Page 1: PRESS RELEASE - · management based on execution is no longer trendy; there is a real demand for more collaborative work. ... role in preparing the roles employees


I 14 rue Magellan - Paris 8ème I Tel. + 33 1 56 89 50 50

Paris, 02 March 2017

Introduction Since January 2017, ECR France has become a part of L’Institut du Commerce, the new multi-sharing and prospection oriented agency born out of three recognised organisations: ECR France – IFLS (l’Institut du Libre Service) - IFM (l’Institut du Merchandising) L’Institut du Commerce brings together all major business players in order to study, analyse and steer partners through tomorrow’s world of trade. Lead by a board of directors and chaired by Sylvain Ferry (Carrefour) and Marc Butot (Nestlé), the Institute has a membership of almost 240 companies – retailers, manufacturers, service providers (logistics and support). In total, some fifteen business sectors are represented. Xavier Hua, who was previously the General Director of ECR France, will lead this new collaborative agency. Just like ECR, the Institute will focus on the dynamics of the joint committees made up of manufacturers and retailers. These committees will create new value chains by researching on new prospection topics and then by selecting new kinds of projects that will lead to new opportunities for growth and innovation for its members.


Page 2: PRESS RELEASE - · management based on execution is no longer trendy; there is a real demand for more collaborative work. ... role in preparing the roles employees


I 14 rue Magellan - Paris 8ème I Tel. + 33 1 56 89 50 50



The Prospection Workshop called “Supply Chain 2025’’ brought together almost 40 Supply Chain Directors from ECR members. They identified 5 challenges facing Supply Chains (namely Big Data, Sustainable Development, New Business Models, Multi-channels, Online Reputation and Compliance) and elaborated a new reference for Supply chain competencies. Download the new reference for Supply chain competencies (in French) here


Why was it necessary? Defining the full set of new competencies in the Supply Chain will help companies and the education sector to prepare for the upcoming changes in the world of trade and commerce. The Prospection Workshop called “Supply Chain 2025’’ was attended by almost 40 Supply Chain Directors of ECR France members in order to evaluate the trends that will have an impact on the value chain in the coming years. Among the topics, the most prominent ones were markets, technology and consumer demands. During the discussions between manufacturers, retailers and service providers who want to work together, three most common topics that were considered crucial are as follows:

The last mile: speeding up client deliveries, mutualisation of capabilities, …

The Digital change: productivity, client centric approach, products and services, tools for change …

New professions / New talents: profiles, competencies, behaviour On the last topic, participants unanimously expressed their support for the following four points:

What will be the new professions in logistics?

Attracting new talents in the future and retaining them

Which kinds of profiles are necessary in order to push for a digital revolution?

How to strike a balance between technical competencies and soft skills?

Page 3: PRESS RELEASE - · management based on execution is no longer trendy; there is a real demand for more collaborative work. ... role in preparing the roles employees


I 14 rue Magellan - Paris 8ème I Tel. + 33 1 56 89 50 50

Elaborating a new reference for Supply Chain Seven manufacturers, six brands and three logistics service providers belonging to the biggest French retailers had participated in a workshop to prepare a reference of competencies for the Supply Chain. They first identified the five challenges facing the Supply Chain: Big Data, Multi-channels, Sustainable Development, New Business Models, Online Reputation and Compliance Then they created the new reference of competencies for Supply chains. This reference revealed the extent to which Supply Chains are focussing on soft skills instead of just hard skills. The top-down management based on execution is no longer trendy; there is a real demand for more collaborative work. This is particularly true for younger generations. If shared values are implemented, employee engagement levels are much higher and this leads to a better execution of the company strategy. Each employee can then become a source of motivation, creativity and higher performance. They have also brainstormed on how certain supply chain jobs will be transformed or created. This led to the listing of three new professions:

The “Data Alchemist” Full Mastery of data flows (processes and tools), capable of using them to create new added benefits for company clients

The “Client Solutions Provider” Ensures best service for clients by providing real added benefits and also ensures that all of the client’s demands are met with and followed up efficiently

The “Prospective Research Strategist” Creates a clear vision and knows how to foresee changes in the horizons in the coming five to ten years, questions facts and explores new opportunities.

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I 14 rue Magellan - Paris 8ème I Tel. + 33 1 56 89 50 50

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WHAT ABOUT THE FUTURE? Defining a transverse and shared vision of tomorrow’s retail industry professions ECR France will continue to collaborate with the Institut du Commerce in 2017. Both parties believe that 50 percent of jobs in today’s market will disappear in the next 20 years (namely due to the arrival of Artificial Intelligence, even more digitalisation, machine learning, robots etc) and they want to play a key role in preparing the roles employees will take up in future of retail. Members of ECR France have decided to turn this unique document as an open access publication. In 2017, they will focus on the following topics:

The kind of education and/or degrees for future executives (courses that exist and others that may be launched)

Hiring and retaining of new recruits

Increasing the scope of activity for client side jobs (sales, marketing, shops etc) Download the new reference for Supply chain competencies (in French) here TESTIMONIAL on “Data Alchemist” Comments from a distributor “The teams working on tools and forecasts in Supply Chains decided to enlarge their scope of activity due the importance of Big Data. They focussed on initiating and deploying Innovation through collaborative projects with suppliers, on becoming the favoured point of contact for IT services for updating existing computer based tools in trade, and on learning about best practises from the international branches of a company’s supply chain. The highly talented teams also focussed on Human Resources”. TESTIMONIAL on “Clients Solutions Provider” Comments from a manufacturer “We have decided to take up the role of a data flow facilitator for clients. A Solution Provider will solve all urgent logistics issues, set up sustainable action plans and contribute to the improvements in Supply Chains for the overall benefit of the client. This position has just been created. In the coming year, we will evaluate and decide on its long term requirements.”

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I 14 rue Magellan - Paris 8ème I Tel. + 33 1 56 89 50 50

Page 6: PRESS RELEASE - · management based on execution is no longer trendy; there is a real demand for more collaborative work. ... role in preparing the roles employees


I 14 rue Magellan - Paris 8ème I Tel. + 33 1 56 89 50 50

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Ludovic DELCROIX, Director, Supply Chain (France), AUCHAN

Muriel BOLTEAU, HR Director, Supply Chain, CARREFOUR

Patricia SBERRO, Supply Chain Director, CASINO

Eric DESBONNETS, Supply Chain Director, COCA COLA

José DA SILVA, Workflow Manager, CONFORAMA

Jean Claude ARNU, Operations Director, FM LOGISTIC

Laurent LELEU, HR Development Director, FM LOGISTIC

Jean-Philippe LABARONNE, HR Director (France), FM LOGISTIC

Anne KREMER, Supply Chain Director, FROMAGERIES BEL

Christine LEVY, Downstream Supply Chain Manager HENKEL

Clara RUZE, Supply Chain Director, JOHNSON & JOHNSON

Michel WILLEMIN, Director of Logistics JOHNSON & JOHNSON

Hélène DESCAMPS, Client Services and Logistics Manager LESIEUR

Caroline MICHELON, Client Relations Director, L'OREAL

Carine LYATHAUD, Supply Chain Manager, L'OREAL

Virginie LAZARKO, Logistics Manager, METRO

Nicolas FOURCADE, Supply Chain Director, NESTLE

Jean François COTRO, Operations Director, SCHIEVER

Bertrand HILLAIRET, Logistics Networks Deputy Director, STEF

Céline LUC, Human Resources Manager, STEF

Bruno LAINE, Supply Chain Director, UNILEVER

Florence BOURGEAIS, Director of Sales, XPO

Claudia CAMPOS, External Consultant, SINERGIA

Laurence GIROUD, External Consultant, RESSOURCES & CO

Emilie CHALVIGNAC, Project Manager, Client Relations, ECR France

Quentin DUPONT, Project Manager, Supply Chain, ECR France

Xavier HUA, Managing Director, ECR France

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I 14 rue Magellan - Paris 8ème I Tel. + 33 1 56 89 50 50

CONTACTS Xavier HUA General Manager of Institut du Commerce I 01 56 89 89 30

I [email protected] Anne-Sophie TOTTOLI Communications/PR I 01 56 89 89 30 I 06 61 85 57 57

I [email protected]