
Pulsar J0453+1559: A Double Neutron Star System with a Large Mass Asymmetry

Jose Guadalupe Martinez

9th Bonn Workshop Neutron Stars at all Wavelengths 2016

Double Neutron Star Systems

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab

NASA/Dana Berry

J0737-3039, M. KramerLorimer 2015 Living Reviews in Relativity

Artist reresentation by John Rowe

Arecibo 327 MHz Drift Pulsar Survey

● Searching for Pulsars● Center Frequency 327 MHz● Declination range -1° to 38°● 68 new discoveries, up to

date● The hunt is only getting


● Timing since 2012● No detection radio

pulsations of the companion

● No optical detection of the companion in the digital sky surveys


Martinez et al. 2015

Martinez et al. 2015

Martinez et al. 2015

Thank you!!

Reference to the paper:Martinez et al. 2015 ApJ, 812, 143
