Page 1: Programming sounds into my game annotation

Amy Brockbank

Programming Sounds Into My Game

Sound 1 - Bang1 - Explosion_1

1BTEC Level 3 Games Design

Page 2: Programming sounds into my game annotation

Amy Brockbank

First of all, I opened up my game so I can programme the sounds into it. The first thing I did after opening my game was adding a new sound to the library. I did this by right clicking the ‘sounds’ section of the library, and then selecting ‘create new sound’.

That first step then leads me to a dialogue box. First of all, I click the folder button, which allows me to browse for the sound that I want to add into my game. I then renamed the sound for the game, which makes it easier for me to remember when coding the game. I then selected how I want the sound to be stored in my game. I chose ‘uncompressed’ for this particular sound, as it’s quite a short sound effect.

After clicking ‘OK’, I then went on to code the sound into the game in the correct place. I used the command ‘audio_play_sound’ to tell the game when I want the sound to play, then indicated which sound I should use, what priority it has over other sounds and whether or not the game loops.

I then tested my game to see if the sound works in game, which it does. It also fits the theme and setting of the game well.

This sound was used as the sound that plays when an enemy explosion occurs, and plays every time an enemy is hit by the player’s bullets.

Sound 2 - Explosion1 - Explosion_2

2BTEC Level 3 Games Design

Page 3: Programming sounds into my game annotation

Amy Brockbank

3BTEC Level 3 Games Design

Page 4: Programming sounds into my game annotation

Amy Brockbank

I then began to add my second sound to the game. I added this sound in a very similar way to the first sound that I added. First, right clicked the sounds tab in the asset library to bring up the options for adding sounds into the game. As this sound is a small sound effect, I chose ‘Uncompressed’ again.

I then went on to code the sound into the game, just like last time, by using the audio_play_sound command, and indicating what sound I wish to use, the priority of the sound and whether or not it loops.

After coding the sound into my game, I then tested the game to see if the sound worked and plays where it is supposed to, which it does.

This sound plays in my game when the player object is destroyed, which happens by either colliding with enemies or colliding with their bullets.

Sound 3 - SingleShots1 - Player_Laser

4BTEC Level 3 Games Design

Page 5: Programming sounds into my game annotation

Amy Brockbank

5BTEC Level 3 Games Design

Page 6: Programming sounds into my game annotation

Amy Brockbank

After I added the second sound into the game, I did the same with the third sound effect as I did with the last two sound effects, I first added the sound to the library by browsing for the file, renaming it and then selecting the appropriate option for the sound.

I then coded the sound into the game by using the command ‘audio_play_sound’ and typing the appropriate sub-commands after the command, which links the sound from the library to the game.

I then tested the sound in the game after I had typed out the code into the object, and it worked.

The sound I have used here is the sound effect that plays whenever the player fires a bullet, to give the impression a gun is being fired.

Sound 4 - BirdSquark1 - EnemyLaser_1

6BTEC Level 3 Games Design

Page 7: Programming sounds into my game annotation

Amy Brockbank

7BTEC Level 3 Games Design

Page 8: Programming sounds into my game annotation

Amy Brockbank

This sound effect was coded in a very similar way to the other sound effects in the game. I first added the sound to the library in the exact same way as the other sound effects. I renamed the file and chose the correct options.

I then coded the sound effect into the game by typing the code into the appropriate object with the command ‘audio_play_sound’. I then typed the correct sub-commands, which links the sound effect to the game.

I then tested the game to see if the sound effects play properly, which they do.

I chose the sound effect of the bird squawk for when the bird attacks because I felt as though that would be the most appropriate sound effect for the enemy.

Sound 5 - HitMetal1 - Player1

8BTEC Level 3 Games Design

Page 9: Programming sounds into my game annotation

Amy Brockbank

9BTEC Level 3 Games Design

Page 10: Programming sounds into my game annotation

Amy Brockbank

Here, I coded another sound into my game, and repeated the same process by adding the sound into my asset library, making sure I select the correct options so my game remains properly optimised. I then coded the sound into my game using the command ‘audio_play_sound’, and then entering the appropriate sub-commands so the sound plays correctly in the game and can be properly indentified.

I then finally tested the game to see if the sound works correctly, which it does. Here I chose the sound of metal being hit to act as the sound for when my player character gets hit, as this seemed like an appropriate sound to use.

Sound 6 - AmbientMusic1 - System

10BTEC Level 3 Games Design

Page 11: Programming sounds into my game annotation

Amy Brockbank

11BTEC Level 3 Games Design

Page 12: Programming sounds into my game annotation

Amy Brockbank

Here is the final sound I have added into my game, which is the music that plays in the background of the action of my game. I added it into the game the same way I did with the rest of the sound effects, by creating a new sound, then adding my chosen sound to the library.

I then coded the sound into the game the exact same way as the other sound effects in the game, only this time; I looped the sound, so the music would constantly play, as it is not a sound effect, but a piece of music.

I then tested the game to see if the sound worked in the game, which it does, so now I have coded all of the sound effects into the game.

I chose the ambient music piece that I created because I felt as though it fit the mysterious setting of my side scrolling shooter.

12BTEC Level 3 Games Design
