
Ratio Analysis of Square Textiles Limited

Current Ratio:A liquidity ratio that measures a companys ability to pay its short term obligations. It is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities.The Current Ratio formula is:


In 2007

Current Ratio = 1.34

In 2008

Current Ratio = 1.26

Quick Ratio:An indicator of a companys short-term liquidity. This quick ratio measures a companys ability to meet its short term obligations with its most liquid assets.

The Quick Ratio Formula is:

In 2007

Quick Ratio = 0.55

In 2008

Quick Ratio = 0.64

Receivables Turnover:An accounting measure used to quantify a firms effectiveness in extending credit as well as collecting debts. The receivables turnover ratio is an activity ratio, measuring how efficiently a firm uses its assets.The Receivables turnover formula is:

Receivables Turnover =0.61 timesAverage days sales uncollected:

Inventory TurnoverMeasure of relative size of inventoryThe Inventory Turnover Formula is:

In 2008

Inventory turnover = 3 times

Average Days Inventory on hand:The Average Days Inventory on hand Formula is:

In 2008Average Days Inventory on hand = 121.6 or 122 days
