Page 1: Registry Key Entries Used by XenDesktop 7 - · RunAs String CTXAPPVCOMADMIN 2.2.2 Key:HKCR \CLSID \[APPID] Default String "Citrix.VirtApp.Vda.Com.AppVObject" APPID

This article provides information on the Registry Key Entries Used by XenDesktop 7.

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Registry Key Entries Used by XenDesktop 7

Page 2: Registry Key Entries Used by XenDesktop 7 - · RunAs String CTXAPPVCOMADMIN 2.2.2 Key:HKCR \CLSID \[APPID] Default String "Citrix.VirtApp.Vda.Com.AppVObject" APPID

Table of Contents

Active Directory Identity ..................................................................................................................... 1 Personal vDisk ..................................................................................................................................... 2 AppV ................................................................................................................................................... 3 User Profile Management................................................................................................................... 7 Delegated Administration Service ...................................................................................................... 8 Machine Creation Services ............................................................................................................... 10 Host Service ...................................................................................................................................... 11 StoreFront ......................................................................................................................................... 12 Broker Service ................................................................................................................................... 17 Citrix Director .................................................................................................................................... 54 Citrix Studio ....................................................................................................................................... 55 Virtual Desktop Agent ....................................................................................................................... 57

Page 3: Registry Key Entries Used by XenDesktop 7 - · RunAs String CTXAPPVCOMADMIN 2.2.2 Key:HKCR \CLSID \[APPID] Default String "Citrix.VirtApp.Vda.Com.AppVObject" APPID

Active Directory Identity FMA Registry Settings Usage (build

Registry Settings Group: HKLM\Software\Citrix\XDservices\ADIdentitySchema\Encryption KeySharingSettings

Registry Settings Group: HKLM\Software\Citrix\XDservices\ADIdentitySchema\EventLog Policy Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Citrix\XDservices\ADIdentitySchema\EventLog EventLogSettings

Registry Settings Group: HKLM\Software\Citrix\XDservices\ADIdentitySchema\DataStore\Connections Policy Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Citrix\XDservices\ADIdentitySchema\DataStore\Connections DBConnectionSettings

Registry Settings Group: HKLM\Software\Citrix\XDservices\ADIdentitySchema Policy Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Citrix\XDservices\ADIdentitySchema AdIdentitySettings

R/W Name Type Default Info Summary

StartupRetryPeriodLimit Ms

int 600000 Milliseconds The maximum delay before the first retry of a failed start-up.

StartupRetryPeriodStart MaxMs

int 10000 Milliseconds The maximum delay between retries of failed start-up attempts.


Page 4: Registry Key Entries Used by XenDesktop 7 - · RunAs String CTXAPPVCOMADMIN 2.2.2 Key:HKCR \CLSID \[APPID] Default String "Citrix.VirtApp.Vda.Com.AppVObject" APPID

Personal vDisk Registry Keys and Values

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\personal vDisk\Config] Name Type Data

VdiEnvironment DWORD VDI Environment possible values are 2 for XenDesktop 4 for VDI-in-aBox 5 for XCE Note: This value is set by Installer and must not be modified by Administrator.

InterceptShutdown DWORD Remind Administrator to take inventory during shutdown if set to 1.

UserDiskDrive REG_SZ The mount point to use for storing PvD. Note: Not used in XenDesktop

PercentOfPvDForApps DWORD The percentage of PvD disk that should be allocated for apps.

EnableUserProfileRedirection DWORD Enabling and disabling profile redirection. PvDResetUserGroup REG_SZ Name of the User\Group allowed to do PvD

Reset. PvDReservedSpaceMB DWORD Size reserved for non-profile and app data on

PvD disk, for example PvD image update logs, local cache for offline plugin etc.

EnableDynamicResizeOfAppC ontainer

DWORD To enable and disable dynamic resize.

MinimumVHDSizeMB Minimum VHD size.

Installed Service Name : Citrix Personal vDisk Logon As : Local System


Page 5: Registry Key Entries Used by XenDesktop 7 - · RunAs String CTXAPPVCOMADMIN 2.2.2 Key:HKCR \CLSID \[APPID] Default String "Citrix.VirtApp.Vda.Com.AppVObject" APPID


1.STUDIO Specific

1.1 SnapIn – Specific 1.1.1 on X86 Platform :

Key: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellSnapIns\$(var.SnapInName) Value Type Data

ApplicationBase String "C:\Program Files\Citrix\StudioAppVIntegration\SnapIn\Citrix.AppV.A dmin.V1"

AssemblyName String “Citrix.VirtApp.PowerShellSnapIn” Description String "Used For Publishing AppV 5.0 Applications" ModuleName String "C:\Program

Files\Citrix\StudioAppVIntegration\SnapIn\Citrix.AppV.A dmin.V1\Citrix.VirtApp.PowerShellSnapIn.dll"

PowerShellVersion String "2.0" Vendor String "Citrix Systems, Inc." Version String "7.0.0.x"

1.1.2 on X64 platform Same as 1.1.1 in both the 32-bit and 64-bit view of Registry

1.2 Tracing Specific 1.2.1

KEY:HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\Tracing\Modules\CTX_DLL_CtxAppVC ommon

Classes String "" Enabled DWORD "0" Flags DWORD "7" Level DWORD "0" GUID String "2759262C-2476-4B9C-910E-B5D73D3149C3"

1.2.2 KEY:HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\Tracing\Modules\CTX_DLL_CtxVirtAp

pSnapIn Classes String "" Enabled DWORD "0" Flags DWORD "7" Level DWORD "0" GUID String "72D02E9F-1DCC-47F8-B913-3BD634D33642"


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1.2.3 KEY:HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\Tracing\Modules\CTX_DLL_CtxAppVS

tudio Value Type Data

Classes String "" Enabled DWORD "0" Flags DWORD "7" Level DWORD "0" GUID String "2759262C-2476-4B9C-910E-B5D73D3149C3" 2. VDA Specific

2.1 Plugin – Specific 2.1.1

Key: HKLM\Software\Citrix\Virtual Desktop Agent\Plugins\VirtAppPlugin AssemblyName String "PzVirtAppPlugin.dll" ClassName String "Citrix.VirtApp.Vda.Plugin.VirtAppPlugin" Active DWORD "1" ReceivesNotifications DWORD "1" NeedCommandQueue s


2.2 COM – Specific 2.2.1

Key: HKCR\AppID\[APPID] Default String "Citrix.VirtApp.Vda.Com.AppVObject" LaunchPermission Binary "<Binary Data>" AccessPermission Binary "<Binary Data>" RunAs String CTXAPPVCOMADMIN


Default String "Citrix.VirtApp.Vda.Com.AppVObject" APPID String "[APPID]"

2.2.3 Key: HKCR\Citrix.VirtApp.Vda.Com.AppVObject

Default String Data:"Citrix.VirtApp.Vda.Com.AppVObject" 2.2.4

Key: HKCR\Citrix.VirtApp.Vda.Com.AppVObject\CLSID Default String Data:"[APPID]"

2.2.5 Key5: HKLM\Software\Classes\AppID\PzVirtAppComServer.exe

AppID String Data:"[APPID]"


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2.3 Tracing Specific KEY:HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\Tracing\Modules\Ctx_DLL_VirtAppPlu

gin Value Type Data

Classes String "" Enabled DWORD "0" Flags DWORD "7" Level DWORD "0" GUID String "72E2B16B-E99A-486C-AD1E-3B52A00E48BF "

2.3.1 KEY:HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\Tracing\Modules\

Ctx_EXE_VirtAppCOMServer Classes String "" Enabled DWORD "0" Flags DWORD "7" Level DWORD "0" GUID String "8808A5A5-92EC-49B9-8727-C2301BE9B965"

2.3.2 KEY:HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\Tracing\Modules\

Ctx_EXE_VirtAppLauncher Classes String "" Enabled DWORD "0" Flags DWORD "7" Level DWORD "0" GUID String "87CBB5A6-45CE-4145-9D43-DF4205C6C632"

2.3.4 KEY:HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\Tracing\Modules\

CTX_DLL_CtxVirtAppPowerShellLib Classes String "" Enabled DWORD "0" Flags DWORD "7" Level DWORD "0" GUID String "6F2643CA-53F4-49B6-A3BC-F52DA217156F"

2.4 Logon Specific 2.4.1

KEY: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList



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Configuration Service Registry Keys

Name Type Default Info Summary

StartupRetryPeriodLimitMs int 600000 Milliseconds The maximum delay before the first retry of a failed start-up.

StartupRetryPeriodStartMaxMs int 10000 Milliseconds The maximum delay between retries of failed start-up attempts.

Configuration Logging Service Registry Keys

Name Type Default Info Summary

StartupRetryPeriodLimitMs int 600000 Milliseconds The maximum delay before the first retry of a failed start-up.

StartupRetryPeriodStartMaxMs int 10000 Milliseconds The maximum delay between retries of failed start-up attempts.

NameCacheRefreshDBBatchSize int 250 Number When refreshing one of the AD name caches, defines the maximum number of expired entries to read from the database in a single read operation. All entries to be refreshed are iterated over in batches of this size. This value does not relate to the maximum number of objects batched into a single request when requesting new data from AD itself.


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User Profile Management UPM Event Logging HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application\Citrix Profile management

1.1 UPM CDF Tracing HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\Tracing\Modules\UPM_Service\2AB7D86F- 53B0-474f-838C-8FE3B0DCE579 HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\Tracing\Modules\UPM_DLL_Perfmon\9EC6B7 85-EC0A-469b-888C-FBA09AB7893E HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\Tracing\Modules\UPM_Driver\1D60D946- 86B7-4f4f-AEE1-9E4493524D00 HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\Tracing\Modules\UPM_DLL_GPCSE\2DAB79C 9-208A-4560-906C-6E8042552349 HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\Tracing\Modules\UPM_WMI\29E1B66B- 7BD1-44D7-9AD6-065902662048

1.2 UPM Group Policy Extension for Folder Redirection HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\GPExtensions\{26F29E43-DA55-459d-A045-5FEB25F8AB15}

1.3 UPM WMI Provider for diagnostics and troubleshooting HKLM\SOFTWARE\Citrix\VirtualDesktopAgent\Plugins\UserProfileManager

1.4 UPM diagnostics and user error messages HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\Citrix UPM UserMsg


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Delegated Administration Service FMA Registry Settings Usage (build Registry Settings Group: HKLM\Software\Citrix\XDservices\DAS\EventLog Policy Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Citrix\XDservices\DAS\EventLog EventLogSettings

Registry Settings Group: HKLM\Software\Citrix\XDservices\DAS\DataStore\Connections Policy Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Citrix\XDservices\DAS\DataStore\Connections DBConnectionSettings

Registry Settings Group: HKLM\Software\Citrix\XDservices\DAS Policy Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Citrix\XDservices\DAS DelegatedAdminSettings

R/W Name Type Default Info Summary

StartupRetryPeriodLimitMs int 600000 Milliseconds The maximum delay

before the first retry of a failed start-up.

StartupRetryPeriodStartMa xMs

int 10000 Milliseconds The maximum delay between retries of failed start-up attempts.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\XDservices\DAS\DataStore\Connecti ons

ConnectionString : REG_SZ : Database connection string for the DDC datastore Additional Registry Keys used for Installation Important: The following keys should not be modified:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\DelegatedAdmin\Service ConfigTool : REG_SZ : Location of the service post installation configuration tool InstallLocation : REG_SZ : Install location of the service


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HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\DelegatedAdmin\Snapin\v1 InstallLocation : REG_SZ : Install location of the snapin binaries

Additional registry keys are installed to configure the PowerShell snapin under key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\PowerShellSnapI ns\Citrix.DelegatedAdmin.Admin.V1 and on 64 bit machines the in the Wow6432Node hive. Finally a number of CDF trace modules are registered in the usual place: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Citrix\Tracing\Modules\...


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Machine Creation Services FMA Registry Settings Usage (build Registry Settings Group: HKLM\Software\Citrix\XDservices\DesktopUpdateManagerSchema\EventLog Policy Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Citrix\XDservices\DesktopUpdateManagerSchema\EventLog EventLogSettings

Registry Settings Group: HKLM\Software\Citrix\XDservices\DesktopUpdateManagerSchema\DataStore\ Connections Policy Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Citrix\XDservices\DesktopUpdateManagerSchema\DataStore\Connect ions DBConnectionSettings

Registry Settings Group: HKLM\Software\Citrix\XDservices\DesktopUpdateManagerSchema Policy Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Citrix\XDservices\DesktopUpdateManagerSchema MachineCreationSettings

R/W Name Type Default Info Summary

StartupRetryPeriodLimitMs int 600000 Milliseconds The maximum delay

before the first retry of a failed start-up.

StartupRetryPeriodStartMa xMs

int 10000 Milliseconds The maximum delay between retries of failed start-up attempts.


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Host Service FMA Registry Settings Usage (build

Registry Settings Group: HKLM\Software\Citrix\XDservices\HostingUnitServiceSchema\EventLog Policy Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Citrix\XDservices\HostingUnitServiceSchema\EventLog EventLogSettings

Registry Settings Group: HKLM\Software\Citrix\XDservices\HostingUnitServiceSchema\DataStore\Conn ections Policy Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Citrix\XDservices\HostingUnitServiceSchema\DataStore\Connections DBConnectionSettings

Registry Settings Group: HKLM\Software\Citrix\XDservices\HostingUnitServiceSchema Policy Key: HKLM\Software\Policies\Citrix\XDservices\HostingUnitServiceSchema HostSettings

R/W Name Type Default Info Summary

StartupRetryPeriodLimitMs int 600000 Milliseconds The maximum delay before the first retry of a failed start-up.

StartupRetryPeriodStartMa xMs

int 10000 Milliseconds The maximum delay between retries of failed start-up attempts.


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StoreFront StoreFront 2.0 Registry Keys

• All Keys and Values are initially created by the MetaInstaller.• Keys and values should not be manually modified or removed.

Name Type Data Notes HKLM\Software\Citrix

DeliveryServices CertificateStoreName REG_SZ Citrix Delivery Services ClockSkew REG_SZ 00:05:00 ConfigurationLevel REG_SZ Guid Used and updated

when propagating configuration across servers in a server group.

FrameworkControllerAssemblyPath REG_SZ Full path of the folder containing the Framework Controller assembly

FrameworkControllerType REG_SZ Framework Controller type

IISAssemblyPath REG_SZ Full path of the Citrix IIS assembly

IISManagerType REG_SZ Citrix IIS Manager type InstallDir REG_SZ Root install folder

FrameworkControllerData DirectoryPath REG_SZ Full path of the folder

containing Framework.xml

DeliveryServicesManagement AdminMscFileLocation REG_SZ Full path of the

StoreFront .msc file loaded by MMC

InstallDir Root install folder for management components

Plugins Authentication

(Default) REG_SZ Full path of the Authentication plugin assembly

IsFirstUsePlugin REG_SZ True


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Name Type Data Notes OrderingHint REG_DWO

RD 0x00000014 (20) Specifies the node

display order in the Admin Console

Parent REG_SZ Root SupportsInitialConfigMode REG_SZ True Extensions

Certificate (Default) REG_SZ Full path of the

Certificate extension assembly

CitrixAGBasicExtension (Default) REG_SZ Full path of the Citrix AG

Basic extension assembly

SupportsInitialConfigMode REG_SZ True CitrixFederationExtension

(Default) REG_SZ Full path of the Citrix Federation extension assembly

ExplicitCommonExtension (Default) REG_SZ Full path of the Explicit

Common extension assembly

SupportsInitialConfigMode REG_SZ True IntegratedWindowsExtension

(Default) REG_SZ Full path of the Integrated Windows Authentication extension assembly

ViewExtensions Certificate

(Default) REG_SZ Full path of the Certificate view extension assembly

CitrixAGBasicExtension (Default) REG_SZ Full path of the Citrix AG

Basic view extension assembly

ExplicitAuthenticationExtension (Default) REG_SZ Full path of the Explicit

Authentication view extension assembly


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Name Type Data Notes IntegratedWindowsExtension

(Default) REG_SZ Full path of the Integrated Windows Authentication view extension assembly

Beacons (Default) REG_SZ Full path of the Beacons

plugin assembly OrderingHint REG_DWO

RD 0x0000003c (60) Specifies the node

display order in the Admin Console

Parent REG_SZ Root Gateways

(Default) REG_SZ Full path of the Gateways plugin assembly

OrderingHint REG_DWO RD

0x00000032 (50) Specifies the node display order in the Admin Console

Parent REG_SZ Root SupportsInitialConfigMode REG_SZ True

OneTimeConfiguration (Default) REG_SZ Full path of the One-

time Configuration plugin assembly

IsEnabled REG_SZ True Changed to False once initial configuration is completed

IsFirstUsePlugin REG_SZ True OrderingHint REG_DWO

RD 0x00000005 (5) Specifies the node

display order in the Admin Console

Parent REG_SZ Root WizardExtensions

Authentication (Default) REG_SZ Full path of the

Authentication plugin assembly

Roaming (Default) REG_SZ Full path of the

assembly that creates


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Name Type Data Notes the Roaming service

DependentUpon REG_SZ Authentication Denotes a dependency from this extension to the named extension

Stores (Default) REG_SZ Full path of the Stores

plugin assembly Receiver for Web (Default) REG_SZ Full path of the Receiver

for Web plugin assembly

OrderingHint REG_DWO RD

0x00000028 (40) Specifies the node display order in the Admin Console

Parent REG_SZ Root SupportsInitialConfigMode REG_SZ True Extensions (Default) REG_SZ (value not set) ViewExtensions (Default) REG_SZ (value not set) Server Group (Default) REG_SZ Full path of the Server

Group plugin assembly OrderingHint REG_DWO

RD 0x0000000a (10) Specifies the node

display order in the Admin Console

Parent REG_SZ Root Stores (Default) REG_SZ Full path of the Stores

plugin assembly IsFirstUsePlugin REG_SZ True OrderingHint REG_DWO

RD 0x0000001e (30) Specifies the node

display order in the Admin Console

Parent REG_SZ Root SupportsInitialConfigMode REG_SZ True Extensions

LegacySupport (Default) REG_SZ Full path of the Legacy

Support extension assembly


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Name Type Data Notes SupportsInitialConfigMode REG_SZ True

Roaming (Default) REG_SZ Full path of the Roaming

extension assembly

SupportsInitialConfigMode REG_SZ True ViewExtensions

LegacySupport (Default) REG_SZ Full path of the Legacy

Support view extension assembly

Roaming (Default) REG_SZ Full path of the Roaming

extension assembly The same assembly provides all Roaming extensions

WizardExtensions ReceiverForWeb

(Default) REG_SZ Full path of the Receiver for Web plugin assembly

SupportsInitialConfigMode REG_SZ True Roaming

(Default) REG_SZ Full path of the Roaming extension assembly

The same assembly provides all Roaming extensions

StoreFront / XenDesktop side-by-side deployment HKLM\Software\Citrix

DeliveryServicesManagement XenDesktopSideBySide REG_DWO

RD A value greater than zero indicates a side-by- side deployment

This value is written by XenDesktop to tell StoreFront that it is in a side-by-side deployment


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Broker Service

Following registry value types are being used in the tables:

• Int – Represents a whole 32bit number. Registry value type is REG_DWORD.

• String – Represents a string. Registry value type is REG_SZ.

• Bool – Boolean value, represents true or false. Registry value type is REG_DWORD. 0

is interpreted as a False, while any other value is interpreted as a True statement.

• Long - Represents a whole 64bit number. Registry value type is REG_QWORD.

• DateTime – Represents a .NET DateTime format. Registry value type is REG_SZ. Powershell cmdlet Get-Date followed by the input string can be used to translate a DateTime structure to human readable format.


Caution! Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that might require you to reinstall your operating system. Citrix cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at your own risk. Be sure to back up the registry before you edit it.


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DesktopServer ControllerSettings

Name Type Default Info Description

ControllerStartupRetryPeriodLimitMs int 600000 Milliseconds The maximum delay before the first retry of a failed controller infrastructure start-up.

ControllerStartupRetryPeriodStartMaxMs int 10000 Milliseconds The maximum delay between retries of failed controller infrastructure start-up attempts.

CoreSettings Name Type Default Info Description


bool TRUE Controls whether to permit multiple automated user assignments to RemotePC machines.


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Name Type Default Info Description


bool TRUE Broker Service automatically hides sessions on non-contactable VDAs when looking for shared desktop or app sessions to which to reconnect; this allows brokering of new sessions when existing sessions are present but which cannot be used, for example due to hypervisor failure. Where hidden sessions are still viable after recovery of the hypervisor they must be explicitly un-hidden by use of the SDK before the user can reconnect to them using XenDesktop.


int 600000 Milliseconds

The maximum delay before the first retry of a failed broker component start-up.


int 10000 Milliseconds

The maximum delay between retries of failed broker component start-up attempts.

DisableActiveSessionReconnect bool FALSE Indicates whether the ability to connect to an active desktop session from a different endpoint is disabled. By default it is possible to connect to an active session from a different endpoint device without first disconnecting the session from the original endpoint.

DisablePerformanceCounters bool FALSE Indicates if the maintenance of Windows performance counters by the broker service should be disabled.


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Name Type Default Info Description

ExtraSpinUpTimeSecs int 120 Seconds Minimum=


Additional time which may be added to MaxTimeForPrepareSecs to extend the timeout should the target machine need spun up as part of a session launch.


int 20 Minimum=0

Threshold for number of free sessions that is checked after a session terminates, at or below which the effective load index of the machine is immediately recalculated using the new session count. This additional evaluation maintains the figures used for load balancing in a more timely fashion as the machine approaches its configured session limit.

This setting is only applicable to multi-session machines.


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Name Type Default Info Description

HeartbeatPeriodMs int 600000 Milliseconds

Controls both the interval and timeouts used for the keep-alive 'pings' from the VDA.

This value is sent from the XDC to VDA and causes the VDA to ping the XDC at an interval half that of the time specified by this setting. By default the XDC will consider contact to have been lost, and discard the VDA's registration, if no ping is received within the full time specified (i.e. the timeout is double the ping interval).

This setting is dynamic, that is, changing it immediately alters both the active ping interval for all VDAs and the maximum interval enforced by the XDC.

The maximum period over which no ping is received before contact is considered to have been lost can be controlled independently of the VDA ping interval itself using the MaxHeartbeatIntervalMs setting.

LaunchLicenseCheckPeriodSec int 30 Seconds The time between checks that the launching XDC performs to allow ownership of the license for a new session to be handed over to the central license mechanism.


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Name Type Default Info Description

LaunchRetryPeriodSec int 5 Seconds Minimum=


Period after which users of the XML service are hinted to retry launches that are delayed due to circumstances such as VMs needing to be started to satisfy the launch.

LicensingCacheFileLocation string The directory in the file system where the policy engine will write the cache file that holds cached information from the license server.

MachineSinBinStayTimeSecs int 60 Seconds Minimum=0

Period during which new brokering requests are inhibited to a machine following a failed launch (applicable to shared desktops only).


int 5 Minimum=1

Maximum number of concurrent registration hardening operations on machine registrations that the Registration Hardening site service will perform.

MaxDisconnectWaitTimeSecs int 10 Seconds Minimum=0

Maximum time to wait for session disconnect to occur after disconnect request issued.


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Name Type Default Info Description

MaxHeartbeatIntervalMs int -1 Milliseconds Minimum=-1

Defines the maximum period between receipt of two pings from a VDA by the XDC before contact is considered to have been lost and the VDA's registration discarded. By default, where this setting is not specified, the value of the HeartbeatPeriodMs setting is used.

If specified, this value must be at least half that of the current HeartbeatPeriodMs value, otherwise the HeartbeatPeriodMs value overrides this setting.

This setting does not change the frequency at which a VDA sends out pings to a XDC.

MaxLogoffWaitTimeSecs int 10 Seconds Minimum=0

Maximum time to wait for session logoff to occur after logoff request issued.

MaxPendingSessions int 1024 Specifies the maximum number of concurrent pending connections to a single WCF service endpoint of the broker service.


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Name Type Default Info Description


int 600 Seconds Minimum=1

Maximum time within which the registration sequence for a single machine must complete. This refers to both immediate hard registrations, and soft to hard registration transitions. If the registration fails to complete within this time then the machine's partial registration is discarded by the broker.


int 200 Seconds Minimum=10

Used for logon ticket lifetime, VDA listening timeout, and deadline imposed by the broker for evidence of client connection.

MaxTimeForPrepareSecs int 60 Seconds Minimum=5

A deadline imposed by the broker for launch preamble ahead of the PrepareSession call to the VDA. Following successful PrepareSession, the MaxSessionEstablishmentTimeSecs setting will be applied to replace this initial timeout.

MaxWorkers int 10000 The limit for the number of registered VDAs that the controller will accept.


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Name Type Default Info Description

MinHeartbeatPeriodMs int 30000 Milliseconds Minimum=0 Maximum=3600000

Defines the minimum period between two ping messages sent from the VDA to the XDC. This setting is only used if both XDC and VDA are from the XenDesktop 6 release or later where the ping mechanism also relays load data.

Note that because the ping mechanism also relays state information to the XDC, when a state update is required, an immediate ping is sent even where the minimum period has not elapsed since the previous ping.

The period itself is sent from XDC to VDA as part of the ping mechanism.


int 5 The earliest major version of VDA install that is compatible with the XDC.


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Name Type Default Info Description


int 15 Seconds Minimum=0

Minimum interval between accurate recounts by a broker of the number of machines that are registered with it. This interval is designed to prevent a broker that is at or close to its registration limit from flooding the database server with work in the registration storm that could result if another broker in the site should fail. If this value is set to zero then the broker will perform accurate registration counts as required with no time-based restrictions; this is not recommended however.

MinVdaStatusUpdatePeriodMs int 1000 Milliseconds Minimum=0

Period to limit the rate at which VDAs can send status updates to the XDCs.


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Name Type Default Info Description


int 30 Seconds Minimum=0

Grace period after which a session would otherwise be considered non-contactable before automatic session hiding during reconnect can occur. The grace period prevents transient failures from causing sessions to be hidden if a reconnect should occur just after the failure.

The grace period does not apply to sessions on managed machines where contact has also been lost with the hypervisor. Losing contact with both the VDA and its hypervisor causes immediate session hiding during reconnect.

ProtectedSessionReconnectSecs int 15 Seconds Minimum=0

Grace period after a session launch request (for reconnect/steal) during which a session deletion or disconnect event does not cause the pending launch request to be cancelled. This ensures the subsequently created session is correctly associated with the original launch request.


int 1000 Milliseconds Minimum=0

Length of time VDAs are told to delay before sending status updates to the XDC. This delay allows multiple status changes to be collected into one status update notification.


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Name Type Default Info Description


int 15000 Milliseconds Minimum=0

Period after which site data that changes in the database is noticed by the XDCs.

SupportMultipleForest bool FALSE Allows the XDC to accept registrations from VDAs in a different Active Directory forest to that containing the XDC itself. In this situation the VDA must be authenticated using NTLM rather than the more secure Kerberos protocol, thus this feature is disabled by default.


int 5 Seconds Minimum=1

The timeout when verifying the connection between the broker and a VDA during a registration request.


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Name Type Default Info Description

UpdateLoadIndexThreshold int 500 Minimum=0 Maximum=10000

Defines the maximum allowed change within an individual load rule index's value before the VDA sends updated load data to the XDC. The load data is sent using the ping mechanism, thus changes to the load on the VDA machine may cause pings to be sent more frequently than the interval specified by the HeartbeatPeriodMs setting.

Even if this update threshold is exceeded, updated load data is not sent if the minimum period since the previous ping as specified by the MinHeartbeatPeriodMs setting has not yet elapsed.

The threshold value itself is sent from XDC to VDA as part of the ping mechanism.

UseIPAddressFromWcf bool TRUE Indicates that the XDC should use the IP address from the WCF connection rather than find the IP address from DNS or WINS.

UserDrivenResetTimeoutMs int 30000 Milliseconds Minimum=0

How long to allow for a user-driven reset power-off action to complete (success or fail).


int 30 Seconds Minimum=0

Interval between WI retries used during transient registration state changes where the VDA is unable to process a launch request.


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Name Type Default Info Description


int 2 Seconds Minimum=0

Interval between WI retries used during transient session state changes where the VDA is unable to process a launch request. This is only used for short periods, and does not apply to lengthy state changes related to VM start-up etc.


int 90 Number of minutes between checks on whether a machine's policy settings are out of date and need to be refreshed.


Name Type Default Info Description


int 3600 Seconds How long a completed power action is retained in the database before being purged.


int 600000 Milliseconds The maximum delay before the first retry of a failed hosting management component start-up.


int 10000 Milliseconds The maximum delay between retries of failed hosting management component start-up attempts.


int 30 Seconds The period at which the broker service polls the Citrix Hosting Unit Service to detect possible changes in the configuration of the hypervisor connections in use.


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Name Type Default Info Description


int 20 Minutes How long the broker should 'sin bin' a VM that is being re-created, preventing it from being selected in brokering or otherwise started automatically by power management automation. This state is cleared upon completion of VM re-creation.

MachineStartSinBinSeconds int 300 Seconds How long a machine that fails to start should remain in a 'sin bin' that prevents it from being selected to to automatically started again.

MaxFailedRegistrationsAllowed int 2 How many times a VM can fail to register before we put it into maintenance mode. A negative value means that we never automatically put a VM into maintenance mode.

MaxRegistrationDelayMin int 20 Minutes How long to wait in minutes after a VM is powered on before a failure to receive a registration from the VM is deemed a problem.

This setting is also used in combination with the RebootSchedule/MaxShutdownDelayMin setting to define the maximum allowed time for a machine (either physical or a VM) to successfully reboot during reboot schedule processing.


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Name Type Default Info Description


int 300 Seconds How long to wait in seconds after a machine started but did not receive any notification from the HCL that the VM tools are running. After this timeout a machine's fault state would be set to StuckOnBoot.


int 600 Seconds How long to wait in seconds after a machine started but remains unregistered with the Broker (with or without attempting to register). After this timeout a machine's fault state would be set to Unregistered.

PvdImageUpdateTimeoutMins int 2880 Minutes How long a machine that fails to register after starting the PVD image update process should be allowed to remain in the updating state before the PVD state is forcibly set back to "None"; setting the state back to "None" is a fall-back action to allow another PVD machine on the same hypervisor connection to try to update its image in the case that the update process breaks registration (the number of machines on a hypervisor connection allowed to do an image update being separately throttled).


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Name Type Default Info Description

StarvationBoostPeriodSec int 600 Seconds The period between automatic power action boosting to avoid low priority actions being always pre-empted by higher priority actions.


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DesktopServer\IdleSessions IdleSessionsSettings

Name Type Default Info Description

MaxIdleSessionToTerminatePercent int 1 Minimum=1 Maximum=100

Maximum number of sessions to terminate when load threshold on the machine and desktop group are hit.

MaxRetriesPerSession int 3 Minimum=1 Maximum time a logoff/disconnect operation is retried before the session is put into a sin bin.

MaxSessionOperationWaitTimeSecs int 30 Minimum=30 Maximum time a logoff/disconnect operation is to be performed in for the list of sessions on each worker.

SinBinDurationSecs int 180 Seconds Minimum=60

Maximum time a session is put into sin bin when a logoff/disconnect performed on it does not happen with the specified time and maximum retries.


Name Type Default Info Description EnableXmlServiceSidEnumeration bool FALSE Enables XML Service

SID Enumeration on a per server basis.

UseNetworkLogon bool TRUE Indicates that the logon form used to validate user credentials is a 'local logon' or a 'network logon'.


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Name Type Default Info Description XmlListeners int 500 Minimum=1

Maximum=1000 The maximum number of requests that the XML service will process concurrently. If more requests than this number are outstanding, the additional requests are queued until processing of one or more existing requests completes. The Broker service must be restarted for it recognise a change to this value.

XmlServicesEnableNonSsl bool TRUE Enables listening for http requests.

XmlServicesEnableSsl bool TRUE Enables listening for https requests.

XmlServicesPort int 80 The port that the XML service will listen on for http requests.

XmlServicesSslPort int 443 The port that the XML service will listen on for https requests.

XmlServicesTargetAddress string The portion of the URL to define the host address which is used by the XML services as its own target URL. If no value if specified then the host address is defaulted to '+'.


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Name Type Default Info Description XmlStaIdentity string Must be defined for

the STA to function. Must contain only upper case letter and digit characters. Must be less than 32 characters long. Usually of the form 'STAXXXXXXXX' where XXXXXX is a hexadecimal number.

XmlStaRefreshableTicket LifetimeInSeconds

int 500 Seconds The time for which a refreshable ticket remains live (without being refreshed).

XmlStaTicketLifetimeInSeconds int 100 Seconds The time for which a non-refreshable ticket remains live.

XmlWpnbrRequestTimeoutMs int 20000 Milliseconds How long to wait in milliseconds before a Wpnbr request is timed out.

XmsStartupRetryPeriodLimitMs int 600000 Milliseconds The maximum delay before the first retry of a failed XML services start-up.

XmsStartupRetryPeriodStartMaxMs int 10000 Milliseconds The maximum delay between retries of failed XML services start-up attempts.


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DesktopServer\RebootSchedule RebootScheduleSettings

Name Type Default Info Description MaxActionThreads int 5 Minimum=1


Maximum number of threads allowed to be active concurrently in the Reboot Cycle Manager site service to perform actions requiring synchronous CBP communication with VDAs. These actions are sending reboot warning notification messages, and requesting the reboot of physical machines.

MaxPvDPrepareTimeMins int 60 Minutes Minimum=1 Maximum=180

Maximum time allowed for a PvD prepare operation to complete during a reboot cycle started for PvD image rollout purposes. If a prepare operation does not complete within this time it is deemed to have failed.

MaxShutdownDelayMin int 10 Minutes Minimum=1 Maximum=60

Maximum time allowed for a VM to shutdown during reboot cycle processing before the reboot of the VM is deemed to have failed.

This setting is also used in combination with the MaxRegistrationDelayMin setting to define the maximum allowed time for a machine (either physical or VM) to successfully reboot during reboot schedule processing.

RebootCycleDataLifetimeHours int 336 Hours Minimum=0

Time for which data for completed/cancelled/abandoned reboot cycles is retained before being purged.


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ISCMSettings Name Type Default Info Description

InterServiceConfigRefreshPeriodMs int 120000 Milliseconds The period between polls of the Central Configuration Service by the inter-service connection manager component to refresh its lists of available service instances.

MaxMsInterService ConnectionRetryPeriod

int 60000 Milliseconds The maximum time that the inter-service connection manager component allows to establish contact with a single instance of a particular service before considering that instance to be unavailable.


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DesktopServer\DataStore\Connections\Controller DBConnectionSettings

Name Type Default Info Description ConnectionString string The connection string used

by the broker service to contact the database.

ConnectivityRetryDelaySecs int 10 Seconds Minimum=1

Interval between command batch retries when database connectivity appears to have been lost.

MaxConnectivityLossSecs int 300 Seconds Minimum=0

Maximum elapsed time over which a command batch can be retried when database connectivity appears to have been lost.

MaxTxRetries int 5 Seconds Minimum=0

Maximum number of command batch execution retries following errors not related to loss of database connectivity.

MaxTxRetryIntervalMs int 1000 Milliseconds Minimum=10

Maximum retry interval between command batch execution attempts following errors not related to loss of database connectivity. The actual retry interval used is a random value between this value and that specified by the MinTxRetryIntervalMs setting.


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Name Type Default Info Description MinTxRetryIntervalMs int 500 Milliseconds

Minimum=10 Minimum retry interval between command batch execution attempts following errors not related to loss of database connectivity. The actual retry interval used is a random value between this value and that specified by the MaxTxRetryIntervalMs setting.

ProviderName string System.Data.SqlClient

The name of the database provider used for the database connection.

ReaperDeferralPeriodSecs int 45 Seconds Minimum=0

Period after database connectivity is restored following loss, before which reaper actions of the broker service are inhibited. Setting this value too low may result in VDA registrations being dropped by the broker service following temporary loss of database connectivity.

SdkSqlQueryTimeoutSecs int 30 Seconds Minimum=1


Maximum time allowed for an SDK 'get' query to start returning data from the SQL server before it is timed-out and abandoned. The query will typically be retried following a time-out; the retry logic is controlled by other database connection settings.


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DesktopServer\SiteServices SiteServicesSettings

Name Type Default Info Description

ControllerKeepalivePollMs int 20000 Milliseconds Minimum=5


The time between controller heartbeat updates to its recorded last activity time in the database. The last activity time, in conjunction with the MaxControllerInactivitySecs setting, is used to enable detection of failed controllers in a site.

LeasePeriodSecs int 40 Seconds Minimum=1


The time for which a site service lease remains valid once acquired by a controller in the site. A service lease must be renewed by the owning controller before it expires otherwise it may be acquired by another controller in the site.

LeaseRefreshPollAfterFailoverSecs int 5 Seconds Minimum=1

If a controller acquires a site service lease due to the failure of another controller in the site, then the next lease renewal request follows after this period. This should be less than the LeaseRefreshPollSecs setting value and is designed to increase the rate at which service leases are moved away from a failed controller (only a single lease can be moved during each lease renewal request).


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Name Type Default Info Description

LeaseRefreshPollSecs int 30 Seconds Minimum=5

The period between site service lease renewal requests by a controller. This must be less than the LeasePeriodSecs setting value. The lease renewal request is also the point at which new site service leases can be acquired. Note that each renewal request applies to all leases currently held by the controller.

MaxControllerInactivitySecs int 40 Seconds Minimum=10

Maximum elapsed time allowed since the last recorded activity time of a controller before it is considered to have failed by other controllers in the site. This value should be significantly greater than the ControllerKeepalivePollMs setting value, otherwise bogus controller failures may be detected causing potentially expensive moves of site services between controllers.

MaxShutdownTimeSecs int 20 Seconds Minimum=1

Maximum time that the Site Service Manager will wait during shutdown for all services active on the local controller to stop. Any services still active after this time will be assumed to have hung and will be stopped by virtue of the controller process exiting; if this occurs the service may not shutdown cleanly.


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DesktopServer\NameCache NameCacheSettings

Name Type Default Info Description


bool FALSE Disables automatic traversal of the trust relationships to the Citrix Broker Service controller's computer domain used to identify domains and forests available for performing name lookups. If disabled, only Domain Controllers in the controller’s domain, or Global Catalogs in the controller's forest are used for name lookups. When disabled, machine and user names from remote forests are typically not available.

DisableDomainCaching bool FALSE Prevents persistent connections being held open to a Domain Controller in each domain visible to the Citrix Broker Service, but incurs additional setup cost each time a name lookup is performed against a domain.


int 5 Minimum=1 Maximum number of concurrent threads that will be used during identification of AD forests and domains that trust the current domain of the controller.


int 60 Minutes Minimum=10

Time between queries to the AD infrastructure designed to identify AD forests and domains that trust the current domain of the controller, that is, domains that can be searched directly by the controller for account name information.


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Name Type Default Info Description


int 3000 Milliseconds Minimum=0

Maximum time to wait for machine name resolution during creation of a desktop.


int 60 Minutes Minimum=1

Period after which cached AD user/group account name, or machine name details are refreshed in the case where the SAM name of the cached entity could not be obtained (the cache may thus either contain no SAM name information, or potentially an out of date value).

NameRefreshPeriodMins int 1440 Minutes Minimum=5

Period after which cached AD user/group account name, or machine name details are refreshed in the case where the SAM name of the cached entity was successfully obtained.


int 1000 Milliseconds Minimum=0

Period over which on-demand background name lookups to refresh specific entries in an AD cache will be coalesced in an attempt to reduce the number of small lookup requests issued to AD.

RefreshDBBatchSize int 250 Minimum=1 When refreshing one of the AD name caches, defines the maximum number of expired entries to read from the database in a single read operation. All entries to be refreshed are iterated over in batches of this size. This value does not relate to the maximum number of objects batched into a single request when requesting new data from AD itself.


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DesktopServer\Logging LoggingSettings

Name Type Default Info Description

ConnectionLogLifetimeHours int 48 Hours Minimum=0

Time for which connection log entries are kept before being purged.

HypervisorAlertLifetimeHours int 168 Hours Minimum=0

Time for which hypervisor alert entries are kept before being purged.


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DesktopServer\MachineCommandQueues MachineCommandQueuesSettings

Name Type Default Info Description

MachineCommandQueueLifetimeHours int 24 Hours Minimum=0

Time for which data for sent/cancelled/expired machine command messages are retained before being purged.


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DesktopServer\ConnectionLeasing ConnectionLeasingSettings

Name Type Default Info Description DeletionCheckItemLimitPerCycle

int 100 Minimum=1 Setting that controls the number of items check for possible deletion each deletion check interval, per item category. The number of items checked in a particular cycle is by whole subdirectories, so may exceed this limit by the size of the last subdirectory encountered.

EnumerationLeaseKeyMask int 9 Setting that controls the components of the enumeration lease key. Bit 0 - User Sid Bit 1 - Client Name Bit 2 - Client IP Address Bit 3 - ViaAG flag Bit 4 - AccessTags


int 3 Minutes Setting that controls the maximum time the logon tickets are cached in memory before they are discarded.

LeaseExpirationTimeInMins int 20160 Minutes Setting that specifies the time in minutes after which the lease will expire once it is stored in the database. The expired leases are removed every 30 minutes by the site service. Setting an expiration value smaller than 30 minutes would need a change to the site service frequency if the lease needs to be removed earlier. Expired leases will not be used by the controller even if they are still present in the lease cache.


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Name Type Default Info Description LeaseMarkedDeletedTimeInMins

int 30 Minutes Setting that specific the maximum time a lease will remain in deleted state before its purged.

MaxItemsPerSyncCycle int 1000 The maximum number of lease to sync per sync cycle. This helps to throttle and restrict the number of disk writes that would be generated every time the sync runs.


int 5 Setting that controls the maximum number of time we will attempt to delete the local cache directory in case of IO exceptions.


int 10 Setting that specifies the life time of an unchanged lease before its expiration time is refreshed. The value is specified as a fraction of the LeaseExpirationTimeInMins.

PendingFailureMaxSecs int 90 Seconds Setting that specific the maximum time in seconds to wait before entering leasing mode on hitting pending failure state in the DAL layer.

SyncCleanupDelaySecs int 120 Seconds Setting that controls the time between stale lease and cached data cleanup cycles.

SyncIntervalSecs int 10 Seconds Setting that specifies the intervals in which to check for any leases to sync. A sane value must he larger than SiteDynamicDataRefreshPeriodMs, as site dynamic data refreshed will tell when lease and other data last changed.


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Name Type Default Info Description SyncLocation string %Program


The location on local disk where the leases are to be cached.

SyncStartDelayMins int 1 Minutes Setting that controls the time to elapse before the first sync can run after the controller service has been started.

UploadQueueIdleMaxSecs int 10 Seconds Setting that controls the max time to wait for the upload queue to be idle. Once the queue idle time pass this limit, even if the queue item threshold is not reached the contents of the lease queue will be upload for sync.

UploadQueueMaxItems int 100 Setting that controls the max items to queue before lease upload is triggered.

Broker\Service\State\ConnectionLeasing Note: This area is dynamically updated by the broker service during normal operation and any changes made by customers will be overwritten (and any changes may cause dynamic issues to connection leasing operation leading to missed leases and potential other issues). This area is where the broker is using the registry as a dynamic persistent store and should be considered as a read-only store. This configuration does not have any applicable policy settings. ConnectionLeasingState

Name Type Default Info Description

ApplicationChangesCurrentEnumLastUidRetrieved long 0 The last app retrieved during the current sync check.

ApplicationChangesCurrentEnumStartTime DateTime 0 The time when the current sync check for changes started.


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Name Type Default Info Description

ApplicationChangesLastCheckTime DateTime 0 The time when the apps were last checked for changes.

ApplicationDeletionLastCheckTime DateTime 0 The time when the apps were last checked for delete changes.

DesktopDeletionLastCheckTime DateTime 0 The time when the Leases were last checked for delete changes.

DnsResolutionEnabled bool FALSE Indicates that the Controller should use dns resolution for workers when in leasing.

Enabled bool FALSE Indicates that the Controller should use connection leasing, when the DB is not available.

IconChangesCurrentEnumLastUidRetrieved long 0 The last icon retrieved during the current sync check..


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Name Type Default Info Description

IconChangesCurrentEnumStartTime DateTime 0 The time when the current sync check for changes started.

IconChangesLastCheckTime DateTime 0 The time when the icons were last checked for changes.

IconDeletionLastCheckTime DateTime 0 The time when the icons were last checked for delete changes.

LeaseChangesCurrentEnumLastUidRetrieved long 0 The last Lease retrieved during the current sync check..

LeaseChangesCurrentEnumStartTime DateTime 0 The time when the current sync check for changes started.

LeaseChangesLastCheckTime DateTime 0 The time when the Leases were last checked for changes.

LeaseDeletionLastCheckTime DateTime 0 The time when the Leases were last checked for delete changes.


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Name Type Default Info Description

PrivateDesktopChangesCurrentEnumLastUidRetrieved long 0 The last private desktop retrieved during the current sync check..

PrivateDesktopChangesCurrentEnumStartTime DateTime 0 The time when the current sync check for changes started.

PrivateDesktopChangesLastCheckTime DateTime 0 The time when the private desktops were last checked for changes.

SharedDesktopChangesCurrentEnumLastUidRetrieved long 0 The last shared desktop retrieved during the current sync check..

SharedDesktopChangesCurrentEnumStartTime DateTime 0 The time when the current sync check for changes started.

SharedDesktopChangesLastCheckTime DateTime 0 The time when the Leases were last checked for changes.

SiteGuid string The site GUID last used.


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Name Type Default Info Description

WorkerChangesCurrentEnumLastUidRetrieved long 0 The last Worker retrieved during the current sync check..

WorkerChangesCurrentEnumStartTime DateTime 0 The time when the current sync check for changes started.

WorkerChangesLastCheckTime DateTime 0 The time when the Workers were last checked for changes.

WorkerDeletionLastCheckTime DateTime 0 The time when the Workers were last checked for delete changes.


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Citrix Director Registry Keys Location Hive Value Type Notes

VDA HKLM \Software\Citrix\Director\Task ManagerDataDisplayed


Setting for Director VDAplugin for displaying the Applications in Task Manager

Director server


Privileged Service Registry Keys The service install location: HKLM\Software\Citrix\PrivilegedService\InstallLocation This is used to determine whether the service is installed.


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Citrix Studio Hive Key Value Type Details

HKLM SOFTWARE\Citrix\Citrix Desktop Delivery Controller\Configuration Data\RoleConfiguration

* string Path(s) to load the DA role configuration files from

HKLM SOFTWARE\Citrix\Citrix Desktop Delivery Controller\Configuration Data\RoleConfiguration

Studio string Path to the Studio DA role configuration file

HKLM SOFTWARE\Citrix\Citrix Desktop Delivery Controller\Configuration Data

EditionsAndFeatur es

string Path to load the feature table from

HKLM SOFTWARE\Citrix\DesktopSt udio

InstallLocation string Path to Studio install location

HKLM SOFTWARE\Citrix\OnlineErr orReporting

Disable int Non-zero to disable error reporting (across all components that use error reporting)

HKLM SOFTWARE\Citrix\DesktopSt udio (32bit) | SOFTWARE\Wow6442Node\ Citrix\DesktopStudio (64bit)

ClientHostedApps Enabled

int Non-zero to enable local access apps

HKCU SOFTWARE\Citrix\XenDeskt op\DesktopStudio

DoNotShowFullDe ployIntro

int Disables wizard intro page (non zero to disable)

HKCU SOFTWARE\Citrix\XenDeskt op\DesktopStudio

DoNotShowCreate Applications

int Disables wizard intro page (non zero to disable)

HKCU SOFTWARE\Citrix\XenDeskt op\DesktopStudio

DoNotShowCreate DesktopGroupIntr o

int Disables wizard intro page (non zero to disable)

HKCU SOFTWARE\Citrix\XenDeskt op\DesktopStudio

DoNotShowCreate Local Access ApplicationIntro

int Disables wizard intro page (non zero to disable)

HKCU SOFTWARE\Citrix\XenDeskt op\DesktopStudio

DoNotShowCreate CatalogIntro

int Disables wizard intro page (non zero to disable)

HKCU SOFTWARE\Citrix\XenDeskt op\DesktopStudio

DoNotShowAppVI ntro

int Disables top level intro page (non zero to disable)

HKCU SOFTWARE\Citrix\XenDeskt op\DesktopStudio

DoNotShowDeleg atedAdminIntro

int Disables top level intro page (non zero to disable)

HKCU SOFTWARE\Citrix\XenDeskt op\DesktopStudio

DoNotShowGroup PolicyIntro

int Disables top level intro page (non zero to disable)


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Hive Key Value Type Details HKCU SOFTWARE\Citrix\XenDeskt

op\DesktopStudio DoNotShowConfig LoggingIntro

int Disables top level intro page (non zero to disable)

HKCU SOFTWARE\Citrix\XenDeskt op\DesktopStudio

DoNotShowReceiv erStorefrontIntro

int Disables top level intro page (non zero to disable)


Page 59: Registry Key Entries Used by XenDesktop 7 - · RunAs String CTXAPPVCOMADMIN 2.2.2 Key:HKCR \CLSID \[APPID] Default String "Citrix.VirtApp.Vda.Com.AppVObject" APPID

Virtual Desktop Agent Type Location RegValue Name Reg Type Default Possible

Values Description

LAA(Server-side registry settings) Registry 32-bit machines

HKLM\Software\Citrix\L ocal Access Apps 64-bit machine HKLM\Software\Wow64 32Node\Citrix\Local Access Apps

CacheCHSIcons REG_DWORD 1 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled

Cache shortcut icons: Caching of shortcut icons helps in avoiding network traffic for every connection/reconnection. Icons are cached by default, if no value is present.

Registry For 32-bit machine HKLM\Software\Citrix\L ocal Access Apps For 64-bit machines HKLM\Software\Wow64 32Node\Citrix\Local Access Apps

CHSShortcutEnu merationLimit

REG_DWORD 250 Integer value

Limit to the number of shortcuts that can be enumerated in the session. The Desktop is enumerated first and then the Programs menu.

Registry 32-bit machines: HKLM\Software\Citrix\C lient Hosted Apps\Policies\Session State 64-bit machines HKLM\Software\Wow64 32Node\Citrix\Client Hosted Apps\Policies\Session State

Terminate REG_DWORD 1 1- Do nothing


Set the registry to configure Action on Local Apps when user logs off/disconnect the Session.

Registry HKCU\Software\Citrix\L ProgramsCHSEn REG_DWORD 1 0 - Disabled, Retrieve start menu programs


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Type Location RegValue Name Reg Type Default Possible Values


ocal Access Apps abled 1 - Enabled shortcuts: Start menu programs shortcuts are retrieved by default, if no value is present.

Registry HKCU\Software\Citrix\L ocal Access Apps

DesktopCHSFold erName

REG_SZ Local Deskto p

String Display name of desktop shortcuts folder: If client desktop shortcuts are retrieved then specifies the display name of the folder on the desktop where shortcuts will be placed. If folder name is empty, then shortcuts will not be added. If folder with same name already exists, it will not be overwritten. If no desktop shortcuts were retrieved from client, then "Local Desktop" is not created. Sub folders present on client desktop are created inside "Local Desktop". If any subfolder has no shortcuts, then that subfolder is not created. File system folder name is always Citrix_CHS_Desktop-8912C333- ACF9-4569-932A- 2EAD89A8B2DE. "Local Desktop" is taken as display name by default, if no value is present.

Registry HKCU\Software\Citrix\L ProgramsCHSFol REG_SZ Local String Display name of start menu


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Type Location RegValue Name Reg Type Default Possible Values


ocal Access Apps derName Progra ms

programs shortcuts folder: If client programs menu shortcuts are retrieved then specifies the display name of the folder in the programs menu where shortcuts will be placed. If folder name is empty then shortcuts will not be added. If folder with same name already exists, it will not be overwritten. If no programs shortcuts were retrieved from client, then "Local Programs" is not created. Sub folders present on client programs are created inside "Local Programs". If any subfolder has no shortcuts, then that subfolder is not created. File system folder name is always Citrix_CHS_Programs-8912C333- ACF9-4569-932A- 2EAD89A8B2DE. "Local Programs" is taken as display name by default, if no value is present.

Registry HKCU\Software\Citrix\L ocal Access Apps

RedirectFinalUR Ls

REG_DWORD 0 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled

Let Internet explorer wait until final URL is fully navigated by


Page 62: Registry Key Entries Used by XenDesktop 7 - · RunAs String CTXAPPVCOMADMIN 2.2.2 Key:HKCR \CLSID \[APPID] Default String "Citrix.VirtApp.Vda.Com.AppVObject" APPID

Type Location RegValue Name Reg Type Default Possible Values


the browser: Before redirection, let Internet explorer wait till final URL is fully navigated by the browser, instead of entered URL by the user. Setting it to 1, enables redirecting final navigated URLs. By default, URLs entered by user are redirected from server to client.

Registry HKCU\Software\Citrix\L ocal Access Apps

DesktopCHSMer ge

REG_DWORD 0 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled

Merge client desktop shortcuts: This value determines if client desktop shortcuts are merged with those of host after they are retrieved. If shortcut with same name already exists, then new shortcut will not be added. If a file is present with same display name as shortcut, then file will not be deleted. Shortcuts are kept both at "Local Desktop" and directly on desktop. Shortcuts that were not added because of merging can be launched through the folder. Shortcuts are not merged by default, if no value is present.

Registry HKCU\Software\Citrix\L ocal Access Apps

ProgramsCHSMe rge

REG_DWORD 0 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled

Merge start menu programs shortcuts: This value determines


Page 63: Registry Key Entries Used by XenDesktop 7 - · RunAs String CTXAPPVCOMADMIN 2.2.2 Key:HKCR \CLSID \[APPID] Default String "Citrix.VirtApp.Vda.Com.AppVObject" APPID

Type Location RegValue Name Reg Type Default Possible Values


if client start menu programs shortcuts are merged with those of host after they are retrieved. If shortcut with same name already exists, then new shortcut will not be added. If a file is present with same display name as shortcut, then file will not be deleted. Shortcuts are kept both at "Local Desktop" and directly on desktop. Shortcuts that were not added because of merging can be launched through the folder. Shortcuts are not merged by default, if no value is present.

LAA(Client-side registry settings) Registry HKCU\Software\Citrix\IC

A Client\CHS DesktopFolders REG_MULTI_S

Z Empty String List Paths to the folders containing

shortcuts to be placed on the remote desktop. If shortcut with the same name found in more than one folder then last found shortcut will be used. If value is not found in the registry then standard Windows desktop is enumerated. Standard Windows desktop folder are obtained by calling Win32 SHGetFolderPath API with CSIDLs


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Type Location RegValue Name Reg Type Default Possible Values


CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRE CTORY and CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY in that order. When shortcuts with the same name are encountered in different folders, the latest shortcut is used. For example, if "Notepad" exists in both CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRE CTORY and CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY the one from CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY will be used. .Net equivalent for SHGetFolderPath is Environment.GetFolderPath. If value is found, but empty then no shortcuts are enumerated. Environment variables could be used in folders paths.

Registry HKCU\Software\Citrix\IC A Client\CHS

ProgramsFolders REG_MULTI_S Z

Empty String List Paths to the folders containing shortcuts to be placed in the remote programs menu. If shortcut with the same name is found in more than one folder then last found shortcut will be used. If value is not found in the registry then standard Windows programs menu is enumerated.


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Type Location RegValue Name Reg Type Default Possible Values


Standard Windows programs menu folder are obtained by calling Win32 SHGetFolderPath API with CSIDLs CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS and CSIDL_PROGRAMS in that order. When shortcuts with the same name are encountered in different folders, the latest shortcut is used. For example, if "Notepad" exists in both CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS and CSIDL_PROGRAMS the one from CSIDL_PROGRAMS will be used. .Net equivalent for SHGetFolderPath is Environment.GetFolderPath. If value is found, but empty then no shortcuts are enumerated. Environment variables could be used in folders paths

Registry HKCU\Software\Citrix\IC A Client\CHS

RedirectFinalUR Ls

REG_DWORD 0 0 - Disabled1 - Enabled

Before redirection, let Internet explorer wait until final URL is fully navigated by the browser, instead of entered URL by the user. Setting it to 1, enables redirecting final navigated URLs. By default, URLs entered by user are redirected from client to


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Type Location RegValue Name Reg Type Default Possible Values


server. Registry HKLM\Software\Citrix\I

CA Client\RSM SessionApplicati onLimit

REG_DWORD The number of client hosted applications/shortcuts that a user can have running in a session (Default value: 100). Once the limit is reached any client hosted applications/shortcuts launched by the user will fail silently; a CDF Error trace message will be logged.

Registry HKLM\Software\Citrix\I CA Client\RSM\Applications \<application_name.exe > (For e.g firefox.exe)

REG_DWORD Type, flags Special Application flags: Application type and flags that can be specified to get better window taskbar integration inside sessions.

CDM settings Registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE

\SYSTEM\CurrentContro lSet\services\picadm\Pa rameters

EnableCcReadCa che

REG_DWORD 1 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled

Set this value to enable file system read caching of CDM files on VDA

Registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM\CurrentContro lSet\services\picadm\Pa rameters

EnableCcWriteC ache

REG_DWORD 1 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled

Set this value to enable file system write caching of CDM files on VDA

COM/LPT feature DEPRECATED in Excalibur. Following settings required to enable the feature. Registry HKLM\Software\Citrix\G

roupPolicy\Defaults\De precated

AllowComPortR edirection

REG_DWORD 0 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled


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Type Location RegValue Name Reg Type Default Possible Values


Registry HKLM\Software\Citrix\G roupPolicy\Defaults\De precated

LimitComBw REG_DWORD 0 Integer value

Registry HKLM\Software\Citrix\G roupPolicy\Defaults\De precated

LimitComBWPer cent

REG_DWORD 0 percentage

Registry HKLM\Software\Citrix\G roupPolicy\Defaults\De precated

AllowLptPortRed irection

REG_DWORD 0 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled

Registry HKLM\Software\Citrix\G roupPolicy\Defaults\De precated

LimitLptBw REG_DWORD 0 Integer value

Registry HKLM\Software\Citrix\G roupPolicy\Defaults\De precated

LimitLptBwPerce nt

REG_DWORD 0 Percentage

Registry HKLM\Software\Citrix\G roupPolicy\Defaults\De precated

AutoConnectClie ntComPorts

REG_DWORD 0 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled

Registry HKLM\Software\Citrix\G roupPolicy\Defaults\De precated

AutoConnectClie ntLptPorts

REG_DWORD 0 0 - Disabled, 1 - Enabled
