
Problem-Based History

Problem-Based HistoryAmerica and Great Britain: Reaching a Point of No-Return?

This power point presentation is for educational purposes. It may contain copyrighted material. Please do not post, redistribute or copy without the permission of the author or Dr. Kevin Brady at the American Institute for History Education. 2010 AIHEBackground InformationIntroduce the ProblemAvenues of DiscussionIntroduce DocumentsA.R.T.I.S.T.Document ConclusionHistorical ResultImpact(s)ConclusionThe Plan

2010 AIHE

What was unique about the British colonial experience that laid the foundations for revolution? 2010 AIHEThe Road to IndependenceThere were key decisions that had to be made that could have changed the course of Americas history.

2010 AIHEAs late as 1774, most colonists did not favor declaring independence from the British Crown. Far from rejecting monarchy, most Americans saw the king as their protector from oppressive acts of Parliament. The delegates to the First Continental Congress, which had assembled in Philadelphia in September 1774, hoped for reconciliation with Britain. They asked Massachusetts colonists, who were the most radical in their opposition to British policies, to avoid involving "all America in the horrors of a civil war."What is the big picture/main idea of this passage? 2010 AIHEIn February 1775, Parliament declared Massachusetts to be in a state of rebellion. This declaration permitted soldiers to shoot suspected rebels on sight. In April, British General Thomas Gage received secret orders to arrest the ringleaders of colonial unrest. To avoid arrest, colonial leaders fled Boston.

Gage decided to seize and destroy arms that the patriots had stored at Concord, 20 miles northwest of Boston. When Joseph Warren, a Boston patriot, discovered that British troops were on the march, he sent Paul Revere and William Dawes to warn the people about the approaching forces.What is the big picture/main idea of this passage? 2010 AIHEAt dawn on April 19, the troops reached the town of Lexington, five miles east of Concord. About 70 volunteer soldiers lined the Lexington Green to warn the red-coated British troops not to trespass on the property of freeborn English subjects. A shot rang out. The British troops fired. Eight minutemen were killed, and another ten were wounded.

The British continued to Concord, where they searched for hidden arms. At North Bridge, a group of redcoats and minutemen clashed, leaving 3 redcoats and 2 minutemen dead. The British then retreated to Boston, while citizen-soldiers fired at the redcoats from behind trees and stone fences.What is the big picture/main idea of this passage? 2010 AIHEEven after the battles of Lexington and Concord, the members of the Massachusetts Provincial Congress described themselves as "loyal and dutiful subjects" of the king, who were ready to defend the crown with their "Lives and Fortunes."What is the big picture/main idea of this passage?

2010 AIHEThe American colonies were at a critical juncture in their history, a tipping point had been reached and the course for the future of the colonies was about to be set. 2010 AIHEPrimary SourcesShedding some light on the issues of mid-1775

2010 AIHEAmerican Reaction to Lexington & ConcordThe blow was sudden and unexpectedMen spoke in whispers, as if afraid of being overheard But this submission was short-lived. It soon gave way to indignation, resentment, and denunciations. - James Wilkinson, medical student in PhiladelphiaThe whole city became one continued scene of tumult and confusion. Troops were enlisted for the service of the Rebellion, the Loyalists threatened with the gallows, and the property of the Crown plundered and seized upon wherever it could be found.- Thomas Jones, a Loyalist judge in New YorkThe maxim adopted by our enemies is Divide and conquer. We enjoin the command Unite and be invincible . It is considered infinitely important to encourage and promote a more perfect union among the colonies and harmony and unanimity among the people.- James Thatcher, doctor in Barnstable, Mass. 2010 AIHEAuthorReasonTo WhomImmediate EffectsSubsequent EffectsTime Period A.R.T.I.S.T.

An AIHE Signature Strategy 2010 AIHEGive Me Liberty or Give Me DeathA _____________R _____________T _____________I _____________S _____________T _____________

2010 AIHESpeech on Conciliation with AmericaA _____________R _____________T _____________I _____________S _____________T _____________

2010 AIHEThe Causes and Necessity of Taking up ArmsA _____________R _____________T _____________I _____________S _____________T _____________

2010 AIHEDo the quotes and three documents have a general theme?What is the BIG picture that these sources represent?Is there anything between the lines that we should take note of?Do these documents seem to lead us down a particular path of thinking?

Document Conclusion 2010 AIHEHow would you solve the problem?If you were a member of the Continental Congress what would you do?

2010 AIHEOne option would be to sit on the process and attempt to preserve the status quo prior to the shooting in Lexington and Concord. What problems could arise from such a course of action?What could be the possible benefits of doing nothing?Do Nothing 2010 AIHEReady the colonies for war, establish an army, seek allies abroad, and prepare for sustained conflict.What problems could arise from such a course of action?What could be the possible benefits of setting about to fight a protracted war with Great Britain?

Actively Prosecute the War 2010 AIHEWould it be possible to play both sides of the issue?On one hand prepare for a war by gathering forces and sending emissariesAnd on the other hand try to reconcile with the CrownAre there any dangers in trying to play both sides of such a volatile issue?Are there any advantages to playing both sides?Is there a middle ground? 2010 AIHEWhat the Continental Congress actually didHow they tried to solve the problem

2010 AIHEOlive Branch Petition

A _____________R _____________T _____________I _____________S _____________T _____________ 2010 AIHEHedged their betOutward policy of resolves and reconciliation.George Washington was appointed the commander of the newly christened Continental Army.British forts such as Ticonderoga were captured and supplies and munitions confiscated.Men were recruited for the Army from areas outside New England.Opened secret negotiations with the French.The word independence remained virtually unspoken except by King George III. 2010 AIHEWould not receive the Olive Branch Petition at allOn August 23, 1775 the King declared the colonies in open rebellionKing Georges Response"Whereas many of our subjects in divers parts of our Colonies and Plantations in North America, misled by dangerous and ill designing men, and forgetting the allegiance which they owe to the power that has protected and supported them; after various disorderly acts committed in disturbance of the publick peace, to the obstruction of lawful commerce, and to the oppression of our loyal subjects carrying on the same; have at length proceeded to open and avowed rebellionhereby declaring, that not only all our Officers, civil and military, are obliged to exert their utmost endeavors to suppress such rebellion, and to bring the traitors to justice 2010 AIHETightened the siege of the Regulars in BostonThe battle of Bunker Hill ensued, ending with nearly 1,000 British casualtiesBritish beef up their military and hire Hessian mercenariesThe Congress becomes a wartime central government for the coloniesFighting escalates on several frontsAmerica unsuccessfully invades CanadaShort-Term Impact(s) 2010 AIHEThe idea of independence hung in the air like a fogGeorge had mentioned it as early as 1774Blows must decide if they are to be subject to the Country or Independent.By spring of 1776 America opened its ports to foreign commerceThe Congress ordered the outfitting of privateers to prey on British shippingThomas Paine wrote Common SenseJuly 1776 Jefferson penned the DeclarationLong-Term Impact(s) 2010 AIHEConclusionThe period immediately following the fighting at Lexington and Concord ushered in a turning in the history of the American colonies. The decisions made by the 2nd Continental Congress and the people themselves would result in a struggle for independence rather than for some perversion of home-rule. John Adams said that the revolution had begun in the hearts and minds of the people long before the war itself, a statement that seems to be born out by the actors, actions, and documents from the period. 2010 AIHECICERO: History Beyond the TextbookEdward Countrymans The American RevolutionGordon Woods The American Revolution: A HistoryJohn Ferlings A Leap in the DarkUniversity of Houstons Digital History Textbook siteUniversity of Oklahomas Law SchoolThe Voices of 1776, Richard Wheeler Ed.Special Thanks to 2010 AIHE
