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Retention and Completion with OER Implementation

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OER and Retention / Completion

• OERs have been around for a long time:– MERLOT: 1997– MIT Open Courseware: 2002– BCCampus OpenEd: 2003

• State- or region-wide OER Textbook replacement programs are rather new: – CSU Affordable Learning Solutions: 2010– UMN Open Textbook Library: 2012– Affordable Learning Georgia: 2013

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• Large retention and completion analyses in these new statewide programs are still forthcoming.

• We can look at both related and measurable factors to retention and completion within case studies to predict the effects OER will have in the future.

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Related Retention Factors

• Availability of Academic Resources• Satisfaction with Costs

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Academic Resources

From research literature, we do know that: • Medium or high levels of academic resources available

at an institution lead to a higher probability of degree completion.

• Correlation was even stronger with students of lower socioeconomic status (SES), but positively correlated at all SES levels.

Potential Impact from OER: • The creation, adaptation, and adoption of OER within

courses increases the availability of academic resources.

Cabrera, A. et al. (2012). Pathways to a four-year degree. In Seidman, A., ed. (2012). College Student Retention, 2nd ed. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, Inc.

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Satisfaction with Costs

Also from the literature: • Satisfaction with the costs of a four-year degree program leads

to higher degree completion rates among low-SES students. Potential Impact from OER: • OERs reduce the associated costs of a degree program, leading

to increased satisfaction with costs. • OER replacements of commercial textbooks have saved students

millions of dollars, including over $1 million in USG FY 2014. • The UGA Biology pilot project alone saved students over

$150,000 in one year—6 times the cost of the project’s Incubator Grant.

Cabrera, A. et al. (2012). Pathways to a four-year degree. In Seidman, A., ed. (2012). College Student Retention, 2nd ed. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, Inc.

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Measurable Retention Factors

• Engagement• Grade Performance• Retention and Successful Completion in Courses• Passing Percentage per Student Dollar Spent on

Learning Materials

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Grade Performance

Grade performance obviously affects retention and completion, but how do OER fit in? In an Open University student survey: • OER textbook replacements improved grades for 47% of

respondents• 66% had an increase in the subject’s interest after using

OER in courses• 64% of respondents had an increase in learning experience

satisfaction in OER courses over other courses• 45% reported an increase in lesson engagement with OER


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Case: Virginia State College of Business

• In a one-year pilot program to replace commercial textbooks with OER: –30-40% increase in GPAs–More than $200,000 in student savings

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Case: Mercy College Mathematics

• In a college-wide adoption or OER: All 27 sections of Basic Mathematics replaced commercial textbooks with OER in fall 2012.

• The pass rate for the course increased from 48.40% in spring 2011 to 68.90% in fall 2012.

• Students saved $125,000 during the first year. • According to a new measure proposed by David

Wiley of Lumen Learning: This is an over 50x increase in passing percentage per dollar spent by students on course materials.

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Case: University System of Georgia

The first USG Open Textbook was made for the core curriculum US History I course and implemented in eCore in Summer and Fall 2013. • In Spring 2013, prior to open text implementation: 88% HIST 2111

retention rate.• In Summer 2013, the first semester with the Open

Textbook, retention increased to 94%. • Successful completion (grades A, B, and C) rose from 56% in the

spring to 84% in the summer with the open textbook.– Retention is the measure of non-withdrawals (grades A,B,C,D,F)– Successful course completion is the measure of grades A, B, and C.

Non-successful course completion is the measure of grades D, F, W, and WF.

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• OER implementation directly improves these related and measurable retention and completion factors: – Academic Resources Available

• Open Textbooks available at all times with no cost-related barriers to access

– Satisfaction with Costs• Open Textbooks are free • Especially increases completion in low SES students

– Grade Performance• Increased course retention, successful completion rates, and overall

GPAs in case studies• Increased student performance per dollar spent on learning materials

