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Psalm 19:1-4

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What Holds the Earth Up?

Three thousand years ago Hindu priests imagined that the earth was resting on the backs of several huge elephants, which in turn were resting on the back of a very large turtle that was swimming in a sea. Greek mythology claimed that the god Atlas was holding the earth on his shoulders. But thousands of years ago, Job said,  “[God] hangeth the earth on nothing.” (Job 26:7) What a remarkable, yet simple statement of fact. The earth is suspended in space—held up by nothing. How did Job know this scientific fact? The Old Testament prophets wrote as they were moved by the spirit of God. 2 Peter 1:21

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Flat Versus Round Earth:

For thousands of years people believed the earth was flat. If one went too far, he would fall over the edge. This was taught in both Hindu and Buddhist holy books. And even in our century, Arabs have spoken of infidels being pushed over the edge into space. In the 1500s, the first ship sailed around the world, thus proving the earth was round. But the knowledge that the earth was round was recorded in the Judeo-Christian Bible about 3000 years ago. The prophet Isaiah (40:22) spoke of the “circle of the earth.” Solomon wrote, that God “set a compass [circle] upon the face of the deep.” (Proverbs 8:27) Indeed, the Judeo-Christian Bible declared this fact by inspiration of God.

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The Whirlpool Galaxy was discovered by the Hubble telescope. It is 31 million

light years away and many scientists believe to be close to the center of the


What does it look like?

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Laminin is the major non-collagenous component of the basal lamina, such as those on which cells of an epithelium sit.[1] Basically, laminin is a protein found in the "extracellular matrix", the sheets of protein that form the substrate of all internal organs also called the "basement membrane". It has four arms that can bind to four other molecules. The three shorter arms are particularly good at binding to other laminin molecules, which is what makes it so great at forming sheets. The long arm is capable of binding to cells, which helps anchor the actual organs to the membrane.The laminin protein is made up of three separate parts, called the A, B1, and B2 chains. That gives it a total of six "ends", which accounts for a lot of its flexibility in connecting up various kinds of molecules. Because of this, scientists who create biomaterials are extremely interested in the whole family of laminins. They are a family of glycoproteins that are an integral part of the structural scaffolding in almost every animal tissue. Laminins are secreted and incorporated into cell-associated extracellular matrices.Laminin is vital to making sure overall body structures hold together. Improper production of laminin can cause muscles to form improperly, leading to a form of muscular dystrophy. It can also cause progeria.

The purpose of laminin is that it basically keeps our bodies from falling apart. ...

What does it look like?

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Psalm 19:5-6

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Any place else would not support life

The atmosphere is a mixture of nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), and other gases (1%) that surrounds Earth. The atmosphere is an important part of what makes earth livable. Any other combination of gasses would not support life. It also blocks the Sun's dangerous rays from reaching Earth while maintaining temperature ranges required to sustain life.

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Psalm 19:7-13

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In Exodus 1:11, we are told that the children of Israel built the treasure cities of Pithom and Raamses for Pharaoh.  In Exodus 5, we are informed that they made bricks first using straw, and then using stubble, because no straw was furnished them for that purpose.  In 1883, Naville, and in l908, Kyle, found at Pithom, one of the cities built by Israel, that the lower courses were built of bricks filled with good, chopped straw.  The middle courses have less straw including stubble.  The upper courses were made of pure clay, with no straw whatever.  It is difficult to read the biblical account and not be astonished at the amazing confirmation which archaeology here has given to the Bible.

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In Isaiah 20:1, we read, "In the year that Tartan came unto Ashdod, (when Sargon the king of Assyria sent him)..." This is the only mention of King Sargon in the Bible, and they only one in ancient literature.  His place in history was severely questioned on this account.  But in the years, 1842-1845, P.E. Botta, uncovered the tremendous royal palace of Sargon.  Among the other things discovered was an account of the siege of Ashdod mentioned in Isaiah.  Once more the Bible was right, the critics wrong.

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Starting in 1929, Dr. John Garstang, excavated the ruins of ancient Jericho.  His discoveries corresponded remarkably with the Biblical account.  Jericho, he found, had a double wall, with houses built across the two walls.  This explains how Rahab's house could have been built upon a wall.  He learned that the wall was destroyed by some kind of violent convulsion such as that described in the Bible, and that when the wall feel that it fell outward, down the hillside, or as the Bible says, it fell down flat.  Had the wall been destroyed by the battering rams of an enemy army, the walls would have fallen inward instead of outward. Furthermore, the city had been burned.  Once again, the spade of archaeology has established the accuracy of the Bible.

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However, we have much evidence outside the Bible to show that the flood was a reality and that the Bible is true.  Notice the flood traditions of ancient peoples.  One scholar lists 88 different traditional accounts.  Almost all of these agree that there was a universal destruction of the human race and all living creatures by a flood

In 1872, George Smith, discovered the now famous Babylonian flood tablets.  In these, a certain person was told to build an ark or ship and to take into it seed of all creatures. He was given the exact measurements and was instructed to use pitch in sealing it.  He took his family into the boat with food

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One of the most important contributions of the Dead Sea Scrolls is the numerous Biblical manuscripts which have been discovered. Until those discoveries at Qumran, the oldest manuscripts of the Hebrew Scriptures were copies from the 9th and 10th centuries AD by a group of Jewish scribes called the Massoretes. Now we have manuscripts around a thousand years older than those. The amazing truth is that these manuscripts are almost identical! Here is a strong example of the tender care which the Jewish scribes

down through the centuries took in an effort to accurately copy the sacred Scriptures. We can have confidence that our Old

Testament Scriptures faithfully represent the words given to Moses, David and the prophets.
