as in the heautoscopic echopraxia. As in out ofbody experience, patients describe the image of the selfas a highly realistic experience. In addition to merevisual impressions, as in autoscopic hallucination, he-autoscopy involves somaesthetic and vestibular sensa-tions. A feeling of detachment or of extreme lightness ofone’s body is regularly present and often vertigo isreported. Patients describing heautoscopic experiencesalways reveal significant changes in the awareness oftheir body, generally do not report clear disembodimentbut they are often unable to localize their selves. He-autoscopy is the encounter with one’s own “doppelgan-ger” who appears as an alter ego; patients may experi-ence themselves to be localized at the position of theillusory body (bilocation); it is difficult to decide for thepatient whether he/she is disembodied or not and

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whether the self is localized within the physical body orin the autoscopic body. The ego, however, remains loca-lized within the natural boundaries of one’s own body.Partial epilepsy, particularly parietal and temporal lobeseizures, is considered the most frequent aetiology[22-24], but autoscopic phenomena may also occur inpatients with psychiatric disorders and migraine [11,16].Conrad [21] described an unusual case of autoscopicphenomenon associated with a tumour of the hypophy-sis. Other authors reported similar episodes in variousorganic diseases [10,11,16,17] and some evidenced preci-pitating factors and neural correlates [12]. Descriptionsof out of body experience are often reported in patientsundergoing resuscitation procedures [25,26].To date the central mechanism for autoscopic phe-

nomena are not completely understood. The more con-vincing hypothesis is a failure to integrate multisensorysignals at the temporo-parietal junction, resulting in abreakdown of the spatial unity between self and thebody. While the contribution of visual and somatosen-sory cues of self-location is largely attested by clinicaland experimental data [27-29], little is known about thecontribution of vestibular cues.With the present report we aim to discuss and review

previous literature on the topic and we present a case ofa woman experiencing with he-autoscopy during epilep-tic seizures. We could record a video-EEG during oneof the ictal episodes. During the recording we tooknotes of the patient impressions. We had the opportu-nity to describe a rare semiology of he-autoscopy,accompanied by suicidal behaviour and depression andto link it with a specific brain activity pattern.

Case reportThe patient is a right-handed, 40 year old womanemployed as a teacher in primary school. She was referredto our neurological centre for sporadic generalized epilep-tic seizures and reactive depressive syndrome. Early medi-cal history reported depressive-apathetic episodes duringadolescence and early adulthood lasting for some monthsand treated with benzodiazepines. The first generalizedseizure occurred at the age of 26 and was accompanied byattention and memory deficits for one week. Three furthergeneralized seizures occurred in 9 years and interictalEEGs showed widespread slow wave activity. She reportedseveral unsuccessful therapeutic attempts with carbamaze-pine (1000 mg/day) and fenobarbital (150 mg/day). Per-sonality disorder with several cyclic episodes of depressionand maniacal excitation were reported by the patient andin the past ten years she had been treated with paroxetineby outpatient psychiatric services. In the last six yearsshe did not experience further seizures and she sponta-neously decided to withdraw carbamazepine. In the lastyear further episodes of depression and anxiety had

recurred, and were accompanied by two suicide attemptsby poisoning. After the last suicidal attempt, an EEG wasrecorded in the intensive care unit and the observation ofwidespread slow wave activity prompted her referral toour clinic. Her cognitive performances were normal(Mini-Mental State Examination score: 30/30). Duringpsychological assessment, beyond a logorrheic and anxiousattitude, a history of peculiar events could be evicted eventhough the patient manifested initial severe resistance toexpress the reason of her distress. She reported to experi-ence daily symptoms consisting of seeing the image of herentire body as in a mirror or from an external point ofview. She saw herself not from an elevated visuo-spatialperspective, as in out of body experience, but in front ofher in normal size and colour without a definable facialexpression. The patient could not clearly define her locali-zation in space. She reported unclear changes in theawareness of her body describing herself as projected outof her body with a feeling of dissociation of mind andbody for a few seconds. When she saw her double from anexternal view she maintained sidedness, i.e. right and leftsides were represented as in the real body, unlike imagesreflected by a mirror: if she held an object with the righthand her autoscopic image would hold the same objectwith the right hand. Her heautoscopic experience lastedfor less than one minute. These experiences occurredindependently of daily activities, either when she was quietalone or working. When the double appeared, it kept act-ing the patient’s activities. She explained that the experi-ence to see her double was terrifying and that theattempted suicides were prompted by this distressingexperience. She reported to have access to the autoscopicbody’s thoughts, words and actions and that the experienceof bilocation was petrifying and shocking. She explainedthat these experiences had occurred since her early adoles-cence, had never subsided and were still present whenshe was receiving carbamazepine and fenobarbital. Theseepisodes were interpreted as he-autoscopic seizures.In a previous brain MRI performed in another neuro-

logical institution, an abnormal signal from the spleniumof corpus callosum was suspected. But an MRI-basedtractography performed in our institution showed integ-rity of white matter tracts. MRI scans were performedusing a 3T Philips Achieva scanner. Diffusion tensorimages were acquired in the axial plane with diffusionsensitization gradients applied in six non-collinear direc-tions with b-value of 1000s/mm2. All image volumeswere acquired with six optimized directions using sixrepetitions to increase the number of measures. In addi-tion NMR spectroscopy evidenced no alteration in theright and left temporo-parietal junction (Figure 1).Interictal brain SPECT with 99mTC-ECD showed cer-

ebral hypometabolism in both right and left parietal andoccipital lobes (Figure 2).

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A previous interictal EEG showed sporadic posteriorbilateral slow wave activity 3-3.5 Hz (Figure 3F). Duringher repeated evaluations the patient was instructed tosignal verbally or by hand gestures the possible occur-rence of her hallucinations. We recorded a video-EEGduring one of her autoscopic experiences showing anepileptic activity (Figure 3) consisting of a brief (about 1second) and slow (3.5 Hz) right centro-parietal activityfollowed by abrupt discharges represented by fast activ-ity of polyspikes and sharp-waves of 100-120 uV ampli-tude and in reversal phase at the P4 lead. After a fewseconds the discharge involved right fronto-temporal

channels and then the left parieto-occipital channel. Thedischarge lasted about 30 seconds. The final criticalactivity was represented by a 3.5-4 Hz spike and slowwave complexes overlapping to widespread slow activity.No ictal automatisms or motor signs were present.During the video-EEG recording, before the onset of the

seizure, the patient reported an unclear change in theawareness of her body, with feelings of derealisation. Thenshe signalled by hand gesture the abrupt appearance ofher entire body exactly in front of her, in upright positionand in the same perspective of her previous experiences.This sensation was coincident with the seizure. During ana posteriori interview she reported the impression of bilo-cation. In this episode the double was motionless andsilent. This view of herself in normal size, with the sameclothing and facial expression was concomitant to theright centro-parietal discharge characterized by fast activ-ity of polispikes and sharp-waves in reversal phase at theP4 lead. When the discharges involved right fronto-tem-poral channels we noted an impairment of consciousness:the patient, with fixed eyes, stopped answering our ques-tions, even though she did not report clouding of con-sciousness in the a posteriori interview. No ictalautomatisms or motor signs were observed. During thewidespread slow EEG activity the patient reported againan unclear perception of her body, but she signalled thatthe autoscopic image had disappeared.We aimed to study functional connectivity by means

of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) [30],but the patient expressed her unavailability to furtherexaminations.We prescribed Levetiracetam (3000 mg/day) which

resolved her he-autoscopic seizures. Levetiracetam wasadministered following the evidence of the seizures.In the following two months the reported that the sei-

zures did not recur, but depression was evidenced in

Figure 1 Proton MR spectra from left and right temporo-parietal junction. The major metabolite peaks correspond to cholines (Cho) at3.22 ppm, creatines (Cr) at 3.02 ppm, N-acetylaspartate (NAA) at 2.02 ppm. Axial T2 weighted MR image showing the voxel position at temporo-parietal junctions used for proton MR spectroscopy. Note that the splenium of corpus callosum is normal.

Figure 2 Interictal brain SPECT with 99mTC-ECD showed acerebral hypometabolism in both right and left parietal andoccipital lobes.

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repeated evaluations, with apathy, anaedonia andanxious agitation. We decided to address the patient topsychiatric care due to severe depressive symptoms andto the high risk of further suicidal attempts.

Discussion and review of the literatureAutoscopic phenomena are illusory own body perceptionsthat affect the entire body and lead to conspicuousabnormalities in embodiment as well as in body owner-ship. Brugger [2] focused on the main features of the six

types of autoscopic phenomena presenting a classificationscheme based on phenomenological criteria. Depersonali-sation symptoms are absent only in autoscopic hallucina-tion and can be described as a reduced awareness of ownbody in negative heautoscopy, as a sense of empty body ininner heautoscopy, as a subjective meaningfulness andenhanced reality of the experience in out of body experi-ence and as a sense of familiarity with the external pre-sence in the feeling of a presence. Table 1 summarizessome features of the six types of autoscopic phenomena.

Figure 3 Autoscopic seizures. A: slow (3.5 Hz) right centro-parietal activity. Patient reported an unclear change in the awareness of her body, afeeling of strangeness. B: abrupt discharges constituted by polyspikes and sharp-waves of 100-120 uV in amplitude and in reversal phase at P4lead. Patient reported a sudden appearance of her entire body exactly in front of her, in upright position. The double was at the same level ofher real body, i.e. the real body was not felt elevated relatively to her double (unlike in out of body experience). She reported a bilocation state.The double was motionless and silent. C-D: after a few seconds the discharge involved right fronto-temporal channels and then left parieto-occipital channel. The discharge lasted about 30 seconds. We noted an impairment of consciousness. E: the final critic activity was constituted byright temporo-parietal spike and slow wave complexes (3.5-4 Hz). Patient reported again un unclear perception of her body, but the double hadvanished. F: slow generalized interictal activity recorded by a previous EEG (3-3.5 Hz).

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Table 1 Main features of different autoscopic phenomena















DISEMBODIMENT - +/- +/- ++ +/- +/-


- + NA + NA NA


- ++ + ++ - -













- + - ++ - -

AH = autoscopic hallucination, h-A = he-autoscopy, FOP = feeling of a presence, OBE = out-of-body experience, Nh-A = negative heautoscopy, Ih-A = inner heautoscopy, PO = parieto-occipital cortex, TPJ = temporo-parietal junction, D = depersonalitation, - = absent, + = present, NA = not applicable; ? = not known; maintained sidedness indicate no shift from left to right in the autoscopic image.







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Phenomenological aspects of he-autoscopyWe could report a case of he-autoscopy in which theaffected patients have a vague feeling of detachmentfrom the body accompanied by the sensation of a “dou-ble consciousness”. He-autoscopy involves visual andsomaesthetic modalities and, similar to out of bodyexperience, localizes the self in an illusory body at anextra personal space although the point of localizationof the ego remains within the natural boundaries ofone’s own body. There are some variables that can helpto differentiate among autoscopic phenomena: the pre-sence of vestibular hallucinations or body schema dis-turbances, the position of the autoscopic and thephysical body, the kind of view, the sense of bilocationand finally the sharing of thoughts and words or actionsof the autoscopic body. Among the described variablesfive phenomenological characteristics of the autoscopicbody allow to distinguish he-autoscopy from the otherabnormal experiences:

1) the “view": in he-autoscopy subjects see the auto-scopic body in front-, side- or back-views.2) the “actions": the autoscopic body can act only inhe-autoscopy (activities of the autoscopic bodyappear to be specific to he-autoscopy and almostabsent in out of body experience).3) the experience of “sharing of thoughts and words”which are often associated with he-autoscopy andare less frequent in out of body experience.4) the “perspective": in he-autoscopy patients fre-quently experienced to see the double from severaldifferent visuo-spatial perspectives that, in contrast,were unequivocally localized and experienced as uni-tary by all out of body experience patients.5) the “bilocation": only he-autoscopy subjectsreported to be split into two parts of selves.

In addition positive and neutral emotional experiencesare especially rare in he-autoscopy [12,17].Thus he-autoscopy significantly differs in these com-

plex variables from other autoscopic phenomena, sug-gesting that different central mechanisms areunderlying. The phenomenological variability of theautoscopic body (with respect to views and actions) andthe increased frequency of shared thoughts, voices, andactions between autoscopic and physical body might bedue to different involvements of kinesthetic/propriocep-tive information processing in he-autoscopy. The shar-ing of thoughts, voices and actions might make difficultfor the patient to decide where the physical agent islocated and leads to the experience of two observingselves. Therefore he-autoscopy is not only the reduplica-tion of one’s physical body, but also the reduplication ofone’s self. The terrifying experience of “not knowing

where the self is” could justify the association with sui-cide attempts, as in our patient. Our case can be consid-ered as an example of he-autoscopy in which, typically,the autoscopic body acts exactly like the real body(maintaining sidedness) and interacts with it: the patientexperienced to have access to the autoscopic body’sthoughts and sometimes could verbally communicatewith it. Typically the patient had the impression ofbeing at two locations at the same time (bilocation) andpositive or neutral emotions never accompanied herautoscopic experience. She also experienced the he-autoscopy in the typical upright position, while the viewof the self always in front of her (as in out of bodyexperience) in the same visuo-spatial perspective, is lesscommonly reported [2].Vestibular sensations were not reported by the patient:

in the Blanke and Mohr analysis [31], vestibular halluci-nations and body schema disturbances are comparativelyfrequent in out of body experience and he-autoscopy(about 60% of patients). Our case report suggests thatvestibular symptoms are not specific of he-autoscopyand that their absence does not exclude he-autoscopy orout of body experience.

He-autoscopy, epilepsy, depression and suicidePsychological phenomenology differs among differentautoscopic experiences: he-autoscopy and out of bodyexperience are experienced as profoundly significantevents and in he-autoscopy the quality of emotionalimpact considerably varies: one’s doppelgänger cansometimes be experienced as highly supportive [14], butin general is offensive or overtly aggressive. A classicalcase was reported by Wigan [32], who described thefirst non-fictional account of a man who could induce avisual hallucination of himself. Gradually the doublebecame more and more autonomous appearing withoutbeing evocated. Utterly distraught, the man shot himself.Significantly our patient attempted suicide twice, butspecific risks linking he-autoscopy and suicide are notstatistically supported. The association between suicideand he-autoscopy is a common theme in dramaticromances and the appearance of the doppelgänger, aghostly double of a living person, often announces thehero’s death that is usually a death by suicide. In Bretonmyths the doppelgänger is a version of the Ankou, apersonification of death; in a tradition of the HebrewTalmud, to meet himself means to meet God. There arealso several literary examples: in Dostoyevsky’s novel“The Double” when the protagonist experienced his firstautoscopic experience, he began to think to kill himselfby drowning. In Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “WilliamWilson”, probably the most dramatic image, the maincharacter, of questionable morality, is dogged by hisdoppelgänger most tenaciously when his moral fails.

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But also Oscar Wilde ("The portrait of Dorian Gray”),Franz Werfel ("Spiegelmensch”) and Friedrich von Ger-stäcker ("Der doppelgänger”) had their heroes commitsuicide to escape the horror of being haunted by theirsecond selves. Some of these authors have not only hadepilepsy but have also known he-autoscopy from perso-nal experience [33,34]. There are several notable reportsabout documented autoscopic experiences: Percy ByssheShelley, an English poet, drowned in the Bay of La Spe-zia near Lerici and Abraham Lincoln, known to be asuperstitious man, recognised a special meaning to anautoscopic experience which he seems to have had inthe evening of his election [35]. A rare and dubiousexample of a doppelgänger which was both benign andreassuring is described by Johann Wolfgang von Goethein his autobiography “Truth and Fiction” ("Dichtungund Wahrheit”). More recently Otto Rank, a FreudianAustrian psychoanalyst, in his book “The Double” [36],suggested a possible explanation for the frequent recur-rence of the image of the double in the artistic produc-tion and folklore. He believes that the double is anartist’s strategy to exorcise the terrible idea of death.“Heautoscopic suicide” also includes cases of attemptsto kill one’s double or, in the most obviously transitivis-tic manner, observing one’s doppelgänger committingsuicide [37].Keppler observed that “Often the conscious mind tries

to deny its unconscious through the mechanism of “pro-jection”, attributing its own unconscious content (amurderous impulse, for example) to a real person in theworld outside; at times it even creates an external hallu-cination in the image of this content” [14].Brugger examined the “hostile interactions between

body and self” [38] indicating four major variants of“heautoscopic suicide” as an actively imposed or pas-sively experienced form of self-injurious behaviour: self-injury/suicide in an attempt to escape the double, fenes-tration in order to get rid of the double, self-injury/sui-cide claimed to be inflicted by the double, self-injury/suicide in an attempt to kill the double and the observa-tion of the doppelgänger’s self-injury/suicide. He dis-cussed neuropsychiatric and psychodynamic approachesto disembodiment concluding that, although there is nodirect clinical or neuroanatomic evidence for a primarycallosal pathology, it is not entirely implausible toassume an inter-hemispheric disconnection at the basisof heautoscopic aggression. Of note, in our patient anearly MRI study reported the presence of enlarged sple-nium callosi. Our MRI study however, including tracto-graphy examination, did not evidence any abnormality.Our measurements were, in our patient, inside therange reported for female subjects, who have commonlylarger splenial bodies than males [39,40]. Even thoughheautoscopy, epilepsy and suicide may be a more

common triad than previously recognized [41], we knowlittle about the mutual correlation, but the descriptionof the survivors, as in our case, would rather favour acausal relation between the double experience and theimpulse to kill oneself. Suicide attempts are not infre-quent in depressed subjects and depression is commonlyassociated with epilepsy [42]. In severely depressedpatients “heautoscopy of the Cotard type” (seeing a deaddoppelgänger during the hallucinatory attendance ofone’s own funeral) is not a rarity. The suicidal risk isfurther increased by psychiatry comorbidity and druguse [43-45]. The epileptic focus in the right hemisphereand the severe depressive symptoms presented by ourpatient, support recent hypothesized links betweendepression and inter-hemispheric imbalance. Depressionis believed to be associated with a hyperactive right-hemisphere and a relatively hypoactive left-hemisphere[46]. Yet, the underlying mechanisms which can explainthe involvement of the right side remain elusive. Thereis evidence that the right hemisphere is selectivelyinvolved in processing negative emotions, pessimisticthoughts and unconstructive thinking styles. Addition-ally, it mediates vigilance and arousal and had also beenlinked with self-reflection, accounting for the tendencyof depressed individuals to withdraw from their externalenvironments and focus attention inward [46]. Theinvolved hemisphere is also important to explain possi-ble language deficits, but ictal speech disorders were notpresent in our patient in agreement with the involve-ment of non dominant hemisphere as showed by EEGrecording. Word finding difficulties are often reportedby epileptic patients and peri-operative and post-surgicalelectro-cortical stimulation evidences have highlighted arole for the anterior part of the dominant temporal lobein oral word production [47]. In previous reviews[23,48,49], autoscopic experiences are mentioned as arare but classic symptom in parietal lobe epilepsy. How-ever it has been reported in association with temporallobe epilepsy [50]. There are few reported cases of post-ictal autoscopic phenomena [51]. Autoscopic experi-ences have been described not only in focal seizures, butin a broad range of neurological disorders such asmigraine, neoplasia, infarction and infection [11,12,52]and also in psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia,depression, anxiety and dissociative disorders [16,17]. Insome cases it is difficult to distinguish the autoscopicexperiences from a dreamy-state in which the self isseen in more complex, dream-like or memory-likescenes without actually seeing the image of one’s face orbody [53].Our patient experienced typical he-autoscopy and the

autoscopic episodes were the only ictal symptom. Theictal EEG performed during the autoscopic experience,showed a right parietal origin in non-dominant

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hemisphere, with rapid bilateral posterior involvement.These data were confirmed by SPECT findings thatrevealed a hypometabolism in parietal and occipitalareas but no brain abnormality was detected by meansof MRI. In contrast with neurophysiological data, patientreported neither macroasomatognosia, a symptom thatcan result from an involvement of the parietal lobe[23,48,49], nor palinopsia (consistent with an involve-ment of the visual associative area) nor luminous flashesin the visual fields (consistent with an involvement ofthe primary visual area) nor motor symptoms.

Possible cerebral mechanisms: multisensory processingand cortical hyperconnectivityDefining the mechanism of autoscopic phenomena is achallenge. Menninger-Lerchental [13] first speculated ondifferent anatomical substrates suggesting that auto-scopic hallucination originate at the junction of the par-ietal and occipital lobe, he-autoscopy from the angularand supramarginal gyrus and out of body experiencefrom the superior parietal lobe. Blanke and Mohr [31]summarized anatomical findings of their analysis eviden-cing that he-autoscopy seems to primarily involve theleft temporo-parietal junction and out of body experi-ence the right. More recently Blanke and Arzy [54] haveunexpectedly reproduced an effect strongly reminiscentof the doppelgänger phenomenon via electromagneticstimulation of the left temporo-parietal junction. Theiranalyses showed that out of body experiences and he-autoscopy are primarily associated with electrical stimu-lation, probably inhibition, of the temporo-parietal junc-tion and autoscopic hallucination with electricalstimulation in parieto-occipital cortex. Moreover theseexperimental data suggest that out of body experiencesare associated with damage to the right temporo-parietaljunction and he-autoscopy to the left temporo-parietaljunction [31,54], whereas autoscopic hallucination isassociated with damage to the right parieto-occipitalcortex [55]. Corporal awareness and experience of thebody ownership are more likely dependent on the righthemisphere [28]. However with regard to hemisphericasymmetries no firm conclusion can be drawn. Our caseshows an epileptic focus in the right temporo-parietaljunction: the patient report suggests that the hallucina-tion perception was an he-autoscopy, as it presentsmost of the peculiar characteristics reported by litera-ture in he-autoscopy. Therefore our report might sug-gest that he-autoscopy can possibly arise also fromepileptic foci of the right hemisphere. The epileptic dis-charge (Figure 3A-E) shows a definite localization andthe involvement of the left hemisphere occurs onlywhen the patient subjectively reports that the hallucina-tory image has disappeared. In our case report, there-fore, the EEG shows an epileptic discharge that

originates in the right temporo-parietal junction. Itmight be argued that the only evidence of the he-auto-scopy corresponding to EEG discharge is obtained fromthe patient, subjectively signalling the presence of auto-scopic image of the self during the seizure and by herdetailed description “a posteriori”. Thus exact timing ofthe different feelings might appear uncertain: nonethe-less EEG discharge was observed and he-autoscopy wasreported. We believe it would be difficult to obtain bet-ter evidence then the one we are reporting, as a verbaldescription of symptoms during the seizure would alterthe EEG due to glosso-kinetic artefacts.Several studies [11,12,31,54-56] proposed that auto-

scopic phenomena are a double failure to integrate pro-prioceptive, tactile and visual information with respectto one’s own body (disintegration in personal space),along with an additional vestibular dysfunction leadingto disintegration between personal (vestibular) spaceand extrapersonal (visual) space. Disintegration of perso-nal space is present in he-autoscopy and out of bodyexperience but differences are mainly due to the leveland type of vestibular dysfunction. In more detail: out ofbody experiences are associated with specific vestibular,graviceptive and otholithic sensations that are character-ized by a variety of sensations including feeling of eleva-tion and floating, he-autoscopy is associated with amoderate and more variable vestibular disturbance whileno vestibular disturbance is evidenced in autoscopic hal-lucination, feeling of a presence, negative heautoscopyand inner heautoscopy. Moreover, the high frequency ofvisual hallucinations and hemianopia in patients withautoscopic hallucination suggests that defective visualprocessing of bodily information is the main causingfactor for disintegration in personal space in autoscopichallucination.Therefore according to Blanke we speculated that the

different forms of autoscopic phenomena are related todifferent degrees of vestibular dysfunction. We hypothe-size that autoscopic seizures occur because of ictal dis-turbances of the normal integration process of bodyrepresentation within parieto-occipital networks inwhich the right inferior parietal region plays a signifi-cant role. The integration of proprioceptive, tactile andvisual information with respect to one’s body with ves-tibular information is important for the constant updat-ing of the movement and position of single body partsand entire body. In order to create a central representa-tion of one’s own body, the brain must integrate andweigh the evidence from different sensory sources.Electrophysiological [57] and neuroimaging [27,29]

studies showed that the vestibular cortex is a multisen-sory cortex receiving not only vestibular information,but also visual, proprioceptive and tactile cues fromthe whole body. We believe that these multisensory

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interactions are fundamental for integrating signalsabout body movements and body position in space withrespect to other body segments and to the ground. Theimplication of temporo-parietal junction in embodimentand in self processing is suggested by neuroimaging stu-dies in healthy subjects [29,58-60]. These studies exam-ining visuo-spatial pathways showed the involvement ofmany other cortical areas such as prefrontal, parietaland temporal cortex. The “cortical midline structures”have been recently identified as intimately related to theexperience of the self [61]. Therefore the temporo-parie-tal junction might be a crucial structure for consciousexperience in a widely distributed network of corticalareas.In conclusion it is not known which of the many

senses are primarily involved in the generation of he-autoscopy. Data in literature shows that visual theoriescannot entirely explain autoscopic phenomena andpoints to the importance of non visual, body-related,mechanisms such as proprioceptive and/or kinaestheticprocessing. A further aspect in favor of tactile and pro-prioceptive mechanisms was given by the different bodypositions reported by patients, upright for he-autoscopyand supine for out of body experience, suggesting differ-ential influences of proprioceptive and tactile processingin different types of autoscopic experiences. Blanke andMohr [31] summarized anatomical findings of their ana-lysis evidencing that he-autoscopy seem to primarilyinvolve the left temporo-parietal junction and out ofbody experience the right. The evidence of the temporallobe involvement in body-distortion processing andimpairments in own-body transformations was high-lighted in a recent report [62]. Yet self-representationhas been shown to depend also on the prefrontal cortexand its connectivity with temporo-parietal junction[63-66]. Accordingly, we believe that he-autoscopymight not only be mediated by the temporo-parietaljunction but also depend on frontal lobe functioningand processing and the diffusion of the discharge on theanterior channels during the recorded autoscopic sei-zures corroborates this idea (Figure 3C-D). A putativeimplication for fronto-parietal connectivity also in out ofbody experience was recently proposed [67]. Othersauthors [68] stress the visual modality of these phenom-ena and hypothesize a process of cognitive dedifferentia-tion in which visual hallucinations are derived fromavailable non-visual sensory cues through an underly-ing hyperconnectivity of cortical structures regulatingvestibular and visual representations of the body andthose responsible for the rotation of environmentalobjects. Probably a specific cortical network is involvedin the perceptions of body into space and studies ofcerebral connectivity during vestibular stress could bean helpful and interesting approach to a better

understanding of autoscopic phenomena. Because ofthe severe psychiatric symptoms presented in ourpatient, we could not perform the combined EEG/fMRIanalysis that recently allowed to identify the corticalconnection network sustaining persistent symptoms inepilepsy [30], yet we believe that this approach mightbe ideally suited to understand the mechanism of auto-scopic phenomena.

ConsentWritten informed consent was obtained from the patientfor publication of this case report and accompanyingimages. A copy of the written consent is available forreview by the Editor-in-Chief of this journal.

Author details1Department of Neuroscience and Imaging, Aging Research Centre, Ce.S.I.,“G. d’Annunzio” University Foundation G. d’Annunzio University, Chieti, Italy.2University Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, Italy.

Authors’ contributionsFA performed clinical evaluations and prepared the manuscript. MOprovided the case and designed the overall paper. VO, LB and AT revisedthe manuscript for important intellectual content and providedbibliographical research. VM, LR, RF were involved in analysing EEG, MRI andSPECT data and in providing technological support. All authors read andapproved the final manuscript.

Competing interestsFinancial competing interests: The authors declare that they have nocompeting financial interests.Non-financial competing interests: The authors declare that they have nocompeting non-financial interests.

Received: 25 June 2010 Accepted: 10 January 2011Published: 10 January 2011

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doi:10.1186/1744-9081-7-2Cite this article as: Anzellotti et al.: Autoscopic phenomena: case reportand review of literature. Behavioral and Brain Functions 2011 7:2.

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