Page 1: Psychological Insights Into the Brain That Will Improve Your Marketing

Psychological Insights Into the Brain That Will Improve

Your Marketing

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The better you understand the human

mind, the better you’ll be able to persuade

customers to convert. And, if you think about it,

marketing is really about applied psychology

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Sudden, impulsive decisions and purchases.

The brain is wired to make sudden, impulsive decisions and purchases.

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The brain is wired to make sudden, impulsive decisions and purchases.According to data from Chase, Gallup and Harris Interactive, most people make impulse purchases. Regardless of the demographic, every type of person at some point will make a sudden and unplanned purchase

Offering the products or services under consideration, you can capitalize on the "impulse buy" phenomenon by asking customers to:

✘ buy now✘ try it now✘ shop now✘ get it now✘ subscribe now.

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The brain processes images faster than text.

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The brain is wired to make sudden, impulsive decisions and purchases.It’s widely accepted that the brain processes visual content faster than text. And, here, images are one of your greatest marketing assets.

Do whatever is possible to amplify your visual content, create powerful product images and front-load images within your website.

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The mind associates the colour “BLUE” with trust

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The mind associates the colour blue with trust.

If you’re still deliberating over your colour scheme, you can’t go wrong with blue. A lot of sites opt for this colour. Facebook is one of them.

Even Microsoft injects its color scheme with a lot of blue.

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The brain is more likely to trust when it associates the

product or website with appropriate words.

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The brain is wired to make sudden, impulsive decisions and purchases.Some marketers and conversion optimizers point to the impact of trust in marketing. Jeremy Smith, a conversion optimization expert, calls trust the “functional centre for all of conversion optimization.”

The most powerful way to create trust is through words. Although images are powerful, as explained above, words play a significant role in deepening a customer’s trust.

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Which words? Here are the five that work well consistently:

✘ Authentic - Authenticity has a ring of truth and power.

✘ Certified - Something that is “certified” has some level of endorsement, presumably by a neutral third-party.

✘ Guaranteed According to Kissmetrics, “60 percent of consumers feel at ease and are more likely to buy a product that has the word ‘guaranteed’ associated with it.”

✘ Loyal - Loyalty is seen as a virtue, and therefore something to be desired in a product or service.

✘ Official - The word “official” conjures up images of process-oriented offices and dependable people. If it’s official, it’s more likely to be trusted.

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When the mind says yes once, it is more likely to do

so again.

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Foot-In-The-Door Technique (FITD)One yes leads to another yes. If you can get a customer to say “yes” to a small request like an email sign up, then you can probably get him or her to say yes again -- perhaps to a subscription, purchase or trial. This is called the foot-in-the-door technique, or FITD.

Salespeople have been using it for generations.

So, start by asking for something small, and follow it up with a larger request.

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The first number seen will affect the customer’s

evaluation of the price.

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The first number seen will affect the customer’s evaluation of the price. According to the “anchoring” effect,” people rely on the first piece of information that they see when faced with a decision.

According to famed psychologist Daniel Kahneman. "If you can walk into a negotiation and be the first one to say a number or offer a price, you've gained an advantage. Likewise, if you can help the customer on your website to anchor [his or her] expectations on a certain price, you gain a powerful advantage."

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Every decision is an emotional decision.

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Emotions play a hugely significant roleSome decision-makers like to think of themselves as rational and unswayed by emotion.

If emotions weren’t involved, it would be difficult to make any decision at all.

Don’t hesitate to play to your user’s emotions. Those who make decisions with the aid of their emotions are likely to make a better decision

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If you label people in a certain way, they are likely

to act according to that label

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If you label people in a certain wayIt’s okay to tell your customers who they are, what they believe and how they will act.

Your labelling will impact their decision to buy or not buy your product or service.

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Conclusion The more you know about the mind, the better you’ll be able to sell.

But it’s not psychology alone that can improve your marketing, it’s the specific psychology of your target audience. Every niche is different. Something that works for one group may backfire on another group.

The best psychological insights that you can gather are those that come from your target audience. So, research, learn, test and take action on what you know.
