Download pdf - RCHS Band Letter: 2011-12


8/6/2019 RCHS Band Letter: 2011-12 1/5

WffiMWW*ffiDirectors: ZackWilliamson & Julie Stou


Band Camp will begin on Monday, fuly 25 and continue through Friday, August S,?OLL. Hours: 8:00a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Roane County High School.

BAND FEES: BAND FEES are $200.00 per student. All foes must be mailed IoTRCHSBBA at PO BOX



Please make sure that the band student name[s) is on the check or attached to the check so that we knowwho it belongs to. All band fees must be paid by Friday, fuly 22nd. PLEASE DO NOT SEND THEM TO


A few things to remember for band camp: 1) Eat breaMast as you will be working hard and it will be hot!We definitely do not want anyone passing out on the field. 2) Bring something to drink (water, Gatorade,

Powerade, etc.) and enough water to get you through a full day [not one small bottle). 3] Apparel: tennisshoes, sunglasses, hat and sunscreen [you do not want to get a sunburn the first day as it will make thesecond day really tough). 4) Most of all, bring a good attitude and a willingness to work hard. It isgoing to be a great year!

Attached you will find 3 documents: 1J Tentative schedule for events and a football schedule, 2) MedicalForm 2011, 3) Chaperone Guidelines/Sign-Up sheet. [Both sides of most forms contain importantinformation in our efforts to minimize cost and sustain our environment). Please return the completed

forms and your payment NO LATER THAN IULY 22"a to the RCHSBBA address noted above. Be sure tomark your calendars and get the word out, as our first fundraiser carwash will be held on Saturdalr.

July 3Ost at Browder's Ace Hardware in Kingston, We hope everyone will participate and make it a


The PizzaHut fundraiser has been cancelled due to lack of participation. Please mark yourcalendars as we are working on plans for a cookout before the first home game. If you areinterested in donating to this event or volunteering to work the fundraising event, please add a noteon the band forms you will be submitting by Friday. July 22nd. On TuesdaydU@, we will hosta pool party at Kingston Community Pool from 5:00p.m.-7:00 p.m.. On the same evening, we wouldlike to invite all parents to the 1st Band Booster meeting for the 2071/2072 year at 7:00 p.m. in theRCHS band room. If you are interested in volunteering during marching season, you will definitelywant

to attend.

In an effortto effectively communicate with all band family and friends we have established a RCHS

website. Information about the marching season, schedules, parades, concert season performances, as

well as, opportunities for fundraising events will be posted at, You will need tosubscribe to the website (see "News and Announcements") in order to receive automatic emails when thewebsite is updated. "Thank you" to our Vice President, Wes Nellis, for setting the site up for the band.

We are very excited and hope that you are too and we are looking forward to a GREAT year!

P.O. Box 1071 J Kingston, TN 37763 Jt A05.220.6308

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Student's Cell#


Home Phone# Date of Birth_

Student E-Mail Address:

Home Address:



Father Work #:

Mother Work #:

Guardian Name:

Home Phone #

Home Phone #


City Zip




Relative/Other Responsible Adult Name: Relationship:

Phone# E-MailAddress

Best means of communicatio4for non-emergency updates (Checkone):Phone (_W_H _C ) E-Mail_

INSURANCE: Yes_ No_ lnsurance Company:

Group #:


lD #:

ParenVG uardian's Employer:

ParenVG uardian's Employer:

Siblings in Band _ Names:

HEALTH HISTORY: Operations (within the past year):

Emotional Problems:

Allergies: (drugs/food/insects, etc...)

o Does your child carry an EpiPen?

Date of last Tetanus booster:

Medical/Health Problems (please state current treatment, if appropriate)

1. Orthopedic (knees, arms, legs, etc...)

2. Hypoglycemia:

3. Diabetes:

4. Asthma: if yes, does your child carry an inhaler?

5. Seizure Disorder:

6. Motion Sickness:

z. Other:

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Medications now being taken:

Family Physician:

My child, may be given any of the medications which have been checked below, at the students

request or at the chaperone's discretion. I release the chaperones from any legal responsibility in the dispensing ol the

medications listed below:








': - Imodium \


**Note:Some of these drugs may be offered in generic form.

***Please note: Your child will only receive those medications that you have checked above: Please read and

check accordingly.

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Roane County High School/Roane County High School Band Boosters Association does not assume any financial

responsibility, but does wish to provide the best emergency service. By signing this form you are giving the appropriate

school personnel, and/or band booster chaperone authority to call Emergency Medical Services (EMS) or to obtain

medical care if you or the alternate adults cannot be reached.

I hereby grant permission for emergency medical care to be given by the attending physician and/or school personnel

and/or band booster chaperone. I also give permission for EMS to be called and my child transporled as necessary by

school personnel and/or band booster chaperone.

Parent/Guardian Signature Date

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Dear Band Parents

Yet another year has already cranked up.... The band will soon be rehearsing andexcitingly anticipating another great season of football, competitions, and parades. I amcurrently putting together a schedule of parents that will be willing to chaperone for this fall.If you are interested in participating with the band as a chaperone, please fill out the bottomportion of this letter and return it with your band fees. Please keep in mind that it may not bepossible to give every parent those games for which they have volunteered. It is important tounderstand that our chaperones work very hard and handle jobs ranging from water breaks,to bathroom trips, to packing the trailer in the dark. Our chaperones are a vital part tohelping the students prepare for all per{ormances. We need your help, both male and female,to make this season fun, exciting, and successful!! 'A marching season chaperone schedulewill be communicated to all scheduled volunteers. Please feel free to contact me if you haveany questions or concerns.

MusicallyJulie Stout

NAME (S)Parent-,Band Student

Please check all that apply:

HOME GAMES ---**I am willine to chaperone the followine eames:

August 26 (Harriman) September 30 (Alcoa)

October 14 (CAK)eptember 16 (Stone Memorial)

September 23 (Lenoir City) (Homecoming)

AWAY GAMES ---**I am willine to chanerone the followine eames:

August 19 (Oliver Springs) October 7 (McMinn Central)

October 27 Thursday (Loudon)eptember 2 (Scott County)

September 9 (Rockwood)

* A total of 15 chaperones are needed per game. Chaperones will be required to help withresponsibilities described in the Chaperone Guidelines; this will include loading and unloadingthe band trailer before and after events, hanging up uniforms after each game or competition,as well as, game time Color Guard flag support. (Guard support includes distribution and

retrieval offlags (requires upper arm strength)

I am willing to purchase a chaperone shirt to wear during these events. I need the followingsize(s)-

I will be willing to be a member of the Uniform Committee (DESPARATE NEED!)Fittings (July/August) Alterations (July/August)

Uniform Repairs during games and competitions

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Chaperone Guidelines

Meet at the Band Room. The chaperones will be given badges. Wear yourbadge throughout the game. Badges will be collected at the end of he game.Someone will be assigned the uniform repair kit. You will be notr'fied who ttresepeople are. Please remember that NO ONE is allowed to dispense medication

bxcept the directors.

Bus clip boards, kits, etc. will be disEibuted to chaperones. lf traveling by bus, freclipboeird must be passed back throqgh the bus for each stwlentto slgn. Pleasecount eacfr student and double check the number of students versus the number ofsignatures. Please call rollAND count each time the bus isftlled with students.

A list oI cell pho-ne numbers will be distibuted among the chaperorres for eaclr awaygame in case of emergency.

It may be necessary for the bandstand seating area to be cleaned. Please beavailable to help with th'is task.

Plumes will be brought wih cfiaperones. Five minutes prior to half time, designated

ctaperorres will begin handirg out "cftickens". Two chaperones will be assigned tgbags to collectthe plunres as he band exib fie field. These chaperones should bestatoned atthe gatb of the football fieH. Plunes are to imrnediately be returned tothe proinr cases-from the @s to limit dam4p to the feathers.

No smokirg, tobacco products, alcotrolic beverqes, or drugs are allowed. Thisapplies to students ard cftaperones.

Friends are not permited to sit witt band members durirg the garne. Please alert adirector to this problem.

Some chaperone may be ashed to help the TrailerGreu/'in loading, tansporting,and assembly of some equipment

After pregame, help pass out, fill, and replenish water to the students as they comein tre bleachers. During hot weather, water will be our primary goal during the firsthalf of the garne. This is a rnaior effqt !!!

During half-time, chaperones may be asked to help with equipment, flags, etc.Student leave personal items in the stards (blankets, bags, etc.) You may beasked to remain in the stand to help protectthese items. Also, please keep otherpeople from entering our area.

During half-tine, chaperones will be asked to help set up the drink coolers to helpsell our students (only) canned drinks tor 25 cents. Please give all money to anasslgned chaperone. We use the money collected to purchase next weeks drinks.

Permission to go to the bathroom may only be given by the directors. At our homelocation, str.dents may onlygo with a buddy. At away locations, allstudents mustbe accompanied by a parent-
