  • 8/9/2019 Prisoners Of Hope - July 2010





    Why Socks? .................

    Love your husbands ....

    Health in Jesus............

    Eat, drink, be merry....

    Free radicals ................

    The author of liberty


    ave had one of those months that has been very difficult for me on many angles. Though going

    ough a personal wrestling time with my Lord, much of my agony has come from an enforced

    lisation that we are not all Israel that are Israel. Clearer and yet clearer has it come to my

    w that many of us are not willing to fight, aided by the Holy Spirit, for the things that we know

    be right. More and more evident has it become to me that many of us prefer the sins and joyshis world than standing as a peculiar people, different to the world. Well, states the Bible; By

    ir fruits ye shall know them. I have, in the last month witnessed many a tree I assumed would

    r figs, bearing thorns and thistles instead.

    king early a few days ago, I found myself reflecting on all this and the words I seldom

    ep, from EGW kept coming to me as I at last identified with them. Below is the quotation

    t these words are from:

    any of our people are lukewarm. They occupy the position of Meroz, neither for nor against,

    ther cold nor hot. They hear the words of Christ, but do them not. If they remain in this state,

    will reject them with abhorrence. Many in Battle Creek who have had great light, great oppor-

    ities, and every spiritual advantage, praise Christ and the world with the same breath. They

    w themselves before God and mammon. They make merry with the children of the world, andclaim to be blessed with the children of God. They wish to have Christ as their Saviour, but

    not bear the cross and wear his yoke. May the Lord have mercy upon you; for if you go on in

    way, nothing but evil can be prophesied concerning you.

    e patience of God has an object, but you are defeating it. He is allowing a state of things to

    me that you would fain see counteracted by and by, but it will be too late. God commanded Eli-

    to anoint the cruel and deceitful Hazael king over Syria, that he might be a scourge to idola-

    us Israel. Who knows whether God will not give you up to the deceptions you love? Who

    ows but that the preachers who are faithful, firm, and true may be the last who shall offer the

    pel of peace to our unthankful churches? It may be that the destroyers are already training

    der the hand of Satan and only wait the departure of a few more standard-bearers to take their

    ces, and with the voice of the false prophet cry, Peace, peace, when the Lord hath not spokence. I seldom weep , but now I find my eyes blinded with tears; they are falling upon my pa-

    as I write. It may be that ere long all prophesyings among us will be at an end, and the voice

    ch has stirred the people may no longer disturb their carnal slumbers.

    When God shall work his strange work on the earth, when holy hands bear the ark no longer,

    e will be upon the people. Oh, that thou hadst known, even thou, in this thy day, the things

    t belong unto the peace. Oh, that our people may, as did Nineveh, repent with all their might

    d believe with all their heart, that God may turn away his fierce anger from them. PH117


    ese words above, though written about 128 years ago, are even more applicable to us in this

    and age than they were to Battle Creek back then. We have had even greater light and greater

    ritual advantages than they, and yet we continue to make merry with the world, and claim toblessed with the children of God. I struggle to understand how it is, in light of the light that we

    e, that as a people we continue to walk in darkness. I find it difficult to understand how we

    when we walk in open rebellion to a straightforward thus saith the Lord, and yet continue

    make a pretence of worship every Sabbath and call ourselves Adventists. Do we not realise

    t we are verily breaking the 3rd commandment when we say we are Christians and yet fail to

    those things that Christ has commanded us in the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy? Friends, now

    ot the time to have even a toe in the world. We are nearing home! O that we would repent as

    Nineveh, before the voice which has stirred our hearts in days past is no longer able to disturb

    carnal slumber. Let us put away all sin, whether public or hidden. Let us stop being dazzled

    he stars of the world, for they, like the 3rd part of the stirs that left heaven under their leader

    devil, are fallen. I too seldom we ep, but what I see is just too m uch for m e to stem tide of tears.
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    ently we visited someone and a guest came in and noticed

    style of dress. Immediately the question was Why are

    wearing winter clothes? The host questioned this friend

    the friend replied Theyre wearing long sleeves and

    ks. (To which I replied But its light top and it not as if

    wearing a vest underneath. My husbands reply was

    ll, were not any different to you! (this person also had a

    t, long-sleeved top and a long skirt. But the reply was

    t Im not wearing socks. This made me laugh because (in

    eral) professional men wear closed shoes and socks in any

    ther, as well as long-sleeved shirts. Yet no-one would ever

    k at them and accuse them of being dressed in winter

    hing. So whats the difference between them and the rest

    ormal society? And whywere we dressed that way?

    ere is but one woman in a thousand who clothes her limbs

    he should. Whatever may be the length of the dress, fe-

    es should clothe their limbs as thoroughly

    he males. This may be done by wearing

    d pants gathered into a band and fas-

    ed about the ankle, or made full and ta-

    ng at the bottom; and these should come

    wn long enough to meet the shoe. The

    bs and ankles thus clothed are protected

    nst a current of air. If the limbs and feet

    kept comfortable with warm clothing, the

    ulation will be equalized, and the blood

    remain healthyand pure, because it is

    chilled or hindered in its natural passage

    ugh the system.--How to Live, No. 6, pp.

    The first reason, is for health.

    ice the following quote, which deals with how in winter,

    cover our childrens torsos with more coverings than we

    or our limbs. The many coverings over the chest and

    gs induce the blood to these parts, and the animal heat

    s retained weakens and debilitates these delicate organs,

    sing congestion and inflammation. The head, lungs, heart,

    r, and kidneys have too much blood, while the limbs haveenough for warmth and proper development. The result

    he blood-vessels in the limbs contract because they are

    filled and cannot contain the due proportion of blood

    ch nature designed they should, and they are always chil-

    Because this chilliness is habitual, it is not noticed by chil-

    n who are thus unhealthfully dressed. {HR, January 1,

    7 par. 7}

    e limbs of our children should be thoroughly and sensibly

    with as many coverings as other portions of the body.

    re is a fashionable way and a healthful way to dress a

    child. Mothers generally pay more attention to the form

    than to the latter. It is doubtless very pretty and becom

    dress a little girl in short skirts, covering her daintily-sh

    ankle and handsome limb with a thin , silken or cotton

    ing, encasing her foot in a thin-soled and exquisitely sh

    shoe, while her shoulders are loaded with cloak, furs, a

    scarf. She looks well--presents an elegant appearance,

    and the mother is pleased thereat. It is really distressin

    witness this manner of dressing children during the wi

    months.Dressing their extremities so thinly is not only

    comfortable, but unhealthful as well. {HR, January 1, 1

    par. 1}

    Then theres the other aspect/reason why we cover our

    and legs all the time. We cannot, if we would, conceal

    fact that women have feet and limbs that were made

    use. But in regard to the exposure , this is on the other

    of the question. We have traveled exten

    the past twenty-five years, and have be

    witnesses to many indecent exposures

    limbs. But the most common exposure

    upon the streets in light snow, or wet a

    mud. Both hands are required to elevat

    dress, that it may clear the wet and filth

    a common thing to see the dress raised

    half of a yard, exposing an almost uncl

    kle to the sight of gentlemen, but no on

    seems to blush at this immodest expos

    No one's sensitive modesty seems shoc

    the reason that this is customary. It iion, and for this reason it is endured. N

    outcry of imm odesty is heard , alt

    it is so in the fullest sense . {HR, May 1, 1872 par. 1

    But does the popular style of woman's dress always hid

    feet from the public gaze? See that lady passing over th

    dy street, holding her skirts nearly twice as far from the

    ground as ours (This ours was in reference to the refo

    dress that God showed her w e should wear-a dress th

    about 9 inches off the ground, worn with the tapered p

    ie. that come in towards the leg, as opposed to straigh-pants that go right down to the shoes) exposing, not o

    her feet, but her nearly-naked limbs. Similar exposures

    frequent as she ascends and descends the stairs, as she

    helped into, and out of carriages. These exposures are d

    greeable, if not shameful; and a style of dress which ma

    their frequent occurrence almost certain, (Consider ho

    nowadays exposed ankles are the NORM) we must reg

    a poor safeguard of modesty and virtue. HR May 1, 18

    So thats the second reason-modesty.


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    s 2 urges older sisters to teach the younger sisters to love

    r husbands. It seems to me that a woman married a hus-

    d in the first place because she already greatly loved him.

    Titus states that this is something that young wives need

    earn and apparently it is something that older wives

    uld have already learned through experience. For with

    h passing year of marriage, the need for love and commit-

    nt becomes greater. So the Titus passage is not speaking

    he "feelings" of love so active among the young, but theof love learned by experience. The early days and weeks

    ide and groom spend together are usually full of the

    lings" of love - they giggle, embrace and kiss often. Those

    s who have already been down that road look on with the

    ating knowledge that time usually has a way of cooling off

    e intense feelings. The struggles and trials common to

    n have a way of invading every marriage and wearing

    wn the "honeymoon" feelings, making our journey more

    cult and our life a lot more serious. But the genuine af-

    ion that is born of a life-long commitment to each othereeper and more meaningful as each year passes and each

    is faced together.

    e love does not depend on how you feel (or don't feel) - it

    omething you do - and do - and do - and do. Love is not

    nclination, it's a demonstration in giving. For God so

    VED the world that He GAVE His only begotten son. And

    ist himself taught us that there is no greater love than a

    n who lays down his life for his friends.

    re is a popular cafeteria here in Texas called Luby's

    re customers pass in front of a long line of delectable

    ds. There are servers standing side by side in front of the

    es and as the line of customers passes by, each server is

    ng out "serve you?" - "serve you?". I love this example

    bring it to mind often as a reminder of the attitude I de-

    to manifest. We use this saying in our familyand in the

    esia and during church when we notice an especially lov-

    service. We often repeat to one another - "serve you?" -

    "serve you?".




    Wives, every day ask yourself - "How can I serve my hu

    today?". Plan your service, put some thought into it, pra

    God's blessing on your plan and do it, whether you "feeit or not. Of course we are all working toward a genuine

    tude of willing and cheerful giving. But don't let a weak

    tude stop you from doing good, especially to your husba

    The heart follows the hand and your attitude will be gre

    helped along if you will put your hand to good works. P

    16:3 assures us that if you "commit your works unto the

    Lord" that "your thoughts will be established." God will

    you both to w i l l (feelings) and to do His good pleasure

    (Phil. 2:13). Don't think that just because you do

    not feel anything loving or kind toward your husband t

    you will be excused from obeying the commandment

    to do the works of love for your husband. Trust God, H

    establish our feelings if we

    will put our hands to loving


    I believe most women have

    a special ability to sense and

    anticipate other's needs. We

    know what is helpful, kind,

    comforting and encouragingto our husbands. We need

    to turn our thoughts delib-

    erately in that direction

    and do theworks of love

    for our husbands as our dai-

    ly priority.


    ntinued.At first I balked at this. To have long sleevesn in summer? To never wear sandals (unless worn with

    ks which is NOT my style) ever again in public? But expe-

    nce has shown me that the medical writings (See the

    gienic Health Reform link at and the

    pired writings are correct. It really is healthier and more

    mfortable. We took a walk in the afternoon sun one day

    I was wearing a short-sleeved top. But the heat of the

    beating down on my bare arms was unbearable so I put

    my jersey (I only had one light long-sleeved top at the

    e and it was in the laundry that day.) and I felt much bet-

    ter! According to other physicians, we onlyneed sunlighour faces and hands anyway, so if we do do this, we will

    suffer from lack of Vitamin D, as I used to fear.

    EGW tells us that true dress reform requires us to carry

    cross. There are many sisters out there who are being

    mocked for dressing modestly and healthfully, who are

    told that they are acting holier than thou though they d

    they look down upon those who do not follow modest d

    reform. Obedience to Gods laws, when rendered with a

    heart, will allow us to be clothed in His righteousness o

    day. Let us be faithful till then.
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    e virtuous wife in Proverbs 31 shows us many examples of

    ing works for her husband:

    e is faithful and trustworthy (v. 11-12)

    e heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he

    all have no need of spoil. She will do him good and not evil

    the days of her life.

    e does her husband good "all the days of her life." She does

    r husband no harm. She is prudent. She is able to discern

    at is proper to be done under various circumstances of time

    d place. She has good judgment. Faithfulness and truste every wife's first and foremost obligation to her

    sband. For an unfaithful wife shames her husband and

    uses rottenness to his bones, grief to her children, and brings

    honor and disgrace to herself, to her Ecclesia and to God's

    ly Ways.

    hat we sisters need to understand clearly is that if we do evil

    our husbands, be it by unfaithfulness, disinterest, lack of

    ection, mismanagement of the household, etc., we are de-

    oying the very basis of our own happiness. The way to peace

    d happiness is God's Way through Christ, not through the


    e must keep ourselves mentally and physically only unto our

    n husbands. We must be careful to keep ourselves out of any

    uation where we are alone with any other man besides our

    sbands. One-on-one private or public activities, however

    mingly wholesome or innocent, are inappropriate and in the

    ry least an appearance of evil. Wives, first and foremost, we

    ust commit ourselves to be chaste and faithful to our own

    sbands. This commitment is not based on our husband's

    rthiness, it is based on our Godly duty and character. Noth-shows our true character and virtue more than the faithful-

    ss and loyalty we maintain to our own husbands.

    igail's example comes to mind in this regard (1 Samuel 25).

    ing married to a self-centered, obnoxious, drunken fool such

    Nabal did not change Abigail's obligation as a wife to do

    od to her husband. Nabal's unworthiness as a proper hus-

    nd only intensified the beauty of the integrity and wisdom of

    igail. Her refreshing wisdom and humility before a Godly

    man like David was genuine

    because she had practiced itin her life in dealing with a

    fool like Nabal.

    She is industrious (v. 13-22)

    She seeketh wool, and flax,

    and worketh willingly with

    her hands . . . she bringeth

    her food from afar. She

    riseth also while it is yet

    night, and giveth meat to

    her household . . .with the

    fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard. She girde

    loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms. . . her

    goeth not out by night. She layeth her hands to the spin

    she stretcheth out her hand to the poor. . . all her hou

    are clothed with scarlet. She maketh herself coverings .

    She not only works hard, she deliberately plans to wor

    This shows in her children, her housekeeping, her mea

    financial thriftiness, and the multitude of her good wor

    plans are mostly for the aid and comfort of others.

    One aspect that greatly adds to and enhances her efficiher willingness to rise up early in the morning befo

    household. (Compare Mark 1:35, an example of our Lor

    ing up a great while before day - before his disciples - an

    ing to prepare for the day's work.) The virtuous wife

    manager of the home and the day's activities. In rising

    she can begin her day in prayer and can see that her h

    and children are properly cared for before they leave

    duties of the day. The specific scriptural habit of early

    has much to do with the welfare of the family. It takes

    deal of self-sacrifice to implement this early rising as a h

    your life. If there is one thing I remember well about

    young wife and mother, it is the desire for sleep. Howev

    benefits of your availability and service to your family

    morning far outweigh the few minutes of sleep time y

    up. "Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty: open thin

    and thou shalt be satisfied with bread." (Prov. 20:13)

    She speaks with kindness and wisdom (v. 26)

    She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongu

    law of kindness.

    "The mouth of the just bringeth forth wisdom. . . the liprighteous know what is acceptable." (Prov. 10:31-32). Th

    many scriptures about the tongue of a woman - mostly

    tive. But a virtuous wife will keep the law of God in he

    that she may be able to remember to do righteousne

    speak with wisdom. (Prov. 37:30-31) Kindness is a "law

    kept and obeyed.

    Many of the Jews have a habit of adding a blessing or a

    after they speak names - like, "may his days be prospe

    "may his bones rot." While the cursings do not fit into th

    of kindness, endearments do. "Speaking comfortably"

    husband can be a blessing to you both. It will enhan

    loving attitude and be a constant reminder to you of you

    mitment to your husband. Sarah used this kind of sp

    even when she was speaking within herself (calling h

    band, "my lord." Gen. 18:12). Speaking with the to

    kindness has a healing and calming effect on both the

    AND the speaker.

    Try to deliberately season your words to your husband w

    grace, truth and your best courtesy. "Let your conversati

    always with grace, seasoned with salt." (Col. 4:6). TB C
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    HE FATHER:The desire of God for every human be-

    is expressed in the words, Beloved, I wish above all

    gs that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy

    prospereth. 3 John 2. MH 113. Again we read that,

    ove all things, God desires us to be in health--health of

    y and of soul. MH 288. It is the Lord Who forgives all

    r iniquities, who heals all your diseases. Ps 103:3.

    d desires suffering human beings to be taught how to

    d sickness by the practice of correct habits of eating,

    king, and dressing." CH 221 I was shown that God

    uld give to His commandment-keeping people a reform

    , and that as they received this, their disease and suffer-

    would be greatly lessened. I was shown that this work

    uld progress. CH 531

    HE SON:Christ feels the woes of every sufferer. When

    spirits rend a human frame, Christ

    s the curse. When fever is burning

    he life current, He feels the agony.d He is just as willing to heal the

    now as when He was personally

    earth. Christ's servants are His rep-

    ntatives, the channels for His

    rking. He desires through them to

    rcise His healing power. DA 823-

    . We read of Him that He was

    ved with compassion and healed

    sick. Matt 14:14, 20:34; Mark 1:41 -

    Jesus is the same today; He is our high priest who feels

    sufferings Heb 13:8; 4:15. "Christ... the Sun of Righteous-

    s arises, 'with healing in His wings.' Mal 4: 2." MH 115,

    Jesus said "I have come that they may have life, and that

    y may have itmore abundantly. John 10:10.

    HE HOLY SPIRIT: The Holy Spirit empowered Jesus to

    the sick, Luke 4:18; Acts 10:38. Healing is one of the

    itual gifts, 1Cor 12:9. Christ's presence (by the Holy

    it, John 16:7, 13-14) in the heart is a vitalizing power,

    ngthening the entire being. CH 253. The influence of

    Spirit of God is the very best medicine for disease. Heav-

    s all health. CH 28.HAT IS HEALTH?

    lth is a condition of perfect well being physically, mental-

    nd spiritually. A state of complete physical, mental, and

    itual well being glorifies God and is a blessing to fellow

    n. "The inquiry with every one should be,...'How can I do

    t for the glory of God and the benefit of my fellow men?

    e children of God cannot glorify Him with sickly bodies

    dwarfed minds." CD 15, 18. Think of these three quota-


    1. "Health is a blessing of which few appreciate the v

    ML 134.

    2. "It is an easy matter to lose the health, but it is diffi

    regain it." ML 142.

    3. "Hearth is a great treasure. It is the richest poss

    mortals can have." CH186.

    So in summary, health is not appreciated, easily lost, di

    to regain, and is our richest possession. Do you care fohealth? The choice is yours and yours only, to obey a

    healthy or to disobey and be sickly. "Every man has th

    portunity, to a great extent, of making himself whatev

    chooses to be." "There is much sterling truth in the

    'Every man is the architect of his own fortune." CD 1

    We are to present our bodies as living sacrifices, ho

    ceptable to God. Rom 12:1. Jesus commanded us to lo

    Lord with our whole being, Mark

    (Deut 6:5) and this can be bette

    filled when we are in good health

    "OUR FIRST DUTY, one which w

    to God, to ourselves, and to our

    men, is to obey laws of God, whi

    clude the laws of health." CD

    Therefore, glorify God in your

    and in your spirit, which are G

    1Cor 6:20.



    "Our heavenly Father sent the light of health reform to:

    1. To dispel gloom and darkness that has been gath

    because of intemperance.

    2. To lessen the train of evils which have resulted be

    of intemperate eating and drinking.

    3. To separate His people from the world in spirit and


    4. To make believing parents and their children to be

    representatives of Christ.5. To attain to Christian perfection, for it is impossi

    achieve this while appetite is indulged.

    6. To help us escape many temptations on appetite, in

    tions, pleasures, and sensual.

    7. To preserve health by being temperate in all thing

    labor, in eating and drinking.

    8. To sanctify through the truth those who love puri

    holiness. Preparation for the life to come.

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    To secure the highest possible development of mind and

    l and body.

    To promote our happiness in this life and to aid our

    paration for the life to come.



    S MISSION: Jesus said, I have come that they may

    e life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

    n10:10. Our Lord Jesus Christit was His mission tong to men complete restoration; He came to give them

    th and peace and perfection of character From Him

    wed a stream of healing power, and in body and mind and

    men were made whole. MH 17.


    ring His ministry, Jesus devoted more time to healing

    sick than to preaching. Not until the last sufferer had

    n relieved did Jesus cease His work. He did not meas-

    His work by hours. MH 19, 29, 500. There were wholeges where there was not a moan of sickness in any house,

    for He had passed through them and healed all their

    SC 11. Then Jesus went about all the cities and vi

    teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel

    kingdom, and healing every sickness and every d

    among the people. Matt 9:35.


    His was a life of health. Physically as well as spiritua

    was represented by the sacrificial lamb, without blemis

    without spot. 1 Peter 1:19. In body as in soul He was

    ample of what God designed all humanity to be throughdience to His laws. MH 51. The offerings presented

    Lord were to be without blemish. These offerings repr

    ed Christ, and from this it is evident that Jesus Himse

    free from physical deformity. He was the lamb w

    blemish and without spot. 1 Peter 1:19. His physical

    ture was not marred by any defect; His body was stron

    healthy. And throughout His lifetime He lived in confo

    to nature's laws. DA 50-51. This world is a vast lazar h

    but Christ came to heal the sick, to proclaim delivera

    the captives of Satan. He was in Himself healthstrength. DA 823 (Luke 4:18.) TB C


    Of all the bible refer-

    ences to eating and

    drinking and merrying,

    most represent some-

    thing that fulfills ou r

    selfish desires to fill

    ourselves with the lustsof life and be accepted by

    others as we have things

    in common with the

    world. Those that par-

    take of these things will

    be blinded as to whom

    they are really serving

    worshiping. The bible says we cannot serve two mas-

    re are a few references that directly refer to the saving

    ouls along the lines of feasting and eating and celebrat-One especially is when the Prodigal Son returns

    me. there is much merriment as this one that was lost

    ow found and returned to the fold.

    e truly w ant to be partaker s of the heavenlythen

    re is something we must begin to do on a daily basis.

    st of you know these things. We are given solemn ad-


    ke 8:14 And that which fell among thorns are they,

    ch, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked

    h car es and r iches and pleasur es of this life, and

    br ing no f r u i t to per fect ion. that if we are partaker

    the partying of this world we will not have any fruit tha

    come to perfection. Think and ponder those thoughts

    So, the point being, what shou ld be our goal, wh

    should be our focus and how do we m ake the ad


    John 6:56 H e that eateth m y f lesh, and dr ink eth

    blood, dw el leth in m e, and I in h im . says that we

    eat and drink of Jesus He is the bread of life we are

    daily read and study His Word that it becomes a part of

    We are to confess our sins andbelieve with a ll our

    hearts in the promises of God that he has pardoned u

    I wonder sometimes if we really believe this Q: Do w

    this penetrate deep into our soul?

    Josh 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LO

    choose y ou thi s day w hom y e w i l l ser ve; whethe

    gods which your fathers served that were on the other

    of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land

    dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the L

    says that we are to choose you this day whom ye will se

    this should be our priority each day as we go about our

    and duties

    Parties a nd festivities of this world serve a differe

    master often times the party is nothing like we thou

    would be and it doesnt last.and it takes you downo

    step at a time.

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    e love, joy, and peace of Jesus does last and will sus-

    n us when all else falls away. Satan does not want you to

    ow what treasures Christ has in store for you.

    I have often wondered and prayed and asked God con-

    ually for understanding. Q: When it is our effort to

    ove forward and when is it time to wait patiently? Q:

    hat part do I play in this plan and how does it all work to-


    I have been asking these questions my whole Christian

    e and havent you also wondered these things? By Gods

    ding grace, I found these answers in the Bible and in

    P. Read the parable of the Talents in Christs Object Les-


    s up to us to begin work on our characters we cannot

    t sit around in limbo and hope that lightning will strike

    and we are changed. Or think that OH, we are waiting

    the latter rain.. It does not happen this way It is not

    accident. God expects the highest standard. He expects

    rfection from us.

    noble character is earned by individual effort though the

    rits and grace of Christ. God gives us the talents, thewers of the mind we form the character. It is formed by

    rd, stern battles with self. Conflict after conflict must be

    ged against hereditary tendencies.. ( 331) And our bad


    eavenly intelligences will work with the human agent who

    eks with determined faith that perfection of character

    ich will reach out to perfection in action. Christ says, I

    m at your right hand to help you. The will of man cooper-

    s with the will of God.(332)

    W e should look to Jesus, the perfect pattern;

    we should pray for the aid of the Holy Spirit,

    and in His strength we should seek to train every

    ait of our characters

    is angels are appointed to watch over us. The angels

    l be by our side, prompting us to a better course, choos-

    g our words for us, and influencing our actions.(342)

    en it is us that must choose to do these things even

    ough it may be difficult, challenging and new to us.

    aking a new path illustration. If you ride your bike

    wn a dirt path on your daily mission, it will be difficult to

    ange. Take a different route one that may even be short-

    For a while it may be rough going through the vegeta-

    n but after many times you will have a nice path. And, the

    d one will start to fill in with vegetation. This is what hap-

    ns in our minds when we make new and better choices.

    e old path is easy but the new one is difficult at first but

    th much repetition it will be workable. We can be in-

    ucted along the new and better choice pathway step by

    p. Daniel did this Joseph did this there could not be

    und mistakes in any of the things that they did because

    they had heavenly instruction

    along the way.

    Isa 30:21 And thi ne ear s

    shal l hear a w ord behind

    th ee, say in g, This is the

    w ay, wa lk y e in i t , when

    ye turn t o the r ight hand,

    and w hen ye tur n to the

    left . says that we will hear in

    ones mind or heart and are

    bidden to walk this way andchoose the right course direc-

    tionally or morally.

    We have no time to waste, no

    time to devote to selfish pleas-

    ure, no time for indulgence of sin. It is now that we ar

    form characters for the future, immortal life. (342)

    Mark 9:49 For ever y one shal l be salt ed w it h f i

    and ever y sacri f i ce shal l be salt ed w it h salt . s

    that we will be salted with fire wow the salt make

    sacrifice acceptable to God we are to be living sacrifisalted with fire of affliction that makes us perfect.

    Luke 3:16 John answered, say ing unto them all, I in

    baptize you with water; but one mightier than I com

    the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose

    shal l bapt ize you w i th the H oly Ghost and w i t

    f i r e: Jesus will baptize with fire and the Holy Ghost

    I long for this purity!

    Gulf stream illustration : We were on a ship once

    launching from Miami, Florida to the Caribbean Islan

    Not long after, someone told me to come up on the to

    and look at the Gulf Stream. I had no clue that this co

    even be visible. This is a channel of warm water that

    nates in the gulf and continues to circle around the At

    and provides the British Isles with warm currents dur

    winter of the year.

    When I went up on top. Yes, I could see it all arou

    was deep ocean blue water and then there was this riv

    choppy water lighter than the rest in appearance and

    through the ocean and going on its own course. Amaz

    When we came into the strange stream of choppy wat

    had to work against it because it was strong and wantitake us in its direction. After 15 minutes or so we wer

    of the Gulf stream and now smooth sailing on to the is

    I thought that this could be a good illustration of our C

    tian life. The ocean is the world and very vast but we

    Gulf Stream that is strong and cuts through the ocean

    makes our own path and will not be diverted but will w

    to take others with us if they get into our stream.

    Q: How m any of you w ant to start today to beg

    making changes in our characters to make our

    tion sure?

  • 8/9/2019 Prisoners Of Hope - July 2010




    I. What are free radicals?

    e radicals are molecules or atoms that are electrically imbal-

    d in their outermost shell of electrons; they have unpaired elec-

    s in their outer shells.

    I. What is oxidation?

    he loss of electrons or the combining with oxygen. 2) Every

    a substance looses an electron, a free radical is formed. 3) Free

    cals are unstable; they want to have another electron, so they

    grab an electron the neighboring atom. 4) The atom which lost

    ectron is oxidized and becomes a free radical itself. 5) Freecals damage the cell membranes and lead to diseases.

    III. Free r adicals are good in the right place

    xcellent germ killers. 2) Important in energy production.

    IV. Free radicals are bad in the wrong place

    ee radicals can oxidize other molecules very rapidly so that

    ble builds up.

    What can increase or prod uce unwanted free rad icals?

    mog ; 2) Excessive exercise; 3) Aging; 4) Trauma, injury, in-

    mation; 5) Too much or too little oxygen for too long

    oo much ultraviolet light or radiation in gen-

    7) Overeating of good food; 8) High fat di-

    9) Stress; 10) Chronic disease states; 11) In-


    VI. Examples

    atty acids, triglycerides and cholesterol are

    y oxidized. When oxygen shares its elec-

    s at a double bond between 2 carbon atoms,

    become oxy-fats. 2) Oxy-fats absorbed

    m the intestines are made into LDL cholester-

    ) Oxy-fats easily become part of the cells.

    e are toxic radicals. 4) Oxy-fats make cell membranes stiffer

    re available to the passage of harmful substances). 5) Oxy-fats

    t the walls of mitochondria, nucleus, and other components ofell and affects their proper function.

    his fat oxidation process burns up essential oils necessary for

    body. 7) Oxy-fats may be regarded by the immune system as

    gn chemicals that need to be eaten up. Macrophages become

    of oxy-fat and sluggish. Pulse waves of the heart beat kills them

    packs them into arterial walls. Fighting oxy-fats weakens the

    une system. 8) Oxidized LDL cholesterol and oxidized grease

    icles can gradually plug up arteries. Oxidized grease is sticky

    sludge. It tends to foster development of clots & obstructions

    h lead to strokes and heart attacks. 9) Excessive numbers of

    mal white blood cells can attack joints spilling out free radicals.can cause arthritis and gradual destruction of joints. 10) Toxic

    free radicals are involved in the following diseases: a) Arterial

    rosclerosis and cell agingthrough tissue damage caused by

    ation of cell membranes, interaction with fatty acids, and effect

    hemical formation. b) Diabetes c) Cataract formation

    ancerdamage to genetic material in the cell nucleus and inter-

    nce with the immune system. e) Parkinsons disease

    VII. Low Levels

    udies indicate that having too few antioxidants is a bad thing.

    study, published in 1983 in the British medical journal The

    cet, found that people with low blood levels of selenium were

    e as likely to develop cancer compared with people with normal

    levels. 2) Another study, published in 1986 in the New Engla

    Journal of Medicine (NEJM), found that patients with a cert

    type of lung cancer were four times more likely to be deficien

    beta carotene than a control group. 3) A 1989 study from th

    erlands associated low selenium levels with an increased risk

    heart attacks. The Harvard-based Physicians Health Study --

    has recorded the lifestyles of some 50,000 male health profe

    als for the past 15 years -- found that men who ate a diet rich

    amin E (from nuts, seeds and soybeans) were half as likely to

    op heart disease as those with very low levels of dietary vitam4) Skin cancer patients given daily selenium supplements we

    twice as likely to survive their cancer as those patients not gi

    selenium, the Journal of the American Medical Association (

    reported in 1996. 5) Extra selenium, a mineral needed only i

    quantities, reduced the risk of prostate, colorectal and lung c

    according to the National Institutes of Health's Clinical Cent

    reported in 1997 and 1998 in journals such as the American

    of Epidemiology, Cancer Prevention and Nutrition Review).

    VIII. Free radicals attack pr evention

    1) Most of your oil should come from the whol

    plant, not extracted oils. 2) Eat lots of anti-oxid

    like Vitamin A (beta-carotene), Vitamin C, Vitam

    and selenium. Vitamin E protects the cell memb

    against free radical damage. Selenium importan

    the production of enzymes which aid in the dest

    of free radicals. 3) Anti-oxidants can prevent ox

    tion, destroy free radicals, block the formation o

    cer causing chemicals, enhance the immune syst

    functioning, especially against tumors. 4) High a

    oxidant diet decreases the risk of cardiovascular

    ease, cancer and lowers death rates. 5) Nuts and grains shou

    kept whole until ready to use or ground for only a short perio

    time. The outer layer of grains prevents oxidationground wcorn becomes rancid (full of oxidized lipids) within a coup

    months at room temperature but whole corn can be stored u

    thousand years. The covering on wheat and rice is not as eff

    IX. Can antioxidants turn on you?

    1) Several studies have shown that people who did not get th

    recommended allowance of vitamin C had an increase in free

    radical damage to their DNA. But, paradoxically, people who

    mega doses of C also had an increase in DNA damage. 2) Th

    antioxidants as drugs, antioxidants are not necessarily safe.

    multiplying cancer cells can use antioxidants to their advant

    fuel their growth. So taking mega doses of antioxidants at thwrong time essentially arms the bad guy with the weapons to

    alive and multiply. 3) Fruit and vegetables are rich in antiox

    but these plants contain hundreds of other chemicals. Nutrie

    from food enable the body to make its own antioxidants.

    X. The List of Antioxidants

    1) Supplements; a) Vitamin A beta-carotene b) Vitamin C c)

    um d) Vitamin E 2) Foods

    Green tea, red grapes, tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefr

    apples, onions, garlic, chives, broccoli, cabbage, kale, caulifl

    soybeans, citrus fruits, carrots, whole grains, nuts, beans, leg

    cherries, broccoli sprouts, collards, turnips, turnip greens.

  • 8/9/2019 Prisoners Of Hope - July 2010





    This newsletter is authored

    by members of the SDA

    church whose desire is to

    provide a thought provoking

    newsletter for Adventists

    dwelling on the banks of

    Jordan; in the process ap-

    pealing to entire fidelity to

    the Bible and the Spirit of


    +27(0)21 557 4944086 608 7075

    +27(0)83 268 7575

    1. How is the bondage of Israel in Egypt described?"And the children of Israelsighedby reason of the bondage, and theycried,and their cry came up unto God bof the bondage." Ex. 2:23. Compare with James 5:1-4.

    2. Who heard their groaning?"Godheard their groaning, and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob." Ve

    3. What did God say to Moses?"Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto Me: and I have also seen the oppression

    with the Egyptians oppress them. Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest b

    forth My people the children of Israel out of Egypt." Ex. 3:9,10.

    4. In giving Israel His law, how did God describe Himself?"I am the Lord thy God, which havebrought thee out ofthe land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage."Ex. 25. What provision did God make against slavery and oppression in Israel?"And if thy brother, an Hebrew man, or an Hebrew woman, be sold unto thee, and serve thee six years; then i

    seventh year thou shalt let him go freefrom thee. And when thou sendest him out free from thee,thou shalt nhim go away empty:thou shalt furnish him liberally out of thy flock, and out of thy floor, and out of thy wine

    of that wherewith the Lord thy God hath blessed thee thou shalt give unto him. And thou shalt remember tha

    wast a bondman in the land of Egypt,and the Lord thy God redeemed thee: therefore I command thee this thi

    day." Deut. 15:12-15."Thou shalt neither vex a stranger, nor oppress him:for ye were strangers in the land of

    Ex. 22:21. See 2 Cor. 1:3,4.

    6. What was one reason assigned why Israel should keep the Sabbath?"And rememberthat thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt,and that the Lord thy God brought thee out then

    through a mighty hand and by a stretched-out arm:therefore the Lord thy God commanded thee to keep the S

    day."Deut. 5:15.

    7. What proclamation was to be made throughout the land of Israel every fifty years?"And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, andproclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants theshall be a jubilee unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man u

    family." Lev. 25:10.

    8. Because Israel failed to do this, became oppressive, and disregarded and misused the Sabbath, what

    do?"Therefore thus saith the Lord; Ye have not harkened unto Me, in proclaiming liberty, every one to his brothe

    every man to his neighbor: behold, I proclaim a liberty for you, saith the Lord, to thesword,to thepestilence,thefamine;andI will make you to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth."Jer. 34:17. See also Jer. 17:2

    Chron. 36:19-21.

    9. What fault did God find with the way in which Israel came to celebrate her fasts and seasons of wors

    "Behold, in the day of your fast yefind pleasure,andexact all your labors.Behold, ye fast

    forstrifeanddebate,andto smite with the fist of wickedness."Isa. 58:3,4.

    10. What does God set forth as the acceptable fast to Him?"Is not this the fast that I have chosen? toloose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens,andto leoppressed go free,and that yebreak every yoke?Is it not todeal thy bread to the hungry,and that thoubring tthat are cast out to thy house?when thou seest the naked, that thoucover him;and that thou hide not thyself thine own flesh?" Verses 6, 7.

    11. What was Christ's mission to this world?"The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He hath anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He hath se

    tohealthe broken-hearted, topreach deliveranceto the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set a

    tythem that are bruised." Luke 4:18.

    12. In what condition are those who commit sin?"Whosoever committeth sin isthe servant of sin."John8:34.

    13. Why was Christ's name to be called Jesus?"And thou shalt call His name Jesus:for He shall save His people from their sins."Matt. 1:21.

    14. What lies at the root of all sin?"Whenlusthath conceived, it bringeth forth sin." James 1:15. " I had not known lust,except the law had said

    shalt notcovet."Rom. 7:7.

    15. By what scripture is the equality of rights clearly shown?"Thou shalt love thy neighbor asthyself."Lev. 19:18.

    16. What rule of conduct has Christ laid down in harmony with this command?"Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them." Matt. 7:12.

    17. Who alone can cleanse men's hearts from selfishness?"Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereb

    must be saved." Acts 4:12. See also 1 John 1:9.

    18. Who alone, then, can give men real freedom?"If the Sontherefore shall make you free, ye shall befree indeed."John 8:36.
