  • 7/24/2019 Report HowToPassTheBARExams



    BAR Examinations, a crucial point in the life of every law students andaspiring to be a member of the pool of lawyers in the society. It is thedetermining point if one can have the prex Atty.! be attached to his"her


    Every #ctober, now $ovember, law schools prepare for this prestigiousexamination. %iving all the nancial, moral, intellectual and emotionalsupport to all their law students. &owever, it is not the school that ma'e thedestiny of a law student. It is the student(s strive that will determine his"herdestiny.

    As a guide for law students in order to surpass the struggle of passingthe BAR Examination, compiled herewith are tips from di)erent sourcesgiving their incites, experiences and suggestions on how to pass the BAR


    *. Be determined.

    +etermination of becoming a lawyer starts from the moment a persondecided to enrol in a law school. A law student should have the heart toface the challenges and struggles of law school. ocus yourself inachieving the ultimate goal of becoming a lawyer from the very rstday of law school.

    -. Be euipped.

    /0here is nothing that can help a bar examinee most than a constant andintensive study of the provisions of the various codes and the interpretationand application thereof by the 1upreme 2ourt in its decisions. By study ismeant, that the provisions must be correctly understood and the thought orwords thereof put to memory. After a chapter, for example, has been studied,

    the next one should be studied next, and after this, a review of all that hasalready been studied re3reviewed, to 'eep the sub4ect matter and theprovisions fresh in mind./ Ale4o 5abrador
