Page 1: Reflection of the week - St. Thomas of Canterbury

Dear Parents,

This has been an exciting week in the history of the School, We celebrated our 50th birthday by inviting Bishop Paul Hendricks to say Mass for the Children and to Bless our new St George’s Centre, which has a Library, a Prayer room and an Art, Design and Technology room. You are all more than welcome to come and see St George’s Centre on Wednesday 13th November at 8.40am.—9.00am. Bishop Paul also Blessed our new Prayer Garden which is situated near the Year 2 classrooms.

This week we have supported the Poppy Appeal and will continue to sell merchandise to the children next week. A paper Poppy will be 20p, Reflector Poppy’s and Zip Pull’s 50p, wristbands £1 and snap band’s £1.50.

I also had the pleasure of taking a year 4 class swimming, and we walked around Canons House, The Secret Garden, The pond and the Dovecote. Some of you will know that children in year 5 have been doing a catch up swimming lessons each day for the past two weeks. Whatever age your child is, I would strongly recommend finding a swimming class for them outside of School to help develop their fitness and give them the opportunity to enjoy swimming.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mr D Feasey

Head Teacher

Friday 8th November 2019

Reflection of the week


Page 2: Reflection of the week - St. Thomas of Canterbury

Nursery This week in Nursery we celebrated our school’s 50th anniversary. The children worked really hard to practice the songs and they sang beautifully to all the special visitors! A special thank you the parents who have brought presents for the shoe boxes. We are also getting ready for our Christmas performance which will be on Monday 9th December. Please may we request for shoe boxes and any nativity costumes for our role play area which the children are loving at the moment! Can I also remind parents that drop off is at 8:45am and pick up is at 11:45am for the morning nursery. Afternoon nursery opens at 12:30pm and pick up is from 3:15pm. Late drop offs and collection does impact the children’s routines. Thank you for your co-operation.

Reception We would like to say a big thank-you to the parents that are helping their children do their home learning and bring it in to school to share with their peers. We would love for you to help your child create a family tree with information on their family heritage. We love to celebrate diversity and will be learning about different cultures and countries around the world. We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Year 1 Year 1 have been working really hard this week on writing more interesting sentences. They have been using the word because in their writing. Could you please help your child to learn to both recognise and write the word independently.

Our school trip is getting closer please check you have paid for your child.

Year 2 Well done to all of Year 2 in the preparation and celebration of St Thomas of Canterbury 50th birthday party this week! In English next week the children will be reading a book called 'Toby and the Great Fire of London' they will then write a recount of the story. In Math next week the children will be learning how to add and subtract 2 digit numbers with word problems.

Thank you for all of your support from all the teachers in Year 2.

Miss Mitchell, Mrs Brenya-Mensa & Mrs Carroll

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Year 3 Well done to all year 3 children on another excellent week of learning. This week we attended a Mass to celebrate the school's 50th birthday. We were lucky to have Bishop Paul, Father Max and Father Jerry visit our school to the mass.

In English we have been writing an information report about Boudicca, Queen of the Icini. Here is a link to some information

Please remember to practise spellings at home and write each word in a sentence.

In Maths, children have been using the column method to add and subtract three digit numbers. Please look on to practise some maths skills

Year 4 This week in Year 4 in our maths lessons we have learned to convert measures: km to metres and vice versa. Please discuss with your child how far your home is from the school? Is it more or less than 1km?

We also worked hard on using figurative language in our Poems. Ask your child to create a simile about an object in your home.

Next Monday the children are going to the cinema, they can bring a small bag of popcorn for themselves.

Can you please ensure your child learns their times-tables, this supports their efficiency in their maths lessons. Remember to use Timetable Rockstars.

Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Taylor, Mrs Hever and Mr Asiedu

Year 5 In year 5 after a successful week of looking at the legend of Moana and Maui, we are writing our own new legend for them to go on. In maths we are starting to look at factors and multiples.

In science we shall be finding out what a thermal conductor is as well as using topic time to look at volcanoes. Another busy week ahead!

Year 6 In Math this week we have been adding and subtracting fractions. Please follow the link for your child to practise.

In English, we have been researching the start of WWI. The children have learnt about the events leading up to WWI and have begun to write an explanation text on the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Here is a link with lots of information on this topic.

Next Monday, 11th November at 10:30 a.m., all the children in Year 6 are going to attend a memorial ceremony at The Clock Tower in Mitcham.

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Monday 11th Individual and sibling photographs

Year 4 Visit to the Cinema

10.30am—Year 6 attending the Armistice Day Ceremony

Tuesday 12th 9.00am-9.30am—Class 3C Assembly—Open to Parents

Wednesday 13th Individual and sibling photographs

8.40am—9.00am—Parents welcome to visit St George’s Centre

Friday 15th Year 5—New Covent Garden Challenge

Tuesday 19th Reception to year 6 Flu Immunisation Nasal spray

Wednesday 20th 9.00am-9.30am—Class 5A Assembly—Open to Parents

Thursday 21st Year 1 Visit to the Natural History Museum

Tuesday 26th 9.00am-9.30am—Class 2A Assembly—Open to Parents

Wednesday 27th Vision Screening for Reception Children

Thursday 27th 9.00am— Maths—Parent Workshop

Monday 2nd Class 4A Visit to London Aquarium

Tuesday 3rd Class 4B—Visit to London Aquarium

Wednesday 4th Class 4C—Visit to London Aquarium

9.00am—9.30am—Class 5B Assembly—Open to Parents

Thursday 5th 3.30pm—5.00pm—School Christmas Fair

Monday 9th Nursery Nativity Performance

Tuesday 10th School Christmas Lunch

Wednesday 11th Reception Nativity Performance

12.30pm—2.30pm—School Choir performing at Croydon Whitgift Centre

Thursday 12th 3.30pm—4.30pn—Year 3 & Year 4 Christmas Disco

Friday 13th Year 1 Nativity Performance

Tuesday 17th Year 2 Nativity Performance

Thursday 19th Nursery Closes for Christmas Holidays

Friday 20th 2.00pm—Primary School closed for Christmas Holidays

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