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i PrimeOne School Nov 2008 ContentsPrimeOne School Nov 2008 Contents

Editorial TeamEditor- in- Chief: Ms. Fauziah Lubis, M. Hum

Editor: Ms. Sarah Kate Michel, B.A. Hons.

Science Editor: Mr. Haoken, MSc

Mandarin Editor: Mr. Ganesha Huang, BA

English Editor: Ms. Sarah

Writers: Ms. Ilbeth Lim, BBA., M.Comm., Ms. Maliana, SE

Ms. Sarah, Ms. Fauziah,

Graphic Designer: Mr. Haoken

Photography: Mr. Ganesha Huang, Jessica Hariwijaya (JH2 Student - Science & Automation Photos)

Welcome to POS loving family…………PrimeOne School is now bigger with the inclusion of many new families. To parents who choose POS for your child education, thanks a lot for the trust. We will surely keep doing our best to ensure that your child is in good hands.

Teaching is itself an exercise in creativity, where new ways are constantly being discovered to spark off ideas in the classroom and beyond. Teachers help nurture a spirit of innovation and enterprise among their students. The focus is on creating a vibrant classroom environment that is fuelled by a keen sense of curiosity and the quest for knowledge by both teachers and students. With our capable, highly motivated and passionate teachers, we believe we can work together well with you to achieve the best for our students.

To all of my students,.. “Don’t hope people change things for you but you make the change”. That’s what I would like to advise you to think deeply so that you can survive in any situation you might face at this moment or later in future.

Fauzia, S.S., M. HumAcademic Director

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School EventsA visit to the governor’s office 01 Study Tour to China 04First day at school 13Independence day 14Idul Fitri 15Community Service 16Mooncake 19

CoMpetitionsSempoa 21Spelling Bee 23

TrainingModern Method English Training 24Sanata Dharma 25 Maths Seminars 26Teachers and Parents training 27Mandarin Seminar 28John’s 29PG to K Student projects 31

ElementaryFarmland Field Trip 33 Hypermart Field Trip 34Student projects 35

JH/ SHCamping 39Visit to the orphanage 41Hazzel Forsythe 42Student projects 45Student work 51

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Meeting the governor




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“Cool,” exclaimed Angelo, an E 4 student, “I get to meet the governor!”

Thursday, the 25th of Septem-ber, 2008 was a very impor-tant day for the most presti-

gious students of PrimeOne. They were given a chance to meet North Sumatra’s Governor, Mr. Syamsul Arifin. The students went to visit (bersilaturahmi), pray, and ask for his blessing for the study tour to Shenzhen.

“Wow, Mr. Syamsul Arifin is a very friendly man.” commented Lenka, a 6th grade student, upon taking a photo with him. At the end of the meeting, Mr. Syamsul Arifin ex-

pressed a wish to visit our POS. PrimeOne School certainly can’t wait, and will welcome him with open arms.

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meeting the governor




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Tujuan sekolah memberangkatkan para siswa, guru , staff dan kepala sekolah tersebut, seperti yang disebutkan oleh Bapak Amrin Susilo Halim, Ketua Yayasan POS, adalah sebagai reward bagi yang berprestasi serta untuk memperluas wawasan. Kriteria

untuk menjadi siswa terbaik POS adalah bagus dalam hal akademik, mempunyai intra dan inter personal skill, mempunyai empati terhadap orang lain, aktif dalam kegiatan ekstra kurikuler. Sementara itu kriteria staff dan guru terbaik adalah dari poin-poin tanggung

Hari Kamis, tanggal 25 September 2008 menjadi hari yang sangat penting

bagi siswa-siswi PrimeOne School karena pada hari itu siswa-siswi POS mendapat kesempatan bertemu dengan Gubernur Sumatera Utara, Bapak Syamsul Arifin di kantor beliau yang sejuk, di Jalan Diponegoro, Medan. Adapun

tujuan kunjungan tersebut adalah untuk bersilaturahmi dan juga meminta doa serta restu karena pada tanggal 29 September 2008 mendatang siswa-siswi POS, staff dan guru yang berprestasi beserta para kepala sekolah akan berangkat menuju Shenzhen.

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jawab, ketelitian, keterampilan, inisiatif, kesetiaan, kerapihan dan kerjasama. Dalam kesempatan itu Bapak Gubernurmenyampaikan k e b a h a g i a n beliau terhadap p r o g r a m -program POS. Beliau sangat m e n d u k u n g s e k o l a h mengirimkan s i s w a - s i s w i kenegara lain agar tidak menjadi seperti katak dibawah t e m p u r u n g ( orang yang kurang berpengetahuan). Beliau juga memberi nasehat agar siswa-siswi belajar keras dan menjadi manusia yang baik dalam pengetahuan dan moral.

Wah sebuah kesempatan yang me-narik. Saat itu Bapak Gubernur juga menyampaikan keinginannya un-tuk berkunjung ke POS. Tentu saja POS sangat menantikan kunjungan beliau dimasa yang akan datang.

Fauzia (POS)

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On the 29th of September, 2008, the founder of PrimeOne School,

Mr. Amrin Susilo Halim as well as PrimeOne School’s Academic irector, Ms. Fauziah Lubis, along

with the best students and teachers of the year,

left for a study tour starting in Shenzhen, China. The

best students and teachers have been listed below:

Pada tanggal 29 September 2008 ketua yayasan PrimeOne School, Bapak Amrin Susilo Halim berangkat bersama siswa-guru-

staff yang berprestasi, Direktur akademis, Ms. Fauziah, dan kepala sekolah ke Shenzhen, China. Keseluruhan rombongan yang berjumlah 31 orang pada saat itu kompak mengenakan kaos yang bertuliskan PrimeOne School. Adapun satu persatu nama-nama

An Unforgettable Journey: Study Tour to Shenzhen and Hong Kong

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yang ikut, serta prestasi yang diraih adalah tersebut dibawah ini:Students of the Year 1. Angelo Sukarto: Best of the Best Student ( E4 )2 Jerry Vanlin: 2nd Best Student ( E4 )3. Ivanka Asybel: 3rd Best Student ( E4 )4. Bella Maudifa: Best of the Best Student ( E5 )5. Lenka Faustine: 2nd Best Student ( E5 )6 Valerie: 3rd Best of the Best Student ( E5 )7 Tiffany Dhara Anggono: Best Student ( E6 )8 Andrea Louise Low Suk Fong: 2nd Best Student ( E6 )9 GM Judha Panggabean: 3rd Best Student ( E6 )10 Ivy Icasia: Best of the Best Student ( JH 1 )11. Patricia Dissy Andrea: 2nd Best Student ( JH 1 )12. Ria Febriani Tampubolon: 3rd Best Student ( JH 1 )13.Veronica Lestari: Best of the Best Student (JH2)15.Bryanna: 2nd Best Student ( JH2)14.Natalia: 3rd Best Student ( JH2)

Teachers of the YearMs. Sylvia Lora ( Pre-School Level)1. Ms. Rika ( Elementary Level )2. Mr. Ganesha ( Junior High Level )3.

Principals who joined the trip Ms. Rosmina Salim ( Pre-School Principal )1. Ms. Susan ( Pre-School Vice- Principal )2. Ms. Meliana ( Elementary Principal )3. Ms. Rofina Robin ( Lower Elementary Vice- Principal)4. Ms Eduscha ( Upper Elementary Vice- Principal)5. Ms. Ilbeth Lim ( JH - SH Principal )6.

The places visited in China were: Window of the World, which shows miniatures of all the famous places in the world. PrimeOne School students couldn’t stop talking about the different famous places;

A pearl shop and a silk factory. The highlight of the visit was Splendid

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China where we watched a beautiful dance performance at the Cultural Village. The fascinating dancers were accompanied by exquisite outfits, and bombastic sound and laser shows. The best part was the performance of warriors on horse back. The performance was exciting and carried out with military precision. In the evening, shopping at Tong Men and Lo Wu was on the agenda.

Tempat-tempat yang dikunjungi di China adalah : Window of the World yang menggambarkan kekhasan setiap negara. Tempat ini membuat siswa-siswa sangat

senang, tak henti-hentinya mereka menyebut nama tempat-tempat yang dikunjungi dan saling bertukar cerita tentang apa yang mereka ketahui mengenai tempat tersebut. Rombongan POS juga mengunjungi Pearl Shop dan Silk Factory. Dan yang paling menarik adalah tur ke Splendid China dan menonton pertunjukan di Cultural Village. Tari-tarian yang menarik disertai kostum yang berwarna-warni menambah keindahan pertunjukan itu. Para siswa pun tercengang karena kemasannya yang rapi , serta kekompakan para penari dan permainan sinar laser

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dan sound system yang sangat bagus. Pertunjukan perang kuda juga sangat memukau. Pastilah para pelakonnya harus berlatih keras untuk menghasilkan pertunjukan yang menegangkan tersebut.

Pada malam harinya di Shenzhen, rombongan bebas berbelanja di Tong Men dan Lo Wu.In Hong Kong, the next destination, POS was welcomed warmly at Li Po Chun United World College by Dr. Stephen Codrington, the principal. He explained about the College’s programmes, and about

the community service done by students in their free time. There was an opportunity to see the learning process in action.

And not to be forgotten: a visit

to Disneyland. POS students just couldn’t get enough. In the evening, the group watched a wonderful firework display. The group also visited Victoria Peak, where they enjoyed the view, Repulse Bay and Star Avenue, where they saw the prints of famous celebrities and visited medicinal stores.

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Kemudian rombongan bertolak ke Hong Kong. Untuk mengunjungi Li Po Chun United World College of HongKong. Disana rombongan POS disambut

dengan hangat oleh Dr.Stephen Codrington, kepala sekolah Li Po Chun. Beliau menerangkan program-program sekolah tersebut. Dan yang paling menarik adalah community service yang siswa-siswa lakukan disela-sela waktu belajar mereka. Setelah itu rombongan dibawa keliling sekolah

dan menyaksikan proses belajar mengajar disana. Kemudian yang tak terlupakan adalah kunjungan ke Disneyland. Siswa-siswa tidak puas-puasnya menikmati semua permainan. Pada malam

harinya, rombongan pun dapat menikmati pertunjukkan firework yang mengagumkan. Serangkaian kunjungan lain yang menarik adalah:kunjungan ke Victoria peak, disini rombongan dapat melihat keindahan kota HongKong dari atas, kunjungan ke Repulse Bay dan Star avenue, disini rombongan

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melihat-lihat finger print artis-artis terkenal, dan kunjungan ke toko obat-obatan. And suddenly our tiring, yet fascinating visit was over. Before returning, Mr. Amrin Susilo Halim

noted that POS will be even bigger and better if we can be as disciplined and cooperative as the dancers in the show. He was very satisfied with the discipline of the teachers and staff of POS in looking after their students abroad, as well as the discipline of the students themselves in always being on time and never complaining even though some of them were ill at times, which shows that POS had chosen well. He added that it is important

to always improve our prestige. In Medan the students were asked to write a journal about their experiences in China. Bye, Bye, beautiful Hong Kong and Shenzhen…

Akhirnya perjalanan yang melelahkan namun sangat menarik dan berguna itupun berakhir. Sebelum kembali ke Medan, Bapak Amrin Susilo Halim berpesan bahwa PrimeOne akan menjadi lebih besar jika terjalin kekompakan tim seperti yang dipertunjukkan para penari dalam show mereka, jika ada saja satu anggota yang tidak kompak, maka keseluruhan show akan terganggu. Beliau juga menegaskan bahwa kedisiplinan

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tim yang ditunjukkan guru-dan staff POS dalam menjaga siswa-siswa selama diluar negeri serta kedisiplinan siswa-siswa sendiri dalam hal ketepatan waktu dan tidak mengeluh meskipun ada beberapa siswa yang sakit menandakan bahwa POS tidak salah pilih dan juga untuk kedepannya kedisiplinan tersebut harus terus ditingkatkan. Beliau menambahkan bahwa, sangat penting bagi kita untuk terus memacu prestasi. Wah, sungguh pesan-pesan yang sangat bermakna. Sesampai di Medan, siswa-siswa diminta mengumpulkan jurnal mengenai pengalaman mereka di China. Selamat tinggal kota cantik Shenzhen dan HongKong. See you soon!

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“ I can never wait for the first day at

school . ”

Every year, PrimeOne School welcomes its students with an interesting programme.

Well…On the 14th of July 2008, when PrimeOne students returned from their long holiday they were welcomed by some Batak taditional dancers, Iwan Dancing Group, Medan. The loud crash of the cymbal and the bang of the drum attracted and excited the students, and some parents stayed to watch.

What a lovely day … “We loved watching the dance. The dancers even let us play the drum. We had a lot of fun.” some of the elementary students commented.

Some teachers even joined the dancers to dance. The dancers not only performed traditional dance, but they also showed us some modern Batak dance.

“We have high expectations for next year’s programme.” some parents added.

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As usual, PrimeOne School celebrated Independence Day in a special way.

This year, everyone dressed in red and white, followed by a flag ceremony (of course) and the moment we love: games!!! This year there was tug-of-war, sack race, noodle eating (!) and relay race. I think the pictures tell the story better than I can…

In PG and K, the parents, grandparents, nannies and teachers all had a great time.

Independence day at PrimeOne School

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staffs and principals were wearing Moslem costume, even they aren’t Moslems. At exactly 10 a.m. all students, from Playgroup to Senior High gathered at MPH waiting for the result of the most fashionable

student, teacher, staff and principal in their Moslem costumes. As winners, of course they were given prizes.

Despite all the fun, POS students’ learning activity that day was still run as usual. After all, fun and learning must be balanced at POS, mustn’t they?

By: Ivy Icasia, JH 2 (Mother Theresa)

Monday, October 6th 2008 was the first day of attending school after a

week’s holiday. What a surprise! We were wonderfully welcomed by a bunch of dancers. They

showed their best by performing a traditional dance which was mixed with modern dance. They even showed us some “break dance” performances. They were so amazing that all POS students were willing to crowd themselves standing for almost an hour.

By the way, POS also held a Moslem Costume Competition. Almost all students, teachers,

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People usually make donations and share before Idul Fitri comes. They give away

presents and gifts to orphanages, homes for elderly, families and relatives. This year, PrimeOne School decided to share with the neighbours around the school. From the 24th to the 26th of September 2008, the students of Elementary to Senior High level were seen walking through the neighbourhood area carrying plastic bags our programmes to develop social awareness of the students.

In her opening words, Ms Meliana, the Vice Principal of Elementary stated that this community service is also intended as a way to increase our aquaintance between Prime One School big family and the people living in our neighbourhood. In total, three neighbourhoods were visited and all of them gave us a warm and sincere welcome.

Sharing Joyfulness at Idul Fitri

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Happy Idul Fitri!

It was indeed a heart taking moment for the students as they personally gave away the sharing and wished the neighbours “Happy Idul Fitri”. Handshakes and hugging eliminated the differences of age, social status and background. It was a true moment where there were no differences. Kent Christian, one of the students said, “I did not expect that there were so many families living in poor conditions around our school. I wish I could do more for them”. Some students even developed an idea to spend more precious and meaningful moment with the children.

That day, Prime One School students learned something very valuable; that is, giving from the most sincere heart means you may help this world to be a better place to live in for everyone.

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The Origin of

Mid Autumn Festival

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What do you know about Mid Autumn Festival? It is not just

about moon cake, lantern and full moon. Instead, it has great story beyond it. During the Zhou Dynasty (c 16th-11th centuries) the night of the full moon was an occasion for the Chinese to hold rituals to greet the cool weather and sacrifice to the Goddess of the Moon. By the Tang Dynasty (618-907) moon watching and merry-making had become part of the ritual. During the Northern Song (960-1127), the 15th day of the 8th lunar month was designated as Mid-Autumn

Festival. When night falls on that day, the orb of the moon hangs full in the firmament, shedding a flood of silvery light over the land, while family members in China gather for the happiness of reunion, munching moon cakes and marveling at the chastened glory of the Goddess of the Moon. Until this day Chinese people all over the world celebrate the mid- autumn festival.

Prime One School students had the excitement as they listened to the Chinese folk tale told by Ms Zhao and Ms Li, our Mandarin teachers, who were our monthly guests from China. The teachers looked beautiful in their Chinese traditional costume, “qi pao” as let students tried the sweet and mouth- watering moon cake. Though there was no full moon, all students, from Elementary until Senior High School, could feel the atmosphere of Mid-Autumn Festival filling the air of MPH.

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Prime One School Scores


At Prime One School, we be-lieve that students are able to sharpen the knowledge

they have moulded at school by ac-tively joining competitions. Thus, with enthusiasm and eagerness, a group of Elementary students of Prime One School par-ticipated in Sempoa and Mandarin Poem Competition held by SIP at Yang Lim Plaza on Sunday, August 10th, 2008.

The joy surrounded the atmosphere instantly on that day as the students chattered around and waited excitedly for their turn. The students who joined Sempoa competitions had their first round. When asked whether he was anxious or not, Ricky Gopari, one of the students, replied,” No. I have joined many competitions since studying at Prime One School. I have done a lot of practice with my teachers. I am very ready for the competition.”

During Mandarin poem competition, Prime One School students indeed captured the hearts of audience. Loud cheers applauded for the students as they carried themselves very confidently at stage. Prime One School students, without any doubt are always be the centre of attention wherever they go.

Prime One School brought home

twenty trophies won on that Sunday from both Sempoa and Mandarin Competitions, ranged from First winners to Runner ups. Again, Prime One School students prove themselves to be outstanding achievers in competitions. The list of the winners is as listed below:

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Sempoa:•Lusiana Aulia (First Winner Foundation 4)- Bella Maudifa (First winner Foundation 3)- Santiago Sukarto (Third winner Junior)- Willson Nicholas (First runner up Intermediate 1)- Josh Megust (Second runner up Foundation 1)- Jannis Jonathan (Second runner up Foundation 2)- Tifanni Ong (Second runner up Foundation 3)- Angelo Sukarto (Second runner up Foundation 3)- Wilbert (Third runner up Foundation 2)- Angeline (Third runner up Foundation 3)- Stephanie Oen (Third runner up Foundation 3)-

Mandarin Poem•Jadelyn Wieryoko (First winner Category A)- George Vincent (First winner Category B)- Dewi (Second winner Category B)- Bella Monica Winston (Third Winner Category A)- Jessica Claire Ciang (First runner up Category A)- Nicholas Fernando (Second runner up category A)- Alvina (Third runner up Category A)- Lucita (Third runner up Category B)-

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EF Spelling Bee Competition

In the weeks running up to the competition, many students registered to join

the competition. In total, there were about 45 competitors from Elementary 1 to Junior High 3 level. Prime One School provided training to the students taking part. All students were eager to improve their spelling and confidence.

Early in the morning at Merdeka Walk, on Sunday, the 14th of September, 2008, students waited to be registered and anxiously waited for their turn. Despite being hot, Prime One School students were full of spirits.

The competition was stiff, consisting of about 500 students from schools all over Medan. After first round, there were 20 students left. After the second round, only 8 are remaining. After the third round, only 2! Anya Annastasya, the student from Elementary 5, managed to win 3rd place and Naufal Edi Purwantono Scudetto from Elementary 3, was the third runner up. Well done, Anya and

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Naufal! August 23rd, 2008, Medan

Ms Meliana, Ms Eduscha and Ms Rofina joined a seminar about Sharing Ideas on Modern Method of English Teaching, given by Ms Shakila Vasu, a professional trainer with 22

years teaching experience and is now involved in curriculum planning with MOE Singapore to revise English language syllabus for 2009. In the seminar, we learned how to make students fall in love with difficult reading comprehensions. Combining crossword puzzles, tic tac toe, and debate can surely boost the class atmosphere.

How about conventional grammar that some students consider to be

boring? Well, we know some tips. If you see Prime One School students joyfully rise up their hands and enjoying themselves, they are probably learning grammar. See, learning can always be delivered in a fun and interesting way. Not only will the students be delighted, but they will also grasp the concepts taught in a shorter time. At Prime One School, we certainly give our very best!

In the weeks running up to the competition, many students registered to join

the competition. In total, there were about 45 competitors from Elementary 1 to Junior High 3 level. Prime One School provided training to the students taking part. All students were eager to improve their spelling and confidence.

Early in the morning at Merdeka Walk, on Sunday, the 14th of September, 2008, students waited to be registered and anxiously waited for their turn. Despite being hot, Prime One School students were full of spirits.

The competition was stiff, consisting of about 500 students from schools all over Medan. After first round, there were 20 students left. After the second round, only 8 are remaining. After the third round, only 2! Anya Annastasya, the student from Elementary 5, managed to win 3rd place and Naufal Edi Purwantono Scudetto from Elementary 3, was the third runner up. Well done, Anya and

Modern Method of

English Teaching

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From the 1st to the 5th of July 2008, teachers at PrimeOne School were busy studying. Studying? Yes, studying about the new national skill-based curriculum, known as KTSP. Our trainers,

Dr.Pranomo, M.Pd, Drs. H.Wahyudi, M.Si and Dr. Susento, M.S, from Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, are all very prominent educators, and have lectured and written numerous publications about this topic.

Topics studied during the week were evaluation of teaching methodology, non-test based evaluation such as portfolio and projects, student- focused learning as well as ْcurriculum syllabus and learning plan development. Teachers were actively involved in mini hands-on workshops throughout the training.

This workshop has inspired PrimeOne teachers to keep on developing their skills and knowledge as teachers. Every year, the founder of PrimeOne School provides training during the school holidays to teachers so that teachers can improve teaching quality at PrimeOne.


B a c k t o S c h o o l , t e a c h e r s !

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H o w t o b r i n g M a t h L e s s o n


July 26th, 2008, Jakarta

Ms. Megawaty and Ms. Rika, two Math teachers of Prime One School, were sent to join training on My Pals are here! Maths in Jakarta. The speaker was Dr. Yeap Ban Har.

The seminar showed how the teacher, as the facilitator can make learning Math enjoyable. For example, did you know that you can use dice to teach Math?

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Abacus Seminar for Parents

September 20th, 2008

Prime One School held an Abacus seminar which was intended to broaden parents’

knowledge about Abacus. Thus, they will be able to guide their chil-dren at home in order to prepare them for examinations and compe-titions. Many enthusiastic parents took part.

Ms. Rika, the Abacus and Mathematics coordinator of Elementary level in Prime One School, accompanied by Ms. Chelsia, explained the correct way of writing numbers and holding pencils, up as well as the terms most commonly used in Abacus, such as ‘SREG, EOK, and Vitamins. So far, Prime One School students have joined in many regional Abacus competitions and won many trophies of them. Filbert (JH3), Lusiana Aulia (E3), Novalia (E5) and Rivania (E2) presented their ability in three digits counting more than 6 rows of addition and subtraction. They did it fantastically and were faster than the calculator and computer!

Learning Abacus is not only meant to develop the functional of left brain, but also trains the students to solve sums in a quick and easy

way. At the end of the seminar, we do hope that parents will continue to support the Abacus programmes in Prime One School.

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二零零八年八月二十二到二十四日, 甲大国际规范学校的华文老师,很高兴可以参加由雅加达国民学校华文教师协会、雅加达华文教育协调机构和国民教育部语言教师培训中心联合举办的全国国民学校华文教师大会,地点在国民教育部语言教师培训中心 ( 简称 PPPPTK ) 举行。




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John Boakes’ Training at Prime One


Prime One School had a visitor on September 12, 2008. He is a tall man with a very friendly face and a wise appearance. Yes, he is John Boakes, an English man who manages one of the most famous international schools in Bangkok, Thailand; St. John International School to be exact.

POS family and St. John International School has become friends for quite some time. On January this year, POS family visited St. John International School in Thailand and this time, John Boakes came to visit POS. He also introduced Asian International School Olympics to POS students by showing a video of the activities held during the Olympics. The Olympics was joined by 12 countries.

John Boakes also conducted training for POS teachers on the 13th of September. The training was about class management, how to teach students with different abilities and how to carry out a fun Mathematics and Science lessons.

Some tips that John Boakes gave in

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the training:More innovative seating arrangement should be prepared 1. so learning interaction among students and teachers can be achieved. Recognizing students’ abilities and weaknesses in order to 2. understand the students in the process of learning. Thematic or topic learning that may involve all subjects and 3. teaching aids are advisable so process of learning can be more interesting for students. Differentiation questions should be included in the examination in 4. order to know students’ progress.

And many other tips that were given in the training. Thank you to John Boakes and POS.

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Preschool & KG Projects

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After arriving, the owner of the farm land showed them around together with the

farmer to see the growing process of some plants, such as: corn, chilli,

eggplants, papayas, bananas, tapioca and many others. They also took the fruit from the tree by themselves. They were very excited to learn, especially when the farmer showed them the way to take tapioca by digging the soil under the plant.

Then it was time for the students to say goodbye and thanks to the owner and farmer who had

allowed them to learn many things on that day.. The owner gave them many different kinds of vegetables and fruit from the farm as a gift. An

unforgettable experience.

Learning with Nature

A visit to a farm: 24th and 25th of October, 2008

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Shop and Learn

groups were busy selecting items and counting, some others bought the same items for all the team to ease the counting!

The students then were asked to queue up as they paid for their shopping. Taking turns patiently and respecting rules are indeed parts of our learning. At Prime One School, our students sure do have a good time studying.

Implementing the learning gained at school into real-life practice, has long been

Prime One School philosophy. Elementary 4 students competed against each other at Hypermart.

On September 10th, 2008, you could see a group of Prime One School students pushing the trolleys all over Hypermart. The amount of money for each student should not exceed Rp 10, 000, but the total sum was calculated per group. This was certainly very challenging as they needed to be able to count fast. Moreover, solid team work and strategy were absolutely essential. One group had a strategy to ask one team member to stand at the check-out counter and wait, while some

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“Yes, our tent is built. It looks sta-ble. We can sleep comfortably to-night,” Denny told Kevin.

“Will it be cold tonight?” Wilson asked Sir Tim.

Sir Tim replied, “Yes, it will be very

cold. And if it is going to rain, all of us will sleep in the classroom.”

“Others’ tents have been built. Ours is not yet standing. Sir, where will we sleep if we cannot build the tent?” Vivi asked Sir Alfian.

“I don’t want to sleep tonight. I will watch stars with you, Sir,” Edward told Sir Haoken.

“It has been 2 hours, but the rice is

not cooked yet. What will we eat tonight?” Vivi worried about her dinner. “We better ask Miss Ivana to help us cook this,” Vivi told her friends.

“We found the treasure, Miss,” Ba-nia came out with a huge can that

we called treasure.

“It is 3 a.m. You should sleep now. Are you not tired?” Miss Ilbeth asked Alberth. “I cannot sleep, Miss. I want to talk to my parents. But they are still sleeping. I don’t want to disturb them. I will wait until morning,” Alberth Lawi replied while weeping.

A Night to Remember: Junior High Camping

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their own. After dinner, we played some games such as Treasure Hunt, Hot Seat VS Love Seat, Skipping and Hula Hoop Passing. When the time had reached 11 p.m., we did a reflection by meditating and story telling about a boy who was left by his parents because of an accident. The reflection is our peak moment in the camping. Many of the students were brought into the story and felt very sad. A big hug for all the students and teachers from Ms. Ninie and Ms. Ilbeth closed the night.

Those are some sentences quoted from the students during the camping. I guess nobody will forget that night. The night when 60 students of Prime One spent their night camping at the back field of our lovely school. They looked very happy although they worried about their meal and shelter. They were so excited spending time together. The camping programme was held to train the students how to live independently. It will also make them appreciate what they have now.

The program started after lunch. They were divided into groups with one teacher as the leader of each group. The tent- building competition commenced the camping. We showed them one tent that had been built and standing firmly in the middle of the field. Each group was given water, corn, rice, noodle, charcoal and building block to prepare their dinner on

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children are taught at that school. All of them ate lunch together. They played for a while. They were having fun and they looked very happy. One of the blind girls who wanted to be a preacher sang two songs with a POS student, Tania Angel. All of them became friends. POS students are amazed of the spirit of those blind children have and how they live their life to the fullest. Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday!

How do You Blend Prime One Students and Blind Children?

One of Prime One School students, Maria of Junior High 2, had a very beautiful wish on her birthday last August 11th 2008. She wanted to share what she and her classmates have with the blind children in the orphanage at Tanjung Morawa. Her loving parents fulfilled her wish right on that day. With a big bus, together with Junior & Senior High Principal and some teachers, they visited the orphanage bringing food, drinks, and some amount of money that they had saved so they could give those things to the children in the orphanage.

The orphanage has more or less 80 children ranging from Elementary to Senior High School. Some of them are also students at several universities in Medan. POS students experienced the ways those blind

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Full Name : Hazzel Forsythe Nick Name : ZelPlace/Date of Birth : Medan/May 26th 1995Age/Gender : 13 / MaleSchool : Prime One SchoolFavourite Colour : Dark green, dark red, metallic black and metallic white.Hobby :Racing, computer, basketball, soccerGoal of Life : Professional Racer

What International Competition had you won?

2007 Macao Mini Rok Champion 1st Round AKOC (Asia Karting Open Championship)

2nd Place 2007 Sentul Mini Rok AKOC 6th Place 2007 Indonesia AKOC 6th Place 2007 Philippine AKOC6th Place 2007 Thailand AKOC

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What National Competition had you won?

1st Place Non-Seeded Rotax Max Jr 125cc (2008 Medan National Champion)1st Place Junior Open 125cc 2008 Sentul Jakarta1st Place Sunday Cup Race 60cc

2007 Medan1st Place Sunday Cup Race 125cc Open 20071st Place 60cc New Year Kart Race 20061st Place 60cc Merdeka Race 20052nd Place Junior Open 125cc Surabaya 20082nd Place Cadet 60cc Medan 20072nd Place Rising Star Cadet 60cc Medan 2007and many more….He had won more than 25 trophies from racing.

What are the three things you can’t live without?Kart Racing1. Friends2. Family3.

What are the three wishes in your life?To be the champion in all racing competitions that I join1. To sign a contract with IDR Racing Team2. Join a racing school in Italy3.

What are the three words to describe you?No comment ! (Will you call an exclamation sign a word???)

What is the happiest moment in your life?When I raced and I started from the last place and was able to reach the

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5th place at the finish line.What is the worst moment in your life?When I was disqualified for 10 seconds after the finish line because I disobeyed the flag rules.

What is your biggest success up to this time?Beating Rio and Kevin Susilo at Surabaya National Championship.

What is your biggest failure up to this time?When I was disqualified for 10 seconds during AKOC 3 at Sentul year 2008.

Do you have a girlfriend?Yes I do.

Anything you would like us to know about you?I hope Prime One School will let me join the World Championship this September and October.

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some test-tubes

test tube rack

dropping pipette

beaker containing egg-white sus-pension

1% copper sulphate solution

What we did:1, To egg-white suspension in a test tube, we added some sodium hydroxide and mixed the contents.

2. Recorded the change in appear-ance of the egg-white suspension.

3. We added one drop of copper sulphate solution to the test-tube and shaked the test-tube. We con-tinue to add the copper sulphate solution, one drop at a time, until a color changes is occured. We re-corded the color produced.

What we found:Student: When dilute sodium hy-droxide solution and 1% copper sulphate solution are added to egg-white, the presence of protein is indicated by the formation of a purple color.

The Protein Lab

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If the foodstuff contains soluble protein, the reagent (sodium hydroixde + copper sulphate) turns from light blue to purple (right test-tube). If it stays light blue (left test-tube), then the foodstuff does not contain protein.

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MaterialsA roll or box of Mentos (candy mints) and a 2-liter bottle of coca-cola.

Steps1.This activity is probably best done outside in the middle of an abandoned field, or better yet, on a huge lawn.

2.Carefully open the bottle of soda. Position the bottle on the ground so that it will not tip over.

3.Unwrap the whole roll of Men-tos. The goal is to drop all of the Mentos into the bottle of soda at the same time

(which is trickier than it looks).

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4.Don't drop them into the bottle just yet! Warn the spectators to stand back. Okay, you're going to drop all of the Mentos into the bottle at the same time and then get truckin' (move out of the way... so long... bye- bye... hasta la vista!)

ConclusionAs you probably know, soda pop is basically sugar (or diet sweetener), flavoring, water and preservatives. The thing that makes soda bubbly is invisible carbon dioxide gas, which is pumped into bottles at the bottling factory using tons of pressure. Until you open the bottle and pour a glass of soda, the gas mostly stays suspended in the liquid and cannot expand to form more bubbles, which gases naturally do.

Couple this with the fact that the Mentos candies are heavy and sink to the bottom of the bottle and you've got a double-whammy. When all this gas is released, it literally pushes all of the liquid up and out of the bottle in an incredible soda blast.

Mentos Geyser - Diet Coke Eruption

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CCA Automation

Photographer :

Jessica Hariwijaya

(JH2 Student)

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In a village, there was a big graveyard which people called the “Haunted Area”. Actually the

graveyard wasn’t haunted, but a big tree known as “The Boundary Tree”. Nobody dared live there, every night there was a crying screaming sound to be heard. That area was very scary. Many people said that they often saw a man living there, and they thought that he was evil. That’s why nobody wanted to pass or even go near the tree.

But one day, there was a girl, poor, pitiful girl. She had a broken heart. She felt so hurt, she cried along her way, and accidentally ran past the boundary tree. There she found a pond and sat there crying. She didn’t stop crying until she realised she had stumbled upon the haunted area. She was very scared, she tried to get out of this area, but she was just as if she was hallucinating. She saw the tree but when she ran nearby, it seemed to get further and further away. Suddenly, she heard a crying, screaming sound, and someone asking for help. She was very afraid, suddenly she heard someone’s steps nearby.

The Boundary Tree by Ivy Icasia (JH2, Mother Theresa)

Her heart felt like it was going to fall, and suddenly something grabbed her shoulder. She screamed. When she looked up, she saw it was actually her boyfriend. The boy had come there to help her and say sorry. The girl forgave him, both of them were very happy. T h r o u g h their true, inseparable love, they solved the mystery.

And from that moment, the haunted place changed into a beautiful forest with a pond, flowers and animals.

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The Love of SisterBy Elisa R. Kaban

Sister…Sister is someone who changed my life

Before I was so lonely, boredWhen my sister came…

My life has a friendWho is the best of the best friends I ever

hadShe hears all of my stories

Whenever it’s sad or happy She holds my hand when I’m down

She’s happy when I’m on high.She loves me as her best sister

I love you my sister I love you forever

I’ll never make you cry and sadI’ll try to always make you happy

My happiness is yours My everything is yours too

I’ll never let you alone I’ll always be there, right beside you.

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I’ve tried to hear in the silence with abundant apprehension in my heartIt was a big attempt for me to walk on broken pieces of tears, even though it was painful

I was predominantly in the dark Being so long behind your shadow,Even though it was just a step away from the light… But no one helped or caredEven coaxedOn whom should I put those hopes on My trust… I didn’t knowBecause the matured ones also found it hard to understandthe inexplicable predicaments I faced…

Boisterous…I’m nothing compared to youScoldings, thrashingsall of those were pointed at meSat, stood, walked, talked,breathing…while staring at you enviously, I did it allClever, better, smarter, you…I was always raved to the sky shouted why Until these exhaustionsintrigued me to rest a while…

The Twin of My Soul by Sarah J. Hutabarat (Junior High 3)

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8 Commitments of POS

• POS is committed to eliminating ignorance, illiteracy and toproviding the facilities to access knowledge by

implementing modern and competency-based teachingmethodology.

• POS develops both National and International standards ofcommunication competency to ensure the accurate

deliverance of meaning in written and spoken languageto avoid misinterpretation.

• POS positions teachers who continuously guide their studentsso as to build constructive relationships among them

leading to empathy and sympathy.• POS sets the life standards and harmony necessary for the

students’ physical, mental, spiritual and moraldevelopment.

• POS enhances understanding, tolerance and friendship in aschool which is multi ethnic, multi racial and varies in

social status.• POS is concerned with and leads to character building,

awareness and respect for human rights.• POS is committed to developing compassion, laughter, good

attitude, giving shelter and a peaceful mind as well asbroadening horizons.

• POS will keep teaching wisdom and humanity and devotingitself to humanity with its quality education.