
From virtual marketing to sales intelligence to team development, Rent A Sales Manager finds the missing pieces and fills the holes with a repeatable results driven sale process that

accelerates and sustains growing your profits.

From strategy to execution, we do it for you using our excellent “GET IT DONE” track record of successes to provide hands-on Strategic Business Development.

Coach Team Productivity Sales Process Development LinkedIn Training/Coaching Sales Accelerator Training Tracking CRM System Development (from transactional to consultative) Strategic CEO Advising Sales Accelerator Coaching Creative Problem Solving Implementation & Monitoring

THE RESULT!! A business development system that delivers results you take to the bank About Marilyn August

Ms. August excels at developing and executing strategic business development behaviors, skills and mind-set tailored specifically to your most pressing business needs. She honed in her versatility as a Business Consultant for the Small Business Development Center in Santa Ana, Ca.

(SBA) and has branched out to include a wide spectrum of entrepreneurial clients who want the benefit of a skilled advisor with a unique talent for identifying the right solution and the experience to executive on the process efficiently and effectively.

Marilyn has been featured in the Los Angeles Times and Orange County Register newspapers as well as OC Metro Magazine. Marilyn’s professional background also includes over ten years as a corporate trainer for international companies such as American Honda Corporation and AAA-The Chicago Motor Club. Ms. August holds a Master’s degree from Northern Illinois University. What People Say About Marilyn August

Marilyn is a valued resource to our company. Her ability to analyze people and processes in order to produce plans and modules to meet our goals has been invaluable. She has expertise detecting and addressing the "mental road blocks" that must be overcome in

order to be successful and drive revenue. Tim Santoni, CEO, Santoni Investigations, Lake Forest, Ca

Marilyn helps me with everything from mindset to marketing to business strategy. My revenues have been directly impacted by her coaching and ideas. In fact, after working with Marilyn in just 3 short months, I set a new record for monthly revenue, proving an ROI well above and beyond my initial investment” Silvia Quintanilla, Principal, Industry Gems Research, Industry Gems, Fremont, CA

Guiding Profit Success Strategic Success Habits

The Profit GPS System summarizes marketing as an invitation to do business with your company Marketing generates viability | credibility | compelling value proposition | engages your target market. A sale is the transaction where your company’s services are offered to solve a real or perceived problem in one of the following categories: people, process or profit issues. The Profit GPS System integrates marketing and sales with the common goal of increased profits.

Rate each of the following statements on a scale of one to ten. Ten means you agree 100% with the statement. The bullet point below each statement give greater detail about what the statement means

Employees are aligned and have knowledge of the revenue goals this quarter

The critical number that moves the company forward is clear and identified

All team members have a weekly strategic thinking meeting

The team is engaged in constructive debate and all members feel comfortable participating

Everyone is aligned with the culture of sales

Employees, no matter their job title, perceive themselves as “in sales?”

The compensation plan reflect the sales culture

Everyone has basic sales skills and is actively engaged in the sales process

The virtual marketing system supports sales with focused branding and positioning in the market place

The website is up-to-date, graphically pleasing, focused, and current with a call to action and capture

Content marketing is consistent and robust with at least one of the following produced; weekly blogs, current video(s) animation, podcasts, webinars

E-mail campaigns have valuable content consistently producing an open rate of 5% or better with a click through call to action in each publication

LinkedIn 4 quadrants are actively used on a weekly basis (outreach, response, posting valued content)

Personal Branding |Target Market Found

Engage with Insight (content marketing) | Build Relationships (prospecting)

Off-line marketing is integrated into the activities of each team member

At least one networking event is attended weekly by one or more team members

The company belongs to and participates in at least one professional organization/association connected with their industry or target market

The Executive team is available and actively seeks opportunities to be a guest speaker or trainer at targeted organizations. (one-sheet for each topic descriptions are produced and distributed)

Our branded marketing materials (brochures, business cards, one sheets, post cards, etc.) are clear, easy to read and explainable in one sentence

There is a call to action on each one

Each has a purpose and is used constantly to promote the company

The entire team reviews and assesses the effectiveness of branded marketing materials and how they are used.

All team members are trained in the consultative sales method

Team members receive weekly sales training

Sales calls are debriefed with all employees as a learning tool

The three pillars of success – mind-set, behavior and skills are integrated into the sales training

The sales team is on the same page leveraging current contacts Phone and e-mail scripts are readily available, clear and easy to use

The CRM is up to date and effective in tracking follow-up contacts

Analytics are shared with each person (example the average number of touches to close a deal)

Our infrastructure will easily support massive growth

We have the right people on board

Operations, fulfillment, customer service are functional at a optimum level

We have a systemized repeatable sales and marketing process What other, if any, ingredients of your company’s profit expansion are missing in the current sale system

A. _______________________________

B. _______________________________

C. _______________________________
