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1.1. Background of the Problem

In this globalization era, learning English is important. Today, there is some

technology and information media are used English and people must learn English in

order to used them. Knowing the important role of English in the world today, the people,

especially students, have to equip with the skills of English, such as listening, speaking,

reading, and writing. Because of this reason, teaching and learning English at the school

is important.

In Indonesia, English is taught in junior high school and senior high school, even

in Elementary School. Studying English is not a new thing for the students of senior high

school before. Although English is not the new thing for senior high school students, in

fact they still have many difficulties in studying English. As we know that English is not

the Indonesian native language. It is difficult for the students to remember all the words

in English and to understand when someone speaking English.

The language skills to be achieved are divided in to two parts of language

function, namely, oral and written English as a means of communication. In this case

listening and speaking is oral language; reading and writing are written language.

However for the students the written one is the most difficult skill of language.

Writing is one of difficult subjects at school. So the teacher must create the

subject so that the students can study the subject easily. Besides, the kinds of the text can

also be important in teaching English in order to make the writing teaching successful. To

select the appropriate texts, the teacher must consider the characteristics of the students,

which directly related to the learning process.

In the teaching and learning process of writing, the teacher has an important role.

John (1997: 12) states that, “Teacher’s role is to help students develop viable strategies

for getting started(finding topics, generating ideas and information, focusing and

planning, structure and procedure), for drafting, (encouraging multiple drafts of


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reading),for revising (adding, deleting, modifying and rearranging ideas), and for

editing(attending to vocabulary, sentence, structure, grammar, and mechanics)”

There are many kinds of texts that can be used such as narrative, descriptive,

explanation, recount, information, report, news item, exposition, and argumentation.

They are very useful for the teacher to achieve the instructional goals of teaching learning

process and they can also be interesting for the students. In this study I try to find out

what the text that is really good for teaching writing.

I try to find out the effect of using a muted news video (movie maker) to motivate

the senior high school students’ ability in writing a news item text. By using news item

text as a genre for teaching writing, the students will be more interested and easy to study

it because the students often find the text in magazines, newspaper, television, radio or

internet. And if they success to write a news item text, they can publish it on the internet,

newspaper, or magazines.

1.2. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the problem above, the identification of the problem

is the effect of using a muted news video (movie maker) to motivate the senior high

school students’ ability in writing a news item text. There are several factors that cause

the students get some difficulties in writing a news item text. The factors are come from

the students’ side and the teacher’s side. The factors that come from the students’ side are

the students still get difficulty in writing and choosing the appropriate words because they

have lack of vocabulary, and the students confuse how to combine one word to another

word or combine from one sentence to another sentence because they do not understand

enough about the grammar and language feature of the text. Whereas the problems that

come from the teachers’ side are the teacher, lack of facilities and materials, and does not

use interesting media to interest the students in process of learning writing a news item



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1.3. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problem above, this study is limited of the effect

of using a muted-news video (movie maker) to motivate students to write a news item


1.4. Formulation of the Problem

The formulations of the problem in this research based on the limitation of the

problem above are:

a. How does the design of learning program by using a muted news video (movie

maker) in teaching writing a news item text for X.2 students at SMA Adabiah


b. How does the implementation of learning program by using a muted news video

(movie maker) in teaching writing a news item text for X.2 students at SMA Adabiah


c. How is the result of learning program by using a muted news video (movie maker) in

teaching writing a news item text for X.2 students at SMA Adabiah Padang?

1.5. The Purpose of the Research

Based on the formulation of the problem, this research is aimed to obtain some

results about:

a. The design of learning program by using a muted news video (movie maker) in

teaching writing a news item text for X.2 students at SMA Adabiah Padang.

b. Implementation of learning program by using a muted news video (movie maker) in

teaching writing a news item text for X.2 students at SMA Adabiah Padang.

c. Result of learning program by using a muted news video (movie maker) in teaching

writing a news item text for X.2 students at SMA Adabiah Padang.

1.6. Significance of the Research

This research conducted to motivate the students’ ability in writing a news item

text by using a muted news video (movie maker). They will get interest when they see a

movie maker about the news. It will invite them to write about the news. This research


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was expected to be able to give the teachers information about effective media in

teaching writing. In theoretically, a muted video (movie maker) can be used to motivate

the students to write a news item text. It is hoped that this media can be a solution for

teachers to teach a news item text, especially for teachers who teach at tenth grade

students of SMA Adabiah Padang.

1.7. Definition of Key Terms

- Writing ability: the skill to express ideas, thoughts, and feelings to other people in

written symbols to make other people or readers understand the ideas conveyed.

- News Item Text: a type of text which is aimed at describing what happened, what led

to the happening, what the likely effects will be, who was involved, and when and

where it happened (Nation, 2009)

- Muted News Video: the video about news or events of the day without voice in it.


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2.1. English Language Teaching

English is an international language. In Indonesia, English becomes an important

subject at Junior High School, Senior High School, and even in elementary school. The students

are expected to speak, listen, read, and write English fluently. That is way teaching English is


Harmer (2004: a. 57) describes that teaching means to give (someone knowledge) or to

instruct or train (someone). It is undertaking certain ethical task or activities the intension of

which is to induce learning. Therefore, English language teaching means that the teacher gives

some knowledge about English so that they can use English well anywhere.

Based on the 2004 curriculum, English is one of the primary subjects at school. The

objectives of teaching English for senior high school students as a primary subject of the study


a. Developing the communication skills in English both spoken and written language.

The abilities to communicate include listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

b. Giving information that English is one of the most important foreign languages that

become means of communication in education. So the students can be motivated to

learn English.

c. Developing the understanding of language and culture. Therefore, the students do not

only understand about the language itself, but also about the culture that uses English

as a native speaker.

The role of an English teacher in Senior High School is very important. It is because the

teacher has a task to develop the material and technique in teaching English in the classroom in

order the students can master English well.


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2.2. Teaching Writing in Senior High School

The senior high school students are expected to reach informational level because they

are prepared to the university. They are expected to produce knowledge using their own

language. In this case, the students must be able to create a text in English using their own

words. They can write texts such as narrative, descriptive, recount, report, expository and so on.

One of the goals in learning English at senior high school is to develop communication

skill in English both spoken and written language. The students must be able to deliver their

message in spoken or written language. Because of this study focus on writing, so the teachers

must be good in teaching writing to the students in order the students can deliver a message in

written form.

According to 2004 curriculum of senior high school, teaching writing can include some


a. Grammar (simple present tense, simple past tense, simple future tense)

b. Introducing texts (narrative, recount, descriptive, anecdote, exposition)

c. Generics structure of the texts

From the explanation above, I come to a conclusion that writing teaching for senior high

school students must be related to curriculum. Furthermore, the teacher must be able to make an

interesting teaching especially in teaching writing. Parents also would be very helpful to

encourage them to learn writing and finally the expected result can be reached.

2.3.General Concept of Writing

Writing is the most difficult skill in learning language. It is because writing is the act of

making up correct sentences and transmitting them through the visual medium as mark on paper

(Widdowson, 1978:62). The students are expected to produce a text in English correctly. Because

of English is a foreign language, so they have to translate their ideas in native speaker to English

on paper.

Troyka (1987:3-4) states that writing is a way of communicating a message to a reader

for a purpose. The purposes of writing are to express the ideas, to provide information for a

reader, to persuade the reader, and to create a literary work. In addition, the purpose of writing


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can be agreed with the types of text. For example, a narrative text can have a purpose to entertain

a reader or purpose of a procedure text is to tell the reader how to make something.

According to Harmer (2004: b.86) writing is a process and that we write is often heavily

influenced by constraints of genres, then these elements have to be present in learning activities.

Boardman (2002: 11) states that writing is a continuous process of thinking and organizing,

rethinking, and reorganizing. Writing is a powerful equipment to organize overwhelming events

and make them manageable. Writing is a form of thinking using the written language.

Based on the definitions above, the writer can conclude that the writing is a way to

communicate by using written language. Someone can deliver what he thinks to the reader by

writing it on a paper. Because it writes on a paper, so the message can safe for a long time and

the message can be read by the other readers.

2.3.1. Principles for Teaching Writing

According to Nation (2009), there are some principles to evaluate teaching and learning

activities, they are:

a. Meaning-focused input

- Learning should bring experience and knowledge to their writing.

b. Meaning-focused output:

- Learners should do lots of writing and lots of different kinds of writing. Different

genres use different writing conventions and draw on different language features

(Biber, 1989) and so it is useful to make sure that learners are getting writing

practice in the range of genres that they will have to write.

- Learners should write with a message-focused purpose.

- Writing should interest learners and draw on their interests.

- Learners should use writing to increase their language knowledge.

- Learning should experience a feeling of success in most of their writing.

- Learners should develop skill in the use of computers to increase the quality and

speed of their writing.


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- Writing instruction should be based on a careful need analysis which considers

what the learners need to be able to do with writing, what they can do now, and

what they want to do.

c. Language-focused learning

- Learners should know about the parts of the writing process and should be able to

discuss them in relation to their own and others’ writing.

- Learners should have conscious strategies for dealing with parts of the writing


- Where the L1 uses a different script or where learners are not literate in their L1,

the learners should give attention to clarity and fluency in producing the form of

the written script.

- Spelling should be given an appropriate amount of deliberate attention largely

separated from feedback on writing.

- Teacher should provide and arrange for feedback that encourages and improves


- Learners should be aware of the ethical issues involved in writing.

d. Fluency development

- Learners should increase their writing speed so that they can write very simple

material at a reasonable speed.

2.4. News Item Text

2.4.1. Definition of News Item Text

News item is one kind of genres of texts. Linda Gerot and Peter Wignelstate that genre is

a type of writing that provides systematic linguistics and characteristic lexicogrammatical

features. The genres are described in school and non-school environment. These genres arose in

social interaction to fulfill human social purposes. They state that beside news item text, there are

many kinds of genre, those are spoof, recount, report, analytical exposition, anecdote, narrative,

procedure, description, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, and review. Each genre of

texts has different purposes, generic structures, and language features.


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In this research, the writer will focus on one of genres of texts that is news item text.

According to Didin Kholidin a news item text is a text which informs readers about events of the

day and the events are considered newsworthy or important.

Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that a news item text is a text that

based on factual information, tell the readers, viewers, or listeners the events of the day. The

events must be important and newsworthy. News item is divided into two

2.4.2. Social Function of News Item Text

According to Eltis on literacy and education network of school education:

“The social function of news item is to informs readers‟ of daily newspaper about events of the day which are regarded as newsworthy or important. Newspaper need to make the news as readable as possible in order to attract as many readers as possible. News stories especially the ones published in afternoon newspaper often make the events of the day as dramatic or as sensational as they can in order to make more people buy them.”

It means that the purpose of news item text is to give the important information deals

with events that are regarded as newsworthy in some ways. The information is based on the

facts. The information consist of the answer of word questions (who, what, where, why, when

and how). Besides that, the purpose of it is to interest the readers, so they are interested to find

the news.

2.4.3. Generic Structures of News Item Text

Each text of genres has a specific structure based on the communicative purpose of the

text itself. However, there are similarities among the texts which have some purposes. The

similarities create an expectation of the general schematic structure on the text that is called

generic structure of a text. The generic structure of news item usually has three components.

First, Newsworthy Events; It is a term of news which illuminates the sequences events in daily

life. This term is put at the beginning of the news to interest the reader or listener. This stage

gives information to answer “who”, “what”, “when”, “where” and “why” the events occurred.

Second, Background Events; It contains information about “how” and “why” that events

occurred; the crisis is lead up in this stage. The news writer not only gives the information

before the crisis but also after the crisis as a result to the future.


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Third, Sources. This stage shows where the journalist got the information about the

events. It provides the real arguments from the sources of news. Whether the news is true or not

needs to a reliable and relevant source of information. Sometimes the journalist quotes the exact

words from the person as sources of news in direct speech. The sources can be the comments by

participants, witnesses, or authorities of the events.

It is argued that generic structure consists of schematic structure which consists of

special characteristic. It explains the differences among genres. News item text has special

language feature, those are newsworthy event that explain who, what, when and where the event

happened. Background events explain about why and how the events are happened. And the true

arguments from person who has seen the events named sources.

2.4.4. Lexicogrammatical Feature of News Item Text

News Item Text has The Significant Lexicogrammatical Feature. Firstly is short. The

telegraphic information about story summarized in one sentence headline. For example,

“Monkey Forest Gets Kalpataru Nomination”. Second, use material or action processes to re-tell

story. For example, started moving, left, destroyed, flattened, ripped, through, were unroofed,

drowned, etc. Third, use projecting verbal processes in sources stage. Fourth, focus on

circumstantial meanings (especially in newsworthy background).

Finally, often dramatic use of participant structure especially thematic position. Muchlas

Yusak adds the Significant Grammatical Features of news item texts. First, short, contains

telegraphic information about story captured in headline. Second, the use of Material Processes

to retell the event. Third, the use of projecting Verbal Processes in sources stage. Finally, Focus

on Circumstances.

For grammatical words, in the news item text, many of verbs used in passive voice. There

are saying verbs, such as said, told, commented, replied, and so on, and action verbs, such as hit,

kick, run, walk, etc.


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This is an example of news item text:

Title Monkey Forest Gets Kalpataru Nomination



Ubud: The sacred monkey Forest of Padangtegal in Ubud, Gianyar, has been

nominated for the Kalpataru Awards 2012 along with 13 other nominees

across Indonesia.



Kalpataru Awards are the highest distinction for environment-related

achievements by individuals, business, and places. The Awards are usually

presented by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in conjunction with

World Environment Day, June 5.

The Monkey Forest is owned by the village of Padangtegal and is

currently under the management of Padangtegal Wenara Wana Foundation. It

is home to rare and endangered flora and plants. It is also home to around

605 Balinese long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis).

Together with Udayana University, the foundation identified a number

of rare plants in the forest. There are around 115 species of plants, while

some of the trees are considered sacred and holy, only being used for

spiritual and religious purposes.

2.5. Video As a Medium in Teaching

One way to support teaching and learning process is a medium. It can make teacher’s

presentation in the classroom easier. It is also expected that students will get better understanding

from the teacher’s explanation; therefore, medium also has contribution in improving students’

ability. Gerlach and Ely state that the media are person, material or events that established

condition which enable the learners acquire knowledge, skill and attitude.

Based on the statement above, medium is needed to help students in acquiring lessons

that are being taught. Medium gives some resourceful teaching aids that help both teacher and

students in material.

According to Arsyad teaching media can be classified into three categories. First, Visual

media; they are media that can be seen. It would captivate visual sense eyes mostly. It can be

formed of picture, moving picture or animation and flashcard, etc. Second, Audio media; they are

media that can be listened from audio media. It means that audio media has sound which is


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listened by us. And to mean as thinking that the contents message in audiotape form such as

vocal cord /tape recorder and video compact disk which can stimulus thought feeling, idea and

students it happens on teaching and learning process. Third, Audio visual media; they are media

that have sound and picture. Video is an example from audio visual media in teaching and it has

a sound because of it that is produced to get to appear the reality picture in the original form it

describes science theory and animated.

In this study, the researcher uses visual media named muted news video (movie maker),

because by using video it can motivate the students to learn and pay attention to the material

given. Video is important tool for students’ life in the classroom. Watching a video in lesson in

quite different from watching television program for killing free time or relaxing at home; where

the teacher facilitate the activities and exercise that supports the students to be more attractive

and understand the video.

There are some important things that have to be known before preparing and selecting

video. First, the kinds of video; when using authentic video make sure that they have a high

visual content. For example: cartoons, short stories, advertisements, or educational programmers.

Second, length of video; Short video selected is better to use for ESL learners. The maximum

length of video is five until ten minutes. If the videos are too long, students will be difficult to

understand. Third, the choosing of language level; when using video, make sure that video

selected is as a much visual support as possible. We do not choose the video with unusual

expression and slang language.

Harmer also states on their book the reasons why video can be special medium in

language learning process. First, seeing language in use; one of the advantages of video is that

the students not only hear the information of native speaker but also they can see how the

expression and gesture of speaker. Thus the students can observe how the intonation can match

with the facial expression. Second, cross cultural awareness; the video allows students to look

situation beyond their classrooms or environments. It also learns the value for students about

differentiate of cultures among nations, for example: the typical British “body language” when

inviting someone, how the Americans speak to waiters, and kinds of foods in different country.

Third, the power of creation; when students are able to use video in their learning process, they

are given the potential to create something which are enjoyable and memorable. It can increase


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the creativity of students. The task of video-making can provoke creativity of students

themselves. Finally, motivation; video can give the great increased of interest because they have

the chance to see language using as well as hear it. So, they can couple both of hearing and seen

tasks in interesting.

There are three basic types of video which can be used in class. First, Off-air

programmers; this type uses recorder to record the television program to engage students’

sensibilities and to consider their comprehensibility. Generally, some off-air video is difficult for

students to understand; especially where particularly marked accents are used is a high

preponderance of slang or regional vernacular. The best programmers that can be used in

learning process are the programmers that including prediction, cross-cultural awareness,

teaching language, or as spurs for the students’ own creativity.

Second, the learners use real-world video. It can help students free in their choice based

on how engaging and comprehensible the extract, and whether it has multi-use potential. Finally,

using language learning videos. Nowadays, many publishers produce freestanding language

learning videos- or videos to accompany and complete course book. It can be alternative way to

accompany workbooks. The main advantage of this video is the teacher and learners can produce

their learning video based on their particular level in mind. However, it also has the danger. They

fail the quality test either because the production is poor, the situations and the language are

inauthentic, or the content is too unsophisticated.

According to Betsy Parrish, video have an advantage over audiotapes so the learners can

look for visual code in their understanding from what they heard. Video consist of facial

expressions, gestures, and body language. They provide more vivid representations of language

in variety of context for learners.

Harmer also states that using video as media in teaching learning process has advantages

and disadvantages that can be a consideration in using this medium. The advantages using video

are; first, video provides audio and visual contribution. When using video, students not only hear

language, but also they can see it too. This greatly can be aids comprehension, for example;

general meaning and moods are often convoyed through expression, gestures, and other visual

clues. Students can imitate some expressions or gesture in spoken language that they have seen.

Second, video uniquely allows students beyond their classroom. This is especially useful if they


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want to see, for example, typical British “body language‟ when inviting someone out, or how

American speaks to waiters. Video also gives great of value in giving students a chance to see

such thing as what of food people eat in other countries, and what they wear. They not only learn

about language, but also they can learn about culture of another country. Third, when students

use video themselves they are given potential to create something memorable and enjoyable. In

addition students will be enjoyable in learning activity. Video can help them to achieve in

understanding the material. Finally, for all of the reasons so far mentioned, most students show

an increased level of interest when they have a chance to see language in use as well as hear it. It

can motivate students in process teaching learning.

Beside the advantages, there are disadvantages of using video. First, students have to

provide activities that are unique learning experiences and do not just replicate home television

viewing. It can make students be bored easily, when they watch the video which have been seen


Second, teachers ought to be sure that their students can see and hear the video. If all

students cannot watch and hear clearly, they will get difficult to catch information on video.

Third, some students become frustrated when teacher constantly stop and start the video, only

showing little bits at a time.

Finally, video can make students sleep. It can happen when theme of video is unfamiliar

with them. They will get difficult to express their opinion based on video which has seen.

According to researcher, a good teacher has to choose the best video which is related with

materials. The selecting of video has to be adjusted with the students’ level and age. Video has to

have a good moral value in order to persuade and motivate students in doing positive something.

2.6. Using Video in Teaching Writing News Item Text

The researcher suggests to motivate students in writing can be used visual video. It is

because it can be effective language learning tools. According to Hanson-Smith, there are many

benefits of using videos as in-class learning resources. In addition, video is increasing access to

professional visual resources that are free, authentic, and suitable for language learning

development. Finally, it can give the contributions and the benefits of implementing a video


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production component in language classes. Sharp also adds that describes a class video project

suitable for senior high school students. Based on statement, implementing video production in

the middle school classroom can easily be extrapolated to the college-level classroom.

Harmer suggested a variety of viewing techniques when using video in teaching writing

activities. First, silent viewing; in the learning process, teacher plays the video without the sound.

Second, freeze framing; teacher freeze and ask the students about their opinion of the pictures

and what will happen next. Third, partial viewing; teacher covers most of the screen with piece

of paper. Fourth, picture and speech; teacher manage the class into two parts. Half of the class

watches the video in the classroom while half of them face away. Fifth, subtitles films; teacher

shows students the video and its subtitle. Students see and hear the English language and the

compare between written and spoken language.


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To achieve the objectives of this research, the writer applies the following research

methodology, such as research design, subject of the study, procedure of the study, data

collection, instrument of the study, and data analysis.

3.1. Research Design

A research method used in this study is an action research. Action research designs are

systematic procedures done by teachers (or other individuals in an educational setting) to gather

information about, and subsequently improve, the ways their particular educational setting

operates, their teaching, and their students learning (Mills, 2011). Thus, aim of the researcher is

to improve the practice of education by studying the problem. This research will be conducted in

the classroom. This activity contains several cycles. In each cycle have four elements: planning,

acting, observing and reflecting.

According to Priyono (1999:10), there are three steps in this design:

1. Planning

Planning is the first step of the research procedure. This activity covered the

problem identification. So, in this step the writer will find the solution of the

occurred problem.

2. Acting

The aim of this phase is to solve the problem that happened in Junior High School

students in speaking ability in the classroom.

3. Observing

Observing is the activity of collecting data to supervise to what extent the result of

“acting” reach the objective. The data are qualitative and quantitative research.

According to Elliot (1996: 70), based on the model above, there is a basic cycle of

activities. The activities can be elaborated as follows:


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3.1.1. Identifying initial idea

The initial media refers to a state of situation one wishes to change or to improve on,

(Elliot, 1991: 72). In this research the initial idea is thought that there will be a change on the

writing by narrative text.

3.1.2. Planning

Planning is followed up for identifying the text to find out solution for problems. This

research is intended to find out:

a. The students’ response during learning process.

b. The students’ improvement of writing by a news item text.

c. The writer will conduct two cycles of research to know the improvement of writing by

news item text. To know students’ ability in producing the news item text, the writer asks

to the students to produce news item text.

3.1.3. Implementing

Implementing is the performing of planned action. Based on the model above, the

researcher can change the plans after conducting one cycle when they are needed. In this study,

the writer will conduct five activities the elaboration of plans is as follows:

a. First Cycle

In the first cycle, there are two parts and each part consists of several activities. The first

is modeling of the text; there will be three activities. The second part is Join Construction of the

Text; there will be four activities.

After conducting and observing the implementing cycle, the next step that the writer

will be done is evaluating. The evaluating is a fact-finding about the result of the action. It is an

analysis to find out the effect of using the media muted news video (movie maker) in writing a

news item text.


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1. Modeling of the Text

In the first activities of Modeling of the Text, the writer will introduce the news item

text to the students. Then the writer will distribute the reading text to the students. The students

are grouped into several groups consists two students based. Ask them to understand the content

of the news and discuss it to the writer.

In the second activities of Modeling of the Text, the writer will ask the students to

understand the generic structure of the text first. The both the writer and the students will discuss

the generic structures of the text. The generic structures of news item texts are newsworthy

events, background events, and sources.

In the third activities of Modeling of the Text, the writer will explain about passive

voice. It is because, many of verb used in a news item text are in passive voice. Then the

researcher will ask to the students to make sentences using passive voice as exercises before

making the true news item text.

2. Join Construction of the Text

In the first activity of Join Construction of the Text, the writer will ask to the students to

make a planning to write news item text in a group. It is based on the text that had been given

before. In this case, the students should try to explore their idea and then they should arrange the

main idea every paragraph.

In the second activity of Join Construction of the Text, the writer will ask to the students

to arrange the first draft of news item based on the text given and pay attention to the generic

structures of the text and consult the work to the teacher or writer and friends. The writer or

teacher will give suggestion.

In the third activity, the writer will ask to the students to discuss the suggestion given by

writer or teacher and friends. Then the writer gives the suggestion to the friends need. They may

be able to use dictionary if they have difficulties in vocabulary.

In the fourth activity, the students should arrange the second draft based on the

suggestion given by the teacher and friends. After arranging the second draft, the students will

read once more carefully. They should pay attention to the generic structures of the text,

grammar, spelling, vocabulary, punctuation, etc. If there are many mistakes, they have to revise

it. Then they will make the final copy.


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b. Second Cycle

In the second cycle, the writer will divide the activities into two parts. The first is to do

Modeling of the text where there will be three activities. The second part is to do Independent

Construction of the Text where there will be five activities.

1. Modeling of the Text

In the first activities of Modeling of the text, the writer will discuss about news item text

again. The second activities, the teacher and the students will discuss about the generic structures

and language features of the text. Then, the writer will recall the lesson about passive voice to

make sure that the students have known about the language feature that will be used in news item


In the third activities the writer will give an opportunity to the students to ask about

everything that relate to the news item text before they are given assignment to produce news

item text individually.

2. Independent Construction of the Text

In first the activity of Independent Construction of the Text, the writer will ask to the

students to make planning to write news item text individually. It is based on the muted news

video (movie maker) given. In this case, the students should try to explore their ideas and arrange

it in a paragraph.

In the second activity, the writer will ask to the students to arrange the first draft of news

item text based on the text given and consult the work to the writer or their teacher.

In the third activity, the writer will ask to the students to arrange the second draft based

on the suggestion given by the teacher. They may be able to use dictionary if they have many

difficulties in vocabulary.

In the fourth activities, the students should read the text once more carefully before

making the final copy. The students should pay attention to the grammar, spelling, vocabulary,

punctuation, etc. If there are many mistakes, they must revise the draft and finally they arrange

the final copy of the text.


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3.2. Subject of the Study

The writer will hold the classroom research in SMA Adabiah Padang. The writer will

choose students in X.2 classroom. Moreover, they are chosen as the subject of the study based on

two reasons, they are:

1. The students are all in the same grade.

2. The students had been studying English for some period of time, so those classes

are considered parallel.

I will choose one class of the students from the whole class as sample in this study. Gay

(987: 98) states that study needs 30 students for each experimental group as a sample can already

represent for the whole population of the study.

3.3. Instrument of the Study

Before collecting the data, the writer selects a news item text as the instrument. The

writer will also make an interview to the students about the difficulties they find in producing

news item text. A writing test is actually subjective as said by Harris (1969: 69) that composition

tests are unreliable measure because:

1. Students perform differently on different types and on different occasion.

2. The scoring of the composition is by a nature highly subjective.

In addition, he says (1969: 70) that in writing composition students can cover up

weakness by avoiding problems (e.g. the use of certain grammatical patterns and lexical items)

they find difficulties. From the above advocating ideas, I decide to use composition test to

subject research. Before material and test are given for the students, I will show it to the English


Besides news item text, the writer will choose muted news video (movie maker) as a

media for students in order to motivate them to write the text.

3.4. Data Collection

This action research needs the data to support the investigation. Elliot (1998, 77-83)

stated that there is a list of techniques and methods which can be used to gather evidence in the

reconnaissance and monitoring phases of action research. They are diaries, profiles, document


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analysis, tape/video recording and transcript, using an outside observer, interviewing, the running

commentary, the shadow study, checklist, questionnaires, inventories, triangulation, and analytic


This research will use some of them which are appropriate to the school environment

and can be done to support the action research. In this research, to collect data, the writer will use

observation form, pre- test and post- test. The aims of using this technique are to know the

difficulties of the students in understanding narrative, to gather information and find a simple

way for students to produce text, to know the effect of using the process genre model to teach


3.5. Research Procedure

3.5.1. Identification of the Problem

The problems of this research are students have several difficulties in writing a news item

text. Because the students think writing in English is very difficult, they also do not have a

motivation to write. For this reason, the writer wanted to solve these problems by using

innovation in teaching writing. To motivate them to write about a news item text, this research

will use muted news video (movie maker) as a visual to improve students’ motivation to write a

news item text. By using this video, the students are hoped can write the news item text, because

they can elaborate the events based on the context and situation of the text.

3.5.2. Planning

Planning of this research:

- This research location was in SMA Adabiah Padang that it samples were students of X.2

class in academic year 2012/2013.

- Before the research, there was an orientation and preliminary observations to determine

focus of the research. It was aimed to look for the problems and problem in students’



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- Planning learning activities that are going to implement, such as the materials to be

taught, the media to be used, the method of learning to be used, the approaches to be used

and class management.

- Preparing lesson plan, materials, media, and tools that needed.

- Preparing students’ activity in process of learning activity, such as discussion task with

teacher, discussion task with other students and post-test for independence task.

- Setting up the evaluation to be provided, as well as interviews and observation

guidelines. If the evaluation did not change and improvement for what that has been done

so the researcher relearns the issue and found some solutions of the problems.

3.5.3. Action

The actions that the writes will be done are:

- Applying or doing of the planning learning activities based on what has planned on the

planning activity.

- Setting up the class, material, media, method and approaches based on the planning.

- Discussing and giving tasks for the students based on the lesson plan.

- Setting up the evaluation for observation of the research. It is done when the action in


3.5.4. Observation

- Doing observation by using the format of observation, such as note and checklist.

- Describe the results of action research.

- Assessing the action by looking the students’ participation, activity, assignment and test.

3.5.5. Reflection

- Reflection was done at the end of the cycle, which was a reflection of an analysis of

actions taken or not achieved. The results of the reflection were the basis for a plan of


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action to the second stage of the cycle until there was an improving students’ reading


- Explain about the results of evaluation, if there is no improvement for the students, it will

be improved in the next cycle. If there is an improvement, it will used in the next cycle.

3.6. Method of Analyzing Data

Analyses of Data were performed after application of the relevant actions implemented.

Processing of data analysis was done based on the activities of student can write the news item

text correctly agree with the generic structures of the text. In data analysis, it is divided into two

parts, (1) quantitative data, and (2) qualitative data.

Data were analyzed as follows:

a. If the students do not have an interest and motivation to write a news item text, the

teacher can ask them what the problem is. And try to find out the solution in order to

motivate them to write news item text.

b. If they do not understand enough the purpose, generic structure and language feature of

news item text, so the teacher has to explain more in order the students can more

understand about them.

c. If many students can comprehend the purpose, generic structure, and language feature

of news item text and write the text correctly, it means the researcher succeeded in this



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4.1. Result of the Research

4.1.1. Cycle 1 Planning

The researcher identified the problems about students’ difficulties in writing a news item

text and solved that problems by using muted news video (movie maker) as a visual to motivate

students’ in writing a news item text.

To implement the technique of the research, the researcher prepared planning of learning

activities. The subject was news item text. Planning of the materials that were going to be

implementing in the class, it was about writing news item text. Before the students wrote about

news item text, teacher explained the news item text and gave the example of news item text.

The material would teacher taught had already done in lesson plan. The teacher created lesson

plan first and also prepared the activities for students.

After lesson plan and material had been done by teacher, the media would be prepared

well. In this case, a muted news video (movie maker) as a visual was the choice to motivate

students’ ability in writing a news item text. For this reason, it was necessary to prepare

multimedia tools such as in-focus (LCD), speaker, power point and video hyperlink about news

item text. Action

In this action of the research, the researcher applied the action based on the planning of


The researcher played a news video to the students. After the students watched the video,

teacher / researcher asked them what they saw in a video. From the video that the


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students saw before, teacher tries to activate their background knowledge about the news

that the students have ever seen in their life.

After they watched the video, teacher explained the news item text one by one, start from

the definition, purpose of the news item text, generic structure of news item text, and also

language feature of news item text.

To comprehend more about news item text, the teacher gave the students the example of

news item text in written form. Asked them to read and comprehend the text. And after

that, asked them to answer some following questions.

Then, the teacher would explain some generic structure in the text. What is newsworthy

event? What are background events? What happened in background events? And who

gives a comment in sources?

Before starting to write a news item text, teacher explains them about passive voice,

relative pronoun, saying verb, and action verbs. They are the most verbs and tenses that

used in news item text.

The last activity, the teacher asked them to sit in group and make the news based on the

topic given. Observation

While the learning activities, the researcher did the observation. It was aimed to know the

effectiveness learning activity. The researched made note about the observation. From of learning

activities that have been conducted, the researcher found these following:

Students could share their opinion about the news together and made them in news.

Students could help each other to write news in a team work.

Students knew where their mistake in spelling, punctuation, grammar, and word choices

after they checked their writing with the teacher.


Page 26: PTK.docx Reflection

Based on the observation, learning activities will be analyzed and made the reflection.

From the reflection, it is found many good things and bad things. Then researcher chooses some

good things that are going to be done in the next cycle. In this cycle, the teacher found:

The students are enthusiastic in writing the news item text together because they can

share their opinion, but not all of the students wanted to write it by themselves.

The result of students’ writing news item text is good enough. It is because they made it

together and still teacher helped them to check it again. It can be seen from the students’


4.1.2. Cycle 2 Planning

The planning in cycle 2 is based on reflection in cycle 1 to get improvement. It is based

on the aim of this research is to motivate them to write about news item text by using a muted

news video (movie maker) as a visual. The researcher creates the new learning process, but video

is the choice in improving students’ motivation in writing.

To implement the technique of the research, the researcher prepared planning of learning

activities. The subject was news item text. Planning of the materials that were going to be

implementing in the class, it was about writing news item text. Before the students wrote about

news item text, teacher explained the news item text and gave the example of news item text.

The material would teacher taught had already done in lesson plan. The teacher created lesson

plan first and also prepared the activities for students.

After lesson plan and material had been done by teacher, the media would be prepared

well. In this case, a muted news video (movie maker) as a visual was the choice to motivate

students’ ability in writing a news item text. For this reason, it was necessary to prepare

multimedia tools such as in-focus (LCD), speaker, power point and video hyperlink about news

item text.


Page 27: PTK.docx Action

In this action of the research, the researcher applied the action based on the planning of


The researcher played a news video to the students. After the students watched the video,

teacher / researcher asked them what they saw in a video. From the video that the

students saw before, teacher tries to activate their background knowledge about the news

that the students have ever seen in their life.

After they watched the video, teacher explained the news item text one by one, start from

the definition, purpose of the news item text, generic structure of news item text, and also

language feature of news item text.

To comprehend more about news item text, the teacher gave the students the example of

news item text in written form. Asked them to read and comprehend the text. And after

that, asked them to answer some following questions.

Then, the teacher would explain some generic structure in the text. What is newsworthy

event? What are background events? What happened in background events? And who

gives a comment in sources?

Before starting to write a news item text, teacher explains them about passive voice,

relative pronoun, saying verb, and action verbs. They are the most verbs and tenses that

used in news item text.

The last activity, the teacher gave them a muted news video (movie maker) about “Cows

Crashed a Party”. After they watched the video, the teacher asked them to write the news

about that based on the generic structure and language feature had been explained before. Observation

While the learning activities, the researcher did the observation. It was aimed to know the

effectiveness learning activity. The researched made note about the observation. From of learning

activities that have been conducted, the researcher found these following:

Students were interested to watch the video about the text, and they have a motivation in



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Students could understand about the text, because of video as an audio-visual.

Students wrote their news well. Reflection

Based on the observation, learning activities will be analyzed and made the reflection.

From the reflection, it is found many good things and bad things. Then researcher chooses some

good things that are going to be done in the next cycle. In this cycle, there some effects of using

video as an audio-visual in writing class:

The use of muted news video (movie maker) as a visual make the students get motivation

in writing of news item text.

The students are enthusiastic in writing the news item text, because they just elaborated

the events of the video.

The result of students’ writing news item text is good enough. It can be seen from the

students’ writing.


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5.1. Conclusion

Based on the result of the research in the previous chapter, I can conclude that:

a. It is described that the students have more knowledge about what news item texts are;

among others are generic structure and many types of news item texts. They seem know

the steps to make a good writing and it is very useful for them when they write

something. Therefore they can make a news item text better than before. It was supported

by the significant result of cycle 1 that is lower (50%) than cycle 2 (70%).

b. The teachers seem have more knowledge in teaching writing because by reading this final

project, they will know the steps in writing. Therefore they can use this method to

increase the students’ achievement in writing.

c. It is expected that this research will be useful for someone who will have are search or

final project about teaching writing because in this research there are many steps in

conducting research that can be used as references.

5.2. Suggestions

Based on the conclusions above, I will like to offer some suggestions, among others:

a. The students should learn more about news item texts in order they can get more

knowledge. It will be better for them to use the steps in writing when they write

something in order they can make a good writing. If they have many difficulties, they can

ask the teacher.

b. It will be better for the teachers to use the rule in writing, in this case is the steps in

writing when they teach writing in order they can increase the students’ achievement in

writing. They also should help their students when they have difficulties in writing.


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c. The teacher and the students must work together in teaching and learning process,

especially in writing lesson, they should help each other to make the teaching writing

process successful.


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Arsyad, Azhar, Media Pembelajaran, Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2003

Creswell, J. W. Educational Research - Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and

Qualitative Research. United States of America: Pearson Education. 2012

Eltis, KJ, Literacy and Education research Network and the Directorate of Studies, A Genre-

Based Approach to Teaching Writing Book 1: An Introduction to Genre- Based Writing,

Australia: Common Ground. 1990

Gerrot and Wignel, Making Sense of Functional Grammar: An Introductory of Workbook,

Australia: Gred Stabler AEE, 1998

Harmer, Jeremy, The Practice of English Language Teaching, England: PearsonEducation

Limited, 2001

Nation, I. Teaching ESL/EFL Reading and Writing. New York and London: Routledge, Taylor &

Francis Group. 2009

Kholidin, Didin, News Item Text, taken

from: Retrieved on June 1st



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Appendix 1

List of Students’ Name of X.2




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Appendix 2


Nama Sekolah : SMA Adabiah Padang

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : X / 2

Pertemuan Ke :

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit


A. Standar Kompetensi

12. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan essai sederhana yang

berbentuk narrative, descriptive, dan news item dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.

B. Kompetensi Dasar

12.2. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah-langkah retorika secara akurat, lancar, dan

berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuknarrative,

descriptive dan news item.

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Nilai Budaya dan Karakter Bangsa

Menggunakan kalimat reported speech dalam

menyampaikan sebuah berita.

Menggunakan kalimat simple present dalam

sebuah deskripsi.

Menggunakan adverbial clause dalam menulis

sebuah berita.

Menghasilkan teks berbentuk news item.

Menghasilkan teks berbentuk narrative.

Religius, jujur, toleransi, disiplin,

kerja keras, mandiri, demokratis, rasa

ingin tahu, semangat kebangsaan,

cinta tanah air, mengahrgai prestasi,

bersahabat, cinta damai, gemar

membaca, peduli lingkungan, peduli

sosial, tanggung jawab.


Page 34: PTK.docx

Kewirausahaan/Ekonomi Kreatif

Percaya diri (keteguhan hati, optimis).

Berorientasi pada tugas (bermotivasi, tekun/tabah, bertekad, enerjik).

Pengambil resiko (suka tantangan, mampu memimpin)

Orientasi ke masa depan (punya perspektif untuk masa depan)

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Siswa mampu menggunakan kalimat reported speech dalam menyampaikan

sebuah berita.

Siswa mampu menggunakan kalimat simple present dalam sebuah deskripsi.

Siswa mampu menggunakan adverbial clause dalam menulis sebuah berita.

Siswa mampu menghasilkan teks berbentuk news item.

Siswa mampu menghasilkan teks berbentuk narrative.

E. Materi Pokok

Teks tulisan berbentuk news item.

Title Monkey Forest Gets Kalpataru Nomination



Ubud: The sacred monkey Forest of Padangtegal in Ubud, Gianyar, has been nominated for

the Kalpataru Awards 2012 along with 13 other nominees across Indonesia.



Kalpataru Awards are the highest distinction for environment-related achievements by

individuals, business, and places. The Awards are usually presented by President Susilo

Bambang Yudhoyono in conjunction with World Environment Day, June 5.

The Monkey Forest is owned by the village of Padangtegal and is currently under the

management of Padangtegal Wenara Wana Foundation. It is home to rare and endangered flora

and plants. It is also home to around 605 Balinese long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis).

Together with Udayana University, the foundation identified a number of rare plants in

the forest. There are around 115 species of plants, while some of the trees are considered

sacred and holy, only being used for spiritual and religious purposes.


Tas Diantoro Hadi, chairman of the Kalpataru Awards National Committee, said that the

Monkey Forest was the only candidate from Bali this year. “We will categorize the Monkey

Forest as a forest conversation nominee,” he said.


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Social function to inform readers about events of the day. The events are

considered newsworthy or important.

Generic Structure

o Newsworthy event(s): Recount(s) the event(s) in a summary form.

o Background events: elaborate what happened, to whom, in what circumstances.

o Sources: comments by participants, witnesses and authorities on the events.

Grammar Focus

o Passive Voice Subject + to be + Past Participle/V3

Tenses Active Passive

Simple Present

Simple Past

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

Present Future

S + V1 + O

S + V2 + O

S + have/has + V + O

S + had + V + O

S + will/shall + V + O

S + am/is/are + V3

S + was/were + V3

S + have/has + been + V3

S + had + been + V3

S + will/shall + be + V3

F. Metode Pembelajaran/Teknik

a. Pendekatan : Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL)

b. Strategi Pembelajaran : Cooperative Learning

G. Strategi Pembelajaran

Tatap Muka Terstruktur Mandiri

Bertanya jawab tentang

pertanyaan teks fungsional

pendek sederhana

berbentuk news item.

Membahas unsur dan

makna dalam pertanyaan

teks fungsional pendek

sederhana berbentuk news

Dengan kelompok

belajarnya, siswa diberi

tugas untuk melakukan

hal-hal berikut, dan

melaporkan setiap

kegiatan kepada guru

Siswa melakukan berbagai

kegiatan terkait dengan

wacana berbentuk news

itemdi luar tugas tatap

muka dan terstruktur yang

diberikan guru.

Siswa mengumpulkan

setiap hasil kerja dalam


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Membahas ciri-ciri


Memberikan contoh news

item kepada kelompok

atau kelas (monolog)

Menjelaskan kembali

kepada kelompok atau


Membahas kesulitan yang

dihadapi siswa dalam

melakukan kegiatan

terstruktur dan mandiri.

portofolio, dan

melaporkan hal-hal yang

sudah diperoleh serta

kesulitan yang dihadapi

secara rutin kepada guru.

Langkah-langkah Kegiatan

1. Kegiatan Awal (10 menit)

a. Mengucapkan salam dengan ramah kepada siswa ketika memasuki ruang kelas

(nilai yang ditanamkan: santun, peduli)

b. Mengecek kehadiran siswa (nilai yang ditanamkan: disiplin, rajin)

c. Mengaitkan materi/kompetensi yang akan dipelajari dengan karakter.

d. Dengan merujuk kepada silabus, RPP, dan bahan ajar, menyampaikan butir

karakter yang hendak dikembangkan selain yang terkait dengan SL/KD.

e. Memutarkan video yang bersangkutan dengan news item.

f. Guru mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan materi dan

pengetahuan umum siswa.


- What did you see on the previous video?

g. Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai.

After reading this following news item I hope you will be able to write the news

item and also identify some information in the news item text.


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h. Menyampaikan cakupan materi dan penjelasan uraian kegiatan sesuai silabus.

i. Memberikan teks dan meminta siswa untuk mengidentifikasi apa informasi yang

ada dalam teks.

2. Kegiatan Inti (70 menit)

a. Eksplorasi

Dalam kegiatan eksplorasi guru:

- Memberikan stimulus berupa pemberian materi mengenai makna kata dan kalimat

dalam teks komplikasi dalam sebuah berita, mengidentifikasi topik, dan

mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks yang diberikan.

- Mendiskusikan materi bersama siswa (Buku: bahan ajar bahasa Inggris mengenai

makna kata dan kalimat dalam teks komplikasi dalam sebuah berita, mengidentifikasi

topik, dan mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks yang diberikan.

- Memberikan kesempatan pada peserta didik mengkomunikasikan secara lisan atau

mempresentasikan mengenai makna kata dan kalimat dalam teks komplikasi dalam

sebuah berita, mengidentifikasi topik, dan mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari

teks yang diberikan.

- Siswa diminta menulis sebuah berita, mengidentifikasi topik, dan mengidentifikasi

informasi tertentu dari teks yang diberikan.

b. Elaborasi

Dalam kegiatan elaborasi guru:

- Membiasakan siswa memahami makna kata dan kalimat dalam teks komplikasi dalam

sebuah iklan, mengidentifikasi topik, dan mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari

teks yang diberikan.

- Siswa menjawab beberapa pertanyaan tentang informasi yang tekandung di dalam

teks berita, seperti:

o What is the title of news item text?

o What are the details?

- Siswa mendiskusikan jawaban dengan anggota kelompok masing-masing dibimbing


- Memfasilitasi siswa melalui pemberian tugas mengerjakan soal latihan yang ada pada

buku ajar Bahasa Inggris untuk dikerjakan secara individual.


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3. Kegiatan akhir (10 menit)

- Siswa diminta membuat rangkuman dari materi mengenai cara membaca nyaring

bermacam wacana ragam tulis yang dibahas dengan ucapan dan intonasi yang benar,

mengidentifikasi topik dari teks yang dibaca dan informasi tertentu.

- Siswa dan guru melakukan refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah dilaksanakan.

- Siswa diberikan pekerjaan rumah (PR) berkaitan dengan materi mengenai makna kata

dan kalimat dalam teks komplikasi dalam sebuah berita, mengidentifikasi topik, dan

mengidentifikasi informasi tertentu dari teks yang dibaca dari soal-soal latihan yang

belum terselesaikan.

H. Sumber Pembelajaran

Buku Bahasa Inggris Look Ahead.

LKS Bahasa Inggris kelas X Semester 2 Intan Pariwara


I. Penilaian


Bentuk : essai.

J. Evaluasi

Kisi-kisi soal



makna dalam teks

fungsional pendek

dan essai

sederhana yang



descriptive, dan

news item dalam

konteks kehidupan


Mengungkapkan makna

dan langkah-langkah

retorika secara akurat,

lancar, dan berterima

dalam konteks kehidupan

sehari-hari dalam teks

berbentuk narrative,

descriptive dan news item.

Siswa mampu menggunakan

kalimat reported speech dalam

menyampaikan sebuah berita.

Siswa mampu menggunakan

kalimat simple present dalam

sebuah deskripsi.

Siswa mampu menggunakan

adverbial clause dalam menulis

sebuah berita.

Siswa mampu menghasilkan teks

berbentuk news item.

Siswa mampu menghasilkan teks

berbentuk narrative.


Page 39: PTK.docx

Presentasi Tulisan

No Elemen yang DinilaiSkor



Peserta Didik

1 Mengidentifikasi tujuan teks berita 20

2 Menemukan informasi tertentu dalam teks berita 20

3 Menemukan pernyataan yang tidak tepat dalam teks



4 Menemukan persamaan kata tertentu dalam teks berita 20

5 Menemukan acuan kata tertentu dalam teks berita 20

Total Skor 100

Padang, Maret 2013

Guru Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa PL Bahasa Inggris

SMA Adabiah 1 Padang Universitas Negeri Padang

Polmusvita Rezi S.Pd, Nastiti Kharisma


Page 40: PTK.docx

Appendix 3


Grammar Focus

o Passive Voice Subject + to be + Past Participle/V3

Tenses Active Passive

Simple Present

Simple Past

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

Present Future

S + V1 + O

S + V2 + O

S + have/has + V + O

S + had + V + O

S + will/shall + V + O

S + am/is/are + V3

S + was/were + V3

S + have/has + been + V3

S + had + been + V3

S + will/shall + be + V3



Social Function Generic Structure Language Features

To inform the readers about

events of the day.

Newsworthy event(s) Recount(s) the event(s) in a

summary form. Background events Elaborate what happened, to

whom, in what circumstances. Sources Comments by participants,

witnesses and authorities on the event.

Use of simple present tense.

Use of passive voice

Use of saying verbs Use of action verbs

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Appendix 3



Text 1

Robots have become part of human life.

Robots are machine controlled by a computer, programmed to do the endlessly repetitive

work which most people would find both tiring and boring. Robots can also sometimes be

programmed to work with substance and carry out jobs which may be dangerous to our health.

Only a computerized robot can ‘learn’ to do such work instead of a person. The memory

of a computers remembers all the instructions which a programmer or operator supplies, so that it

can order the robot to do whatever the computer instructs it to do. For example, in the

manufacture of cars, robot arms can be ‘trained’ to spray on paint from every angle.

Text 2

We should be proud of the Indonesian university students for their achievement in the

International Robotics Competition in San Mateo, California, United States of America. The

competition was held from April 20 to 22, 2012. In the competition they won three gold medals.

Wahidin Wahab, a robotics expert from the University of Indonesia, said, “Besides that

achievement, the Indonesian team has won the smart robotic competition in the United States of

America at the beginning of April 2012.”

To develop research on robotics in Indonesia, DP2M – DIKTI and university in Indonesia

hold an Indonesian Robotics Competition. This event is held every year and followed by students

from all universities in Indonesia.

“Through the Indonesian Robotics Competition we can see whether the interest of

Indonesian people, especially youngsters, in robotics is good enough,” said Wahidin.


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Appendix 3


Answer the following questions based on the texts.

Text 1

1. What is the purpose of the text?

2. What are robots?

3. What robot can ‘learn’ to do difficult work?

4. “… so that it can order the robot to do whatever the computer instruct it to do.”

(Paragraph 3). What does the word ‘it’ refer to?

5. “… programmed to do endless repetitive work…” (paragraph 2 )

What word is similar to ‘endless’?

Text 2

1. According to the text, in what event did Indonesian university students get an


2. Where did the event take place?

3. How many days did the event take place?

4. Who is Wahidin Wahab?

5. How often do DP2M – DIKTI and universities in Indonesia hold Indonesian Robotics


Answer Key:

Text 1

1. To describe robots in common.

2. They are machines controlled by a

computer, programmed to do the

endlessly repetitive work which most

people would find both tiring and


3. A computerized robot.

4. It refers to ‘the memory of a computer’.

5. It is ‘forever’.

Text 2

1. In the International Robotics


2. In San Mateo, California, United States

of America.

3. Three days.


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4. A robotics expert from the University of


5. Once a year.

Appendix 3



Write a news item text based on the previous video.


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Appendix 4

Series of Muted News Video (Movie Maker)


Six cows stole and drank the beer.

“The cows were actually drinking the beer left on the picnic table.”

Police said.People run away and call 911

In Boxford, Massachusetts.

Six cows crashed a party.