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Facilitating “Wow” Moments through Humor, Novelty, Awe, and Fascination

by Joan Young, M.A.

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Very Briefly.. A little about Me!

Passionate about helping bring out the best in kids so that they “flourish”

4th grade teacher/K teacher/coach/tutor

Author of 25 Super Sight Word Songs

Super Sight Word Songs

Finding Ways for All Kids to Flourish

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A Little About You!On the next board, please share by

typing what you hope to learn and/or contribute to our discussion!

Please indicate your role in education!

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Setting the Stage These ideas are those that will take minimal


The goal is to immunize against the factors of stress and negativity that impact the school day

I invite you to think about the most challenging parts of your day, your classroom and see if you can invent/modify a practice to reset the tone.

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Threats to EnvironmentOn the next board, please write

factors that pose threats to maintaining a positive, effective classroom environment

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Definition of Positive Climate

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Who has inspired me?Dr. Barbara Fredrickson, author of Positivity Broaden and Build Theory of Positive Emotions

got me thinking of how we can capitalize on positive emotions and their effect on cognitive flexibility.

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The expanded cognitive flexibility evident during positive emotional states results in resource building that becomes useful over time. 

Even though a positive emotional state is only momentary, the benefits last in the form of traits, social bonds, and abilities that endure into the future. 

Broaden and Build Theory

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Dr. Judy Willis

neurologist, middle school teacher, author

Dr. John Medina, Brain Rules and Brain Rules for Baby

Dr. John Ratey , author of Spark

Dr. Todd Kashdan, author of Curious

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Who has inspired you?

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Positive Environment

Maximize autonomy, increase choice, raise the bar

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Positive lens

Magnify strengths..minimize challenges

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Got Practical Ideas? yesRoutines and Rituals





Time dedicated to exploration of fascination

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Routines, Rituals, JobsStudent has job of classroom environment

engineer each week

Other jobs: class photographer, blogger, music manager

Jobs promote responsibility, community

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Music is powerfulRaise your hand if you use

music to enhance the mood or set the stage

At the end during questions/discussions I would love to hear how you incorporate music

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Use musicFor transitions: signal

To introduce a new book, topic

To get kids moving between activities

In learning: have students create parodies/songs for learning

How do you use music?

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Novelty Awakens

Present a lesson in a different order, new place, or while talking like a character from the book students are reading.

Start singing the directions or rhyming.

How do you use novelty to engage?

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Be Spontaneous !

Be creative

Ignore negativity from peers

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Power of Awe & Fascination

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Fascination Time

Study what you’re interested in studying

Share a strength or a skill

Work together in a shared exploration or creation

Students can record questions/passions in a journal

Skype an expert in the field

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Awe and Aww…Baby animals promote positive mood

Can you look at them and not smile?

Google: baby animal images

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Humor Protects..Use humor to protect from stress

Celebrate mistakes with humor

Santa’s “slay” : OOPS!

Kids want to make bloopers out of “funny mistakes”

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Celebrate Our Mistakes with Humor

Students love to “catch me” making a mistake.

“ I am so glad you are paying attention! I was testing you!

When we model that mistakes can be funny, we encourage a growth mindset.

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Student Bloopers

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Resources for Humor Benefits

What’s you favorite way to seize the power of humor to uplift?

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Be proactive to prevent stress

Before a big writing test, I spontaneously invited the students to a huddle in the center of the room

We all put a hand in and cheered: We are going to “ROCK THE WRAP!”

The week before our standardized tests, I took pics of students looking above privacy screens with fear. We laughed and dispelled fears.

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Evoke CuriosityFrom the work of psychologist, Todd Kashdan

Curiosity has an impact on anxiety: when you evoke curiosity during a stressful situation or before what could be stressful for some, the effects of anxiety can be less.

Use curiosity to counter the anxiety of a fixed mindset risk averse student.

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Celebrate Wins!

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Use student created positive visuals tohelp them work toward self-selected goals

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Reflect! What’s Your Sentence

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End of Year: 6 Word Stories

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Help students to “reframe”When something goes wrong, help

students learn how to “reframe”

Challenge their irrational beliefs; taking the time to “reset” the emotional climate after recess is invaluable!

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Walk Around it!

Teach kids that what they choose to focus on affects their mood and how they learn.

Just, “walk around it” and come back later.

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Throw it out the window!

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Have a Partner

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You have -- within you -- the fuel to thrive and to flourish,and to leave this world in better shape than you found it.Sometimes you tap into this fuel – other times you don’t. But the sad fact is that most people have no idea how to tap into this fuel or even recognize it when they do.Where is this fuel within you?

You tap into it whenever you feel energized and excited by new ideas.You tap into it whenever you feel at one with your surroundings, at peace.You tap into it whenever you feel playful, creative, or silly. You tap into it whenever you feel your soul stirred by the sheer beauty of existence.You tap into it whenever you feel connected to others and loved.In short, you tap into it whenever positive emotions resonate within you.

From the UNC Chapel Hill Pep Lab

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Thanks for coming! Find me on Twitter @flourishingkids

[email protected]

