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Cheryl Falconar

Sociology 295: Sustainable Societies

Professor Mary Ellen Donnan

31 March 2010

Practical Sustainability: Real Solutions to Current Problems


Most environmental news seeks to emphasize the disastrous impacts people inflict on the

planet in their day-to-day lives, or how multi-national corporations must significantly cut down

their emissions and become “greener”. Their statistics continue to overwhelm and frighten

environmental activists and other people who care. All the while, what I would assume to be the

general population is unimpressed, and believes that these finding will not be pertinent to them,

especially in the near future, unless they are forced to spend money for these causes. While Al

Gore‟s documentary An Inconvenient Truth and anti-plastic bag initiatives seem to have gotten

more people interested and involved in environmental issues, I feel that more variety in the

written material is necessary.

To counterbalance the excess of material presenting either a disastrous dystopia resulting

from lack of regard to the environment, or a theoretical utopia with little apparent links to the

present, I wish to present a summary of information dealing with more everyday sustainability

issues, and how they can affect the near future. While fictional presentations of a potential future

two hundred years from now can be entertaining and leave a haunting impression on the reader

or viewer, I believe that these fictional scenarios instil in their audience an impression that

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In an interview, sociological author Juliet Schor said, “Explaining the rise of 

consumption as a way of life directs our attention to a major historical shift from issues of 

survival (need) to questions of want, specifically the planned, systematic arousal of consumer

desire.” (2008, pp. 22) While this only refers to people with enough money to spend on wants

rather than just needs, it affects the whole world. As the media spreads through globalization, it

brings about the apparent need of new products many people can‟t afford. Good marketing, of 

which there is abundance in today‟s consumer -driven world, turns mere wants into needs in the

minds of its audience. Now we want computers and cell phones, which are very expensive to buy

and maintain due to internet fees and costly cell phone bills, and require or highly encourage the

purchase of updated versions within at most the next five years. These technologies, it seems, are

constantly improving, so the current version is never good enough; the consumer is encouraged

to always have the most efficient, cutting-edge technology, or else they are old-fashioned, out of 

date, and experience far less consumer satisfaction than the consumer who constantly buys new

models of products.

Console games such as Xbox and Playstation also exploit the consumer in this way to an

even greater degree, because old consoles cannot play new games intended for newer consoles,

and games for older consoles eventually are no longer produced. Schor confirms that younger

generations, the market of most of these console games, are highly affected at a psychological


...younger generations are growing up in a more consumer-saturated world,

in a world in which market mediation is so much more important in defining their

own identities, subjectivities and social dynamics. This is really the expansion of 

market culture, of consumer culture, to more and more of social life. And that‟s a

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 process that‟s been going on for a long, long time, but it has accelerated with

younger generations. (pp. 589)

Portraying this trend of people having their lives structured around consumerism as a new 

development would hardly be right, though (Schor); the general public in wealthy countries has

been affected by this growing trend for multiple generations now. Television, DVD players,

computers, cell phones and music players are far from being necessary for anyone‟s survival, but

it has been rare to find a middle-class household without at least a radio or television in it for

over half a century now. DVD players, computers, cell phones and portable music players are

becoming commodities which, according to the global media, it is absurd to live without these

days, unless you do not have the money with which to buy them. The notion that if you have

enough money for something then you should have bought it already is one of the beliefs in our

culture that needs to be abolished if we wish to reduce our consumption enough to establish a

sustainable human world.

While consumerism-based lifestyles are indeed the norm in wealthy countries and

societies, anti-consumer movements have also taken shape, and are much less recent than one

would imagine. In his book  Identifying Consumption: Subjects and Objects in Consumer Society,

Robert G. Dunn (2008) explains that the distaste for consumer-based lifestyles emerged long

before DVD players and console games came out:

The rise of romanticism, workers‟ revolts, and the emergence of various utopian

movements opposed to modern industrial capitalism are well-known examples of a

large array of efforts to confront the worse ills of nineteenth-century modernity with

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alternative visions and ways of life. With the shift of emphasis in the twentieth

century from production to consumption, consumer movements and an assortment

of cultural avant-gardes have arisen as countertendencies to the increasing force of 

the corporation and oppressive bureaucratic institutions. The modern problems of 

alienation, dehumanization, and inequality have thus generated a continuing

succession of responses aimed at restoring dignity, power, and a sense of meaning

and identity to those most frustrated and harmed by the ascendancy of the modern

economy. (Dunn, pp. 4)

Upon reading this, it is possible to speculate the notion that if anti-consumerism hasn‟t become a

mainstream phenomenon yet, perhaps it never will. However, if the “modern problems of 

alienation, dehumanization, and inequality” (quoted above) have not forced anti-consumer

movements into dominant cultural thought, perhaps the need to reduce materialism for

sustainability purposes will. As the Earth becomes more and more polluted and increasingly

affected by climate change, environmental action will become more urgent for mankind‟s

survival, and the issue of over-consumption will undoubtedly transform from a bothersome

aspect of society into one we urgently need to abandon.

Obviously, consumption itself is detrimental to the environment, but is the very vague

idea of somehow annihilating consumer culture the only way to go? Schor says that it is wrong

to separate ideas about consumerism into simply “pro-consumerism” and “anti-consumerism”.

She argues, rather, that since everyone consumes anyway, the question is how we consume: “The

possibility of not being a consumer no longer really exists. So... we don‟t want to be saying,

you‟re a bad girl for buying clothes.” (Schor, pp.594) Improvement of the sustainability of 

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consumerism is a much more plausible goal than eliminating the now global and inescapable

consumer culture, and for this, more localized (and therefore more sustainable) consumption

comes into play.

The consumption of clothes is a fascinating and enlightening possibility of where the

world can improve in both an environmental and social way. Rather than having mass-produced

clothes produced in sweatshops then shipped to the West, says Schor,

You could have much more localized, small-scale production, with much

closer links between the consumers and producers. This gets many more people

involved in design: instead of having big design houses that put out large numbers

of identical designs, you would have small-scale designers, with many more

opportunities for individuals to be creative as designers but also creative as

consumers. They go to the shop, they interact with the designer, and come out with

something they like... it‟s also a solution to the problems of working-class women

in advanced countries, who are being exploited as sewers, and those working-class

women who want to be designers, and for whom there are virtually no outlets.

(Schor, pp. 596)

This small-scale vision of towns and cities, as opposed to the current model of globalized

production industries, works well for all branches of work. With self-sufficient towns, there

would be opportunity for employment in every sector of the economy. Whatever dream a person

may want to chase, he or she would find a place to do it in their own locality, or at least within

the radius of a few towns or cities. Employment for artists, for instance, would be far higher;

they would be needed in many sectors of the economy, including fashion design, as Schor

mentioned, and would be able to chase their dreams as artists. This is in stark contrast to today‟s

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society, where the pursuance of an arts degree tends to be perceived as the gateway to a dead-end

career path.

The rise of consumerism is not going completely unquestioned in today‟s society, but it

nonetheless remains the dominant culture in wealthy countries. Hopefully, anti-consumerist

movements and movements promoting localized, sustainable industries will become more

common as time goes on. While businesses would like to have us believe that the current

consumption-dominated lifestyle is natural, and that money can buy happiness, it is clear that

anti-consumer movements are gaining momentum and that more sustainable alternatives to the

specific type of consumerism practiced today could theoretically be put in place.

Large-Scale Possibilities for Sustainability

One of the most vital steps to enhancing the sustainability of human settlement is

localizing food sources as much as possible. As globalization and free trade negotiations allow

and encourage countries to ship food thousands of miles away, the average amount of processing

and traveling that an item at the grocery store goes through increases. According to  Bringing the

Food Economy Home, by Helena Norberg-Hodge, Todd Merrifield and Steven Gorelick, this

results in “food that is neither very flavourful nor nutritious, at a price that includes depleted soil,

 poisoned air and water, and a destabilized global climate”, that weakens local economies and

farms while financing mega-corporations which care only for profit and never about food

security, nutrition or ecological destruction (2002, pp. 116). Local and organic foods are far more

sustainable, for they travel far less “food miles” to their destination, thereby reducing gas, power 

for temperature regulation and packaging required for transportation; they require less or no

preservatives in the case of local foods; no pesticides, herbicides and fungicides in the case of 

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organic foods; and support small-scale farming that is conducive to local economies rather than

large corporations which tend to exploit countries in the global South for the sake of profits that

go exclusively to the global North (Norberg-Hodge et. al., 2002).

The shift from local, sustainable farming to more industrialized systems can be

particularly seen in the example of the community of Sa-Adnathom, Thailand. Since the

construction of the Lampao dam in the nineteen sixties (construction began in 1963 and ended in

1968), the villagers discovered all the negatives impacts of the switch from sufficiency farming

to more modern, consumerist lifestyles: “the ecological system was incessantly destroyed; the

fertile land was contaminated with poisonous chemical substance and insecticides damaging the

productive quality of land.” (Bowjai, P., Sata, W., Veravatnanond, V., & Rithdet, P., 2008, pp.

336) This was a radical switch from before the construction of the dam, when the area‟s “rich

natural resources were more than enough for the people residing there.” (Bowjai et. al., pp. 335)

In 2002, when the community decided to learn means of production which would not harm the

environment, they ran into social difficulties “because the villagers had already sunken deep in

the luxurious culture from outside. Nevertheless most people of Sa-Adnathom held fast in their

belief that they would be able to rehabilitate natural resources and the environment.” Buddhist

teachings about the way of life using sufficiency, and the King of Thailand‟s approval of this

strategy, helped significantly in their outlook and determination to succeed. (Bowjai et. al., pp.

336) Obviously, the need to simplify and go against modern consumer culture is not only present

in niche-type anti-consumerist movements in the U.S. and the materialistic Western world, but in

so-called “developing” countries as well. 

Despite this hopeful circumstance in Sa-Adnathom, however, many areas of the

economically marginalized world are not so lucky. As the population grows, so does the global

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need for food, especially for wealthy Northern countries that practice a high level of 

consumerism. Because labour in the global South is cheap, this is where multinational

corporations, in finding ways to feed the North, go to find more places to practice their

agriculture. The ruthless hunt propels the corporations to seek out fertile lands which are often in

use by small communities of Natives and subsistence farmers. Because of this, “millions of 

people in the South are being pulled away from sure subsistence in a land-based economy into

urban slums from which they have little hope of ever escaping.” (Norberg-Hodge et. al., pp. 114)

Not only, then, are the lands taken away, but the communities disperse and disappear, whether

gradually or suddenly. The former inhabitants, then, completely and utterly removed from their

former livelihood and wealth, have little or no ability to protest and move into urban areas to

become beggars, sweatshop workers, prostitutes, and criminals (Salleh, pp. 8 & 22). Local

production and local consumption are, of course, the answers to this deplorable and widely used

 business tactic: “Rather than further impoverishing the South, producing more ourselves would

allow the South to keep more of its resources, labor, and  production for itself.” (Norberg-Hodge

et. al., pp. 113)

Attempts at maximizing the locality of food and other essential needs are the basis of 

 permaculture. Derived from the words “permanent”, “agriculture” and “culture”, permaculture

entails organic and local food production which serves the farmers and the other consumers

sustainably (Veteto & Lockyer). For this to happen successfully, large efforts must be made to

study the farming potential of the area and the specific needs of the people who will live off this

land. It is often a complex process, for “detailed knowledge of local ecological, political– 

economic, and socio-cultural systems [must be] combined with a global awareness and scientific

acumen” (Veteto and Lockyer pp. 48). The Global Ecovillage Network, which claimed to be

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“tracking over 400 ecovillage projects around the world” in 2008 proves that these efforts can be

successful; Earthaven Ecovillage, located in the Appalachian mountains in North Carolina, was

founded in 1995 and today boasts continuing success, based on permaculture theory, and 60

members (Earthaven, 2010). Unfortunately, permaculture has largely been ignored in academia

(Veteto & Lockyer).

Arguably the greatest attempt at a large-scale sustainability settlement like Earthaven was

the project of turning Dongtan, China, into “the world‟s first purpose-built eco-city” (Head &

Gutiérrez, pp. 423). The project was going to be a large attraction in the Shanghai Expo in 2010,

and was mostly co-ordinated by Arup, a “well-regarded UK-based design, engineering, planning,

and business consulting firm” (Larson, 2009, para. 12). “Not only will it be the first fully

sustainable city, with half a million people living there by 2040,” said two Arup workers in 2007,

“but the innovations, new thinking and lessons of Dongtan could one day be the cornerstone of 

the way 21st-century cities are designed.” (Head & Gutiérrez, pp. 423) It was also claimed that

“issues such as land use mix, transport, economics, water, energy and building design”, as well

as social function in the community, were all taken into account during the planning process

(Head & Gutiérrez, pp 424). A year after these optimistic plans were published, the entire

Dongtan project failed for political reasons: “Shanghai Communist Party chief Chen Liangyu, a

well-known backer of the project, was sentenced in 2008 to 18 years in prison for bribery and

abuse of power”, and those who took his place did not continue with Liangyu‟s Dongtan project

(Larson, para. 21).

Although governments and communities are now showing more interest about

sustainability issues (Veteto & Lockyer; Rojas Blanco), the fact that intentional communities

such as Earthaven have managed to implement much more successful projects than large

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companies and governments, prove that grassroots movements are more competent for this type

of change. “Traditional top-down decision-making processes have become inadequate” due to

their inability to adapt to relatively small-scale projects such as ecovillages, but “bottom-up

approaches may produce the best results by building on local experiences and knowledge”

(Rojas Blanco, pp. 141). In terms of governmental methods of making the world more

sustainable, perhaps starting small is best, with smaller projects such as implementing more eco-

friendly building codes, which, according to environmentalist Wen Bo, has been a lot more

successful in China than their eco-city plans (Larson).

Leisure Activities and Ecological Impact

There is a more psychological change that also needs to happen in our society: The

genuine appreciation of activities with low or non-existent carbon footprints. While most people

enjoy good discussions and just sitting around talking with friends and family, consumer society

has taught us to value material things much more. We overvalue expensive objects and events

with high prices attached to them, such as reservations at expensive restaurants; spa treatments;

new and improved television sets, computers, and cell phones; long, hot showers; music players;

trips to far-away places; and admission to theme parks, while we undervalue time spent doing

less expensive, less environmentally costly things with people we love. It is unfortunate that we

teach our children these values, and it is important that we stop believing in them ourselves and

thereby stop enforcing them on others, especially the next generation of responsible, or

irresponsible, adults.

Fortunately, in terms of leisure activities, low carbon footprints and healthy, socially

rewarding activities tend to go hand in hand. As I said, the act of discussion is highly underrated,

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but it is quite obviously an activity which requires no strain on the environment and therefore

contributes nothing to an individual‟s carbon footprint. If we were somehow to revitalize the

story-telling tradition of Native peoples and the ancient Greeks, and make it a significant part of 

 popular culture, we would already be well on our way to reducing civilization‟s strain on the

environment. This unlikely speculation aside, there are many activities with very reduced

impacts on the environment: Walking, jogging, outdoor track sports, martial arts, jump rope, and

swimming in a lake or ocean all require little or no materials and can take place outside, thereby

reducing energy costs and the need for specialized facilities. If we add on to include activities

which require purchased or rented materials and only minimal energy consumption for facilities,

we can add on to the list: reading, card games, skateboarding, rollerblading, and cross-country

skiing. Aside from reading and card games, all of these activities are beneficial for a person‟s

health, and all of them allow participants to increase their vitamin D levels simply from being


All of these activities address both adults and children, but if we use the example of 

children‟s leisure activities exclusively, we see that children have the ability to either be huge

consumers or barely consumers at all. To illustrate my point, I will invent two little girls: Child

A, who is a physically inactive girl with a large carbon footprint, and Child B, a physically active

girl with a low carbon footprint. Child A is an indoors type, who usually occupies herself in

well-lit and well-heated rooms which by themselves use up a lot of energy. This girl is provided

with innumerable toys with which to amuse herself. Child B, on the other hand, enjoys playing

outdoors, and often leaves her house behind so that she can play in the sunshine with her friends

 – no energy required for heating or lighting here. Child A‟s parents, who are quite well-off 

financially, encourage her to play with the toys they spend so much money on, and she does so

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with enthusiasm, while gaining a sense of need for material possessions. She is constantly

thinking of more things to add to her Christmas and birthday lists. Child B, meanwhile, spends a

significant amount of time playing what I wish to call “imagination games” with her friends. By

“imagination games” I mean games in which she and whoever she is playing with take on the

roles of imaginary people and act out imaginary scenarios. Her imagination games can make use

of toys, park equipment and other material objects, but they can just as easily be played using

trees, dandelions or no material objects at all. On a sunny day, hours can be spent playing these

games without using a single unit of energy. On these days, Child B‟s carbon footprint,

discounting the energy produced for the food in her body and the clothes on her back, is virtually

zero. Meanwhile, Child A has consumed much energy, from that spent to light the rooms in her

house and to regulate her house‟s temperature; the energy, oil and material spent to fabricate and

transport her toys; the battery power and electricity used to operate her electronics, including her

console games; and the extra consumption she engages in after her taste in material possessions

has led her to demand more presents from her parents.

Energy consumption is not the only thing that makes Child B superior, in a sense, than

Child A. In her hours of spending time alone indoors, Child A has developed a weight problem

and dislikes physical education classes at school because she is exceptionally bad at sports. Child

B does not shares these problems, for when she plays outside, she often unknowingly exercises

her body and develops better reflexes by having races, playing tag and catch, and learning tricks

on playground equipment at local parks. While she has never been on a sports team, she is faster,

more agile, and has better hand-eye co-ordination than Child A. Child B also has a better

imagination and better social skills, having entertained herself for so many enjoyable hours by

playing imagination games with her friends and neighbours as well as their siblings. While Child

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Justice is much more easily and more likely to be fairly administered at the local level than at the

global level by “states or corporations”. While middle- and upper-class citizens of wealthy,

industrialized countries remain blissfully ignorant, oil companies and other corporations

knowingly and irresponsibly exploit third world country villages in order to reap profits that are

seldom if ever shared with the people in these less industrialized countries the companies build

upon. Although the World Bank claims that the global South owes the global North for all the

“development” done there, the ecological damage done unto the South is far more drastic than a

complete lack of “development” would have been: “If a notional monetary value is imputed for

extracted resources and ecosystem damage, the affluent world‟s ecological debt to the global

South far exceeds the latter‟s unpaid World Bank loans” (Salleh, 2009, pp. 2). 

While fighting this exploitation is difficult and rarely successful, success stories provide

hope for future battles. Successful Nigerian protests against Big Oil are a perfect example of this.

On Ogoni Day, 4 January 1999, Nigerian activists were able to temporarily shutdown Shell Oil

headquarters and close gas flares which were extremely detrimental to the Nigerian Delta people

and to the region itself (Brownhill, 2009). After much violence, including the rape and murder of 

many protesters on that day and those following, an agreement was reached. In the months

 between Ogondi Day in January and the reopening of Shell‟s oil stations in August, Shell had

lost over 95% of its profits. Struggles for compensation for the damage inflicted on the Nigerian

environment and its peoples continued, and due to extreme financial losses, “Shell was forced to

make a public concession and promise to stop all gas flaring in Nigeria by 2007.” (Brownhill pp.

239) While 2007 was a long time after serious protests had begun (in 1987 there had been a

protest against the Pan Ocean oil company, “involving ten thousand Nigerian women”

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[Brownhill, pp. 231]), the progress made has been an inspiration to environmentalists and social

activists the world over:

The Nigerian women‟s „gift to humanity‟... provoked a leap in global consciousness

about the common fate of all humans if specific polluters amongst the world‟s tiny

clique of the 400 plus billionaires run rampant beyond any democratic control...

[and] accelerated an international groundswell of coordinated mobilizations over

Big Oil... hundreds of manifestations against corporate rule occurred around the

world. (Brownhill, pp. 240)

The influence Nigeria has had on the world, by their tireless persistence to fight global

powers, breaks the stereotype that the rich have authority which the oppressed are powerless

to stop. A group of people with the same ideals can and will make a difference eventually,

whether it takes months, years, or, in this example, decades of fighting.

While the achievements of the Nigerians who fought the oil companies must not be taken for

granted, it must be stated that the motivating factors for these people‟s actions were severe

enough that their protests were inevitable: Agbonifo (1994, pp. 72) explains “that the link 

between dispossession, environmental degradation, political marginalization and the perception

of injustice provides the context within which to understand spiralling violence in the region”.

Motivation for decades‟ worth of protesting will be much harder to come by for people who

haven‟t been as traumatically affected as these Nigerians. A greater willingness to fight for 

environmental and social rights are needed for protests in First and Second World countries,

where living standards are higher and people are usually less directly and less noticeably affected

by major corporations.

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There are numerous small and large-scale sustainability initiatives taking place already,

and the potential for more in the future. However, in order for these to gain more funding and

support, and for more projects to take place, they will need a significantly larger amount of 

media coverage and academic study. Multidisciplinary approaches to all projects can assure

 justice for both the environment and the people involved, and success overall. For a worldwide

initiative to take place, the public has to be constantly informed of developments, and

encouraged to become interested and take part in them. Constructive criticism of sustainability

initiatives would alone be very beneficial; planners of social movements and designers of large-

scale projects need to know how they are failing and succeeding in all ways in order to produce

solutions that work well for everybody in the long-term. Governments, of course, need to know

that citizens have a strong desire for a more eco-friendly locality or country, but grassroots

initiatives can also have enormous potential on their own. The future of the Earth, and of the

human civilization destroying it, is in everybody‟s hands, from economically marginalized

groups in Thailand and Nigeria to governments with the power to bestow or withhold billions of 

dollars to an organization with the signing of a document, as well as everyone in between.

Provided there is a global will to improve things, there is no one who cannot play a part in the

saving of the Earth, so long as the ideas and innovations for change are there.

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