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Page 1: ReCAP | June 2013

June 2013

Volume 4, Issue 5

RREECAPCAP Stories from the past, inspiring our future

10 Years of Pastoral Ministry by Pastor William J Lee

“O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.” Pslams 107:1 I want to thank this moment to give God thanks, praise, glory and honor for “Ten Wonderful Years” in ministry! On May 24, 2003, I officially began full time Pastoral Ministry as I was installed by the Lake Region Conference as the Pastor of the Trinity Temple Seventh-day Adventist in Kalamazoo, Michigan. I said to the Lord back then, “Just use me as your humble servant.” At that time I was currently still a full-time Seminary Student, in my 2nd year, young, and inexperienced. I felt overwhelmed by being a full-time Student and a full-time Pastor, but the grace of God carried me through. I graduated Seminary the following year (2004) with honors and Trinity Temple Church was a thriving church. Early in my ministry God placed a burning desire in my heart for evangelism. My prayer has always been “Lord, give us souls.” For me, there is nothing more precious than to see individuals make a full commitment to Jesus Christ and mature in the Lord. I absolutely love to see children, youth, and adults experience the power and love of God in their lives. It was Jesus that said, “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” John 17:3

Inside this issue:

10 Years in Ministry 1,2

Adventism turns 150 years old


Forks Over Knives Recipes


Saluting our Grads 5

Keys to Effective Music Ministry


Calendar of Events 7

Honoring Fathers 8

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10 Years of Pastoral Ministry (cont)

In 2004, in addition to Pastoring Trinity Temple, I was given the added responsibility of Pastoring the Jackson Summit Seventh-day Adventist in Jackson, Michigan. For the next eight months we lead a very Spirited Campaign lifting up the name of Jesus in both Kalamazoo and Jackson, Michigan. In 2005, I became the Senior Pastor of the Bethel Seventh-day Adventist Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. God placed in my heart that we must “Make Jesus Christ Famous” in the city of Grand Rapids. Each Sabbath I began to teach and preach God’s vision about “Making Jesus Christ Famous” realizing that it was Jesus that said, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” We held prayer rallies through the city, held several evangelistic efforts, networked with area congregations, established a weekly radio ministry, and established a local television ministry and we saw God move in a mighty way in Grand Rapids. In each congregation that I have had the privilege to be called, “Pastor” I have always had wonderful Christian people who cared for me and my family! Ministry is all about people. Ministry is about caring for people, loving people, discipling people, and being there for each other. Jesus said, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” John 13:35. On Sabbath, June 12, 2010, I became the Senior Pastor of the Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist Church. For the past 3 years our family has had the wonderful privilege of leading a great church. Here at Capitol City we have tried to “Grow the Kingdom of God by Changing Lives.” We have been “Strengthening the Saved to Save the Lost.” Now we are moving from “Membership to Discipleship.” Our family loves Capitol City Church and Capitol City School. We believe that it was divine providence that brought us here to Indianapolis. We love each our members and we pray for each of them very often. It’s my sincere prayer that God will continue to bless our ministry here at Capitol City. I personally believe that the best is yet to come! I am so grateful that God has commissioned me to preach the gospel, teach His people faith by precept and examples, pray the prayer of faith, pray for the sick, feed His lambs, feed His sheep, provide faith-based biblical counseling, and most of all point people to Jesus Christ. I can not count how many times I have told the Lord, “Thank you for allowing me to be in Ministry.” I realize that I am far from perfect, but oh the joy I have in ministering a perfect gospel and serving a perfect Savior. We are very thankful for the past, and the present, but we look forward to the future with great expectation and excitement. It is our prayer that we remain faithful and steadfast in the things of the Lord. Let us continue to keep our faith in Jesus Christ and remember Jesus is soon to return! Let us be ready. We thank God for Ten Great Years in Ministry. Let’s continue to “fight the good fight of faith.” 1 Timothy 6:12

William J Lee, Sr. William J Lee, Sr., Church Pastor 22

Pastor William Lee while serving at Bethel Seventh-day Adventist Church

in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

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Volume 4, Issue 5


150 Years of Adventism: United for Mission

Sketches , p 196). We should both thank Him for miraculous leading — and reflect on what we

have done, and not done, that grieves our God, and repent. It is a good time to commit our-selves, both individually and corporately, not just to "a revival but [to] a reformation", as Ellen White urged (Review & Herald, July 15, 1902, p 7). It is time to pledge ourselves anew to preaching "the everlasting gospel … to everynation, tribe, tongue and people" (Rev. 14:6).

Our 150th anniversary is not a time for parties or celebration — those who founded the General Conference in May 1863 would have undoubtedly been deeply disappointed to know that their descendants would still be on earth in 2013. This important anniversary is rather a time for reflection; for repentance; for thanksgiving; and for renewed commitment to the purpose for which God called this movement into being.

The worldwide church designated Sabbath May 18, 2013, as a day of prayer, remembrance, and recommitment to mission. Each local congregation was encouraged to find appropriate ways to mark the "sesquicentennial" of Seventh-day Adventists being United for Mission, including a focus on their local church history. Throughout our 150th year, individual Seventh-day Adventists can also be inspired by our history.

This important anniversary should prompt us to reflect on how God has led His remnant church "and His teaching in our past history" (Life

Photography courtesy of Wayne Burrell

This important anniversary is...a time for reflection; for repentance; for thanksgiving; and for renewed commitment to the purpose for which God called this movement into being.

Page 4: ReCAP | June 2013


Recipes from Forks Over Knives

Healthy Cooking Demo by Sybill Satterfield


Ingredients 4 1/2 c. water 1/2 c. soy sauce or Bragg's Aminos 1/3 c.olive oil 1 c. chopped pecans or walnuts 1/3 c. nutritional yeast flakes 2 tsp. garlic powder 1 tbsp. dried sweet basil 2 tsp. onion powder 1 tsp. dried sage 1/2 oregano 1/2 tsp cayenne (to taste) 4 1/2 c. rolled oats 2 tbsp soya powder (optional)


1. Place all ingredients except rolled oats in a dutch oven, stir well and bring to a slow boil over medium-low heat.

2. Stir in rolled oats and immediately re-move from heat. Cover and set aside to cool for a few minutes.

3. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

4. Form oat mixture into patties and place

on baking sheet.

5. Bake for 15 minutes on each side.


1. Makes approximately 20 burgers.

2. Double recipe and freeze, if desired.

3. Helpful in forming patties: • Use a wide mouth canning lid

and screw top. • Fill with spoon or flat utensil

and flip it out onto baking tray.

Vegan Fruit


Fresh Strawberries

Fresh Blueberries

Fresh Raspberries

Fresh Kiwi Fruit

Fresh Pineapple

Fresh Bananas

(or any other fresh fruit of


Orange Marmalade


1. Preheat oven to 350 degree Fahrenheit. 2. Press cookie dough onto lightly greased cookie

sheet 3. Bake for 15 - 20 minutes, or until golden brown

on edges. 4. Place pan on wire rack to cool 5. Meanwhile, prepare the vegan creamed


Note 1. Pulp from cashew milk is the basis for cashew

cream cheese. 2. It is nice that you will be able to make nut milk

and nut cheese at the same time. 3. Should you prefer another nut cheese, simply

substitute preferred nuts and your nut cheese will still be enjoyable.

4. Or creamed cheese can also be made with


Vegan Sugar Cookie

Ingredients 1 cup organic plain white flour 1/2 cup (vegan) granulated sugar 1/2 cup vegan sunflower spread/soy butter 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp vanilla extract zest 1 lemon

Pecan Oat Burgers Vegan Fruit Pizza

Photography courtesy of Wayne Burrell

Photography courtesy of Wayne Burrell

Page 5: ReCAP | June 2013

Volume 4, Issue 5


Saluting Our Graduates by Wayne Burrell


Ncube, Culo

B.S. Psychology, Cum Laude

Oakwood University

Graduated: May 12, 2013

Nganga, Bob


B.S. Actuarial Science

Graduated: May 12, 2013

Turner, Terrance Marian University B.S. Business Technology Graduated: May 11, 2013

Smith, Nastassja

Ivy Tech

General Studies

Graduated: May 11, 2013


Bailey, Kaydra

Parents: Andrew & Jackie Bailey

Mount Vernon Academy

Graduated: May 26, 2013

Davis, Bryce

Parent: Melissa Williams

North Central High School

Graduated: May 23, 2013

Satterfield, Olivia Dovena (Dove)

Parent: Sybil E. Satterfield

North Central High School

Will attend Indiana State University

Graduated: May 23, 2013


Burrell, Michael

Parents: Wayne & Joelle Burrell

Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist School


Graduated: May 25, 2013

Byrd, Gabrielle

Parents: William & Rhonda Byrd

Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist School


Graduated: May 25, 2013

Dawson, Milan

Parents: Shawn Loy & Jason Dawson

Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist School


Graduated: May 25, 2013

Turner, Terahnae Parents: Terrance & Michiel Turner Suburban Christian School Kindergarten Graduated: May 20, 2013

Your Capitol City family is so proud of its Graduating class of 2013. You’ve studied long and worked so hard and now the moment is yours to bask in your accomplishment, all while remembering to be grateful to one from whom all blessings flow - Jesus. For some the journey of academic excellence is coming to an end, while for others its just beginning. We pray that no matter where you are on education spectrum that you will not only forever embrace learning in all its forms, but that you teach others what you know. Share Knowledge, Share Love, Share Christ!

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On March 23, 2013, Miss Kim Bulgin lead the Music workshop. In it, she spoke to the fact that when you sing, your body is your instrument, the importance of unity or the appearance thereof in music ministry, encouraged the writing of music that reflects the individuality of our church, and gave useful singing techniques. She also shared with us the importance of being aware that music in the church shouldn't be all performance but a ministry. We are there to usher the Holy Spirit into our service and prepare the hearts of the congregation for the Word of God.


When we sing, our instrument, unlike any other, is in and of ourselves. Therefore, we must be careful what we eat and drink at all times. (The severity of this awareness is dependent on the level of dedication to singing.) For example, cold water isn't good for us; it is much better to have water that is room temperature. This is because the cold tightens your vocal folds.

us with "specialized" encouragement and guidance; it gives us something to take pride in.


Music ministry plays a key role in church. We are in charge of setting the tone for the rest of the service. Music is powerful. With one song you can become excited, be at peace, or become confident. Because of this, we must remember to not take this responsibility and honor lightly.


When we lead in worship, it shouldn't be about who is singing, but who we're singing about. There shouldn't be talk of who sings better than who or what group you're in, because those things don't matter. We have simply been called to give God our best praise. The way that is manifested doesn't matter to God and shouldn't matter to us.

To avoid these situations we should look as one so that it is brought across visually that we all are here to worship God and no one is greater than another.


No church is the same, because we don't have the same congregation, community, or pastor. Therefore, our problems or points of interest vary. For this reason Miss Bulgin encouraged us to write our own music. This will provide 66


Kim Bulgin’s Music

Ministry Workshop

Four keys to an effective Music Ministry By Maya Stewart

Photography courtesy of Wayne Burrell

Teens & Young Adults: Express yourself by sharing your thoughts, opinions and ideas through poetry, art or prose in this new ReCAP section dedicated to the Youth! Send content to [email protected]

Page 7: ReCAP | June 2013

Volume 4, Issue 5

2 - Thomas & Doris

Harris (46th)

12 - MacLawrence & Gloria

Ford (30th)

23 - Dave & Edela


27 - Pastor William &

Latoria Lee (9th)

June Calendar

of Events


3 - Pierre Sangana

7 - Gloria Ford

8 - Lizzie Strange

9 - Andrew Bailey

9 - Dave Davidson

9 - Michaela Duncan

10 - McBurnett Walcott

10 - Irene Miller

11 - Mary Ann Squires

12 - Thomasine Wright

13 - Peppi Chapman

13 - Jay McCully

15 - Michael Burrell

18 - Akayliah Bailey .

21 - Mashudu Chigudu

25 - Delzerene James

27 - Doris Harris

27 - Daphne Ryan

28 - Brianna Stewart

29 - Tierney Dioffo

30 - Pamela Edmonds

Adventurer Induction | 1st (7p)

In the Month of June:

Black Music Month Men’s Health Week (10-16) Children’s Awareness Black Single Parents Week (2-8) Caribbean-American Heritage Father’s Week (16-22) Effective Communications

Holy World Field Trip | 2nd (7:30a)

Lake Region Conference Camp Meeting 14th - 22nd THEME: “Grace to Grow” Camp Wagoner, Cassopolis, MI Week 1 (Jun 15)

• Henry Wright (Senior Pavilion)

• Corey Jackson (Youth Pavilion) Week 2 (Jun 22)

• Wintley Phipps (Senior Pavilion)

• William Lee, Jason North & Leon George (Youth Pavilion)

June 7: 9:11p June 14: 9:14p June 21: 9:16p June 28: 9:17p

Friday Sunset Times | “Please be mindful to guard the edges of the Sabbath”

Holy Communion | 29th

Men’s Day | 8th

Father’s Day | 16th

Prayer Meeting | 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Come One, Come All! July 22-26 2013, Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist Church will be transformed to KINGDOM ROCK, Where Kids Stand Strong For God. Join Sir Valant and his friends as they teach each day a new Bible Principle that will teach your child to Stand Strong! It is our prayer that Kingdom Rock will allow Gods Love to come to life as never before, touching hearts, changing lives and drawing Kids closer to Christ.




“Church Showcase” Sundays through Aug 25 at 8:30am

During the month of June, the Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist Church will be featured on LeSea broadcastings “Church Showcase” on WHMB-TV Channel 40. Tune in and TELL A FRIEND!!!

Find WHMB on TV:

• Digital signal Ch. 20

• Comcast: Ch. 9

• Brighthouse: Ch. 22 • Satellite dish: Ch. 8457 • Direct TV: Ch. 367

WHMB TV-40 is not on Direct TV in Indianapolis.

Page 8: ReCAP | June 2013

1801 E 49th Street Indianapolis, IN 46205

317-251-1053 [email protected]

Editor-in-Chief Wayne Burrell To submit an article for next month’s ReCAP or provide feedback please send an email to: Terrance Turner at... [email protected]

The Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist Church is a Christian congregation that has been serving the Greater Indianapolis area since 1906. Our mission is to Grow the Kingdom of God by Changing Lives so that together we can Strengthen the Saved and Save the Lost. For more information on the Capitol City Seventh-day Adventist Church please contact Sylvia Wilson at 317-251-1053.

July’s ReCAP Submission Deadline

JUNE 21st

Publication Date JULY 3rd

Honoring our Fathers | Father’s Day - Jun 16th


Use this key to see how our stories

link to our Model for Church Growth

My Earthly Dad

With these three words, "Dear Heavenly Father," I begin my every prayer,

But the man I see While on bended knee

Is always my earthly dad.

He is the image Of the Father divine

Reflecting the nature of God, For his love and care

And the faith he shared Pointed me to my Father above.

--Mary Fairchild

“Father's Day is not as respected and popularly observed as Mother's Day. There is a simple reason for this. Although almost everyone has difficult issues with their mothers, there is no doubt as to their mother's love. The same is not true for fathers. Because men have a more difficult time expressing their feelings to their children, many children go through life with the mistaken notion that their fathers don't love them. This is a tragedy because fathers generally love their children dearly and often work long hours so that they can raise their children in comfort.” Source:

Capitol City Salutes all of its fathers for taking the time to be a dad.