Page 1: Reg: No 352 Volume No. 3563 Saturday April 15, 2017 Hamal ... 15... · Reg: No 352 Volume No. 3563 Saturday April 15, 2017 Hamal 26, 1396 Price: 15/-Afs Quote of the Day Perfection

Reg: No 352 Volume No. 3563 Saturday April 15, 2017 Hamal 26, 1396 Price: 15/-Afs

Quote of the DayPerfection of means and

confusion of ends seems to characterize our age.

Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Email: [email protected]: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019

Pakistan Plans Water Treaty with


Experts on Afghanistan expressed concern over the growth of a terrorism threat in the country on the sidelines of the Russian-hosted Afghanistan peace conference.

Fresh Offensive Launched Against Militants in Kunduz

16 Rebels Dead as Security Forces Launch Offensive to

Retake Nawa District

MOSCOW - Participants of the Russian-hosted Afghanistan peace conference expressed concern over the growth of a

KABUL - The U.S Ambassador to Kabul, Hugo Llorens, and this week warned that corruption would kill Afghanistan if left unchecked and called on all Afghans to help curb the scourge. Llorens said in a statement that government “should be beyond re-proach.”“Afghanistan had made real progress in its march toward democracy and prosperity, webs of corruption in the government and business sectors con-tinue to hold the country back from its full potential. “Cases of bribery, graft, and nepotism

terrorism threat in the country, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement Friday.“In the course of an honest

erode the public’s faith and trust in the very institutions they rely on for protection, justice, and the opportu-nity every Afghan deserves. When Afghans hear of corrupt deals taking place, or are forced to pay bribes to receive essential services, they have every right to feel outraged. “The government, after all, exists to work on the average citizen’s behalf, and should be beyond reproach,” Llo-rens said. He pointed out however that corrup-tion was not just an Afghan problem and that elected officials and business leaders world over, “including in the

and constructive exchange of views on the state and pros-pects of military and political situation in the Islamic Repub-

lic of Afghanistan, the parties expressed concern over the growth of terrorism activity, leading to further bloodshed

and suffering of the Afghan people,” the statement read.The parties agreed that the Af-ghan ...(More on P4)...(1)

WASHINGTON - US National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. HR Mc-Master would visit Afghanistan at the weekend to assess the security situation in the country, President Donald Trump says.McMaster, who is scheduled to visit Islamabad and New Delhi, would find out how progress could be made in the country along with its partners and NATO allies, the president said at joint White House news conference with NATO Secretary General Jens

KABUL - The UN Committee against Torture would be meeting in Geneva from 18 April to 12 May to review human rights situation in the following countries in sessions that would be webcast live, a Statement from the UN committee against tor-ture said on Friday.The committee would review hu-man rights situation in Pakistan

KABUL - The Hezb-i-Islami Afghanistan (HIA) leader, Gulbadin Hekmatyar, says he will soon appear among the people regardless of gov-ernment’s commitment to enforcing the peace deal with his party.A spokesman for the party, Qaribur Rahman Syed, told Pajhwok Afghan News Hek-matyar recently informed an HIA gathering through a letter: “I will soon appear among you, Insha Allah (God willing), whether or not the government honours its promises.”He said the meeting -- Ahl-i-Rai -- was held in the house of former education minister Ghulam Farooq Wardak and chaired by Amin Weqad on Wednesday. The participants also discussed the enforce-ment of the peace deal.Syed said release of HIA pris-oners, a controversial issue for the government, was also discussed at the gathering, which stressed the the resolu-tion of the problem being en-countered by inmates of the party.

KABUL - President Ashraf Ghani calls drug addiction a serious threat to the fu-ture of youth, stressing the need for taking effective measures to eradicate the scourge.Ghani made the remarks during a meeting with Chris Stone, head of the Open So-ciety Foundations (OSF) and the delegation led by him at the Presidential Pal-ace late on Wednesday.A statement from the Presi-

KABUL - Following the use of the largest non-nuclear bomb in combat that was dropped by U.S Forces on a Daesh tar-get in Nangarhar province on Thursday night, the Presiden-tial Palace (ARG) said early Friday the airstrike was con-ducted to support the efforts of the Afghan Security and

ASHGABAT - Turkmenistan, in its foreign policy strategy, attaches special attention to the intensification of dialogue with the neighboring Afghani-stan, diplomatic relations with which mark 25th anniversary, the Turkmen Dovlet Habar-lary state news service report-ed Friday. “Our country sup-

Hekmatyar to Return Whether Peace Deal is

Enforced or Not

Corruption will Kill Afghanistan if Left Unchecked: U.S Envoy

Drug Addiction a Serious Challenge: Ghani

Airstrike was in Support of ANSF Efforts

to Oust Daesh: Arg

Turkmenistan Keen to Intensify Dialogue

with Afghanistan

Parties to Afghan Peace Talks Concerned Over Internal

Terror Growth: Russia

McMaster to Assess Security Situation in Afghanistan

UN Committee Reviews Human Rights Situation in Afghanistan

dential Palace said various subjects, particularly law enforcement, education, fighting extremism, the treatment of drug addicts and counternarcotics meas-ures were discussed.Ghani called drug addiction a serious challenge, saying: “Effective programmes should be created for the prevention of addiction, be-cause this problem is a seri-ous threat to the future of youth.” (Pajhwok)

Defense Forces (ANDSF).“The air strike was designed to support the efforts of the ANSF and U.S. Forces as well as minimize the risk to ANSF and the U.S. Forces conduct-ing clearing operations in the region,” the Presidential Pal-ace said on their twitter page ...(More on P4)...(6)

ports the stabilization of the situation and the settlement of the current difficult situa-tion in the neighboring state by using exclusively peaceful, political and diplomatic, trade and economic and humanitar-ian methods aimed for a long-term perspective,” said the state ...(More on P4)...(7)

LASHKARGAH - Sixteen Taliban insurgents have been killed and 14 wounded during security forces operation in Nawa district of southern Helmand prov-ince, officials said on Thursday.Boarder police officer Col. Zahir Gul Maqbol told Pa-jhwok Afghan News the operation being launched is aimed at retaking the control of Nawa district.He said 16 Taliban were killed in two different areas during the operation by security forces.Meanwhile, Lt. Col. Mohammad Rasoul Zazi spokes-man for Maiwand Military Corps confirmed the launch of fresh offensive and said Afghan forces were being supported by US troops. ...(More on P4)...(8)

KUNDUZ CITY - Large scale operation codenamed Khalid-1 kicked off in northern Kunduz province on Friday, local officials said.Police Chief Brig. Gen. Abdul Hameed Hamidi told Pajhwok Afghan News the operation has been jointly launched by security forces from Kunduz City, the pro-vincial capital.Hameedi said militants fleeing from the area and two insurgents had been killed so far.Security forces and civilians remained unharmed dur-ing the ongoing offensive, he added. (Pajhwok)

The participants also talked about the appearance of Hek-matyar. The Welcome Com-mission head, Mohammad Amin Karim, was directed to invite HIA representatives to the welcome reception for the party leader.The meeting decided the commission should organ-ize another conference today (Thursday) and share its re-port with Ahl-i-Rai members.Some months back, the HIA and the Afghan government signed a historic peace agree-ment. (Pajhwok)

PESHAWAR - Afghan and Pakistani experts are expected to meet soon to exchange water data and the hydrol-ogy of Kabul and Kunar rivers, a news report said on Thursday.Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has con-stituted a committee, which met on March 31, to evolve a water-sharing formula with Afghanistan, The News International quoted sources as say-ing.After the receipt of feedback from the Foreign Office and other relevant organs, the body may reach a water treaty with Afghanistan. “The World Bank has also indicated its willingness to broker a water treaty between Pakistan and Afghanistan,” the newspaper said, adding the bank would facilitate negotiations on the is-sue.Pakistan and Afghanistan share nine rivers with annual flows of about 18.3 million acre feet (MAF). Kabul river accounts for ...(More on P4)...(3)

(18-19 April); Lebanon (20-21 April); Bahrain (21 and 24 April); Afghanistan (25-26 April); Argen-tina (26-27 April) and Republic of Korea (2-3 May).The above are among the 161 States parties to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treat-ment or Punishment, and so are

Stoltenberg. “I’m sending Gen. McMaster to Afghanistan to find out how we can make progress alongside our Afghan partners

United States”, can fall prey to corrup-tion. However, he stated that in all instanc-es justice ...(More on P4)...(2)

and NATO allies,” Trump an-nounced after talks with the NATO chief.The White House, however, ...(More on P4)...(4)

required to undergo regular reviews by the Committee on how they are implementing the Convention and the Committee’s previous recommendations. The Committee, which is com-posed of 10 independent experts, will engage in a dialogue with the respective government del-egations. ...(More on P4)...(5)
