Page 1: Proven Building Blocks To A Successful PPC Campaign

Proven building blocks to a successful Pay-per-click (PPC)


As PPC platfo s e e popula ized o e a de ade ago, ou’ e likely already

picked up a few great ways to run a PPC campaign over these years. However,

what most people using Pay-Per-Click ad e tisi g platfo s do ’t k o is ho to get that certain edge up on their competitors with time-tested techniques. Here,

we outline a few ways to do much more than just keep your head above water

with paid search.

1. Build continuity in Ad Copy and Landing page

Be it display or search, stay mindful of creating a sense of continuity between

your ads and landing pages by linking where your clickers click vs. where they end

up. This idea comes back to the journey your customers make when discovering

your brand. In this, you can employ the use of a visual element in a display ad

that is also being used in your ad’s landing page or a use textual element in your

paid search ads that carries through similarly. If your paid search ads boast a giant

dis ou t, ou’d ette e leadi g to a la di g page that highlights a discount in a

correlational manner, or a percentage of that traffic will almost instantly bounce.

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Over the years, companies have seen both higher clicks and conversions when

this continuity is strongest.

2. Constant ad copy optimization testing

Several things we already know is that ads need to be relevant, precise, and

convincing. Ho e e , this is othi g o e tha a fo ula ith i fi ite a ia les… which is useless until the variables have been tested over and over. The best part

is, there’s p ett u h e e goi g to e a single best way to write the copy in

your ad, but with testing you can get close. Having a robust store of ads that are

set to rotate while constantly refreshing your list and putting in new ideas is the

best way to go about doing this. Working with more than one brain on a task like

this is also highly recommended as one person can write only so much creative ad


3. Really consider your Call-To-Action (CTA)

Instead of thinking for a minute or so then plopping your thoughts down in your

ad, do a research first. What I mean by this is to go and analyze competitors

CTA’s, co sider your la di g page CTA’s co pared to your paid search CTA’s, or

simply try something new instead of sticking with what you know. Slapping a

lea o e o f ee uote onto all of your ads just to get them rotating is a

rookie mistake that should be avoided.

4. Eliminate waste in your targeting

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Geographic targeting is pretty simple for some companies as they jot in their local

su ou di gs a d fo get the est. Ho e e this does ’t al a s o k so s oothl , especially for companies that provide products or services through a virtual

medium. Many times, your local targeting brings in only a fraction of what you

want or larger geo targeting brings in traffic that is irrelevant to your business. If

your paid search ads are appearing in front of the wrong audience, you do indeed

have reason to be alarmed. Fortunately, doing just a little research on where your

audience resides, be it in certain major cities or in particular states, can help you

quickly whittle down your parameters to the zip code.

5. Be Bold, and use a mobile call-only campaign

He e’s h : searchers on mobile are 9 times more likely to call you from your ad

than they are from a desktop and those

calls are over three times more valuable

than a simple click. Compelling

argument, I know. When you use a call-

only campaign, however, you wave the

ight to allo ou e site’s li k to e clickable as it is directly replaced with

your phone number, like this picture

taken directly from the AdWords blog

depicts. Instead of having to muddy up

the process of attaining a customer

conversion, you having the shoot directly

from search to call and skip the middle man entirely. As this type of campaign was

o l i t odu ed ea lie this ea , it’s al ead looki g to e a e a d e iti g option for people who want to add rocket fuel to their paid search ads and get

calls and conversions higher than ever from Google Search.

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Key points to take away

This world we know as Google Search is indeed highly competitive, which forces

us all to be the best we can be when crafting a paid search ad campaign. The e’s undoubtedly a lot to learn when using a PPC platform, AdWords especially. If

these couple tips inspired you to make a proactive change in how you run your

PPC a paig s, the hats off. We o k e e da ith AdWo ds a d k o it’s a st et h to all this e e the tip of the i e e g. I this ega d, it’s eas to feel overwhelmed and under optimized, so drop us a message if ou’ e ead to see results.

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