Page 1: Q3: Which institution may dsitribute your media product and why?

Question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Page 2: Q3: Which institution may dsitribute your media product and why?

Here are some examples of magazine institutions in the UK…IPC Media are a leading magazine institution formed in 1963 that publish music

magazines for in stores as well as digitally online. They have lots of experience working with and publishing Indie/rock magazines. They are known for publishing popular magazines such as NME and Uncut

Freeway Press Inc. are another leading magazine publisher whose most popular magazine is Rocksound

Page 3: Q3: Which institution may dsitribute your media product and why?

The Wire

The Wire is a music magazine run by a small, dedicated team rather than a huge institution and it focusses on lesser known or talked about bands and artists in and ‘between genres’. The team state that there is no agenda dictated by music labels or advertisers ,as they own the magazine themselves, so they are always open to new ideas and concepts. They state that they are always looking out for ‘undervalued’ bands and artists. This would be the perfect company to distribute my magazine as I focused on promoting young bands and artists and have something a little bit different that challenges conventions. They may be interested in publishing and distributing my magazine as its concept is aimed towards specifically young people. It is also eccentric and individual which is what The Wire look for and appreciate.

Page 4: Q3: Which institution may dsitribute your media product and why?

Mise En SceneThe eccentricism and individuality of the models used and mise en scene such as the ukulele will appeal to The Wire as this challenges the conventions of other music magazines which is exactly what The Wire set out to do. They use their independence from advertisers and music labels to create individual content that appeals to an Indie target audience who are bored with mainstream, generic magazines published by the large institutions.
