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Page 1: Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary text?

Page 2: Question 2

Box Office Eat The Rich will have different release dates according to statistics where the film is most in demand. I would expect to see a gradual increase in the box office numbers as the film gains credibility and popular reviews. I would also expect to see a popular online presents, due to the fact that it is more convenient for the viewer to watch in in the comfort of their own home, where as the promotion has to persuade the audience that going to the cinema will make the experience more enjoyable. Similar films to Eat The Rich that I can compare in box office figures is Escape From New York

The blue line represents Escape From New York and as you can see the growth from opening weekend being, $4,162,385, to the gross ending up $21,082,315!

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Film ClassificationTo research what the appropriate certification was I look on the BBFC website and it stated that because Eat The Rich included the following, it had to rated a 15+

- Violence (flight scene)- Strong language (opening scene, Alfred calls Aaron ‘A Pleb’ because of what has currently been

in the news, a government minister called one of the guards this).- Mistreatment for others (Alfred to his wife)

Eat The Rich is targeted at 15-25 year olds, so this is a good base to start from.

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Eat The Rich USPThe unique selling point for Eat The Rich is the post modern element and how it challenges the audience to take a hard look at how they treat other people that do not fit into their own social ranking and how it will continue unless something is done to stop from developing into wars as the film shows. The characters within the film contrast immensely, and it is hard to acknowledge the fact that such different people are talking to each other, let alone the fact they met on the street after a meaningless bump on the shoulder, it challenges societal views in being anti social, as today it is very abnormal to talk to someone on the street now.

Another way in which Eat The Rich is unique from other dystopian, post modern films is within the camera and editing stage. Many films within this genre use bird eye view establishing shots, however I used straight on wide angle shot. I did this so that the audience felt as though they were in reality as that is how we normally see actions in perspective.

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Releasing Times

Eat the Rich would initially be released in the Duke Of York, a independent cinema based in Brighton. To create a buzz around the opening weekend I would make it ‘exclusive’ to the cinema, with the aim to bring more people into the audience. Two weeks later, when there is still hype and buzz around it with reviews, but it is a long enough period to get people decide whether they want to see it bad enough to come in flesh to the cinema, I would publish it online on sites such as Itunes or Netflix, this is a way of appealing to the younger generations. Once I know how in demand the film is - in what districts and the age ranges I would get other independent cinemas around the UK to show it. When the hype calms down but the film has made a reputation for itself, would release it for it to be premiered on Sky Anytime or Film 4 for the rest of the county (UK) to view to get them interested if there wherever a follow on film.

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Gaining the widest audience & Appealing to my target audience

CharactersThe two characters in Eat The Rich are from the upper class and lower class, which in in between what most of our target audience will be (middle class). This is a selling point as it will give them an insight how other people in those socio economic groups live like as they may not have the experience of what they are like. The audience will be able to relate to the characters though as they may have been builded or understand that the world is socially corrupt due to money. If the audience can understand what is happening in the film and especially relate it to their own lives, they will become more emotionally involved and attached.

EditingIn my trailer, I have used a creative and unique way of editing to portray the difference between the rich and poor. The indie style in which the film has been shot in will be appreciated by our niche audience, rather than the mainstream audience as it is imperfect.

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Reviews I will use reviews from critics and the media industry with a credible name, who is respected by my target audience age (a popular youtuber) and publish comments or quotes by them on my ancillary products or other media outlets, which are: facebook, twitter, magazines, radio adverts, all of which my target audience hear or see more than once a day.Soundtrack I used a soundtrack I found from Incompetech created by an unknown artist. The classical approach to the sound I took to this may be a risk as it traditionally isn't the type of music my target audience would listen too. But hopefully this will not put them off. Neither does it fit into the traditional category of postmodernist dystopia. By challenging this convention I am showing that ‘dystopian’ does not always have to be hard, eery, death music and I feel that my indie audience would appreciate this differentiation. Social networksAt the end of my trailer, I have shown icons linking to the social media platforms that the audience can find Eat The Rich on. This includes; Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Youtube, Linkedin and Pinterest. Doing this enables the audience to engage and interact with the film learning more about the film everyday and getting them involved with what is happening or how scenes were made. Linkedin is traditionally used for business networking and keeping connections, I recognise that as I am targeting young business people, hoping for the wealthy lifestyle Alfred is living, this is where I would find them.

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Poster to promote the filmAbove you can see the posters I designed to advertise Eat The Rich as a marketing campaign. These posters will be stuck around towns and cities and the aim is to stay mysterious, which will leave the audience asking questions, making them interested in coming to the film to see what happens.

The idea is that the audience will have to work out themselves what the narrative is through the image on the poster, This is not typically a film sound be advertised, but by doing this it gives me as the production house, more control of what the audience see and hear.

Within question one, I explained the use of a poster and why it is used to market a film.

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Magazine to promote the filmMy magazine cover is not based on a previous magazine cover I have seen, but it was a circular, panoramic image from pinterest that I thought would work well because one half could represent a wealthy city and the other side a poor, run down estate. This accentuates the vast difference between the two classes, but leaves the rest to the imagination as to what might happen in the narrative. The minimalist approach with the layout of the magazine cover adds an appealing nature as it will stand out on the shelf because it isn't a portrait, like most magazines.

The magazine is being released by Sight and Sound, who currently have 13,000 UK monthly subscribers, which compared to come brands is small but this magazine is for a specific indie niche audience which is a considerable amount of people. Not only will it be released on hard copies in shops but it will also be published as an online version to broaden the audience who sees it as the target audience is predominantly using web 2.0 on their smart phones or laptops. This online copy will also be animated with videos to show behind the scenes and the trailer itself. This method will attract the film savvy people.
