Page 1: Radhey Krishna Radhey Radhey Chant the sweet name of Lord Krishna and Radha with joy and love

Radhey Krishna Radhey Krishna Jai Sri Krishna Radhey Radhey Chant the sweet name of Lord Krishna and Mother Radha with joy and love; Victory to Krishna, Victory to Radha the beloved of Lord Krishna

Page 2: Radhey Krishna Radhey Radhey Chant the sweet name of Lord Krishna and Radha with joy and love

Radhey Krishna Radhey Radhey Sing the glory of Radhey Krishna (signifying Radha and Krishna are One)

Page 3: Radhey Krishna Radhey Radhey Chant the sweet name of Lord Krishna and Radha with joy and love

Jai Sri Krishna Radhey Radhey Victory to Krishna; He is dear to the heart of Radha

Page 4: Radhey Krishna Radhey Radhey Chant the sweet name of Lord Krishna and Radha with joy and love

Sai Krishna Sai Krishna Jai Sri Krishna Radhey Radhey Sing the glory of Lord Sai Krishna, Victory to Lord Krishna and Radha

Page 5: Radhey Krishna Radhey Radhey Chant the sweet name of Lord Krishna and Radha with joy and love

Shirdi Krishna Parthi Krishna Jai Sri Krishna Radhey Radhey Sing the glory of Lord Krishna of Parthi, Lord Krishna of Shirdi and Mother Radha

Page 6: Radhey Krishna Radhey Radhey Chant the sweet name of Lord Krishna and Radha with joy and love

Radhey Krishna Radhey Radhey Jai Sri Krishna Radhey Radhey Radha, the embodiment of energy, is the greatest devotee of the Lord among Gopis; Victory to Lord Krishna and Radha

Page 7: Radhey Krishna Radhey Radhey Chant the sweet name of Lord Krishna and Radha with joy and love

Radhey Krishna Radhey RadheyChant the sweet name of Lord Krishna and Radha with joy and love

Page 8: Radhey Krishna Radhey Radhey Chant the sweet name of Lord Krishna and Radha with joy and love

Jai Sri Krishna Radhey Radhey Victory to Krishna and He is dear to the heart of Radha
