Page 1: Probing TeV scale physics in precision UCN decays Rajan Gupta Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Lab Lattice 2013 Mainz, 30 July 2013 Superconducting

Probing TeV scale physics in precision UCN decays

Rajan Gupta

Theoretical Division

Los Alamos National Lab

Lattice 2013 Mainz, 30 July 2013

Superconducting Spectrometer

Neutron Polarizing/Spin-flipper Magnet


Theory and Experimental effort centered at LANL

Page 2: Probing TeV scale physics in precision UCN decays Rajan Gupta Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Lab Lattice 2013 Mainz, 30 July 2013 Superconducting

• Tanmoy Bhattacharya (LANL)

• Vincenzo Cirigliano (LANL)

• Saul Cohen (U of Washington)

• Alberto Filipuzzi (Valencia, Spain)

• Martin Gonzalez-Alonso (Madison, Wisconsin)

• Michael Graesser (LANL)

• Rajan Gupta (LANL)

• Anosh Joseph (LANL)

• Huey-Wen Lin (U of Washington)

Theory and Lattice QCD Collaboration (PNDME)


PRD85:5 (2012) 054512 arXiv:1110.6448 arXiv:1306.5435

Page 3: Probing TeV scale physics in precision UCN decays Rajan Gupta Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Lab Lattice 2013 Mainz, 30 July 2013 Superconducting

Precision calculations of gS, gT

using Lattice QCD

gT ~

gS ~


Goal: 10-20% accuracy


T. Bhattacharya, S. Cohen, R. Gupta, H-W Lin, A. Joseph

Page 4: Probing TeV scale physics in precision UCN decays Rajan Gupta Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Lab Lattice 2013 Mainz, 30 July 2013 Superconducting

Impact of reducing errors in gS and gT from 50→10%


|B1-b| < 10-3

|b| < 10-3

b0+ = 2.6 (4.3)∗10-3

Allowed region in [εS , εT ] (90% contours)

gT ~

gS ~

Expt. input

Limited by precision of ME

Page 5: Probing TeV scale physics in precision UCN decays Rajan Gupta Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Lab Lattice 2013 Mainz, 30 July 2013 Superconducting

• Achieving 10-20% uncertainty is a realistic goal but requires:

– High Statistics: computer resources from USQCD, XSEDE, LANL

– Controlling all Systematic Errors:

• Finite volume effects

• Contamination from excited states

• Chiral Extrapolations to physical u and d quark masses

• Extrapolation to the continuum limit (lattice spacing a →→ 0)

• Non-perturbative renormalization of bilinears using the RIsmom scheme

Lattice QCD calculation of <p|u Γd|n>Oi


n p×

Isolate the neutron e-


Project on the proton e-



uud d


Page 6: Probing TeV scale physics in precision UCN decays Rajan Gupta Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Lab Lattice 2013 Mainz, 30 July 2013 Superconducting

Lattice setup: Choices we made• Gauge configurations with 2+1+1 flavor of dynamical quarks

– HISQ lattices generated by the MILC collaboration (short-term)

• Analysis using clover fermions (Clover on HISQ)

– Issue of exceptional Configurations – extensive tests

• Improving Signal in Baryon Correlators

– Large smearing of source used in matrix inversion (p = 0)

– HYP smearing of gauge configurations

• Study multiple time separations between the source (neutron) and sink (proton) to study & reduce excited state contribution


n p×tsep

Page 7: Probing TeV scale physics in precision UCN decays Rajan Gupta Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Lab Lattice 2013 Mainz, 30 July 2013 Superconducting

Sequential propagators with

nucleon insertion at p=0


p pu



Initial inversion of Dirac operator with smeared source

Sequential inversion with (n,p) insertion at p=0

Page 8: Probing TeV scale physics in precision UCN decays Rajan Gupta Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Lab Lattice 2013 Mainz, 30 July 2013 Superconducting

2+1+1 flavor HISQ lattices: goal 1000 configs

• ms set to its physical value using Mss


a(fm) ml/ms LatticeVolume

Mπ L Mπ (MeV) Configs. Analyzed

0.12 0.2 243 × 64 4.54 305 1013/1013

0.12 0.1 323 × 64 4.29 217 958/958

0.09 0.2 323 × 96 4.5 313 881/1000

0.09 0.1 483 × 96 4.73 220 890/1000

0.06 0.2 483 × 144 4.53 320 800/1000

0.06 0.1 643 × 144 4.28 229 0/1000

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Issues in Analysis


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Signal in 2-point baryon correlators

a = 0.12 fm lattices with Mπ = 310 MeV

(Total of 1013 Configurations, each with 4 sources)10


: E




s P

lot M


507 Conf 506 Conf 1013 conf

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2-point function → MN


Page 12: Probing TeV scale physics in precision UCN decays Rajan Gupta Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Lab Lattice 2013 Mainz, 30 July 2013 Superconducting

Findings at a=0.12 fm with Mπ=310, 220 MeV

• Statistical analysis of ~1000 configurations and

as 2 subsets of ~500 configurations

– All three estimates consistent within 1–2 σ

– Errors of the 2 subsets ~√2 larger than the full set

– Variation in gΓ between 2 subsets ≈ Δt dependence

– Signal improves as a → 0


Need > 4x1000 configurations before tsep dependence, chiral and continuum extrapolations

can be resolved & estimated to give gS to 10%

Page 13: Probing TeV scale physics in precision UCN decays Rajan Gupta Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Lab Lattice 2013 Mainz, 30 July 2013 Superconducting

Excited States

• Statistics & better interpolating operators

– Improve overlap with ground state of (p,n) operators

• Simulations at many Δt

– Needed to eliminate excited state contribution


n p×

n nΔt =tf - ti =tp - tn


Page 14: Probing TeV scale physics in precision UCN decays Rajan Gupta Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Lab Lattice 2013 Mainz, 30 July 2013 Superconducting

Signal in the ratio


The calculation of gS will dictate the statistics needed

One-state versus two-state fit

Page 15: Probing TeV scale physics in precision UCN decays Rajan Gupta Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Lab Lattice 2013 Mainz, 30 July 2013 Superconducting

Scalar channel gS: Signal versus Δt, t


Δt = 8 9 10 11 12

Δt=10 (~1.2 fm) is the best compromise

1013 conf

Page 16: Probing TeV scale physics in precision UCN decays Rajan Gupta Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Lab Lattice 2013 Mainz, 30 July 2013 Superconducting

Tensor channel gT: Signal versus Δt


Δt = 8 9 10 11 12

No significant Δt dependence

Page 17: Probing TeV scale physics in precision UCN decays Rajan Gupta Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Lab Lattice 2013 Mainz, 30 July 2013 Superconducting

Reducing excited state contamination

Simultaneous fit to all Δt =tf - ti


Assuming 1 excited state, the 3-point function behaves as

Where M0 and M1 are the masses of the ground & excited state and A0 and A1 are the corresponding amplitudes.

n p×

ti t tf

Page 18: Probing TeV scale physics in precision UCN decays Rajan Gupta Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Lab Lattice 2013 Mainz, 30 July 2013 Superconducting

Simultaneous fit to all Δt


Δt=8 Δt=10 Δt=12

Data for gS on the Mπ=220 MeV ensemble at a=0.12fm



Page 19: Probing TeV scale physics in precision UCN decays Rajan Gupta Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Lab Lattice 2013 Mainz, 30 July 2013 Superconducting

Simultaneous fit to all Δt


Δt=10 Δt=12 Δt=14

Data for gS on the Mπ=220 MeV ensemble at a=0.09fm



Page 20: Probing TeV scale physics in precision UCN decays Rajan Gupta Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Lab Lattice 2013 Mainz, 30 July 2013 Superconducting

Uncertainty in the chiral extrapolation


Do chiral logs dominate at lower Mπ

2 ?

What Mπ2

interval should be used in the extrapolation?

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Reducing uncertainty in the chiral extrapolation


Ongoing simulations

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Renormalization of bilinear operators

• Non-perturbative renormalization ZΓ

using the RI-sMOM scheme

– Need quark propagator

in momentum space

• Results

– 101 lattices at a=0.12 fm Mπ=310

– 60 lattices at a=0.12 fm Mπ=220




> >

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Mπ = 310 MeV 220 MeV

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ZS (in MS scheme at 2 GeV )


Mπ = 310 MeV 220 MeV

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ZT (in MS scheme at 2 GeV)


Mπ = 310 MeV 220 MeV

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Renormalization constants ZΓ • Largest uncertainty:

– O(a) errors due to full rotational symmetry → cubic symmetry

– Examine p4 versus (p2)2 behavior

• Data show (~0.05) variation at fixed p2

• ZA, ZS and ZT are all between 0.95–1.0 with < 1% error

– HYP smearing brings the ZΓ close to unity

• ZΓ → 1 as a → 0


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ResultsPNDME Collaboration

• gA = 1.214(40)

• gS = 0.66(24)

• gT = 1.094(48)


• gA = 1.0-1.2

• gS = 1.08(28)(16)

• gT = 1.038(11)(12)


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gS and gT


Page 29: Probing TeV scale physics in precision UCN decays Rajan Gupta Theoretical Division Los Alamos National Lab Lattice 2013 Mainz, 30 July 2013 Superconducting

Continuum extrapolation

• Need estimates at a = 0.12, 0.09, 0.06 fm

to perform a continuum extrapolation of

renormalized charges (gR = gbare × Z)

• Will need >1000 configurations at a=0.12, 0.09

and 0.06 fm to quantify if gS and gT have

significant a dependence and get estimates with

10% uncertainty


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• GOAL: To use experimental measurements of b and b-bν

at the 10-3 level to bound εS and εT requires calculation of

gT and gS at the 10-20% level

• 2011: Lattice QCD estimates of gS and gT improved the

bounds on εS and εT compared to previous estimates based

on phenomenological models

• 2013: Lattice calculations are on track to providing

gT and gS with 10-20% uncertainty


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β-decay versus

LHC constraints


LHC @ 14TeV and 300fb-1, will provide comparable constraints to low-energy ones with δgS/gS ~15%

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• Computing resources from




• 2+1+1 HISQ lattices generated by the MILC


• Computer code uses CHROMA library

• Supported by DOE and LANL-LDRD

