
Portfolio Directions for Success0 Although you see templates below, by no means are you

required to use the themes and specific layouts.0 In fact, you should create a theme that best suits your personality.0 The templates below are provided so you know the expectations

of the required content.

0 Be sure you take the template and “Save As” (title it) before you begin: Title it with your first and last name digital portfolio0 Please make a Digital Portfolio folder on your desktop. Place

your newly named template in there.

0 Be creative in your layouts/designs.0 Be colorful/be authentic/be creative0 Once you have your information, go through and take out all of

the directions (the prompts) on all the slides.

Some More Tips…

0 You are expected to work on this at home0 Follow all due dates provided.0 Don’t show your family…it’s meant to be a surprise to

them at Open House0 You are more than welcome to use classroom

computers when they are available.0 Make sure you always save your work at

home/school---use ppt (97-2004), not pptx, to be safe.0 Our school version is PowerPoint 2011. You might need

to “Save As” here at school to make sure your version is compatible with what we have here at school.

My Humanities Digital

My Humanities Digital



Your Name

7th Grade

May 17, 2012


*Include a picture that best symbolizes you

Welcome!*Introduce your viewers to your portfolio—welcome


* Tell about yourself: What are your interests/how do you spend your time/hobbies?

Include a minimum of one picture on this slide that represents information mentioned.

**The next slide will show you a sample Welcome Slide! Be sure you delete it!

Welcome to the Digital Portfolio Express. In this tour, you will see all the best work I have done throughout the school year, both in and out of school, my beliefs, extra-curricular activities, and much more. Hope you enjoy!

My name is Devika Chandramohan. I was born on August 14, 1997 in the Bangalore Baptist Hospital in Bangalore, India.

My family: my father, Chandramohan Thiruvamkulam, my mother, Radhika Chandramohan, and my older brother, Aditya Chandramohan, who is now in college. Let's not forget the newest member of the family, my hamster!

My hobbies include singing, dancing, writing, reading, listening to music, playing with my hamster, and playing video games (video games are very rare)

My Pictures…

0 Use this slide to show your audience what’s important to you by the use of pictures.0 Consider family and friends to make this personal.

0You can use as many pictures as you would like0 A collage-styled page is recommended!

My 7th Grade Year…

*Consider:-Awards you received this year (in and/or out of school)-Family Trips and/or School Trips-Injuries-Significant memories that stand out to you inside and/or outside or school

Include a minimum of one picture on this slide that represents information mentioned.

Goals!What is one academic goal you have (examples: going to a certain university, getting

certain grades, studying for tests, taking notes, paying attention in class…) NOTE: can be long-term or short-term)?

Explain your academic goal and how you plan on achieving it. What will you do differently? Explain a step-by-step plan…

Please write thoughtfully about the process.

What is one personal goal you have (examples: eating healthy, getting along better with parents/siblings, contributing to community…)

Explain your personal goal and how you plan on achieving it. Explain a step-by-step plan.

Please write thoughtfully about about the process.

*Include a minimum of one picture on this slide that connects to information on this slide.

Academics Section

0 Please follow these guidelines for the following EIGHT pages:0 Include the slides required of you on the following pages.0 Show a span of time from the beginning of the year until as

close to Open House0Avoid putting assignments from just one Quarter; rather include

assignments throughout the school year

0 Follow the directions for each slide

0 The next slide is a sample Academics slide. Be sure you delete it!

Medieval Literature Unit alternate option (Language Arts Q3)

For the Medieval Literature Unit in March, we read two pieces: “Young Arthur” and “The Highwayman.” For “The Highwayman,” GATE students had the option of analyzing one stanza of the poem and then writing our own original poem. Mine ended up being a tragedy about a Jew who was persecuted by Christians, which we learned about in Social Studies. I chose to put this poem in my portfolio because it took me out of my comfort zone. I’m not generally a big fan of writing poems, but when I completed this one, I was very happy with my work. Apparently, so were Mrs. Stein and Mrs. Lavene. First, Mrs. Stein had me read it to the class, like all the other students. Then, she sent me over to Mrs. Lavene’s class to have her read it. She liked it so much that she wanted a copy for herself! It just goes to show you, sometimes it’s good to try new things!



Choose a writing process paper such as Response to Literature, Narrative, Persuasive Essay, or Summary that you are most proud of: did you write it well, did you learn something in this writing, did you improve…

On this slide, include:*Name of assignment (Response to Literature, etc.)*Month of completion (optional if you know)*Explanation of assignment (summarize the writing task asked of you)*I included this writing process paper because… (write two-three sentencesexplaining why): TRULY REFLECT UPON YOURSELF*Google Image to represent this slide.*Your actual essay: Need to hyperlink the Google Image for it to open whether It’s a picture of your essay or the digital essay in its entirety.

*Be sure your photo or link to file is sitting in a separate folder on yourcomputer where this PPT will be used/opened.

Language Arts Unit/Activity

Choose a LA unit/activity this year that you most connected with, you showed most growth with as a learner, you showed improvement, challenged you…*Name of assignment*Explanation of assignment (what is the task asked of you)*Month of completion (optional if you know)*I included ________(specific name of this assignment) because…(write 2-3 Sentences explaining why): TRULY REFLECT UPON YOURSELF*Google Image to represent this slide.*Your actual unit/activity: Need to hyperlink the Google Image for it to open whether It’s a picture of your activity or the activity opening via a link.

*Be sure your photo or link to file is sitting in a separate folder on yourcomputer where this PPT will be used/opened.

**The next slide is a sample LA slide. Be sure you delete it!

Wordly Wise LA Q4)Since April, we have been working on a vocabulary activity called Wordly Wise.

Each week, we receive a packet of vocabulary words to increase our knowledge. We learn the definitions through activities such as pairing up the

word with its definition and finding synonyms or antonyms. Then, we learn how to apply the words by reading a story and answering questions about it, using the Wordly Wise words. Finally, we take a test after each lesson. I chose this

for my portfolio because I really like the idea. It enforces new vocabulary words and helps us express ourselves in better ways.

Example:“I ate a cookie that tasted really good.” “I devoureddevoured the baked delicacydelicacy, which tasted so delightful, I think it might have been a figmentfigment of my imagination.”Which one was more descriptive?Also, this led to many more ideas, such as the “Dare to be Wordly Wise” blog on Mrs. Stein’s page. That allows us to use our Wordly Wise words in everyday talk with our friends.


Literature Story

Include: Choose ONE literature story this year that you most connected with, stimulated you, showed most growth with as a learner, you showed improvement, challenged you…

**This choice should be something different than your previous LA Unit slide (you want to have variety)*Name and author of story, as well as genre *2-3 sentence summary of story*Month of completion (optional if you know)*I chose ________(name and author of story) because…(write 2-3 Sentences explaining why): TRULY REFLECT UPON YOURSELF*Google Image or classwork to represent this slide.

AR Reading…

Readers Are Leaders!On this slide, include:

What was your favorite book you read for AR? Title and author?

Why was this your favorite? Your response should be at least two detailed sentences.

Include a minimum of one picture on this slide that represents information mentioned.

Social Studies Project #1Choose TWO social studies projects this year that taught you something, provided a valuable lesson, you showed most growth with as a learner, you showed improvement, challenged you…*Name of assignment*Explanation of assignment (what was the task asked of you)*Month of completion (optional if you know)*I included ________(specific name of this assignment) because…(write 2-3 Sentences explaining why): TRULY REFLECT UPON YOURSELF*Google Image to represent this slide.*Your actual project: Need to hyperlink the Google Image for it to open whether It’s a picture of your activity or the activity opening via a link.

*Be sure your photo or link to file is sitting in a separate folder on yourcomputer where this PPT will be used/opened.

Social Studies Project #2Choose TWO social studies projects this year that taught you something, provided a valuable lesson, you showed most growth with as a learner, you showed improvement, challenged you…*Name of assignment*Explanation of assignment (what was the task asked of you)*Month of completion (optional if you know)*I included ________(specific name of this assignment) because…(write 2-3 Sentences explaining why): TRULY REFLECT UPON YOURSELF*Google Image to represent this slide.*Your actual project: Need to hyperlink the Google Image for it to open whether It’s a picture of your activity or the activity opening via a link.

*Be sure your photo or link to file is sitting in a separate folder on yourcomputer where this PPT will be used/opened.

Historical Time PeriodInclude: Choose a historical time period we have studied this year that you most connected with, stimulatedyou, you showed most growth as a learner, you showed improvement, challenged you…*Name of historical time period*Two- three sentence explanation of time period: Consider Origin, Contributions, and Impact, Over Time*Month of completion (optional if you know)*I chose ________(name of historical time period) because…(write 2-3 Sentences explaining why): TRULY REFLECT UPON YOURSELF*Google Image or classwork to represent this slide.

Tools of LearningChoose a response activity/process that utilizes Depth and Complexity icons, ContentImperative Icons, Think Like a…, Flexible Grouping, Multiple Intelligences (The Smarts)…any activities that allow you to think in different ways, for different typesof learning.

Include: Choose a “tool” that most stimulated you, you showed most growth as a learner,you showed improvement, challenged you…*Name of response activity*Explanation of assignment (what was the task asked of you)*Month of completion (optional if you know)*I chose ________(name of this response activity) because…(write 2-3 Sentences explaining why): TRULY REFLECT UPON YOURSELF*Google Image to represent this slide.*Your actual response activity: Need to hyperlink the Google Image for it to open whether It’s a picture of your activity or the activity opening via a link.

*Be sure your photo or link to file is sitting in a separate folder on yourcomputer where this PPT will be used/opened.

7th Grade Humanities My Thoughts…

Reflect on the lessons/activities in seventh-grade humanities. Answer the following questions in complete sentences using paragraph form.

What did you enjoy? What was difficult? What would you like to see more of? What would you change?

What was most stimulating? What was disappointing?

Include a Google image to represent the information written on this slide.

Peer Reflections…

Have a peer look through your portfolio when you are finished.

On this slide, have this peer respond to these sentence starters straight onto this slide.

Name of Peer:Peer, take a picture of yourself on this computer and add it to THIS slide.

1. What I like best about your portfolio is…2. In your portfolio, I learned…3. I’d like to suggest…4. Overall, I’d like you to know…

Now that you have received peer responses and a picture, you can format the information however you would like, but do not change the wording from your peer.

However, based on the feedback from your peer, you should make some changes to your portfolio!

Self Reflections…Include your personal reflections of the portfolio process. Answer any three of the questions below using complete, thoughtful responses.

0 What piece of work or project do you think best represents what you have learned? Why?0 Comparing your earlier work with your later work this year, describe the differences you

see.0 What do you think people will learn about you from your portfolio?0 Which piece makes you the happiest? Why?0 Is there a piece you would have liked to have added to your portfolio? What? Why?0 What would you like your parents/family to know about or see in your portfolio?0 What does this portfolio as a whole reveal about you as learner (writer, thinker, etc.)?

Explain…0 The work would have been better if I had spent more time on…0 I am pleased that I put significant effort into…

**Include a Google image (or a picture of yourself) to best represent this slide.

**The next slide is a sample slide of Self Reflections. Be sure you delete it!

Thinking about your portfolio(Self Reflection)

The project that best represents what I learned was the China Rigor Project. This is because in that project, I learned all about China’s government, culture, science and technology, belief systems, economy, and geography. I also learned how to independently study, research, and write long research reports. Finally, I learned how to write and deliver a proper speech.

The piece that makes me the happiest is the Medieval Literature Unit Alternate Poem because I was able to do something different from my usual choice of projects. Also, I learned to try new things, since sometimes it can result well.

A piece I would have liked to add to my portfolio is the A Midsummer Night’s Dream play because I had SO much fun doing it. I got to act as a hilarious, jumpy character, which is actually a side of me. Also, I learned how to stand in front of an audience and not feel nervous or forget my lines, etc. All in all, the play was a success, thanks to the direction of my friend, Tyler Kristensen, and Mrs. Stein, and the rest of the cast and crew.


0 In this section, thank your viewers for looking at your Portfolio. Feel free to use your voice!

0 Would you like to add any dedications in your closure?

0 Add a picture or two to make it personal.0 Don’t forget about your family who will come view your

portfolio! 0Your family members will be touched by seeing pictures

of themselves in your portfolio. Be sly when asking your family for pictures as you want to keep this a surprise

Saving and Preparing this Slideshow for Open House

0 Make sure you have continued to save your file as a PPT.0 You need to continue to save and save and save.0 Make sure all links to files (your pictures, movies, essays) are

in a designated folder.0 Label this folder “My Portfolio Links” and place it on your Desktop

inside the Digital Portfolio your created (a folder within a folder).0 You will need to duplicate the file in order to do this.

0 Continue to save your “My Portfolio Links” folder onto your flashdrive. (please see extra information below in the Notes about “My Portfolio Links”) to further understand the purpose of this.0 Place your flashdrive in a safe place.

Saving and Preparing this Slideshow for Open House

0 Once your Slideshow is 100% complete, you are now ready for burning this onto a disk.0 Because you are just using this one time, there is no need for a Rewritable

disc---any CD is fine.0However, if you are concerned about making errors, a rewritable disc will allow

you to do just that---rewrite!

0 There is no turning back, so make sure you are completely finished with every single step.

0 For example, have you deleted all of the teacher directions on the slides so that everything is your own?

0 Do you have pictures on all of the slides as required?0 Have a peer check through one last time before you proceed.0 Once you are positively finished, you will go to your teacher’s website

(the Portfolio Page) and follow directions for burning this onto a disc.

Saving and Preparing this Slideshow for Open House

0 Once your Slideshow is 100% complete, you are now ready for burning this onto a disk.

0 Be sure you have a folder with your PowerPoint in it and all linked files. If you do not, once again, your PPT will not work properly.

0 There is no turning back, so make sure you are completely finished with every single step.

0 Once you are positively finished, you will go to your teacher’s website (the Portfolio Page) and follow directions for burning this onto a disc.

0 You will be saving your folder contents onto a disc.
