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Putting the Brand Bidding

Debate to Bed

Arianne DonoghueP a i d M e d i a M a n a ge r | i c e l o l l y. c o m | @ a r i a nne dono ghue

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A bit about me

• 10 years in paid media• Client and agency side

LOVES• Cats!• Marmite• Making stuff• Cycling

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A bit about

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As seen on TV!

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Let’s talk about…

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Hands up…

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Are you…

Agency? In-House?

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Are you…

Pure Paid


Both PPC

& SEO?

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Do you bid on your brand?

Ever tested not doing it?

What were the results?

Tell me…

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It’s a contentious issue

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So…… why do we keep pushing it?

• Incremental gains

• Competitor protection

• Tactical messaging

• Testing potential

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But honestly?

Higher conversions

Lower CPAs

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It makes us look good!

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So, is it right for you?

… it depends!

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Go nuclear!

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So then what?

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We’re on a journey

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Our story so far

Bidding on all Brand, except for some very broad KWs which had no competitor activity

Previous testing (the nuclear option) had delivered mixed results

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Our story so far - Google strangeness!

• We thought we’d excluded some terms

• Navigational keyword we felt PPC added no value to

• Excluded in July 2015• Organic CTR still only 17%• Nothing in the SQRs for this

keyword• Google treats “ “ and “.” as the same

& matched traffic to a similar KW instead

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Our story so far

Bidding on all Brand, except for some very broad KWs which had no competitor activity

Previous testing (the nuclear option) had delivered mixed results

Organic converted better than Branded PPC

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We knew we had

to keep testing

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How do we handle…

Seasonality? Competitors? Incrementality?

Google Weirdness?


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Change ONE

thing at a time

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Where to start?

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cat in tent

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User Intent

How do we decide what

keywords to test and in what


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User Intent

Where does paid search add

the most value?

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Determining intent & valueDividing keywords into segments


• thomas cook

• expedia



• onthebeachcom

• icelolly website


• sunmastertenerife

• icelolly from glasgow

Holiday Types

• icelolly cruise

• icelolly ski

• icelolly all inclusive


• icelolly flights only

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Our plan this timeWe had a theory

• Intent-dependent, brand should be a mixof paid and organic

• Broadly put, if a keyword goes to:

Homepage/other easily crawled page:

SEOSearch results/customised page:


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Our plan this timeHypothesised outcome




Holiday Types


Don’t Bid

Don’t Bid


Don’t Bid

Don’t Bid


1. Competitor activity

2. No TV advertising or sponsorship

3. Organic rankings

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Other considerations

Competitor Presence

Tactical Messaging

Message Testing

Incrementality Device

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And above all…

User intent!

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• [not provided]

• GA SEO/Direct reporting issue

• Adwords “close variant” matching

• Account structure

• Competitor bidding

• Tying up calls and traffic

• Device differences

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Systematic – create our list of KWs and work through it

1 keyword at a time, engine at a time

Monitor impressions, clicks, CTR

Nail down Adwords negative keywords & restructure

Competitor intelligence – monitor & adjust


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Building your hitlist of


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Hitlist of keywords

1. Check GSC2. High impressions + low

CTR = high potential!3. Check against PPC4. Check competitor

bidding5. Create a hitlist of terms

to test6. Keep checking this as it

can change!

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Body text

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Putting it into practice

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Organic traffic went up!

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Visible in GSC & AdwordsTraffic appeared to migrate to organic

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Interesting side effects

• Other terms benefited• Organic Brand terms we weren’t testing showed

increases in:

Listings per query

CTR – up by 10% points

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What about calls?

• Definitively, no way to know• Either flat, or minimal loss• Any missing calls at a very high incremental cost

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What we did

Our hypothesis was being borne out

Move on to the next!

Each keyword monitored & analysed, across devices

Over the course of several months

Several keywords tested in this way

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Pressing Pause

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We paused testingWith a view to resuming

• We went back on TV• Activated more keywords• Difficult summer trading

• Lowcostholiday• Terrorism• Turkey coup• Euro 2016

• Outstanding challenges• Competitors• Call tracking/YoY data• Devices

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Testing againTime for Round 2

Could we:

1. Save money?2. Minimise loss of

clicks?3. Maintain call


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Testing againTerms tested

• Exact• Navigational• Holiday Types• Faux Brand –

“lollipop” keywords

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Uptick in OrganicOvernight differences

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Uptick in OrganicOvernight differences




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MeasurementGoing beyond CTR

What about calls?

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MeasurementGoing beyond CTR

• YoY analysis proved tricky

• SEO/PPC Brand/Direct grouping

• Compared performance vs the site average

• Did the proportion of traffic change?

• Look at relative vs absolute numbers

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MeasurementGoing beyond CTR

No loss in call volumes

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Where we’re at right now

• Brand terms back on

• Competitors present

• Maximising trading performance

• Analysing PPC Brand/Organic/Direct together

• Faux Brand terms will remain live

• Brand campaigns being restructured

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Where we’re at right now

• Broad conclusions for turning off Paid Brand terms:

• Minimal traffic loss

• No loss in calls

• Savings can be reinvested into other paid channels

• Big differences in performance by device

• Moving to a mobile base bid

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Device differencesActivation &

deactivation of brand keywords

• Organic traffic profile differed by device• Desktop profile less pronounced – less gained by running

Brand PPC

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Competitors – how to monitor

£-£££Fancy Software

•Automated Alerts

•Ad copy tracking

•Other benefits

FreeAuction Insights

•Easy-to-get device data


•Not automated – manual

•Harder to react

•Google & Bing

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Competitors – how to actConsiderations



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Automated RulesHow can you react quickly?

• Rather than pause all keywords, set 1 core term at a low bid• 2 variable to monitor

• Average position• Impression share

• Increase bids and/or activate keywords

• Runs max once per day• Device agnostic• Only amends base bid

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Adwords ScriptsWhat else can you do?

• Take Automated Rules a step further• Increase frequency & complexity

• IDEA• Combine scripts with screen-scraping tech• Monitor the SERPs for changes• Reactivate keywords if competitors present• Pause when no competitors present

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What’s next for us?

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Paid search is a living,

breathing, organic thing

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It’s changing all the time

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So our campaigns should

change too

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What’s next for us?

• Keep testing

• Keep monitoring ALL THE THINGS

• Adjust as required

• Start applying the learnings to generic keywords

• Be prepared to change and make big changes!

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Next steps for you

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Running your own test

1. Review current paid keywords, negatives & structure

2. Pull an SQR – categorise them & assign intent/value

3. Review competitor landscape

4. What’s your hypothesis/ideal outcome?

5. Create your target test list

6. Devise methods to validate your results

7. Test one-by-one and move on!

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1. Don’t worry if you have to pause the test

2. Keep a very close eye on your SQRs

3. Be prepared to revisit your account structure

4. Get ready to play whack-a-mole!

5. Keep checking GSC in case of changes

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Last but not least

There’s no one right answer

Only the right answer for your business

It might be fluid and change over time!

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Thank you!

Arianne DonoghueP a i d M e d i a M a n a ge r | i c e l o l l y. c o m | @ a r i a nne dono ghue

A n d h e l l o t o J a s o n I s a a c s