
8/3/2019 RC Holy Spirit eBulletin WB IV No. 13 January 4, 2011 1/5

The Dove

Y 2011-12 (Click for Resumes) 



—New Generation


—Health & Wellness

s & Chair—Rotaract

—Service Projects

– Club Administration

—Health & Wellness

– PR & Asst Chair—Membership

– The Rotary Foundation

—Fund Generation


—Sports & Member—Fund Gen

—Service Projects 


—TRF & Member—Fund Gen

sociate Members (RI Pilot Program)

onorary Members

January 4, 2012 Rotary Club of Holy Spirit Club No. 69935 RI District 3780 Philippines Vol. IV No. 13

O f f i c i a l N e w s e B u l l e t i n o f t h e R o t a r y C l u b o f H o l y S p i r i t

The FOUR-WAY TEST of the Things We Think, Say and DoI s i t t h e T R U T H ? I s i t F A I R t o a l l c o n c e r n e d ? W i l l i t b u i l d G O O D W I L L

a n d B E T T E R F R I E N D S H I P S ? W i l l i t b e B E N E F I C I A L t o a l l c o n c e r n e d ?

Update from RC Holy Spirit President Ped Condeno: Targets for RY 2011-2012 h

already been substantially attained   

Fellow Rotarians, I am proud to

report to you that the 1st Semester

of RY 2011-12 has been a big suc-

cess. Through your efforts coupled

with those of our tireless young 

partners-in-service, the officers & members of the

Rotaract Club of Holy Spirit and Interact Club of Holy Spirit National High School, we have

achieved the following:

We surpassed our average club attendance target

of 60%. As of December 2011, we hit

67.40%. We were also able to keep our

weekly meetings and sustained our Weekly

Club Bulletin and our club affairs could be

easily accessed via Facebook, YouTube, and

We have inducted engineer-businessman Willy

Fabroa as a new member and have invited

  three (3) more friends to join. We hope toachieve the minimum charter membership of 

25 before the end of RY 2011-12.

Our Service Projects are truly outstanding. Our

 target of 12 community service projects in 12

months has already been achieved in the first

six (6) months. Among others, our club jointly

with SM Foundation, Inc. donated 13,000

books to 100 public schools through 50 coop-

erating Rotary clubs, provided Medical and

Dental Services in Barangays Holy Spirit and

Payatas, extended assistance to SPED chil-

dren at Dona Juana Elementary Schools, and

participated in District-coordinated serviceprograms - dog vaccination, tree-planting at

La Mesa watershed, and dengue eradication


We have added two Paul Harris Fellows this year

represented by Rtn. Marcia Salvador and

yours truly. We also have two (2) sustaining 

members CP Nides Respicio and PP Linda

Palattao. We are working to achieve 100%

EREY before end of RY 2011-12.

For Public Image, we have outdoor billboards

of internet, our Weekly Bulletins and ho

access TV, radio and newspaper. Our a

dance in Training and Seminars mandate

RI is quite exceptional as well as attend

in District Training/Seminars.

We have completed implementing the firs

months of the three-year Associate Mem

pilot program of Rotary International. RC

one of only 200 clubs chosen to participa

  this innovative research project amon

world’s over 30,000 clubs. 

We also achieved our ―FIRST‖ in holding an

city Meeting on HIV/AIDS with eight

clubs; co-hosted a Golf Tournament wit

Timog; and signed our 2nd sister club a

ment with Seoul Baeksang Rotary Clu

Korea District 3650 supported by RC SOnnuri and Seoul Harmony. On top of t

high points, three (3) members of our

have been called to District Level as

ments and they are IPP Dodgie Osab

AGR, PP Linda Palattao as AG, and A

Chair Ric Salvador as Editor-in-Chief o

Governor’s Monthly Letter. 

Lastly, we wish to express our deepest grat

for the selfless support and encourageme

our adviser AG Rose Imperial, to PDG D

Fausto, PDG Dulce dB. Coyukiat, Ms. Bel K

KIMBEL International, United Laboratories,

gate Philippines and SM Foundation, Inc. a

all those who have helped but wished to re

faceless and nameless.

Overall, we hope to sustain if not exceed wha

have already achieved in the first semest


Thank you.

Ped Condeno, President RY 2011-12

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RC Holy Spirit spreads the spirit of Christmas by gift-sharing, fun and fellowship events

The club’s annual Share-a-Toy project was held during the Christ-

mas party of the pupils belonging to the Special Education Center

of Dona Juana Elementary School in Barangay Holy Spirit, Quezon

City last December 19, 2011. The program dubbed “Pasko sa

Ating Puso” was organized by the SPED teachers led by Mrs Gloria

Tatad. The SPED pupils presented lively and well-prepared song 

and dance numbers, and participated in parlour games.RCHS prepared toys/gifts and game prizes for 108 registered

SPED pupils with various learning disabilities. Their eyes lit up

  they saw the toys which they had wished through their teach

The toys and prizes were donated by Pres Ped Condeno, PP Ro

Belleza, PP Linda Palattao, Rotarians Ric & Marcia Salvador

Bong Jung and Dr Marlene Martinez. Members of the Interact

Rotaract Clubs led by Pres Harold Maggay and PE Kevin Larag

respectively, assisted in the games and distribution of toys. parents of the SPED pupils brought food for the pupils, teach

parents and volunteers.

RC Holy Spirit brings cheers to SPED pupils . . . 

to our young Interactors and Rotaractors . . . 

A Christmas party was hosted by Rotarians Ric and Marcia Salva-

dor on December 22, 2011 at their residence for our young part-

ners-in-service. Members of the Rotaract Club of Holy Spirit and

the Interact Club of Holy Spirit National High School had fun with

song and dance presentations, as well as with parlour games that

were ably handled by Rotaractors Kevin and Alyssa.

Pres Ped, PP Linda, IPP Dodgie, and Dr Bong came to join in

celebration, bringing with them prizes that were raffled off to

  teeners. Rotarians Peth and Marlene also sent prizes for the

fle and games.

and to grown-up Rotarians as well !

t was a well-attended meeting cum fellowship night as RCHS members, associate mem-

bers, and key officers of the Interact and Rotaract clubs got together on December 13,2011 at the DAHHA Wellness Center. The business part of the meeting saw the charg-ng and induction of new member, businessman William “Willy” Fabroa.  

The fellowship that followed had the attendees playing fun games, singing and dancing.Rotarians Dr Bong, Myeong and David came with their spouses. Dr Bong’s childrenSion and baby Min Soo also came, but the baby and mommy Jenny left earlier, leavingSion to enjoy the games and dancing. Food was overflowing, provided by the members.The delectable fare included kim chi (brought by David), kim bap (Myeong), chap chaeBong), kapalmuks (Linda/Marcia), pansit malabon (Neng), fried chicken (Ped), paksiw

na lechon (Roger), kalderetang kambing (Nides), green salad (Dodgie), chocolate cakeJR). Of course, there was wine and beer courtesy of Marlene and Ric! Those who did

not bring food brought prizes for the raffle and games. It was a red Christmas celebra-ion, and those who did not come in red, Kent and new member Willy, gave cash prizes.

Gifts were exchanged the fun way. It was a truly enjoyable night!

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n a joint project with SM Foundation  Inc and the Don Antonio

Heights Homeowners Association, RCHS brought Christmas joy to

300 children aged 7-12 at the covered court of Don Antonio

Heights last November 19, 2011.

PDG Pete Morales Cup golf tournamen

successfully held on December 9

January is Rotary Awareness Month

Heavy rains battered Metro Manila on December 9, 2011

  this did not stop the organizers and players from pus

  through with the golf tournament at the Philippine Navy

Club. Most of the 48 players finished only nine (9) hole

  though some braved the rains and floods in the golf cours

finish eighteen (18) holes.

Declared overall champion was Atty Ben Mendoza, a golf bu

of Rtn Ed Valbuena. Rtn David Kim came out Class A champ

having finished only 9 holes.

A successful fund-raising project, the golf tournament was jo

hosted by RC Timog and RCHS. It was a great learning ex

ence for the club, its first time to host such an activity. On h

 to help in the registration were Rotarians Peth and Marcia, w

Pres Ped and Rtn Ric helped entertain invited guest-play

Sports Chair David Kim donated 120 bottles of mineral w

and additional raffle prizes for the players.

RCHS President Ped and PE Marcia discuss challenges posed by inclement w

with DGN Francis Rivera and project lead PE Arnie Magpayo of RC Timog.

Golf Tournament Sponsors

RCHS acknowledges with thanks the followsponsors who generously supported the golf tonament:

Korea Sports Council in the Philippines

Kuk-che UhagonTraining AcademyJoeun Travel and Jiang Gae RestaurantKorean Mart and Sin MartHermal SolutionsPMCIMBMI ResourcesAVECS CorporationDFMS CorporationNice HotelColegio de Sta MonicaJP Goldstar 

Labor Arbiters Joel Lustria and Albert Fanog

Cheers had been shared earlier with

300 poor kids in the barangay

Businessman Willy Fabroa is inducted as

new member. Welcome to the Club, Willy!   

Pres Ped Condeno administered the oath of membership to busi-

nessman-engineer William ―Willy‖ Fabroa last Dec 13, 2011. 

Willy is a civil engineering graduate of the Technological Institute

of the Philippines and is currently an executive of a pharmaceuti-

cal manufacturing company, and director of a pharma testing 


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For missed club meetings get engaged with

ROTARY e-Club One .

It’s only a click away from here. 

Rotary Club of Holy Spirit

How to Get In Touch With Us

Pres Ped Condeno — 0917-880-2145; [email protected]  Help Desk: Club Admin Ric Salvador — 0919-361-6406;

[email protected]  

Mail address: 33 Don Carlos St., Don Antonio Heights, QC

Club meets every Wednesday, 7:00 PM at the Clubhouse of Don

 Antonio Heights subdivision

Let’s all help curb Global Warming !

The Dove, Weekly eBulletin of the Rotary Club of Holy Spirit, is published

by the Administration Committee of the club.

Printed copies are distributed to club members during meetings while thedigital e-bulletin edition is e-mailed to members & friends, to donors, to

selected District 3780 officers, to most of the 95 district club presidentswho have known e-mail accounts, and to selected RI offices.  

Current editors are Dir Ric and Treasurer Marcia Salvador with email [email protected].  

View Past Issues of the eBulletin

June 4, 2009 First Issue of The Dove  Vol. I No. 1 

November 2, 2011 The Dove Vol. IV No. 10 

November 16, 2011 The Dove Vol. IV No. 11 

December 7. 2011 The Dove Vol IV No. 12 

Back-track for earlier issues. 

For general information and fun -

Latest update on the Weather from PAGASA

Up-to-the-hour world news from CNN

Follow RC Holy Spirit on

Watch Sports - Yahoo!  Sports Minute 

Video for review & discussion:

Where do good ideas come from? Watch Steven Johnson

7:00PM Assembly-Dinner-Fellowship

Call to Order Pres Ped Condeno 


National Anthem

Rotarian’s Pledge 

Business Agenda- District Mid-Year Review

Large-scale Medical-Dental-Diagnostic Mission 02-12-12 with SM


President’s Time Pres Ped Condeno

Adjournment Pres Ped Condeno

Program for Jan 4 MeetingNight Chairman - Dr Eui Bong Jung


For Rotary news & information -

Rotary International 

District 3780 Website 

District Governor’s Monthly Letters

July August September October November

Rotarians on the Internet

January Celebrants


January 5 Nides & Myra

January 11 Dr Bong & Jae Hee

January 12 Dr Bong

January 20 Kapitana Valmocina

Livelihood Program for Rural CommunityTo be discussed on January 18, 2012

We have invited PE Lorenzo ―Renzie‖ Dizon of RC Pag -asa Q

share with us insights and experiences drawn from his clu

continuing community development program for a moun

 sitio in Barangay  Kanawan, Morong, Bataan. PE Renzie s

dwell mainly on the livelihood development aspects of RC

signature outreach project.

Site is about 30 mins uphill walk away from this hanging brid

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The Object of RotaryFirst formulated in 1910, the Object of Rotary is to encourage and

foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in par-

ticular, to encourage and foster:

FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for ser-


SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions, the

recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the digni-fying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society;

THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's per-

sonal, business, and community life;

FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill,

and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional

persons united in the ideal of service.

5 Avenues of ServiceBased on the Object of Rotary, the Five Avenues of Service are Rotary’sphilosophical cornerstone and the foundation on which club activity isbased:

Club Service focuses on strengthening fellowship and ensuring the

effective functioning of the club.

Vocational Service encourages Rotarians to serve others through their

vocations and to practice high ethical standards.

Community Service covers the projects and activities the club under-

takes to improve life in its community.

International Service encompasses actions taken to expand Rotary’s

humanitarian reach around the globe and to promote world under-

standing & peace.

New Generations Service recognizes the positive change imple-

mented by youth and young adults through leadership development

activities, service projects, and exchange programs.

The Four-Way TestOf the things we think, say or do

Is it the TRUTH?

Is it FAIR to all concerned?

 Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER


 Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned


I am a Rotarian

I will always uphold the TRUTH.

I am a Rotarian

I will always strive to be FAIR

in all of my dealings with my fellowmen.

I am a Rotarian

I will always endeavor to build


in my community,

among my countrymen

and people of all nations.

I am a Rotarian

I will always seek to promote

the greatest good

for the greatest number of people

in the spirit of ROTARY SERVICE.

I am a Rotarian

I will always uphold

the Rotary International Motto,


Principles that Guide Rotary

As a Rotarian, I will

1. Exemplify the core value of integrity in all behaviors and activities

2. Use my vocational experience and talents to serve in Rotary

3. Conduct all of my personal, business, and professional affairs ethically, encouraging and fostering high ethical standards as an ex

ample to others

4. Be fair in all dealings with others and treat them with the respect due to them as fellow human beings

5. Promote recognition and respect for all occupations which are useful to society

6. Offer my vocational talents: to provide opportunities for young people, to work for the relief of the special needs of others, and to

improve the quality of life in my community

7. Honor the trust that Rotary and fellow Rotarians provide and not do anything that will bring disfavor or reflect adversely on Rotary

fellow Rotarians

8. Not seek from a fellow Rotarian a privilege or advantage not normally accorded others in a business or professional relationship

Rotary Code of Conduct

Watch songwriter Jerry Mills sing Come Join Us. Click the link. 

anuary is Rotary Awareness Month