Page 1: Pre production techniques (task 1)

Pre-Production TechniquesLO1

Alan Smith

Page 2: Pre production techniques (task 1)

Finance Self Financed- Financing your own income, instead of acquiring it from external

sources such as investors or lenders. Examples of self finance include family/friends or from your own savings.

Employer/Client Financed- The client or the employer of the company provide the money for the project, to hand over to an external company to complete the brief given.

Kickstarter- A website that allows media companies to ask for money from the public to make a product. A Kickstarter project does more than raise money. It builds community around your work.

You go onto their website and you upload your project or business idea with easy steps to help you. You can then follow it and keep track to see how many people are interested in the project.

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Finance Which source of funding will be most likely for your production and why? The

funding will be self financed as it is a small company that would not be able to afford a loan nor the interest after. The income received from the client after the project will cover the costs spent and then the profit will depend on the amount of sales of the cards. It will be a self financed project as all the ingredients will have to be purchased, and other resources will only be available if they are bought by myself.

Advantages: There is no interest charged and no rush to pay back where there would be from bank loans and investors. You can spend the money quicker and buy the things you need or pay the contributors quicker.

Disadvantages: There might not be enough money and if the project fails your money will all be lost. Venture capitalists and other investors will also know contacts who may buy the products in bulk and may have good connections. As the production process is only two weeks long, applying for a loan may take days to apply for.

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Finance Explain the aspects of your production that could require finance.

The aspects that may require funding will be: the hiring of equipment, specialist personnel such as photographers and experts in the cooking field to help making the product look more professional. The food and images may be done at home however the quicker option may be to hire professionals that know what they are doing and facilities that have all the equipment, and in clean working condition.

Also paying the staff to work on the project for the job roles they do, such as the copy writer, model and graphic designer. Many of the job roles will be taken up by one person such the model and graphic designer, as well as the costume designer. This is to save money on not getting another person to do the work.

Equipment such as an oven and many other electrical devices found in a kitchen. (If the food is made)

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Time What methods could you employ to ensure you stick to your deadlines and why would this be beneficial to your project?

A Schedule can be made with all that is needed to be completed throughout the project, this can be met delegating this to another employee, giving them more responsibility should make them feel more part of the project. This person can make sure the team works efficiently to meet a certain time each day for the two week production process. Having done time management before for previous tasks, I will be able to brief the employer on what is needed and how they will need to preform. If the schedule is met then the project should be a success, a contingency plan will be put in place should the production be too slow or something unexpected happens such as for example the photographer not showing up for the shoot.

Advantages of meeting deadlines will be that you can stay on task as well as being able to organise your team and being able to make a contingency plan after. Disadvantages of not meeting deadlines are that you behind and could end up rushing the work trying to catch up.

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Time What is contingency time and how might this be beneficial to your project? Considering some general risks to your project could help you give a more detailed response. Contingency time is the time given at the end of a project for a precaution should

anything alter the schedule and slow the production down. This is so that the business is well prepared for anything unexpected. This will be beneficial to the project because it means that the business is well organised and can focus it’s time on motivating staff or making sure the product is as good as it can be. Risks that may occur during the production process can be, the model being ill and not being able to present the product, should this happen then a contingency of a back up model will be thought about.

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Personnel What size team will you use for your production? How many people will you have in your

team? Think about the advantages and disadvantages of your team size. What job roles would you have in your production and what skills and experience would be required?

A Small team will be used for the project due to wanting to make as big a profit as possible, having taken it into consideration that the workload will be high, in the long run this would be a better and more efficient way of working

The experience from doing previous group tasks will help in this project as it needs to be done well and quickly. Jobs will be shared in many ways such as if one person is not meeting the deadline the other will help. Advantages of having a small team would mean that it is a close group that can get on with the work with less chance of disagreement or confusion, also the profits are shared greater as well as having the ability to have more of a say individually on how the product will look.

Disadvantages include having a heavy work load and that some people might not be able to cope with the high demands of the client.

Job roles will be, Graphic designer, Photographer, Costume designer, Chef and Copy writer. They will be shared equally and if they are too complex a professional may be brought in.

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Personnel How could you find people to be in your production team? Think back to your own career development plans to help you with this. Finding people for the production team will be a hard process and may be done through

looking at job sites and advertising the positions needed.

This may also be done through social media sites and asking friends as well as advertising on billboards and local publications.

Previous employers or colleagues may be asked as you will know them well, understand their skills and how they work. This would save time and money as well as having a better understanding then a new person coming into a group.

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FacilitiesList the equipment, resources and facilities you need for your production and its source

Equipment/Facility/Resources needed for production

College Self Client

Camera Yes

Tripod Yes

Oven Yes

Costumes Yes

Kitchen Yes

Model Yes

Lighting Yes

A Brief Yes

Photoshop Yes

Computer/Mac Yes Yes

Studio Yes

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Contributor Type of Contributor

Team member Talent

Client Public

Tutor Expert

Photographer of Sourced Images Talent

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Locations What method could you employ to identify locations needed for your production (production/ post production facilities) and how could this be useful?

You could use a Recce to decide the location. This can help you as it has a set of questions you can ask yourself about the location before you consider it to be a place for your product. Questions such as, How long does it take to travel there? Do you need permission to use it? And is it safe to use? These are useful as it helps you save time in choosing the wrong place for the production and shows that you have thought ahead in the project. Having looked at where you will take the images can help you think of a contingency should that not be available.

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LocationsAre there any limitations or risks you would need to consider for your locations?

Location Limitation/RiskKitchen May be hurt or may damage something when cooking. There may not be the

equipment that an expert will have when cooking the dishes.York College When taking the images off the internet it there is a limitation to the specific

foods wanted for the recipe cards. There can also be a risk of copyright on some of the images.

York College A Risk of getting sued should the model not give consent to the images being taken and used on the recipe cards.

High Street Model Release forms may be needed should any images of people be taken to go with some dishes on the cards.

Photography Studio A Risk may be that equipment may be broken or might fall over some wires that are coming from the lights.

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Codes of Practice - Clearances What is a model/location release form and why is it important to your production?

A Model release form is a document that you are given to sign to prevent you from taking the photographer to court. When signing you are giving consent to take an image of you and therefore covering the person taking from any wrong doing. A location release form is that of a similar nature however of a location and you must ask the owner of that location whether it is a building, car or land. This is to cover you from anyone taking you to court. It is a very important part of the preparation and planning before a shoot as it allows you to be prepared and can help you see unexpected events so you can stay on schedule.

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Codes of Practice - LegalWhat legal requirements will you have to consider in your project and what aspects do they relate to?

Aspect of Production Legal Consideration

Writing the Ingredients for the recipe cards Copyright issues, recipe theft.

Photographs used for the recipe cards Taken without reference off the internet.

Taking images of the Model Model Release forms

Meeting the brief and doing the task. Not doing what you agreed to in the contract.

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Codes of Practice – Regulatory Bodies

Which regulatory body’s guidelines would you need to follow when creating your production? Where could you source that information from. Be specific.

Cap Non-Broadcast Code and the ASA Food and drink have a number of guidelines to follow when looking at Codes of Practice, however ones more relevant the food sector are. 15 Food, food supplements and associated health or nutritional claims. The Food Safety Act 1990 and the Food Labelling Regulations 1996 are seen in this section and the regulations are put in place to make sure that the food is healthy and safe to eat, and if it is not healthy you can not advertise for it to be healthy.

These bodies look into having a clean kitchen and must check all the food that is created is good for human consumption.