Page 1: POWER OF WORDS - 10x10 · Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document,

Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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1 Importance of Words 2

2 Role of Words 4

3 Learning about the Roots of Words 6

4 Roots 1 to 11 and Review 7 to 16

5 Roots 12 to 30 16 to 29

6 Roots 31 to 50 29 to 43

7 Roots 51 to 75 44 to 58

8 Roots 76 to 100 59 to 82

9 Roots 101 to 125 83 to 101

10 Roots 125 to 150 101 to 119

11 Roots 151 to 175 119 to 136

12 Roots 176 to 200 137 to 147

Page 2: POWER OF WORDS - 10x10 · Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document,

Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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1.1 Words are the building blocks with which we construct sentences to

communicate our thoughts to others. This communication can either be oral - as in a

spoken sentence – or it can be written down by hand or printed in the form of a book

or a newspaper or journal1 or a magazine


1.2 In „Introduction to Literature‟ we have already seen that literature is one

of the five areas of human activity that has a long term impact or that can provide

immortality because written words or books survive through centuries.

1.3 All the religions in the world, are based on the words and thoughts of one or

a few persons, who conveyed their wisdom through words. The thoughts expressed

by them through words were so important , that they began to be worshipped as

gods. Till today we read and learn from the words of great sages, saints, and poets.

In history we can read the inscriptions on the stone Stupas of the Maurayan Emperor

Ashok who lived and ruled almost 1600 years ago.

1.4 For this reason written Literature is recognized as a part of the most precious

cultural heritage in every country. This is because literature encodes the best

thoughts that have occurred to Man3, that helped him to learn, develop and


1 Journal is a publication that is either once a year (Annual) or twice a year (Bi-annual) or four times in a year

(Quarterly). It generally relates to serious study of a subject and includes articles on latest thinking and theory

on that subject. As such they have a long term reference value in a specialized area. Most of the established

Religious organizations, leading Universities and various professional bodies publish their own Journal to

communicate their view of the world or the latest research and developments on a subject. As such all articles

in Journal are on one subject or topic only. 2 Magazine is a publication that is weekly (once a week), fortnightly (once in two weeks or 14 days) or

monthly (once in a month) It includes articles on news, fashion, films, household matters, or any such area of

day to day life. Thus, as compared to the material published in a journal, the material in a magazine is for light

reading, fun filled information, puzzles and crosswords or utility information such as on health, food, exercise

etc. As such in a magazine you will find articles on several topics and issues. 3 Man – whenever you come across this term „Man‟ or „man‟ it means the human species as a whole and

therefore includes Woman also. Only „Man‟ is used in the literature of most languages partly because before

the 20th

Century only boys / men were allowed to learn to read and write in formal schools. Girls / women

could learn to read and write only at home. Before 1900 in England and in the USA if a women wrote a book

or poem or a story it could be published only under the name of a man. So many women writers in the 19th

century used the names of their husband to get their novel or book published. In these circumstances, the

achievements of women poetess such as Meerabai become all the more important. In ancient Indian history

there are several examples of highly learned women. Yet, before the 20th

century the role of women in public

life was very limited as the majority did not know how to read or write.

Page 3: POWER OF WORDS - 10x10 · Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document,

Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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1.5 A “language based on words” is what separates the human species from all

other living species of plants, insects and animals. In „Introduction to Science‟ we

have learnt that plants, insects, animals and humans are life forms and are called

„Organic Matter‟ in this Universe. Among these only the human species has

developed languages based on words. Other living species have sounds and silent

modes of communication. But it is only Man who communicates through „Words‟.

In this story of the „Power of Words‟ I am going to introduce you to a whole new

world of words. Words are not merely a collection of letters, lifeless and stationary,

written or printed on a sheet of paper. They in fact are full of life because they are

created, they grow and have their roots, branches and leaves.

1.6 Above all words are the tools with which Man conveys all his emotions and

feeling, thoughts and ideas, his pains and fears, his joys and sorrows. As such words

can be as sweet or sour, as tasty or bitter, as painful or soothing as the personality of

the speaker or writer. The capacity of words to convey human thoughts is unlimited.

It is we as students who need to learn this power of words.

1.7 „Lewis Carrol‟ was the pen-name of an English Mathematician who wrote

two story books between1867 and 1887, for an eight year old girl he met in a park.

They are entitled „Alice in Wonderland’ and „Through the Looking Glass’. Both

these books are today acknowledged as classics in English Literature. In both Alice,

a young girl, is the main character. „Through the Looking Glass’ is better as this is

the only story that is developed as a Game of Chess from beginning to the end. s I

am reproducing an extract here from a conversation between a character called

„Humpty Dumpty‟ and Alice:-

“When I use a word” Humpty Dumpty said in a rather scornful tone, “it means

just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.”

“The question is” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean different


“The question is” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be the master – that‟s all”

Alice was too much puzzled to say anything, so after a minute Humpty Dumpty

began again “They‟ve a temper, some of them – particularly verbs, they‟re the

proudest – adjectives you can do anything with, but not verbs – however, I can

manage the whole lot ! Impenetrability ! That‟s what I say!”

“Would you tell me please,” said Alice “what that means?”

“Now you talk like a reasonable child” said Humpty Dumpty, looking very much

pleased. “I meant by „impenetrability‟ that we‟ve had enough of that subject, and it

Page 4: POWER OF WORDS - 10x10 · Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document,

Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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would be just as well if you‟d mention what you mean to do next, as I suppose you

don‟t intend to stop here all the rest of your life.

“That‟s a great deal to make one word mean” Alice said in a thoughtful tone.

“When I make a word do a lot of work like that,” said Humpty Dumpty “I

always pay it extra”

“Oh!” said Alice. She was too much puzzled to make any other remark.

“Better say nothing at all. Language is worth a thousand pounds a word.”

In almost all languages there are many thoughts of wisdom that are priceless.

But the value of words lies in the understanding of the listener or the reader. If the

listener is unable to understand what is being conveyed, the power is non-existent

for him/her. Through a book an author conveys his / her learning and thoughts, and

even after centuries, through great books can help the reader to know the mind of

the author, his life and the kind of society he lived in. It is words that make literature

the „mirror of society‟ of its time.


The main points of Grammar relevant to the understanding of power of words

2.1 SENTENCE: Words are the building blocks through which a sentence is

constructed. Here, a sentence can be seen as a wall being constructed with bricks or

blocks called WORDS. A Sentence is a set of two or more words that makes

complete sense. For examples, “Birds fly”; “ I run” ; “Come home”, are

sentences of two words each.

2.2 In other words „A Sentence is a complete thought put into words whether

spoken or written‟. For this reason, words are like clothing for the thought. How

well you dress up or „clothe‟ your thoughts becomes your power over words. For

having Power over words, you need to develop your „stock of words‟ or

„vocabulary‟ on a continuous basis.

2.3 This Book is going to introduce you to a method or tool, that will make it

easier for you to know and develop your „stock of words of power.

2.4 Each word in a sentence, has a special role to play in completing the

meaning of the thought. There has to be at least one Noun and one Verb to make a

sentence. See the examples of two word sentences given above, once again.

Page 5: POWER OF WORDS - 10x10 · Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document,

Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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„Birds‟, „I‟, and „home‟ are the Nouns / Pronoun and „fly‟, run‟ and „come‟ are

showing the action happening in the sentences.

2.5 VERB: A „Verb‟ is the „doing word‟ in a sentence. It conveys the action that is

taking place in the sentence. As Humpty Dumpty said to Alice „Verbs have a

temper‟ You cannot misplace them or use them incorrectly. Now, if there is an

action, there has to be a doer of that action. So, a Noun is also an essential part of a


In sum, the wall of a simple sentence = one brick of NOUN (the doer of action) +

one brick of a VERB (the action) .

2.6 NOUNS are the „naming words‟. They tell who is doing the action in the

sentence. So „Birds fly‟ is a simple sentence in which birds is the noun or the doer of

the action of „flying‟. The action „to fly‟ is the Verb. The role of the word „bird‟ here

is that of a noun.

The noun part of the sentence is called „the Subject‟ . The Verb part is called

„the Predicate‟. The Predicate part includes the Verb and the Object of the action

indicated by the verb.

A Sentence = SUBJECT PART ( Noun) + PREDICATE PART ( Verb) .

2.7 Kinds of Sentences: A Sentence can be a „Simple Sentence‟ or a „Compound

Sentence‟ or a „Complex Sentence‟

One verb = Simple Sentence.

Two verbs= „Compound Sentence‟

Three or more verbs = „Complex Sentence‟.

2.8 ADJECTIVES : Next, there are words that tell us more about the Noun.

These are called „Adjectives‟ because they „Add to the meaning of the NOUN. So, if

we say „The white birds fly‟ the word „white‟ is telling us more about the kind of

birds that are flying. It is adding some more information on the „birds‟, so the role of

the word „white‟ in this sentence is of an „adjective‟. Thus, Adjectives answer the

question „What kind of?” doer is the Noun.

1.9.ADVERBS: Similarly, words that add to the meaning of the Verb are called

„Adverbs‟ If we say The white birds fly higher and higher‟ or that they „fly

swiftly‟ or „fly slowly‟ the role played by the words „higher‟ „swiftly‟ and

Page 6: POWER OF WORDS - 10x10 · Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document,

Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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„slowly‟, would be of an „Adverb‟ because in these sentences, they are telling

us more about the Verb „fly‟. So words that answer the question “How the action

is being done?” are playing the role of „Adverbs‟.

2.10 PREPOSITION and PROVERB: In addition to verb, adverb, noun and

adjective, there can be other words in a sentence with additional roles. For example,

„Preposition‟ – are words that are placed just before or after the Noun or Adjective.

PROVERB is a word placed before a verb to help complete the action. Its role is to

be in position just before, nearest to the verb.

2.11 CONJUNCTION: Another role for a word in a sentence is that of joining two

parts of a sentence, and therefore they are called „Conjunctions‟. Conjunctions join

two or more simple sentences, to make a Compound Sentence. They may also join

two parts in a simple sentence.

Normally, a Compound Sentence is made by joining two simple sentences

with the help of a Conjunction. You can easily remember it by recalling that a

railway station is a „Junction‟ if trains from two or more directions come and

converge at that station. So a „conjunction‟ is the „joining word‟.

2.12 These are roles of words in a sentence. Please also remember that the same

word can have different roles in different sentences. So pay attention to the role or

function performed by a word in a sentence and not to the word itself. So the trick is

to understand what role the word is playing in a given sentence and how to identify

that role.

2.13 Summary: The above fundamental rules of Grammar are common to all

languages whether English or Hindi or Sanskrit or any other. To sum up, the role of

words in a sentence remains that same in all languages . Words play the role of a

verb (showing action) a noun (indicating the doer of the action) an adjective (telling

more about the noun) an adverb (telling more about the verb) a preposition (placed

before a noun, adjective, verb or adverb), a conjunction (joining two parts of a

sentence), proverb (coming before a verb)


Just as we understand the role of words in a sentence we can also understand

words by recognizing the role of letters that make a word. This means that we can

Page 7: POWER OF WORDS - 10x10 · Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document,

Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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learn to break a word into smaller units to reach its root and understand its meaning.

This will become clearer as we learn to identify more and more roots in a word.

With a total of 200 Roots of words, we can create a good command over

vocabulary. The roots may be a prefix or a suffix. A „Prefix‟ is a letter that comes

before or at the beginning of the word. A „Suffix‟ is a letter that comes at the end of

a word.

Root Number 1 = Suffix „y‟. = something is very near to or very similar or alike

1. Arty = Inclined to be artistic but is not. It indicates that the person has an

interest in art but is not an artist.

2. catty = tends to be spiteful and stealthy like a cat

3. cheery = Tends to see the brighter side of everything. Puts up a show of

being happy but is not.

4. crafty = Inclined to by sly and tricky.

5. dreary = Tends to be dull

6. dirty = Tends to be unclean or soiled

7. faulty = Inclined to be at fault

8. foxy = Tends to be a bit sly like a fox

9. hairy = tends to have more hair on the body than needed

10. itchy = inclined to itch, inclined to be a bother, or be bothersome

11. misty = tends to be obscured by a slight mist

12. pretty = tending towards beauty but is not

13. rosy = tends to be of pink colour like a rose

14. salty = tends to taste of salt

15. sleepy = tending towards sleep, not wide awake

16. slinky = inclined to slither like the movement of a snake

17. smarty = inclined to be tricky and smart

18. wary = tends to be watchful; be on one‟s guard

19. weary = tending towards being tired and exhausted

Root No. 2 = Suffix „ar‟ „er‟ and „or‟ means „One who‟ or „that


1. Actor = one who acts a part in a drama or a play or a movie

2. Amplifier = an instrument that makes sound louder. A loudspeaker

3. baker = one who bakes bread and biscuits

4. barber = one whose work is to give haircuts and shave beards

Page 8: POWER OF WORDS - 10x10 · Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document,

Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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5. beggar = one who begs alms from others for his / her living

6. dancer = one who dances

7. doctor = one who is learned especially in medicine

8. exhibitor = one who shows things for sale to the public as a profession

or art

9. fighter = one who fights

10. jester = one who tells jokes / also called a joker especially in circus as

he paints his face and dresses up in a funny manner to make audience

laugh in between two major acts in a circus

11. killer = one who kills

12. miser = one who has money to live comfortably and yet lives in

discomfort only to save money.

13. pacifier = that which quiets or sooths babies when they cry, such as the

ring to bite on during their teething.

14. painter = one who paints

15. racer = one who races in a sports event

16. sufferer = one who suffers especially from an ailment or disease

17. toiler = one who does physical hard work; one who toils

18. tractor = a machine that ploughs the fields

Root No. 3 Prefix „Re‟ means „again‟

1. regard = look up to again and again, respect, relating to as in this matter is

regarding the book I read yesterday.

2. re-iterate = say something again; repeat a sentence; say the same thing a

second time

3. rejoin = join with another group of persons such as a family after a brief

separation ( I shall rejoin my family after I return from Jaipur)

4. repay = pay again, return a sum of money borrowed from another person for

a short period

5. reside = the larger town, village or city where one lives. It originates from

which side of the river or lake do you live? All human settlements began on

the banks of large water bodies such as lakes or rivers as water is essential

for daily life. Source of water in a village has traditionally divided the areas

belonging to the rich and the poor. So which „side‟ became the word „reside‟

as it was the side one person returned again and again? „ I reside in Delhi‟

Page 9: POWER OF WORDS - 10x10 · Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document,

Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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6. residence = a house where one comes back every night to go out to work or

to school again the next morning. The house in which one lives – example -

„I reside in Delhi, and my residence is on Kasturba Gandhi Marg‟

7. return = come back again to the same place

8. re-warm = heat again as re-warm the milk

9. rewrite = write again, as rewrite a story or a book

10. reverse = make a complete change to begin again or afresh; make a turn


Root 4 Pre-fix „Un‟ = not (is the first of the negative Roots. It says „No‟

and means just that – a simple negative) -

1. Unable = no ability; not having the skill to do something; not able.

2. Unabridged = not cut or shortened by the printer or author (used for

books / articles only); as written originally by the author.

3. Unadorned = not adorned with ornaments or other forms of decorative

material; simple.

4. Unaffected = No impact; not touched; not concerned.

5. Unafraid = not afraid; fearless.

6. Unalloyed = no mixing of another element; not mixed with any impurity;

pure (Taken from Science where alloy is a new metal created by mixing

two or more metals in different proportions)

7. Unaltered = no change from original form; not changed. ( opposite of the

verb „to alter‟ meaning to change from its existing or natural form,

current status or position)

8. Undesirable = not good; not desired or wanted by anyone; is so bad that

no one is able to desire or want it.

9. Uneducated = having no education, not learned, with out any learning or

training of any kind.

10. Uneasy = not easy; difficult; not calm; not able to rest

11. Unfinished = not yet ended, not finished, not completed.

12. Unheard = not heard of before.

13. Unhurt = not hurt

14. Unhurried = having no sense of hurry; slow; with out any hurry or sense

of acting quickly; not in a rush.

15. Unknown = no knowledge of; not known, not recognized, strange, not

yet understood

16. Unloved = not loved; not cared for; not cherished, not taken care of.

Page 10: POWER OF WORDS - 10x10 · Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document,

Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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17. Unread = not read earlier or so far.

18. Unspoken = not uttered in words; not said in oral sound loud enough for

another to hear; not put in to words said out loud.

19. Untold = not said by anyone before this time.

20. Untouched = not yet touched by anyone or anything. This can have a

physical meaning as well as an emotional meaning The physical meaning

would be touching by hand as in the „sense of touch‟. The emotional

meaning is touching one‟s heart through depth of feelings and thoughts

as through a poem. Good poetry always touches one deeply.

21. Untouchable = that which cannot be touched; something beyond reach

of hand or touch; something placed so high up that it cannot be reached

or touched.

This word has three parts – Prefix „Un‟ = not or no; suffix „able‟ = can

Do, ability to do; and root „touch‟ = contact by hand or any medium.

22. Unwelcome = no well come; not invited; no feeling of happiness or joy

at coming; coming is not „well‟ or good; so not welcome.

23. Unworthy = not having any worth or value; not appreciated by others.

Root 5 Suffix „less‟ = without.

This is a simple and frequently used Root. When added to nouns (naming words) it

converts them in to adjectives (words that tell us more about nouns). When another

suffix „ly‟ is added after „less‟ the adjective gets converted in to adverbs (telling more

about the verb or the doing word or the manner of the action in a sentence) Here, refer

back to Root 1 also

Suffix „less‟ Adjective form Suffix „ly‟ Adverb form

1 Artless without any art or artificial

manner; natural as a baby.

Artlessly Naturally

2 baseless Without a base, groundless baselessly groundlessly

3 careless Without being careful,

slovenly, sloppy, dropping

or spoiling things by not

doing the work attentively.

carelessly In a careless manner

4 effortless Without any effort or

strain, easy; that which is

easy to do.

effortlessly easily

5 fearless Without fear; unafraid fearlessly Like one who is not


Page 11: POWER OF WORDS - 10x10 · Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document,

Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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6 friendless Without a single friend; all

alone by one self.

No „ly‟ form

for friendless.

The form is

the positive



„friendly‟ that

is not being



7 Graceless

„Grace‟ is the

highest and

best form of

perfect, gentle

manner or


Without grace; clumsy in

manner of doing or

behaving; Earlier the King

or the Pope was addressed

as “Your Grace” when

spoken to. In such cases

the person‟s name is not

used as a mark of respect

to the high office. Today

only Judges in Courts are

addressed to as „Your

Honour‟, while Members

of Parliament are addressed

to as „Hon‟ble Member‟

Gracelessly clumsily

8 helpless Without any help from

others; defenceless

helplessly Like one who is


9 homeless Without a home homelessly Like someone without

a home

10 hopeless Without any expectation of

relief from the existing

situation of despair;

without hope

hopelessly Like one who has no

expectations or hope of


11 listless Without any life or spirit;

Physically very tired and

unable to move; exhausted

listlessly Like one who is

without any energy or


12 noiseless Without making any

sound; without noise; very

quiet; silence.

noiselessly Soundlessly, quietly,


Page 12: POWER OF WORDS - 10x10 · Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document,

Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 6 Suffix „ness‟= state of; condition of

All the words in Root 5 can be converted to the „state of‟ meaning by adding „ness‟ at

the end – as in – carelessness, effortlessness, helplessness, hopelessness, joylessness,

listlessness, restlessness, shamelessness, weightlessness.

Root 7 Suffix „ful‟ = full of.

Note that the Root has a single „l‟ while the meaning has a double „l‟. Also y is replaced

by „i‟ before suffix „ful‟ in a few words such as beauty = beautiful. The additional suffix

13 powerless Without power; without


powerlessly Lacking in strength

14 sleepless Without sleep; awake


sleeplessly Like one who is unable

to sleep

15 restless Without being able to rest;

not being calm; uneasy

restlessly Like one who is unable

to rest

16 tireless Without getting tired;

never weary or doing

something, never tired of

the same work

tirelessly Like one who never

gets weary

17 Tasteless Without taste; flat to taste;


- Also taste in clothes and

manner implying good

choice of clothes can be


tastelessly Like some who has no

taste or good choice of;

18 trackless Without any path or track

by which animals or

humans travel; pathless

No „ly‟ form

19 voiceless Without any voice,


In abstract noun form its

also means „voice‟ of the

citizens in the decisions

and policies of the State.

voicelessly Like one who has no


20 weightless Without any heaviness or

weight, very light as a


weightlessly Like one who has no

weight; lightly

Page 13: POWER OF WORDS - 10x10 · Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document,

Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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„ly‟ can be added to convert it in to adverb form except in the case of a few words such as

„earful‟ and „mouthful‟.

Noun form Adjective form by adding suffix „ful‟ Adverb

form by


Suffix „ly‟

1 Beauty Beautiful= full of beauty Beautifully

2 Care Careful = taking due care; watchful Carefully

3 Doubt (abstract ) Doubtful = Having doubts; uncertain; unsure Doubtfully

4 Duty Dutiful = fulfilling all duties; conscious of

one‟s duties


5 Ear Earful = an ear full of news and gossip No adverb


6 Fear Fearful = filled with fear; frightened Fearfully

7 Great Grateful = full of thanks; glad to give thanks Gratefully

8 Help Helpful = willing and able to help Helpfully

9 grace Graceful = full of grace and tact


10 hope Hopeful = full of hope and expectation; without



11 joy Joyful = full of joy and happiness Joyfully

12 mouth Mouthful = as much as the mouth can hold;

filled up mouth.

No adverb


13 pity Pitiful = filled up with pity; pathetic Pitifully

14 rest Restful = bringing rest as in a restful sleep Restfully

15 shame Shameful = full of shame; disgraceful Shamefully

16 tact Tactful = having the capacity not to hurt others

with spoken words; poised; graceful.

Tact is the ability to say an unpleasant thing in a

manner that is pleasant to others, or through

words that do not hurt as much as they would if

said without tact. Diplomats are specially

trained to be tactful. They invariable use words

that are polite and kind even when they have to

convey an unpleasant message.


Page 14: POWER OF WORDS - 10x10 · Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document,

Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 8 Suffix „an‟ „ian‟ = native of; relating to.

Converts nouns in to adjectives by adding this suffix after the name of a country or a place

Example Asia – Asian; America – American; Australia – Australian, Africa – African, India

– Indian and so on Also refer to Root 2 here

Root 9 Suffix „able‟ „ible‟, ble = can do

1. Acceptable = able to be accepted; be welcome

2. Agreeable = able to please, impress and agree – agreeable manners, agreeable


3. Bearable = able to be endured; able to bear it

4. Capable = able to do things well

5. Comfortable = able to give comfort, ease, and strength

6. Doable = can be done or able to be put in to practice

7. Edible = able to be eaten; can be eaten and consumed by humans or other life forms

8. Enjoyable = able to give satisfaction and joy

9. Forcible = can be powerful, able to become a force.

10. Horrible = able to shock and cause dismay

11. Laughable = can be laughed at as a joke

12. Manageable = can be managed

13. Portable = can be carried across to another place

14. Reliable = can be relied upon; trustworthy

15. Sociable = able to get along with people; friendly

- Tact can convert enemies into friends and

defuse tense situations that otherwise could

result in wars.

17 tear Tearful = full of tears; weeping and crying tearfully

18 vengence Vengeful = full of thoughts to pay wrong by

wrong, evil by evil; full of plans to hurt or

cause loss to the person who has caused hurt or

loss to oneself; bitter


19 worship Worshipful = worthy of highest respect and




Page 15: POWER OF WORDS - 10x10 · Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document,

Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 15

16. Tenable = a thought, argument or a decision that can be defended when challenged;

logical and sensible

17. Terrible = able to invoke terror or deep fear

18. Transferable = able to be taken from place to place

19. Transmissible = able to be sent across as in the case of a wireless message or a TV

transmission; Also something hereditary across generations

20. Transportable = can be carried across a place from one point to another

21. Visible = able to be seen; perceptible to human eyes

Root 10 Prefix „ Tra‟ „Trans‟ = across, through, over

1. Transact = put a deal through in business

2. Transaction = an economic activity of putting across a process of exchange

3. Transatlantic = across the Atlantic Ocean that lies between Europe and North


4. Transcend = go across to a higher level

5. Transcontinental = across more than one continent

6. Traduce = to disgrace; to fall across from good grace to lower level in society; to

lower the good name of one‟s family and friends or status.

7. Transform = take across one form or structure to change in to another form

Example transformer in electricity generation that converts one form of heat energy

in to the electric current form

8. Transfusion = going across from one person to another as in „blood transfusion‟

9. Transfer = going across from one place to another place

10. Transferable = able to be transferred; can be transferred

11. Transit = passage, permission, or way from one place to another. Normally used for

the permission to go from one country to another as in „Transit Visa‟ and „Transit


12. Transmit = send across from one person to another person, or from one place to

another place.

13. Transmitter = that which can send across messages

14. Translate = change from one language form to another language form

15. Translator = One who or that which translates

16. Transport = move across ports; take across long distances from one place to another

17. Transportation = act of taking across ports or places

18. Transitive = a verb that has a direct object on which the action in the verb occurs

19. Transplant = uproot from one place to take it across and plant it at another place

Page 16: POWER OF WORDS - 10x10 · Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document,

Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 16

20. Traverse = lying across a river or such distance as a bridge traverses the river

Root 11 Suffix „port‟ = to carry.

This is a „root‟ word because it comes in the middle of a word, and can form new words

with different prefix and suffix.

1. Port = a place where boats and ships can anchor to unload or reload their cargo

2. Portable = that can be carried from place to place

3. Porter = one who carries things, parcels or baggage

4. Exports = Goods carried out of a country to another country

5. Exporter = One who sends goods out of a country

6. Exportation = The act of carrying goods out of a country

7. Imports = Goods brought in to a country from another country

8. Importer = One who brings goods in to a country

9. Importation = The act of brining goods in to a country

10. Deport = to send a person away out of a country as a punishment; to banish someone

from his or her country

11. Deportee = one who is banished from a country as a punishment and sent away to

another place

12. Deportment = the manner in which one stands up and walks or carries one‟s body;

the manner of one‟s public appearance

13. Report = to write and carry an account of events or activities that have happened

14. Reporter = one who sends reports as a means of earning his or her livelihood

15. Reporting = the act of bring in all news to one point

16. Support = to carry along with some help

17. Transport = the act or means of taking things or persons across ports or from place

to place


Q Tick mark the number of the choice that best expresses the un-numbered first word

1. Transit (a) station (b) store (c) beauty parlor (d) going across (e) costume

2. Translate (a) purchase (b) sell (c) unite (d) read (e) convert in to another language

3. Transplant (a) plant in another place (b) unload (c)sever (d) sow (e) plant

4. wearable (a) tastes good (b) can be worn (c) expensive (d) cheap (e) explainable

5. skill (a) ability (b) leisure (c) clumsy (d) taste ( e) carelessness

Page 17: POWER OF WORDS - 10x10 · Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document,

Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 17

Question 2. Match the following:

Root 12 Prefix „IN‟ and „IM‟ = Not

1. Inability = state or situation of not being able to do something

2. Inaccessible = not able to be reached

3. Inadequate = not enough; not sufficient

4. Inarticulate = not able to express oneself; not able to articulate

5. Imbalance = not balanced; more weight on one side than the other.

6. Inclement = not mild (weather); extremely hostile weather; generally used in

context of weather only

7. Inhospitable = not willing to be a good host to others; also an inhospitable place; or

inhospitable climate

8. Immature = not yet grown fully; not yet ripe; unripe.

9. Immobilize = not able to move; not capable of any movement.

10. Immoderate = not moderate; not within bounds or limits.

11. Immoral = not having good morals; not of good character or good nature

12. Immortal= not mortal; not likely to die; not subject to death; like immortal poetry.

13. Impassable = that cannot be passed; a blocked place or area; as an impassable

mountain range

14. Imperfect = not perfect; having short-comings; flawed.

15. Implacable = cannot be placated or made happy; cannot be appeased; cannot forgive

16. Impossible = not possible; that which cannot be done; not doable; not capable of

being; that which cannot happen

17. Improbable = not likely to exist; not likely to be true

18. Insatiable = that which cannot be satisfied; always wanting more of something.

19. Intolerable = not to be endured; not to be suffered; not to be tolerated

20. Invisible = not visible; that cannot be seen; as the invisible air

Root 13 Prefix „EN‟ „EM‟ = into, to

1. embark = get in to a train or a ship; also „embark on a journey‟

2. embellish = to make more beautiful; to decorate

Suffix „y‟ One who Suffix „an‟ „ian‟ Carry

Prefix „re‟ Not Prefix „Un‟ Can do

Suffix „or‟ „ar‟ „er‟ Again Suffix „ful‟ Similar to, like

Prefix „de‟ Native of Prefix „Tra‟ „Trans‟ Away from

Suffix „able‟ „ible‟ Across

Page 18: POWER OF WORDS - 10x10 · Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document,

Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 18

3. embitter = to make bitter; into bitterness

4. embody = to give a solid form or body to something invisible; in to body; as in „a

law must embody freedom‟

5. embrace = take another person in to one‟s brace or arms

6. embroider = to make more fanciful with colourful stitches; in to fancy on the border

of a cloth

7. encamp = to set up camp

8. encourage = put heart or courage in to someone; as in encourage with hope of


9. endanger = to put someone in to danger; as in „endangered species‟

10. employ = in to being useful; to find a use for.

11. employable = able to hold a job; able to get in to a job.

12. unemployable = not able to get in to a job; not able to hold a job.

13. employee = one who works and is in to employment;

14. employer = one who employs others

15. enroll = to enter one‟s name in to a register

16. enslave = to place in to slavery or bondage

17. entrap = to put in to trap; to catch.

18. entrust = to place in to trust of another person

19. environ = to put a ring around something ; to encircle

20. environment = life that surrounds one‟s own life; the surrounding in to which one

puts one‟s life or lives

21. envenom = to put venom or poison in to something, as „to be envenomed by a

snake‟s bite‟

Root 14 Pre-fix „AD‟ = to, toward.

This is a complex Root because before c, f, g, n, and s „ad‟ becomes the same letter as

in the last few examples in this list

1. adaptable = to be able to adapt; to be able to fit in to the environment; be

pliable or flexible

2. addict = to give in to a habit of;

3. adequate = to be sufficient; to be adequate to the need of; enough.

4. adhere = to stick to; to be faithful; to adhere to one‟s word.

5. adjacent = next to another; lying nearby; as in „the adjacent house‟.

6. adjunct = one thing joined to another

7. admire = towards additional attraction; wonder at with pleasure; admiration

8. administer = to manage; to take charge

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 19

9. adulterate = to add something inferior to a superior quality thing to bring down

it quality; to cheapen and make inferior.

10. advance = to go forward; towards the next step; towards more from one point

or stage; to be ahead of

11. advantage = to a better position or situation

12. advertise = to bring to attention of the public; to put to notice; to notify

13. advise = to give guidance; to caution

14. advocate = to speak out for a worthy cause; to add one‟s voice to a cause

15. accept = to take to oneself; to receive

16. affiance = to promise to wed; to be engaged for getting married

17. aggressive = to be assertive, likely to attack; to go forward to be on the


18. allege = to declare

19. announce = to make known to public

20. assert = to declare, to say in a positive manner, to be firm in declaring

Root 15 Prefix „IL‟ and „IR‟ = not

1. Illegal = not according to law

2. Illicit = not according to law; illegal; not allowed by law or society

3. Illegible = writing that cannot be read easily; not readable

4. Illiberal = not liberal; not open minded; not broad minded, not believing in

liberty of the mind

5. Illiterate = not literate; not able to read or write

6. Illiteracy = the condition or state of not being able to read or write

7. Illogical = having no logic; not as per reason or logic;

8. Illusion = something that is not real; an unreal image; exists only in imagination

9. Irrational = not based on reason; illogical; unreasonable

10. Irreclaimable = that which cannot be claimed back or again

11. Irregular = not regular; not as it should be;

12. Irrelevant = not related or relevant; unconnected to something, not significant to

the situation

13. Irreligious = not religious; lacking in religious faith or feeling

14. Irreparable = a broken thing that cannot be repaired

15. Irreproachable = one who cannot be blamed in any way; not to be reproached or

found fault with;

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 20

16. Irresolute = not having any resolve; not able to make up one‟s mind; with out

any resolution

17. Irrevocable = that which cannot be revoked; an action that cannot be taken back

or brought back;

18. Irresistible = that which cannot be resisted or stopped; full of temptation

19. Irreverent = having no respect for another person; showing no respect where it

should be shown

20. Irresponsible = not responsible; not having any sense of responsibility or duty

Root 16 Suffix „ITE‟ = quality of; mineral product of; native of.

1. appetite = the quality of hunger for something

2. anthracite = a mineral of hard natural coal

3. dolomite = a mineral composed of carbonates of calcium and magnesium

4. dynamite = a powerful chemical explosive used in all gun bullets and arms

5. expedite = having the quality of speeding up an action; to quicken; to hasten

6. exquisite = having the quality of great beauty

7. favourite = having the quality of being regarded as above others

8. granite = a solid sand grainy rock

9. graphite = a mineral of pure carbon used for making pencils

10. Israelite = a native of the country Israel

11. meteorite = a stony metallic rock falling on earth from outer space

12. pyrite = a common mineral of yellow brass colour, also called the „fool‟s gold‟

13. suburbanite = a native of a suburb of a city; one who lives in a suburb

14. stalactite = a solidified mineral drip with in a cave that hangs from the ceiling like an

icicle ( In colder regions water dripping from the roof or branches of trees freezes to

form hanging „icicles‟)

15. stalagmite a solidified mineral rock formations from the floor of caves that are

shaped like a normal curve

16. sulfite = a salt of sulphuric acid

Root 17 Suffix „AL‟ = relating to.

This Root establishes a relationship and can be attached to a large number of words

1. animal = relating to creatures that live and breathe

2. aural = relating to the ear; sound that can be heard

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 21

3. autumnal = relating to autumn season; part of the season of fruition

4. cerebral = relating to the brain (cerebrum, cerebellum)

5. decimal = relating to the number system of counting based on ten

6. gradual = relating to advancing forwarding in small steps or by small degree

7. infernal = relating to inferior world of hell

8. internal = relating to an inside part or area

9. intellectual = relating to the power of the intellect and the capacity to think

10. manual = relating to work done with hands

11. mental = relating to the mind

12. natural = relating to nature

13. optional = relating to a choice or option given in a situation

14. oral = relating to the oral cavity of the mouth; spoken in words through the


15. phenomenal = relating to something unusual among its kind

16. reprisal = relating to revenge or paying back evil for evil

17. sensual = relating to the five senses of the human body – hearing, sight, smell,

taste and touch.

18. spiritual = relating to the spirit

19. technical = relating to technology or machines

20. usual = relating to common things; normal or ordinary

Root 18 Prefix „DI‟ = two, double, separate

1. diacid = an acid having two hydrogen atoms

2. diclinic = having two oblique intersections behind three axes of a crystal

3. dicellate = having two prongs as in a tong or fork

4. dicotyledon = plants that have two leaves in its seed

5. dicotyledonous = a seed having two leaves

6. dichotomy = a separation in to two parts

7. dichromatic = having two colours

8. diameter = a line that divides a circle in to two parts

9. dioxide = a compound containing two atoms of hydrogen

10. dilogy = a speech that has two or more meaning

11. dilemma = a situation in which two difficult choices exist

12. diphthong = a word sound made by joining two vowels such as „ou‟ in


Page 22: POWER OF WORDS - 10x10 · Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document,

Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 22

13. digraph = two vowels written together to give one sound as is „ae‟ of

Aesop‟s fables

14. diota = a vessel with two handles

15. divide = to separate in to two or more parts

16. divorce = separation of husband and wife to annul the marriage

17. divulsion = tearing apart of one object

Root 19 Root „FER‟ = bring, bear, yield

(Root means the central part of a word)

1. circumference = the line that goes round a circular plane

2. conference = a bringing together; a meeting

3. coniferous = trees that bear cone like seeds / fruits

4. cross- fertilization = fertilization in plants from one variety to another

5. deference = bearing respect and courtesy for another

6. fertile = having the capacity to bear fruits; yielding much

7. fertilization = the act of causing to bear richly or rich fruits.

8. inference = carrying over a reasoning from one point to another to

understand what is implied and has not been stated

9. reference = a thought relating to a subject

10. preference = bringing forward as the first choice

11. offer = to bring something for giving to another

12. proffer = to bring forward to offer

13. suffer = to bear sorrow or pain

14. transfer = to bring from one place to another

Root 20 Suffix „EN‟ at the end of the word means „made of ‟ or

„ make‟

1. brazen = made of brass

2. brighten = to make bright

3. broaden = to make broad, to widen.

4. frighten = make frightful

5. frozen = made icy, as in frozen food

6. golden = made of gold

7. hasten = to make haste; to put on speed

8. heighten = to make higher; to increase in height

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 23

9. hempen = made of hemp; rope

10. lighten = make lighter in weight by reducing

11. molten = made by melting

12. oaken = made of oak wood

13. roughen = make rough; make a situation filled with obstacles

14. silken = made of silk

15. smoothen = to make smooth

16. soften = to make soft or softer

17. toughen = to make tough; to strengthen

18. whiten = to make white

19. wooden = made of wood

20. woolen = made of wool

Root 21 prefix „IN‟ „IM‟ means „in‟ „into‟ ( IN become IM before b,

m, p)

In Root No. 12 the prefix IN had meant „not‟ So you will need to

consider whether the meaning of the Root is „not‟ or „in / into‟

1. Influx (noun) = an inward flow (of water or people)

2. Ingress ( noun)= act of entering; coming in

3. Inhale (verb) = to breathe in; take air into one‟s lungs / body

4. Imbue (verb) = to inspire. For example „to imbue with the love for books

or „to imbue a habit for reading‟

5. Imbibe (verb) = to take in to the mind, example to imbibe wisdom

6. Immure (verb) = to wall in; to build a wall around

7. Immigrate (verb) = to come in to a country in order to settle down.

8. Immigrant (noun) = one who comes in to a country

9. Imminent (adjective) = an event that is about to occur; that which will

occur soon.

10. Immingle (verb ) = mix in with; to blend in to

11. Important (adjective) = that which is in significance or importance

12. Impress (verb) = to leave a mark in the mind; to make a image on.

13. Impression (abstract noun) = mark or image one is able to leave on

another‟s mind or on a material

14. Impressionable (adjective) = one who is easily impressed

15. Imperil (verb) = to put in to danger

16. Impinge (verb) = to strike; to dash into; to come in to close contact with

17. Imprison (verb) = to put in to jail or prison

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 24

18. Implosion (noun) = a bursting inward; to burst in to (inside)

19. Impulsive (adjective) = To act suddenly on instinct; to cause to be.

20. Interior = (noun) the inner part; the inside of a place

Root 22 Prefix „EX‟ meaning „out‟ „from‟

1. Exact (verb) = to demand; to extract from; to compel a person to give out

2. Excel (verb) = to outdo all others; to surpass

3. Excellent ( adjective) = one who surpasses another

4. Excellence (abstract noun) = to heighten the quality of

5. Excite (verb) = to arouse; to bring out uncontrolled feelings; to stir up

6. Excitement ( abstract noun) = the mental state of being excited

7. Excitable (adjective) = one who can be aroused very easily

8. Exclaim (verb) = to cry out; to shout out at something

9. Exclamation (abstract noun) = an outcry; a loud sound of surprise or

sorrow or disgust

10. Exclude ( verb) = to keep out of a group; to shut out from participating

11. Exit (noun) = a door or way to go out of a building or space

12. Exit (verb) = to leave a building or place; to go out

13. Expect (verb)= to look out for; to await

14. Expelled (verb) = to be thrown out of; example „expelled from college‟

15. Express ( verb) = to speak out

16. Expression (abstract noun) = the act of saying something

17. Excavate (verb) = to dig a hole in the ground; to hollow out the mud or


18. Exception (abstract noun) = something that is not a part of the general

rule; something left out of the general rule.

19. Extend (verb) = to stretch out; to stretch to full length; to make longer

20. Extension (adjective) = the stretched out part of a place or thing

Root 23 Prefix EX

As in Root 22 can be extended in to three forms as prefix „E‟

„EC‟ „EF‟ all conveying the negative meaning of „not‟

1. Eccentric (adjective) = not having normal habits or manner of

behaving; having different or odd way of behaving

2. Eclipse (verb) = not in light; in darkness; in the shadow of

3. Ecstasy (abstract noun) = joy that is not in control; overwhelming

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 25

emotion of happiness that cannot be controlled

4. Effect (abstract noun) = the result of; the impact of

5. Effete (adjective) = worn out and tired; not fresh in feeling and

strength; no longer fertile

6. Effort (abstract noun) = exertion of strength; an attempt to do

something by exerting pressure or strength

7. Effulgent ( adjective) = shining out brilliantly, example „the

effulgent rays of the Sun‟

8. Efflux ( noun) = flowing out; not staying in

9. Effusion (noun) = fluid such as oil escaping from a containing; a

seeping out of fluid

10. Effervesce (verb) = to bubble out; to display liveliness; not effete

11. Effervescent (adjective) = lively, bubbling with life

12. Effeminate (adjective) = a male who has feminine qualities more

than masculine qualities; not a manly person

13. Eject ( verb)= to throw out

14. Efficient (adjective) = one who produces results; one who is very

capable in doing his / her work

15. Ejaculate (verb) = to call out loud; to exclaim

16. Elaborate (verb) = to work out in detail in full; not to leave out any

part or aspect of detail

17. Emanate (verb) = to flow out in intangible form, as fragrance from

flowers, or aroma from a dish being cooked

Root 24 Suffix „ION‟ „SION‟ „TION‟ meaning ACT OF, STATE


1. Action ( noun) = act of doing something; manner of doing something

2. Celebration (noun) = act of honoring someone or an occasion through a

special event

3. Diction (noun) = result of choice of words

4. Dominion (noun) = authority over, absolute power over

5. Formation (noun) = the act of giving shape or form to something

6. Function (noun) = purpose of an act; act of work or occupation

7. Injection (noun) = act of forcing something in to

8. Junction (noun) = the state of being joined or connected

9. Limitation (noun) = the state of being confined within a limit

10. Location (noun) = the state of a place; a place or locality

11. Option (noun) = the act of choosing; a choice

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 26

12. Partition (noun) = the act of separating or dividing

13. Purification (noun) = the act of removing impurities for making

something pure

14. Question (noun) = the act of asking or inquiring

15. Reflection (noun)= the state of looking in a mirror; the result of light

thrown back

16. Suspension (noun) = the state of being stopped temporarily

17. Verification (noun) = the act of giving truth; act of confirming truth

18. Versification (noun) = the act of putting in to verse form of poetry

Root 25 Root „NAS‟ „NAT‟ meaning to be born, to spring forth to life

1. Innate (adjective) = inborn; a quality that is inherent in; a quality one is

born with

2. Natal (adjective) = relating to birth

3. Naïve (adjective) = acting or behaving like a new born child; a simpleton;

an artless person

4. Native (adjective) = belonging to a place by birth

5. Nativity ( noun) = the process of being born

6. Nature (abstract noun) = the inborn qualities of a person

7. Natural (adjective) = relating to nature

8. Naturalization (adjective) = the process by which one gets the citizenship

of a country where one is not born

9. Nation ( common noun) = a people with a common origin or birth

10. National (adjective) = relating to a nation

11. Nationalism (abstract noun) = the belief of supporting one‟s nation is the

highest duty

12. International ( adjective)= between or among nations.

Root 26 Suffix „IC‟ conveys the meaning „nature of‟ „like‟

It can also be combined with „ALLY‟ to become the ending for many words

1. Acidic = like an acid

2. Barbaric = as cruel as the nature of a barbarian (pre-historic man living through

hunting with crude stone weapons)

3. Caustic = having the sharp nature of burning; therefore a „caustic remark‟ is a form

of violence through words

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 27

4. Drastic = Relating to rapid action; it has its roots in „drama‟ but is generally used to

convey decisive action taken in quick succession, one after another, to change or

control a situation. Example: After the financial scandal broke out in the Press the

political leader took drastic action for damage control .

5. Emphatic = in the nature of a strong expression

6. Endemic = in the nature of a particular social group or a country

7. Galactic = as vast as a galaxy; in the nature of a galaxy like the Milky Way Galaxy

of which our Solar System is a very small part; on a galactic scale means covering

very vast areas or on a very large scale

8. Geologic = in the nature of geology or the study of rocks and earth formation

9. Heroic = like a hero; a heroic deed

10. Majestic = in the nature of royalty or the ruling class; like royalty

11. Metallic = like a metal

12. Metamorphic = like the figure of speech called a „metaphor‟. A metaphor is a hidden

„Simili‟ (Comparison between two things) A Simili makes a direct comparison as in

„as distant as the stars‟ is a simili. A metaphor will convey the same meaning by

saying „ That actor is now a star‟ meaning he has far ahead of others and no longer

able to keep his social contacts with other actors. Another example is from

geography where „metamorphic rock‟ is one form of rock that has changed from

some other form. Sand converts in to sandstone, lime in to limestone and then

becomes a metamorphic rock called „marble‟ Therefore the word „metamorphic‟

conveys that the nature has changed from something in to another thing totally

different. This change is implied and not clearly stated or visible.

13. Patriotic = like a patriot who loves his / her country more than any one else

14. Poetic = in the nature of poetry; having more imagination and deeper emotions.

15. Prosaic = in the nature of prose or day to day ordinary manner; commonplace

16. Realistic = like reality; like real life itself; not poetic or imaginary

17. Strategic = like a plan of action for completion of an activity in the future; earlier

the term „strategy‟ was used only in the context of battles and wars to defeat the

enemy through planned action of all the different forms of attack. In modern times it

is used as a management term for daily life as well. So today even a student can do

strategic thinking to achieving a particular career or profession. Simply put a

strategy is a plan of action for achieving a given target. The target can be in studies,

in profession, in life or any area of activity.

18. Tragic = in the nature of a tragedy; a calamity that ends life or a phase of life

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 28

Root 27 Root „AUD‟ „AUS‟ meaning „to hear‟ or „to listen‟.

„Hear‟ refers to every sound that may enter the human ear (called the „auditory canal‟)

through any form of sound. The word „Listen‟ always has the additional meaning of „paying

attention‟ to the what one is hearing. As such, one can „hear‟ a bus passing on the road

without listening to it. But one has to „listen‟ to the lesson teacher is teaching in the class.

1. Audible = can be heard

2. Audience = a group or assembly of people who have gathered to hear (a musician

or a poet); a gathering of listeners.

3. Audio = relating to sound through electric currents transmitted in to the air

4. Audiogram = a graph that traces the relation of frequency and audibility

5. Audio-metre = an instrument for measuring hearing capability of the ear

6. Auditory = relating to hearing; example „auditory nerves‟ that help humans to hear

7. Audit = a formal account made in writing by an accountant. Earlier accountants

were orally told about the expenses and income incurred during the year. On its

basis the government „auditor or accountant‟ wrote out the accounts for calculation

of taxes payable

8. Audition = a modern method of testing a singer‟s voice before recording the song.

So an audition is a special hearing before recording.

9. Auditorium = part of a building where listeners gather as an audience

10. Audi-phone = a metal plate that carries sound vibrations; a hearing device

11. Audient (adjective) = listening, paying attention

12. Inaudible = a sound that cannot be heard; The old man‟s mumbling was inaudible

across the room

Root 28. Root „VIS‟ „VID‟ meaning „see‟

1 Visage (common noun) = the face; the visible part of human body through which a

person is recognized or seen.

2 Visible (adjective) = that which can be seen

3 Vision (abstract noun) = physical eyesight; ability of the human eye to be able to

see; metaphorically speaking also the mental eyesight that means the ability to see

through one‟s mind‟s eye on a long term basis;

4 Visionary (common noun) = one who gets visions; also called a daydreamer

because in the beginning all visionaries are laughed at by others as trying to

convert dreams in to reality.

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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5 Envision (verb) = ability to make a mental picture on basis of a description or

imagination; to envisage something not seen earlier.

6 Visit (abstract noun)= the act of visiting another person to see him / her

7 Visitor (common noun) = one who visits to see or meet; a guest

8 Visitation ( abstract noun) = an official visit; something that visits for long such as

visitation of cold and cough that come occasionally for a few days at a time

9 Visor (noun) = a mask for a face / visage; the brim of a cap that juts out to protect

the eyes from direct sunlight

10 Vista (noun) = a view from a distance; such as a vista of a valley or a lake

11 Visual (adjective) = that which relates to eye sight

12 Visual (verb) = try to envisage a face of someone not present in a place

13 Invisible (adjective) = that which cannot be seen; that which is not visible

14 Evident ( adjective) = that which is clearly seen or visible

15 Provide (verb) = to see what is needed and to supply it

16 Provision (common noun) = necessary things that are provided beforehand or

before their need arises

17 Providential (adjective) = provided by divine fate / or providence (heaven)

18 Television (noun) = that which makes visible through telecasting / broadcasting

Root 29 Suffix „AGE‟ meaning „act of‟ / „state of‟ / „result of‟ /

„function of‟/ „collection of‟

1. Carriage (abstract noun) = the act of / the manner of carrying oneself while

walking/ sitting etc.

2. Courage ( abstract noun) = state of strength of mind

3. Courageous (adjective) = one who has the strength of mind; one who is fearless

4. Damage (noun) = result of loss or injury from a situation or act

5. Envisage (verb) = to see with one‟s mind‟s eye

6. Forage (noun) = food for horses and cattle

7. Forage (verb) = when a horse or cattle is searching / looking for food in a field or


8. marriage (noun) = the state of being married or bound in wedlock

9. outrage (noun) = a state of wild anger or wrongdoing

10. outrageously (adverb) = an act that is wildly wrong and abusively done

11. salvage (verb) = act of making something fit for use;

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 30 Prefix „DIS‟ meaning „take away‟ „deprive of‟ „not‟ This Root carries a

sense of failure in the meaning

1. Disabled (adjective) = deprived of use by an injury or illness

2. Disadvantage (noun) = a loss; a handicap; a detriment

3. Disagree (verb) = not to have the same view or opinion; not to agree with another

4. Disarm(verb) = to take away a weapon; make one weaponless

5. Disapprove (verb) = not approve; to view as wrong

6. Disbar (verb) = to keep away through official order; as disbar a doctor from

practicing or any other professional

7. Discredit (verb) = not to believe in; to disbelieve; not to accept the words of a


8. Discourage (verb) = to take away hope; cause to lose heart

9. Disease (noun) = not a normal state of health; sickness, ill-health

10. Disgrace (noun) = loss of good opinion of others; shame

11. Disgust (abstract noun) = a repulsive feeling at bad manners or taste; a sickening

feeling of being far away from good taste or good manners; sickening in one‟s

behaviour; a manner that is below normal social behaviour

12. Dishonour (verb) = to deprive one of honour; to take away one‟s self respect.

13. Disinherit (verb) = to deprive one of an inheritance that is a person‟s due as a right

14. Dispose (verb) = to be inclined towards someone or something; to throw away or

to give away something. Example: (1) Hari is well disposed to settling down in this

hill station. (2) The medical syringes these days are legally required to be disposed

after one use.

15. Disregard (verb) = not to pay any attention to; to neglect

16. Dissolved (adjective) = broken up; melted away like ice; blending in to another

form and losing the earlier form, such as salt dissolved in water

17. Distrust (abstract noun) = lack of trust in another ; doubting the words of the other

18. Disconcerted (adjective) = loss of control over oneself; very upset; highly

disturbed state of mind.

Root 31 Suffix „MENT‟ meaning „state of‟/ „act of‟/ „result of an action‟

This suffix when added to verbs converts them in to nouns. It is also a duplicate Root

for suffix „AGE‟ in Nos. 29. All words given in this list are noun.

1. Achievement (noun) = a state that is reached as a goal with efforts / or a

goal that is accomplished after efforts or repeated attempts

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 31

2. Aggrandizement (noun) = state of becoming larger in size as a result of

taking away land, wealth etc from others

3. Alignment (noun) = result of setting in line more than one object. Example:

wheel alignment in motor vehicles

4. Amendment (noun) = the result of changing a law; any addition or omission

in laws is done through an amendment duly notified in the „Gazette of


5. Apartment = a set of rooms to live in; a residence

6. Appeasement = an act of trying to pacify the anger of another through acts

that please him / her; a state of trying to calm down an angry person

7. Attainment = a state of having reached a goal or target aspired for

8. Compliment = praise given as a result of an action

9. Contentment = a state of mind of being satisfied with the existing

circumstances in life

10. Ferment = a state of unrest

11. Instrument = a means or a tool to get a result

12. Nourishment = the act of providing food for the body

13. Postponement = a result of putting a work or action for a later time, a delay

14. Presentiment = a mental image or feeling of forewarning about some

trouble or situation likely to arise in the near future. A premonition.

15. Resentment = a result of anger against another for a reason or cause

16. Statement = an expression of fact or opinion

17. Testament = result of an expression or tribute

Root 32 Root FAC or FACT = to make , to construct

1. Facile (adjective) = easy to make or achieve, a work that can be done even by a

child; very easy to makes

2. facility ( noun) = possessing the quality of being easy to make or do

3. facilitate (verb) = to help or make easy to do

4. facsimile (noun) = a copy of a original document or painting that is exactly the

same in every detail.

5. fact = a thing done, a deed, an action that has been done

6. factor (noun) = a person who transacts business (of items produced in a factory)

7. factor (verb) = to resolve into factors, a process in arithmetic. To factorize.

8. factory (noun) = a place where goods are made with the help of machines

9. factive (adjective) = making or causing to be made

10. faculty = ability to act or do something

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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11. faction ( noun) = a small group with in a political party that does not agree with

the majority view point, a group that makes a dissent

12. factious (adjective) = Inclined to dissent

13. factotum (noun) = one who can do or make many things

14. factitious (adjective) = made artificially, not made by nature

15. manufacturer (noun) = one who owns a factory that makes goods or

manufactures goods from raw material

16. dissatisfaction (noun) = a mental state of being made unhappy by another

person‟s work that is not as it was required or is not of the quality that was


Root 33 Root FIC or FECT meaning „make‟

1. Amplification (noun) = to make larger, or louder, or of higher frequency

2. Affect (verb) = to make an impression on

3. Acidification (noun) = the process of making an acid

4. beneficiary (noun) = a person to whom a benefit is made; one who

receives a benefit or gain without having to pay for it

5. calorific (adjective) = making heat

6. Certificate (noun) = a written proof of a fact.

7. Confection (noun) = the act or process of making a tasty or dainty dish

with preserved fruits and sugar. Therefore a confectionary makes

biscuits, jams, sauce and marmalade that are delicious and are preserved

for a longer time.

8. Defective (adjective) = something that has not been made completely for

fully; wanting in completion; or a part of it is missing that prevents the

good from functioning properly. Having a defect.

9. Deficiency (abstract noun) = the quality or state of having a defect or

shortfall. Example – the deficiency of calcium in food can cause tooth

trouble or can weaken bones in human body

10. disinfect ( verb ) = to make free of germs and bacteria through use of

special chemicals

11. effectual (adjective) = having results, being effective in making

12. Efficacious ( adjective) = producing the desired result, making the

correct impact

13. efficacy (abstract noun) = the ability or quality of making the desired

impact or result

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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14. magnificent ( adjective) = make something very attractive; make

something grand and strikingly attractive

15. Personification (noun) (Is also a figure of speech in literature) = to make

a non-living object resemble a living person; to personify; to make

another similar to a person.

16. Proficient (adjective) = able to do things well. Example He is proficient

in Mathematics.

17. Versification (noun) = make in to poetic verse form; make lines in

poetic form

Root 34 Prefix „NON‟ = not.

This Root is not as emphatic as Root No. 21

1. Non-age (noun) = the state of not being of legal age. Law in every

country fixes a certain age after which a person is recognized as an

adult. Below that age the person is considered as a child. In India this

age is 18 years after which a person may register as a voter and vote

in elections or get a driving license and so on. The critical difference

between a „nonage‟ person and an adult is that as a child one is still

learning about life and society. Therefore, a nonage person is not

held responsible for any activity that he /she may do. As an adult a

person is fully responsible for each and every decision and activity

and has to bear the consequences of all his / her actions. For

example, if a nonage person breaks a traffic law of driving a vehicle

with out a driving license, it is the parents or guardians who are held

responsible and not the nonage person. But if an adult breaks a

traffic law then he himself has to pay the penalty under the law.

2. Non-contemporary (adjective) = not belonging to the present times.

Generally used in the context of art – non-contemporary painting

3. non-descript (adjective) = not easy to describe. Generally used to

refer to something very common and ordinary

4. Nonsense ( abstract noun) = reason of an act not understood by


5. Nonsensical (adjective) = something that is not making any sense;

6. Non profit (adjective) = not for making profit out of an activity

7. Nontaxable (adjective) = not able to be taxed under the law.

8. Nontoxic (adjective) = not having any poisonous element or effect.

Example – nontoxic waste

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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9. Nonpartisan (adjective) = not belonging to any party or group.

Maintaining a middle ground and equal distance from all groups /


10. Nonstop ( adjective) = having no stops between the point of

departure and the destination in its movement or during its transit

11. Nonplus ( abstract noun) = the mental state of total uncertainty, a

state of perplexity when one does not know what to do

12. Non-quota ( adjective) = not a part of a fixed quota or amount.

Root 35 Suffix – ARY, ERY, ORY = relating to; quality of; place


1. Bakery (noun) = a place where bread, biscuits and other

confectionary dishes are baked in an oven.

2. Bindery (noun) = a place where books are bound after printing

3. Bravery ( noun) = a quality of courage

4. Bribery (noun) = a gift of money or something valuable to

influence another person‟s decision in an official act

5. Burglary (noun) = the act of breaking in to another person‟s

house for a theft

6. Depositary ( noun) = a place where valuable things are kept for


7. Dictionary (noun) = a book of words and their meaning; a place

to look for meaning of words

8. Dietary (adjective) = relating to diet or rules for eating during

illness and recovery. Dietary conditions after major illness are to

be followed very strictly.

9. Dormitory (noun) = a common large hall / room in schools or

colleges where hostel students have allocated beds and cupboards

for sleeping and keeping their belongings

10. Factory (noun) = a place where a large number of workers make

goods with the help of machines.

11. Memory ( noun) = the process of recalling a past event; relating

to remembering

12. Necessary (adjective) = relating to a need that is essential.

Example air is necessary for all life forms; food is necessary for


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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 35

13. Obligatory (adjective) = relating to a duty that has to be done;

something compulsory; mandatory; an activity that cannot be

avoided without receiving a penalty for not doing it.

14. Primary (adjective) = things that are important and first in priority

15. Reformatory (noun) = a place with rules of discipline and

restrictions where nonage youngsters who attempt to break a law

are kept to help them learn and reform or change their behaviour.

( re + form = form again)

16. Stationary ( adjective) = quality of standing still, not moving,

state of being fixed in one place

17. Stationery ( noun) = relating to paper and writing material. One

way of avoiding mixing number 14 and 15 is to remember that

„paper‟ in its suffix has „er‟. So „stationery‟ has „ery‟.

18. Voluntary (adjective) = relating to one‟s free will; relating to

one‟s own „volition‟.

Root 36 Suffix „ATE‟ meaning „to cause‟ or „to make‟

All words in this list are Verbs as this Root denotes action.

It is a „doer‟ Root

1. Abbreviate = to make short; to shorten a word

2. Advocate = to defend; to speak up for a cause or reason

3. Arrogate = to claim as one‟s own without any right something

that actually belongs to another (relate it to arrogance )

4. Attenuate = to make thinner; to weaken.

5. Consecrate = to make a place sacred and holy; to put aside

for a religious purposes; used for objects in places of worship;

consecrate is always through a specified religious procedure

or method

6. Dedicate = to set apart for a specific purpose

7. Deviate = to cause to stray from the main path; to cause to

turn aside from main activity. Example to deviate attention

from a lesson; to deviate in to a side path while driving on a

main road.

8. Educate = to cause to learn; to make way towards knowledge

9. Emanate = to come forth; to flow from

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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10. Emancipate = to cause to set free from control; such as

emancipate from poverty and indebtedness. To emancipate

from ignorance through education

11. Enervate = to cause to lose strength; to enfeeble; to make


12. Enumerate = to count and list in sequence one after the other.

The word is taken from numbers 0 to 9 because they come in

an increasing flow of sequence one after the other

13. Exaggerate = to cause to appear larger and bigger than reality

14. Fascinate = to impress so much that another person is put

under a spellbound as if under the influence of a charm

15. Permeate = to cause to go through and through. Example the

water permeates the soil in the fields beyond the roots of the


16. Segregate = to cause to separate in to group on basis of a

common characteristic. Example segregate the boys and girls

in class; segregate books from copies; bags from water -

bottles and so on. This can be done on any criterion

Root 37 Suffix „ITY‟ and „TY‟ = „state of‟ „quality of‟.

All words here are abstract nouns

1. Ability = the quality of being able to do an activity.

2. absurdity = the state of being ridiculous or absurd in the

given circumstances; not making any logical sense

3. acerbity = quality of bitterness as in an acid

4. acuity = quality of sharpness as in a needle

5. adversity = a state of misfortune and obstruction in one‟s


6. ambiguity = the quality of uncertainty in the meaning of a

written or spoken sentence

7. amenity = the quality of being amiable; the quality of

pleasantness in a person

8. authority = the state of having power to act. Example the

authority of parents over the upbringing of their child

9. Celerity = the quality of quickness and speed

10. charity = the quality of kindness to the poor and the


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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 37

11. Chastity = the state of physical purity; the state of being

untouched by another person

12. Clarity = the quality of clearness in sight and vision

13. Complexity = the quality of being complex as opposed to

being simple and straight forward. In Grammar, a

complex sentence has more three or more clauses and is

therefore difficult to construct or understand.

14. Debility = the state of weakness , as in old age

15. dignity = the state of being worthy of self respect

16. Eternity = the state of time without end; timelessness;

forever and ever as far as the Universe

17. Fraternity = the quality of being brothers because one

believes in the same cause or one belongs to the same

motherland / country. This was one of the three words

raised as a slogan during the French Revolution that

overthrew the monarchy to establish democracy in 1789

„Equality, Fraternity, and Liberty‟ It is now the national

slogan of France like India has „Satyamev Jayate’ It was

the common people of France who collected money

among themselves to create and gift the „Statue of

Liberty‟ to the USA after the success of the American

War of Independence (1770) as it was the first country to

establish democracy.

Root 38 Suffix „OUS‟= „full of‟ „having the quality of‟.

This Root is positive and assertive. Therefore it makes the words „full and strong with

feeling and emotions‟ both for good and evil. All the words in this list are adjectives.

1. covetous = full of desire for what others possess; wanting to possess what others

have even by wrong means; full of envy / jealousy

2. delicious = full of delightful taste

3. gracious = full of graceful manners and kindness; example a gracious princess

4. homogenous = (homo = same; gene= basic nature; ous= full of) Full of the same

quality or characteristic throughout

5. luscious = full of delicious taste and aroma („aroma‟ is the pleasant smell from

dishes and fruits)

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 38

6. malicious = full of malice or ill-will towards another; full of wanting to harm

another person for self-gain. Malice is the state of highest form of jealously and

envy that leads a person on to harming the object of his/ her envy

7. mysterious = full of hidden secrets and obscurity; not clearly understood by others.

How large is our Universe and how it came to existence is still a mystery for


8. nervous = a state when the nervous system is full of anxiety; a highly excited state

of nerves; an excited state of mind

9. oblivious = full of forgetfulness; unaware; mindless about one‟s environment

10. obvious = easily seen and understood; full of clarity

11. obnoxious = hateful; objectionable; repulsive

12. opprobrious = full of wrong behaviour that is disgraceful; reproachful behaviour

13. obsequious = full of flattery in one‟s praise of another; slavishly flattering

14. pugnacious = fully inclined to quarrel and fight over anything; quarrelsome by


15. rapacious = full of greed; having a nature that wants to grasp everything or more

than one needs, a very greedy nature

16. serious = full of deep thoughts; full of earnestness in what one is doing

17. spacious = full of space; very roomy, as in a spacious banquet hall

18. tremendous = full of power that is awful and dreadful, power that incites fear and


Root 39 Prefix „AB, ABS = away; from; separation.

All words in the list are verbs as they indicate action

1. abbreviate = a short form of a word or a message; away from the normal form

2. abdicate = to give up a claim and go away from it ; as in „to abdicate one‟s

property rights‟

3. abduct = to take a person away by force; to kidnap

4. aberration = an act of wandering away from the main path or thought

5. abjure = to give up; to renounce

6. ablate = to cut away and remove

7. ablution = to wash away one‟s wrong deed or sins through religious rites

8. abnegate = to give up forever; to relinquish charge of office on retirement

9. abnormal = away from normal in manner or nature or behaviour

10. abolish = to do away completely; to finish for ever; as in abolish capital

punishment; abolish a particular tax.

11. abrogate = to repeal a law; to end it entirely

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 39

12. abscond = to steal away and hide; to decamp

13. absolve = to separate or free someone from blame or charge for a wrong act

14. abstain = to hold back from; as in to abstain from having sweets; to abstain from

voting in elections

15. absorb = to suck in a fluid. Example a blotting paper absorbs the excessive ink;

cotton clothes are better for absorbing sweat during the summer months; the air

absorbs water vapour.

16. abstract = to draw away from; to separate from association

Root 40 Suffix „SHIP‟ = meaning office, state, dignity, skill, quality,


This Root can be added to several words to make the noun form

1. authorship = the profession of writing books to earn a living

2. championship = the office of a defender on one‟s title in a sport

3. citizenship = the state of being a member of a country through legal rights

4. courtship = the act of being pleasant to a lady through gifts, praise and good

manners in order to win her over for marriage

5. craftsmanship = a high quality of skill in one‟s art and craft

6. dictatorship = the highest office in a non-democratic; head of a totalitarian state. It

is called totalitarian because total or all power is concentrated in the hands of one

person who is called the dictator. He only dictates his wishes or orders. No one can

question him. Dictatorship as a form of government has emerged in the 1940s.

7. friendship = good personal relationship between two individuals

8. hardship = the state of passing through days of great financial and physical

difficulties; a period of suffering mentally and / or physically

9. professorship = office of a teacher in a University

10. showmanship = skill in organizing good shows; skill in display of one‟s art before

an audience.

Root 41 Suffix „ANCY‟ „ANC‟ = action; process; quality; state;


1. Accountancy = the work or profession of keeping accounts of income and

expenditure in a business

2. assistance = the act of giving help to another in office or in need

3. attendance = the act of being present in a required place such as a class; the job of

waiting to serve as in a hotel;

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 40

4. alliance = the state of being joined together in matrimony (marriage); or in a

political alliance of two or more parties

5. defiance = the state or act of opposing or being against an authority or order

6. dominance = state of authority

7. endurance = the ability to with stand hardship

8. elegance = the quality of being graceful in manners and tasteful in one‟s clothes

9. reluctance = the state of being not willing to do something asked for

10. tolerance = the quality of graceful forbearance of defiance or opposition by others

11. intolerance = the opposite quality of tolerance; not forbearing any opposition.

Example the dictator is intolerant of all opposition to his authority

12. relevance = the quality of being related to something

13. resistance = the process of defiance against an authority, a law or a form of


14. vigilance = the state of being alert; state of being watchful

Root 42 Suffix „ENCE‟ „ENCY‟ = action; state; quality

1. belligerency = the quality of ability to fight, and fighting nature

2. competence = the quality of fitness and ability to do a work

3. complacency = the state of being satisfied with one self; not wanting to do more

than has been done; a state of smugness

4. Conference = an act of coming together for a short period of one or two days to

exchange views on a subject or a matter

5. deficiency = the state of being in deficit or shortfall; the quality of lacking in

something that is required

6. existence = the quality of existing; of being in this world

7. fluency = the quality of knowing a language very well; as in fluency over Hindi

8. influence = the act of creating an impression; the quality of having power to

control others through one‟s impact. Example Films and advertisements are said

to have great influence over the minds of children

9. obedience (noun) = the quality of obeying . Adjective form is obedient.

10. urgency (noun) = a state of need for instant action Urgent (adjective)

Root 43 Root „COR‟ „COUR‟ „CORD‟ means „heart‟.

Words beginning with these or having this root in the middle refer to the

fundamental essential or core or centre of the matter.

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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1. Core (noun) = the very centre of. Example core of a fruit where the seeds are

located; core of the Earth which is molten lava

2. Cordial ( adjective) = cheerful and showing warmth from the heart in one‟s

behaviour; a smiling and well mannered host; cordial relationship between two

persons implies a heart to heart understanding and commitment for each other

3. Cordially ( adverb) = in a hearty manner; Example, cordially welcoming the guest at

the wedding

4. Courage (noun) = full of bravery from the heart; courage is the core of the quality of

bravery because without courage there cannot be any brave thought or act.

5. Cordiality (noun) = warmth of feeling and heartiness

6. Discouraged (adjective) = disheartened; loss of heart and courage

7. Encouraged (adjective) = given courage and hope; made hopeful.

8. Undiscouraged (adjective) = not disheartened

Root 44 Root from French „Court‟ = king‟s assembly and also a house of


1. Courtesy (abstract noun) = good manners and formal behaviour befitting a

person interacting with the king in his court; best of manners and graceful


2. Courteously ( adverb)= behaving with courtly politeness and grace

3. Courtier (common noun) = a member of the king‟s court

4. Courtliness (abstract noun) = the quality of elegant behaviour appropriate at the

king‟s court.

Note: In the context of democracy, the President and the Prime Minister are

equivalent of the king and therefore, behaviour in their presence requires courtesy.

Also, because the King‟s Court two centuries ago was also a house of justice, which

in a democracy has separated in to an independent Judicial System throughout the

world Therefore in the Supreme Court of India and all other courts, courteous and

formal behaviour is essential. Otherwise, a person can be punished for „contempt of

court‟. Similarly in „Social and Political Life‟ notes I have mentioned that every

thing relating to the State of India and Government of India is „formal‟ and „rule-

based‟. There are rules of appropriate behaviour for every official occasion, such as

the Republic Day and every officer of the Government.

5. Courthouse (noun) = the building and places were judicial courts function

6. court-martial (noun) = a military court trial for an offence as per army rules

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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7. courtship (noun) = a period of time ranging from a few days to a few years

during which a gentleman woos a lady in accept his proposal for marriage

8. Discourtesy (abstract noun) = the bad quality of rudeness in behaviour; lack of

proper behaviour for a given occasion.

9. Discourteously (adverb) = rudely

Root 45 Prefix „BE‟ = intensive

1. Bedeck (verb) = to dress up with too much finery befitting a special occasion.

2. Beguile (verb) = to intensively deceive by casting a spell; to create an illusion of

one‟s goodness even when one has ulterior motive of causing damage and loss

3. behaviour (noun) = one‟s basic conduct in society; one‟s natural conduct with


4. belabour ( verb) = to beat up someone intensively and soundly; to thwack

5. beleaguer (verb) = to surround and blockade intensively; as a fort used to be

beleaguered by an army

6. beloved (adjective) = loved with great intensity

7. bemused ( adjective) = dreaming so intensively that one is carried away by one‟s

dreams and starts believing them to be a reality.

8. bewail (verb) = to cry out loudly and intensively; express sorrow by crying out

loud. Example „a bewailing child‟

9. behoove (verb) = to be intensively necessary and proper. Example, Such a

speech does not behoove a Member of Parliament.

10. Bequest (noun) = a gift of a large fortune given to a relative or a friend; a legacy

11. Berate ( verb) = to scold loudly and harshly

12. bestow ( verb) = to give an intangible benefit such as bestow a blessing; to grant

a financial benefit

13. Besmirch (verb) = to make dirty as if with wet mud; to bespatter the good name

of someone with false charges and accusations; to befoul or make foul the good

name of someone

14. Bereave (verb) = to rob and deprive cruelly and unexpectedly. Normally, a

person is said to be bereaved by the sudden death of a family member. Therefore

the expression „ the cruel hand of fate‟

15. bestride ( verb) = to walk with long strides. A stride is the distance between the

left leg and the right leg during walking. So bestride is intensive walking which

is almost the maximum length to which one‟s legs can be distanced while

walking. This is to be distinguished from running. Running is speedier than

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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bestriding. Bestriding is a form of „walking at highest speed possible‟ with long

strides. Running is generally in small strides and quicker.

16. Betoken (verb) = to give a warning signal; as in „the dark grey clouds betoken a

heavy rainfall.

17. betroth (verb) = to become engaged to someone for marriage. Affiance

Root 46 Suffix „IZE‟ = to make.

Through this Root all words are converted in to verbs

1. Acclimatize = to adapt to new conditions of the climate

2. Centralize = to bring a system under one control; or a single control of the centre

3. Decentralize = opposite of to centralize; to divide and take control and authority

away from the centre

4. emphasize = to make important by placing a stress or emphasis

5. familiarize = to make well known and familiar to everyone

6. idolize = to treat like an idol of god or a perfect superior creature above the normal;

to treat as a role model for one own life

7. fertilize = to treat soil with enriching chemicals; to make fruitful

8. memorize = to make firm in the mind or memory

9. mesmerize = to control the mind of another person through hypnosis

10. ostracize = to throw outside society; to shun and banish from society

11. pauperize = to make very poor; to make

12. penalize = to subject another person to a monetary fine or penalty as part of


13. publicize = to make the public aware of an event

14. scrutinize = subject a document to close reading or a thing to detailed examination

Root 47 Prefix „CON‟ = with or together.

In a few cases „n‟ in „con‟ converts to b, h, l, m, or o

1. Connect (verb) = to link together; to create a relationship

2. Connection (noun) = the state of being connected; a union

3. Congress (noun) = the act of coming together of several people for one meeting

4. Congregate (verb) = to come together in one place for a political rally or meeting

5. Congregation (noun) = an open gathering of many persons for a specific purpose.

6. Cohere (verb) = to be together; to support each other as a group

7. Coherence ( noun) = a coming together of parts; a togetherness of ideas

8. Cooperate ( verb) = to work together for a common cause

9. Cooperation (noun) = a joint effort by many persons for a common cause

10. Collect ( verb) = to gather in one place similar or dissimilar things or persons

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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11. Collide (verb) = to clash headlong. Generally used for colliding of many interests in

politics and in industry or business

12. Collision (noun) = a clash; a violent clashing of two parties over a dispute; or a

headlong clashing of two armies or two vehicles

13. Combine (verb) = to mix together, as in to combine sugar with milk

14. Combat ( noun) = to fight a battle

15. Combatant (noun) = one who takes part in a combat

16. Commend (verb) = to mention with praise; to entrust or mention a person to another

person through praise of his merits

17. Commendation (noun) = an act of mentioning with praise

18. Compound ( noun) = a chemical made of two or more elements; something made

of several parts

19. Correct (verb) = to remove errors of faults in a calculation or a writing or speech

20. Correlate ( verb) = to establish a one to one relationship of various factors

influencing one or two situations

Root 48 Prefix „PRO‟ = forward, forth

1. Proceed (verb) = to go forward; to advance in space or work or towards a goal

2. Procedure (noun) = method for going forward towards a goal

3. Proclaim ( verb) = to bring before the public; to publicize

4. Proclamation ( noun) = a notice officially declared

5. Procure ( verb) = to get; to gain; to purchase to acquire and possess something

6. Produce ( verb) = to lead forward; to bring forth

7. Production (noun) = the act of bringing forth products, goods, or grains. Also

movies and plays in the present context

8. Profess (verb) = to take vows; to openly admit

9. Professor (noun) = one who professes; a teacher in an institution of higher education

10. Profession ( noun) = Art or skill which is the result of study and experience and

helps in getting a livelihood

11. Progress ( noun) = the act of going forward towards a goal

12. Progressive (adjective) = causing the going forward towards a goal

13. Progression ( noun) = the orderly going forward as in statistical analysis

14. Project ( verb) = to throw forward from one point; to create a plan for moving


15. Proliferate (verb) = to bring forward in large numbers by rapid production

16. Prolific (adjective) = bringing forth fruits. Also used for „a prolific writer‟ for a

person who writes fluently and frequently

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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17. Promote (verb) = to move forward in office; to advance to the next higher grade of


18. Prolix (adjective) = to take forward to cause delay needlessly; drawn out; needlessly


19. Proficient (adjective) = adept; very skill in study or work;

20. Profluent ( adjective) = flowing forward smoothly

Root 49 Root „ANNI‟ „ ENNU‟ „ENNI‟ = year

1. per annum (adverb) = for one year

2. annuity ( noun) = an amount of money paid annually

3. anniversary (noun) = an annual return of an event or day

4. biennial (noun) = an event that occurs once in two years

5. annual (noun) = relating to a year; very year

6. annually (adverb) = yearly; taxes or dues that are collected annually

Root 50 Prefix ANTE = before

1. antecede (verb) = to go before

2. antecedent ( noun) = the events that have already occurred till now; the word

that precedes a pronoun

3. anteroom ( noun) = a room before another room; a waiting room in an office or


4. antedate (verb) = to date a piece of art or painting prior to the date of its creation

so as to increase its value; to precede in time in placing something

5. ante-past ( noun) = a foretaste; an appetizer before the main meal such as jal

jeera or soup or salad; an appetizer is believed to increases one‟s capacity for


6. anterior ( adjective ) = lying behind in time or location; such as an anterior room

that is behind the main hall

7. ante-meridian (A.M.) (adjective ) = the period of time during the day that comes

before noon. Meridian here refers to the 0 degree longitude that passes near

London and across the Pacific Ocean from North Pole to the South Pole. Please

note that London is the only significant city along this Latitude. After the

European countries had established colonies across the other Continents a need

to establish international Standard for time zones was felt. Because England at

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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the time had the largest number of colonies and was most powerful amongst the

colonial powers the longitude passing near London was accepted as the noon

time basis for determining the world time zones. The modern world continues to

use this basis for international time as a common reference point even though

each country today has its own standard national time.

Root 51 Suffix AD = Action or Result of Action.

Coverts into ADE; ATA; ADA also

All words in this list are nouns

1. Blockade = the action of isolating the enemy from all communications during a


2. Brigade = a unit in the army comprising of two regiments and headquarters

3. Cavalcade = A parade of horsemen on the march

4. Decade = a period of ten years

5. Fusillade = a rapid discharge of many firearms at the same time

6. Lemonade = a cold drink made by mixing lime, sugar and water

7. Myriad = a collective number; ten thousand

8. Promenade = a public place or narrow path for leisurely walk in the evening, as

in a park

9. Seranade = is a love song sung in the evening to express the parting of lovers for

the night. Its basis are the birds singing in the evening.

(Is based on the French word „Le sera sera‟ meaning „what will be, will be‟)

Root 52 Root CLAIM; CLAM = to declare; to call out aloud; to cry out

1. acclaim (verb) = to praise; to applaud

2. claim (verb) = to call one‟s own; to ask for; to maintain

3. declaim (verb) = to make a formal speech

4. disclaim ( verb) = to disown; to cast off; to deny

5. reclaim ( verb) = to demand the return of; to make effort to gain back

something lost; to try to regain

6. exclaim ( verb) = to call out loud; (as if in pain)

7. exclamation ( noun) = an outcry; a loud cry of joy or excitement

8. claimant (noun) = a person who makes a claim

9. reclaimable (adjective) = that which can be claimed back and restored

10. irreclaimable (adjective) = that which cannot be salvaged or restored from

its broken state

11. irreclaimability ( abstract noun) = the quality of not being able to be restored

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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12. unclaimed ( adjective) = not claimed by anyone as own. For example „Many

of the lost articles in the „Lost and Found Room‟ of Railways are


13. proclaim (verb) = make known to the public

14. proclamation (noun) = A notice to the public about an event

15. proclamatory (adjective) = relating to the act of proclaiming

16. exclamatory (adjective) = relating to exclamation. Example an exclamatory


Root 53 Prefix DE = away; from

1. Debunk ( verb) = to expose as false

2. Defend (verb) = to protect

3. Defend = ( noun) = one who protects

4. Defence-less (adjective) = without a protector

5. Decay (verb) = to fall in to ruin or spoil

6. Decadence ( noun) = the state of falling in to low conduct

7. Depend ( verb) = to rely upon; to place trust in

8. Dependent ( adjective) = relying upon

9. Depose ( verb) = to remove from position; example to depose a dictator

10. Delude ( verb) = to cheat by making false promises

11. Deprive (verb) = to take away something belonging to another

12. Deride (verb) = to make fun of; to laugh at; to mock at another person

Root 54 Root MEM = remember

1. Commemorate (verb) = to observe an event such as birthday on a

regular basis so as to remember it

2. Memory (noun) = the ability to recall and remember

3. Memorable ( adjective) = something worth remembering

4. Memorial (noun) = a reminder of a great event

5. Memorialize (verb) = to commemorate; to present as a memorial

6. Remember ( verb) = to bring to mind again; to recall

7. Remembrance ( noun) = the act of bringing to mind again

8. Unremembered (adjective) = not remembered

9. In Memoriam (preposition) = in memory of

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 55 Root „TEN‟ TENT‟ „TAIN‟ „TINU‟= to hold; to hold


1. Contents ( noun) = contained in; that what is held together

2. Contended ( adjective) = easy in mind; having peace of mind

3. Continue (verb) = to hold on; to carry on; to keep on

4. Continual (adjective) = something that is repeated for long; example

the continual ringing of the phone

5. Continually (adverb) = without stopping

6. Discontented (adjective) = not contented

7. Intent ( adjective) = engrossed with the work on hand; holding one‟s

mind on one thing and on the matter at hand; Example „He is intent on

this work‟

8. Intention (noun) = aim; resolve

9. Maintain ( verb) = to up hold firmly; to keep up

10. Maintenance (noun) = support for holding together;

11. Retain (verb) = to hold securely; to keep; to retain control

12. Retentive (adjective) = tending to hold on; example a retentive


13. Tenable ( adjective) = able to be held on to; that which can be

defended; as in a tenable argument

14. Untenable (adjective) = that which cannot be held together; not tenable

15. Tenacity (noun) = the quality of holding together; as in the tenacity of


16. Tenacious ( adjective) = tending to hold together firmly; as in the

tenacious grip of the eagle.

Root 56 Root CLUD CLUS = shut

1. Conclude (verb) = to close a matter or a writing composition, or an


2. Conclusion (noun) = the end; the completion of

3. Conclusive (adjective) = final; as in the conclusive evidence in the


4. exclude (verb) = to shut out of;

5. exclusion (noun) = the act of shutting out

6. exclusive (adjective) = tending to keep others out

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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7. include ( verb) = to take in to the group

8. inclusion (noun) = the act of taking in

9. occlude (verb) = to shut the passage or the way

10. occlusion (noun) = the shutting up of an opening in the wall or any

other path

11. preclude ( verb) = to close beforehand; to shut down before time

12. preclusion (noun) = state of preventing or shutting out; state of


13. recluse (noun)= one who shuts himself away from everyone like a


14. seclude (verb) = to shut away; to confine;

15. seclusion ( noun) = the act of shutting oneself away from society

Root 57 Prefix CIRC CIRCUM = around

1. Circuit (noun) = the distance around an area or space

2. Circuitous (adjective) = having roundabout manner of conduct; sly

behaviour like that of a fox; attempting to cause damage through

longer circular means by pretending something else

3. circumvent ( verb) = to encircle in order to prevent

4. circumspect ( adjective) = looking around carefully; watchful

5. circumference ( noun) = a line around a plane surface; the

circumference of a circle;

6. circumfluous ( adjective) = flowing around. Example the

circumfluous Pacific Ocean

7. circumstance ( noun) = a condition of a fact; a situation

8. circumscribe ( verb) = to draw a line around something; to encircle

Root 58 Suffix TUDE = state of ; condition of

1. Aptitude (noun) = state of being capable of; having ability for

2. Attitude ( noun) = manner of; feeling towards

3. Beatitude ( noun) = state of heavenly bliss; state of great happiness

4. Fortitude ( noun) = state of bravery and strength; endurance

5. Gratitude (noun) = state of being thankful and grateful

6. Lassitude (noun) = state of tiredness, weariness

7. Latitude (noun) = the degree of distance from side to side, width

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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8. Multitude (noun) = state of having great numbers; such as a

multitude of people came to hear the election speech

9. Plentitude ( noun) = the state of fullness; state of abundance

10. Solitude (noun) = the state of being alone; loneliness

11. Solicitude (another noun) = state of great concern for another

person. The word „solicitor‟ is related to this word. „Solicitor‟ is a

lawyer who seeks justice or solicits before a judge on behalf of


12. Servitude (noun) = the state of being in service of another; the

state of being a servant

13. Turpitude (noun) = state of depravity; state of baseness; as in

moral turpitude

14. Vicissitude (noun) = the state of ups and downs of fortune and

fate; the state of sudden changes

Root 59 Prefix BI, BIS, BIN = two; twice

1. Biceps (noun) = muscles that are fastened at two ends, as the

biceps of the upper arm

2. bicuspid (noun) = a double pointed tooth, or a valve with two


3. Bicycle (noun) = a two wheeled vehicle that is propelled by foot

power and is used for travel

4. Biennial ( adjective) = once in two years

5. Bimonthly ( adjective) = an event that occurs once in every two


6. Biweekly ( adjective) = occurring every two weeks

7. Bifocal ( adjective) = having two lens

8. Bimanual (adjective) = a work that is done by both the hands. This

is shortened in to „manual‟ work

9. Bisect ( verb) = cut in to two parts

10. Binomial (noun) = an expression in mathematics that has two

terms connected with a plus sign or a minus sign. Example a+b

11. Bilingual ( adjective) = Using two languages

12. Binocular ( noun) = an instrument for the two eyes with which

distant things are seen as clearly as being nearby.

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 60 Root VINC VICT = conquer

1. Convict ( verb) = to prove guilty

2. Conviction ( noun) = the act of proving someone guilty in a court of law

3. Convince (verb) = to win over through an argument

4. Invincible (adjective) = that which cannot be defeated or conquered

5. Invincibility ( adverb) = in the manner of one who cannot be defeated

6. Victor ( noun) = one who conquers; one who wins

7. Victory ( noun) = the conquest; the winning; the triumph

8. Victorious (adjective) = full of victory; triumphant

9. Victoriously ( adverb) = triumphantly

10. Vanquish (verb) = to conquer; to overcome

11. Unvanquished ( adjective) = unconquered; not able to be overcome

Root 61 Prefix INTER = among; between

1. Interaction ( noun) = action for mutual advantage between two or more


2. Intercede ( verb)= to act between two parties or persons in order to

restore friendship or remove misunderstanding

3. Interdependent (adjective) = two persons or two parties dependence

upon each other

4. Interdict ( verb) = to forbid; to stop from interacting with or undertaking

an action

5. Interciliary (adjective) = between the eyebrows

6. Inter-costal (adjective) = between the ribs

7. Interfaith (noun) = Involving persons of various religions

8. Interfere (verb) = to meddle; to enter in to the concerns or work of others

9. Interject (verb) = to place in between two sentences or two words.

Example to interject a joke or humorous remark between a lecture or a


10. Interlude (noun) = a small time period between two parts of an activity;

as between two Acts of a Drama or Play. Today it is called intermission

or interval between two parts of a Movie or between two parts of a day at


11. Interpose ( verb) = to position between two things; to intrude

12. Interstate ( adjective) = between two States; interstate trade or bus

13. Intervene ( verb) = come between two persons; to interfere

14. Intervention (noun) = the act of coming between; interference

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 62 Prefix „AN‟ = not; absence of

( Refer to an earlier Root of suffix „AN‟ = native of)

1. Anecdote (noun) = a story or a personal aspect not generally known

to others

2. Ancedotal ( adjective) = interesting and lively conversation full of


3. Anemia ( noun) = a condition of health where there are not enough

red blood cell

4. Anemic (adjective) = deficient in red blood cells

5. Anesthesia (noun) = absence of sensory feelings; numbness

6. Anesthetize (verb) = to induce anesthesia

7. Anesthetist (noun) = the physician who administers anesthesia

8. Anomaly ( noun) = a variation from a rule; an irregularity; an

exception to the rule

9. Anomalous (adjective) = irregular; uncomfortable on being an


10. Anonym (noun) = a writer who adopts a pen name to keep his real

name unknown

11. Anonymous (adjective) = without a name. example an anonymous


12. Anonymity (noun) = the state of being nameless; adopting a different

name to hide real identity

13. Anomy (noun) = state of absence of law and order; state of anarchy

and chaos.

14. Anopia ( noun) = a defect in vision or absence of the eye.

15. Anorganism (noun) = an inorganic structure such as a crystal

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 63 Root MAN, MANU = by hand

1. Manual ( adjective) = relating to hands; work done by hands

2. manicure ( noun) = the care of the hands and nails

3. manufacture (noun) = the act of making goods by hand or machines

4. manifest ( adjective) = something that is seen at hand; an obvious

thing; a thing that is apparent

5. maneuver (verb) = to bring about by skill of hands; to manipulate

6. manuscript (noun) = a book written by hand before it is printed

7. manipulate ( verb) = to work out by hand; to manage

8. manipulation (noun) = skillful handling of work by hands; example

manipulation of puppets during a show

9. emancipate ( verb) = set free; to release; to liberate

10. emancipation (noun) = the act of liberation

Root 64 Root CRED = believe

1. accredit ( verb) = to recognize as acceptable for approval

2. accreditation ( noun) = A certificate of recognition or acceptance

3. creed ( noun) = a set of principles; a formula of faith

4. credence (noun) = belief in; trust in; faith in

5. credible (adverb) = believably; plausibly

6. incredibly (adverb) = unbelievably

7. credit ( noun) = value or worth as believed by others

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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8. discredit ( noun) = not worthy of believing

9. creditor ( noun) = one who loans money on credit to another

10. credulity ( noun) = a willingness to believe easily

11. credulous (adjective)= inclined to believe readily

12. credulously (adverb) = trustingly

13. incredulity ( noun) = a lack of willingness to believe easily

14. incredulous ( adjective) = not inclined to believe

15. incredulously ( adverb) = distrusting; in the manner of not believing

Root 65 Prefix ANTI; ANT = against

1. antacid (noun) = a remedy for acidity of stomach

2. antagonism ( noun) = a strong feeling against a person

3. Antarctic (noun) = opposite of Arctic or North Pole, namely the

South Pole

4. Antibody ( noun) = a chemical substance in the body that opposes

foreign substances

5. Antidote ( noun) = a remedy against a poison

6. Anticlimax ( noun) = a movement in opposite direction from a

great event to a total let down or a lesser event; opposite of

climax or the high point of a great event

7. Antipathy (noun) = a strong feeling of dislike; opposite of


8. Antipodes (noun) = two places or parts of the world that are

opposite to one another

9. Antithesis ( noun) = A contrast of ideas

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 66 Root UNI = one

1. Unicorn ( noun) = a legendary horse like creature with one horn on

its nose

2. Uniface ( noun) = a design that is printed only on one side of a


3. Unify ( verb) = to make in to one; to join

4. Unification (noun) = the act of making in to one

5. Unilateral (adjective) = one sided;

6. Unique ( adjective) = one of a kind; having no equal;

7. Uniqueness ( noun) = the quality of being unique

8. Unity ( noun) = oneness; togetherness; harmony

9. Unanimous ( adjective) = only one opinion held by all

10. Universe ( noun) = All parts of the world seen as one; the Cosmos

11. Universal ( adjective) = relating to everyone; relating to the whole


12. Universality ( noun) = the quality of appealing to everyone; or to the


13. University ( noun) = an institution of higher learning where all the

branches of knowledge are taught

14. Unanimity (noun) = the quality of oneness in agreement

15. Re-unification (noun) = the state of being one again

Root 67 Root FEDER; FIDE; FID; FEAL = trust; faith; unity of trust

1. bona fide ( adjective) = in good faith; genuine

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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2. Federal ( adjective) = united; in the nature of a trusting alliance

3. Federation ( noun) = a union of like-minded organizations

4. Federalism ( noun) = the principle of national organization

5. Federalist (noun) = a person who believes in federalism

6. Confederacy ( noun) = a union created for mutual support and common action for a


7. confederate ( noun) = a member of a group that is united for a purpose

8. confide ( verb) = to have trust in someone

9. confident ( adjective) = self reliant

10. Confidence ( abstract noun) = the quality of self reliance; the nature of depending of

own self instead of on others

11. Confidential ( adjective) = in the nature of a secret that is entrusted to another;

example a confidential file or a confidential letter that is to be seen only by those

authorized for seeing it

12. fidelity (noun) = faithfulness to duty; loyalty; fealty

13. infidel ( noun) = a person who has no faith in a religion

14. infidelity (noun) = disloyalty; unfaithfulness

15. perfidy ( noun) = disloyalty; deceit; treachery

16. perfidious (adjective) = treacherous; deceitful

Root 68 Root OPUS; OPER = work

1. Opera ( noun) = a drama that is set to music and is sung in place of spoken

2. Operate ( verb) = function; to perform surgery

3. Operation ( noun) = a action done as a part of practical work

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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4. operational ( adjective) = relating to work performed

5. operative ( adjective) = having the power to act

6. operator ( noun) = one who works on a device or a machine

7. cooperate ( verb) = to work together for a common cause

8. cooperation ( noun) = the act of working together for mutual benefit

Root 69 Suffix IVE = causing; making

1 Abusive ( adjective) = tending to mistreat and cause insult through word

2 Accumulative ( adjective) = causing to pile and cumulate

3 Additive ( adjective) = tending to add or be added

4 Affirmative ( adjective) = tending to agree and confirm

5 Aggressive ( adjective) = tending to push oneself forward

6 Appreciative (adjective) = tending to understand and to value a thing

7 Assertive ( adjective) = tending to claim one‟s rights and views

8 Authoritative (adjective) = causing and demanding obedience with out


9 Cohesive (adjective) = making things stick together

10 Conjunctive ( adjective) = causing a union of words like a conjunction that

joins words and sentences

11 Cooperative (adjective ) = Tending to work together

12 Commemorative (adjective) = causing to be remembered; example a

commemorative stamp issued in memory of a leader

13 Declarative ( adjective) = Tending to make a statement

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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14 Deliberative ( adjective) = tending to careful and intentional; as a

deliberative manner of speaking or walking

15 Derogative (adjective) = tending to lessen the value and respect of another

through words

16 Digestive ( adjective ) causing digestion

17 Evocative ( adjective) = tending to evoke a mental picture; to call forth an

image through descriptive

18 Exhaustive ( adjective) = making every kind of test to examine something

19 Subtractive ( adjective) = tending to take away and lessen

Root 70 Suffix CULE = very small

1. crepuscule ( noun) = dim light; half light; twilight

2. minuscule ( noun) = very small; insignificant; tiny

3. reticule ( noun) = a small net handbag

4. ridicule ( noun) = a small mocking laughter

Root 71 Suffix LING; ICLE = very small

(second and third Roots for tiny)

1. Duckling (noun) = a little duck

2. Fledgling (noun) = all baby birds as they hatch out of eggs; just born; an

inexperienced person

3. hireling (noun) = someone hired to do petty or small jobs for small

amounts of payment

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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4. nestling ( noun) = a baby bird still in the nest and unable to fly

5. sapling ( noun) = a very small plant that has sprouted from the seed


6. underling (noun) = a person of a very low status in society; poorest of the

poor in society

7. Article (noun) = a small composition of writing on one topic only

8. Funicle (noun) = a small bundle of threads or cords

Root 72 Suffix URE = state of, act, process of, rank.

1. Censure (verb) = the act of finding fault in another

2. Culture (noun) = result of or state of development of sense of art and

mode of life through education; the act of having correct taste in art

music and acceptable mode of manners in one‟s social behaviour

3. Exposure = state of being laid open to full view of others

4. Future ( noun) = the state of things or time that is yet to come

5. immature (adjective) = unripe; not yet fully grown

6. picture ( noun) = a representation through painting, drawing or


7. posture (noun) = state of one‟s bearing or carrying one‟s body; one‟s

carriage of oneself through walking, standing, sitting.

8. pressure (noun) = force; painful force that causes distress

9. procedure (noun)= manner or method of a course of action

10. rupture (noun) = a state of a break in the smooth flow of things, such as

a rupture in the muscle, or a vein.

11. signature (noun) = the seal of approval or a right to approve a given


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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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12. tenure ( noun) = the act or right of holding a post or land or a property

for a specified period of time

13. temperature (noun) = the state or degree of heat or cold in an object

Root 73 Root FIX = fix.

It is generally used alone without prefix or suffix

1. Affix ( verb) = to fix or fasten in any way; to seal

2. Fix ( noun) = a difficult position; a dilemma; a choice between two

situations that is equally harmful or difficult

3. Fixate (verb) = to become fixed

4. Fixation ( noun) = a mental state of being fixed or attached to one


5. Fixative (adjective) = something that causes to be fixed

6. Fixture (noun) = a furnishing fixed firmly to the wall or one point

such as shelves or a counter

7. Transfix (verb) = to hold motionless as in to be transfixed with fear

Root 74 Suffix ISH = in the nature of , resembling

1. Bookish (adjective) = more inclined to reading books

2. Brutish (adjective) = cruel like a brute (a jungle man)

3. Childish (adjective) = like a child

4. Foolish (adjective) = like a fool somewhat ridiculous

5. womanish ( adjective) = feminine like a woman

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 75 Root RECT, RECTI = straight, right

1. direct ( verb) = to show the right way;

2. director ( noun) = one who shows the right way

3. direction ( verb) = the act of directing

4. directive (noun) = an order; instruction for a procedure to be


5. indirect ( adjective) = not in a straight line or course

6. reckon ( verb) = to count; to calculate

7. reckoning ( noun) = a sum total; an account

8. Rectangle (noun) = a right-angled parallelogram

9. Rectangled (adjective) = separated in to rectangles

10. rectitude (noun) = righteousness; uprightness

11. Rectify ( verb) = to make right; to correct an error

Root 76 Root „BIO‟ = life

1. Autobiography (noun) = one‟s own life story written by oneself

2. Biography ( noun) = the written story of the life of one person

3. Biographer (noun) = a person who writes a biography

4. Biogenetic (adjective) = pertaining to the development of life from life that exists

5. Biology ( noun) = the study of living organisms

6. Biopsy ( noun) = examination and analysis of a diseased tissue removed for the

purpose from the body

7. Biota ( noun) = the flora and fauna in an area; plant and animal life in a region

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 77 Root PULS / PEL = drive, push, throw

1. Pulse (noun) = heartbeat; core beat

2. Pulsation (noun) = the throbbing of the heart; the regular heartbeat

3. compel (verb) = to urge; force

4. compulsion (noun) = the state of being forced; driven

5. compulsive (adjective) = being forced

6. compulsory (adjective) = acting under compulsion

7. Dispel (verb) = to scatter; to drive away

8. Expulsion (noun) = state of being thrown out; being expelled

9. Impel (verb) = to force; to urge;

10. Impulsive (adjective) = driven to act quickly;

11. Propel (verb) = to push forward; as in the use of steam to propel ships

12. Propulsion ( noun) = state of being pushed forward

13. Repel ( verb) = to drive back; as in repel the enemy

14. Repulsive (adjective) = disgusting; language or behaviour that pushes one back to

recoil or repel

15. Repellent (adjective) = driving back; as mosquito repellent; water repellent paint

Root 78 Root SPONS / SPOND = pledge, answer

1. correspond ( verb) = to answer and communicate by letter

2. correspondence (noun) = state of answering with letters; method of learning

through submitted lessons and answers through postal service

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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3. correspondent ( noun) = one who communicates with another through exchange

of messages by post or radio on a regular basis. As in a newspaper correspondent

4. Irresponsible (adjective) = not reliable; one who not answerable

5. Respond ( verb) = to answer

6. Responsive ( adjective) = Causing to answer

7. Respondent ( noun) = one who responds

8. Responder ( noun) = one who answers a communication

9. Responsible (adjective) = trustworthy to carry out obligations; answerable

10. Responsibility (noun) = the quality of reliability for the work undertaken

Root 79. Root CEDE / CESS = go, yield, surrender

1. Accede ( verb) = to agree to; to go along with; as in „to accede to a request‟

2. Accession ( noun) = the going to; as in accession to the throne

3. Concede ( verb) = yield to; agree to

4. Decease(verb) = to go away from the world; to depart from life; to die

5. Exceed ( verb) = to go beyond the ordinary and the average

6. Process (noun) = the going forward; the movement forward

7. Procession ( noun) = the act of going forward

8. Recede ( verb) = to go back

9. Recession (noun) = the act of going back

10. Succeed (noun) = to reach the goal; to achieve

11. Success (noun)= the reaching of a goal; achievement

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 80 Root POLY = many

1. Polyclinic ( noun) = A hospital where a variety of diseases are treated

2. polynomial (noun) = a sum of two or more numbers

3. polychromatic (adjective) = having many colours

4. polyglot ( noun) = one who knows many languages

5. Polygon ( noun) = a closed geometrical figure with many angles

Root 81 Prefix APO = away from

1. Apocentre (noun) = the point in the orbit of a planet that is at the greatest distance

from the centre

2. Apogee (noun) = the point in the orbit of any heavenly body that is farthest from the


3. Apology (noun) = an attempt away from a wrong act of behaviour; an attempt to

make an excuse for an act that is not considered appropriate in society

4. Apologetic ( adjective) = In the nature of an apology; as „an apologetic note‟

5. Apoplexy ( noun) = away from full senses; a sudden loss of consciousness; a

fainting stroke partly due to blood pressure

6. Apoplectic (adjective) = in the nature of an emotional stroke; a highly excited

mental condition in which a person may not be in control of his words or behaviour;


7. apostasy (noun) = away from the religious faith one is born in to,

8. apostate (noun) = one who abandons his / her faith

9. apostle ( noun) = an upholder of faith; one who is sent on a mission ; a missionary

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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10. apostrophe (noun) = a comma sign on top of a word to indicate a missing letter; as

in don‟t = do not; can‟t = cannot; shan‟t = shall not; won‟t = will not. The comma

sign that is away from its usual place in the lower part of the word.

Root 82 Prefix PER = through

1. per annum (adverb) = for one year; throughout a year

2. per capita ( adverb) = for each head of population in a country; through the

entire population

3. perforated ( adjective) = bored through with holes; as a perforated paper

sheet for computer printing that has a line of holes on both sides

4. perennial ( adjective) = year after year; through a long period of time

5. perceive ( verb) = to see through; to understand; to take cognizance of; to


6. perception (noun) = the act of seeing through; the act of perceiving; insight;

awareness; the act of understanding

7. perceptive ( adjective) = one who has a keen perception;

8. percent ( noun) = a part of a hundred

9. percentage( noun) = rate of interest; so many per hundred

10. percolate (verb) = to drip through; to filter; as in a coffee percolator

11. per current (adjective) = running through a structure; as the midrib of a leaf

12. percussion ( noun) = the striking of sound; as in percussion musical

instruments such as drums, piano

13. percussive (adjective) = operated through percussion; as a drum beat has a

percussive force;

14. peremptory ( adjective) = final; with authority; through to the end

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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15. perfection (noun) = state of complete development; thoroughly made;

something so complete that it cannot be improved upon.

Root 83 Root CAUSE / CUS / CUSE = cause or motive or purpose

1. cause (verb ) = to make happen

2. cause (noun) = reason; motive

3. causation (noun) = the act of causing; motivation

4. causeless ( adjective) = without reason

5. causable ( adjective) = can be caused

6. causal (adjective) = relating to reason or motive

7. causality ( noun) = connection between cause and effect; agency through

which an action is caused

8. because ( conjunction) = for that reason

9. accuse (verb) = to charge another person with wrong doing; to blame

10. accuser ( noun) = one who accuses or charges another with wrong doing

11. accusatory ( adjective) = in the nature of an accusation

12. accusation ( noun) = a charge of wrong doing

13. excuse (verb) = to attempt to remove the blame; to exonerate; to free of

charge of wrong doing

14. excuse (noun) = the reason for an action

15. excusive ( adjective) = inclined to excuse; inclined to exonerate

16. excusable ( adjective) = that which can be excused

17. inexcusable ( adjective) = that which cannot be excused

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 84 Root HUM / HUMAN = Earth, Man, ground

1. Human ( adjective) = relating to man

2. humane ( adjective) = having qualities of man such as sympathy and

compassion for other living beings

3. humanity (noun) = the quality of being human

4. humanities (noun) = higher studies and subjects relating to various

aspects of life of humans; history; sociology; political science, social

sciences are Humanities offered as Graduate and Post-graduate courses

in various Universities

5. Inhuman ( adjective) = lacking in the qualities of man

6. Humus ( noun) = Earth; ground

7. humic ( adjective) = derived from soil; example humic acid and humate

which is a salt of humic acid

8. Exhume ( verb) = to take out from the ground; to unearth; to dig out; to


9. exhumate ( verb) = to exhume

10. exhumation ( noun) = the act of taking out of the ground

11. humble (adjective) = an unpretentious person; a person who is not


12. humbly (adverb) = meekly; unpretentiously;

13. humility (noun) = the quality of being humble; the quality being

unpretending; the quality of not being arrogant

14. humiliate (verb) = the act of putting another person to shame; the act of

abasing someone; the act of degrading another person.

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 68

15. humiliation ( noun) = feeling of shame and degradation; the feeling of

being thrown to the ground before all others;

Root 85 Root MOB / MOT / MOV = move

1. mobile ( adjective) = capable of moving

2. immobile ( adjective) = not moving; motionless

3. mobility ( noun) = the quality of being able to move

4. mobilize (verb ) = to assemble for movement; as in to mobilize the

armed forces during a war

5. mobilization ( noun) = the act of assembling for action

6. demobilization ( noun) = the act of disbanding the armed forces after


7. automobile ( noun) = a self moving motor vehicle

8. motor ( noun) = that which imparts movement; the source of

mechanical power

9. motorcade (noun) = a group of motors or vehicles going together in a

procession as part of security of a political leader or a very important


10. motion ( noun) = movement; action

11. motionless (adjective) = without motion

12. motive (noun) = cause; inducement to move; stimulus to act

13. motivate ( verb) = move to action;

14. motivation (noun) = the reason for an action; cause; inducement

15. mover (noun) =one who moves

16. automotive (adjective) = self moving; self propelling

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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17. demote ( verb ) = to move away from; to move down in rank of a

hierarchy; to place in a lower grade or post

18. demotion (noun) = the act of being placed in a lower post

19. promotion ( noun) = the act of being placed in a higher post in the

hierarchy in office

20. emotional (adjective) = moved strongly by feelings.

Root 86 Prefix PRE = before

1. Preamble (noun) = an introduction; the Preamble to the Constitution of


2. Precede ( verb) = to go before

3. precedent ( noun) = something similar that had happened before

4. predict (verb) = tell about the happening of an event before hand;

foretell; as „ to predict the weather‟ „to predict the future‟

5. presage (verb) = to know before time; to predict

6. preside (verb) = to occupy the leading place; as in „to preside in a

meeting as a Chairperson‟

7. prelude ( noun) = a musical or a dramatic introduction;

8. preeminent (adjective) = Supreme; above all others; as a preeminent


9. preserve ( verb) = to keep secure from injury; to protect before any

damage can occur

10. presume ( verb) = to take for oneself a right before it has been granted

11. pretender ( noun) = one who falsely makes a claim to an inheritance; as

a pretender to a throne; a pretender to a property

12. prevention (noun) = the act of intervening before trouble

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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13. precocious ( adjective) = having matured very early;

14. preoccupied ( adjective) = already occupied; very busy

15. precaution (noun) = care taken before hand

Root 87 Root MIS/ MISO = wrong, bad, hateful

1. misadventure (noun) = a bad undertaking; a wrong turning down

an unknown path; a misfortune

2. misalliance (noun) = a wrong partnership; an improper marriage


3. misappropriate (verb) = to misuse public or firm‟s money for

oneself; wrong use of funds with which on is entrusted.

4. misbehaviour ( noun) = wrong behaviour or conduct; conduct that

is viewed as bad in right society

5. miscalculate ( verb) = to make an error in calculation; wrong

arithmetic; wrong counting

6. miscarriage ( noun) = wrong handling of something, as in

miscarriage of justice

7. miscast ( verb) = give an actor a wrong role; casting an actor in a

role that is not suited for him / her

8. mischief ( noun) = an act that results in a wrong or injury to

another; a willful wrong act done for fun that causes injury or loss

to another

9. misconception ( noun) = a wrong thought; a wrong idea; a bad

interpretation of a situation; a situation wrongly understood

10. miscreant (noun) = a wrong doer; a person who willfully and

knowingly causes harm or injury to another; a vicious person who

injures others for no reason

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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11. misgiving (noun) = a doubt about the result of some act; a bad

feeling foreboding a wrong result

12. misguide (verb) = to lead someone in a wrong direction; to

willfully give wrong directions or information to another so as to

cause him / her inconvenience in some form or the other

13. misinterpretation (noun) = to understand wrongly; to


14. misrepresent (verb) = to willfully give a wrong report or

impression about something

Root 88 Root LIC / LICIT = permit.

This root is tricky as its meaning ranges from permission under the law and

authority to chaos and disorder. So understand the words clearly

1. license(noun) = a legal document that permits an activity or action. Example a

driving license.

2. licensed (adjective) = permitted; authorized to do an activity

3. licensee (noun) = the person to who the license is given or granted

4. licensor (noun) = a legal authority who is authorized to grant licenses

5. licentious ( adjective) = behaviour in which moral rules are disregarded or

overlooked; taking liberties in one‟s actions; disregarding rules; immoral conduct

not accepted in good society

6. licentiously (adverb) = immorally

7. licentiousness ( noun) = the state of immorality; the state of wrong social behaviour

8. licit (adjective) = permitted; lawfully conceded; lawfully allowed

9. illicit ( adjective) = not permitted by law; illegal; unlawful; such as illicit trade in


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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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10. illicitly (adverb) = unlawfully; illegally

11. license plate ( noun) = a plate or tag showing that a license has been granted

12. unlicensed ( adjective) = an activity not permitted under law; unlawful

Root 89 Root CAPIT / CAPT = head, chief, leader.

1. Capital (noun) = amount of accumulated goods including immovable property;

the city in which the government of a country is located.

2. Capitalize (verb) = to convert in to capital goods; to make a profit.

3. Capitate (adjective) = forming a head; suddenly enlarging in to becoming a head

like formation

4. Decapitate (verb) = to cut off a living being‟s head

5. Capitular ( adjective) = relating to a heading, a chapter, or a leading section of a


6. Capitulate (verb) = to surrender; to bow one‟s head before the enemy or

opposition; to give up one‟s stand or ground

7. Capitulation ( noun) = the surrender

8. Captain ( noun) = the head, or leader or chief; as in captain of a team.

9. Caption (noun) = the heading of a chapter or a section of a book written boldly

to make it distinct or stand out

10. Recapitulate (verb) = to repeat the main points again very briefly as part of a


11. Recapitulation ( noun) = the act of repeating briefly the main points

12. Per capita (adverb) = by each head; equally to each and every person in the

country; as in per capita income of India.

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 90 Root STA / STIT / SIST / STET = stand

1. Assist (verb) = to stand by with help for an activity or job.

2. Circumstances ( noun) = a situation that stands at a given point of time; a

happening; the surrounding for an event

3. Consist (verb) = to have the quality of; to be made up of.

4. Constant (adjective) = fixed; steady; standing in one place for a long time

5. Desist (verb) = to cease or stop an activity; to discontinue; to quit

6. Distant ( adjective) = standing far off; as the distant mountains

7. Ecstasy (noun) = the mental state of being very happy; full of joy; standing

or becoming out of oneself (beyond control ) due to rapture of joy; the

highest state of happiness.

8. Obstacle ( noun) = that which stands in the way as an obstruction or


9. Obstinate (adjective) = standing against a view point; being stubborn;

refusing to change one‟s views or stand.

10. Persist (verb) = stand firmly for an activity or a view point; unyielding; to


11. Resist ( verb) = to with stand; as is resist all obstacles in the path of progress

towards one‟s goal in life.

12. stamina (noun) = the physical strength to with stand the strain of an activity;

the capacity to endure

13. Standard (noun) = a degree or level of quality that must be maintained

14. stage ( noun) = a platform for actors to stand on

15. substance (noun) = the real nature of a thing that keeps it as what it is.

16. Subsist (verb) = to endure adversity; as to subsist on charity

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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17. substitute (verb) = to stand in place of another; to take the place of another as

in a substitute player in the hoc Root team

Root 91 Root DUC / DUCE/ DUCT = lead

1. Abduct ( verb) = to take away by force; to lead someone away by force

2. Conducive ( adjective) = tending to promote or lead towards; as in

„conducive to good health‟

3. Deduct (verb) = to take away from; as in deduct ten percent of the price

4. Deductible ( adjective) = that which can be taken away ; as in tax

deductible at source

5. Educate ( verb) = to lead out from ignorance towards knowledge

6. Induce (verb) = to lead into a situation; to persuade and convince another

in to one‟s own view point

7. Induction (noun) = the act of leading in to a profession or official post; as

in „an induction training‟

8. Introduction (noun) = the act of bringing together

9. Produce (verb) = to lead forward; to bring forth

10. Product ( noun) = anything produced by growth or labour or thoughts

11. Productive (adverb) = causing to bring forth; being creative

12. Production (noun) = the act of bringing forth; the act of creation

13. Reduce (verb) = to lead to a lower position

14. Reduction ( noun) = a lowering

15. Seduce ( verb) = to lead on to a wrong act; to lead astray from the right

path of behaviour; to corrupt a person‟s thoughts

16. Traduce ( verb) = to disgrace someone falsely and unjustly; to slander

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 92 Root OMNI = all

1. omnibus (noun) = a conveyance for all, a transport for many

2. omni competent (adjective) = legally competent for all matters

3. omni farious (adjective) = of all sorts; of many varieties

4. omnify (verb) = to enlarge; to make universal

5. omnigenous (adjective) = of all types; of all kinds ( opposite is homogenous

= of one kind only)

6. omnipotent (adjective) = having all powers and capacities; Only God or

Creator is described as being Omnipotent (capable of doing everything)

Omnipresent (present everywhere at the same time) and Omniscient

(knowing everything; all knowing; having complete knowledge about

everything in this Universe). Please also observe the further word root of

„OM‟ from Indian religious philosophy, which is the ultimate religious

symbol for the Creator of this Universe.

7. omnipresent ( adjective) = present everywhere; ubiquitous

8. Omnist (noun) = a believer in all religions

9. omnivorous (adjective ) = eating everything; taking in everything

Root 93 Root FORC; FORT = strong

1. Force (noun) = power, strength, pressure

2. Fort (noun) = a stronghold for protection of a settlement in medieval


3. Forte (noun) = a strong point in one‟s character or nature

4. fortification ( noun) = a strong hold; an outer strong wall protecting the

space with in

5. fortitude ( noun) = strength of character and mind to endure suffering

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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6. Effort ( noun) = putting forth of one‟s strength in a work

7. Effortless ( adjective) = with out force or pressure

8. Comfortable (adjective) = giving strength and ease

9. Enforce (verb) = to put force into; to put pressure; as in to enforce a law

Root 94 Root Fortuna = chance ; fortune

1. Fortuna (noun) = the Roman Goddess of fortune

2. Fortunate (adjective) = having good luck

3. Unfortunate ( adjective) = having bad luck; unlucky

4. Misfortune ( noun) = disaster; bad luck

Root 95 Root Chron = time

1. Chronic ( adjective) = continuing for a long time

2. chronical (noun) = a record of events over a period of time

3. chronology ( noun) = the science of recording historical events by

date and time period

4. chronologer ( noun ) = a person who specializes in chronology

5. synchronous (adjective) = happening at the same time. Example

synchronous swimming competition in the Olympics where a group

of male or female swimmers dance in water with second to second

simultaneous movements

Root 96 Root flex ; flect = bend

1. deflect ( verb) = to bend away from target; as to deflect a missile

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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2. flex (verb) = to bend

3. flexible ( adjective) = able to bend

4. flexibility ( noun) = the quality of being able to bend with out


5. flection (noun) = the act of bending

6. inflection ( noun) = the rise and fall of one‟s voice which speaking;

the tenor of one‟s voice

7. reflect ( verb) = turn back and forth in the mind; as in to reflect on

an idea

8. reflector ( noun) = that which reflects or turns back light

9. reflection ( noun) = an image bent back or thrown back by the


10. reflexive ( adjective) = bent back on itself; as a reflexive pronoun

11. reflective (adjective) = thoughtful; bending one‟s thoughts again

and again to be totally absorbed in thoughts. As in a reflective

mind; a reflective mood; a reflective nature

12. flexuous (adjective) = having many bends and turns. As in the

flexuous road in a mountainous terrain

Root 97 Root meter = to measure

1. mete (verb) = to measure; to assign a measure

2. meter ( noun) = an official measure of certain commodities

3. barometer ( noun) = an instrument to measure atmospheric


4. metrical (adjective) = relating to measuring

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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5. chronometer ( noun) = an instrument for measuring time; as a


6. gravimeter ( noun) = an instrument for measuring gravity

(weight) and density

7. gyrometer (noun) = a rotary speed indicator

8. megameter ( noun) = an instrument for measuring longitude by

observation of stars

9. micrometer ( noun) = an instrument for measuring size and

distances of objects

10. perimeter ( noun) = distance around a closed plane surface

11. thermometer (noun) = an instrument for measuring heat

Root 98 Root PERI = around

1. Peri centric( adjective) = deposited around a centre

2. peril (noun) = surround by danger from all around; a situation of high

risk and danger; as in „The life of a policeman is in peril at all times‟

3. perigee (noun) = nearest to the earth; the point in the orbit of a planet

or a satellite when it is around (nearest) to the Earth. Opposite is

„apogee‟ when it is farthest from the Earth.

4. perihelion ( noun) = a point in the orbit of a planet when it is nearest to

the Sun. The perihelion of Earth is for ten days before and after 9th


January each year when the Earth is nearest to the Sun

5. perigon ( noun) = an angle that is round, meaning 360 degrees or a


6. perimeter ( noun) = the distance around a closed plane figure

7. period ( noun) = the time taken by the earth to go around the sun; one

year; a measure for passage of time in years

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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8. periodic ( adjective) = occurring at regular interval at pre-stated time

9. periodical ( noun) = a publication that is published at a fixed time of a

week ( weekly periodical) fortnight (fortnightly periodical) one month

(monthly periodical) or three months (quarterly periodical) or six

months (six monthly periodical) or a year ( an annual periodical) As a

exercise in general awareness you could list out the periodicals in the

library as per their time period for your information

10. periodicity ( abstract noun) = the quality of occurring regularly at

fixed periods of time

11. periodontal ( adverb) = around the tooth

12. Periphery ( noun) = A line that goes around a plane surface, as the

circumference of a circle or the boundary wall of a house or school

or any place

13. peripheral (adjective) = matters relating to the outer boundary;

matters relating to the distant places from the centre; secondary

matters that are less important than those relating to the core or the

centre. Therefore peripheral activities are small and insignificant

activities. They relate to the outer boundaries and not to the main

issues at hand.

Root 99 Prefix SUPER / SUPR = over ; above ; beyond;

higher or greater in quality

1. Supreme ( adjective) = superior; of the highest quality

2. supremely ( adverb) = in the highest degree. As in „

supremely happy‟

3. Supremacy ( abstract noun) = the state of being supreme

4. superable (adjective ) = that which can be overcome.

Opposite is „insuperable‟ = that which cannot be overcome

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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5. superabundant (adjective) = that is over and above the

amount needed; excessive

6. supercilious ( adjective) = having more pride than needed;

over-bearing; haughty. This is a negative quality that one

must avoid. The word is used to describe individuals who

like to show off or make a grand display of something that

is not worth the trouble.

7. superfine (adjective) = of exceptional quality

8. super fluent ( adjective) = flowing freely; richly, as in a

super fluent orator; one who speaks from the heart (an

extempore public speaker who delivers speeches without

the help of any written material)

9. Superhuman ( adjective) = having powers beyond mankind

10. superman ( noun) = a man with extraordinary powers

11. superiority ( abstract noun) = the quality of excellence;


12. supernatural ( adjective) = above and beyond all nature on


13. Superimpose ( verb) = to place one thing or object over the


14. supervise (verb) = to oversee the work of others; to


15. supervisor (noun) = a person who supervises others.

Example „a supervisor during a board examination‟. The

class teacher is the supervisor during a class test or exam.

16. superlative ( adjective ) = in the highest degree; the best in

its range or kind

17. super lateral ( adjective) = placed high up on the side

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 100 Prefix PARA = beside; alongside; position

1. parallel ( adjective) = lying evenly side by side as the

parallel lines of a railway track

2. parabola ( noun) = a geometrical figure or a place

curve shaped like a bowl

3. paracentral ( adjective) = lying near the centre

4. paradigm ( noun) = a figure based model of an abstract

idea or thought; a framework to illustrate a thought; an

example to explain a concept

5. parable ( noun) = a short story that emphasizes a

lesson or a moral; a fable.

6. paradox (noun) = a situation or a statement that seems

or is contradictory to the circumstances

7. parody ( noun) = an imitation of a poem or a song that

makes fun of or distorts the original

8. paragraph ( noun) = a section of a longer composition

that discusses one point or thought

9. paragon ( noun) = a model of perfection

10. paraphrase ( noun) = a re-writing of a text in a shorter

and different form; re-writing the meaning in one‟s

own words; stating the meaning of a text as understood

by oneself

11. para dental (adjective) = near a tooth

Root 101 Suffix DOM = quality; state of; realm of

1. wisdom ( abstract noun) = the state of good knowledge

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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2. random ( adjective) = the state of aimlessness; as in a

random choice

3. freedom ( noun) = the state of being free

4. boredom ( noun) = the state of being bored or not

knowing what to do

5. stardom ( noun) = the state of being an important

person in the theatre or the movie world

Root 102 Suffix CIAN = a person having a certain skill or art

1. Beautician ( noun) = an expert in beauty care

2. dietician (noun) = an expert in food and nutrition

3. electrician (noun) = one who can repair electrical faults and

understands electricity

4. logician (noun) = an expert in the science of logic

5. magician (noun) = a person skilled in the art of magic

6. mathematician (noun) = one who has expert knowledge of


7. musician (noun) = one skilled in music

8. optician (noun) = one who specializes in making eyeglasses and other

optical instruments

9. physician ( noun) = one with skill in medicine

10. politician (noun) = an expert in the profession of politics and


Root103 Root Number = number

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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1. numeral ( adjective) = relating to a number

2. numeral (noun) = a figure expressing a number

3. numeration ( verb) = the act of counting

4. enumerate ( verb) = the act of counting over or again

5. numerous ( adjective) = plentiful; in great number

6. numerical ( adjective) = expressed by number

7. numberless ( adjective) = without number; infinite, as the stars

8. innumerable ( adjective) = not able to be counted; too many as the stars

9. numerator ( noun) = the upper number in a fraction

10. denominator (noun) = the lower number in a fraction

11. supernumerary ( adjective) = exceeding the number needed; more than the

needed number.

Root 104 Root TRACT ; TRAH = draw; pull

1. attract ( verb) = to draw towards oneself; as a magnet attracts iron filings

2. attractive (adjective) = having the power to allure; to pull towards oneself

3. abstract ( verb) = to draw away. Example to abstract the wallet from the


4. contract (noun) = a legal agreement that pulls to parties together or binds two


5. contractual (adjective) = relating to a contract or a signed agreement

6. detract ( verb ) = to draw away from; as in to detract from a person‟s good


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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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7. distract ( verb) = to draw away attention or mind; a mental drawing away of


8. extract (verb) = to draw out; as in to extract oil

9. retract ( verb) = to draw back. As in to retract an accusation falsely made

10. subtract (verb) = to take away a smaller number from a bigger number

11. protract ( verb) = to draw further in time; to drag out; to delay and take

longer time than necessary; as in a protracted legal case

Root 105 Suffix ILE = relating to; suited for; capable of

1. agile ( adjective) = suited to quick motion; graceful in movement

2. docile (adjective) = easy to teach; amenable;

3. domicile ( noun) = a place for home and family; one‟s native place

4. ductile ( adjective) = that which can be drawn in to wires; one who can be

led; tractable

5. fertile ( adjective) = capable of bearing crop or fruits; as in fertile plains

6. fragile ( adjective) = something that can break easily; frail; such as articles

made of glass

7. infantile ( adjective) = relating to infants ( babies less than one year old);

relating to infancy.

8. puerile ( adjective) = suited to a child; childish

9. juvenile ( adjective) = relating to youth; relating to children;

10. senile ( adjective) = relating to old age;

11. mercantile ( adjective) = relating to business and commerce; commercial

12. mobile ( adjective) = capable of being moved

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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13. volatile ( adjective) = capable of flying off ; capable of bursting forth

14. versatile ( adjective) = capable of varying talents; multi-talented

Root 106 Root POS / POUND = place; set forth

1. posit ( verb) = set firmly in place; to assert; to declare

2. position (noun) = the manner in which a thing or a person is placed

3. positive ( adjective) = definite; firmly laid down; something about which

there is no doubt

4. composition (noun) = combination of parts to form a whole

5. post ( noun) = a place; a position

6. posture ( noun) = manner of placement of one‟s body

7. expose ( verb) = set forth; show for all to see; as in to expose a fraud

8. exposure ( noun) = The act of laying bare; the act of exposing

9. propound ( verb) = to propose; to offer; as in to propound a question

10. depose (verb) = to remove from official post

11. proposition ( noun) = a statement offered for consideration

12. proposal ( noun) = an offer

Root 107 Root MIT / MISS = send

1. Mission ( noun ) = a duty one is sent to perform; Note: a mission is

the highest commitment to duty. When one is on a mission one has to

ensure that the job is done. One is not expected to return from a

mission without completing the job undertaken. Therefore, generally

the term is used in the armed forces. However, today it has acquired

wider usage also. So as a student also one can have a self made

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 86

mission of getting a particular percentage of marks; or qualifying a

particular examination; or achieving a particular target. In civil life,

missions can last for several years at a time. It can also be lifelong.

Mahatma Gandhi‟s lifelong mission was to free India from British


2. admission ( noun) = permission to send to school or a particular place

3. commit ( verb) = to send; to entrust – commit oneself to a cause

4. dismissed (adjective) = formally sent away; permitted to go;

5. emit (verb) = to send out the thermal plant emits a lot of smoke

6. Intermission ( noun) = a break of a few minutes between two

continuous parts of a dramatic or a musical performance

7. Intermittent ( adjective) = coming and going; irregular

8. Remiss ( adjective) = careless

9. remit ( verb) = pay back

10. remittance ( noun) = payment

11. submit (verb) = to give up; to surrender; to send; to put up a file

12. submission ( noun) = the act of surrender

13. transmit ( verb ) = to send across

14. transmission ( noun) = the act of sending across

15. transmitter ( noun) = one who / that which transmits

16. permit ( verb) = to allow; to give permission

17. permit (noun) = an official document allowing a particular activity

Root 108 Root POP = population

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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1. populace ( noun) = the common people

2. populous ( adjective) = full of people

3. popularity ( noun) = the quality of being liked by many people

4. popularize ( verb) = to make popular among a large section of people

5. Unpopular ( adjective) = not liked by many people

Root 109 Root LEG = law

1. Legal ( adjective ) = lawful; according to the law of the land

2. Legality ( noun) = the quality of being strictly legal

3. legalize ( verb ) = to make lawful

4. Legacy ( noun) = a gift of property left by a legal Will

5. legate (verb) = to bequeath a property to another through the

process of law

6. legislate (verb) = to enact laws; to cause to become law

7. legislature ( noun) = an elected body of persons who can make laws

8. legislator ( noun) = a member of a legislature

9. legislation (noun) = the enactment of law by the legislature

10. legitimate ( adjective ) = legal; in accordance with the law

11. legitimize (verb) = to make legal

12. illegal ( adjective) = unlawful; illegitimate

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 110 Root RIDI, RISI, RI = laughter which mocks and hurts


1. ridicule ( noun) = making fun of another without understanding; a tendency

generally seen in teenagers and immature minds

2. ridiculous (adjective) = laughable; - a ridiculous dress

3. riant ( adjective) = smiling

4. risible ( adjective) = inclined to laugh

5. derision ( noun) = mocking laughter to embarrass another

6. deride ( verb) = to mock; to jeer

7. derisive ( adjective) = causing mocking laughter

8. derisively ( adverb) = mockingly

Root 111 VOC VOK = voice; to call out

1. Vocal ( adjective ) = relating to voice; oral

2. vocable (noun) = a human sound; a word

3. vocabulary ( noun) = a collection of words and phrases

4. vocalize (verb) = to sing

5. vocational ( adjective) = relating to a vocation

6. avocation ( noun) = an interest other than the vocation; a hobby

7. convocation ( noun) = a formal calling together of an assembly in a

University for the purpose of bestowing degree on those who have


8. invocation (verb) = solemn prayers seeking divine blessings

9. invoke ( verb) = to plead; to supplicate; to beg for mercy

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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10. evoke (verb) = to recall from the past; recall from memory

11. evocation ( adjective) = causing to recall the past

12. provoke ( verb) = to call forth anger of another person

Root 112 GRAPH = To write

1. Graph ( noun) = something written as a diagram or a chart

2. Graphite (noun) = a soft black carbon used for making pencils

3. Calligraphy ( noun) = elegant handwriting as written in official

documents by professional writers before the invention of the printing


4. Holograph ( noun) = a document written wholly by the person who

signs it

5. Lexicographer (noun) = a professional person who compiles

dictionaries. Generally, he / she is a qualified linguist, meaning he / she

has studied Linguistics ( study of a language) till Post Graduate or Phd


6. Lithography ( noun ) = the process of reproducing writing from a stone

or a design

7. Phonograph ( noun) = an instrument for reproducing recorded music

8. Photograph ( noun) = a picture taken (written) by the process of


9. Radiograph ( noun) = an image reproduced by action of X-rays

10. monograph ( noun) = a long well researched article written on a single


11. Geography ( noun) = a study of Earth and its people

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 90

12. Telegraphy ( noun) = Communication sent by electrical signals from

afar. The signals are in codes of dots and dashes. Each alphabet has a

specific combination of dots and dashes. These have to be re-written in

English or any other language.

Root 113 CISE = to cut

1. Circumcise ( verb) = to cut around as in the shape of a circle

2. Concise = (adjective) = to cut off all unnecessary details and make a

short form of a written material

3. Decide ( verb) = to cut off uncertainty by reaching a decision

4. Decisive ( adjective) = causing one to reach a decision

5. Excision ( noun) = the cutting out; removing of – as excision of a rotten

part of a vegetable or a fruit

6. Precise ( adjective) = to cut exactly right; to cut with precision

Root 114 ClDE = to kill

1. homicide (noun) = the killing of a human being

2. suicide ( noun) = the killing of oneself

Root 115 TEST = to bear witness.

1. Observation: When you take a class test or an examination you are

witness to your own level of knowledge and understanding of that


2. Attest (verb) = Certify; affirm; bear witness to a document.

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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3. Testate ( adjective) = leaving a valid Will which has been signed by


4. Testament ( noun) = A Will; An agreement of faith

5. Testation ( noun) = the act of making a Will

6. Testimony ( noun) = a solemn declaration as a witness, generally

given in a court of law while under oath

7. Testify ( verb) = to bear witness

8. Testimonials (noun) = a documentary evidence that is witness to some

claim. All the qualification certificates issued by a recognized

Secondary Board, Senior Secondary Board, or a University or a

Professional Association, are testimonials to one‟s qualifications under

the formal system of education.

9. Detest (verb) = to hate to the highest degree; to loathe; to abhor

10. Protest ( verb) = to bear witness against

11. Contestable ( adjective) = can be argued against; as a contestable Will

12. Contest ( verb) = argue against; as to contest a Will through a court


Root 116 Prefix SUB = under ; beneath

1. subdue ( verb) = to put under control; to suppress; to overcome

2. subconscious ( adjective) = under the conscious level of the mind

3. sub fluvial ( adjective) = placed under the river; as a tunnel or a


4. subject ( verb) = to place under the control of another

5. subject (noun) = a topic to write a composition on; a specific area of

study; people under the control of a king (king‟s subjects)

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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6. submerge ( verb) = to plunge under water or the waves in the sea

7. submersion ( noun) = the act of placing something completely under


8. submission ( noun) = the act of putting oneself under the control of


9. subscribe ( verb) = to underwrite; to sign one‟s name under an

agreement or a contract – as in to subscribe to a journal or a

magazine on one year or any fixed period by agreeing to make

payment in advance.

10. subsidize (verb) = to make part payment from the public fund; to

pay below the actual price;

11. Substitute ( noun) = one who takes the place of another for a short


12. subterraneous ( adjective) = underground

13. subversive ( adjective) = tending to undermine the government.

Root 117 SCRIB / SCRIP = write

1. Scribble (noun) = a short causal writing on a small piece of paper to

help recall an important job or points

2. subscription ( noun) = a purchase order; to sign one‟s name for


3. ascribe ( verb) = to refer to

4. description ( noun) = a representation in words of something seen or


5. inscription ( noun) = words engraved in stone or on a monument

6. superscription ( noun) = something written above an inscription

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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7. prescription ( noun) = written directions given by a doctor for giving

of medicines or for preparation of medicines by a chemist

8. script ( noun) = a short form for manuscript

9. Scripture ( noun) = any sacred writing; generally refers to the Bible

10. Transcript ( noun) = A copy of something in writing, or typing or


11. Scribe (noun) = a person who writes general legal documents for the

public . As in 2016, scribes are found outside a Notary‟s Office or in

lower courts, where they prepare legal documents for people for a


Root 118 Prefix POST = after, behind, following

1. postern (adjective) = situated at the back; in the rear; as a postern

gate of a house or building

2. posterity (noun) = those who come after the person‟s death;

descendents; a person‟s family generation in future

3. Post-graduate ( adjective) = relating to studies after Graduation

4. posthumous ( adjective) = after death; generally used for writings

of an author published after his / her death

5. posterior ( adjective) = later in time; coming after

6. postlude ( noun) = the closing piece of a musical concert or a dance


7. post marital (adjective) = relating to events after marriage

8. Post Meridian (P.M.) (adjective) = after the Sun has crossed the

meridian at 0o on the globe that passes through a suburb of London

called Greenwich. So A.M. and P.M.

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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9. postmortem (adjective) = a medical examination of a dead body to

determine the cause of death

10. postpone (verb) = delay; to set the date back again

11. postponement ( noun) = a delay; holding back until a later date

12. postscript (noun) = a short note written after the conclusion of a

letter after it has been signed. It is generally indicated as P.S.

Root119 Prefix MON / MONO = one

1. monarch ( noun) = a single ruler of a large kingdom normally called

an empire. A king rules over a kingdom. A monarch rules over an


2. monarchy ( noun) = a form of government that has only one ruler

3. monochord ( noun) = a traditional musical instrument that has only

one string. In Hindi it is called „ektara‟

4. monocle ( noun) = a lens for one eye only. Was used in the 18th

century when spectacles had to be hand made and were therefore

very expensive. As such people with defective vision in one eye only

would were a monocle in place of the spectacle used in modern


5. monocycle ( noun) = a cycle with one large wheel; a unicycle that

was developed before the development of a bicycle

6. monochrome (noun) = a painting in different shades of a single


7. monotone (noun) = a voice or a musical tone that does not vary and

has a single tone only

8. monotony (noun) = a single work routine like a single tone;.

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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9. monotonous (adjective) = boredom caused by doing a single work

again and again, day after day as a labourer does in a factory or

construction project.

Root 120 GRAV / GRAVI = heavy, weighty

1. Grave ( adjective) = a serious person or matter

2. gravely ( adverb) = seriously; heavily

3. grave (common noun) = a place for burial of a dead body as per

practice in Islam or Christianity

4. gravity ( abstract noun) = the internal power of a planet to attract

things towards itself. Gravity is measured in „weight‟ of a thing

5. gravitation ( noun) = tendency of an object to be drawn to something

at a lower level

Root 121 Suffix OID = similar to; look alike, resembling something else

1. Anthropoid (adjective) = resembling the structure of man

2. Cycloid ( adjective) = arranged in circles

3. Dentoid ( adjective) = alike a tooth

4. Fibroid ( adjective) = composed of fibrous tissues

5. Geoid (noun) = similar to the shape of the Earth

6. geoidal (adjective) = resembling the quality of the shape of the Earth

7. lipoid (adjective) = alike fattening substances; resembling the structure and

quality of fat

8. neuroid ( adjective) = resembling a nerve

9. osteoid (adjective) = resembling a bone

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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10. spheroid (adjective) = alike a sphere

11. thyroid (noun) = a large gland shaped like a shield that covers the voice

box or pharynx in the human throat

12. typhoid (noun) = a disease with symptoms similar to typhus

13. tabloid ( noun) = a newspaper smaller in size than the daily newspaper. It

mostly contains gossips and scandal based information, in addition to time

and addresses of public functions, night out places and movies. It is

cheaper than the morning papers. The strategy of its content and price is

adopted to increase sales. In England and the USA tabloids are very

popular and have a large business as they publish gossips on the British

royalty, scandals about politicians and Hollywood stars.

There are variations of the tabloid version also. In the 1960s and

1970s „The Blitz‟ was a very popular tabloid in India but it was published

weekly on every Saturday, and it focused on political gossip only. It

published articles that were highly critical of the Central Government.

Many of the main newspapers today have adopted the tabloid strategy of


In smaller towns till the 1980s tabloids in vernacular languages were

published in the morning as regular newspapers and contained political

news that is generally one or two days old. Today with several news-

channels available from 1990s, they may be giving the latest news.

What is being conveyed above is that there is nothing demeaning about

tabloids as there is a section of readership that is serviced by the tabloids.

Root 122 Root CREA = to create

1. Create (verb) = to bring in to existence; to produce something

2. creation (abstract noun) = the act of creating

3. Creator ( noun) = (capital „C‟) One who has created this Universe

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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4. creator ( noun) (small „c‟) = one who creates; can be a human or a bird or

any living being

5. creature (noun) = anything created; a creation

6. creative( adjective) = having the powers to produce or create – having

creative ability

7. re-create ( verb ) = to bring in to existence once again; to revive; to refresh,

therefore, take a holiday to recreate oneself; or to rest and sleep to refresh

8. recreational ( adjective) = having the power to refresh; so recreational

activities such as games and playing for children

9. uncreative ( adjective) = opposite of creative; lacking in the ability to


Root 123 Root PHIL / PHILO / PHILA / PHILE = love

1. Philosophy ( noun) = love of wisdom; pursuit of wisdom

2. philatelist ( noun) = a postal stamp collector; a lover of stamps

Root 124 Root SOPH = wisdom

1. sophic ( adjective) = full of wisdom; an intellectual

2. sophical ( adjective) = relating to wisdom

3. sophiology ( noun) = the science of human ideas

4. sophism ( noun) = a Greek school of rhetoric that uses argument in a

manner that a false thing appears to be reasonable; something that is

earlier not acceptable is made acceptable through sophism. Mostly

politicians having been using this technique to win elections. It is

studied under „Rhetoric‟ as a subject in Universities.

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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5. sophistry ( noun) = deceptive reasoning

6. sophistical ( adjective) = In the nature of sophistry; deceptive

7. sophisticate (verb) = to falsify; to make worldly wise because people

do not want to hear the truth. So diplomats mostly are trained in the

art of being sophisticated, as they have to handle many complex

situations and matters without making any commitment on behalf of

their governments.

Dressing up in the best of clothes and living in a luxurious

environment, are part of being sophisticated. People are impressed

from the external appearance and tend to trust such persons, more

than they should be trusted. Such sophistication contributes in

falsifying reality.

8. unsophisticated ( noun) = a simple person; one who is not

sophisticated, and therefore speaks his mind directly and truthfully

Root125 Prefix HYPO = under / sub / less

1. Hypothesis (noun) = something assumed for the sake of argument. This

generally used in research. To prove a new theory first a hypothesis is

created and then proof is given. Also used for solving puzzles and

mysteries or anything unknown.

2. Hypothetical (adjective) = assumed for the sake of argument, as in a

hypothetical question.

3. hypodermic (common noun) = an injection given below the skin

4. hypocrisy ( abstract noun) = outward show of sincerity in one‟s behaviour

to deceive others.; deceit

5. hypocrite ( noun) = a person who puts up an outward show like an actor to

win favour or deceive another. A dissembler

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 126 Prefix: SY = with / along with / together with

1. syllable ( noun) = one or more letters which together form one sound

for a word

2. monosyllable ( noun) = a word with one syllable as “no”

3. system ( noun ) = a planned arrangement of procedure; a method

4. systematic ( adjective) = arranged methodically according to a system

5. symbol ( noun) = something that stands as a visible sign of something

else; as a lion is a symbol for a king / and for courage.

6. symbolize (verb) = to represent as a symbol

7. symmetry ( noun) = a balanced arrangement of size and form

8. sympathy ( abstract noun) = going along with others in feeling

9. sympathetic ( adjective) = having sympathy for others

10. symphony ( noun) = a harmony of sound created by musicians

11. synchronize ( verb ) = to make happen at the same time; as the

synchronized swimming event in the Olympics; synchronized running

between the wickets in cricket.

12. syndrome (noun) = signs and symptoms coming together at the same


13. synonym ( noun) = two words that practically have the same meaning.

Example „system and method‟

14. synthesis ( noun) = a combination of parts to form a whole.

Root 127 THEO / THE = god

1. Theocracy (noun) = Government run by priests in the name of God

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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2. theocentric ( adjective) = assuming God to be at the centre of all


3. theocrat ( noun) = one who favours a theocracy

4. theocratic ( adjective) = relating to a theocracy

5. theocratically ( adverb) = in the manner of a theocracy

6. Theology ( noun) = the study of elements of religion

7. theologist or theologian ( noun) = a scholar of religions and

religious studies

8. atheist ( noun) = a person who does not believe in the existence of


Root 128 Prefix ANA = up / back again/ excessive / too much

1. anabasis ( noun) = a journey in the upward direction

2. anachronism (noun) = a thing that is out of place or is an exception to the


3. analogy ( noun) = a similarity between two things

4 analogue ( noun) = a situation that corresponds to another

5. analogous (adjective ) = corresponding to;

6. anagram ( noun) = a word formed from the scrambled letters of another word

7. Analyze ( verb) = examine all elements

8. analysis ( noun) = separation of each element from a compound; separation of


9.analytic ( adjective) = treating of analysis

10 analytically (adverb) = in the manner of analysis

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 129 Suffix ISM = system / doctrine/ condition / manner /


1. heroism ( noun) = a courageous manner of acting

2. colloquialism ( noun) = an informal style of speech as used by the


3. despotism ( noun) = a system of government in which there is only one

ruler and whose voice is supreme. He rules not as per laws of the land but

as per his personal wishes.

4. jingoism ( noun) = An aggressive policy that displays a readiness for war

5. Nazism ( noun) = a doctrine adopted by the Nazi Party under Hitler in

Germany; also called fascism

6. nihilism ( noun) = a doctrine that denies the spiritual and moral

objectives of mankind

7. charisma (noun) = a divine gift in a personality that attracts and

impresses others

8. plagiarism ( noun) = the act of stealing others‟ ideas and presenting them

as one‟s own in writing. Theft of ideas in published form

9. realism ( noun) = a doctrine that allows only facts and reality

10. romanticism ( noun) = a tendency towards imagination and emotions /


11. terrorism ( noun) = a system of controlling a group of people through the

use of terror

12. totalitarianism ( noun) = a system of government based on authoritarian

control. It is similar to despotism.

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 130 VERS / VERT = turn

1. averse ( adjective) = turned against

2. advertise ( verb) = to turn attention towards

3. controversial (adjective) = open to dispute and turning

4. conversant ( adjective) = acquainted with; familiar with; well known to

5. divert (verb) = turn attention away from

6. invert ( verb) = turn up side down; to divide by a fraction, invert and


7. obverse ( adjective) = facing the opponent

8. pervert ( verb) = to turn in to an improper use; immoral

9. reverse ( verb) = to turn back

10. reversible ( adjective) = can be reversed

11. subversive (adjective) = causing to undermine; as in subversive

activities of terrorism against a country

12. versatile ( adjective) = having an aptitude for many skills

13. versatility ( noun) = the quality of skills along many lines

14. versation ( noun ) = a turning; twisting

15. versative ( adjective) = adaptable; versatile

16. version ( noun) = a changed form; an adaption

17. versus ( preposition) = against. Used mainly in legal records for cases

between two parties. A versus B.

18. vortex ( noun) = a double motion of water down a drain in a whirling

and twisting manner; a whirlpool.

19. vertigo ( noun) = a dizzy spell when everything seems to be turning

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Root 131 PED /POD = foot

1. pedestrian ( noun) = one who travels on foot

2. pedestal (noun) = the base of a statue

3. pedagogue ( noun) = one who leads a child; a teacher who shows off

his / her learning as if before a child (who knows very little)

4. pedantry ( noun) = false display of learning

5. pedal ( adjective) = relating to a foot

6. podium (noun) = a platform to stand and address a gathering; dais

Root 132 TACT / TAG / TANG / TING = touch

1. Tact ( noun) = a touch or feeling of what is appropriate

2. tactful ( adjective) = having the quality of tact

3. tactics (noun) = clever maneuvering; strategy in managing a business

or trade or a war / battle

4. tactician ( noun) = an expert in tactics

5. tactile ( adjective) = pertaining to the sense of touch

6. tactility ( noun) = perceptibility by touch

7. tangent ( noun) = a straight line that touches a circle at a single point

8. tangible ( adjective) = capable of being touched; perceptible

9. tangled ( adjective) = intertwined; snarled; as in tangled hair; tangled

wires; tangles ropes

10. contiguous (adjective) = touching

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11. contingent ( adjective) = possible but not certain

12. contingency ( noun) = uncertainty; possibility

13. contact ( noun) = a touching

14. contagion ( noun) = transmission of a disease

15. contagious ( adjective) = catching

16. intangible ( adjective) = cannot be touched;

17. intangibility ( noun) = the quality of not being touchable.

Root 133 JUS / JUR = law

1. juror ( noun) = one who serves by law on a jury

2. jury ( noun) = a group of twelve persons who are legally sworn to

hear a legal case and give a just verdict

3. justice ( noun) = a just judgment

4. justification ( noun) = a just cause for action

5. adjustment ( noun) = settlement

6. adjure ( verb) = to bind as if by a solemn oath

7. abjure ( verb) = to swear away under oath; to reject

8. conjure ( verb) = to swear together; to entreat; as in to conjure the

king to be merciful

9. conjurer ( noun) = a magician; a trickster

10. abjuration ( noun) = to renunciation by solemn oath

11. abjuratory ( adjective) = containing a disavowed

12. adjuration ( noun) = a solemn appeal

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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13. adjuratory ( adjective) = tending to solemn appeal; begging

14. jurisdiction ( noun) = a legal right and power to determine

15. jurist ( noun) = one who is well versed in law

16. jurisprudence (noun) = law or that which is recognized as law

17. juristic ( adjective) = relating to jurisprudence.

Root 134 TEMPO / TEMPOR = time

1. tempo ( noun) = rate of speed. Plural is „tempi‟

2. temporal ( adjective ) = limited by time

3. temporality ( noun) = the quality of being limited by time

4. temporary ( noun) = for the time being

5. pro tem ( adverb) = for the time being

6. temporize ( verb) = to comply with time or circumstances

7. temporariness ( noun) = impermanence

8. temporarily( adverb) = for the present

9. contemporary ( noun) = those who live at the same time

10. contemporaneous ( adjective) = happening at the same time

11. contemporaneously ( adverb) = at the same time

12. extempore ( adverb) = on the spur of the moment; impromptu;


13. extemporaneous ( adjective) = improvised; made up on the spur of

the moment

14. extemporaneously ( adverb) = impromptu; unprepared

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 106

Root 135 TRIB = pay; bestow

1. tribute ( noun) = a sum of money paid as a fine to a conqueror

2. tributary ( noun) = a stream of water that flows in to a larger river

3. attribute ( verb) = to regard as a cause

4. attribute ( noun) = a high quality

5. attributive ( adjective) = ascribing a quality or a characteristic

6. contribute ( verb) = to give money to a cause

7. contributory ( adjective) = giving for a cause or endeavor

8. contribution ( noun) = an offering

9. distribute (verb) = to divide among many

10. distribution ( noun) = a sharing

11. distributive ( adjective) = tending to give a share to each one

12. distributor ( noun ) = one who distributes

13. retribution ( noun) = the act of paying back

Root 136 ALTER / ALLO / ALI = other

1. alias ( noun) = the other name; an assumed name

2. alibi (noun) = a proof of being at another place at the time

3. alien ( noun) = coming from another country ; not a native

4. alienable ( adjective) = can be transferred to another

5. inalienable ( adjective ) = cannot be transferred to another

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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6. alienate ( verb) = to estrange; to transfer one‟s attention or

affection to another

7. alienation ( noun) = the act of alienating

8. alter ( verb ) = to change

9. alteration ( noun) = a change

10. alter ego ( noun) = a friend so close that he could be that person


11. altercate ( verb) = to dispute; to wrangle

12. alternate ( adjective ) = by turns, now one then the other.

13. alternative ( noun) = the other option; the other way out

Root 137 Prefix EPI = upon / beside / among

1. epi carp ( noun) = the outer layer of a fruit

2. epidermis ( noun) = the outer layer of human skin

3. epiglottis ( noun) = a thin cartilage below the tongue

4. epigram ( noun) = a clever, pithy saying

5. epithet ( noun) = an expression that gives a good description

6. epigraph ( noun) = a quotation placed at the beginning of a

narrative that suggests the theme

7. episode ( noun) = one part among many; a separate incident in a

long narrative; as an episode of a serial

8. epitome ( noun) = an abridged summary of a topic

9. epitomize ( verb) = to abridge

10. epilogue ( noun) = the concluding part among the whole work

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 138 MAR / MARI = sea

1. marine ( adjective) = relating to the sea

2. mariner ( noun) = a sailor

3. maritime ( adjective ) = relating to commerce and navigation

4. marina ( noun) = a dock for re-fitting of boats and ships

5. marigenous ( adjective) = produced in or by the sea

6. marinorama ( noun) = a panoramic view of the sea

7. marsh ( noun) = a wet swampy land near the coast where the

sea tide has stopped reaching; therefore it gets half watery and

half sandy; morass land that is too watery to be cultivated

8. marshy ( adjective) = swampy

Root 139 SIMIL / SIMUL = like / resembling/ similar to

1. similar ( adjective) = resembling in many respects

2. similarity ( noun) = resemblance

3. simile ( noun ) = a figure of speech that compares two unlike

things to indicate something that is common. “ I wandered

lonely as a cloud‟ ( Wordsworth)

4. similize (verb) = to compare; to copy

5. similor ( noun) = an alloy resembling gold in colour

6. simultaneous ( adjective ) = two or more events happening at

the same time

7. simultaneously ( adverb) = happening concurrently

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8. simulate ( verb) = to pretend; put on an act to make a certain


9. simulator ( noun ) = one who simulates; as a simulator to train

motor drivers in a machine that is a replica of a motor car;

simulator for pilots is a replica of an airplane and so on

10. simulation ( noun) = pretence; counterfeit display through


11. dissimilar ( adjective ) = not showing any resemblance

12. assimilate ( verb) = to make similar

Root 140 Prefix SE = apart; aside; with out

1. seclude ( verb ) = to set apart ; aside

2. seclusion ( noun) = the state of being shut alone

3. secure ( verb) = set aside carefully to protect

4. security ( noun) = condition of being protected

5. secret ( noun ) = a thing hidden or set apart

6. secretary ( noun) = a personal assistant who is trusted with


7. secede ( verb) = withdraw; to separate oneself from a party

or a group or government

8. secession ( noun) = state of withdrawal from government

9. sedition ( noun) = conduct that is tending towards treason

10. seduce ( verb) = to lead astray by fraud

11. select ( verb) = to choose one from many and set it apart

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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12. segregate ( verb) = to seclude; to cut off from general mass

or group

13. separate ( verb) = to disunite; to disconnect; to severe from


Root 141 Prefix CATA = down

1. cataclysm ( noun) = a downward sweep of water as in the mountains or

during floods. A disaster

2. cataract ( noun) = a large water fall

3. cataclysmic ( adjective) = in the nature of a cataclysm

4. catalyst ( noun) = a chemical combination that starts a reaction

5. catalogue ( noun) = a list of names set down in a register

6. catapult ( noun) = an ancient apparatus for hurling stones at the enemy

from a distance

7. catastrophe ( noun) = a moment of tragedy or personal calamity

8. catastrophic ( adjective) = In the nature of a great disaster or a calamity

Root 142 STRU / STRUCT = build

1. structure ( noun) = a building; an arrangement

2. structural ( adjective) = relating to an arrangement

3. construction ( noun) = the act of bringing together all the elements of a


4. construe ( verb) = to explain; to arrange words in a manner that makes


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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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5. destructive ( adjective) = tending to hinder or destroy

6. industry ( noun ) = building one‟s own job through diligence; productive


7. industrious ( adjective) = energy and zeal to work

8. instructor (noun) = one who builds knowledge and information through

teaching or instructing

9. instruction ( noun) = information; education

10. instructive ( adjective) = tending to teach

11. instrument ( noun) = a tool to build with

12. instrumental ( adjective) = relating to an instrument helpful in building

13. instrumentalist ( noun) =one who plays a musical instrument

14. obstruct ( verb) = to build against; to prevent building

15. obstruction ( noun) = that which blocks , clogs, hinders, or prevents

building of something

16. obstructive ( adjective) = hindering, preventing

17. reconstruct ( verb ) = build again

18. reconstruction ( noun) = rebuilding ; remaking

Root 143 ACID / ACRI / ACER = bitter / sour / sharp

1. acerate ( adjective ) = sharp like a needle

2. acerbic ( adjective) = bitter, harsh, irritating

3. acerbity ( noun) = bitterness, sharpness of speech or tongue

4. acid ( noun ) = a sour substance

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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5. acidity ( noun ) = the quality of sourness

6. acidic ( adjective) = acid forming

7. acrid ( adjective) = sharpness, irritation or harshness as of smoke in the


8. acrimony ( noun) = bitterness in feelings

Root 144 HYDRO / HYDRA / HYDR = water

1. hydrant ( noun) = a pipe with a spout from which water may be drawn

2. hydraulic ( adjective) = acting or moving by water power

3. hydraulics ( noun) = use of water for generating power and moving


4. hydroscope ( noun) = a device that enable one to see through water

even at great depths in the oceans and the seas

5. hydrosphere ( noun) = the water vapour in the atmosphere

6. dehydrate ( verb) = shortfall of water in the body; removing of water

from vegetables to preserve them

Root 145 GEN = race; kind of; variety of

1. gender ( noun) = one of a kind; masculine gender, feminine gender;

neutral gender

2. gene ( noun) = one of the elements in hereditary development

3. general ( adjective) = relating to all kinds

4. generic ( adjective) = belonging to a particular race or kind or


5. generation ( noun) = the process of producing offspring

6. genesis ( noun) = the beginning; the development

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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7. genetics ( noun ) = the study of heredity

8. genre ( noun) = a species; a kind; a type of living organism

9. genuine ( adjective) = pure; unalloyed; without any mixture

10. genial ( adjective) = favourable to growth; kindly

11. congenial ( adjective) = relating to growing together; kind by nature

12. indigenous ( adjective) = inborn; innate

Root 146 SPEC / SPECT/ SPECTRO = see / observe / watch

1. spectacle ( noun) = a grand show or display

2. spectacular ( adjective) = appealing to sight; thrilling show

3. spectator ( noun) = one who looks on to a show; one who observes

4. spectrum ( noun) = wavelengths of colour created by passing of a

ray of white light through a prism

5. spectrometry (noun) = the measuring of wavelengths of rays of light

6. spectrology ( noun) = the science of spectrums

7. special ( adjective) = relating to some particular quality

8. specialist ( noun) = one who is an expert in a special activity

9. specimen ( noun) = a sample of a certain kind or variety

10. specious ( adjective) = pleasing to look at but is deceptive

Root 147 STEREO = solid

1. stereo( noun) = an abbreviation for referring to stereo system

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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2. stereotype( verb) = to fix in a lasting form

3. stereogram ( noun) = a picture of objects in relief

4. stereometry ( noun) = the art of finding the volume of solid figures

or objects

5. stereotomy ( noun) = the art of cutting solids

6. stereoscope ( noun) = an instrument which gives to pictures an

impression of solidity

7. stereoscopy ( noun) = the science that deals with stereoscopic

effects and methods

8. stereoplasm ( noun) = the solid part of protoplasm of a cell

9. stereome ( noun) = the strengthening tissue in plants

Root 147 Prefix HEMI / DEMI / SEMI = half

1. hemialgia ( noun) = pain in one half of the head

2. hemisphere ( noun) = half of the globe

3. demitasse ( noun ) = a very small cup, half the size of the normal

cup, used for having coffee after dinner

4. semicircle ( noun) = half the circle

Root 148 DIC / DICT = to say / to declare

1. dictate ( verb) = to command or proclaim with authority

2. dictator (noun) = one who rules with absolute state powers with


3. diction ( noun) = language or choice of words

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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4. dictionary ( noun) = a reference book of words

5. dictum ( noun) = the statement of a dictator that has to be obeyed

6. dictatorship ( noun) = rule of a dictator

7. dictatorial ( adjective ) = in the nature of a dictator

8. contradict ( verb) = to speak against someone or something; to

declare something to be wrong

9. indicate ( verb) = to point out

10. indication ( noun) = a sign of

11. indicator ( noun) = that which points to something

12. indict ( verb ) = to charge with some offence

13. indictment ( noun) = an official or legal charge

14. indicative ( adjective ) = pointing out; bringing something to

notice or attention of others

15. prediction ( noun) = telling about a future event; a prophecy

16. malediction ( noun) = words of ill-will; a curse

Root 149 Prefix AGI / AGO / AG = move / go / does

1. agent ( noun) = one who does business for another person

2. agency ( noun) = office or function of an agent

3. agenda ( noun) = a list of work to be done in a meeting or a day

4. agile ( adjective) = one who moves quickly; quick to move; active

5. agility ( noun) = the quality of quickness in movement

6. agitate ( noun) = keep moving when tense or excited

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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7. agitation ( noun) = excitement; disturbance; civil commotion

8. agitant ( noun) = one who is active in course of an action

9. agitator (noun) = a male who agitates

10. agitatrix ( noun) = a female who agitates

11. antagonist ( noun) = an opponent; one who plays the part of opposing

the hero in a drama; the villain

12. antagonize ( verb) = to annoy; to alienate someone through one‟s


13. agog ( adjective) = full of ; eager; astir

14. pedagogy ( noun) = the study of teaching methods

15. demagogy ( noun) = one who stirs up a crowd for political gains or

personal gains through his speech

Root 150 JUNCT / JOIN = join

1. junction ( noun) = a place of meeting

2. juncture ( noun) = a joining; a concurrence of circumstances

3. conjunction( noun) = a word that joins two parts of a sentence

4. conjunctive ( adjective) = tending to join

5. conjuncture ( noun) = a coming together of events

6. adjunct ( noun) = something added

7. adjunctive ( adjective) = tending to join together

8. disjoin ( verb ) = to separate

9. enjoin ( verb) = to lay an order upon not joining; to forbid

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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10. injuncture ( noun) = the act of enjoining; a restraining order

given by court of law

11. inter-junction (noun) = a mutual joining

Root 151 LIBER / LIVER = free

1. liberal ( adjective) = relating to freedom and liberty

2. liberalize ( verb) = to make free

3. liberalization ( noun) = the act of liberalizing

4. liberalism ( noun) = a doctrine of generous freedom to all in all matters

5. liberalist ( noun) = one who believes in liberalism

6. liberality ( noun ) = the quality of being broadminded; generousity

7. liberate ( verb) = to set free

8. liberator ( noun) = one who sets others free

9. deliverance ( noun) = the state of being released; of becoming free

Root 152 HAB / HABIT = live; have

1. habit ( noun) = a behaviour patter; a usage; a custom

2. habile (adjective) = able; skilful

3. habitat ( noun) = a natural abode of plants and animals

4. habitation ( noun) = a dwelling place

5. inhabit (verb) = to live in; to establish as a residence

6. inhabitant ( noun) = one who lives permanently in a place

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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7. rehabilitate ( verb) = to make able again; to settle again

8. rehabilitation ( noun) = the act of making able again.

Root 153 FIN / FINIS = end; finish

1. final ( adjective) = relating to the end

2. finale ( noun) = the last section of a classical musical composition

3. finis ( noun) = the end; conclusion

4. finish ( verb) = to reach the end; to complete

5. finite ( adjective) = limited by a definition or definite number

6. finity ( noun) = the quality of being finite

7. infinite ( adjective) = without any end or limit

8. infinity ( noun) = eternity; endlessness;

9. infinitesimal ( adjective) = so tiny that it cannot be measured

10. affinity ( noun) = a resemblance; a relationship; an attraction

11. finial ( noun) = the very topmost end; the crowning detail

12. define ( verb) = to mark the limit;

13. definitive ( adjective) = conclusive

Root 154 JUD / JUDI / JUDIC = judge; lawyer,

1. judgment ( noun) = a legal decision or opinion

2. judge ( noun) = a legal officer who has the authority to give judgments; a


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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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3. adjudicate ( verb) = to settle a matter between two parties through a judicial


4. judicative ( adjective) = judicial

5. judicatory ( adjective) = exercising judicial functions

6. judicial ( adjective ) = relating to administration of justice

7. judicious ( adjective) = possessing sound judgment

8. judiciously ( adverb) = wisely; soundly

9. injudicious ( adjective) = not having sound judgment

10. injudiciously ( adverb) = unsoundly; unwisely; unreasonably

11. prejudice ( noun) = discrimination; bias against a person without basis

12. prejudicial ( adjective ) = biased; damaging without proof

Root 155 PRIM / PRIME = first

1. primacy ( noun) = the state of being first in rank

2. primal ( adjective) = original; first at the beginning

3. primary ( adjective) = first in order of time

4. primarily ( adverb) = the first place; originally

5. primate ( noun) = first in rank, quality, authority

6. prime ( adjective) = the best; the foremost

7. primer ( noun) = an introductory book to teach reading

8. primitive ( adjective) = from the earliest times

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 156 Prefix SUR = over ; above; in addition to; more than

1. surcharge ( noun) = an additional charge over and above the price

2. surface ( noun) = the top layer

3. surfeit ( verb) = eating too much to the extent of feeling ill; excessive eating

4. surmise( verb) = to have a superficial opinion based on little evidence; to guess

5. surpass ( verb) = to go ahead of; to transcend

6. surplus ( noun) = over plus; abundance; excess

7. surround ( verb) = to go around on all sides; to encircle

8. surveillance ( noun) = supervision; the watch over all

9. survey ( verb) = look over with an appraising eye; to oversee

10. surveyor ( noun) = one who oversees

11. survive ( verb )= remain alive longer than others

12. survival ( noun) = continuing to live

13. survivor ( noun) = one who remained alive

Root 156 VIV, VIVI, VITA = alive; life

1. vital ( adjective) = relating to life; most critical factor

2. vitals ( noun) = the body parts that are essential for life

3. vitality ( noun) = the state and quality of being alive

4. vitamin ( noun) = one of the essential constituents of food

5. vitaminize ( verb) = enrich foods by adding vitamins

6. vivace ( adjective) = in a brisk, lively and spirited manner

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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7. vivacious ( adjective) = full of life

8. vivacity ( noun) = the quality of being full of life; animated

9. revive ( verb) = bring back to life

10. survive ( verb) = live through and beyond an ordeal

Root 158 CYCL / CYCLO = wheel, circle, circular

1. cycle ( noun) = a complete course of operation returning to the original point of


2. cyclic ( adjective ) = moving in circles or cycles; cyclical

3. cyclone ( noun) = a very strong wind blowing in a circular motion ; a tornado

4. cyclopedia ( adjective) = the range of human knowledge

5. cycloscope ( noun) = a machine that measures velocity of rotation

6. cyclonology ( noun) = study of cyclones

Root 159 Prefix INTRO = in to / inward

1. introduce ( verb) = lead in to ; to present

2. introduction (noun) = the act of presenting

3. introspect ( verb) = to look with in one‟s own mind; inward

4. introspective ( adjective) = seeing inwardly

5. introvert ( noun) = one who prefers to look inwards and be alone

6. introvert ( verb) = to draw in; to turn in

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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7. introversion ( noun) = the act of turning one‟s thoughts inwards

Root 160 SIGN / SIGNI = sign / mark / seal

1. sign ( verb) = to affix one‟s name, a mark or a seal on a document

2. insignia (noun) = a distinguishing mark meant to identify something

3. signatory ( noun) = one who signs with another in a joint statement

4. signature ( noun) = the name of a person written in his / her own handwriting

5. signal ( noun) = a gesture to call attention

6. signify ( verb ) = to show; to make evident

7. significance ( noun) = value; importance

8. significantly ( adverb) = importantly

9. insignificant ( adjective) = having no importance

10. design ( noun) = an intention; a plan of action

11. designated ( adjective) = selected

12. designation ( noun) = a selection or appointment; an aim or target to be reached

Root 161 INTELLECT / INTELLIG = power to know and think

1. intellect ( noun) = the human faculty to know and understand

2. intellectual ( adjective) = relating to the power of know and understand

3. intellectual ( noun) = one who is guided by the power of knowledge

4. intelligent ( adjective) = having the power to think

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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5. intelligently ( adverb) = in the manner of an intelligent person

6. intelligence ( noun) = the capacity to understand

7. intelligible ( adjective) = that which can be understood

8. intelligibility ( noun) = the quality of being understandable

9. intelligentsia ( noun) = the intellectual and artistic class of people in a society

10. unintelligent (adjective) = not using the power to think and understand

11. unintelligently ( adverb) = in an unthinking manner

12. unintelligible ( adjective) = not clear; not understood

Root162 LUC / LUM / LUN / LUS = light

1. lucent ( adjective) = giving light; shining

2. lucid ( adjective ) = clear, bright, filled with light

3. luminary ( noun) = someone who is well known in his / her profession;

own who shines and leads with professional competence; an famous


4. luminous ( adjective) = full of light; brilliant; lustrous

5. luminosity (noun) = the quality the light

6. luster ( noun) = sparkle; gloss; glaze

7. elucidate ( verb) = to make clear; to explain; to bring in the light of


8. illuminate ( verb) = to make bright; to light up

9. translucent ( adjective ) = materials that allow light to pass through them

10. lunatic = struck by moon light; gone insane in love

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 163 Suffix FY = make

1. vitrify ( verb) = to make into glass

2. zincify ( verb) = to coat with zinc; to galvanize

3. calcify ( verb) = to harden; to make stony

4. diversify (verb) = to make in various forms and colours

5. fortify ( verb) = to strengthen

6. fructify (verb) = to make fruitful

7. ratify (verb) = to approve legally; as in to ratify a treaty

8. testify (verb) = to bear witness

9. terrify (verb) = to frighten

10. verify ( verb) = to affirm the truth

11. unify (verb) = to make as one; to bring together

12. amplify ( verb) = to enlarge; to expand

Root 164 VOLCAN / VULCAN = fire

1. Vulcan ( noun) = Roman God of fire

2. vulcanist ( noun) = a metal worker

3. vulcanian ( adjective) = relating to work done with iron and other

metals. This is because all metals need high degrees of temperature

to change their shape

4. volcano ( noun) = a mountain erupting fire and lava

5. volcanic ( adjective) = like a volcano

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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6. volcanology ( noun) = the study of volcanoes. Is a specialized area

study under Geology

7. volcanologist ( noun) = a person who studies and specializes in

volcanic activities and can predict when a dormant volcano is likely

to become active again

8. vulcanite ( noun) = a rare rock from a specific volcano. This is

because normally all rocks convert from their solid state in to the

semi liquid state called lava due to volcanic heat. If a rock survives

the volcanic heat to retain its solid form it means that it has a special

structure and composition that needs temperatures of higher degrees

to convert its form. That is why they are very rare.

9. vulcanize ( verb ) = to undergo volcanic heat

Root 165 SUME / SUMP = take, use, waste

1. assume ( verb) = to take for granted without verifying; to suppose

something to be true and correct without any proof

2. assumption ( abstract noun) = the act of taking for granted

3. assuming ( adjective) = taking for granted; arrogant ( because a

very proud person believes that whatever he / she has thought of is


4. assumed ( adjective) = taken. Example „ He was masquerading as a

teacher under an assumed name‟

5. assumptive ( adjective) = assuming; supposing

6. consume ( verb) = to use up; to waste away.

7. consumer ( common noun) = one who consumes goods of some


8. consumption ( abstract noun) = the act of using up; the act of

wasting away.

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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9. consumptive ( adjective) = affected by the wasting away of the

breathing capacity of the body. Also called tuberculosis or

consumption as the strength of the body is wasted away to cause

premature death.

10. consumable( adjective) = goods that can be used up

11. consumedly ( adverb) = excessively

12. presume ( verb) = to take upon oneself more than the situation

justifies; assuming with out permission

13. presumably ( adverb) = supposedly

14. presumption ( abstract noun) = the quality of presuming too much;

arrogance ; audacity ( a feeling of bravery that is foolish and false

because the situation demands caution)

15. presumptuously ( adverb) = arrogantly; audaciously

16. Resume ( verb) = to take up again after a break

17. sumptuous (adjective) = excessive and full. Example, a sumptuous


18. sumptuousity ( abstract noun) = a tendency to display wealth

lavishly and unnecessarily. Lavish means „more than required or

more than necessary‟

19. sumptuously ( adverb) = lavishly; expensively

Root 166 Prefix EU = pleasant, good, well

1. Eulogy ( noun) = words of praise especially for someone who

has died recently.

2. euphony ( noun) = a pleasant sound

3. euphonious ( adjective) = full of pleasant sound; harmonious

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 127

4. euphemism ( noun) = the use of pleasant words to convey

something unpleasant. Avoiding the use of harsh and unpleasant

words. Example: Saying that a person has „passed on‟ instead of

saying that he has „died‟.

5. euphoria ( abstract noun) = a false feeling of well being or great


6. Eurasia (abstract noun) = a state of physical well being; a state

of full physical fitness.

7. eurhythmic ( noun) = the art of gracious movements as in


8. eureka ( noun) = an expression of triumph meaning „ I have

found it‟ make famous by Archimedes after he found the

scientific principle behind „floating of objects‟ on water and

other liquids

Root 167 HEMA / HEMO = blood

1. hemoglobin ( noun) = an element in red blood corpuscles

2. hemachrome (noun) = the red colouring matter in the blood

3. hematic ( adjective ) = containing blood

4. hematose ( adjective ) = full of blood.

5. hemal ( adjective) = pertaining to blood vessels or blood

6. hemoid ( adjective) = like blood

7. hemophilia ( noun) = a deficiency in blood that prevents it

from clotting, and therefore bleeding cannot be controlled

even from a small wound

8. hemitropic ( adjective ) = affecting the blood

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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Root 168 SCOPE = to see; to watch

1. bioscope ( noun) = an instrument that projects moving


2. helioscope ( noun) = an instrument to view the Sun

without injury to the eyes

3. periscope ( noun ) = an instrument for viewing on all sides

4. telescope ( noun) = an instrument for viewing distant

objects as if they are near

5. kaleidoscope ( noun) = an instrument showing various


6. stethoscope ( noun ) = an instrument for hearing sounds

produced by the heartbeats and the lungs

7. thermo scope ( noun) = an instrument for measuring

(viewing) changes in temperature

8. microscope ( noun) = an instrument for viewing organisms

or material too tiny to be viewed by the human eye

9. fluoroscope ( noun) = an instrument for viewing the inside

of solid objects

Root 169 DEM / DEMO = people

1. demos ( noun) = the people or the members of a community

2. democracy ( noun) = a form of government in which the

people periodically elect their representatives to govern the

country on behalf of the people

3. democrat ( noun) = one who believes in democracy

4. democratic ( adjective) = a believer in the system of


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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


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5. democratically (adverb) = in the manner of democracy

6. democratize ( verb ) = to shape in to a democracy

7. anti-democratic ( adjective) = against or opposed to the

principles of democracy

Root 170 PORTION = a part or a share

1. portion ( verb) = to divide in to parts

2. portion ( noun) = a part from a whole

3. apportion ( verb) = to give out a portion to each

4. portionable ( adjective) = anything that can be divided in to

parts or shares

5. portioner ( noun) = one who divides

6. portionless ( adjective) = without a portion. Also said for

someone without a dowry ( a share of wealth received

during one‟s wedding)

7. proportion ( noun) = the relation of one share to the other

8. proportionate ( adjective) = being in proportion

9. proportionately ( adverb) = being in proper share or measure

10. proportional ( adjective ) = divided in to right portions or


11. proportionality (abstract noun) = the quality or being


12. proportioned ( adjective) = divided equally and fairly

13. disproportion ( adjective ) = not in proportion; not suitable

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 130

14. disproportionate ( adjective ) = not fairly apportioned;

unfairly divided

15. disproportionately ( adverb) = not fairly divided or


Root 171 VEN / VENI / VENT = come

1. venture (verb) = taking up a new path not taken by others

before. Therefore it is unknown and full of risks

2. venture (noun) = putting money in a business project that is

unknown and filled with risks

3. adventure ( noun) = a new and remarkable experience

4. adventurer ( noun) = one who undertakes new and risky


5. adventurous ( adjective) = venturesome

6. event ( noun) = a happening; a result

7. eventful ( adjective) = full of excitement and importance.

Example „Olympic games are always eventful‟

8. eventually ( adverb) = finally

9. convene ( verb) = come together

10. convention ( noun) = a coming together of a large number

of persons for a formal discussion; a congress

11. convenient ( adjective) = accommodating; suitable;


12. convenience ( abstract noun) = personal comfort

13. conventional ( adjective) = the usual thing

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 131

14. intervention ( abstract noun) = the act of coming between

15. prevention (abstract noun) = coming before to stop


16. preventive (adjective) = tending to stop the coming –

example „a preventive dose of polio drops given to

children‟. or „a preventive measure‟

Root 172 LOC / LOCO = place

1. locality ( noun) = the place where one‟s residence is located

2. locomotion ( noun) = the act of moving from place to place

3. locomotive ( noun) = a self propelled vehicle

4. locus ( noun) = a place; a locality

5. locate ( verb) = to assign a place to; to find a place for

6. locator ( noun) = one who locates

7. dislocate ( verb) = to move away from its place

8. dislocator ( noun) = one who or that which dislocates

9. dislocation ( abstract noun) = the state of being dislocated

10. dislocated ( adjective) = removed from their places

11. relocate ( verb) = to put back in place

12. relocated ( adjective) = put in to place again after dislocation

13. relocation ( abstract noun) = the act of replacing something or

some one

14. allocate ( verb) = to assign; to allot; to apportion

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 132

Root 173 VER / VERI = true; genuine

1. veracity ( noun) = truth; accuracy

2. verify ( verb ) = to cross check and confirm the truth

3. verification ( abstract noun) = a confirmation

4. verifiable ( adjective) = that which can be verified

5. verisimilar ( adjective) = having the appearance of truth

6. verisimilitude ( abstract noun) = the likeness of truth

7. veridical ( adjective) = truthful

8. verily ( adverb) = it is truly the truth

9. very ( adjective ) = exact and absolute

10. veritable ( adjective) = true

11. veritability ( abstract noun) = the quality of truthfulness

Root 174 LOC / LOQUI = speak

1. loquacious ( adjective) = talkative; garrulous

2. loquacity ( noun) = the quality of being garrulous; garrulity; talkativeness

3. circumlocution ( noun) = a roundabout way of saying something

4. elocute ( verb) = to speak out in public; to declaim

5. elocution ( noun) = public speaking; oratory; declamation

6. elocutionist ( noun) = a professional speaker

7. eloquence (noun) = Speech marked with fluent diction and imaginative


Page 133: POWER OF WORDS - 10x10 · Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document,

Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 133

8. eloquent ( adjective) = expressing oneself with fluency and force

9. obloquy ( noun) = blame or abuse

10. obloquious ( adjective) = characterized by obloquy

11. loquent ( adjective) = inclined to speak

12. soliloquy ( noun) = a long speech to oneself; a monologue

13. soliloquize ( verb) = to talk to oneself earnestly

14. soliloquacious ( adjective) = having a tendency to soliloquize

15. interlocution ( abstract noun) = a conversation; interchange of speech

16. interlocutor (common noun) = one who takes part in an interlocution

17. interlocutory ( adjective) = relating to an interlocution

Root 175 NUNCI / NOUNC = declare ; warn

1. announce ( verb) = to make known to the public; to inform everybody

2. announcer ( noun) = one who makes announcements on a public occasion

3. announcement ( noun) = information given to the public

4. enunciate ( verb ) = to pronounce carefully

5. enunciation ( noun) = pronunciation; articulation

6. pronounce ( verb) = to declare; to articulate

7. pronouncement ( noun) = a formal announcement; a formal declaration

8. pronunciation ( noun) = articulation; utterance; the manner of speaking

9. renounce ( verb) = retract; revoke; abdicate; give up

10. renunciation ( noun) = the act of giving up ; abdication

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 134

11. denounce ( verb) = to inform against someone or something; to accuse

12. denunciation ( noun) = the act of informing against

13. denunciable ( adjective) = something that should be informed against

14. denunciatory ( adjective) = characterized by denunciation

Root 176 Root PLU / PLUR / PLUS = more

1. plural ( adjective) = more than one

2. plurality ( noun) = the state of being numerous; majority.

3. pluralism ( noun) = the state of one person holding more than one job

4. pluralize ( verb) = to convert singular nouns in to plural forms

5. plurative ( adjective) = more than half but less than all

6. plurennial ( noun) = a plant living for many years

7. plurilingual ( adjective) = speaking more than one language

8. plus ( adjective) = indicating that something is to be added

9. plurivorous ( adjective) = fungi; lower form of plant organisms that live on

more than one host organism

Root 177 PUT = think

1. putation ( abstract noun) = the act of thinking

2. compute ( verb ) = to calculate

3. computable ( adjective) = can be thought out

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 135

4. computation (noun) = calculation

5. computer ( noun) = a computing machine

6. depute ( verb) = to appoint as agent; to delegate

7. deputation ( noun) = delegation

8. deputy ( noun) = one appointed to substitute for another

9. dispute ( verb) = to disagree about a matter; to argue; to quarrel

10. disputation ( noun) = a formal debate on a matter that brings out the

various aspects for or against it

11. disputatious ( adjective) = argumentative; quarrelsome

12. disputable ( adjective) = debatable

13. impute ( verb) = charge with; accuse; ascribe to

14. imputation ( noun) = accusation; insinuation

15. repute ( noun) = esteem; good name

16. reputation ( noun) = good or bad public opinion about a person

17. reputable ( adjective) = esteemable; honourable

Root 178 JAC / JEC / JECT = throw; lie

1. adject ( verb) = to add to

2. adjective ( noun) = a word that adds to the meaning of a noun; not

standing alone.

3. adjectival ( adjective) = using many adjectives

4. conject ( verb) = to plan; to surmise

5. conjecture ( verb) = to surmise; to form an opinion

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 136

6. dejected ( adjective) = low in spirit; cast down with sorrow or lack of


7. dejection ( noun) = the condition of despair; depression

8. eject ( verb) = to throw out

9. ejaculate (verb) = to cry out loudly like a baby

10. ejection ( noun) = the act of throwing out

11. inject ( verb) = to insert; the opposite of eject

12. injection ( noun) = the act of putting fluid based medicine in to the body

through a syringe and needle

13. introjection ( noun) = the act of throwing oneself in to a cause

14. objection ( noun) = disapproval; refusal to accept; throwing out the


15. projection ( noun) = to throw forward

16. rejection ( noun) = a refusal; a denial

17. abject ( adjective) = lying very low in morality level; degrading oneself;

abasing; debased

18. abjection ( noun) = abasement; degradation

Root 178 PATER / PATR = father

1. patriarch ( noun) = the head of a family or tribe

2. patrimony ( noun) = the system of handing down the immovable property

from father to son, without any share for the daughter.

3. patronymic ( noun) = the father‟s name added to the name of the child

4. paternal ( adjective) = relating to the father

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 137

5. paternity ( noun) = the responsibility of fatherhood

6. patron ( noun) = a wealthy person who supports a cause or an artist (

usually a musician, a painter, a sculptor, writer) for his livelihood

7. patronize ( verb) = to act like a patron; to protect; support; to treat someone

as dependent or lower than oneself

8. patriot (common noun) = one who loves and serves his country as if he is

serving his father

9. patriotism ( abstract noun) = love for one‟s country

10. patriotic ( adjective) = like a patriot

11. unpatriotic ( adjective) = not loving one‟s country; opposite of patriotic

12. expatriate ( noun) = one who leaves his country to live in another country

Root 179 Root CUB / CUMB = lean back; lie down

1. accubation ( noun) = the posture of leaning or lying down

2. incumbent ( noun) = one who holds an official post

3. incumbency ( noun) = sphere of action of holder of a post

4. encumber ( verb) = to place a burden upon

5. encumbrance ( noun) = a burden

6. incubate ( verb) = to help grow by keeping warm

7. incubus ( noun) = a frightful dream; a nightmare

8. recumbent ( adjective ) = leaning back; lying down

9. recumbence ( noun) = the state of lying down

10. succumb ( verb ) = to sink under a burden or pressure

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 138

Root 180 VIC / VICIS = change; substitute; deputy

1. vicissitude ( noun) = change in fortune

2. vicissitous ( adjective) = experiencing frequent changes in fortune

3. vicissitudinous ( adjective ) = filled with changes of fortune and difficulties

4. vicissitudinary ( adjective) = characterized by changes of fortune

Root 181 BENE / BON = well; good

1. benefit ( noun) = an advantage

2. beneficial ( adjective) = wholesome, good

3. benefactor ( noun) = one who benefits others

4. benediction ( noun ) = a blessing

5. benevolent (adjective) = being good hearted

6. bonny ( adjective) = sweet and attractive

7. bonus ( noun) = an extra benefit

8. bonanza (noun) = an unusually rich vein of gold or silver in a mine

9. bounty ( noun) = a reward; a gift; generosity

10. bountiful ( adjective) = generous; munificent

11. bountifully ( adverb) = generously

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 139

Root 182 Suffix EE =one who receives the action

(All are nouns in this list)

1. alienee = one who receives property through a transfer

2. donee = one who receives a donation or a gift

3. assessee = one whose property is assessed

4. assignee = one to whom a duty is assigned

5. devotee = one who is devoted

6. deportee = one who is deported or legally sent out of a country

7. employee = one who is employed

8. fiancée = one who is engaged

9. legatee = one who has a legacy bequeathed to him / her

10. mortgagee = a person to whom a property is mortgaged

11. nominee = one who is nominated

12. refugee = one who flees from a place for personal safety

13. referee = one who calls and controls a game

14. trustee = one who holds a position of trustee

15. expellee = one who is expelled (thrown out) from an organization or country

Root 183 Prefix OB ,OP,OF = against; facing

1. object ( verb) = to oppose or refuse

2. oppressive ( adjective) = harsh pressures

3. offend ( verb) = to cause pain; to displease

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 140

4. oblige ( noun) = one who must carry out the duty

5. obligate ( verb) = to bind by duty

6. obligatory ( adjective) = a binding requirement

7. oblige ( verb) = to bind by favour, or service or force

8. obliterate ( verb) = to erase; to blot out

9. oblivious ( adjective) = unaware; forgetful

10. obscene ( adjective) = against decency

11. oppose ( verb) = to place oneself against

12. occult ( adjective) = to keep hidden

Root 184 GRAT = pleasing

1. grateful ( adjective) = thankful; appreciative

2. gratify ( verb) = to please; to satisfy

3. gratification ( noun) = state of being satisfied

4. gratuity ( noun) = extra money not earned

5. gratuitous ( adjective) = not called for; not required

6. gratuitant ( noun) = one who receives a favour

7. gratulatory ( adjective) = having the quality of pleasing

8. gratitude ( noun) = thankfulness; appreciation

9. gratulate (verb) = congratulate; express joy at an event

10. congratulate ( verb) = rejoice together

11. ingrate ( noun) = one who is ungrateful

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 141

12. ingratitude ( noun) = opposite of gratitude; thanklessness

13. ingratiate ( verb) = to worm oneself in to favour of powerful people through

sycophancy; be a sycophant

Root 185 Prefix INTRA = between

( All words are adjectives)

1. intra school = within the school

2. intra group = within the group

3. intra coastal = within the coastal waters

4. intra continental = within the continent

5. intra marginal = with the margins

6. intravenous = within the veins

Root 186 Prefix INTER = between

1. Inter school = between schools

2. Inter college = between colleges

3. international = between nations

4. inter-continental = between continents

Root 187 Suffix INE = nature of

1. divine ( adjective) = of the nature of god; Godly

2. feminine ( adjective) = of the nature of women

3. masculine ( adjective) = of the nature of men

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 142

4. genuine ( adjective) = natural; free of artificiality

5. medicine ( noun) = the science and art of dealing with cures of physical


6. pristine ( adjective) = of the nature of primary; the first; the new

7. calcine ( verb) = reduce to a powder

8. routine ( adjective) = according to the regular schedule of work

9. saline ( adjective) = of the nature of salt; consisting of salt

10. turbine ( noun) = a powerful rotary engine

Root 188 MULTI / MULTUS = many / much

1. multifold ( adjective) = folded many times

2. multifarious ( adjective ) = varied; diversified

3. multilateral (adjective) = many sided

4. multilingual ( adjective ) = relating to many languages

5. multi-linguist ( noun) = one who speaks many languages

6. multiple ( adjective) = consisting of more than one

7. multiplication ( noun) = an arithmetic process of increasing a

number quickly

8. multiply (verb) = to increase a number quickly by multiplication

9. multiplicity ( noun) = the quality of being multiple

10. multitude ( noun) = in great number; cannot be counted

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 143

Root 189 MEDI = half; half-way; middle; between

1. medial ( adjective) = relating to the middle

2. median ( adjective) = intermediate

3. mediate ( verb) = to come between

4. mediator ( noun) one who comes between

5. mediacy ( noun) = the state of coming between

6. medieval ( noun) = the historical period coming between ancient and

modern periods

7. mediocre ( adjective) = of middle quality; average

8. mediocrity ( noun) = average capacity; middle quality

9. immediacy ( noun) = the need for immediate attention; urgency

10. medium (noun) = a person have the capacity to make contact with the


11. mediterranean ( adjective) = lying between lands; having land on all


Root 190 PUNCT = point; dot

1. punctuality ( noun) = the quality of being punctual

2. punctual ( adjective) = being exactly on time

3. punctal (adjective) = relating to a point

4. punctilio ( noun) = exactness; precision in form

5. punctuate ( adjective) = ending in a point. Therefore, Punctuation.

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 144

Root 191 POTEN / POTES / POSSE = power

1. potent ( adjective) = powerful; capable

2. potency ( noun) = degree of power

3. potential ( adjective) = having the possibility of development

4. potentiality ( noun) = the ability to develop

5. omnipotent ( adjective) = all powerful

6. possessor ( noun) = one who possesses property

7. possible ( adjective) = able to be

8. possibility ( noun) = the state of being possible

9. impotent ( adjective) = opposite of potent; lacking power; without


Root 192 DORM = sleep

1. dormant ( adjective) = in a state of sleep

2. dormitive ( adjective) = causing sleep; putting to sleep

3. dormition ( noun) = the state of falling asleep

4. dormient ( adjective) = sleeping

Root 193 NOV = new

1. nova ( noun) = a star that suddenly increases in light

2. renovation ( noun) = the state of being renewed; made new again

3. novel ( adjective) = new; not familiar; strange

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 145

4. novel ( noun) = A long story in the form of a book

5. novelty ( noun) = something new and unusual

6. novice (noun) = one who is new in a profession

Root 194 PLAC / PLAIS = please

1. placet ( noun) = an expression of accent

2. placid ( adjective) = calm; unruffled

3. placidity ( noun) = the state of being calm

4. placable ( adjective) = able to be smoothened; able to be


5. implacable ( adjective) = cannot be appeased

6. complacent (adjective) = self satisfied

7. complacency ( noun) = self satisfaction

8. complacently ( adverb) = in a satisfied manner

Root 195 FLUC / FLUX / FLUV = flowing

1. Fluctuant ( adjective) = moving like a wave

2. fluctuate ( verb) = move in an unsteady motion

3. flush ( verb) = to flow and spread suddenly

4. fluid ( noun) = a flowing substance

5. fluent ( adjective) = flowing easily

6. fluency ( noun) = the quality of being fluent

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 146

7. fluidity ( noun) = the quality of a fluid

8. fluminose ( adjective) = relating to rivers

9. fluviose ( adjective) = flowing freely

10. affluent ( adjective ) = flowing freely; prosperous

11. effluent ( adjective ) = flowing out

12. influence ( verb ) = to flow in

Root 196 VALE / VALI / VALU = strength; worth; valour

1. valetude ( noun) = health; strength

2. valedictory ( noun) = a farewell address

3. valediction ( noun) = a farewell

4. valiant ( noun) = a brave person

5. equivalent ( adjective) = of equal value

6. valiancy ( noun) = the quality of bravery

7. valid ( adjective) = strong; legally correct

8. validity ( noun) = truth; legal strength

9. validate ( verb ) = make valid

10. validation ( noun) = the act of making valid

11. validatory ( adjective) = relating to validation

12. valour ( noun) = value; worth

13. valorous ( adjective) = having the quality of bravery

14. value ( noun) = the purchasing price

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 147

15. evaluate ( verb) = to find out the value; to appraise actual


Root 197 CORPOR / CORP = body

1. corporal ( adjective) = relating to the body

2. corporality ( noun) = the state of being a body

3. corporate ( adjective) = combined into a body

4. corporately ( adverb) = in the manner of being a


5. incorporate ( verb) = to make in to an association of

persons by a legal enactment

6. corporation ( noun) = a body of persons who have been


7. corpulence ( noun) = excessive fatness of the body; obesity

8. corpulent ( adjective ) = being excessively fat; obese

9. corps ( noun) = a group organized for a common cause

10. corpse ( noun) = a dead body

Root 198 SAT / SATIS = enough

1. sate ( verb) = to satisfy with food

2. satiate ( verb) = satisfied fully

3. satiable (adjective) = can be fully satisfied

4. insatiable ( adjective) = cannot be satisfied

5. satiability ( noun) = the state of being satisfied

6. satisfy ( verb) = to give as much as is needed

7. satisfactory ( adjective) = giving what is needed

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 148

8. satisfaction ( noun) = the state of being satisfied; gratification

9. unsatisfactory ( adjective) = not giving what is wanted

10. unsatisfactorily ( adverb) = in a manner that does not satisfy

11. dissatisfaction ( noun) = the state of not being please

12. insatiably ( adverb) = never able to be satisfied

13. saturate ( verb) = soak thoroughly; fill completely

14. saturation ( noun) = the state of being filled completely

15. unsaturated ( adjective) = not completely filled

Root 199 VAC = empty

1. vacate ( verb) = to leave; to make empty

2. vacant ( adjective) = empty; not occupied

3. vacancy ( noun) = the state of being empty

4. vacation ( noun) = a period of rest from work for a few days

5. vocational ( adjective) = relating to a vacation

6. vacuum ( noun) = a space entirely devoid of air or any other


7. vacual ( adjective) = relating to a vacuum

8. vacuous ( adjective) = empty of thought or activity; inane

9. evacuee ( noun) = one who is being taken out of a danger zone

10. evacuate ( verb) = to make empty by removing people

11. evacuation ( noun) = the act of evacuating

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Power of Words. Source: The two hundred Roots of words included in this document, have been selected from ‘Instant Vocabulary’ by Ida Ehrlich that has many more Keys to Words.


© Page 149

12. vacantly ( adverb) = idly; emptily; inanely

Root 200 MACRO / MEGA / MEGNA / MAGNI = large; great

1. macrometre ( noun) = an instrument for measuring size and

distance of objects

2. macrocosom ( noun) = the universe

3. macrocosmic ( adjective ) = relating to the Universe

4. macrograph ( noun) = a magnified photograph of an object

5. magnify ( verb) = to make larger; to intensify

6. magnanimity ( noun) = quality of generosity and kindness

7. magnanimous ( adjective) = a generous person

8. magnanimously ( adverb) = large heartedness; generosity

9. magnification ( enlargement) = an enlargement seen through a

magnifying glass

10. magnificent ( noun) = on a large scale; made great

11. magnitude ( noun) = physical greatness; bigness; quality