Page 1: Removing Barriers For Disabled Students - Session Five

Special educational needs and/or disabilitiesTraining toolkit

Session 5

Development and diversity

Removing barriers for disabled students

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Session 5Removing barriers for disabled students Development and diversity


Learning outcomes

You will understand:− the historical and educational context of the disability

discrimination duties− the two main duties towards disabled students − how the SEN and DDA duties work together− how the reasonable adjustments duty applies in a

range of contexts

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Session 5Removing barriers for disabled students Development and diversity


Learning outcome

You will understand how attitudes to disability and to the education of disabled people have changed

Activity 1

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Session 5Removing barriers for disabled students Development and diversity


Learning outcomes

You will: − understand how the SEN and disability duties

work together − understand the two core duties in the DDA− recognise how the accessibility planning duties and the

duty to promote disability equality contribute to equal opportunities for disabled students and other disabled people

Activity 2

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Three key elements in disability discrimination legislation

Auxiliary aids and services

Protection from discrimination

Physical access

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The three key elements and the school’s duties

SEN framework

Disability discrimination


Planning duties

Auxiliary aids and services

Protection from discrimination

Physical access

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− Disabled students and potential students

− Every school and every aspect of school life: admissions, education and related services, exclusions

− The ‘responsible body’ for the school

Who and what is covered?

Protection from discrimination

Session 5Removing barriers for disabled students Development and diversity

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Session 5Removing barriers for disabled students Development and diversity


Definition of disability in DDA

A physical or mental impairment with an adverse effect on the person’s ability to carry out day-to-day activities

The effect must be:− substantial− long term

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Two key duties

Responsible bodies:− must not treat disabled students less favourably− make reasonable adjustments for disabled students

Protection from discrimination

Session 5Removing barriers for disabled students Development and diversity

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Session 5Removing barriers for disabled students Development and diversity


What is less favourable treatment?

Less favourable treatment: − is for a reason related to the student’s disability− is less favourable than the treatment for others− cannot be justified

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Examples from the DRC Code of Practice

Is the less favourable treatment for a reason related to the student’s disability?

Is it justified?

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Session 5Removing barriers for disabled students Development and diversity


Possible remedies from SENDISP

− A declaration− An order:

− training − guidance− review and alter school policies− additional tuition− written apology

− No financial compensation

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Session 5Removing barriers for disabled students Development and diversity


Some of the issues

− Assumptions about disabled students− Blanket policies− Lack of risk assessments− Administration of medicines− School trips

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Some of the issues (continued…)

− Isolation from peers− Punishment for behaviour related to disability− Bullying− Access to the curriculum− Selection arrangements

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DDA 2005: duty to promote disability equality

− General duty to promote disability equality − Specific duty to publish a disability equality scheme− Duties cover disabled students, employees and other

school users − Disability equality scheme can incorporate the school’s

accessibility plan etc

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Session 5Removing barriers for disabled students Development and diversity


Learning outcomes

You will understand:− how the reasonable adjustments duty applies in a wide

variety of contexts− that reasonable adjustments are made to overcome

particular barriers to participation or learning− the process for identifying reasonable adjustments

Activity 3

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Session 5Removing barriers for disabled students Development and diversity


Reasonable adjustments

− Ensure disabled students are at no substantial disadvantage

− Compare with students who are not disabled− Justification for different treatment− Anticipatory duty

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Identifying barriers and adjustments

Identify: − the reasonable adjustments shown in the film clip− the barriers that prompted the school to make

those adjustments

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Session 5Removing barriers for disabled students Development and diversity


Learning outcome

You will be able to identify particular features of schools that enable teachers to make successful reasonable adjustments

Activity 4

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Reasonable adjustments: key factors

− Vision and values based on an inclusive ethos− ‘Can-do’ attitude from all staff− Proactive approach to identifying barriers and finding

practical solutions− Strong collaborative relationships with students and

parents or carers− Meaningful voice for students− Positive approach to managing behaviour

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Session 5Removing barriers for disabled students Development and diversity


Reasonable adjustments: key factors (continued…)− Strong leadership from senior management

and governors− Effective staff training and development− Use of expertise from outside the school− Building disability into resourcing arrangements− Sensitive approach to meeting the disability-specific

needs of students− Regular critical review and evaluation− Availability of role models and positive images

of disability

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Session 5Removing barriers for disabled students Development and diversity


Learning outcomes

You will be able to: − identify barriers to participation and learning

in a school you know − identify reasonable adjustments to overcome

those barriers − understand the process of removing barriers and

evaluate the effect or impact of the changes

Activity 5

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Session 5Removing barriers for disabled students Development and diversity


Identifying barriers

Write down one − and only one − barrier to participation or learning for your fictional student (not the solution). Write clearly and in large print on a piece of card.

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Comparing findings: barriers

Do the barriers you have identified apply to all the different disability groups?

Are they broadly similar for each group?

Are the barriers external to or within the student?

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Comparing findings: adjustments

− Have these adjustments only removed barriers from the same ‘wall’ (organisational, attitudinal, physical)?

− Are all the adjustments costly?− Which barriers are the most difficult to remove?− What are the key elements in deciding which

adjustment to make?

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Session 5Removing barriers for disabled students Development and diversity


Learning outcomes

You will: − be aware of opportunities in the KS3 citizenship

curriculum for students to learn about inclusion and disability

− reflect on your learning in this session− identify key points of action to consolidate and apply

your learning

Activity 6

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Aspects of KS3 citizenship relevant to inclusion and disabilityStudents should:1a be taught the legal and human rights

underpinning society1c be taught the role of central and local government,

the public services they offer and how they are financed

2a discuss topical moral and social issues3a use their imagination to consider the experience

of others3b take part responsibly in school community-based

