Page 1: President’s Corner · credential at Sacramento State and was hired by Arcade District to teach second grade. Within four years Arcade, F.O., Orangevale and Carmichael districts



Ron Dworitz 488-4363

1st Vice-President Gaye Wood

2nd Vice-President Carolyn Fisher Co-Secretarys Martha Gohring

Marjorie Knieriem Treasurer

Judith Croce Communications Kathleen Houser

Insurance Don Houser

Membership Susan Hammond


Roger Pelz 745-3733

[email protected]


Copy Deadline

Division 75


Calendar Luncheon

Monday, Feb. 20, 2017

Board Meeting

Thursday, Mar. 2, 2017


President’s Corner

CALIFORNIA RETIRED TEACHERS ASSOCIATION OBJECTIVES To promote, protect and advocate for the interests of retired public California educators.

To safeguard the State Teachers Retirement System. To study and promote or oppose state and national legislation affecting the interest of retired educators.

To promote and safeguard public education systems.

Next Issue

Copy Deadline

Monday, Mar. 6

Wasn’t our December Luncheon wonderful? I thought the Deterding Choir was fantastic. Ninety out of ninety three who indicated that they planned to attend actually did. This just goes to show that our members live up to their word. I also want to mention that the wonderful gifts that we donated to children in need was just terrific. I know that these gifts will be sincerely appreciated.

As the new year begins, we need to contemplate what we are thankful for and what still needs to be accomplished. I am very thankful for my CalSTRS check. Will future retirees receive a defined benefit? There is no assurance that this will occur. Currently, initiatives are being proposed to terminate this.

Notifying our legislators about other matters that are essential to us is also vital. We must continue to inform our leaders about the inequities in the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset. As we all know, earned benefits either by contribution or survivorship have been eliminated from public employees. Our representatives must be informed about this inequity. I also want to emphasize that our legislators need to know that our organization supports the protection and enhancement of Medicare benefits.

As all of you know, CalRTA continues to support public education. We stand with current teachers in opposition to those who want to curtail educators’ due process and collective bargaining. Currently, there is a movement to evaluate teachers based upon student test scores. We, as retired educators, must oppose this. Opposition to using public money to support private and parochial schools must also be on our agenda. These are just some of the concerns that I think our legislators must be educated and informed about. I know that you have other pertinent ideas that our legislators should know. Our political representatives’ phone numbers and addresses are listed in our directory on pages 6 and 7. You are encouraged to contact them and voice your concerns. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at our next luncheon ( February 20 ). Sincerely, Ron Dworitz

Page 2: President’s Corner · credential at Sacramento State and was hired by Arcade District to teach second grade. Within four years Arcade, F.O., Orangevale and Carmichael districts


Lessons from the Classroom of Life Donald F. Houser, CLU, ChFC, FLMI, Insurance Chair

Medicare for 2017 – The Double Whammy!

As you may know, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has implemented a 0.3 percent cost of living (COLA) increase which began with checks received in January 2017. In other words, for every $100 of income due you or your spouse, there will be a $0.30 COLA.

And you probably also know that for the past several years, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) have been trying to increase the amount of premiums they charge for Medicare Part B (which covers the costs of medical service providers, i.e., physicians, lab work, etc.).

Those who have enough Social Security income to have their Medicare Part B premiums deducted have remitted about $104.90 each month for the past several years. There are about 38 million Medicare Part B participants (about 70%) who are in this category.

Because of a “quirk” in the regulations, CMS can’t increase the premiums for Medicare Part B if it would reduce the amount of income that a beneficiary receives from Social Security. Again, if the COLA is zero (as it was in 2016) or 0.3% for 2017, these Social Security recipients won’t see an increase in their Part B premiums.

So if CMS can’t increase premiums on those 70% of Medicare participants who have enough Social Security income to pay for the amount of $104.90 currently being deducted, guess whose premiums get increased?

Yes, this increase is being borne by the following: Those who enrolled for Part B for the first time in 2016 or will enroll in 2017; Those who don’t get any Social Security benefits; Those who don’t have enough Social Security income to pay for all of their Part B premiums; Those who are billed directly for their Part B premiums by CMS; and Those who have higher levels of income.

Teachers and other public servants who comprise the 30% (about 16 million) of Medicare participants who don’t have any or an insufficient amount of Social Security income to pay their Part B premiums are facing another increase of $12.20 per month from the $121.80 they paid in 2016 to the $134.00 per month they must pay in 2017. Ouch!

And then there is the IRS “Double Whammy”. If the Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) as reported on your IRS tax return for 2 years ago (i.e., 2015) is above a certain amount, you will pay the standard premium of $134.00 per month plus an extra charge, called an Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA).

Your Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) is your income, less the following expenses; educators, reservists, moving, health savings, self-employed health and pensions, alimony, student loan interest, IRA deductions, tuition fees, etc. It is found on line 37 of the federal individual tax return, Form 1040.

The Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) is your AGI plus any non-taxable income you received in 2015, such as non-taxable Social Security benefits, tax-exempt interest income, excluded foreign income, student loan interest, IRA contributions and any passive loss or passive income.

In other words, if your MAGI falls within the following levels, you are subject to the IRMAA surcharge and your monthly Medicare Part B premium will be even higher than the $134.00/month amount: Above $85,000 ($170,000-filing jointly), you will pay $187.50 per month Above $107,000 ($214,000-filing jointly), you will pay $267.90 per month Above $160,000 ($320,000-filing jointly), you will pay $348.30 per month Above $214,000 ($428,000-filing jointly), you will pay $428.60 per month

Medicare Part D (prescription drugs) will also increase proportionally with higher income amounts.

Page 3: President’s Corner · credential at Sacramento State and was hired by Arcade District to teach second grade. Within four years Arcade, F.O., Orangevale and Carmichael districts



Delores grew up in Berwyn, Illinois with her mom, dad, two sisters and one brother. She attended J. Sterling Morton High School and actively participated in the Biology Club and the Altruistic Committee. She read to a blind student who attended the same school and she was also a reporter for the high school newspaper.

Delores always knew that she wanted to become a teacher. As a young child she arranged her doll collection like a classroom of students with herself as the teacher. She earned a scholarship to the University Of Chicago Teachers ’ College but the commute to the University proved problematic so she opted to attend J. Sterling Morton Junior College.

After attending Jr. College for two years her parents decided to move to California. Delores completed her credential at Sacramento State and was hired by Arcade District to teach second grade. Within four years Arcade, F.O., Orangevale and Carmichael districts unified and became San Juan Unified. Delores completed her 37 year career in San Juan teaching in grades 1, 2, and 3. Delores loved the students’ enthusiasm and watching them grow and learn.

Delores also loved to have fun. One evening in 1964, she attended a dance for singles at Mission Oaks Community Center. There she met handsome and gregarious Lloyd Bousliman. After meeting Delores that evening, Lloyd told a friend that she was the girl he was going to marry. He did indeed marry her in 1965 after a short courtship. During their 50 years of marriage they traveled to Africa three times, gave slide presentations of each of their trips and attended

numerous Zoological Conferences across the U.S.A.

After retirement Delores and Lloyd got involved in CalRTA, Division 75. Lloyd became the official General Meeting Photographer and Delores became the Social Chairman and Historian for the group. She did that job for 10 successful years. She also won the Martin Mathiesen Award for her exceptional work in creating table

centerpieces to raffle at the General Meetings with profits being given to the Scholarship Fund. She worked with the Eskaton Food Supervisor and selected the menus for each of the general meetings.

Delores and Lloyd became docents for the Sacramento Zoo and gave many student/adult tours inspiring everyone to learn more about animals and to preserve their environment. They also participated in many other zoo activities and after 12 years incorporated Folsom Zoo into their schedule in order to teach people about Rescue Animals. In 2003 they won the Don Smith Award for their contributions to zoo programs and Activities.

Sadly Delores lost her husband in 2015 but continues to devote her volunteer time to CalRTA on the Scholarship Committee and the Sacramento and Folsom Zoos. Delores loves retirement because she has the freedom to choose what she wants to do each and every day.

The Spotlight Member for the month of February is creative, dedicated and kind hearted Delores Bousliman.

Submitted by: Kathy Houser, Communications Chair


Delores Bousliman

Page 4: President’s Corner · credential at Sacramento State and was hired by Arcade District to teach second grade. Within four years Arcade, F.O., Orangevale and Carmichael districts


More Lessons from the Classroom of Life Donald F. Houser

Don’t Wait - Change Your Yahoo Email Password Now!


You probably know that the Internet Service Provider Yahoo recently reported that over one billion of their email accounts have had their passwords stolen by hackers. Yahoo is one of the original internet “search engines” and they provid free email accounts to anyone who requests one. Two other huge providers of free email accounts are Google ( and Microsoft ( and

Hundreds of thousands of people all over the world have email accounts. For example, the phone company AT&T uses Yahoo email even though the address may not say

To illustrate, typical AT&T email accounts may use the following email addresses:,,,,,,,, – all of which are serviced by Yahoo.

Even if you are a customer with the other phone companies – Verizon, Sprint, Surewest / Consolidated, T-Mobile – or cable and internet providers – Apple, Comcast / Xfinity, Uverse / DirectTV – your email could still be managed by Yahoo. If your internet service provider (ISP) uses Yahoo as your email provider, you will need to change your password as soon as possible.

How will you know if your password has been stolen? If friends in your list of contacts report receiving an email from you saying that you are on vacation and all your money and plane tickets were stolen, and to please send money to help you come home, you’ve been “hacked”!

If you have gotten an email purporting to be from Chase Bank, Bank of America, or Wells Fargo, etc. and it asks you to verify your credentials by clicking on a link in the email, you’ve been hacked.

If you provide such information as your account number and password, you’ll become a victim of identity theft and you may find that spurious

charges and/or withdrawals are appearing on your statement.

So by all means, you must change your password. Don’t use passwords such as “qwerty”, password”, “123456”, “football”, etc. which can be easily guessed by the most amateurish hacker.

The best way is with a password manager such as TrueKey, LastPass, Dashlane, Apple’s KeyChain, etc. which can generate random passwords with digits, upper and lower case letters and special characters of virtually any length.

You should use a different password for your email and for each and every online account If you don’t want to use a password manager, but want to create a unique password, try using the first letters of a phrase that is unique to you, or the first letters of a verse of poetry or a nursery rhyme that is familiar or meaningful to you. For example, “London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down, my fair lady” would be “lbifdfdfdmfl”. Take a piece of paper and write down the new password and the old password you used for Yahoo mail.

Create a different password for each online account. Then, using the internet browser on your computer, go to and click on Yahoo mail. Then enter your email address and your old password. On the upper right corner of your screen should be your name which has a blue line under it. This will bring up your account information “profile” which has a place for you to change your password. Enter your old password and then enter your new password and enter it again. Then click on change my password and you will be set!

One more thing. There is no cost to you for changing your password. If you are asked for money to change your password, it’s a “scam” and you need to go to and follow the above instructions.

Good Luck!

Page 5: President’s Corner · credential at Sacramento State and was hired by Arcade District to teach second grade. Within four years Arcade, F.O., Orangevale and Carmichael districts


1 2 3


The Retired Teachers Scholarship Foundation 5

Established by CalRTA Division 75 6 7

Please remember that memorials, birthdays, honorariums, and outstanding service can be honored with 8 donations to the Scholarship Foundation. All donations are acknowledged in writing. Recipient or Next of 9 kin will be notified of your gift but the amount will not be disclosed. If you feel you would like to do 10 something special today, write us a check! 11

Make checks payable to: 12

The Retired Teachers Scholarship Foundation Inc. 13

Mail to: RTSF, Inc., PO Box 1451, Fair Oaks, CA 95628 14 15

Donor’s Name _________________________________________ Date _____________ 16

Address ________________________________________________________________ 17 18

Enclosed is my contribution to the above scholarship fund in the amount of $ _________________ 19

In Honor / Memory of: Name _________________________________________________ 20

21 __ As a Memorial __ Special Recognition __ As a Bequest __ Birthday __ Other 22

23 Please send an acknowledgement of this contribution to: ___ Person being honored! ___ Next of Kin 24

Honoree / Next of Kin Name: ___________________________________________________ 25

Address: ________________________________________________________________ 26

27 Thank You For Your Generous Support of Division 75’s Scholarship Foundation! 28


Every penny of the raffle tickets you purchase and the donations you give to the Retired 30

Teachers Scholarship Foundation, Inc. (RTSF) is a positive contribution to the educational 31

goals of some very worthy students at American River College and is a most important 32

investment in the future of our country. 33 34

Thank you so much for opening your hearts and your pocketbooks to enable these students 35

to succeed. 36




A Chance To Serve 40


We are searching for a new Vice President to begin next September of 2017. Current VP Gaye Wood 42

will be retiring after 6 years on the job. Duties of the VP include setting up the luncheon programs at 43

North Ridge and assisting the president when need be. Gaye will help the new VP in becoming familiar 44

with the job and has assembled a binder with essential information. If you are interested in holding this 45

position, please contact president Ron Dworitz, 916-488-4363. We need to get started on selecting 46

entertainers & speakers for next year. 47



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56 57

58 59 60




(916) 803-0141 KAREN DUNN


FAIR OAKS CA 95628 (916) 749 8747


RANCHO CORDOVA CA 95670 (916) 398-2001


GRANITE BAY CA 95746-6615 (916) 797-3715


FOLSOM CA 95630-7947 (916) 985-2265


Any member who recruits another person

to join CalRTA will receive a FREE


MEMBERSHIP DITTY Sung to the tune of “Sailing, Sailing”

Members, members who can you invite? We're giving away a free lunch to everyone who signs . . . A new member, new member Bring them all this year! We're eager to meet new members And give you a luncheon free!




Gale Hooper needs to hear from you

if you know someone who needs:

A Card

A Cheery Note

Caring Remembrance

CALL - 916.988.6880



ROHNERT PARK CA 94928-2830


FAIR OAKS CA 95628-3937



OCEAN PARK WA 98640-5438 (916) 202-5846

[email protected] ROBERTA KASSIS 8341 LAKE FOREST

SACRAMENTO CA 95826 (916) 381-1471 NANCY D. NOS


(916) 487-3450 ROBERT ROLLINS

4913 ARBOLEDA DR. FAIR OAKS CA 95628-5203

(916) 965-3875 [email protected]


CARMICHAEL CA 95608-0942 (916) 966-9920


Correction of New Member name in last newsletter: Robert Sass should be

Robert Fass

Page 7: President’s Corner · credential at Sacramento State and was hired by Arcade District to teach second grade. Within four years Arcade, F.O., Orangevale and Carmichael districts


HONORING SWEETHEARTS Division #75 will honor its Sweethearts, (who are ninety years young), at the February General Meeting, at North Ridge Country Club, on Feb. 20, 2017. We will honor 7 Sweethearts this year. Come and meet them! Kathy Houser, Communications Chair.



FILL OUT YOUR YEARLY VOLUNTEER FORM…….ASAP! (Forms are due Feb. 28, 2017)

Thank you, Kathy Houser Communications Chair

There is a VOLUNTEER SHEET included in this newsletter

Mini-Grants at Work

Fundraiser, December 22 at Barnes and Noble

A huge thank you to the talented wrappers that helped to raise $395.50 at Barnes and Noble Books on December 22nd. It was lots of work at a busy time of the year and yet, we had a fun time interacting with shoppers. The wrapping team was: Pat Carper Pat Boyd Kathy Houser Arninne Rautio Don Houser Carolyn Fisher Judy Croce Georgene Cooper Marjorie Knieriem Peggy Simmonds Warm wishes for a fabulous 2017.

Jeanie Campbell Don, Pat, Carolyn and Kathy


CONGRATULATIONS DIVISION #75! We collected and delivered 223 CHRISTMAS TOYS

to Family Promise on December 14, 2016.

A Thank you note from Family Promise stated:

“WOW” Kathy and CalRTA Division #75, you have made a lot of children very happy. Thank you so very

much for thinking of us and the families we serve.” Marsha Spell, Family Promise Director

DIVISION #75 YOU ARE AWESOME! Kathy Houser, Communications Chair

Don, Pat, Carolyn & Kathy

Don, Pat, Carolyn & Kathy

Page 8: President’s Corner · credential at Sacramento State and was hired by Arcade District to teach second grade. Within four years Arcade, F.O., Orangevale and Carmichael districts


CalRTA needs to hear from you!

In November the CalRTA Board of Directors adopted an expanded Advocacy Platform, and now we need your help selecting the highest priorities. The Platform is divided into four sections with provisions under each section. In the survey you'll be asked to select three provisions in each section that you believe are the highest priorities for that section. The survey deadline is March 1, 2017. It only takes a few minutes, and we really want to hear from you. We can only work on issues you care about if you tell us what those issues are!

Here’s the link:

Luncheon Program

World Noted Educator

Nicole Naditz, from Bella Vista High School, was the National Language Teacher of

the year in 2015. Her stated goal is to develop global citizens and student

proficiency in world languages and cultures. She taught French to grades 3-13 and

has served as a full time mentor to newly credentialed teachers of all subjects and

grade levels. She also taught EID to adults and US and World History. She became

a Google Certified Teacher in 2012. She was recognized as the 2012 SJUSD’s

Teacher of the Year, Sacramento County Teacher of the Year and finalist for the

2012 CA State Teacher of the Year. She is the founder of the Read Around the

World Program, as well as online for the Capitol World Language Project, Wikispace

for Education, and Global Learning Summit among others. Nicole is called the

National Teacher of “Class in the Cloud.” She was selected by National Geographic

to promote their Geo-Educator Community. She won the Hilton Teacher Trek

Award and is on the Leadership Team of the Capitol world Language Project.

Page 9: President’s Corner · credential at Sacramento State and was hired by Arcade District to teach second grade. Within four years Arcade, F.O., Orangevale and Carmichael districts



Monday, February 20, 2017

North Ridge Country Club Ballroom 7600 Madison Ave., Fair Oaks, CA 95628

9:30 am Social Time 10:00 am Meeting

11:00 am Program 12:00 noon Lunch

Jitney transport from parking lot


– Chicken Harvati Crepe with vegetables and fruit skewer

– Butternut Squash Ravioli with whole vegetables

Dessert is Red Velvet Cake and Ice Cream

Entrees include: Coffee, Tea & Rolls

Mail to: CalRTA Division 75 - 5917 Via Casitas - Carmichael, CA 95608-6539

RSVP by Saturday, Feb. 11, 2017

*** Reservations postmarked after Feb. 11th will be $30.00 ***

(no phone orders)

Entree Number (See Above)

Name ____________________________________________________________________

Name __________________________________________________________

Are you a NEW MEMBER or FIRST TIME ATTENDEE to this meeting? Please check here:

Make Checks to: CalRTA Division 75

$25.00 per entree

After the 11th : $30.00 per entrée

Amount Enclosed: $_______

Note: Luncheon dates are intended to be on a regular day of the week each year. However, North

Ridge reserves the right to schedule events as needed so some future dates may have to change.

Nicole Naditz


Mail reservations to: CalRTA Division 75 5917 Via Casitas Carmichael, CA 95608-6539

#1 #2

Page 10: President’s Corner · credential at Sacramento State and was hired by Arcade District to teach second grade. Within four years Arcade, F.O., Orangevale and Carmichael districts


1. New member of Division 75, Nancy Fogler. 2. New member of Division 75, LaDawn Erickson. 3. Joan DuPass is enjoying making connections at the December holiday luncheon. 4. Kathy Houser (with Carolyn Fisher and Don Houser) present a check for $10,500, (7 -

$1,500 scholarships) to Kirsten DuBray, Director of the American River College Foundation.

5. Pat Carper, Rhonda Biondi, Kathy Houser and Debbie Watson are enjoying Division 75's festive holiday luncheon at North Ridge Country Club.

6. Marie Lofgren, Carolyn Fisher and Kathy Houser are all smiles at having had a most successful raffle to benefit worthy scholarship recipients at American River College.

7. Debbie Arrington, Donna Kincannon, Susan Hammond and Ruth Moorehouse are all smiles for the camera.

8. George Dozet directs the chorus of Carmichael's Deterding Elementary School in a beautiful concert of holiday music at our December luncheon.

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8

Page 11: President’s Corner · credential at Sacramento State and was hired by Arcade District to teach second grade. Within four years Arcade, F.O., Orangevale and Carmichael districts


MEMBER APPLICATION FORM California Retired Teachers Association – DIVISION 75

Dues Deduction ($4.50 / month from your STRS warrant) I authorize the State Teachers Retirement System (CalSTRS) to deduct my CalRTA monthly dues. Should the amount of dues be adjusted as deemed necessary by CalRTA, I authorize the adjusted deductions shall continue unless I notify the CalRTA business office in writing to the contrary. To terminate dues deductions, I agree to make my request in writing to the CalRTA office. Other – Please enclose your check for $54.00 a year payable to CalRTA Name______________________________________ Date of Birth__________ Retired from________________________________________________District Address_________________________________________________________ City________________________________________ Zip Code____________ Social Security Number (for dues deduct only)___________________________ Email____________________________ Phone Number__________________ Signature_______________________________________________________


Susan Hammond , Membership Chairman 5316 Terrace Oak Circle, Fair Oaks, CA 95628

Email or Call: [email protected]; 916-952-8668

We do not share your information with other organizations


MEMBERS! If a friend or acquaintance joins CalRTA we will give you a FREE lunch at our next meeting!!!

State Teachers Retirement System: P.O. Box 15275-C, Sacramento, CA 95851-- 916/229-3870

State CalRTA Office: 800 Howe Avenue, Suite 370, Sacramento, CA 95825 – 916/923-2200

Page 12: President’s Corner · credential at Sacramento State and was hired by Arcade District to teach second grade. Within four years Arcade, F.O., Orangevale and Carmichael districts


Time dated material Please deliver by January 29, 2017

Travel Corner 2017 News By Marti Gohring


2017 CalRTA Friends and Family Trips are: 1. July 30, 2017-Aug. 11, 2017. Marti will escort a Celebrity 12 day Baltic cruise round trip from

Amsterdam. We will visit Berlin, Estonia, 2 days St. Petersburg, Helsinki , Finland, Stockholm, Sweden, and Copenhagen, Denmark. Pricing begins at $2549 per person. If you book oceanview or above there is $150 per person obc, plus choice of additional perk. Air, taxes and excursions additional. Right now air is running around $1100 per person from Sacramento. This cruise is filling up!

2. Aug. 13-25, 2017 Land Tour Collette’s Scotland & Ireland : $3599 without air 3. Aug. 29, 2017-Sept. 10 Princess Cruise of British Isles goes to Ireland, Scotland, and

Paris/Normandy. RT London from $1899 per person 4. Sept. 21, 2017-October 3: Collette Vacation- Spain’s Costa del Sol and The Portugese

Riviera; Double from Sacramento includes air $4499 if booked by March 21, 2017. Single $5149. Land Only - $2999 double, $3699 single.

Call Marti to book 916-709-1346

California Retired Teachers Association Sacramento Northeast Division 75 5316 Terrace Oak Circle Fair Oaks, CA 95628

Non-Profit Org US Postage Paid

Permit #1745 Sacramento, CA

Page 13: President’s Corner · credential at Sacramento State and was hired by Arcade District to teach second grade. Within four years Arcade, F.O., Orangevale and Carmichael districts



***Please mail by February 28, 2017***

This form is to be used only as a yearly report. It will be distributed at the December and February

meetings, and will be available on the Division 75 website ‐


Are you currently serving on any government board or commission (not CalRTA)

Yes No ___If Yes, what board or commission?

Your Name Your Address

Please enter your name and address above. Check off items on the list that apply. Note: These are

only examples. Feel free to add other activities that are not on the list. Don’t forget to include the

time for telephone calls, office chores, preparation and travel time to and from the volunteer service

site in calculating your hours.

TOTAL HOURS:_________

Signature Date: _______________

Thank you for completing this form. Please fold this page in half so address on reverse side of this page

shows, tape the open ends, stamp and mail.

Kathy Wilkinson‐ Houser, P.O. Box 82, Fair Oaks, CA 95628‐0082

SENIOR SERVICES____Hrs Senior Center Meals on Wheels Senior Transportation Convalescent Home Others________________ CHURCH____Hrs Choir/Music Teacher Aide Officer or Usher Committees

Others________________ CULTURAL____Hrs Library/Museum/Docent Music/Symphony/Concert Art Group//Hobby/Craft Leader/Assistant Others________________



Red Cross or Blood Bank

Club Officer or Committee

Rotary, AAUW, Elks, Kiwanis, Etc. Others________________ CIVIC____Hrs Boards or Committees Community Betterment Youth Groups & Organizations Fund Raising Others________________

OTHER____Hrs Day of the Teacher Retired Teacher Week California Senior Legislators Others________________


Caretaker of relatives or others

Hospitals, Clinics,

Hospice, Handicap Services

Babysitting (friends & family) Others________________


School Tutoring or PTA

Event Judge


Scholarship Others________________

Page 14: President’s Corner · credential at Sacramento State and was hired by Arcade District to teach second grade. Within four years Arcade, F.O., Orangevale and Carmichael districts



Kathy Wilkinson Houser

P.O. Box 82

Fair Oaks, CA 95628-0082

Please affix



