Download docx - Printscreens for games

Page 1: Printscreens for games

In this screenshot I have just finished making the first player

This is the code to allow the player to move around the play area.

This is a screen shot of the game now that I have put a shield and point system in to the system code.

Page 2: Printscreens for games

This is the code to allow the player to shoot and to destroy the lazer if it goes off the screen.

This is the code for the first enemies lazer

This is the first enemy of my game

Page 3: Printscreens for games

This is the code that allows the player to die once the shield runs out

This is the first enemies lazer

Page 4: Printscreens for games

This is a screen shot of the first enemies in play and 2 new background layers that I have added.

This is the second enemy of my game it has the same code as the first enemy apart from it can move up and down.

This is the second emenies lazer it has the same code as the first enemy lazer.