Page 1: Representation of Ethnicity Worksheet

Representation of Ethnicity: Hotel Babylon “The Immigration Raid” __________________________________________________________________________________________

TASK1. Create a mindmap that outlines how the media represent ethnicity.

TASK4. How is ethnicity being represented? What is the sequence suggesting? There is no need to refer to technical codes at this point.

TASK3. Make notes on the designated technical code you’ve been allocated. Suggest how that codes helps construct representation of ethnicity.


Page 2: Representation of Ethnicity Worksheet

TASK4. Work with one other person from each technical code. Each person should take a turn at sharing his or her thoughts. Make notes on the remaining codes in the boxes below.

Technical Code:

Technical Code:

Technical Code:


Page 3: Representation of Ethnicity Worksheet

Complete the following sentences;

1. As the sequence opens the non – diegetic sound creates a ( ) atmosphere. This indicates to the viewer that

2. As the camera tracks the police detectives entering the hotel, the sequence cuts away to a high angled shot of a black man, in a suit, reading a newspaper. This shots constructs representations of white and black people suggesting that

3. During the shot reverse shot scenario as the detective and receptionist converse a binary opposition is set up between the pair through the mise-en-scene. She is wear a white suits which represents her as

whilst the detective is costumed in black suggesting

4. The editing pace begins to slow as the receptionist speaks to the detective. The non diegetic sound is parallel to this reducing tension signifying the receptionist’s attempt to instil a sense of ( ) into the impending situation.

5. The editing pace begins to increase and a ( ) camera is used to connote

6. The sequence tracks Jackie as she runs through the kitchen warning of the immigration raid. The atmosphere is tense and it is apparent that the workers are scared. This is evident through the use of sound. Diegetic sound, both dialogue and ambience signifies

7. The sequence cuts to a long point of view shot of workers running through the corridor. The foreground of the frame is covered with a black wrought iron grate connoting

8. A close up of Jackie opening a locked door suggests

9. Closed framing and repeated cutting of ( ) of the workers faces has been used to

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10. A ( ) is used when Abraham is vacuuming the hall way. This movement strips him if his identity as the viewer is introduced to his

This is reinforced by the red jumpsuit he is wearing which

11. The sequence cross cuts from Abraham to the workers in the office. This builds tension as

12. However, despite the initial negative representation of ethnicity a low angled shot is used when a worker explains that his co-worker is having a hypo glycaemia attack. This subtle use of the technical codes

13. The sequence cuts to low angled shots of the workers as the manager responds suggesting that despite the knowledge perpetuated society

14. As the sequence ( ) back Abraham a steal door dominates the background. This suggests

15. The sequence cross cuts back to the workers in the office and the use of ( ) framing along with the ( ) non-diegetic sound and repeated use of ( ) angles represents ethnic minorities as

16. The high angled shot as the female worker lies on the floor acts as a visual metaphor for the treatment of ethnic minorities in Britain, suggesting that

17. The heightened diegetic sound of a clock ticking creates ( ) and suggests

18. The ( ) shot of the male worker, who is saving his co-worker’s life, works in unison with the dialogue connoting

19. A changing depth of field and an incremental zoom are used as the lift doors open to signify ( ) but also reinforce the stereotype commonly associated with ethnic minorities – they are all criminals and run whenever they come into contact with law enforcement.

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20. A tracking shot is used as the officers go to retrieve Abraham. Framing has been subtly used as the officers force Abraham to ( ). In the wider context this connotes

21. A cutaway to a ( ) the lead detective as he walks towards the camera with the shot duration lengthened suggests

22. The officers force Abraham from centre frame stripping him of any power reinforcing the representation of ethnic minorities’ as

23. An ( ) is used as the heightened ( ) of ( is heard conveying .In the background of the frame workers, undistinguished from on another as they’re costumed in ( stripping them of individual identity, are huddled together suggesting that society views ethnic minorities as a ( ) rather than a set of individuals who clearly have more to offer society than cleaning.


Imagine this was the exam text. Try and write an introduction and conclusion based upon the analysis above.


