
Startup 3Cs strategies. Lessons from friends

Rhein Mahatma@Reintweets

1. Content & community manager2. VC Associate in Jakarta3. Co Founder

Rhein Mahatma. Intro

What’s tech startup ?

Working 10 years 8.00 to 17.00

or Working 3 years, 8.00 to 01.00 with same

financial results ? >> because you have shares

1. Define a previously unrecognized niche 2. Strong ability to leverage natural search as the primary means of

user acquisition3. Service that empowers people to make a living4. Free (or near free) alternative for a previously high cost service5. True viral distribution potential6. Ability to jumpstart user acquisition through distribution

partnerships 7. Story that lends itself to mainstream PR

By Alltop

7 Indicators of Consumer Internet Success

1. Technology type2. Content / media type 3. Sales type

3 types of consumer internet startup


Create content to ENGAGE USER

Online/offline channel to

DISTRIBUTE your product

3Cs …….

3Cs is just a generic model that can’t be applied exactly the same to all kinds of tech startups

and situations.


Understand how community helps startups to grow

Understand that building a community is “Very heavy on personal relationship”

Understand the variation of startup strategies to access the community

Understand basic concept related to community building



Audience Vs Community

Common Interest

Audience Vs Community


Common Interest

Shared belief, Shared goal

Shared belief, Shared goal

When you support an activity, when you make people better at that activity, by either

supporting them directly or helping them support each other, then you gain the

opportunity for that group of people to call themselves a community.


Content: Your "gift" to the community—what you bring to the table.

Context: Your understanding of HOW the community wishes to be engaged.

Connectivity: Your ability to form meaningful connections across community members.

Continuity: Communities aren't temporary campaigns—your ability to sustain them

+Collaboration: when participants work together to meet common goals and objectives for the community.

“Small things matter

Usual patterns :

Content Attract Audiences Conversation Collaboration Community



“Secara periodic kami membuat “member on the spotlight” atau kisah-kisah pribadi para member supaya mereka saling kenal”

“Di tahun ke-4, kami tahu behavior mereka, kami bisa memetakan profile mereka, kami kenal mereka secara personal juga, kami bisa

membaca brand preference mereka, kami juga bisa mengidentify influencer”

“Let’s create a collaborated book”

“Same passion in writing”


FIMELA Luncheon adalah sebuah project editorial rutin yang mengundang satu atau beberapa kelompok wanita yang saling berteman untuk berbincang satu topik tertentu sambil hang out di restoran/café. Liputan dari acara ini akan mengisi rubrik tetap di kanal “Work & Lifestyle”

Seru, kan, obrolan kita? Pastinya. Kamu mau dapat giliran untuk makan siang sama dan menjadi bagian dari kelompok diskusi kami?Email dan daftarkan geng atau kelompok kamu

Content : Knowledge : quality discussion about money, career, sexContext : I know what discussion do you needConnectivity : 2 hours discussion - deep engagement & relationshipContinuity : Bi-weekly eventCollaboration : Your voice, opinions is featured in the article

“Kontribusi saya di Komunitas Kafegaul membantu saya memecahkan masalah ayam vs telor di Tokopedia,

bahkan co-create UI dan UX bersama mereka” @LiamTanu, William Tanuwijaya, Tokopedia

“Saya menghidupkan kembali kanal “Tanya apa saja” di Kafegaul dengan membuat karakter DJ (Disc Jockey) dan

membranding kanal tersebut sebagai ‘Channel56” dengan slogan “Ask Anything, Expect Nothing” , dalam beberapa bulan channel56 menjadi kanal paling hidup di Kafe Gaul, personal branding saya sebagai DJ yang asyik pun mulai

terbentuk dan saya mendapatkan banyak teman dari Kafegaul”

“Keaktifan saya di Kafegaul membantu memecahkan masalah ayam dan telor dalam ecommerce, saat launch kami sudah

punya 80 seller”(@liamtanu, Tokopedia)


“Anang, CMO mendekati 2000 member devianart dan mengirimkan personal email, belum

termasuk presentasi yang tak terhitung ke para influencer komunitas desain”

@Rajasa, is ecommerce for Japanese hobbiest, backed by Joi Ito (Digital – seed incubator of Twitter

~ 200,000 FB Fans Page likes in 10 months ~“We spend a lot of time to become friends with the top guy”

@Ariawan, CTO Flutterscape

COMMUNITY“Flutterscape getting noticed because of its 200,000 fans

page. How? we spend lots time to become friends with the top guy there … very heavy on

personal relationship, pendekatan kami tidak komersil, tetapi personal, dan salah satu insight utama dari japanfreak adalah : Mereka mengkoleksi barang-barang hobi Jepang, yang rata-rata tidak bisa

didapatkan di Negara mereka, kami membantu mereka untuk mendapatkan barang-barang itu, itu cara

kami membayar mereka”

(@Ariawan, CTO Flutterscape)

Misalnya kami mendekati komunitas di Gundam di Brazil, kami tidak pakai bahasa Inggris, kami mencari foreign student dari Brazil di Jepang

yang suka dengan Gundam, lalu kami ajak internship di kami, tugasnya hanya satu : “Approach them with local

language” (@Ariawan, CTO Flutterscape)


Hosting services, owned by Surabaya guys, big in US@Setiawanr, Wowrack

How can I help

You ?

Wowrack menjadi besar di USA karena “Startupweekend Community” Business development Wowrack datang ke panitia

Startupweekend dan bertanya : “How can I help you?”

Lalu kami jadi partner official startupweekend, jika ada anak muda yang punya ide brilian kebanyakan masih bootstrapping, kami

berikan hosting murah, bahkan gratis, kalau startupnya sudah bisa di-monetize dengan baik, baru kami meminta mereka untuk

membayar sesuai kemampuan.(@setiawanr, Rudy Setiawan, WowRack)


“One hug at a time”. Artinya, kita menghargai setiap orang, siapapun itu. Tidak melihat follower-nya berapa banyak, tidak

melihat sering pakai HootSuite atau tidak, tetap kitacelebrate sebagai “a part of HootSuite” - @Stephawie ,

Community Celebratoire Hootsuite

The Flickr team targeted professional and semi-professional photographers as the core of the initial Flickr community. They worked very hard to nurture the development of this community.

Catering to the power users raises the quality of the photos, thereby benefiting the entire community.

“What strikes me about Flickr is how easy it is to find quality photos – the best quality pictures on a certain theme rise to the top”



“Your resource is in your relationship”“Sangat dianjurkan kita yang masih muda berkontribusi ke komunitas, membangun relationship ke semua orang tanpa

terkecuali, tanpa pamrih, karena ujung-ujungnya resource kita di sana”

(@KevinOsmond, WEEKENDINC, Filmoo, CTO

“Your reputation is equal to the sum of

your past actions within (a)


Bryce Glass, interaction design lead for Yahoo Reputation Platform


“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought


“A sense of belonging is what keeps people in communities. This belonging is

the goal of community building“

“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is


“Ego and personal glory are the enemy of every community”

“You must define the area of collaboration within community”

Very important philosophies for community managers / organizers


“How I built Wikipedia ? Countless presentation to passionate influencers, I spent a lot of initial effort courting early editors and building a community around them” (Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia)

Dalam komunitas IDberkebun, semua kebagian melayani media, kami semua berbagi “fame”

@ShafiqPontoh, Idberkebun,


iStockphoto consciously fostered its community from day one through forums, emails and face-to-face meetings. Heavy on personal relationship

iStockphoto has many active online forums where new users can post questions and get help from experienced users Community needs “mentor”

Even as CEO, Bruce routinely takes the time to send emails to users to offer encouragement or help The founder kicked his own ass


• Build Connection : iStockphoto hosts a series of trips (called iStockalypses) where users can shoot photographs of interesting places and share knowledge about the stock photography trade.

• “Many to many” Connections : These active forums have made the iStockphoto community welcoming to new users and engaging for experienced users.

• Founders credibility : In many ways it parallels the start of another popular online community, Craigslist. Just as Craig Newmark‟s personality has had an influence on Craigslist, so too has Bruce‟s personality and passion for photography had an influence on the iStockphoto community. Bruce was always a core user of the site, and as such attempted to nurture the needs of its users.

Understanding Network effect in community startups


Students from schools where Thefacebook hadn't yet launched regularly came to the site and tried to sign up. They would go on a waiting list and be alerted when it came to their school. When the number on the waiting list passed 20 percent or

so of the student body, Thefacebook would turn that school on.

COMMUNITY >> Network Effect / tipping point

"I always thought it was wrong," says Colleran, "but now I realize it was a major reason for our success." By keeping the

gates closed and only opening at schools once there was proven demand, Zuckerberg and Moskovitz, the expansion

guru, ensured that when Thefacebook did open, usage would explode.

Build connection through Fake account ??

Steve Huffman:• Yes, yes. What we thought it was really bad if like you show up the site and there’s nothing going on because then you’d never come back. So we actually spent a lot of

our time finding — like we had written all these scripts that would like scrape other new sites like slashdot, and CNN, and delicious and whatnot.

• And basically show us the links that showed up multiple times on that. And then we would submit those to Reddit, and then we had tons of fake user names. Alexis and I had like 50 accounts each between us that we’re always switching between and all these fake voting numbers just to make things look alive. Because if you have a social community site, it has to look like there’s a community there; it has to be social.

Kami tidak membuka channel forum baru sebelum kami nilai requestnya cukup banyak, supaya kalau dibuka nanti langsung ramai, tidak sepi terus dihindari orang - @Dwirianto – Kaskus


COMMUNITY >> Network Effect / tipping point


• Understand the roles of content to engage user for hybird startup : Media – Community (ex. Femaledaily Network, Kaskus, Fimela).

• Understand content to engage user for Niche social network (SixReps, Myspace, BundaGaul, MothersOnMobile, TheUrbanMama).

• Understand how content can build your own channel


“MySpace's new strategy is to become the place that people go to socialize around content”

“MySpace knows it won’t beat Facebook once they internally realized this, they began to evolve into

content companies”(Techcrunch)



Quora founded by Adam D’Angelo – Ex Facebook CTO.


What is Quora value proposition ? Technology ? No. “Content”

“Niche social network? Orang sekarang tidak butuh another FB dan Twitter, gimana dong ?”

@DennySantoso, SixReps, Social Fitness Evangelist


“Orang sekarang tidak butuh another Facebook & Twitter, jadi satu-satunya cara untuk build niche social network adalah dengan memberikan

konten (atau tools) yang tidak ada di FB dan Twitter - buat konten yang menarik, sesuai nichenya lalu ditwit linknya lewat FB dan Twitter,

seperti yang dilakukan Instagram”

(@DennySantoso, Sixreps, Social Fitness Evangelist)


Kalau ingin terkenal, buatlah BUKU alias “CONTENT”, posisikan diri sebagai expert, lalu jadikan diri anda sendiri

sebagai CHANNEL@DennySantoso, SixReps, Social Fitness Evangelist


Build channel : Pembatas buku

1. Content ! Blog & book. Build authority & credibility

2. Build channel : Phsical bookmark, social media

3. Online content & email databases4. Sell product & get affiliate comission

@DennySantoso “Orang gedean itu memindahkan traffic (sumber duit) ke sana sini, kanan-kiri, orang hebat seperti Anne Ahira business

modelnya menjual konten belajar internet marketing, lalu dari situ membuat forum support – yang butuh masuk forum harus membayar, yang mau membuat website sekalian disediakan hostingnya, newsletter

dan infrastruktur lainnya. alumninya yang sudah sukses juga menjadi viral channel untuknya”


“We create barrier to entry by keeping the content quality high & regular updates . Siapa sih yang mau

lihat website event tapi tidak terupdate? selalu keep in touch dengan schedule, update dilakukan setiap hari untuk konten dan paling

tidak seminggu sekali untuk placement “

(Carmelita Bahrun, @pearlstears,


“Kami mengusulkan konten gosip artis dan konten blog seleb ke Yahoo ID, hasilnya, traffic Yahoo ID naik fantastis”

- Dentsu Strat


“Kami mulai dari blog. Dalam menulis blog, kami tidak pernah memposisikan diri sebagai expert, namun karena pembaca kami

menemukan preferensi disitu, maka mereka menganggapya sebagai expert” - @Hanzkyy , FashioneseDaily


“Dari 2005 s/d 2007 ternyata pembaca kami bertambah banyak, komentar di blog juga bertambah banyak,

komentar yang ada semakin ke bawah semakin OOT (Out of Topic), sehingga blog tersebut tidak cukup lagi untuk

memfasilitasi para member kita, lahirlah forum “Converting Audience Community



Dulu orang ke Kaskus karena nyari (konten) cewek cakep, terus lama-lama bosen ngomongin cewek, jadinya interest mereka

yang lain mulai muncul, “yang suka bola yuk ngumpul di forum bola”

“Konten di itu longtail, kami tidak mengandalkan penjualan dari naskah yang laris, tetapi dari naskah

“biasa saja” tetapi itemnya tidak terbatas, kuncinya adalah tidak memegang stock

fisik dan on demand printing.



“Urbanesia punya content strategist yang bertugas memilih tema untuk

diangkat setiap bulan. Content calendar”

“Urbanesia mengandalkan konten long tail, yaitu search item yang

keywordnya tidak powerful, tetapi jumlah itemnya tidak terbatas”

“Di awal berdiri, kami fokus di data entry untuk menciptakan kondisi

long tail”(@MissDimps, Selina Limman,


Why user keep coming back ?“Pengalaman saya pribadi (dan sudah saya tulis di beberapa


... Update yang continue ...

Kuantitas masih lebih efektif dibandingkan kualitas.Blog saya setiap hari dikunjungi sekitar 1100 orang. (Dahulu

sekitar 3000/hari)

Saat ini rank 3 indonesia maters. Padahal isinya biasa saja.(Budi Rahardjo, Dosen ITB)



“8 orang content writer @8 artikel per hari, CTO yg memahami SEO, 3 bulan awal kami sempat salah – konten yang kami buat terlalu

hardcore gadget ! Gopego kami posisikan sebagai media bagi komunitas gadget

@YopieSuryadi , Founder

iStockphoto was originally started as a hobbyist site in May 2000 by Bruce Livingstone. Bruce created the site as a means to share and publicize his portfolio of photographs. Initially seeded with 1,600 of Bruce‟s photos available for free download, the popularity of the site prompted Bruce to open the site to other photographers

who also wanted to contribute their photo collections. This transformation took place 6 months after initial launch, creating a

thriving community of contributing photographers.


“Ability to jumpstart user acquisition / traction through distribution partnerships”

“Startup harus bekerjasama dengan pihak lain yang sudah memiliki traction / awareness besar, buat

ngangkat dirinya sendiri”

Online ChannelOffline Channel


“Saya memiliki 30 ribu fans lebih di akun facebook saya, saat ini 49,500 lebih followers di twitter saya. Saya juga memiliki sebuah newsletter di dimana anggotanya sudah 40 rb lebih, ini semua adalah modal awal saya untuk memperkenalkan ke banyak



Printed trial version of Coming

soon to your gym! :)

“Bridge from offline to online”

The conversion rate maybe low, but still not bad for


@DennySantoso, SixReps


Awalnya, kami bingung FB itu pesaing Kaskus atau bukan,ternyata, FB itu seperti kereta besar yang tidak bisa dilawan, If you can’t kill them, be friend with them, alhasil kami naiki gerbong itu. We

made “Share to FB button” and .. BOOM !! dari tahun 2009-2010 Traffic Kaskus menggila seiring dengan kenaikan FB

@Dwirianto, CMO Kaskus, Semut Api


“Who owned distribution channel will be rich & most


Disc Tarra (30 stores) Vs KFC (300 stores), Agnes Monica

mending jualan CD di mana ? Vs Kantor Pos Indonesia

gimana ?

@AndiSboediman, Ideosource


Prior to starting Digg, Kevin was the host of a technology cable TV show called Screensavers

that aired on the TechTV cable channel. Digg got its initial site

traffic by having Kevin Rose announce the Digg launch

during a broadcast of Screensavers. This gave Digg

immediate exposure to ~100,000 target users – a nice

initial distribution impulse function to get started.

@Kevinrose, Digg


Yahoo no 1 search engine in Japan is owned by Softbank (no 3 biggest telco in Japan),

that’s why in January this year, Google, no 2 search engine in Japan inked a deal with the country’s no

1 telecom company NTT Docomo, and the country’s No. 2 carrier KDDI au

Both NT Docomo and KDDi au incorporated Google’s search engine directly into their default

start menus



Important distribution channels before launch :• Deal partnership before launch with XL for SMS

Blast.• Partnership with RIM, Page 1 on BB Appworld

CHANNEL dan Grand Indonesia juga melakukan kolaborasi retail, dimana Fimela akan membuat POP Up Office dimana kegiatan Pemotretan, Talkshow, Community event dan bahkan aktifitas

redaksional dapat dikunjungin dan melakukan interaksi bersama pengunjung mall. Buat kami, retail space ini akan menjadi pusat brand experience untuk dapat berjumpa langsung

secara fisik dengan para member komunitasnya.(@bensoebiakto,


@JasonLamuda (Ex.Mckinsey. CEO Disdus)

Date NewsMay 2010 (City

Review)Aug 2010 Citzel closed,

founded Disdus, Groupon clone.

Oct 2010 Appointed Andrew Darwis as advisor

Dec 2010 Incubated by East Venture

Feb 2011 Acquired by Groupon


Killer distribution channel !!


The ability to embed the external player on any web page turned the tide for YouTube. Once users started adopting

YouTube in mass, blocked video links to YouTube. However, MySpace caved under pressure from MySpace users and

reinstated access to YouTube content.

CHANNEL >> Badge

Flickr prioritized the development of viral product features.

They did explicitly focus their limited development resources on product features that directly helped to grow their user base.

Features that have become synonymous with Web 2.0, like easy blog integration / export and post to Flickr badges on people‟s

sites were developed early on. As a result of these efforts, nearly 80% of new users found Flickr through the blogs of other Flickr

users. Flickr also gave incentives to its power users to actively promote Flickr to friends by offering premium features (e.g. extra storage) in exchange for user referrals. initial buzz created by viral


CHANNEL >> Badge

Other social media as important channel

Awalnya, tombol like dan tweet di ada di bawah artikel, sekarang saya taruh di atas artikel. Tujuannya supaya saya

bisa tapping ke friends / follower pembaca saya kalau di RT @DennySantoso , Sixreps

Kaskus Follower sebelum Des 2010 : 60,000Kaskus Follower setelah Februari 2011 : 254,000 (Setelah Follow

@Kaskus banner placement in premium area)

Followed by ….

Building own channels on some specific niches : Fashion, beauty,

online shopper, motivation

2,000,000+ Twitter followers

@DannyBaskara, CEO, Socmed specialist

The rule of sustainable growth is really simple it simply means that new customers are a result

of the actions of past customers, either because the past customers invited them or because you’re using revenue that you made

from past customers to get them. (@Eric Ries, Lean Startup founder)

CHANNEL >> Past customer as channel

Purple Cow Viral Strategy of Zynga

CHANNEL >> Past customer as channel

CHANNEL >> Past customer as channel

Andy Dunn, Bonobos CEO, touted the company’s net promoter score of 74 (a great score) Customers loved the product. The logic likely went, “how can we incentivize customers to tell their friends about the company?”

CHANNEL >> Past customer as channel

Their solution sneaked up on me. At work, I received a strange email from my Director at American Express. He wrote with passion about his affinity for Bonobos pants and recommended that we use his “special” link to get 15% off our first order (such referral links earn him a $50 Bonobos credit) . Such a large incentive for a recommendable product proved powerful. My director had sent this referral email to 20 of our colleagues (over $1000 in potential value!). Bonobos also allowed users to create custom referral codes that they could post to Twitter or Facebook. When used at checkout, users get 15% off and referrers get a $25 credit. I noticed these codes popping up all over twitter, likely because of the sweet financial incentive.

CHANNEL >> Past customer as channel

@Nataliardianto : Google is your salesperson when it comes to web. My previous company got 92% traffic coming from search engines. Djarum- yg punya iklan offline dimana-mana, masih dapet 39.09% traffic coming from search engines, sedangkan directnya 47.23%. Jadi kalau

kampanye offlinenya senilai semisal Rp 4 milyar, maka kampanye google nilainya Rp 3,3 milyar! Tapi khan traffic dari google gratis. Kaskus, yg populasi

membernya salah satu yang terbesar dimana average pageviewsnya 12 pages/visit, still got 53,92% traffic coming from search engines.

Google as channel

@Nataliardianto : (my wife business)got 66% coming from search. Bottomline is, focus on SEO first when it comes to web. It's cheap, all you have to invest is time, learnable (tutorials everywhere) dan beberapa open source web apps sudah SEO banget, jadi ngga perlu belajar lebih keras lagi. cukup build backlinks dan naikkan pagerank.

Google as channel

Reid Hoffman 10 rules of entrepreneur

Rule #8: Having a great product is

important but having great product

distribution is more important.

I meet a lot of entrepreneurs who think the best product is the most important thing and that the best

product should always win. What a lot of people fail to realize is that without great distribution, the product dies. How will you get your product in the hands of

millions or hundreds of millions of people?

• @Ariawan : Flutterscape’s 200,000 fanspage didn’t convert to sales

• @Dennysantoso : logo on bottle didn’t convert to user acquisition. Offline event just little convert. FB ads CTR is lower than Google ads, because people use FB not to click ads

• @DannyBaskara : Offline activation for PRJ (Pekan Raja Jakarta) conversion rate is very damn low to follow PRJ Twitter

• @AndiSBoediman : Offline channel of (an undisclosed tech brand) activation campaign didn’t contribute much to fans

page’s like. 125,000 fans at the end of the campaign rely on facebook ads (80%), the rest is generic

CHANNEL that didn’t convert

Now you know some insights how startup use Community, Channel, Content to build their


What next ?

• Startup is an opportunity

• Find your way to increase :– Your knowledge capital (skill) FIRST– Your network / social capital / social credibility by

contributing to community (network) SECOND– Your financial capital (money) or access to

investor THIRD

Youthfulness is your weapon

Thank you


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