Page 1: Prospektus Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif (PoliMedia)

we provide excellent creative skills

Page 2: Prospektus Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif (PoliMedia)

Page 3: Prospektus Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif (PoliMedia)

“...we nowmust look at the creativeand cultural indrustries as the wayto our economic future”Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

Page 4: Prospektus Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif (PoliMedia)

Daftar Isi Content

Welcome Speech | 7

A Perspective Begins | 8

History in Brief | 10

Vision, Mission and Objectives | 12

Graduate’s Profile | 14

Organogram | 16

What Our Learning Strategy Is | 18

What Our Lecturer’s Profile Are | 18

What Our Plan Ahead Is | 19

What Kind of Facilities Available | 21

Graduate’s Competencies | 23

Graphic Design | 23

Graphic Arts | 23

Publishing | 23

Department and Program | 24

Graphic Design | 24

Career Prospect | 24

Where to Work | 24

How Learning Process Is | 25

Facilities Available | 25

Graphic Arts Department | 26

Program Structures | 26

Graphic Art Graduate Profile | 27

Career Prospects | 27

Program Content | 27

Graduate’s Competencies | 27

Publishing Department | 28

Program Structures | 28

Career Prospects | 29

Ucapan Selamat Datang | 7

Pengantar | 8

Sekilas Fakta | �0

Visi, Misi dan Tujuan | ��

Profil Lulusan | ��

Organisasi | �6

Bagaimana Sistem Pendidikan Kami | �8

Bagaimana Profil Dosen Kami | �8

Apa Rencana Kami ke depan | �9

Fasilitas Apa Yang Kami Miliki | �0

Kompetensi Lulusan | ��

Desain Grafis | ��

Teknik Grafika | ��

Penerbitan | ��

Jurusan dan Program Studi | ��

Jurusan Desain Grafis | ��

Prospek Profesi | ��

Peluang Kerja | ��

Bagaimana Proses Pembelajarannya | �5

Fasilitas Jurusan | �5

Jurusan Teknik Grafika | �6

Stuktur Program | �6

Profil Lulusan Teknik Grafika | �7

Prospek Karir| �7

Materi Kuliah | �7

Kompetensi Lulusan | �7

Jurusan Penerbitan | �8

Stuktur Program | �8

Prospek Karir| �9

Page 5: Prospektus Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif (PoliMedia)


Selamat Datang di Kampus Kreatif | �0

Board of Directors | ��

Staff and Lecturer | ��

Wawasan Internasional | �6

Fasilitas | �7

Ruang Kelas | �8

Laboratorium Komputer | �0

Perpustakaan | �0

Rencana Pengembangan

Jurusan dan Program Studi | ��

Kejasama Prospektif | ��

Peta Strategis Kerjasama Prospektif | �5

Dimana Lokasi Kami | �8

Welcome To Creative Campus | 31

Board of Directors | 32

Staff and Lecturer | 33

International Outlook | 36

Facilities | 37

Class Room | 38

Computer Rooms | 40

Library | 40

Rencana Pengembangan

Jurusan dan Program Studi | 41

Inspiring Collaboration | 44

Prospective Collaboration and Partnership | 45

Where Our Location Is | 48

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Page 7: Prospektus Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif (PoliMedia)


Sekapur Sirih

Selamat Datang di Kampus Kreatif

Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb.

Para Budiman yang terhormat,

Atas nama seluruh civitas academica Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif ( PoliMedia ) kami mengucapkan Selamat Bergabung dengan Kampus Kreatif yang memiliki lingkungan belajar asri, nyaman, tenang serta didukung oleh sarana yang lengkap.

PoliMedia bangga dapat hadir pada saat yang tepat ketika masyarakat kreatif mulai tumbuh dan berkem-bang sebagai penggerak ekonomi kreatif yang diyakini mampu memberikan kontribusi yang penting dalam upaya mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi di Indonesia.

PoliMedia dipersiapkan dengan fokus mendidik dan melatih para wirausahawan muda berbakat untuk dikembangkan menjadi talenta yang inovatif, kreatif dan trampil guna memenuhi kebutuhan sumber daya manusia yang diperlukan sektor industri kreatif di masa mendatang.

PoliMedia siap mengemban tugas untuk mendidik putra-putri berbakat agar memiliki pengetahuan, keterampilan dan kemampuan berwirausaha dengan tingkat kompetensi berstandar internasional yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri terkait.

Kami berkomitmen untuk mewujudkan PoliMedia menjadi lembaga pendidikan dan pelatihan di bidang industri kreatif yang terpercaya, melalui semboyan “where the innovation grows”.



Bambang Wasito Adi.

Director’s Insight

Welcome to Creative Campus

Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb.

Dear Excellency,

On behalf of PoliMedia’s civitas academica I mostly welcome you to our creative campus with natural learning environment, comfortable, as well as supported by appropriate facilities.

PoliMedia is proud of his existing on the right time when the creative societies start growing as a creative economic stimulator which assured to contribute our efforts to encourage the Indonesia’s economic growth.

PoliMedia is provided to educate and train creative talented entrepreneurs in order to be developed as an innovative and creative as well as skillful approached to fulfil the needs of future creative industry.

PoliMedia is ready to be responsible for educating and training the talented young generations to have knowledge, craftsmanship, and entrepreneurship ability based on international competency standards in accordance with the relevant industries’ needs.

We strongly committed to create the PoliMedia to be truly trusted education and training institution in the field of creative industries through the slogan “where the innovation grows’”

Be sure to join the civitas academica of PoliMedia.


Bambang Wasito Adi.

Page 8: Prospektus Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif (PoliMedia)


“…we now must look at the creative and culture industry as the way to our economic future”Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

Tanpa kita sadari, kehidupan modern dewasa ini penuh dikelilingi oleh berbagai produk kreatifitas, seperti: rumah yang kita huni, baju yang kita pakai, buku yang kita baca, acara TV yang kita tonton, foto-foto yang kita lihat, kemasan produk yang kita jumpai, berbagai iklan yang menggoda kita, dan lain-lainnya.Kesemuanya itu merupakan produk industri kreatif.

Era industri kreatif yang baru tumbuh beberapa waktu belakangan ini, terbukti mampu memberikan kontribusi yang cukup signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional dan secara tidak kita sadari pula telah mendorong munculnya kelompok masyarakat baru yaitu masyarakat kreatif. Kelompok masyarakat ini menyandarkan kehidupannya pada kreatifitas mereka yang menghasilkan nilai tambah ekonomi. Itulah yang disebut sebagai ekonomi kreatif.

Apa itu ekonomi kreatif? Yaitu proses nilai tambah ekonomi yang bersumber kepada kreatifitas individu yang memiliki pengetahuan, teknologi dan seni-budaya sebagai penghasil barang, jasa ataupun karya seni.

Departemen Perdagangan telah mengkategorikan 14 bidang industri yang masuk dalam kelompok sektor industri kreatif, yakni : Arsitektur, Desain, Fesyen ( Mode ), Film/Video/Fotografi, Kerajinan, Komputer & Piranti lunak, Musik, Penerbitan & Percetakan, Periklanan, Pasar Seni & Barang Antik, Permainan Interaktif, Riset & Pengembangan, Seni Pertunjukan, Televisi & Radio.

“…we now must look at the creative and culture industry as the way to our economic future”Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

Unconsciously, the modern life style of today is fully boundaries with various creative products, such as: a house where we stay, clothes that we wear, books that we read, televison programs that we watch, photographs that we see, packagings that we find, any advertisings that grab us and others. All of them are creative industry’s products.

The creative industry’s era that newly developed in this recent time, approved to be more significantly contributable toward the national economic growth and automatically encourages the rise of new communities named creative society. This cluster whose life based on what their own creativity provides value-added economy. So called as creative economy.

What the creative economy is? That is the process of value-added economy derived from individual creativities with their knowledge and its technology as well as their culture as the basis of producing of products, services or arts and crafts.

The Ministry of Trade Affairs categorized 14 sectors of creative industries, such as: Architecture, Design, Fashion or Mode, Film/Video/Photography, Crafting, Computer & Software, Music, Publishing & Printing, Advertising, Arts and Antique Market, Interactive Games, Research & Development, Performing Arts, Television & Radio.

Pengantar A Perspective Begins

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PoliMedia merupakan perguruan tinggi baru yang berkomitmen tinggi untuk mendidik dan melatih sumberdaya manusia di sektor industri kreatif melalui proses pembelajaran bermutu. Ke depannya, diprediksi sektor industri ini akan berkembang pesat di Indonesia.Dengan bangga Prospektus ini kami persembahkan kepada Anda sekalian yang berminat memasuki era ekonomi kreatif.

PoliMedia is the newly higher education institution committed to educated the human resource in the field of creative industry through qualified learning process. In the future, predicted this sectors will rapidly grow in Indonesia.

Proudly dedicate this prospectus to those who are interested in entering creative economy era.

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History In Brief

The revitalization policy for The Indonesia Center for The Graphic Arts ( Pusgrafin ) to be The State Polytechnic of Creative Media (PoliMedia) is the way to respond the statement of the President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Creative Exhibition JCC, June 4th, 2008 “... We now must look at the creative and cultural industry as the way to our economic future”. The speech quotation implies that creative industry based on creativities and culture needs to be systematically formulated into the government policy both from industrial aspects and human resource support.

The establishment of PoliMedia is to support the speed growth of various creative industries in which graphic design, graphic arts, and publishing are becoming part of. PoliMedia ( previously called Pusat Grafika Indonesia—Pusgrafin ) has its long reputation in the development and supervision of national publishing and Graphic Arts industries. Since the first year establishment of Pusgrafin 1969 until 2008 at least there have been about 20 sorts of training programs with 13.327 total number of trainees. This services are provided for graphic arts and publishing communities with the support of adequate various equipments and experienced skilled trainers.

The existing of PoliMedia ( Decree of Education Ministry, October 8 2008 ) aimed at producing graduates who are kept abreast on the latest development in the National Creative Industries. This institution was initiated to adopt with the ability to innovate, contribute and lead in the new millennium. The existing of PoliMedia signifies a heavy responsibility that encompasses the scope of a truly world class institution---to be the catalyst for the development of the nation.

Kebijakan revitalisasi Pusat Grafika Indonesia (Pusgrafin) menjadi Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif (PoliMedia) adalah dalam rangka menindaklanjuti pidato Presiden Yudhoyono saat membuka Pekan Produk Budaya Indonesia (PPBI) di JCC, 4 Juni 2008, yakni: “……We now must look at the creative and cultural industry as the way to our economic future”, Pernyataan ini menyiratkan bahwa industri kreatif yang berbasis kreatifitas dan budaya perlu secara sistematis didukung kebijakan pemerintah baik dari aspek industri maupun dukungan SDM.

Pendirian PoliMedia dimaksudkan untuk mendukung pertumbuhan berbagai industri kreatif yang pesat di antaranya desain grafis, teknik grafika, dan penerbitan yang menjadi bagian lingkup pelatihan dan pendidikannya. PoliMedia (sebelumnya bernama Pusat Grafika Indonesia) memiliki reputasi yang baik dalam pengembangan dan pembinaan industri penerbitan dan grafika nasional. Sejak pertama berdiri pada tahun 1969 sampai 2008 setidaknya telah dilaksanakan 20 jenis pelatihan jangka pendek yang sempat menghasilkan 13.327 alumni. Berbagai pelatihan diberikan kepada masyarakat grafika dan penerbitan dengan dukungan berbagai peralatan dan tenaga pelatih yang ahli dan berpengalaman dalam bidangnya.

Pendirian PoliMedia berdasarkan Kepmendiknas 8 Oktober 2008 bertujuan untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang trampil dan mendukung perkembangan industri kreatif nasional. Institusi pendidikan PoliMedia diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi inovasi dalam perkembangan era baru masyarakat modern di Indonesia. PoliMedia memiliki tanggung jawab untuk membawa bangsa ini sejajar dengan bangsa lain dalam kancah percaturan dunia pendidikan internasional sebagai katalisator untuk pengembangan potensi bangsa.

Sekilas Fakta

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Sebagai institusi pendidikan, Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif merupakan yang pertama dan satu-satunya, PoliMedia memiliki peran penting dalam menyediakan pendidikan bertaraf internasional di bidang media kreatif, untuk masa mendatang akan dibuka program-program studi baru yang terkait dengan industri kreatif, antara lain: periklanan, arsitektur, permainan animasi, penyiaran, desain fesyen dan kemasan.

PoliMedia berada dalam posisi strategis di komunitas kreatif melalui perannya memotivasi semangat alih teknologi secara terus menerus dari pihak eksternal, dalam menciptakan temuan-temuan baru, dan inovasi teknologi yang menguntungkan bagi negara dan bangsa. Sebagai pusat pelatihan dan pendidikan yang unggul, PoliMedia yang berlokasi di Jakarta juga mempunyai jaringan di Kota Medan sebagai representasinya untuk wilayah Indonesia bagian barat dan di Kota Makasar untuk Indonesia bagian timur.

The first and the only one government creative industry polytechnic, PoliMedia plays an important role in providing world-class education within the broad sphere of creative media. In the next coming years more programs being developed, such as: advertising, architecture, animation, broadcasting, fashion design and packaging.

PoliMedia is strategically placed within the creative communities to capture and capitalize continual technology transfer from external industries, and create new inventions, innovations and technology to benefit the nation. As a service of excellence, in addition to the PoliMedia in Jakarta there will be two more creative polytechnic located i n M e d a n f o r t h e w e s t s e r v i c e and Makassar for the north parts service.

Page 12: Prospektus Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif (PoliMedia)


VisiMenjadi institusi terkemuka dan unggul bertaraf internasional di bidang media kreatif.

Misi 1. Menciptakan program-program pendidikan teknologi media kreatif berbasis industri.

2. Mengembangkan dan menerapkan teknologi media kreatif berbasis kebutuhan masyarakat.

3. Membangun wahana pengembangan sumber daya manusia yang kreatif, inovatif, kompetitif, dan bermartabat yang berwawasan kebangsaan.

Visi danMisiVision and Mission

Tujuan1. Menyelenggarakan program pendidikan

vokasi guna membangun pengetahuan dasar dan terapan, teknologi dan seni, serta jiwa kewirausahaan di bidang kreatif yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat;

2. Menghasilkan lulusan yang kompeten dan mampu menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan seni di bidang kreatif, serta mampu meningkatkan produktivitas organisasi dan menghasilkan keunggulan kompetitif;

3. Menciptakan dan mengembangkan program pendidikan vokasi jenjang D1, D2, D3, dan D4 di bidang teknologi kreatif;

4. Mengembangkan dan melaksanakan program pelatihan dan sertifikasi profesi dalam bidang keterampilan dan kewirausahaan di bidang teknologi kreatif;

5. Membangun kapasitas dan kapabilitas sumber daya manusia berdasarkan pada Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi di bidang teknologi dan industri kreatif;

6. Membangun iklim akademik untuk mendorong inovasi dan kreasi dalam rangka menunjang pengembangan teknologi dan industri kreatif.

Page 13: Prospektus Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif (PoliMedia)


VisionTo be a world class institution in creative media technology

Mission 1. Creating educational programs of creative media technology approaches to industrial bases

2. Developing and implementing the creative media technology approaches to community need bases.

3. Establishing the human resource development center which is creative, innovative, competitive, and proudness with nation & character building.

Objectives1. Implementing vocational education programs in order to generate basic and applied knowledges,

applied arts and technology, and entrepreneurship in the field of creative media inline with the societies’ needs.

2. Producing the competencies’ output and capable of implementing science, arts and technology in the field of creative media as well as competence in upgrading organizational productivity and producing competitive priorities.

3. Executing and develop vocational education programs within the level of Diploma 1, Diploma 2, Diploma 3, and Diploma 4 in the field of creative media.

4. Developing and implementing skill training programs, professional certificate, and service of excellence in the field of creative media.

5. Building the human resource capacity and capability based on the Three Main Tasks of Higher Education in the field of creative media.

6. Facilitating the innovative and creative nuance to support the development of creative media.


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1. Memiliki integritas tinggi

2. Berdisiplin, mandiri, berkemauan keras, jujur dan bertanggung jawab

3. Bersifat terbuka dan tanggap terhadap perubahan & pengembangan

4. Menerapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi sesuai kebutuhan industri kreatif

5. Memiliki ketrampilan konseptual dan ketrampilan dalam hubungan antar manusia.

1. Posessing high integrity

2. High discipline, independence, strong willingness, trusty, and responsibility

3. Open minded and response to change and development.

4. Using science and technology based on the creative industrial needs.

5. Having conceptual skills and interhuman relationship

Profil Lulusan Graduates’ Profile

Sistem Pendidikan 1. Program Diploma 3 (D-3)

2. Sistem kelas (maks. 32 mahasiswa per kelas)

3. Teori 40 % dan praktek 60 %

4. Sistem paket

5. Praktek Kerja Lapangan (PKL)

Ciri Pendidikan 1. V o k a s i

2. Kemampuan kenalaran dan ketrampilan mengenai masalah praktis

3. Pengaitan konsep dasar dengan kasus nyata

4. Pengintegrasian teori dan proses nyata.

Jurusan 1. Desain Grafis

2. Teknik Grafika

3. Penerbitan

Educational Systems 1. Diploma Programs ( D-3 )

2. Class system ( maks. 32 students per-class )

3. Theory 40 % and Practice 60 %

4. Packet System

5. Apprenticeship

Educational Types 1. Vocational

2. Analytical Skills and Practical Problem Solving

3. Linkage Basic Concept with Real Case

4. Integrating Theory and Real Process

Study Programs 1. Graphic Design

2. Graphic Arts

3. Publishing


Page 15: Prospektus Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif (PoliMedia)


Tenaga Dosen• Memiliki pengalaman dosen di berbagai

pendidikian tinggi negeri maupun swasta serta pengalaman instruktur pelatihan teknologi grafika dan penerbitan.

• Mendapat wawasan tambahan melalui berbagai pelatihan jangka pendek di luar negeri, seperti: Jerman, Inggris, Belanda, Perancis, Jepang dan Cina.

• Didukung tenaga praktisi industri media terkenal yang cukup berpengalaman.

Lecturer• Experienced lecturers from some high public

or private universities, as well as experienced instructors for the graphic and publishing training programs.

• Obtaining added views through some short training abroad, namely: Germany, United Kingdom, Holland, French, Japan, China.

• Supported by the popular media industry practitioners with high experienced.

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Struktur Organisasi Secara operasional PoliMedia menjalankan semua program kerjanya melalui kerangka struktur organisasi sebagai berikut:



Library Unit

Direktur (Director)

UPTDesain & Periklanan

Design and Ads.

UPTPenerbitan dan

Percetakan (Publishing &Graphic Arts

Pudir IIBidang Adm. Umum & Keuangan

Vice Director on Adm & Finance

Pudir IBidang Akademik

Vice Director on Academic

Dosen Lecturers


Ka.SubbagAkademik dan

KemahasiswaanSubhead of Academic and


Ka.SubbagPerencanaan danSistem Informasi

Subhead of Plan and Information System

Bagian Akademik & Kemahasiswaan

Academic and Students Division

JurusanTeknik Grafika

Graphic Arts Study Program


Publishing Study Program

JurusanDesain Grafis

Graphic Design Study Program

Dewan PenyantunBoard of Trusty

Page 17: Prospektus Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif (PoliMedia)


Organizational StructurePoliMedia operationally implements all the programs within the structure of organization as follows:


Pudir IIIBidang Kemahasiswaan

Vice Director on Students’ Emp.

Pudir IVBidang Kerjasama

Vice Director on Collaboration

Bagian Adm Umum & KeuanganGeneral and Finance


UnitPenelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat

Research and Community Development

Subbag Administrasi UmumSubdivision of Public



Subdivison of Finance

Subbag Tata Laksana dan KepegawaianSubdivision of Staff

Dev’ and Adm.


Page 18: Prospektus Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif (PoliMedia)


Komitmen tujuan pendidikan di PoliMedia adalah menghasilkan lulusan siap usaha yang menguasai Iptek jurusan dan memiliki keahlian kreatif pada kegiatan produksi. Untuk itu, kami merancang sistem pendidikan vokasi berbasis keahlian kreatif melalui pembekalan teori 40% dan praktik 60%, didukung metode pembelajaran berbasis aktifitas mahasiswa

Kami menyelaraskan program praktik di Institusi dan Industri (3 bulan) yang diarahkan kepada penguasaan iptek oleh mahasiswa dengan kreasi terapan teknologi pada dunia kerja dan bisnis.

PoliMedia merancang kegiatan kemahasiswaan esktra kurikuler yang relevan yaitu program sanggar kreasi mahasiswa sebagai inkubator bisnis dengan mengolah hasil-hasil praktik mahasiswa menjadi komoditi bisnis.

Bagaimana Profil Dosen KamiPara dosen berprofesi sebagai spesialis profesional dengan pengalaman yang diakui dalam bidang Desain Grafis, Teknik Grafika dan Penerbitan. Di samping kemampuan mentransformasikan ilmu dan pengalamannya, para dosen juga mendapatkan pengalaman yang berharga dalam bidang industri kreatif.

Beberapa dosen mendapat wawasan tambahan melalui program pelatihan di luar negeri, seperti: Jerman, Inggris, Belanda, Perancis, Jepang dan Cina.

The main objective of PoliMedia is to graduate prospective talented entrepreneur mastering science and technology with creative competence based in producing creative products. Therefore, we designed vocation learning system through the fulfilment of 40% theory and 60% practices that is encouraged by the method of student centered learning.

We accelerate the 3 month practicum program of institution to the industry that is emphasizing on mastering science and technology for the students by means of the applied technolgy’s creation in the industry and business atmosphere.

PoliMedia designed the extracurriculer of students’ relevant activities, namely creation studio program as a business incubator by exploring the students’ works to be business commodity.

What Our Lecture’s Profile Are Most of lecturers are professional specialist with recognized experiences in Graphic Design, Graphic Arts and Publishing. In addition to the transfer of knowledge capability, the lecturers are also affordable obtaining considerable experience of the creative industry.

Some lecturers obtained broad-minded perspectives by undergoing a several overseas training program, especialy in Germany, United Kingdom, Netherland, French, Japan and China.

Bagaimana Sistem Pendidikan Kami

What Our Learning Strategy Is

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PoliMedia telah merancang Rencana Strategis (Renstra) pengembangan kampus yang akan terwujud dalam waktu 5 tahun ke depan (2009-2014). Target-target yang sudah diprogramkan meliputi :

- Pengembangan jurusan dan program studi baru sebagaimana tercantum pada matriks berikut.

- Pengembangan kompetensi dan profesionalisme dosen melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan ke luar negeri.

- Pembangunan gedung berlantai 7 untuk perkantoran dan ruang perkuliahan.

- Moderenisasi permesinan praktik untuk 3 (tiga) jurusan dengan teknologi serba digital.

- Membuka akses yang luas untuk peluang kerjasama di berbagai bidang dengan berbagai pihak di dalam dan luar negeri.

- Penataan sistem dan manajemen kampus menuju bentuk dan pola kerja Badan Usaha Politeknik yang mandiri.

PoliMedia has already designed a feasibility strategic concept of creative campus development within 5 years (2009-2014). The targets being programmed, such as:

- Development of the new programs as mentioned at the matrix below.

- Development of the lecturer’s competence and professionalism through education and training abroad.

- Renovation project of the 7th floor learning space and office building.

- Moderinization of the digitalized practicum instruments, especialy for Graphic Design, Graphic Arts and Publishing.

- Establishing worldwide Access to catch the golden opportunities of the various fields with the parties concerned.

- Revitalization of system and campus management toward PoliMedia business intrapreneurship.

Apa Rencana Kami Ke Depan

What Our Plan Ahead Is ?

Page 20: Prospektus Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif (PoliMedia)


PoliMedia dilengkapi dengan berbagai fasilitas yang berfokus pada kebutuhan akademis yang dinamis, seperti: mesin cetak, laboratorium diagnostik, studio fotografi, studio desain, laboratorium bahasa, simulator cetak, simulasi penerbitan, bengkel cetak digital, pusat kewirausahaan dan layanan bisnis, dan juga layanan publik seperti mesjid, pusat kebugaran, perpustakaan, areal parkir, kantin, aula seminar dan lain sebagainya.

Saat ini PoliMedia sudah memiliki ruang belajar modern dilengkapi peralatan elektronik digital. Sarana praktik dalam bentuk lab, studio, dan bengkel pada 3 jurusan lengkap dan mencukupi sesuai kebutuhan akademik.

Area kampus yang tumbuh dan berkembang bersama sederetan pemandangan yang indah di atas tanah seluas 2,5 Ha dikelilingi oleh kesan lingkungan yang alami membuat aura pusat pendidikan selalu memancarkan spektrum intelektualitas.

Fasilitas Apa Yang Kami Miliki

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PoliMedia established with miscellaneous facilities focused in the dynamic of academic’s needs, such as printing machineries, diagnostic lab photographic studio, design studio, language lab, color printing simulator, publishing simulation, digital printing workshop, entrepreneurship center as well as public services of mosque, sport center, library, parking lots, creative cafe, seminar hall etc.

Nowadays, PoliMedia has already provided modern learning space equipped with digital electronic devices. Practicum facilities in the form of laboratorium, studio, and workshop for 3 programs appropriate for the academic’s needs.

Campus area grows together with a wide range of beautiful landscape and gardening on the land 2,5 ha boundaries natural green impacts that the center’s glows appear constantly at the intellectual spectrums.

What Kind of Facilities Available

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Desain GrafisMampu menciptakan kreasi seni, budaya dan desain grafis aplikasi kebutuhan industri kreatif percetakan, penerbitan, periklanan, games, video, televisi, film, desain, arsitektur, fesyen, kerajinan, seni pertunjukan dan musik.

Teknik GrafikaMampu menciptakan kreasi terapan teknologi kegrafikaan aplikasi kebutuhan industri kreatif percetakan, penerbitan, periklanan dan kemasan.

PenerbitanMampu menciptakan kreasi editing dan penulisan aplikasi kebutuhan industri kreatif penerbitan, periklanan, televisi, broadcasting, game, video, film, seni pertunjukan dan musik.

Graphic DesignSkillful in making the arts of creativities and culture as well as applied graphic design approaches to the needs of creative industries, namely: printing, publishing, advertising, games, video, television, film, design, architecture, fashion, craft, entertainment and music.

Graphic ArtsSkillful in making applied graphic arts creativities approaches to the needs of creative industries, namely: printing, publishing, advertising and packaging.

PublishingSkillful in making applied arts of writing and editing creativities approaches to the needs of creative industries, namely: publishing, advertising, television, broadcasting, game, video, film, event organizers, edutainment and music.


Graduate’s Competencies


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Jurusan Desain GrafisDesain Grafis merupakan bidang keilmuan yang mempelajari tentang kreasi seni dan desain dalam industri teknologi grafika yang dipresentasikan dalam bentuk 2 dimensi maupun 3 dimensi sebagai media komunikasi

Berbagai keahlian bidang desain grafis meliputi perancangan logo/branding, bahan penerbitan, kemasan, literatur promosi, dan media kehumasan dll.

Prospek ProfesiPerkembangan industri kreatif yang semakin semarak di berbagai kota besar dan daerah dapat meningkatkan penyerapan sumber daya manusia di bidang desain grafis.

Dapat dikatakan bahwa keahlian desain garfis sudah menjadi bagian dari sektor industri kreatif, setara dengan keahlian desain lainnya, seperti: merancang interior, merancang produk, merancang tekstil dan lain sebagainya.

Peluang Kerja 1. Desainer Grafis di Graphic House

2. Desainer Grafis di Advertising Agency

3. Desainer Grafis Perusahaan Buku, Majalah, Surat Kabar.

4. Desainer Grafis di berbagai lembaga/institusi pemerintah maupun swasta

5. Desainer Grafis di media televisi

6. Desainer Grafis di Event Organizer

7. Desainer Grafis di Percetakan

8. Sebagai Entrepreneur Desain Grafis.

9. Desainer Grafis di Hotel.

Graphic DesignGraphic design is a craftsmanship of the knowledge concerning the creation of art and design in graphic arts technology industry presented into 2 or 3 dimensional form as a communication media.

Various skills of graphic design consist of designing logo/ branding, publishing, packaging, promotion literatures, publication media, etc.

Career ProspectThe continual growth of creative industry at any cities can support human resources’ acceptance in the field of graphic design.

It can be said that design competency has already become parts of creative industry, equal to the similar competence, such as interior design, product design, textile design, etc.

Where to work.1. Graphic Designer at Graphic House

2. Graphic Designer at advertising agency

3. Graphic Designer at Book, Magazine, Newspaper, Publication Firm.

4. Graphic Designer at the Government/ Private Institution.

5. Graphic Designer at Television

6. Graphic Desiner at Event Organizer.

7. Graphic Designer at the Printing House.

8. As a Entrepreneur in the field of Graphic Design.

9. Graphic Designer at the Hotel

Jurusan dan Program Studi

Department And Program

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Bagaimana Proses PembelajarannyaMahasiswa akan menyelesaikan studi dalam 6 semester yang diuraikan pada setiap semester bermuatan ketrampilan yang berjenjang.

Semester Pertama, memiliki muatan mata kuliah yang bersifat dasar sebagai referensi sebelum mahasiswa merancang .

Semester Kedua, memiliki ketrampilan membuat konsep Stationery Design

Semester Ketiga, memiliki ketrampilan membuat konsep Publication Design

Semester Keempat, memiliki ketrampilan membuat konsep Communication Design

Semester Kelima, membuat portofolio tentang Corporate Identity Design

Semester Keenam, membuat Proyek Akhir

Fasilitas jurusanJurusan Desain Grafis memiliki ruang kelas yang nyaman dan moderen,dilengkapi dengan fasilitas proyektor wireless dan hot spot

How Learning Process Is

Students will finish his study in 6 semesters, described at every semester, consisting of gradually craftsmanship.

The first semester, the student will get basic subject as academic references before they design.

The second semester, the student will master in making concept of Stationery Design.

The third semester, the students will master in making concept of Publication Design.

The fourth semester, the student will master in making concept of Communication Design.

The fifth semester, the students will prepare their portfolio on the Corporate Identity Design.

The sixth semester, the students will present, their compulsory Comprehensive Project.

Facilities availableThe graphic design program provided comfortable and modern learning space equipped with digitalized communication devices.

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Teknik GrafikaStruktur ProgramProgram diploma ini mempersiapkan mahasiswa memperoleh pengetahuan dan keahlian teknik cetak yang diakui secara kualifikasi nasional sebelum memasuki dunia industri sesuai dengan standar mutu.

Program ini sangat sesuai bagi calon mahasiswa yang ingin meniti karir di bidang produksi cetak, cetak digital, administrasi dan manajemen cetak, di samping bagi yang ingin membuka usaha percetakan secara mandiri. Program studi teknik grafika membekali mahasiswa dengan pengetahuan teknis dan keahlian praktis serta pengalaman di perusahaan percetakan.

Program pendidikan pelatihan teknik grafika menekankan pada perkembangan kemampuan menguasai pengetahuan dan profesionalitas para mahasiswa sebagai persyaratan untuk dapat mempraktikkan keahlian di industri grafika. Program ini direncanakan untuk melengkapi kemampuan mahasiswa dengan ketrampilan organisasi dan kewirausahaan yang diperlukan untuk mengelola setiap tahap produksi dari berbagai jenis cetakan.

Di PoliMedia, para mahasiswa akan mempelajari ketrampilan praktik mulai dari tahap pra cetak, cetak dan paska cetak. Program ini akan memberi kemampuan kepada mahasiswa untuk menerapkan pengetahuan teknis dan ketrampilan profesional yang diperlukan untuk kemajuan teknologi grafika masa kini.

Di kampus kreatif, mahasiswa dapat menikmati pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang bertaraf internasional.

Graphic ArtsProgram StructuresThis three-year program gives students a practical programs leading to the award of a nationally-recognised graphic arts qualification and preparing for entry into the printing industry.

This program is particularly suited to those who wish to pursue careers in graphic arts production, digital graphic arts, graphic arts administration and junior management as well as to those who want to be self-employed. The program equips students with valuable technical knowledges and practical skills and usefull experience of print production.

The graphic arts program focuses on the development of the knowledge and professional skills the students require to enter job qualifications in graphic arts industry. The program is designed to equip students with the creative organizational and entrepreneurial skill which they will need to manage any stages of the production of the printed items.

At PoliMedia the student will learn the practical skill ranging from pre-press, press, post press. The program will enable students to apply the technical knowledge and professional skill acquired to contemporary graphic arts practice

At the creative campus the student can enjoy excellent proven teaching and learning in an international atmosphere.

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Program-program yang diminati sebagai penyelenggara acara dan mengundang para tamu termasuk pembicara dari berbagai jenis industri teknik grafika [buku, majalah, kemasan, cetakan sekuritas. Ini merupakan kesanggupan para dosen kami yang dianggap berpengalaman dan memiliki keahlian teknik grafika baik di ranah industri maupun perdagangan.

Profil lulusan Teknik GrafikaPenyelia Pra Cetak, Penyelia Cetak, Penyelia Pasca Cetak, Tenaga Pemasaran, Entrepreneuship bidang percetakan.

Prospek KarirLulusan program Diploma 3 Teknik Grafika dapat bekerja di perusahaan percetakan, penerbitan, tekstil, film atau televisi, periklanan, kemasan, pabrik kertas dan pulp, supplier mesin dan bahan grafika.

Materi KuliahMahasiswa akan memperoleh sejumlah mata kuliah yang relevan dengan berbagai Teknik Cetak dan memperoleh keterampilan kewirausahaan, antara lain: Bahasa Inggris, Pengantar Ilmu Grafika, Pengetahuan Warna, Teknik Cetak, Aplikasi Komputer, Komunikasi Grafika, Statistik, Ilmu Bahan Grafika, Cetak Ofset, Estimasi, Manajemen Warna, Pra cetak, Entrepreneurship, Manajemen Produksi, Marketing, Digital Printing, Quality Control, Praktik Industri , Tugas Akhir

Kompetensi LulusanMampu menciptakan kreasi terapan teknologi kegrafikaan aplikasi kebutuhan industri kreatif percetakan, penerbitan, periklanan dan kemasan.

It is a lively and exciting department which hosts a range of special event and welcomes many visitors including speakers from various graphic arts industries [books, magazine, packaging and security printing]. It’s an affordable that our lecturers all have considerable experience of the graphic arts industries and working in trade.

Graphic Art Graduate ProfilePres-Press Manager, Printing Manager, Post-Press Manager, Marketing Executive Graphic Arts Entrepreneur.

Career ProspectsThe diploma program of graphic arts graduates will enable to work at graphic arts, publishing, textiles, film or television, advertising, packaging, pulp and paper, supplier of machine and materials.

Program ContentThere are six main study including origination process, graphic arts machine, print finishing technique, graphic arts materials, graphic arts business, and print technology. Here the students also will practice the graphic arts business organization including designing the structure of graphic arts industry, communication skills and administration.

Graduate’s CompetenciesSkillful in making applied graphic arts creativities approaches to the needs of creative industries, namely: printing, publishing, advertising and packaging.

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PenerbitanStruktur ProgramPenerbitan merupakan salah satu industri kreatif yang berkembang pesat saat ini sebagai perpaduan aktifitas intelektual akademik, praktis dan karya. Untuk mengisi kebutuhan industri penerbitan,maka jurusan penerbitan berupaya mencetak lulusan dengan profil menjadi penulis dan penyunting berwawasan bisnis dan teknologi. Mahasiswa akan mempelajari semua aspek penerbitan mulai dari kemampuan menulis, menyunting, mengelola dan memasarkan naskah berbagai produk terbitan cetak dan elektronik, baik dalam bentuk buku, majalah, tabloid maupun surat kabar.

Program ini dirancang untuk menyiapkan mahasiswa agar mampu menerapkan kreatifitasnya dalam berwirausaha dan berorganisasi sebagaimana diperlukan dalam mengelola tahapan produksi berbagai jenis terbitan.

PublishingProgram StructuresPublishing is one of today’s leading creative industries. Studying the publishing provides a challenging and intellectually exciting combination of the academic, practical and vocational. With the graduates’ profile to be creative writer and editor with the viewed of business and technology, at the Polycredia the students will learn all aspects of publishing ranging from writing-editing-producing-managing-and marketing the manuscript into printed or electronic format of book, magazine, tabloid and newspaper.

The publishing program focusses on the development of the knowledge and professional skills the students require to enter job qualifications in publishing industries. The program is designed to equip students with the creative, organizational and entrepreneurial skills which they will need to manage any stage of the production of the published items.

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Pada akhir masa kuliah, mahasiswa akan melakukan evaluasi kritis berbagai media terbitan disertai contoh model produk dengan menggunakan perangkat teknologi komunikasi baru atau media digital.

Prospek KarirProgram studi penerbitan berupaya memiliki reputasi dan membangun citra dikalangan industri penerbitan nasional dan internasional. Lulusan program studi ini dapat bekerja di semua jenis penerbitan buku, jurnal, majalah maupun surat kabar. Bahkan di samping menjadi penerbit mandiri, juga dapat mengembangkan karir dalam bidang hubungan masyarakat, periklanan, televisi dan radio.

As a final project work, the students will make a critical evaluation of the publishing media within its historical and cultural contexts. They will be required to analyze the dynamic of change and its impact on publishing with particular attention to new digital media and communication technologies.

Here in creative campus the students can enjoy excellent, proven teaching and learning in an international atmosphere. It is a lively and exciting department which hosts a range of special events and welcomes many visitors including speakers from books, newspaper and magazine publishing. It’s an affordable that our lecturers all have considerable experience of the publishing industries, working in trade, educational and academic publishing.

Career ProspectThe publishing program at Polycredia have an outstanding national reputation and are highly regarded by employers in the publishing industries. Our graduate can work in all department of books, journal, magazine and newspaper publication. Some graduates can develop their careers in public relations, advertising, charities, television and radios, the arts and other organizations that are involved in publishing and commuincation activities, or self-publishers.

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Keunggulan Kampus PoliMedia karena terletak di kawasan pendidikan lingkungan perguruan

tinggi ternama yang strategis di Jakarta Selatan. Kampus dibangun di atas lahan yang luas,

dilengkapi berbagai sarana modern berupa fasilitas multimedia, elektronik, perpustakaan yang

modern dengan sistem manajemen kampus yang terintegrasi. Desain kampus berbasis konsep

tekno organik yang didominasi gaya belajar student centered learning.

Tahap awal kegiatan perkuliahan September 2008, PoliMedia menyelenggarakan program diploma

untuk tiga jurusan, yaitu program studi Desain Grafis, Teknik Grafika dan Penerbitan.

Jika Anda memutuskan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke tingkat diploma, maka PoliMedia adalah

pilihan bijak tepat dan kami siap memfasilitasi sesuai dengan keinginan Anda.

Selamat Datang di Kampus Kreatif

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There are various exceptional advantages to be gained by choosing to study at PoliMedia. As a student at one full world innovative sphere the campus is located in Depok---south part of Jakarta which is well-known as the educational city center.

Built on an 2-hectare plot of land with all the advantages of high technology, the institution is equipped with various intelligent features such as high speed multimedia learning facilities, intelligent building systems, electronic government, digital library and an integrated campus management system. The campus design is based on a techno-organic concept that places importance on an andragogic and inquisitive approach conclusive for learning and experimentation.

Commencing operations in September 2008, PoliMedia conducts Graphic Design, Graphic Arts and Publishing at vocational diploma program levels. If you are ready to invest in your future by studying at diploma level, then at PoliMedia we can offer you all the support and encouragement your needs.

Welcome To Creative Campus

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Board of Directors

Bambang Wasito Adi, SH. M.Sc Direktur Politeknik Negeri Media KreatifEmail: [email protected]

Drs. ZalzulifaPUDIR IV ( Bidang Kerjasama )e-mail: [email protected]

Drs. Noor RiyadhiPUDIR I ( Bidang Akademik )e-mail: [email protected]

Drs. Purnomo Ananto, MMPUDIR II( Bidang Administrasi Umum dan Keuangan )e-mail: purnomo_mm@

Sarmada S.Sos, M.SiPUDIR III ( Bidang Kemahasiswaan )e-mail: [email protected]

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Staff and Lecturer

Drs. Sudrajat, MMHead of Student and Academic Administration AffairsEmail: [email protected]

Drs. Heru Triyanto, M.PdHead of Finance and General Administration Affairs Email: [email protected]

Uliana Kreni, SHHead of Subdivision on Academic and StudentsEmail: [email protected]

Eri Sumantri, S.KomHead of Subdivision on Information SystemEmail: [email protected]

Drs. A. Sarmada, M.PdHead of Subdivision on General AffairsEmail: [email protected]

Drs. Ade FirmansyahHead of Subdivision on Finance AffairsEmail: [email protected]

Bibit, S.SosHead of Subdivision on Administration and StaffEmail: [email protected]

Drs. Sugeng IndriantoHead of Graphic Design Study Program Email: [email protected]

Drs. Abdul Muin Kadir, M.PdHead of Graphic Arts Study ProgramEmail: [email protected]

Dardji Fair Emran, S.PdHead of Publishing Study Program Email: [email protected]

Drs. Mukhyidin Djaiz, M.SiHead of Research and Community DevelopmentEmail: [email protected]

Jenti ErydaHead of Library Department.Email: [email protected]

Nofiandri Setyasmara, STHead of Information CentreEmail: [email protected]

Drs. M. SudiyamtoHead of Publishing and Printing DepartmentEmail: [email protected]

Drs. Hari PurnomoHead of Design and Advertising DepartmentEmail: [email protected]

Dra. Renny Anggraeny, MMHead of Public Relations Department Email: [email protected]

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MT. Djamara, ST, MMDosen Manajemen Pemasaran GrafikaEmail: [email protected]

Efnyta Muchtar, S.SosDosen Ilmu Bahan GrafikaEmail: [email protected]

Teddy Tapianto, S.PdDosen Kertas dan TintaEmail: [email protected]

Nova Darmanto, S.SosDosen PenulisanEmail: [email protected]

Mulyanuddin, S.PdDosen Manajemen WarnaEmail: [email protected]

Drs. I Wayan SuarjanaDosen Teknik Jilid MasinalEmail: [email protected]

Barita Siringo-Ringo, S.PdDosen Perawatan Mesin GrafikaEmail: [email protected]

Drs. Jimmy Paat, M.SiDosen Pengantar Ilmu GrafikaEmail: [email protected]

Drs. Sentot Mardjuki, M.SiDosen Kalkulasi PenerbitanEmail: [email protected]

Abdul MajidDosen Penyeselaian GrafikaEmail: [email protected]

Dayu Sri Herti, S.SnDosen Menggambar BentukEmail: [email protected]

Drs. Rachmat GozaliPraktisi Desain dan Pendiri Surat Kabar Bisnis IndonesiaEmail: [email protected]

Untung Basuki, S.pdDosen Komputer GrafisEmail: [email protected]

Didit Chris PrawirokusumoGraphic Design Consultant, Founder ResearchGram ConferenceEmail: [email protected]

Sri KusumaningsihDosen Bahasa InggrisRedaksi Majalah Printpack ReviewEmail: [email protected]

Sulistiyo Wibowo, S.SnDosen Desain GrafisEmail: [email protected]

Staff and Lecturer

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Herman Pratomo, Dipl. IngPraktisi Grafika/Forum FGDEmail: [email protected]

Drs. Frans PareraPraktisi Penerbitan Kelompok KOMPAS-GramediaEmail: [email protected]

Drs. Ahmad Lanang, S.KomPraktisi Penyunting Tabloid Bola Email: [email protected]

SutiyoDosen Cetak OffsetEmail: [email protected]

SulistiyonoDesainer Grafis Tabloid BolaEmail: [email protected]

Mawan Nugraha S.Si, M.AccDosen Kimia TerapanEmail: [email protected]

Drs. BasukiPraktisi DesainEmail: [email protected]

Dra. Wiwik Dwi Astuti, MMDosen Bahasa IndonesiaEmail: [email protected]

Rama Adiputra S.Sn, MMDosen FotografiEmail: [email protected]

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Politeknik Negeri Media Kreatif (PoliMedia) tidak hanya menerima mahasiswa dari 36 propinsi yang ada di Indonesia, tetapi juga berasal dari negara lain yang berminat. Kampus berwawasan internasional dan multi budaya akan memperkaya tingkat pemahaman pengalaman budaya dan sosial yang berbeda. Mahasiswa akan dapat berinteraksi dengan berbagai bangsa, budaya dan etnis.

Untuk memperluas wawasan dosen, beberapa lembaga pendidikan luar negeri telah dikunjungi, antara lain: Oxford Brookes International Centre for Publishing Studies; London College of Communication; Wuppertal E-Technology University, Germany. Rotterdam College of Communicatie, Netherlands; Nanyang University of Technology Singapore; Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Singapore; Limkokwing University of Arts Malaysia; Multimedia University of Malaysia; University of Malaya.


PoliMedia welcomes aspiring students not only from all 36 provinces of Indonesia, but also from other countries. We believe that multicultural and multinational campus will enrich the social and cultural diversities of students’s experience. On this efforts, students will have the opportunities to meet people from various cultural and ethnic, background and develop cross-cultural understanding.

Some international institution benchmarkings have been done to broaden staff and lecturer’s view on education, such as: Oxford Brookes International Centre for Publishing Studies; London College of Communication; Wuppertal E-Technology University, Germany; Rotterdam College of Communicatie, Netherlands; Nanyang University of Technology Singapore; Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Singapore; Limkokwing University of Arts Malaysia; Multimedia University of Malaysia; University of Malaya


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Kampus PoliMedia dilengkapi dengan teknologi informasi non kabel dimana Internet dapat diakses baik dalam ruang maupun luar ruang. Mahasiswa juga dapat menikmati pemakaian smart card untuk akses perpustakaan, laboratorium dan bisnis.

Dosen PoliMedia menggunakan perangkat multimedia sebagai media pembelajaran. Materi kuliah tersimpan secara online dan dapat diakses melalui Internet kapanpun dan di manapun. PoliMedia juga menggunakan metode pembelajaran yang dikenal dengan sistem pembelajaran multimedia. Dalam penerapannya, sistem ini akan mendorong pencapaian teknik belajar yang inovatif berbasis web multimedia.

Gedung kampus dirancang dan dilengkapi ruang kelas berstandar internasional, laboratorium, bengkel, kantor, perpustakaan, serta asrama, aula, ruang makan dan sarana ibadah mesjid. Juga tersedia peralatan praktik mulai pra cetak, cetak, paska cetak, laboratorium komputer, laboratorium pengujian tinta dan bahan cetak serta ditunjang oleh kemudhan lingkungan transportasi.


With all the advantages of high technology, the campus also provides a wireless technology system where the Internet can be accessed indoors and outdoors. Staffs and students also have the advantages of using the smart card on campus as an e-wallet, library and laboratory access, e-commerce and security monitoring.

All academic staffs of PoliMedia utilise a multimedia mode of instruction. Program materials of all subjects are stored online and accessible via the Internet and intranet at any time and places in the world. The PoliMedia also employs a new teaching-learning methodology known as the Multimedia Learning System. In its full implementation, this system will explore the most innovative technique of web-based teaching and learning using multimedia tools

The building are equipped with class room, laboratory, workshop, office, library, cyber creative cafe, dormitory and mosque. Meanwhile the equipments ranging from pre-press, press, post-press, computer laboratory, graphic material testing laboratory, and some operational mobiles.


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Class Room

Classrooms are fully air conditioned with capacity designed for 32 students each, allowing more interaction between lecturers, tutors and students. The classrooms are equipped with a state of the art technology of teaching devices, such as computer and LCD projector with stereo set, retractable wall screen, and glass board. Several classrooms are theatre styles and the others conventional with free moving chair configuration that suitables for discussion.

Ruang Kelas

Agar proses pembelajaran efektif, PoliMedia

membatasi kapasitas kelas untuk �� mahasiswa.

Hal ini memungkinkan terjadinya interaksi yang

lebih intens antara dosen dan mahasiswa. Ruang

kelas dilengkapi dengan perangkat pendukung

belajar mengajar yang modern, dan canggih seperti

komputer dan proyektor/LCD wireless.

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PerpustakaanMahasiswa dapat memanfaatkan sarana perpustakaan yang lengkap dan pelayanan prima

Laboratorium KomputerKemampuan menggunakan teknologi komputer dan akses Internet merupakan faktor penting untuk kiat sukses belajar mahasiswa masa kini. Mahasiswa bebas menggunakan komputer online untuk proses belajar-mengajar dan mengerjakan tugas kuliah

LibraryStudents can enjoy a well-resourced library with a vast collection of books and digitized access to graphic design, graphic arts and publishing.

Computer RoomsFamiliarity with the latest computing technology and access to Internet are crucial for the success of students during study. Students are free to use the computers for Internet browsing, working on assignments, as well as communicating electronically with other people.


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NO JURUSAN/PROGRAM STUDI 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

1. Jurusan Teknik Grafika

1. D3 Teknik Grafika √

2. D3 Teknik Kemasan √

3. D3 Manajemen Percetakan √

4. D3 Manajemen Teknik Kemasan √

II Jurusan Penerbitan

1. D3 Penerbitan √

2. D4 Manajemen Penerbitan √

3. D3 Perpustakaan √

4. D4 Perpustakaan √

III Jurusan Desain

1. D3 Desain Grafis √

2. D3 Manajemen Desain Grafis √

3. D3 Desain Arsitektur √

4. D3 Desain Mode (Fesyen) √

IV Jurusan Periklanan

1. D3 Periklanan √

2. D4 Manajemen Periklanan √

V Jurusan Multimedia

1. D3 Multimedia √

2. D3 Animasi √

3. D3 Film dan Video √

4. D3 Penyiaran (Broadcast) √

5. D3 Permainan Interaktif √

6. D3 Fotografi √

VI Jurusan Seni Kreatif

1. D3 Musik √

2. D3 Kerajian √

3. D3 Seni Pertunjukan √

Jumlah (6 Jurusan, 23 Prodi) 3 0 3 8 4 3 2

Rencana PengembanganJurusan dan Program Studi


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Kampus PoliMedia dilengkapi dengan perangkat Internet

yang dapat digunakan mahasiswa

untuk berkomunikasi secara digital

The creative campus is equipped with a hot spot provides

students with wireless Internet connection

throughout the creative campus

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Referring to the status, the role, the demand and the existing condition of the PoliMedia, the objectives of collaboration is generally to enhance the capacity building of the PoliMedia throughout the improvement of staff development, system and management development, standard of student and lecturer achievement:

1. Staff Development.

The scope of staff development is essentially to improve all aspects related to the capability and the competency of the lecturers which the final target is to improve the quality of teaching and learning process approaches to industrial base.

2. System and Management Development.

System and management development particularly can be seen from the view of an important suggestion for curriculum reform by shifting from traditional pedagogies that are lecturer-centered to a social constructivist paradigm where students are encouraged not only to work individually to solve relevant problems in the academic disciplines, but also to work collaboratively with their peers. The instructional practices can encourage student-centered learning in which they take a more active role in the creation of their own knowledge.

3. Standard of Student and Lecturer Achievement.

The scope of standard of student achievement is to develop standard of output which the competency not only approach to industrial needs but also has international experiences. For this reason, the students need to have experience study from international lecturer and apprenticeship in international education institutions.

Sesuai status, peran dan kondisi yang ada maka tujuan kerjasama secara umum adalah dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan kelembagaan Politeknik melalui upaya-upaya:

�. Pengembangan Staf

Lingkup kerjasama pengembangan staf secara prinsip meliputi semua aspek yang berkaitan dengan kemampuan dan kecakapan dosen dengan target akhir meningkatnya mutu dan proses pembelajaran berbasis industri.

�. Pengembangan Sistem dan Manajemen

Pengembangan sistem dan manajemen di antaranya dapat terlihat dari gagasan perubahan sistem ajar dari model pedagogi tradisional berpusat pada dosen, menuju paradigma di mana mahasiswa didorong untuk tidak hanya bekerja secara individu menyelesaikan berbagai tugas akademik, akan tetapi bekerja secara kelompok dan koperatif. Bahan ajar yang tersedia harus mampu mendorong mahasiswa menjadi bagian dari komunitas pembelajar dengan berperan lebih aktif dalam melakukan berbagai kreasi pengetahuan mereka sendiri.

�. Peningkatan Standar Mutu Dosen dan Mahasiswa

Lingkup peningkatan standar mutu dosen dan mahasiswa meliputi upaya pengembangan standar lulusan dengan kompetensi tidak hanya sesuai dengan kebutuhan industri, akan tetapi juga memiliki pengalaman luar negeri. Untuk itu, mahasiswa perlu memiliki pengalaman belajar dari dosen asing maupun magang di lembaga pendidikan atau industri luar negeri. Untuk mencapai harapan ini PoliMedia akan mengembangkan program gelar ganda bekerja sama dengan lembaga pendidikan sejenis di luar negeri.

Kerjasama Prospektif Inspiring Collaboration

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Peta StrategisKerjasama ProspektifNo. Kelembagaan / Produk Kerjasama 1. Departemen dan Kedutaan Negara Sahabat Dirjen Dikti Departemen Perdagangan Departemen Tenaga Kerja RI Kedutaan Besar Inggris Kedutaan Besar Belanda Kedutaan Besar Jerman Kedutaan negara-negara sahabat lainnya

Produk Kerjasama: Informasi beasiswa Seminar Internasional industri kreatif Jaringan kerjasama peningkatan industriI kreatif

2 Lembaga Pendidikan dalam Negeri Perguruan Tinggi Negeri se-Indonesia Perguruan Tinggi Swasta se-Indonesia Politeknik Negeri se-Indonesia SMK Grafika se-Indonesia SMK terkait se-Indonesia

Produk Kerjasama: Tukar menukar informasi standar kurikulum dan

bahan ajar Pelatihan jangka pendek Sertifikasi kompetensi kelulusan Penulisan modul pelajaran

3 Lembaga Pendidikan Luar Negeri Wuppertal Institute of E-Technology, Jerman INGRIN dan Rotterdam College of Printing,

Belanda London College of Communication (previously

London College of Printing). Oxford Brookes International Centre for

Publishing Studies Publishing Training Centre, UK Lim Kok Wing University of Arts, Malaysia University Multimedia, Malaysia Print Media Academy Heidelberg

Institution/ Collaboration1. Departement and Embassies Directorate General of Higher Education Affairs Department of Trade Affairs Department of Manpower Affairs Department of Tourism Affairs The Embbasy of United Kingdom The Embbasy of Netherland The Embbasy of German The Embbasy of Neighbourhood Countries Prospective Collaboration: Information on Scholarship International Seminar on Creative Industry Prospective Collaboration Network of Creative


2. Domestic or National Institutions: Indonesia’s State Universities Indonesia’s Private Universities Indonesia’s State Polytechnics Indonesia’s Senior Graphic Arts Vocation Schools

Produk Kerjasama: Standards Curriculum and learning content exchange program Occasionally training Graduate’s competence certificate Educational content writing

3. Foreign Institutios Wuppertal Institute of E-Technology, Germany INGRIN dan Rotterdam College of Graphic Arts,

Netherland London College of Communication (previously

London College of Graphic Arts). Oxford Brookes International Centre for Publishing

Studies Publishing Training Centre, UK Lim Kok Wing University of Arts, Malaysia University Multimedia, Malaysia Print Media Academy Heidelberg

Prospective Collaborationand partnership

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Produk Kerjasama: Penjajakan kerjasama pertukaran dosen Program pendidikan degree (S1 dan S2) Program pelatihan jangka pendek Program sertifikasi ganda (dual degree)

4. Asosiasi Luar Negeri International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) Book Publishing Book United Kingdom Print Promotion INGRIN (International Netherland Graphic


Produk Kerjasama Informasi jaringan kerjasama luar negeri Informasi magang industri luar negeri Informasi beasiswa luar negeri Seminar riset industri kreatif tingkat internasional.

5. Asosiasi Dalam Negeri Persatuan Perusahaan Grafika Indonesia

(PPGI) Ikatan Penerbit Indonesia (IKAPI) Ikatan Penyunting Indonesia (IKAPINDO) Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia (HPI) Himpunan Pengarang Indonesia “Aksara” (HP) Forum FGD Gabungan Toko Buku Indonesia (GATBI) Asosiasi Penerbit Pendidikan Tinggi University

Press (AUPI) Asosiasi Desainer Buku Indonesia (ADBI ) Asosiasi Percetakan Sekuriti

Indonesiav(ASPERINDO) Asosiasi Produsen Buku Tulis Indonesia (APBT) Asosiasi Desainer Grafis Indonesia (ADGI) Asosiasi Pulp dan Kertas Indonesia (APKI) Ikatan Ahli Grafika Indonesia (IKAGI) Federasi Pengemasan Indonesia (FPI) Kamar Dagang dan Industri (KADIN)

Prospective Collaborations: Lecturer exchange program Bachelor’s degree program Occational training program Dual degree certificate program

4. Foreign Associations International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) Book Publishing Book, United Kingdom Print Promotion INGRIN (International Netherland Graphic Industry)

Prospective Collaborations Information on the international overseas

collaboration Information on the international overseas industrial

job training Information on the international overseas grant or

scholarship International seminar of creative industry research.

5. Domestic or National Associations Persatuan Perusahaan Grafika Indonesia ( PPGI ) Ikatan Penerbit Indonesia ( IKAPI ) Ikatan Penyunting Indonesia ( IKAPINDO ) Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia ( HPI ) Himpunan Pengarang Indonesia “Aksara” ( HP ) Forum FGD Gabungan Toko Buku Indonesia ( GATBI ) Asosiasi Penerbit Pendidikan Tinggi ( AUPI ) Asosiasi Desainer Buku Indonesia ( ADBI ) Asosiasi Percetakan Sekuriti Indonesia ( ASPERINDO ) Asosiasi Produsen Buku Tulis Indonesia ( APBT ) Asosiasi Desainer Grafis Indonesia ( ADGI ) Asosiasi Pulp dan Kertas Indonesia ( APKI ) Ikatan Ahli Grafika Indonesia ( IKAGI ) Federasi Pengemasan Indonesia ( FPI )

Kamar Dagang dan Industri ( KADIN )

Peta StrategisKerjasama Prospektif

Prospective Collaborationand partnership

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Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia (HIPMI) Asosiasi Guru Kewirausahaan Indonesia (AGKI) Asosiasi Pemerintah Daerah Se-Indonesia

Produk Kerjasama: Praktik industri mahasiswa Seminar riset industri kreatif tingkat nasional Pengembangan sentra-sentra usaha kreatif

berbasis kearifan lokal kabupaten kota se-Indonesia (school print, family print, city print)

Pelatihan teknis dan manajemen usaha kreatif percetakan sekolah

Pelatihan teknis dan manajemen usaha kreatif penerbitan (publishing)

Pelatihan teknis dan manajemen usaha kreatif industri kerajinan (crafting)

Pelatihan manajemen usaha kreatif toko buku Workshop pengembangan sentra- sentra usaha

berbasis industri kreatif wilayah kabupaten kota se-Indonesia.

Penulisan modul kewirausahaan kreatif.

Himpunan Pengusaha Muda Indonesia ( HIPMI ) Asosiasi Guru Kewirausahaan Indonesia ( AGKI ) Asosiasi Pemerintah Daerah Se-Indonesia

Prospective Collaborations: Students’ Industrial apprenticeships. National seminar on the creative industry’s research. Creative Development Center based Inner Wise at all

over the Indonesian cities (school print, family print, city print).

Technical and Managerial Training on School Print Business.

Technical and Managerial Training on Publishing Business.

Technical and Managerial Training on Advertising Business.

Technical and Managerial Training on Book Shop Business.

Workshop on the development of creative business centers at all provences in Indonesia.

Writing modules on creative business.

Prospective Collaborationand partnership

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Di Mana Lokasi Kami

PoliMedia berada di lokasi sangat strategis, tepatnya di jantung kawasan Perguruan Tinggi ternama di Jakarta Selatan, seperti: Universitas Indonesia, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, Universitas Gunadarma, Universitas Pancasila, Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (IISIP), serta Institut Sain dan Teknologi Nasional.

Lokasi kampus bernuansa lingkungan alami dan sejuk yang dikenal sebagai kawasan pendidikan dikelilingi oleh sentra-sentra pelayanan fasilitas perkantoran di sepanjang Jalan Margonda Raya, Depok dan Jalan Raya Lenteng Agung Jakarta Selatan.

Untuk mencapai lokasi kampus, terdapat beberapa alternatif Akses, antara lain: menggunakan kereta api dari arah Kota menuju Bogor atau sebaliknya, berhenti di stasiun Universitas Indonesia. Jika menggunakan transportasi bis Anda dapat menggunakannya dari arah Kalideres menuju Depok.

Where Our Location Is

PoliMedia is located within the strategic location, precisely in the center of university area in South Jakarta, such as: University of Indonesia, the State Polytechnic of Jakarta, Gunadarma University, Pancasila University, Institute of Social Science and Politics, and Institute of National Science and Technology.

The campus area with a natural environmental nuance, that is well-known as the educational atmosphere boundaries by many business service centers along the jalan Margonda Raya and jalan Lenteng Agung Raya, in South Jakarta.

To reach the campus location, there are many alternative accesses, such as by train from Kota to Bogor back and forth, stop at the Indonesia University Station. If you use the public vehicles, you may take the bus from Kalideres to Depok. Be sure to consult your maps