Page 1: Psalm8 :4-5. Christ Baptist Church Summer 2015 Lesson 4

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,

what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?

Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings

and crowned him with glory and honor.Psalm8 :4-5

Page 2: Psalm8 :4-5. Christ Baptist Church Summer 2015 Lesson 4

Christ Baptist Church

Summer 2015

Lesson 4

Page 3: Psalm8 :4-5. Christ Baptist Church Summer 2015 Lesson 4

Philippians Chap 2:1-11 The Great Example

Phil 2:1-41. What is the difference between unity and uniformity?

2. What is true humility? • Personal Questions: How would you rate yourself in this area?

What can you do practically to become more humble in your everyday life?• Does this mean we are to be a doormat?

3. Why does selfishness never bring joy? James 4:1-4

Rom 12:3

Page 4: Psalm8 :4-5. Christ Baptist Church Summer 2015 Lesson 4

Philippians Chap 2:1-11 The Great Example

Phil 2:5-64. Why is pride the great enemy of the spiritual life?

Phil 2:75. In what ways did Jesus serve others? • How do you think this affected what Jesus thought of Himself?

•What does it mean that God “emptied himself” or “made himself nothing?”

Gen 3:1-7

Isa 14:12-

15Pride in a single individual life, in a family, a church, in government, or a whole nation, always destroys, divides, sets one person against another, perpetuates conflict, breaks up marriages and partnerships and unions of every sort.” Ray Stedman

Page 5: Psalm8 :4-5. Christ Baptist Church Summer 2015 Lesson 4

Philippians Chap 2:1-11 The Great Example

Phil 2:8•Would it have been enough for Jesus renounce his rights and

live as a man totally dependent upon the Father through his earthly ministry?

6. “Ministry that costs nothing accomplishes nothing.” What does that statement mean to you?

7. “The more Christians give, the more they receive.” Do you agree? Give some examples.

Page 6: Psalm8 :4-5. Christ Baptist Church Summer 2015 Lesson 4

Four Rights that Jesus gave up for our Sake

Rights Verse Comments

To Live like God

Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,


He lived like one of us

To Act like God

but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant,

2:7 He owned nothing, borrowed everything

To Look like God

being born in the likeness of men 2:7 Divine spender vs Jewish man

To be treated like God

And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

2:8 Treated cruelly; inhuman death on the Cross; Gave up rights in trials

Steven Davey, 12/20/1992

Page 7: Psalm8 :4-5. Christ Baptist Church Summer 2015 Lesson 4

Philippians Chap 2:1-11 The Great Example

Phil 2:9-118. What does Jesus’ life teach Christians about demanding their


9. What was the whole purpose of Christ’s humiliations and exaltation? John

17:1-2John 17:22

Rom 8:28-30

Renunciation Humiliation Exaltation

Ray Stedman, 1963

Page 8: Psalm8 :4-5. Christ Baptist Church Summer 2015 Lesson 4

Weekly Challenges - Applying God’s Word

10.If we ask ourselves “What would Jesus do?” every time we had a choice to make, how would Christians today impact their world? • How might your life look different if you did this?

•What is the secret of keeping unity?

• Do you have the mind of Christ? Are you willing to renunciate your rights?

Page 9: Psalm8 :4-5. Christ Baptist Church Summer 2015 Lesson 4

Philippians – The Submissive Mind


Phil 2:1-11


Phil 2:12-18


Phil 2:19-24


Phil 2:25-30

Four examples of a Submissive mind
