Page 1: POTENTIAL OF DIAGNOSTIC MICROBIOLOGY FOR of periodontal dis-eases is mainly based on plaque control. Although


P.C. Baehni

Department of Preventive Dentistry, School of Dental Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, 19, rue Barthelemy-Menn, 1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland

B. Guggenheim

Institute for Oral Microbiology and General Immunology, Center for Dental and Oral Medicine and Maxillo-Facial Surgery, University of Zurich, Switzerland

ABSTRACT: Most evidence suggests that only a finite number of bacteria are responsible for dental caries and periodontal dis-eases. This knowledge led to the development of microbial tests which can identify suspected pathogens. Current evaluationof the diagnostic power of microbial tests has shown that they have a low sensitivity and a low prognostic value. Despite theseshortcomings, there are valid indications for microbiological-based diagnosis. Salivary microbial tests for the detection ofmutans streptococci and lactobacilli may be useful, for example, in young children, oligosialic patients, and orthodonticpatients. These tests can be used to monitor the success of chemopreventive measures or compliance with dietary recom-mendations. Microbial diagnosis may also be valuable in the treatment of early-onset periodontitis or in subjects who respondpoorly to periodontal therapy. The use of microbial tests to monitor the efficacy of chemotherapy or mechanical treatment isof particular interest.

Key words. Dental caries, periodontitis, microbiology, diagnosis.

(I) Introduction

Dental caries and periodontal diseases are the mostcommon diseases in the oral cavity. In industrialized

countries, there are few adults who have not experienceddental caries. The Global Oral Data Bank of WHO showsthat by the age of 12 only 15 to 30% of the population iscaries-free. Epidemiological surveys have also shownthat most adults present some mild form of periodontaldisease, and that 5 to 15% suffer from severe periodonti-tis (Pilot et al, 1986; Miller et al, 1987). Both diseases areknown to be associated with micro-organisms colonizingtooth surfaces (Socransky and Haffajee, 1993; van Houte,1994). Dental caries can be prevented by adequate oralhygiene, reduced frequency in sugar consumption, andoptimal use of fluoride. Prevention of periodontal dis-eases is mainly based on plaque control. Although suchapproaches have been proven to be effective in control-ling these diseases, dental and periodontal diseases stillremain a major public health problem in the generalpopulation, with substantial economic implications.

The core of traditional dentistry is based on thetreatment of oral diseases. For dental caries, treatment isusually initiated when lesions are clinically detectable(evidence of tooth substance loss, radiotransparency inthe tooth structure) and tissue damage is irreversible.Treatment usually involves the removal of the affectedtissues and placement of a filling material. A similar

approach is applicable to periodontal diseases.Mechanical debridement is initiated when lesions (pres-ence of periodontal pockets, loss of attachment, radi-ographic evidence of bone loss, bleeding) are observed.Two comments should be made concerning thisapproach. First, clinicians lack diagnostic methods todetect early tissue changes when lesions are still at areversible stage and can be treated in a non-invasive way.Second, as in the case of dental caries, the fillingapproach is not necessarily synonymous with control ofthe disease. The alternative would be to emphasize pre-vention, and treatment should be targeted at controllingthe etiological agent(s). In this context, oral microbiolo-gy plays a major role not only in our understanding of theetiology but also in our ability to prevent and treat oraldiseases.

During the past decade, remarkable advances havebeen made in the field of oral microbiology, particularlyas it relates to diagnosis. Some of this newly gainedknowledge can already be applied in the clinic today. Thepresent review will discuss the role of microbiology inthe diagnosis and treatment of dental caries and peri-odontal diseases. It will focus on several questions relat-ed to the use of microbiologic diagnosis in the clinic:Can microbiology tests be used to identify subjects atrisk, help determine treatment strategies and modalities,as well as assist in determining treatment end-point?

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(2) Microflora of the Oral CavityThe mouth consists of numerous distinct habitats, eachof which has its own ecological conditions. Each habitatsupports the growth of certain populations of bacteria(defined bacterial species) and harbors a characteristicmicrobial community (Marsh, 1989). However, ecologicalconditions within the mouth are susceptible to environ-mental factors such as dietary habits, oral hygiene, andantimicrobial chemotherapy. These changes in the envi-ronment could affect the microbial community and pro-duce shifts in the proportions of the resident species.

Where do the bacteria which colonize the oral cavityoriginate? Microbial colonization is known to begin atbirth. A young child without any teeth usually does notcarry any mutans streptococci (Carlsson et al, 1975).Following eruption of teeth, the ecological conditions forcolonization by mutans streptococci are established. Ithas been shown that children seem to acquire bacteriafrom their mother, as evidenced by studies involving thetracing of serotypes, bacteriocin patterns, or, morerecently, by restriction endonuclease mapping(Berkowitz and Jordan, 1975; Kulkarni et al, 1989). Thisconcept of vertical transmission within families or popu-lations has strong clinical implications. Some studiesdemonstrated that it was possible to delay the coloniza-tion and reduce the risk of caries by preventive measuresaimed at decreasing mutans levels in mothers (Kohlerand Andreen, 1994). Periodontal pathogens such asActinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans or Porphyromonas gingi-

valis also seem to be transmitted among family membersand acquired from the immediate environment(Alaluusua etai, 1993; Petit et al, 1993).

Dental caries and periodontal diseases are multifac-torial diseases in which the bacteria play an importantrole. They are essentially opportunistic infections causedby bacteria residing in the oral cavity. However, there isevidence that only a finite number of the 200 to 300 dis-tinct bacterial species comprising the oral flora play anyrole in the initiation of these diseases (Loesche, 1977;Tanner, 1991; Haffajee and Socransky, 1994). In carieslesions, the proportions of mutans streptococci and lac-tobacilli have been found to be elevated. The microfloraat sites with periodontal destruction differs from that athealthy gingivae. The flora from periodontal pockets isdominated by anerobic Gram-negative bacteria as wellas a high proportion of spirochetes.

Much has been learned about the micro-organismsthat are associated with these diseases. Preventionshould be aimed at maintaining the equilibrium betweenthe host and the bacteria. As discussed below, microbialmonitoring may be a valuable tool to screen the status ofthe oral ecology before and after treatment.

(3) Identification of Oral Micro-organismsThere are several ways of detecting and quantifying oralmicro-organisms. For detailed information on this sub-ject, the reader is refered to several reviews (Russell,1991; Tannery al, 1991).

\n vitro culturing methods have played a key role inthe characterization of the microbiota of dental plaque.Current knowledge of the composition of the microfloraassociated with various forms of dental and periodontaldiseases derives, for the most part, from cultural obser-vations. In this approach, the plaque sample is plated onnonselective agar media, and the so-called "predominantcultivable flora" is identified. However, cultural methodsrequire a high degree of expertise. They are difficult toperform and are technique-sensitive. Estimates suggestthat less than 50% of the total flora from subgingivalsamples can be cultivated (Loesche et al, 1992b).Nevertheless, this approach is still widely used to deter-mine levels of bacteria associated with dental caries.Mutans streptococci and lactobacilli are usually detectedin salivary samples cultured on selective media. Thesemedia are designed to increase the recovery species ofinterest by suppressing other organisms usually presentin the sample. Cultures are still valuable as researchtools to study micro-organisms associated with peri-odontal diseases, since parts of this flora remainunknown. However, this approach is not suitable for rou-tine microbial screening in periodontal diagnosis,because it is time-consuming and expensive.

DNA probe methods, immunoassays, andmicromethods used to determine phenotypic markerssuch as enzymes have recently been developed to identi-fy a limited set of subgingival bacterial species. Geneticprobe methods rely on DNA segments or sequences ofnucleotides of 16S rRNA which are unique to each bac-terial species. DNA probes prepared from a representa-tive strain of the target micro-organism will hybridize tothese sequences. The detection of target micro-organ-isms is therefore based on the binding of the DNA probeto the complementary strands of nucleic acids in theseunique regions. Three types of DNA probes have beendescribed: whole-genomic probes, cloned probes, andsynthetic oligonucleotide probes (Dewhirst and Paster,1991).

Whole-genomic and cloned probes are derived fromchromosomal DNA, whereas oligonucleotide probes areconstructed to hybridize hypervariable regions of 16SrRNA (Tanner etal, 1991). Construction of whole-genom-ic probes is based on larger DNA fragments (23 kb orlarger) than required for cloned probes (1 kb). Foroligonucleotide probes, short segments of DNA (13-30bp) are synthesized to hybridize with the 24 to 30 select-ed bases. With whole-chromosomal probes, cross-reac-tions may be observed with genetically related species.

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Cloned probes are more specific than whole-genomicprobes. As for oligonucleotide probes, they can be veryspecific. They may distinguish between closely relatedspecies, since they can differentiate among sequencesthat vary by only one base. After hybridization, the reac-tion is quantified by comparison of the signals of theprobe with standards of pure DNA of the target species.The level of detection is estimated between 102 and 103

cells, depending on the type of probe, the labeling, andthe detection method used. The polymerase chain reac-tion (PCR) method has been recently used to increasethe sensivity of DNA probes. This technique permitsreplication and multiplication of the number of targetDNA or RNA fragments present in a sample. Quantitativedata can be obtained if the degree of amplification isknown. These powerful tools can also be used to identi-fy unknown organisms as well as for bacterial taxonomy.

Immunological methods have also been used todetect bacterial species that are genetically distinct(Tanner et al, 1991). Immunoassays include agglutina-tion, immunoprecipitation, enzyme-linked immunosor-bent assay (ELISA), flow cytometry, and immunofluores-cence. In these assays, polyclonal or monoclonal anti-bodies against species-specific surface antigens can beused to identify target bacteria. Generally, polyclonalantibodies comprise a mixed population of antibodymolecules. They react with a set of different specific anti-gens of the target bacteria and may give cross-reactionswith antigenically related species. This problem can beminimized, for example, by absorption of cross-reactiveantibodies. Monoclonal antibodies are very specific andcan be produced in potentially unlimited amounts(Gmlir, 1995). One can argue that monoclonal antibodiesare so specific, they may not recognize strains of thesame species that present slightly different antigenicepitopes.

Identification and speciation of bacterial isolatescan be based on phenotypic markers and key discrimina-tory properties, including enzyme profiles, sugar fermen-tation patterns, metabolic end-products, etc. For exam-ple, enzyme profile has been evaluated for the identifica-tion of Actinomycetaceae and related species (Kilian,1978), the group of black-pigmented Bacteroides species(Slots, 1981), and oral spirochetes (Laughon et al, 1982).Most of these bacterial species appear to possess aunique set of enzymes, which makes identification possi-ble. Thus, a predetermined series of biochemical tests isused for a particular group of micro-organisms. Pre-formed enzymes can be detected by means of colorimet-ric and fluorimetric substrates that have been miniatur-ized and incorporated into kit form (Loesche, 1986). Theadvantage of enzymatic identification is the short incu-bation time of the test.

The recognition that dental and periodontal dis-eases are initiated by a limited number of species led to

the development of microbiological diagnostic tests.Microbiological techniques primarily designed forresearch purposes were adapted to diagnosis. Both theacademic community and industry played a major role inthese developments. Extensive testing is still needed todetermine the utility and implications of this technologyin a clinical environment.

(4) Bases and Perspectives of SalivaryMicrobial Tests to Predict Individual Future

Dental Caries Activity


In modern textbooks of cariology (Newbrun, 1989;Thylstrup and Fejerskov, 1994), dental caries is still pre-sented as a multifactorial disease. Prevalence and inci-dence are described as being dependent on the result ofmultiple interactions among host factors, diet, andmicrobiota. If this is indeed true, then any single testanalyzing only one of these factors will almost certainlyhave a low predictive value for an individual's futurecaries activity.

Nevertheless, since W.D. Miller (1890) proposed thechemoparasitic caries theory, the development of teststo predict individual caries activity has attracted consid-erable interest. This is not astonishing, for it has alwaysbeen the noble goal of responsible clinicians to preventrather than to treat diseases. The state of the art can befully comprehended only by taking into account thenumerous efforts made in the past to predict individualcaries activity. In restrospect, it is interesting to note thatmost caries activity tests used to date have utilized sali-va and/or salivary bacteria as starting materials foranalyses, as initiated by W.D. Miller more than 100 yearsago.


In 1938, the American Dental Association made a world-wide enquiry among 195 institutions involved in cariesresearch to elicit concise summary statements on basicfindings of fact, conclusions, and references on dentalcaries. The results were compiled in a book, DentalCaries, Findings and Conclusions on its Causes andControl (ADA, 1939). This volume is an excellent sourcefor information on both the development of basic etio-logic concepts and on the accompanying development oftests that were used to predict future individual cariesactivity during the early 1920s up to 1939. Even though itis dated, this reference is the most comprehensive of itskind in the field of dental caries for this period. Majorperceptive steps and the ensuing caries activity tests arecompiled in Table 1. (Most of the respective references

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An Abbreviated Historical Review (1890-1939) of the Microbial Etiology of Dental Caries andEnsuing Caries Activity Tests ^

Major Perceptive Steps

1890 MillerChemoparasitic caries theory: Salivary bacteria produceacids from sticky dietary starch on teeth which dissolveenamel.

1897-1911 Williams, Black, von Beust(Ref. in Guggenheim, 1970)

Formation of acids in saliva is of no relevance for the forma-tion of lesions. Relevant are acids formed in gelatinousplaques on teeth.

1915-1929 Kligler (1915), Howe and Hatch (1917),Mclntosh etal . (1922), Rodriguez (1930,1931), Morishita (1929), and others

Bacillus acidophilus (Loctobocillus acidophilus) reportedlyassociated with dental decay.

1924 ClarkeStreptococcus mutons occurs in the front of dentinal lesionsand lactobacilli in the body of lesions.

1930-1939 Belding, Bibby, Fosdick, Hearman, Lyons,and others (Ref. in ADA, 1939)

Micro-organisms other than or in addition to L acidophiluscause initial caries (streptococci, yeasts).

1936-1939 Dean, Cox (Ref. in ADA, 1939)Discoverer of the caries-preventive properties of F".

Caries Activity Test

1890 MillerArtificial lesions in teeth in saliva-starch mixtures.

1929-1937 Hanke (Ref. in ADA, 1939)In situ test for plaque acidity: Sucrose rinse followed bymethyl-red test.

1930, 1931 RodriguezSelective agar for lactobacilli of oral flora used for suscepti-bility index for dental caries.

1936 Blayney (Ref. in ADA, 1939)Cultural and morphological plaque analyses for lactobacillito assess future caries activity.

1937-1938 Hansen (Ref. in ADA, 1939)Rate of acid formation from sucrose in saliva as a measurefor caries activity.

1928-1937 Hatton (Ref. in ADA, 1939)Saliva-glucose-enamel mixtures incubated for 4 hrs.Dissolution of Ca2+ and PO4 as indices for caries activity.

may be found in the aforementioned book (ADA, 1939)and some of the earlier quotes in a review byGuggenheim (1970).] How very advanced were theinsights into the etiology of dental caries almost fiftyyears ago is best documented by quoting the summary ofBunting and Russell (ADA, 1939) verbatim-.

"1. No consistent relationship has been foundbetween hardness or perfection of teeth, nor stateof mouth hygiene, and activity of caries.

"2. No correlation has been demonstrated betweenamounts of salivary calcium, phosphorus, chlo-rides, pH, CO2-capacity, total alkalinity, totalsolids, or ash, and activity of caries.

"3. No relationship has been demonstrated betweenintake of calcium, phosphorus, or acid/base dietaryvalues, and activity of caries.

"4. Inherited tendencies or inherent individual charac-teristics, in a small percentage of cases, are moreimportant determining factors in caries than ordi-

nary dietary conditions. A great majority of caries-susceptibles, however, can be benefited apparent-ly by adoption of very simple dietary measures.

"5. There is no evidence that caries is produced bymalnutrition, or may be prevented by adequatediets.

"6. Sugar is a very important causative factor in caries.A remarkably low degree of caries was observed inchildren on a low-sugar diet deficient in calcium,phosphorus, and vitamin D. Active caries wasinduced in children by increasing the sugar intakewhile they were receiving a diet that nutritionallywas adequate. Ingestion of low-sugar diets by chil-dren is conducive, as a rule, to freedom fromcaries.

"7. The most constant differential between caries-freeand caries-susceptible persons, thus far demon-strated, is that of relative number of L. acidophilusorganisms in the mouth. This correlation isapproximately 90 percent positive."

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It is evident from Table 1 (left column) and especiallyfrom the summary of Bunting and Russell that fifty yearsafter the conception of the chemoparasitic caries theory,the major insights into the etiology of dental caries hadalready been achieved. This includes the caries prophy-lactic action of fluoride and the discovery of Streptococcusmutans, the significance of which was not recognized byfellow researchers at that time.

Miller originally created artificial caries lesions todistinguish, in vitro, between the cariogenicity of differentcarbohydrates. All of the other researchers listed in Table1 (right column) devised tests to evaluate individualcaries susceptibility. Hanke proposed an in vivo plaqueacidity test, while Hatton introduced an enamel dissolu-tion assay for calculating a caries activity index. On thebasis of microbial analyses of carious dentin, especiallysalivary Lactobacillus counts, a specific etiologic role ofLactobacillus acidophilus in the development of carieslesions emerged between 1915 and 1929. This period iscovered in an excellent review by Davis (1959). It is there-fore not surprising that forerunners of today's salivarylactobacilli tests were established in the early 1930s.Credit for improved culture techniques for lactobacilliand the first systematic investigation of the quantitativeincidence of L. acidophilus and caries goes to Rodriguez(1930, 1931). Two years later, Blayney (ADA, 1939) com-bined cultural and morphologic plaque analyses todetermine the presence or absence of a clinically unde-tectable caries process at the sample site. An additionalmorphological analysis was included because of the dis-crepancy between the number of cultivable lactobacilliand the number of Gram-positive rods found in plaquewith the morphological characteristics of lactobacilli.Although lactobacilli were considered as prime etiologicagents for dental caries during that period, there were atthat time (Table 1, left column)—and even before—researchers who questioned this concept, most notably,Clarke (1924), who detected S. mutans at the front of thehistological lesion of dentinal caries, whereas lactobacil-li were isolated from the body of a lesion.

In 1940, Snyder described a simple colorimetric testfor estimating the relative number of lactobacilli in sali-va. Saliva (0.2 mL) was added to tubes of a selective (pH5.0) liquefied agar medium. A change in the color of theindicator brom-cresol-green from green to yellow after 48hours' incubation was indicative of > 103 lactobacilli permL of saliva. A further refinement in the cultivation oflactobacilli was an improved selective medium, intro-duced by Rogosa et al. in 1951, which allowed for growthof an extended spectrum of oral lactobacilli. This medi-um is still the basis of modern diagnostic salivary lacto-bacilli tests. In the 1950s, the pendulum started to swingin another direction. Several factors were responsible fora gradual shift in the perception of the microbial etiolo-gy of dental caries (Table 2, left column). First was the

classic experiment of Orland et al. in 1955 in which carieswas induced in rats mono-associated with a Streptococcusstrain. This was soon followed by a series of experimentsby Fitzgerald and Keyes at the NIH (van Houte, 1980)which showed that caries in rodents was a transmissibledisease caused by streptococci that were believed to bemembers of a heretofore-undescribed species. Similarstrains were subsequently isolated from man and werefound to be identical with the species S. mutans previ-ously described by Clarke (1924). Besides its strong aci-dogenic potential, mutans streptococci produce mutan,a predominantly a-lF3-linked glucan and a major viru-lence factor not synthesized by other oral streptococci.The importance of this glucan (as well as the glucosyl-transferase responsible for its synthesis) for the forma-tion of a water-insoluble plaque matrix in promoting theaccumulation of mutans streptococci on human teethand colonization of other organisms in supragingivalplaque has been reviewed by Guggenheim (1970) andvan Houte (1983). Another line of evidence which helpeddemolish the credibility of the lactobacillus theory camein the form of reports that the number of lactobacilli inplaque covering sound enamel never exceeded 0.1% ofthe cultivable microbiota, which excluded a significantrole for these bacteria in the etiology of incipient lesions.In contrast, a close association of streptococci of themutans group with incipient enamel lesions was demon-strated in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies (Table2, left column). This table contains the names of only afew of the pioneers who first addressed this question.The coup de grace to the lactobacillus theory of dentalcaries had already been given in 1963 by Snyder et al,who showed that neither the colorimetric lactobacillus(LB) test, the exact enumeration of lactobacilli in saliva,nor other salivary tests had a reliable predictive value forfuture caries activity on an individual basis. Thus, withinfewer than 20 years, the concept of the etiology of carieshad swung from lactobacilli to S. mutans theory.Following this development, Gold et al (1973) describeda selective medium based on the Mitis-Salivarius agar(MS) for mutans streptococci, which were found to beresistant to bacitracin. Based on this medium, Alaluusuaet al. (1984) introduced the Dentocult® Strip Mutans Test,a simple diagnostic test allowing the gross enumerationof salivary mutans streptococci to be done outside a bac-teriology laboratory under both clinical and field condi-tions. A similar dip slide test for salivary lactobacillibased on Rogosa's medium, the Dentocult® LB-test, hadbeen previously devised by Larmas (1975).




In 1968, Socransky assessed the state of the art in a verycompetent and critical manner. He screened the litera-

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An Abbreviated Historical Review (1946-1985) of the Microbial Etiology of Dental Caries andEnsuing Caries Activity Tests

Major Perceptive Steps

1946 McClure and HewittAddition of penicillin to the diet of rats prevents caries.

1955 Orland efo/.Germ-free rats remain caries-free on a sucrose diet: whenmono-associated with an Enterococcus, caries lesions form.

1958-1962 Winkler and Backer-Dirks, MacDonald,Gibbons, and others (Ref. in van Houte,1980)

Lactobacilli in smooth-surface plaque constitute a minor pro-portion of the microbiota. Role of lactobacilli in initiating cariesquestioned; salivary microbiota not representative for plaque.

1960-1962 Keyes and Fitzgerald(Ref. in van Houte, 1980)

Caries transmissible in rats and hamsters. Etiologic agentsStreptococcus FA and HS believed to be so far undescribed.

1965-1967 Carlsson, Guggenheim(Ref. in Guggenheim, 1968)

Streptococcus mutans isolated from human plaque showsidentical HS and FA strains of Keyes and Fitzgerald.

1967-1972 Carlsson, Gibbons, Guggenheim,Newbrun, and others(Ref. in Guggenheim, 1970)

Investigated extracellular polysaccharide formation ofStreptococcus mutans and sanguis from sucrose. Mutan a-1,3-linked glucan designated major 'Virulence factor" ofmutans streptococci.

1967-1975 de Stoppelaar, Bowden, Hardle, Loesche,van Houte, and others(Ref. in van Houte, 1980, 1994)

In cross-sectional and longitudinal studies, the close associa-tion of mutans streptococci with incipient caries lesions wasshown.

1973-onward Gibbons, van Houte, Cisar, Kolenbrander,and many others (Ref. in Kolenbrander,1988)

Specific adherence/co-aggregation concept of oral bacterialcolonization.

Caries Activity Test

1940 SnyderColorimetric method for the estimation of relative numbers of

lactobacilli in saliva.

1951 Rogosaer a/.Improved selective medium for lactobacilli.

1963 Snyder ef a/.Comparison of Lactobacillus fermentation test withLactobacillus count, buffering capacity, amylase test, etc.,showed that a reliable prediction of future caries activity onan individual basis was not possible with these tests.

1973 Goldefa/ .A selective medium for mutans streptococci based on MS-agar plus bacitracin devised.

1975 LarmasA dip-slide method for counting lactobacilli based onRogosa medium developed (Dentocult-LB).

1984 Alaluusua etal.Slide scoring method for estimation of Streptococcus mutanslevels in saliva based on the medium of Gold (Dentocult-SM).

ture of over 40 years, covering more than 160 papers. Allcaries susceptibility tests so far proposed were dividedinto three categories:

(1) Relation of physiological and biochemical proper-ties of saliva to caries activity;

(2) Relation of enzyme activity to caries activity; and(3) Relation of acidogenic potential of salivary con-

stituents to caries activity (microbiota).

He drew the following sobering conclusions: "None ofthe caries activity tests currently available are adequate

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Definitions and Calculations


Validating Criteria

Positive Negative Total

Positive a b(true positive) (false positive)

Negative c d(false negative) (true negative)

Total a + c

a + b

c + d


for the evaluation of caries activity of a patient." Heregarded the two major reasons for the failure of thesetests to be: (1) the multifactorial etiology of the diseaseand (2) the use of saliva as a test material because sali-vary micro-organisms are not representative of plaquemicrobiota (van Houte, 1980; Table 2). With regard to thesalivary lactobacilli tests (Snyder test and Lactobacilluscount), Socransky (1968) concluded: "Different investiga-tors have found the test to vary from essentially uselessin the prediction of caries to a low or moderate correla-tion coefficient that is significant at a group level, but ofno value for individual prediction."

After 1970, some major trends related to the micro-bial etiology of dental caries as well as periodontal dis-eases became evident, trends which were substantiallyintertwined with changes occurring in the socio-econom-ic conditions of oral research. The specific plaquehypothesis emerged, which addressed dental caries asan infectious disease caused by mutans streptococci(reviewed by van Houte, 1980, 1994), and the differentforms of periodontal disease as a result of infections byexogenous micro-organisms not associated with gingivaland periodontal health were identified (Slots, 1986;Genco et al, 1988; van Winkelhoff et al, 1988a). Indeed,there is no longer any doubt that incipient caries lesionsare strongly associated with mutans streptococci (forreview, see van Houte, 1980, 1994). The occurrence of lac-tobacilli as invaders of carious crown (Edwardsson, 1984)and root dentin (Schupbach et al, 1995) was confirmed.In addition, these bacteria were also found in the cryptsof the tongue in subjects consuming sucrose with highfrequency (van Houte et al, 1972). The wide dissemina-tion of fluoride prophylaxis led to a declining cariesprevalence and incidence in industrialized countries.Health costs exploded and a decrease of public supportfor oral sciences had to be endured. In countries whereresearch was largely dependent on public grant support,this led to the formulation of simplistic but promisinghypotheses such as the abovementioned specific plaquehypothesis. In addition, many researchers became

Definitions of Sensitivity, Specificity, andPositive and Negative Predictive Values(Krasse, 1988)

Sensitivity: The probabilitythat a screening proce-dure will give a posi-tive finding which is inagreement with thevalidating criteria.

Positive predictive value:The proportion of true pos-itives among recorded pos-itive cases:

a + IxlOO

a + cxlOO

Specificity: The probabilitythat a screening proce-dure will give a nega-tive finding which is inagreement with thevalidating criteria.

Negative predictive value:The proportion of true neg-atives among recordednegative cases:

= ̂ Lx100


increasingly associated with and dependent on industry.Oral microbial diagnostic tests were vigorously promot-ed with increasing success by both industry and theircontract scientists. Conceptional studies in which thelevel of infection with mutans streptococci and/or lacto-bacilli was correlated with the incidence of caries havebeen excellently reviewed by Krasse (1988) andPienihakkinen (1988). In both reviews, more than 20studies, in part identical, were evaluated according tothe following definitions and criteria (Carlos, 1978): sen-sitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictivevalues. These terms are explained and mathematicallydefined in Tables 3 and 4. They were used to assess thediagnostic power of microbial tests.

Sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive valueare the determinants by which the diagnostic power of amicrobial test is evaluated. If the same test, e.g., the StripMutans test, is used in several studies, the values ofthese determinants are strictly comparable betweenstudies only if the validation criteria are identical. Asshown by Krasse (1988), this is often not the case. Therewere great differences in the validating criteria (from 1 to4 new decayed surfaces per year) as well as considerabledifferences in sampling and test methods in the differentstudies reviewed by Krasse (1988) and Pienihakkinen(1988). It is therefore not surprising that the results showa considerable degree of variation despite these cleardefinitions. Sensitivity, i.e., the probability that caries-active individuals have high values for S. mutans or lacto-bacilli, varied from 44% to 71% in the studies analyzed byKrasse (1988). Specificity, i.e., the probability that sub-

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Caries (DT)

8-9 Years Old

and Restorations

8% have 100% of DT13% have 100% of FT

(FT) in Selected Age Groups in

13-14 Years Old

11% have20% have

100%ofDT66% of FT

the Canton of Zurich in 1991

35-54 Years Old

20% have31% have

70% of DT45% of FT

(Menghini, pers. comm. 1991)

jects without new caries or a low caries incidence hadlow values for mutans streptococci or lactobacilli, rangedfrom 56% to 100%.

Strains of Streptococcus mutans were previously subdi-vided into eight serotypes (a-h). DNA hybridization stud-ies showed enough diversity among these strains andserotypes to recommend their classification first intofour and later into seven separate species. Humans har-bor S. mutans and S. sobrinus in dental plaque.Occasionally, S. rattus and S. cricetus have also been iso-lated from man. These strains are predominantly foundin rodents (Coykendall, 1989). Since the human and ani-mal strains are physiologically very similar, the differen-tiation into these species, although accepted in princi-pal, is, however, often circumvented by use of the term"mutans streptococci".

Almost all study groups included a considerablenumber of subjects with high numbers of mutans strep-tococci who did not develop lesions (false-positives),which explains the resulting modest positive predictivevalues. More accurate predictive values were obtainedwhen results of different tests were combined—forexample, the SM-test and LB-test—with incipientlesions used as the validating criterion (ref. in Krasse,1988). In populations with high caries prevalence (e.g.,Third World countries), the value of these tests (sensitiv-ity, positive predictive value) is much higher than in pop-ulations with low caries prevalence (Krasse, 1988).However, in the former countries, almost the entire pop-ulation is at risk, and the modest financial resourcesavailable would be better spent on group prophylacticprograms than on futile tests. In industrialized countrieswhere fluoride prophylaxis is practiced, sensitivity andpredictive value of microbial diagnostic tests were seento decrease with age. Excellent positive predictive valueswere found for young children in the age group 2 to 4years (Alaluusua and Renkonen, 1983) and for children inthe age group 12 to 13 years (Krasse, 1988); when a largenumber of teeth erupt, predictive values were below themodest expectations in older age groups.



Salivary microbial tests in industrialized countries are oflittle value for predicting the individual future cariesactivity of subjects older than 4 years. However, these

tests are still widely recommended to identify the 25-35%of children who are most prone to develop caries, so thatthey might be included in special prophylaxis programs.To illustrate this point, the distributions of carious teethand restorations in some age groups in Switzerland areprovided in Table 5. It is immediately evident that underthe prevailing epidemiological conditions, prophylacticprograms addressing the population at large are nolonger cost-effective. An early identification of the "cariesrisk" groups would therefore be highly desirable. Asalready mentioned, this does not apply to Third Worldcountries, where caries prevalence is still high and wherethe capacity for community dental health care is ratherlimited. In these countries, the very scarce professionaldental infrastructure and funds should be invested inpublic health programs that include prophylactic mea-sures. There is absolutely no need for microbial diagnos-tic tests in these countries.

Buttner (1993) published data derived from 5743children cared for by the schoolchildren's service in thecity of Basel (Switzerland). The percentage of caries-freechildren with different degrees of salivary mutans countswas plotted for three different age groups (Fig. 1). In allage groups, from 28 to 40% of the children with > 106

mutans streptococci/mL saliva were caries-free (low sen-sitivity). However, in the age groups 7 to 12 years and 13to 16 years, over 30% and 50%, respectively, of the chil-dren with less than 105 mutans streptococci/mL saliva(scores 0 and 1) exhibited caries lesions. The cost-bene-fit ratio of salivary microbial diagnostic tests can be cal-culated as follows: A prophylactic measure is cost-effec-tive if the avoided therapy costs divided by prophylaxisexpenditures is > 1. Assuming that under the prevailingepidemiological situation in Switzerland, 25% of theyounger population is at risk and that the costs for botha Dentocult® Strip Mutans and a Dentocult-LB test willtotal $35 including labor, the selection of one subject atrisk will cost $140. Even if the predictive value of thecombination of these tests were 100%, which it is not, itbecomes clear that salivary microbial tests are not acost-effective way of selecting subjects for intensive pro-phylactic programs. The same conclusion had beenreached by Isokangas et al. (1993). In this study, 15 den-tists made caries activity predictions in groups of chil-dren aged 3 to 4 and 5 to 16 years on the basis of clinicalexaminations only, with astonishing results. The sensi-

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tivity of their predictions verified one year later was 58%.Specificity was 84%, and the positive predictive value56%. They predicted that 26.9% of the children wouldshow dentinal caries, and subsequently found that 26.6%of the children did indeed show dentinal caries.Furthermore, the clinicians predicted more than one car-ious surface for 9.2% of the cases, and 10.7% were subse-quently observed.

Helfenstein et al. (1991) and Steiner et al. (1992)described a method, named "Dentoprog", for predictinghigh caries increments in children based on clinical para-meters only. They sought to answer the question: Is itpossible to predict future high caries increments inschoolchildren, using clinical parameters only and nomicrobial, salivary, socio-economic, or other data? In thefirst stage, possible dental predictors were selected.Clinical and radiographic data (dmfs/DMFT) collected atfour-year intervals since 1972 in 16 communities aroundthe city of Zurich were systematically tested by pilot sta-tistical models to determine whether any of the clinicalparameters could be related to future caries activity. Inthe second stage, 46 clinical variables were chosen andtested as individual predictors using data collected in1980, 1984, and 1988. These data were subjected to sim-ple logistic regression for two age groups (7 and 10 years)according to three definitions of high caries increment.In the final phase, the 22 most promising variables,which were significant for all data sets, were further ana-lyzed by multiple logistic regression. The following threeclinical parameters proved most suitable for predictingfuture high caries increments in children: (1) the numberof sound primary molars [SOU prm, 0-8]; (2) the numberof discolored pits (palatal in maxilla, buccal in mandible)and the number of discolored fissures on first permanentmolars |DISC pifi, 0-8]; and (3) the number of buccal andlingual/palatal smooth surfaces of first permanentmolars with white spots |SPOT sm, 0-8], The formula ofthe Dentoprog value (DPV) for 9.5-11.5-year-old children,for example, is:

DPV = 0.27 |SOU prm| + 0.24 [DISC pifi] + 0.34 |SPOT sm]

By this formula, the DPV of clinically examined individu-als was calculated. The cohort could be ranked accordingto the results. The risk group could be selected accordingto available capacity and means for intensive prophylac-tic programs, e.g., 30% of the cohort with the highestDPV. The precision of the predictions was calculated forperiods of four, five, and eight years. A specificity of 71-79% and a sensitivity of 67-70% was observed, which is,compared with microbial salivary tests, in the upperrange of what can be achieved. This method is almostcost-neutral, because these parameters are scored any-way during regular clinical examinations by the schooldental service.


0 Grade 0H Grade 1H Grade 2E3 Grade 3

5-6 7 - 1 2 13-16 Age

Figure 1. Percentage of caries-free children and adolescents (3age groups) with grades 0-3 in the Dentocult®-Strip MutansTest. N = 5743.

The Dentoprog method has been criticized becauseit selects children at risk only on the basis of alreadyexperienced damage. However, this is a specious argu-ment. It is indeed true that the Dentoprog method can beapplied only when children enter kindergarten at fouryears of age. However, there is no country in the worldwhich has an established collective control of childrenyounger than four. If such young children are brought toa dentist, it is because of severe caries, mostly in theiranterior teeth. The results of microbial tests can then bepredicted without performing them.

In adults, the situation is similar to that in children.Adults visit dentists at their own discretion. If they man-ifest a high caries activity, the results of salivary micro-bial tests can be anticipated. For any experienced den-tist, future caries activity can be estimated by the presentclinical status, salivary flow parameters, amount ofplaque, rapidity of plaque formation, and oral hygienehabits. The following clinical parameters seem to be ofparticular importance: crowding of teeth, deep fissures,caries at non-predilection sites, unstained white spots,retentive restorations, and exposed root surfaces. Withregard to oral hygiene, techniques of toothbrushing andinterdental cleaning habits have to be assessed. In addi-tion, a careful history should provide a clear picture ofthe application of fluorides in oral care products and insalt or water, and the influence of dietary habits, in par-ticular the frequency of sucrose consumption. Other fac-tors—like the presence or absence of chronic disease,stress, work shift, congenital tooth defects, the regularintake of medications, etc.—must be thoroughly investi-gated. Combining the results of clinical findings withthose of careful history should allow a very precise esti-mation of future caries risk to be drawn. Evident risk fac-tors should, if possible, be eliminated by appropriatecounseling.


There are several valid indications for the use of salivary

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microbial tests. Pediatricians should be convinced to usethese tests regularly on children under the age of fourbecause they have a greater chance to see infants beforedamage occurs. Ideally, they should be trained to provideappropriate counseling to the parents, or else refer thechildren to a prophylactically minded pediatric dentist.The success of chemopreventive measures such aschlorhexidine varnish can be accurately monitored bythese tests. Compliance with dietary recommendationsmay also be controlled. Salivary microbial tests are ofvalue in the surveillance of oligosialic and xerostomicpatients. As a guide, these tests may also be useful in thedentist's deciding whether expensive restorations areadvisable. When fixed bands are used by orthodontists,these tests may provide precautionary signals. Last butnot least, the cooperation and motivation of a caries-active individual toward preventive measures may beincreased if the results of such tests are shown and theirclinical significance explained to the individual.

(5) Bases and Perspectives of Microbial Testsin Relation to Periodontal Diseases



Periodontal diseases represent a group of pathologicconditions affecting the periodontium. Although differ-ent forms of periodontitis have been recognized, theirclassification still remains unclear (American Academyof Periodontology, 1992; Attstrom and van der Velden,1993). These diseases are distinguished from one anoth-er primarily by differences in their clinical features. Inaddition, much of today's knowledge suggests that theyvary with respect to the composition of the subgingivalmicrobial flora, host responses, and susceptibilities. It isnot the purpose of this paper to review the bacterial floraassociated with the various forms of periodontal dis-eases (Slots, 1986; Haffajee and Socransky, 1994). Thediscussion will be limited only to micro-organisms thatare most commonly identified in diagnostic tests.

It is important to stress that these bacterial speciesare currently considered as suspected or putative peri-odontal pathogens. Whether these "pathogens" are trueetiologic agents remains to be proven. Nevertheless,these bacterial species can be used as diagnostic mark-ers as defined by Burt (1991): "an attribute or exposureassociated with the increased probability of occurence ofdisease, and which can be used as an indicator of thedisease."

Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans

Increased frequency of detection of this organism wasfirst described in localized juvenile periodontitis (Slots etal, 1980; Zambon, 1985). This species produces a num-ber of virulence factors, including a leukotoxin which has

drawn considerable interest (Baehni etal, 1979, 1981; forreview, see Ohta and Kato, 1991). A. actinomycetemcomitansisolates vary in their ability to produce leukotoxin in vitro.Tsai and Taichman (1986) recovered the highest propor-tion of leukotoxin-producing strains from young local-ized juvenile periodontitis (LJP). Higher prevalence ofleukotoxic A. actinomycetemcomitans strains was found inperiodontal lesions than in healthy sites (Zambon et al,1983). However, many subjects with LJP were found tohave elevated serum antibodies to A. actinomycetemcomi-tans and its leukotoxin (Tsai et al, 1981). The role of theleukotoxin in the pathogenesis of A. actinomycetemcomi-taws-associated periodontitis is therefore not clear. Morerecent studies on LIP have reported higher numbers of A.actinomycetemcomitans in lesions than in non-diseasedsites (van Winkelhoff etal, 1994). In addition, these stud-ies showed that the species was elevated in active sitescompared with inactive sites (Haffajee et al, 1984;Mandell, 1984). A. actinomycetemcomitans has also beenimplicated in adult forms of periodontal destruction(Gmur and Guggenheim, 1990; Rodenburg et al, 1990;Skaar et al, 1992). Recent reports indicate that thespecies is also present but in low numbers in subjectswith a healthy periodontium (Alaluusua and Asikainen,1988; Gmur and Guggenheim, 1994). A. actinomycetemcomi-tans serotype b seems to be more frequent in subjectswith periodontal disese, whereas serotype c is associat-ed with periodontal health (Asikainen et al, 1991b).

Data from studies on the effect of treatment on lev-els of A. actinomycetemcomitans are particularly relevant.When subjects with juvenile periodontitis were treatedsuccessfully, A. actinomycetemcomitans was suppressedbelow detectable levels, while unsuccessful treatmentwas associated with failure to suppress the species(Christersson et al, 1985; Mandell et al, 1986).Mechanical treatment alone does not reliably eliminateA. actinomycetemcomitans. Several studies have reportedthat A. actinomycetemcomitans still remained after debride-ment in a high proportion of sites initially infected withthe bacteria (Christersson etal, 1985; Renvert etal, 1990).Some authors have shown that elimination can beachieved only by combining mechanical treatment withthe use of antibiotics (Slots and Rosling, 1983; Pavicic etal, 1994).

Porpfiyromonas gingivalis

Most studies indicate that a high P. gingivalis count isuncommon in health but is often found in destructiveforms of periodontitis (Slots and Listgarten, 1988; vanWinkelhoff et al, 1988a; Moore et al, 1991). The specieswas also shown to be elevated in active lesions com-pared with inactive sites (Dzink et al, 1988; Walker andGordon, 1990). P. gingivalis produces a variety of prote-olytic enzymes, which may be important virulence fac-tors. Data on the effect of therapy are of interest. In most

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cases, P. gingivalis decreased below detectable levels aftermechanical debridement (Gusberti et al, 1988; Renvert etal, 1990). P. gingivalis was shown to remain elevated insites that responded poorly to therapy, as was the casefor A. actinomycetemcomitans (van Winkelhoff et al, 1988b;Choi et al, 1990). However, these observations were notsubstantiated by others (Magnusson et al, 1991). Highproportions of P. gingivalis were found in sites thatshowed breakdown after therapy (Choi et al, 1990), sug-gesting that the species might play an important role inthe pathogenesis of disease recurrence.

Bacteroides forsytfius

Initially, B. forsythus was not frequently reported amongthe predominent cultivable organisms from periodontallesions. This was probably due to the fact that the organ-ism is difficult to grow and has specific cultural require-ments (Wyss, 1989). However, detection of B. forsythus inplaque samples was shown to be possible by immuno-fluorescence techniques with polyclonal or monoclonalantibodies (Lai etal, 1987; Gmur, 1988) or by DNA probes(Moncla et al, 1991). These studies reported that thespecies was found in higher proportions in gingivitis andadult periodontitis than in healthy subjects. The speciesis more often detected in destructive periodontitis byimmunological methods or DNA probes than by culture(Gmur, 1988; Moncla et al, 1991). In addition, B. forsythuswas found in increased numbers in sites with periodon-tal breakdown (Lai et al, 1987) or in refractory subjects(Listgarten et al, 1993). These observations were con-firmed by culture data showing that B. forsythus, togetherwith other species, was isolated in higher levels and withincreased frequency in active lesions than in quiescentsites of subjects with refractory periodontitis (Dzink et al,1988). However, the species has also been frequentlydetected in supragingival plaque of healthy subjects orin maintenance patients (Gmur and Guggenheim, 1994).

Treponema species

The presence of spirochetes in acute forms of gingivalinflammation has been known for decades. These organ-isms can be readily observed by direct microscopy. Theyare usually not detected in healthy sites but are commonin gingivitis and reach high levels in periodontitis sites.Spirochetes average from 30 to 50% of the microscopiccounts in subgingival plaque samples recovered fromperiodontal pockets (Listgarten and Hellden, 1978).Many studies have shown that the proportion of spiro-chetes decreased after mechanical debridement withoutantimicrobial agents (Mousques et al, 1980; Magnussonet al, 1984). However, studies on maintenance patientsfailed to predict future deterioration based on the pres-ence of spirochete counts (Listgarten et al, 1984). Theseorganisms are fragile and difficult to isolate. T denticola isone of the four human oral species which has been char-

acterized. The species was detected in diseased sites andis not commonly found in healthy sites. Decrease in Tdenticola was observed following successful treatment butnot in non-responding sites (Simonson et al, 1992).

There has been a growing interest in other bacterialspecies such as Prevotella intermedia, Fusobacterium nuclea-tum, Campylobacter rectus, Eikenella corrodens, and unclassi-fied Treponema species. These species have been found inhigh numbers in periodontal lesions; they are alsodetected with high frequency but in low numbers inhealthy sites. Their exact role in destructive periodontaldisease or in sites refractory to periodontal therapyremains to be evaluated.

The search for the etiological agents of periodontaldiseases is still progressing. The specificity of bacteriaassociated with the diseases is still controversial.Current knowledge clearly indicates that the microbiotaassociated with healthy periodontal sites is differentfrom that of diseased sites (Haffajee and Socransky,1994). These differences in microbial composition ornumbers may be used for diagnostic purposes. However,a few key questions need to be addressed. The first ques-tion is related to the mere presence of suspectedpathogens. Most periodontal species found in diseasedsites are frequently isolated but in low numbers inhealthy subjects. Thus, colonization by these micro-organisms is not synonymous with disease but is com-patible with health. Microbial tests should therefore notbe used without a careful evaluation of the patient's his-tory and clinical status. Second, not all isolates of a givenbacterial species are equally virulent. For example,leukotoxin expression may vary among strains of A. actino-mycetemcomitans; various strains of P. gingivalis may differ intheir production of proteolytic enzymes. Some of thesedifferences may be partly due to environmental factorsbut seem to be also genetically regulated (Kuramitsu etal, 1995; Spitznagel et al, 1995). This might explain whyspecies suspected to be pathogens can be found inhealthy sites or subjects. If this is true, diagnostic testsshould be targeted not at the species but at the virulentstrains of the species. Last, the role of the host responsein the equation must be considered. Periodontal dis-ease, as an infectious process, requires virulent bacteriaas well as a genetically susceptible host (Socransky andHaffajee, 1992; Hassell and Harris, 1995). Periodontaldestruction and disease progression are the result of animbalance between pathogenic species and the hostdefense mechanisms. Thus, microbiology representsonly one element of this multifactorial disease.



Sampling methods and strategies for site selection havebeen evaluated. The most commonly used samplingtechniques are dental curettes and paper points. Several

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studies have shown that curettes yield higher colony-forming units than paper point samples (Kiel and Lang,1983; Moore et al., 1985), but in one study (Renvert et al,1992), higher counts of micro-organisms were obtainedwith paper points. The paper point technique recoversmostly non-adherent subgingival plaque. One study sug-gested that a stratified distribution of bacterial cells willnot be adequately sampled by absorbent paper points(Baker eta/., 1991). Nevertheless, reproducibility of paperpoint sampling has been shown to be acceptable.Duplicate samples obtained one week apart (Renvert etal, 1992) or during the same visit (Dahlen et al, 1990)demonstrated little variation in the recovery of A. actino-myceterncomitans and P. gingivalis. A critical step is themicrobial sampling, because it appears to be the mostimportant source of variance in the recovery of subgingi-val bacterial markers (Wikstrom et al, 1991). In this con-text, the presence of bacteria within gingival tissues maybe of importance. Clusters of micro-organisms have beenshown in biopsies from diseased sites and identified asmembers of the periodontal flora, suggesting bacterialinvasion (Saglie, 1991). The exact significance of theseobservations is not known. However, if bacterial invasionproves to be related to disease progression, the sam-pling methods that are common today will be inade-quate.

Another issue concerns the number of sites to besampled per patient and the strategies for site selection.Studies on topographic distribution of black-pigmentingbacteria have shown that these micro-organisms are notevenly distributed within the mouth but cluster in certainareas of the dentition (Mombelli et al, 1991a). Mostauthors agree that sites with the deepest probing depthand that bleed when probed are most likely to harborsuspected pathogens (Mombelli et al, 1991b; Savitt et al,1991). Others have suggested that multiple sites shouldbe sampled for the reliable detection of species such asA. actinomycetemcomitans and P. gingivalis (Christersson et al,1992; Loos et al, 1992). One study demonstrated that, in70% of cases, when A. actinomycetemcomitans was recoveredfrom subgingival sites, it was also found in stimulatedsaliva samples (Asikainensta/., 1991a). Analysis of salivasamples may be useful to identify a carrier state.

As discussed earlier, different technologies havebeen used for detecting and quantifying bacteria in sam-ples from periodontal pockets. Several commercial testsand services are now available in the United States andin Europe. These tests involve different strategies(Dewhirst and Paster, 1991). Some tests use 32P-labeledDNA probes. This requires that the sample be processedin a specialized laboratory approved for the use ofradioactive material. Plaque samples are collected by theclinician and sent to the reference laboratory.Quantitation is performed by comparison of the signalsgenerated by the samples with signals obtained with

standards, e.g., known quantities of DNA from targetmicro-organisms (French et al, 1986; Savitt et al, 1988;Dix et al, 1990; Moncla et al, 1990). An automated systembased on this technology uses enzymatically tagged DNAprobes. This procedure can be performed in the dentaloffice, provided that appropriate equipment is available(Listgarten, 1992). However, quantitation of the reaction isnot possible in the system that is designed for use in thedental practice.

Another technology that has been applied to peri-odontal samples and commercialized is the latex agglu-tination test (Zambon et al, 1986). In this technique, theantibody-bound latex is mixed with the plaque samplesuspension and agitated. A positive test is visualized bythe clumping of the mixture, which occurs when the tar-get micro-organisms form complexes with the species-specific antibodies. The major problem is that thesetests have a low sensitivity and provide only qualitativeresults (Zambon et al, 1986).

The detection of bacteria based on their enzyme pro-files has also been applied to certain subgingivalspecies. For example, P. gingivalis, T. denticola, and B.forsythus possess a trypsin-like enzyme(s) that can bedetected in the benzoyl-arginine naphthylamide (BANA)test. Detection of these micro-organisms by BANA, com-pared with fluorescent immunoassay for P. gingivalis andT denticola, has shown good levels of agreement betweenthe two methods (Loesche et al. 1992a). However, false-positive reactions may occur because some of theenzyme activity detected by the test may be derived fromthe host. Another drawback is that the test is not specif-ic, since all three bacterial species can cleave the samesubstrate, and, thus, the test cannot distinguish amongthe three species.

Microscopic examination of plaque samples hasbeen used to detect certain indicator micro-organismssuch as motile rods and spirochetes. These species areoften associated with periodontal destruction but theyare also found at high levels in gingivitis. Phase-contrastor dark-field microscopy is useful to determine distribu-tion of different bacterial morphotypes but does not giveinformation about bacterial species (Listgarten, 1992).



In theory, microbial diagnosis should improve our abilityto identify subjects at risk for developing disease or tomonitor disease progression, and it should enhanceperiodontal diagnosis and assist in treatment decisions.Data from studies on risk assessment suggest that ele-vated levels of certain species including A. actinomycetem-comitans, P. gingivalis, P. intermedia, and B. forsythus are asso-ciated with an increased risk for new attachment loss(Haffajee et al, 1991; Beck et al, 1992; Haffajee andSocransky, 1994). In these studies, bacteria were identi-

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Initial examinationfied by culture methods,immunofluorescence, or col-ony-lift procedures com-bined with DNA probes.Thus, the value of the diag-nostic tests discussed abovefor risk evaluation has notyet been determined.

Microbial diagnostictests have also been sug-gested as adjuncts in treat-ment selection and plan-ning. Although the conceptis appealing, it does notapply to adult periodontitis.Indeed, in adult periodonti-tis,; treatment by conven-tional methods includingmechanical debridementwith or without surgery wasshown to arrest progressionof disease in most cases(Lindhe, 1989). In addition,it has to be acknowledgedthat treatment modalitiesare:essentially the same andthat the choice among ther-apies is limited: Local mechanical debridement is per-formed in all cases, regardless of the type of diagnosis.One key issue related to treatment is the choice of antibi-otics. It has been suggested that selection of an appro-priate antibiotic in subjects with severe or aggressivedisease should be based on proper microbiologicalanalysis (van Winkelhoff et ai, 1993). In such cases, cul-turing is a prerequisite for determining the in vitro antimi-crobial susceptibility of a given pathogen. Unfortunately,most of today's available data related to this issue arecase report studies. Clearly, the goal of linking microbialdiagnosis to specific therapies has not been achieved.Validation of the concept will have to be accomplishedthrough controlled clinical trials where the true utility ofbacterial monitoring would be matched against the ther-apeutic outcome.

Thus, at the moment, microbial testing is of littlevalue in the routine management of adult periodontitis.It results in unnecessary costs and sometimes misuse ofantibiotic therapy. The most appropriate applications ofmicrobial testing are in the early and rapidly progressingforms of periodontitis, juvenile periodontitis, and refrac-tory periodontitis. Refractory periodontitis is a disease insites or patients who continue to experience a high rateof attachment and tooth loss despite intensive therapy.This implies that mechanical treatment has been ade-quately performed and the clinical history well-docu-mented. When indicated, bacterial monitoring after an




• Clinical evaluation

C 3 Microbiological monitoring

Figure 2. Flow chart of periodontal treatment for refractory periodontitis including microbial monitoring.

active phase of therapy will help to assess the efficacy oftreatment and determine whether the bacterial load hasbeen controlled. Subgingival scaling has major effects onthe subgingival environment and the microbiota. It low-ers the total number of micro-organisms and producesshifts in the ecology of subgingival plaque (Socranskyand Haffajee, 1993). Several studies have shown that A.actinomycetemcomitans or spirochetes may still be detectedafter treatment (Mousques et at, 1980; Slots and Rosling,1983; Mandell et al, 1986). Some results indicate that fail-ure to lower certain suspected pathogens is associatedwith poor response to therapy (Socransky and Haffajee,1993). It appears likely that the success of therapy isrelated to the magnitude of the quantitative and/or qual-itative changes of the microbial flora. The adequacy oftreatment should be based on the absence of detectablepathogens instead of on a tactile or visual basis. Theend-point of therapy would then be determined byresults of the microbial analysis.

Fig. 2 represents a proposed treatment scheme forrefractory periodontitis in which therapeutic decisionsare based on microbiologic testing. Microbial analysisaims at determining the presence of a limited set of bac-terial markers, as defined earlier. In the proposedscheme, after a clinical examination the patient receivesoral hygiene instructions and is treated by subgingivalscaling. In the event treatment is effective in arrestingperiodontal breakdown, the patient is placed on mainte-

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nance. Regular prophylaxis is intended to prevent recur-rence of disease. If the clinical situation fails to improve,microbiological testing is indicated to gain informationon the residual flora (see #1, Fig. 2). If the results showthat bacterial markers have not been adequatelyreduced, therapy is continued: Mechanical treatment isrepeated, with the possible addition of local or systemicantimicrobial therapy. Use of antibiotics should alwaysbe accompanied by longitudinal microbial monitoring toevaluate the efficacy of treatment. Active treatment isdiscontinued when the results show bacterial markersbelow detectable levels (see #2, Fig. 2). This approach isjustified by the fact that failure to reduce the target bac-teria below detection limits is associated with unsuc-cessful treatment. Microbial diagnosis is also indicatedin the recall phase. A test performed during these peri-odic visits will give information on the microbial statusand on possible recurrence of the disease. It will thenhelp to determine whether a conservative (mechanical)or chemotherapy-supported approach should be consid-ered.

(6) ConclusionsIn recent years, remarkable advances in technology havebeen made in the field of oral microbiology. On the onehand, new tools have been made available which havethe potential to identify known bacteria as well as novelspecies and as-yet-uncultured organisms. These tech-niques should facilitate the search for etiologic agents,particularly of periodontal diseases, and help to clarifythe taxonomy of oral bacteria based on nucleotidesequence data. On the other hand, attempts have beenmade to put existing knowledge on microbial etiologyinto practice. Methods to detect suspected pathogens ina reliable fashion are being made accessible to the clini-cian. The following conclusions can be drawn concerningcaries:

causing injury to teeth. This is one of the main rea-sons for the low predictive values of salivary micro-bial tests.

With regard to periodontal diseases:

(1) Periodontal destruction is a result of an imbalancebetween host defense mechanisms and a limitedset of bacterial species. However, not all clonaltypes of a suspected pathogenic species are identi-cal in expressing virulence factors. Furthermore,the host defense capacity varies not only betweenpatients but also between affected sites. Thus, foridentical microbial conditions, health may eitherbe maintained over prolonged periods of time, or,in other cases, rapid breakdown may occur.

(2) Although diagnostic tests have been commercial-ized and introduced into the clinic, current indica-tions for such tests are limited. Microbial diagno-sis should be considered in early-onset periodonti-tis or in subjects who respond poorly to conven-tional therapy. Microbial tests should then beapplied to monitor the efficacy of mechanical treat-ment as well as antimicrobial chemotherapy and todetermine the end-point of active treatment.

The technology developed in the past decade isopening up new horizons to the dental community andshould enhance our ability to conduct clinical researchand provide treatment. However, in this search oneshould be fully aware that microbiology represents onlyone element of a multifactorial equation.

AcknowledgmentThanks are due to T. Hassell for providing constructive advice.

(1) With few exceptions, salivary microbial tests areuseless for determining future individual cariesactivity due to their low sensitivity and low positiveprognostic value. There are far more cost-effectivealternatives with a high sensitivity and positivepredictive value.

(2) That active caries is highly correlated with highnumbers of mutans streptococci and/or lactobacil-li appears to be trivial and needs no further confir-mation.

(3) Caries is a disease with a multifactorial etiologyand not an infectious disease due singularly tomutans streptococci and/or lactobacilli. If fluorideprophylaxis is available, high numbers of thesebacteria may be tolerated in the oral flora without


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