Page 1: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w

AUGUST. 1964

of understanding•magazzne

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Ambassador College Press now prints The PLAIN TRUTH beginningwith this issue.


Page 2: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w


~lAnJJ T~~THo "' 0110::;"(' fl f und r nrtondin g


Seven Laws of Success

"My son and I listened to yourtalk, "The Seven Laws of Success,"over radio statio n eJIB in Vernon,B.C., last night. W e found it mostthoug ht-provoking and wou ld like tostudy what you had to say more care­fully. Your clear and forceful presen­tation, as well as the content of yourmessage, made us sit up and takenotice. It prompted one of our friendsto phone us to listen. More power toyou!"

Listener f rom British Columbia

Auro biography"Dear Mr. Armstrong,"The story of your life IS really

wond erful. I hope you are goin g tomake a book of it so everyone canread it. I save everyone of ThePLAIN TRUTHS and , and my friendshave them pretty worn out going backover them," . . .[ essie McB., Illinois

• lf7e regret thaI again this issue thereis 110 [mtber ins/alim ent of the "Auto­biography." Due 10 " rgency of comple t­ing the forthcoming book on ThePla in T ruth About Sex and Marriage,Mr. A rmstrong is devoting erler)' avail­able moment to it, and omiuing the"Alltobiograph),,' and other neto ar·ticles.

Very shortl)' all readers 0 11 our sub­scription list will receive a letter git'ingfilII details and of ferillg free a cop),of tbis frank, plain-speaking, trag icallyneeded book. Never has there been abook like it,

Perhaps 01 a later dale tbe install­ments of tbe .,Alltobiography" will alsoappear ill book form .


" I am a boy of 12. I want to thankyou for the art icle 'Television-TheMost Effective Drug of Ou r T imes! 'Now my parents and I won't bewatching television any more except fornews. I am much happier without

television." D I V N Y ka e 'I ew or

.., have just finished The PLAINT RUTH , I can't ever lay it down forlong unti l , have comp letely read itall. . . . , was so glad to read yourarticle on TV, . •. My spare time goesinto my Bible, pray'er or somethingmore construct ive than a TV program."

Mrs. A. D. , Oklahoma

The Pleasures of Sin"Please stop sending The PLAIN

TRUTH at once. I'm not ready to livelike the Bible says. I'm still afte r theworldly fashions and customs. Hopeyou understand."

Miss K. B., Michigan

• Y ou'll soon learn!

"Don't Just Read It- OBEY It !"

" I haven 't written to you for overa rear. , haven 't paid my tithes in thatlong either. Since I took a backwardlook at this rear , and all the terrib lethings that have happened to me andmy fr iends, , can see how really foolishI've been. My wife walked off March14. 1 got involved in two lawsuitsbecause of that, plus being sued fordivorce. I' ve spent almost $1000 forattorne y's fees. Someone wrecked mycar and parked it in front of thehouse. That cost me $50. My to-year­old son was bitten by a dog ; my 10­rear-old daugh ter was badly hurt whenshe fell off her bike. When I get up,every day I feel like I've been beat. Mylegs and back hurt. I have severe sinusheadaches. Every word I've read in ThePLAIN T RUTH is the absolute tru th . ,dea rly love to read God's word , but letme say now to anyone it might help .D ON' T JUST READ IT, OBEY IT! 1 havemade more money th is year than everbefore in my life and had less. Isn'tth is proof enough that God' s way IS

best ?" . .P. J., Michigan

• U'J'h y is it that so many baoe to learntbe hard wa)'?

" I have never paid a tithe to anyone

( Please continue on page 7)

Circulation: 510,000Published monthly at Pasadena, Californi.;london, England ; and Melbourne, Australi. ,by Ambassador College . German and Frcocheditions pub lished month ly at London, England,'0 1964 by Ambusador College.




Garner Ted Armstron g



Roder ick C. Meredith

Au odale EditorsAlbert J. Portune Da"id Jon Hill

COlUribu/ing EditorsC. Paul Meredith Basil \X' ol\"ertonLynn E. Torrance Charles V. DorothyJack R, Elliott Robert E. Gent erErnest 1. Martin Robert C. Boraker1. Leroy Neff Gerhard O. Marx

Clint C. Zimmerman

News Bureau DirectorGene H. Hogberg

Research StaffDonald D. Schroeder

Ronald D. McNeil

Editorial and Produ ction A ssistantsJames W. Robinson Paul Kroll

Regio1la/ Editors A broadUnited Kingdom: Raymond F. McNair

Australia: C. Wayne ColeSouth America: Benjamin 1. ReaSouth Africa: Gerald Waterhouse

Germany: Frank SchneeSwitzerland: Colin J . A. \'(filkins

Business MauagerAlbert J. Portune

CirculaJiol1 j\f,m agerJUnited States: Hugh Mauck

United Kingdom: Charles F. HuntingCanada: Dean \'(Filson

Australia: Gene R. HughesPhili ppines: Guy Ames

South America: Leon \X'alkerYOUR SUBSCRIPT ION hu been paid byoth ers. Built copies for di stribution not given orsold .ADDRESS ALL CO M MUNICATIONS to the EditorBox 111, Pasadena, Californ ia 91109. 'Canadian readers shou ld address Post OfficeBox 4·t, St3tion A, Vancouver I , B.C., Canada.Ou~ readers in United Kingdom. Europe. andAfm1 should add ress the Editor BCMAmbassador. London , W .C.l , England .Readers in Austr.a.lia, Chin3 and south easternAsia shou ld address the Edi tor, Box 3'U, NorthSydney, N .S.W.• Austr:l. lia.Re~ders in [he ~hi l ippines shou ld add ress theEditor, Post Office Box 2603, Manila, Phil ip­panes.SEC~N D CLASS POSTAGE paid at Pasadena, Cali­forn ia ,HI! SU R! TO NOTi f Y US I M MEDIATELY of anychange in yout addr ess. Please inclose both oldand new add ress. IMPORTANT !

Page 3: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w

Augus t. 1964 t s, PLAIN TRUTH Page 1

In This Issue:


Here you see the third "signa­ture"-a sixteen-page section-ofthe August PLAIN TRUTH pour­ing off our new Miehle press at20,000 impressi ons (pieces) perhour ! At the far left, huge rolls ofpa~er are fed into two printingunits. The rolls feed so fast-about800 feet per minute-that the inkmust be dried in a hu ge oven (cen­ter, about 10 x 12 feet) at tern­pera rures of several hun dred de­grees. The printed paper (visibleat far right) is then cooled, cutinto sixteen -page sections andfolded to page size by the press!

In the foreground are 750,000copies of signatures one and rwo.Three different signatures are re­quired for each issue-plus theheavier, glossy cover. All theseare then put together, stapled andtrimmed-THIS one was sent toyou!

What Our ReadersSay Inside Front Cover

Personal from the EditorFranco-German Axis Calls

for United Europe' 3

IT'S EASY believe a liel 4

Short Questions FromOur Readers . . . . . . . . . . .. 8

WHO Controls the Weather? 9

TENTH ANNIVERSARY of theAmbossodor College Bib/eCorrespondence Course ... 13

WHY Ministers say : " Youdon 't need to understandthe Bible'" 77

Radio Log 20

Can U.S . President's " W ar onPoverty" SUCCEED? 23

TWELVE RULES forBible Study 31

The Bible Story . . . . . 33

Why Teenage Gangs RIOT atEngland's Seaside 43

TH/S /s Ambassador College .. 46

Ambassador Collegesin Action' .. Inside Back Cover

pn ntmg a number of publications forvarious publishers.

Many years ago, while our head­quarters were still located at Eugene,Oregon, our own printing departmenthad its infantile beginn ing. Like everyother phase of this great Work of God,it started about as small as such a de­partment could start.

My son-in-law, James Gatt, had beenworking in the lumber industry in andaround Eugene. He had encountered asevere accident in his left hand, whichrequired a considerable operation ofplastic surgery. While he was recuper­ating, information about the Davidsondupli cator press was brought to my at­tention.

Thi s small but modern press printedby the offset method. I learned fromthe Davidson Portland office that theyhad facilities for training inexperiencedmen in the operation of this equip­ment. None of us-most of all, Jimmyhimself-wanted to see him return tothe hazardous and sporadic employ­ment in the lumber industry. I sug­gested the idea of starting a printingdepartment of our own, with Jimmyrunning it. We would prin t booklets,letter -heads and envelopes - but of

co u rs e not Th e P LAIN


He became immediatelyenthusiastic with anticipation.It was quite a hurdle for usto purchase that little press,with sufficient photographicand plate-making equipmentto produce the plates. But thefinancing was arranged. Jim­my took the schooling, anda Davidson representativehelped get the equipment in­stalled in the basement of theIOOF Building in Eugene,where we rented offices onthe third floor.

(PleaJe continueon next page)

(C Ambouo dor Colleg e

The inside 16 pages of this issue be ing printedon ou r own new Mieh le press.


takes a great leap forward! Atlast we have a printing plant

of our own of major size, with giantrotary magazine presses capable ofprinting a magazine as large as T hePLAIN TRUTH has grown.

You are holding in your hands now,a copy of the first issue we have everbeen privileged to print on our ownpresses!

I believe some of the facts about thisgreat step forward will be interestingto our readers.

For more than twenty years we haveoperated our own printing depart­ment. But unti l now, it has never beenlarge enough to print The P LAIN

TRUTH- even when th is magazine wasa small B-page paper.

Many of our readers know thatprior to the time God placed me in Hisministry, I had devoted twenty yearsin the advertising field-mostly withmagazines and newspapers. I learned,more than fifty years ago, that fewmagazines can afford profitably to printtheir own publications. Nearly all classand trade publ ications, and the smaller­circulation magazines, are printed bylarge print ing plants who specialize in

Page 4: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w


Later, we moved our prmtmg officeto another bui lding with larger space,as the department began to grow . Whenwe moved the headquarters to Pasadenafor the opening of Ambassador College,in 1947, we had two of these Davidsonpresses, and an old -Fashioned second­hand paper cutter. By th is time therewas an assistant, and our departmentemployed two men full time.

Gradually the department grew . Vir­tually all of our booklets have beenproduced by th is departm ent throughthe years.

One of the reasons for moving fromEugene. Oregon, to Pasadena was thefact we had outgrown the printingfacilities available in commercial printshops in Eugene for pr inting TheP L AI N TRUTH. Arrangements weremade for having our magaz ine printedby the largest printing estab lishmen t onthe west coast- Pacif ic Press Inc. in LosAngeles. Th ey also print the west coasted itions of L I FE, TI M E, and Newsweek,beside Sm rset magaz ine and many otherlarge-ord er accounts.

Actually, the Pacific Press corpora­tion had not yet acqui red this g iantplant when it first began printi ng The

P L AI N TRUTH . They have printed itfor us ever since-every issue up to th ispresent edit ion. Th ere is a measure ofsincere regret between men of theirstaff and our own, on our leaving themwith this issue. It has been a long andmutua lly pleasant business relationship.But of course we are thrilled and over­joyed to be able, after all these years,to have a printing plant of major sizeof our own, and to be able to do ourown printing of a magazine that hasgrown to the size and scope of ThePLAIN TRUTH, now running over ahalf million copies!

In 1957 we acquired an almost-newtwo-story furniture warehouse as an ad­dit ion to our rapidly expanding collegecampus. Th is was remodeled and mod­ernized into our home for the Ambas­sador College Press. T he printing de­par tment moved into the rear portionof the ground floor. At that time twolarger Miehie presses were added, anda new paper cutter-besides new fold ­ing machines and other equipment.


Soon tha t space was outgrown. Theoffset department was then moved intoa smaller build ing across the street.Th en the pr inting department wasforced, later, to lease an enti re storebuilding some two blocks off the cam­pus, and two still-larger presses wereinstalled, in add ition to an Intertypetype-sett ing machine, and other equip­

ment.That didn 't hold the department

long, either. As the demand for book­lets multiplied, the pr inting depart.ment g rew and grew. It became thelargest printing plant (not includingthe newspaper) in Pasadena. But soonthat large space was overcrowded-andthere was not suffic ient space for paperstorage. It now became evident that weneeded to take advan tage of the sav­ings made possible by buying paper incarload lots.

Finally we had opportunity to pur­chase the plant and build ings of theCrown City Lumber Company, acrossthe street from the original Press build ­ing . This meant a sizeable expansion ofthe college campus. It was a rathersizeable financial transaction also, andmany felt we shou ld not und ertake it.However, I foresaw its need, and sowe purchased this property- I believeit was in late 1962 or early 1963.W ithin a few month s it became evi­dent to us all that this had been amost wise acquisition.

Th e larger of the three main build­ings acquired from the lumber com­pany was entirely remodeled, and hasbeen converted into our new major­size printin g plant. The large press­room is twice the size of the store

bui lding we had leased . Beside thisthere is considerable space for offices,photograph ic darkrooms, typesettingdepartment-many other facilit ies. Oneof the forme r large lumber sheds pro·vides adequate space for storage of hugerolls of paper . Th e Un ion Pacificfreight tracks run alongside, so thatpaper in car-load lots is unloaded di­rectly from the freight cars.

Soon to be erected is a two-storyaddit ion to this buildin g to accommo­date many of the offi ces and facilitiesof th is now-large printing department.

August, 1964

In the main pressroom we now havea new large two-color press, for print­ing the covers of The PLAIN TRUTH,beside a still-larger rotary magazinepress-quite similar to metropol itannewspaper presses_

Th e printing department of TheAmbassador College Press now employsa good-sized staff of employes.

I am sure that all readers who visitthe Ambassador College campus in Pas­adena will be enjoyab ly surprised whenthey see this fine new mill ion-dollarprinti ng plant . Now that I have men­tioned that million-dolla r figure, let mehasten to say that, much as we regretsevering the pleasant relationship withthe Pacific Press people, we anticipatewith real enjoyment the Jal'ing of tenthousand do llars and more era)' monthmade possible by this new facility. Atlast The PLAI N T RUTH has atta ined tothe size where it is less costly to printit ourselves than to have it printed out ­side.

W e confidently expect to make con­tinued improvements in The PLAINTRUTH as the months and years roll

by. W atrh for them!

And let me add, that when you planto visit the Ambassador College cam­pus at Pasadena, better plan close toa half-day for the tour of the groundsand buildings. You can't get over themin a half hour. We have continuedgrou!i llg constant ly.

Th is Personal talk is being wri ttenfrom my study at the AmbassadorCollege in England . Let me add that, ifany of our readers are in London , byall means you should try to take a halfday to come out to the college here inbeautiful Bricker W ood , near St. AI·bans. W e have a very flourishing print­ing shop at the college here also­larger than we had in Pasadena untillate in 1957. W e also have a prin tingdepartmen t in Sydney, Australia.

If you are able to visit one of theAmbassador Colleges, you will findpeople who will welcome you, andprovid e someone as a guide to showyou all around- and if I happen to bthere at the time, and possibly can, Iwould like to greet you myself and say"hello."

Page 5: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w

Franco-German AxisCalls for United Europe!

It's now decided! Germany-not France-is to lead in finalplans to unite Europe politically-without waiting for otherCommon Market nations! Britain will not participate in the

initial talks .

JUST as we go to press a surpriseannou ncement has been issued fromBonn, West Germany. It's official

at last. Europe is to be integ rated politi­cally! And West Germany is to takethe lead in planning the union of thecontinent !

Ir Is Prophesied!

For years readers of The PLAIN

TRUTH have been warned that a unitedEurope is coming-that a third powerbloc would arise under German lead­ership and precipitate a third worldwar!

Now the spectre of a united Europeis sudden ly looming up. Britain isconcerned. The United States is ob­livious to th is new threat to its power.

Here is what has happened . On twofateful days-July 3 and 4-a top-levelmeeting was held at Bonn, West Ger­many. Even the tim ing of the meetingis signi ficant. July 4 is the anniversaryof American independence. Is July 4also to become the anniversary ofEuropean independence from Americandomination ?

At the secret meetings De Gaullepresented the French program for aloose confederation of Europe- '''aunion of fatherla nds:' The West Ger­mans rejected it as unworkable. Instead,West German Chancellor Erhard pro·posed a tightly organ ized super-parlia­ment to determine the destiny of Eu­rope. De Gau lle compromised , called

DE GAULLE VISITS WEST GERMANY­President Charles de Gaulle of Franceend West German Chancellor ludwig-rhard inspect honor g ua rd on DeGaulle's a rrival at Wahn airport inBonn, July 3, for a two-day visit. Incenter is Colonel Gaston de Bonneval ,De Gaulle 's aide. Wid. World Pholo

by Herman L. Haeh

on the West Germans to make theproposals for uni fication to be pre­sented, later, to the Common Market.German foreign minister Schroder willbe in charge.

Breaking Communist Holdon Eastern Europe

The impelling force dr iving WesternEurope into polit ical unity is the threatof Soviet Communism. Europeans livenext door to the Iron Curtain . Theyknow-especially the Germans-whatit is like to have Soviet troops acrossthe border posing a constant threat tolife.

Just after the conference in Bonn,July 4. former Chancellor Adenauergave an important interview. He saidwith a smile : "France and German}'together can form a real dike againstthe advance of communism... . It wasbad that previously the question ofpolit ical union had been put on ice.Th is beginning will have results, notonly for Europe, but for the whole freeworld:'

Probably not even Adenauer knowswhere the new union of Europe willlead ! But God knows-c-and He has

DISCUSS EUROPEAN UNITY-To theright is French President Charl es deGaulle, listening to West Germa nChancellor ludwig Erhard , ge sturing.

OPA Pharo

revealed it in the prophecies of yourBible! You can understand what'sprophesied for today. Write for thefree booklets "Who Is the Beast?" and"1975 in Prophecy"-they make today'sworld news plain .

Immediately after the Franco-Germanmeeting in Bonn, events began to hap­pen fast. From behind the Iron Cur­tain came a defiant demand from Ro­mania. The little satellite began to talkbig. Its president demanded that theSoviet Un ion consider the possible re­turn of Bessarabia-which the USSRtook from Romania after World WarII. Romania also sent its premier to at­tend a meeting of the Common Mar­ket nations. He explained Romania'snew economic program is "nationalCommunism."

Few people realize that Soviet Com­munism is a form of internationalsocialism. Romania's brand of com­munism, like Tire's, is a form of "na­tional socialism"-which means Fas­cism!

W hen will we wake up and realizethat what is shaping up in Europetoday is the revival of Fascism underthe cloak of European unity!

Page 6: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w

IT'S EASY • • • to believe a lie!Peo ple wilt believe a lmost ANYTHINGI Hitler proved it. Youmay not have believe d Hitler's lies-but ho w do you knowwhat you belie ve is the truth? W hat is the REA L SO URCE ANDAUTHORITY of your belie fs? STUDY this article-check up on

yoursel f, and come to KNOW that you KNOW the Truth!

by Ga rner Ted Armstrong

~ I

DU RIN G the ba tt le fo r Kwajalein,in World War II, United Statessoldiers and marines were

shocked to see Japanese soldiers andcivil ians alike committing mass suicide!

By scores and hundreds they plungedover cl iffs, exploded hand grenades intheir stomachs, or discharged riflesinto their own mouths, rather thanpermit themselves to be taken prisoner.

Why mcb senseless suicide?Th ey had been taught to believe a

lie.' Th ey FIRM LY BELIEVED if cap·tured, they would be subjected to hor­rible tortures beyond imaginat ion, andworse still, "brainwashed" by the "for­eign white devils" into rejecting theirreligion and even losing their hope ofeternity!

Did those who taught them KN OW

they were teaching a lie ? Certainly.

T he Darkness of This World

Peop le believe what the)' are t4l1ght .'The human is not, of himself, a RA~

TI ON AL being!Rather, as a little baby, he openly

and freely ad mits in to his littl e mindany and everything that is tallght tohim !

Let's look at a few world-wide ex­amples and come to UNDERSTAN D aboutour own minds .

In India today, whe re the ave ragelife expectancy is 29 years of age, mil­lions of cattle roam the village streets,munching contentedly on the shop­keepers vegetables, dropping of fal inthe streets, or lazily che wing their cudon the same streets w ith dozens ofbloated, blue-black bodies of the deadand dying.

Why? Why, because tn the Indian,thei r cows are sacred!

In the Western wo rld of the "en­ligh tenment" of Christianity, we wagour heads in incred ulous d isbelief andpity toward these mi llions !

We knott! that millions of such hapl esspeople are firmly bel ieving in a lie.

In tiny Laos, focal point of many athreatene d internat ional squabble, thou­sands of helpless little infants dieyearly from malnutrition and starvat ion.

Wh y?

Because their mothers believe (/ lie.It is still commonly accepted beliefamong Laotian mo thers that theyshould fa" for the first 20 days afterth eir in fants are born . Because of thisprolonged abstention fro m food , mostof the mothers lose their milk. Nea rby,munching grass contentedly, may bedozens of Laotian cattle. But to theLaotian, it is a sin to d rink milk.T he refore, den ied both their own moth ­er 's milk, and, th rough supe rst ition andreligion, unable to drink the milk ofthe cows-the Lao tian bab ies cont inueto die.

Take A Look At History

If you were to pick up a historybook wri tten by a German, and anotherwritten by an Englishman, and stillano the r written by an Ameri can con­ceening certain aspects of W orld W ar11. you would be sbocked.

History classes, as being taught inWest German colleges and high schoolsvary widely from courses being taughtin Britain and the United States.

Mr. T. H . Tetens says one of theappall ing facts is tha t there exists, to­day, in Germany, a whole new genera­tion of youngsters wh o simply DO NOT

BELIEVE the Nazis ever pu t to death asing le Jew !

Walking the streets of western Ger ­ma n cities and villages today are hun­dreds of thousands of teenagers whofirmly believe the N azi concentrationcamps were a manufactured farce ofAmerican Zionists, and were never , inreality, ope rated by the N azis in ex­terminating multip le millions of help-

less Jews, and peoples of many otherenslaved races.

Ye s, MILLIO NS of people believe inolltright lies! Can we get the point ?

There are huge bodies of peoples onthi s earth with wh om you violentlydisagree ! Th ey may be political bodies,racial bod ies, religi ous bodi es. To YOU,

some of thei r be liefs may be sheer in ­san ity. Yet, you may never have lookedinto, care fu lly sifted , thoroughly ana ­lyaed, stud ied or researched into thesebeliefs to which you are so violentlyopposed.

And, what is probably fa r more im­portant, you may never have carefullystudied, researched , and reviewed WHY

y OIl betiere the things )' 011 do.'Could YO U have believed any lies?

Are you being hone st with yourself?

It 's A Lying World

Ever buy a used car? Ever play theshell game in a carn ival ? Ever hope­fully expect a politician to fulfill allhis promises? H ave you ever beenshocked at the inaccuracies of a news­paper story if it was wri tten aboutsome th ing in which you were directlyinvo lved? Ever wondered abou t some ofthe claims made in advert ising certaincommod ities?

You are living in the day of thesophisticated lie/ Almost every tele­vision sho w, every book, every motionpicture, is literally filled with shadingsof the truth , half -truths, veiled orpartially concealed truths . exaggera­rions, or outrigh t lies.'

Even most comedy series are madeup from people concealing porti ons ofthe truth, telling outright lies or in­venting untrue situations, and then try­ing to "keep up appearances" by sormfr antic contrivance which usually ap­pears to be ridiculously funny to theviewer.

You are living in a world of con-

Page 7: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w

were autterly


August, 1964

tradictions, assumptions, exaggerations,deletions, perversions, distortions, aug­mentations-a wo rld of lies !

Have you ever told a lie ? Certainly,All human beings have. The story ofour George Washington and the cherrytree may be widespread-but, like thestatement young George is supposed tohave made to his father, "I cannot tella lie," the story ilself is false!

From infancy , we feed our children(unless we have been enlightened toGod's TRUTH, and have learned to quitpracticing things contrary to God'slaw) on lies. We begin by telling themfdi,)' tales, fantasies, or outright liesabout Santa Claus.

The average young couple lies to itschildren about bodily processes, variousadult situations, reasons why theyshould not touch a given object , or thehorrible torture or dire punishment inthe form of "the boogie man" whichmay appear if they get into mischief.

Children begin learning about "thesand man, "the man-in-the-moon,"and " jack-and-th e-beanstalk." Their lit­tle minds are completely }-"LLED withan endless series of suga red and candiedlies !

Th ey are introduced into a society oflies gently, "in baby talk" and child'slanguage, but persistently, continsonslr.Children soon indulge in expe rimenta­tion for themselves, trying to get be­hind the vast network of adult lies thathave been told them. One of the firsttruths they usually discover is that, insome unknown fashion , little brother orlitt le sister did NOT, after all, comefrom the stork, nor was he or shepurchased from the "baby factory" atthe hospital!

Yes, YOU HAVE believed in lies!Think about it for a moment!

What if you could not have reliedon ANYTHING your parents had said toyou? The very FIRST authority, theFIRST protection, the FIRST love , com­fort, care. consideration-the FIRSTWORLD every little child meets is thatof its parents,

From the FIRST, the hapless, helplesslittle infan t is utterly DEPENDENT on

s parents!

Yes, THINK about it. Yo ulittle baby once. You wereHELPLEss-utterly DEpendent


your parents for your very survival.As a growing young boy or g irl, you

innocent ly and eagerly BELIEVED whatyour parents said to you!

You BELIEVED a certain neighborwas "BAD·' if your parents said so!


Remember ? S/{I'e you do! Probably,you were even told how she "heardthe angels singing, as they came to takeher home"!

If your parents-who were yourFIRST KNOWN AUTHORITY, had told }'outhe moon were made of green swisscheese, you would have FIRMLY BE­LIEVED IT!

Recently, in the Congo, whole pla­toons of the Congolese "army" threw

down their modern, automatic weapons-abandoned their heavily fortified,strategically located positions, and LIT­

ERALLY FLED before naked, painted,screaming savages!

The reason? Because the Congo leseFIRMLY BE LIEVED these painted tribalwarriors wi th the ir ancient bows andarrow, their spears and "poo-poo" guns(ancient, flintlock, muzzle-loading mus­kets), had been given IMMUNITY TO

BULLETS by thei r tribal wi tch doctors !Would YOU have believed it? If youhad been Congolese, you would!

People believe what they have beentaught! And they BELIEVE it-WHETH­ER IT IS TRUE OR NOT!

But there is a WAY to find out whatis the TRUTH-about everything!

There Is a Source of Truth !

Man speculates concerning certainphysical phenomena. He then postu­lates, or supposes how it may be ex ­plained, In the various exact sciences,he is then able to experiment , in anattempt to PROVE whether his postu­lates and theories are true,

If all the experiments are finallysuccessfu l, and certain absolute FACTSare established, man is able to KNOWcertain things through such expe rimen­tation,

But the FOUNDATION of all knowl­edge cannot be discovered by EXPERI­MENT !

Do you know why infant humansso readily believe whatever they're


Japan ...i. li".J

These idolaters believe lies-yetthey think they are right .

taught? Because they u-ere meant 10 betallght-but they were meant to betaught the TRUTH !

Parents today bel ieve they can NEG­LECT to teach their children anythingabout relig ion. and wait until they arcold enough "to decide for themselves."

But God has ordained that parentswho KNOW the TRUTH, and KNowTHAT THEY KNOW it, shou ld TEACHthat truth to their children!

God told His people : "And thesewords, which I command }'OU this day,[the words of the Ten Commandments}shall be in thine heart [Heb. lO:16}And thou shalt teach them diligentlyunto thy children, and shalt talk ofthem when thou sittest in thine house,and when thou walkest by the way,and when thou liest down, and whenthou risest up. And thou shalt bindthem for a sign upon thine hand, andthey shall be as frontlets between thineeyes" (Deut. 6:6-8) .

It's RIGHT to teach your children­to be POSITIVE about it-as long asyou are teaching them the TRUTH!J. Edgar Hoover said, "A child whohas been taught to respect the laws ofGod will have litt le difficulty respect­ing the laws of man,"


Page 8: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w


FAl..SE! God condemns it as wickedness !If YO U had been taught GOD'S TRUTH,


IT TODAY! But regardless as to whatyou HAVE been taught-irrespective ofWHAT you may believe about ANY

important subject-there is a way fo ryou to PROVE whether or not you arebelieving the TRUTH-or LI ES!

There is a SOURCE of tru th !It is POSITIVE. It is ABSOLUTE. It is

absolutely U NS HAKEA BLE !

Th ink what a monum ental catastro­phe it wou ld have been if you had beenunab le to de pend upon your pare nts totell you the truth about ANYT HING!

What if they had said the stove wasCOOL, that knives didn 't cut, and en­

{ollraged you to play with matches?W hat a diabolica l thing to do to achild! You learned, and sometimesth roug h burnt fingers and bitter expe r­ience, to DE PEND on what your par­ents said-especially if it was a wa rn­ing of danger !


Jesus said, "Thy word is TRUTH!"(John 17 :17.) " All script ure is givenby inspiration of God , and is pro for doctri ne, for reproof, for cor­rection, for instruction in righ teous­ness" ( II T im. 3:16) .

Your Bihle says, "For the prophecycame not in old time by the will ofman : but holy men of God spake asthey were moved by the Holy Spirit"( II Pet . 1 :21).

David said, "All thy commandmentsare rig hteousness" (Ps. 119 :172);"They stand fast for ever and ever, andare done in truth and uprightness"(Ps.I I I :8) .

Everywhere in the Bible, God givescross checks-balances-specially cor­

roborative points , PROOFS of Him !Wit h regard to His laws of tithing,

God, said, ".. . prove me now here­with, saith the Lord of host s. if I willnot open you the windows of heaven,and pour you out a blessing, that thereshall not be room enough to receiveit" (Ma l. 3:10).

" Heaven and earth shall pass away:but my words shall not pass away!"said Christ (Mark 13 :31).

Th e Bible IS the ONF. source of


ABSO LUTE TRUTH! You can DE PENDon it. ( If you have not yet read ourbook let, "The PROOF of the Bible,"then write for your free copy immedi­ately.)

Willing to FORGIVE Christ!

But people today are WILLING TOFORGIVE CHR IST! Strange! It's mp­posed to be the other way around ! TheBible tells us Christ must FORGIV E US­but many people arc willing to OVER­LOOK Chr ist's "mista kesv-c-H is "er­rors," His "fai lures."

Remember the letter in the May is­sue of The PLAIN TRUTH ?

The writer said, '' In your Apri l is­sue under 'personal" from the Editor ,)'ou state that Christ said 'no man hadascended up to heaven, except He thathad come down to earth from heaven.'

" I can't understand how that agreeswith the passage in II Kings chapter2, verse II , wherein it states thatElijah did ascend up into heaven.

"Can this be explained in a man­ner that I will be able to read youewritings again with confidence?" B.E.S., Greensboro, No rth Carolina.

I answered, "Let's go back and re­toord that a little, B.E. II's not OUR'X'RITINGS you're wondering abollt­bnt the BIB LE! Y OII see, WE DIDN'TWR ITE Christ's plain statement of John3:-13-JOHN did, under inspiration ofthe Holy Spirit.

r'So-iJ's not OUR WRITINGS you 're

wondering about reading with conji­deuce, bnt the BIBLE! Briefly, bow­ever, there are THREE 'heat-ens' spokenof in the Bible.' The first, our atmos­phere, is where the birds II)', andclouds form. The second, outer space,is where the stars, Kalaxies and COl1­

stellations orbit . Th e THIRD ( II COl' .

12 :2) is tbe place of God's THRONE,10 which 'NO MAN HATH ASCENDED'except in VISION, as did John ! Elijahwas taken liP into the AIR. not theHeal/en of God's throne. David is NOTin heal/en (A cls 2:34) . Y OII call readthe Bible wilh CONFIDENCE, B.E. !"

Do you see? Th is man was unwit ­ting ly CHARGING CHRIST WITH ERROR!He did n't really GRASP this was whathe was doing-but he was doing it,neverth eless! You see, it was two sep-

August, 1964

arate PASSAGES OF SCRIPTU RE he wasso nett led over-NOT something "WESTATl:D" in our writings.

Today, vast armies of people believin the IMMORTAUTY OF THE SOUL!Yet the BI8LE plainly denies this asa PAGAN teaching (write for our freearticle on the subject-and DON'T makeup your mind in advance-cAREFULLYPROVE it to yourself)!

Mill ions fondly hope th ey will "getto heaven" when Jesu s plainly said thisis IMPOSSIBLE! (Write for our freearticle, "W hat IS the Reward of theSaved," and the fre e booklet, "JustWhat Do You Mean, Salvat ion?") :

Milli 011f beliez'e- because the)' havebeen TAUGHT-that God's LAWS areDONE AWAY, and that SUNDAY haslong since replaced God 's SAB8ATH asthe day for Christian worship ( writefor our free, BRAND-NE\t· booklet,"Which OAY Is the CHRISTIAN Sab­bath ?") .

WHY do miIIions believe these, andvarious other ideas ?

It's what they have GROWN UP be­lieving. The}' found OTHERS who be­lieved it. It was diligentl y TAUGHT tothem-NOT by comparing, searching,checking up in SCRIPTUR E, to be sure-c­but taught constantly by lurid ex­amp les, by repet ition, by suggestion, bypreponderance of opinion.

MILLIONS accept Christ. But theyDENY He will come again. Yet. HESAID HE WOULD! The)' call Christ aliAR-yet still claim to "BELIEVE" onHim!

Ever wonder why so many people" believe ON Jesus" but stolid ly RE·FUSE to BELIEVE HIM-TO BELIEVEWHAT HE SAID?

PROVE All Things!

Paul said, "P ROVE all things; holdfast that wh ich is good" ( II Tbes.5:2 1) .

"STUDY to shew thyself approvedunto God , a workman that needeth notto he ashamed , rightly dividing theword of truth" ( II T im. 2: I5). "Tothe law and to the testimony," shoutedIsaiah, "if they speak not according tothis word. it is because there is no ligh tin them" ( Isa. 8:20 ) .

W hal abont it?Have you sincerely, REAL LY, wholly

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August, 1964

STUDIED to absolutely PROVE some ofthese biggest questions to your veryfuture destiny? Have you carefully te­searched, carefully checked, thoroughlyproved these most basic doctrinal ques­tions in all your Bible ? According toextensive surveys in American andBritish church-attending, professingChristendom, most have not. Manypastors cheerfully admit their own peo­ple simply do not KNOW, thoroughly,what their own church teaches!

Others openly lament that America's"return to rel igion" is only skin det>p.'

What about you?Can you "afford" to take such a

thing as the da)' of )'0/11' death-whichis ominously, irrevocably. surely, un­alterably, and positively approachingevery single day you live-s-carelesslyand lightl )'?

Can you treat ETERNITY with im­punity? This is not an old -fashioned"altar call!" This is not some type of"come on" to get you to "join" any­thing! It IS a straight-f rom-the-shoul­der appeal for you to research intoWHY you believe the things you do­and how you came to believe them !

Admit it. You KN OW vast percent­ages of human beings on this earthf irmly believe in out-and-out LI ES!

You KNO'X' YO N have believed inlies. Are you really and positivelySURE you know the plain truth of God?Remember the stern admonition of theApostle John, "He that saith, ' I knowHim' and keepeth not His command­ments, is a liar, and the TRUTH is notin him!" ( I John 2:4.)

"You shall know the trut h, and thetru th shall make you FREE " (John8 :32), said your Saviour! God intendsthat every line, every punctuation mark,every word of the Bible is ultimatelytborongbly understood by His people!But God has carefu lly gllarded thesecret things of His truth! He hasplaced a BARRIER before the door ofHis truth . He says, "The beginning ofwisdom is the fear of the Eternal !" "Agood understanding have they that DO

His commandments!" said David.The very startin g place is that most

ital and important knowledge thatGod DO ES EXIST, that He LIVES, thatHe is going to call each human beinginto a def inite accounting for all his


actions and thoughts, and that Godstands back of His Word !

God said, " For all those things hathmine hand made, and all those thingshave been, saith the Lord : but to thisman will I look, even to him that ispoor and of a contrite spirit, andtrembleth at my word" ( lsa. 66:2) .

The man whose letter }'ou have readcertainly was not int entionally flaunt­ing God's authority! Perhaps humanbeings do not do this type of thingintentionally, or with full knowledge ofwhat a tremendous transgression itmust be in God's sight! But they DO

it, nevertheless! We have all done it.We have all taken God's Word toolightl)'-treated His precious TRUTH

too careleH/)'.'It's time you realized how truly

(Please CO II/hw e 011 page 45 )

Wid- ourREADERS SAY(Con/in/led from inside front cover)

in my life. Af ter reading the article IsTithing Jewish? 1 decided that there'sno time like the present to prove Godby paying my tithe."

R. K., Idaho

Behind Iron Curtain

"Please, don't forget us in this partof Germany- we thirst for truth andhunger for ·bread.' ''

Woman from Dresden /DDR

"We here in the central part ofGermany have listened to your veryinteresting Radio Program- secretly,but nonetheless regularly- with greatinterest, and were able to receive manyblessings in this our disconsolate plight.It behooves us therefore to thank youfrom the bottom of our heart.

"You don't know what we wouldhave given, if we had been able toread your magazine 'Die Reine Wahr­heit' regularly! Unfortunately, as youmight know, no printed matter what­so ever could be sent to this part ofcentral Germany. My daughter oncetried to send us a modern translationof the Old Testament. Th e book did


not arrive nor was it returned to thesender.

"Nevertheless my daughter did reoceive 'D ie Reine Wahrheit' (or sometime and we were quite overjoyed tolook through several issues of this mag­azine. I never would have thought thata magazine like this ever existed. Myfamily is very grateful for it."

Man, DDR (East Germany)

Persecution in Greece"Some very kind Americans we met

here in Athens talked to us about your[work]. I have seen and read some ofyour material that these good AmericanChristians lent me. ... We are six sis­ters of marriageable age in my family.We need and must have the instructionsyou can send us on the subjects ofMarriage, Divorce, Happy Life, Bap·tism, The Real True Church, Salvation,Health, The Truth about the Trial ofJesus and The Resurrection. We willuse the material very well because weare all teachers here in Greece. Pleasesend all material in an unmarked en­velope because we have here persecu·tion of all other religions ."

Miss J. G., Greece

Freak Weather in Canada"Central Canada this past week has

experienced unusual weather. The firstday of the week the temperaturereached a peak of 94 degrees Fahren­heit. But the next day the temperaturedropped, and reached only a maximumof 59 degrees, That following night thetemperature fell below freezing andvery few garde n and flowering plantssurvived. Then for over f ive consecu­tive days the temperature remained farbelow normal for the time of the year,with frost every night. Th e day be­fore, the forecasters were unable to pre·diet this severe weather-it came un­expected. Meanwhile the announcers onthe radio had themselves a jolly timejoking and imagining what a hilarioustime they were going to have duringsuch fine, sunny warm days at thebeaches in their bikinis."

Reader from Manitoba

Space Sickness" After read ing your booklet on 'Who

will rule Space ?' and hearing a news-

Page 10: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w

HERE are the Bible answers toquestions which can be answered briefly in a 'short space. Send in yourquestions, While we cannot promise that all questions will find spacefor answer in this department, we shall try to answer all that are vitaland in the general interest of our readers.


caster just recently, I can believe allthat you have written concerning manand space. This newscaster stated thatJohn Glenn was ill prior to the fallhe had in his home, and that two other'space trespasser' astronauts, have thesame sickness. It is feared to be aspace sickness. The words of Psalm115 :16 are very true ."

Reader from Ontario

What New Readers Say-"For over a year I have been going

to' send for a subscriptio n to ThePLAIN TRUTH magazine, but just nevergot around to it. Quite by accidentyesterday 1 found that a neighbo r ofmine does receive it and she loaned meseveral copies. I have missed too muchalready to wait any longe r. Please startsending mine right away. I'd also likeas many back issues as you can send. Iam also requesting the booklets 'TheUnited States and The British Com­monwealth in Prophecy' and '1975 inProphecy.' And each new booklet that

you write." Mrs. Floyd D., Ohio

"I just got a glimpse of your JunePLAIN TRUTH in an office uptown. Ididn't get a chance to read much of it,but there were a few articles in it that1 would like to read. May 1 please getthe June issue? I would also like tosubscribe for the mont hly magazine, "

E. B., Arizona

From Phi lippines" I have studied Bible course and

have read the Bible nearly all my life.I never understand it very well, unti l1 begun reading The PLAIN TRUTH­magazine and many other articles fromyou that makes my mind very clear,"

A. J., Philippines

How Plain Can You Get?"Thank you very much for sending

the Correspondence Course for the lasttwo years. If anything, it is evenplainer than The PLAIN TRUTH, andthat is saying a lot."

Richard W" Mississippi

• How man)' of )'011 have been puttingoff writing for The Ambassador Co/­lege Bible Correspondence Course?Procrastination is the thief of time!



"Were there really such peo pleas Adam and Eve? Did rheyactually have children, Cain,Ahel and Seth ? My preachersays t here w ere 110 suc hpersons:"

C. O. T., G rosse Pointe,Michigan

Granted, no archeologists have yetdiscovered the bones of Adam andEve. Apart from the Bible there are nodocuments that will prove that Cainmurdered Abel.

But there is concrete} irrefutableproof everyone of these people ac­tually lived!

There is a legal record of the mur­der of Abel, the tria l before a judgeof the accused murdere r and the tes­timony of WITNESSES, and the sentenceof Cain (Genesis 4:8- 16).

That legal record is YOUR BIBLE !Jesus Christ accepted the testimony

of the Biblical record as autho ritative.The Bible is the only bona fide

record which has been preserved DOWNTO OUR DAY telling of the lives ofAdam and Eve-of the birth of Cain,Abel and Seth. It mentions what sortof personalities they had, the high­lights of their lives and times in whichthey lived. Christ's own physical gen­ealogy was reckoned through Seth backto Adam. Physically, Adam and Sethboth were Christ's ancestors.

Since 1940 !

"I have been listening to your radioprog ram for twenty years or more andwould like to ask for a copy of ThePLAIN TRUTH. Your prograp1s have

Augu st, 1964


Jesus knew that Abel existed-thathe was a historical person. Jesus re­ferred to Abel's murder by Cain. Noticewhat Christ said to the false ministersof His time: "That upon )'011 maycome all the righteous blood shed uponthe earth, from THE BLOOD OF RIGHT­EOUS ABEL, unto the blood of Zacha­rias, son of Barachias, whom ye slewbetween the temple and the altar"(Matt. 23:35).

Either Abel existed as a flesh-and­blood mortal human being, or Christis made a LIAR! And if He were aLIAR you would have no Saviour. Yourfaith is all in vain!

God has given us His Word, theBible, to teach us what we could notdiscover for ourselves! The Bible isINSPIRED by God (II Tim. 3:15-16);it is God breathed, for that is what"inspired" really means.

If one will not accept the Wo rd ofGod and the words of Jesus Christ,then how can he call himself "Chris­tian" ?

The apostles referred to these earlyhuman beings more tban fifteen timesin your New Testament. Any ministerwho doubts their existence need onlycheck a good concordance to PROVEwhether or not they actually lived.

The question you 'face is this : whoand what is your authority-men or theBible?

been a guide for me day in and day .out since before 1940."

Fulton 1., Pennsylvania

• It's time JOlt wrote for a copY ofThe PLAIN TRUTH!

Page 11: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w

WHO Controls the Weather?Why, despite our vaunted scientific knowledge, is modernman at the mercy of the elements? What is the real cause of

today's upset weather patterns?

by Ernest L. Martin

AS THIS is being written, Typhoon.r1.. Winnie is howling through the

Philipp ine Islands. Terrific 90- to95 -rnile-per-hour winds have killedscores. Most communications are down.Thatched villages lie isolated in swirlingwater.

Something Wrong Withthe Weather?

Weather experts are concerned. His­tory seems to be repeating itself . W ildchanges in the climate of the past areonce again manifesting themselves.

"Extremism" is the term meteorolo­gists are using to describe today's fluc­tuating weather conditions!

The slow pendulum of recent weath­er cycles is no longer to be dependedupon. Wide extremes now make accur­ate weather forecasting around theworld tJirtllally imp ossible! Weathermen admit they can't imagine what willhappen next.'

Director of meteorological observa­tion at McGill Univers ity, George H.T.K imble has admitted : "We know FOR

CERTAIN that important changes in theclimate of the Northern Hemisphereare going on at the present time. Theseare 1101 merely SHORT-T ERM FLUC­

TUATIONs"! (Scientific American, April1950, emphasis ours.)

Hisrory Records MAJORCHANGES

Every national economy depends onagriculture. And agricultural bountyDEPENDS ON THE WEAT HER!

Historians of the ancient world te­cord that the RISE AND FALL OF EM­

PIRES always depended, in greater orlesser degree. upon the weather.' Toofew today, however, have learned theselessons of history.

Take, for example, the lands of theible. One of the world's richest agri­

cultural areas in ancient times wasMesopotamia-Babylon and Assyria.For well over 1500 years after the

Flood in Noah's time this region wasthe garden spot of the ancient world .Only the land of Israel in the time ofSolomon, and certain parts of Egypt,could surpass its bountiful fertility .Mesopotamia was of such agriculturalpotential that the records called theregion, especially its northern parts,"Eden:'

But what is this region like today?It is nearly all desert!Why ?Because of SIN !

Almighty God prophesied throughJeremiah :

..A sword is upon the Chaldeans,saith the Lord, and upon the inhabit­ants of Babylon... they shall become aswomen: a sword is upon her treasures;and they shall be robbed. A drOlIghtis IIpon her waters; end they shall bedried liP : for it is the land of GRAVEN

IMAGES, and they are mad upon theiridols [that is sin). Th erefore the wildbeasts of the desert with the wildbeasts of the islands shall dwel l there"(Jer. 50:35-39) .

Isaiah prophesied the same thing(Isaiah 13:19 -22) .

These prophecies were uttered whenMesopotamia was the richest agricul­tural region on earth. There was notthe slightest indication that such acatastrophe in the weather could over­take Babylon.

Long afte r Isaiah and Jeremiah weredead, Babylon received no immediatesetbacks in its agricultu ral productivity .

Herodotus, a Greek historian whowrote about 200 years after Jeremiah,described Mesopotamia as being a mostfertile region with yield of grain twicethat of any other area (Book I, 193) .People could well wond er if Isaiah andJeremiah were not completely wrong intheir prophecies-that the God of theBible had failed- for Babylon remain­ed as fruitful as ever.

But had God failed ?Right after the time of Herodotus a

deterioration of productivity began toset in, the amount of water volume inthe great rivers coming from the Ar·menian mountains began to subside, theclimate of Mesopotamia became pro­gressively more arid. This deteriorationcontinued until Hadrian, the Romanemperor. He was forced to abandon theMesopotamian region (which had re­cently been added to the Roman Em­pire) because the area was simply notworth the maintenance of Romantroops.

By the time Islamic troops invadedthe country, the once-rich region ofMesopotamia had become a desert. Andit has remained that way ever since.

Both Isaiah and Jeremiah prophesiedthis would happen ! It would be theheight of naivete to say these Jewishprophets were simply good climatolo­gists and understood enough of thesecrets of nature to predict the greatchange in Mesopotamian climate. Thesimple fact is, Almighty God kept Hisword! He turned Mesopotamia intodesert.

Egyptian Weather HasCh anged

Nearly 2000 years ago the climate ofEgypt was vastly different from that wefind in Egypt today !

Claudi us Ptolemaeus of Alexandria,well-known geographer of the secondcentury A.D., kept a careful diary ofEgyptian weather. He faithfully re­corded thunderstorms, rainy days,winds. From his diary we are able toaccurately reconstruct the main featuresof Egyptian climate in A.D. 150.

The contrast is STRIKING!

Today Egyptian summers are rainless.Then they were nearly as rainy as thewinters. Today thunderstorms are un­heard of. Then they were frequent inthe hot season.

Did Almighty God prophe sy thisagainst the land of Egypt, as He didof Mesopotamia? Noti ce what He in-

Page 12: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w


spired the prophet Ezekiel to write :

"And the land of Egypt shall bedesolate and waste; and they shall knowthat I am the Lord: because he hathsaid, The river is mine and I havemade it [that is vanity, which is SlN).

Behold, therefore I am against . . . thyrivers, and I will make the land ojEgypt IIl1edy waste and desolate fromthe tower of Syene [modem AJU'an]even nnto the border of Btbiopie"(Ezekiel 29:9-10).

God's prophet Ezekiel recorded thiswarning against Egypt in 586 H.C.

What has happened to Egypt since?Here are the irrefutable facts of historyand archaeology!

When Ezekiel prophesied waste anddesolation for Egypt, the Pharaohs con­trolled rich grasslands as far as 2000

miles west from the Nile!

Recently two French experts dis­covered remarkable examples of primi­tive art in the Sahara, the world'slargest desert, once contro lled by Egypt!The rock carvings were divided intothree distinct groups , and give evidencethat the great Sahara was once a "lushgrassland capable of supporting hugedroves 'of cattle." (The Baltimore Sun,March 29, 1964.)

"A second group" of carvings, con­tinues the news report. "is believed tohave been carved in the first millenniumbefore our present era. . . . " This wasEgypt's heyday. The second group ofcarvings shows huge herds of cattle andanimals like antelopes , indicating "thatthe Sahara was then GRASSLAND !" Withthese remarkable carvings was found asymbol of Egyptian rule-the ram witha solar disc between its horns!

In Ezekiel's time God's propheeymight have sounded like the ravings ofa madman to the Egyptians. As late asthe Roman period- 500 years later­Egyptians could have mocked the Jewsand their "demented" prophets.

Roman historians mention that thegrain which sustained the people ofRome was imported from Egypt. TheNile valley was called the breadbasketof the Roman Empire. But God'sprophecies stood firm.

Today Egypt is a wasteland. Even thearea around the Nile is parched, semi­arid , and scorched by cyclonic hot


winds from the desert which is en­croaching at a frightening rate-,

Who REALLY controls the weather?The Almighty God I

Proof from the Trans-JordanCountries

What God prophesied for Mesopo­tamia and Egypt was very much thesame as His prophecies for the landsof Ammon, Moab and Edom, east ofthe Jordan River. These regions weredescribed as once having an abundanceof every physical blessing-fruit trees,gardens, farms and good weather con­ditions. Even ancient Israel recognizedthe former richness of these Trans­Jordan areas. The tribes of Reuben,Gad and Manasseh sought their in­heritances in them. (Fo r the greatproductiveness these ancient lands onceenjoyed, see Isaiah 15, 16 and Jeremiah48.)

But notice what God said wouldhappen to the fru itful areas east of theJordan-the modern Kingdom of Jor­dan :

"The waters of { the river] N irnrimshall be desolate: for the hay iswithered away, the grass faileth, thereis no g.-een thing" (Isa, 15:6) , "For Ihave sworn by myself , saith the Lord,that Bozrah shall become a desolation,a reproach, a waste, and a curse; andall the cities thereof shall be perpetllalwastes" (Jer. 49 :13).

These prophecies were uttered whenthe Trans-Jordan areas were in theheight of prosperity, Yet God said theywere to become arid wastelands.

Th is has happened!Within 200 years of the prophecies ,

these eastern peoples found their pros­perous lands suffering a climate change.The region soon after became desert.

Proof from Palestine

The climate of ancient Palestine wasnot like it is today. The Bible con­tinually refers to the Promised Land as"flowing with milk and honey." For­ests flourished throughout its lengthand breadth (McClintock & Strong 'sEney. Vol III , p. 620).

Nehemiah, recalling the prosperity ofPalestine when Israel conquered it fromthe Canaanites, said: "They took fencedcities, and a fat land, and possessed

August, 1964

houses full of all good things, cisternshewn out, rinevards, and olive yards ,and fmit trees in abundan ce; so thatthey did eat, and were filled, angrew fat, and delighted themselves inThy great goodness" (Neh. 9 :25).

Israel and Judah, however, were dis­obedient. They SIN N ED. God promiseda punishment would come upon themand upon all the land. See Hosea 13:15, 16; Jeremiah 17:1-8 , etc.

Israel and Judah were removed fromthe land and carried into captivity.Later when Palestine was re-occupied bythe Jews, it never recovered its formersplendour.

The weather patterns for the wh oleNear Ea!1 had begun to change.' Theland which was once "flowing withmilk and honey" became drier anddrier. By the time of Christ, the desertregions were approaching heavily onthe southern and eastern perifeeies ofPalestine. Yet even in Christ's time thisregion was still more moist and coolerthan it is today.

Josephus tells us that the snow packin the Lebanese mountains which fedthe River Jordan lasted fill Jear round!In ancient times this snow did not be­gin to melt until spring had arrived­"for Jordan overfloweth all his banksall the time of harvest" (Josh . 3: 15)- from April to June , But today itnever overflows its banks. And whenthe Jordan does rise (because of melt­ing snows) it is from January toMarch (Oxford Helps to the Stlldy ofthe Bible, p.l09). This conclusivelyshows that the area once had muchmore water than it now bas, and it wasmilch colder-cold enough for thesnows not to begin melting until ApriL

Josephus informs us that King Herod(who murdered the children of Bethle­hem) encountered such great snows inGalilee that with winter drawing on hefound it necessary to disband his army.(Wars, I, XVIII, 6) .

Even Christ warned His people aboutthe severity of Palestinian winters(Matt. 24 :20) , These colder winters,formerly in Palestine, were anotherreason why the shepherds could no'have been in the fields tending theiheep on December 25th! Christ was

born in the early autumn when it was

(Please continue on page 12)

Page 13: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w

Hurrica ne winds are expected to inundate coastal regionsagain this cutumn . Wide W Ot'ld p/to'o

lob Torlo r ""0'0

N otiona l economy depends on agriculture, but farmersface wide-spread crop damage due to FR EAK


Wid. World Photo

Twisted wrecka ge lies in the wake ofchurning flood waters.

The Sahara, as well a s other deserts, was on ce lush gra ss­land-today it is a tragic desolation .

Job TOT'O' , /l010

FREAK Weathera Cause of WORLD-WIDE



Page 14: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w


possible for the sheep to be in the open.(Read our free booklets on Chr istmas. )

There was much more vegetation inPalestine in the time of Christ becauseof the wetter climate. When Christ re­tired to an uninhab ited area where therewas no food availabl e, He miraculouslyfed the 5,000 men (probab ly a total ofabout 13,000 peop le counting womenand ch ildren). " He commanded themthat 'all should sit down by companiesIIP OIl the greell grad ' (Mark 6:39)."Th ere was AIU CH GRASS in thatplace" (John 6:10) . It was then com­mon for grass to be found throughoutPalestine . Today , it is difficult to findgreen g rass growing of itself anywberein Palestine.

An Engl ish farm er in 1843 made ajourney to the Holy Land. He record­ed : "As I travelled from Jaffa to Je­rusalem. over some as fine soil as couldbe found anywhere, I did 1/0/ see somuch as one blade of graH, though Ilooked for it as one would search fora diamond . This to me seemed stra nge,for I knew in England grass will growwhere nothing else will; but here,neither among the fin e stubb le fields,nor even along the roadside, where noplough comes, were to be found somuch as what might with strict pro ­priety be called a blade of grass"(Lowth ian, [osrnal, p.1 52) .

What a change from Chr ist' s day!

Look at Southern Europe

The whole of Europe, as well as theNear East, in the time of Christ, wasvery much colder and wetter than it isnow. "The climate of Cent ral Europeprevented the progress of discoverynorth ward . The mean temperature ofSpain, Italy and Greece was lower thanat present; whi le Gaul (F rance) andGermany experienced almost the rigoursof an Arctic winter" (Smith, Diet. ofGreek & Roman Geography, vol. I, p.881) .

Even in Ita ly it was then muchcold er. "The Romans , even in thei rItalian wars, rarely took to the fieldbefore the mont h of Apri l, since theydreaded encountering the snow-sto rmsof the Apennines, and the floods whichat the melting of the ice converted thefeeders of the Tiber into rapid tor­rents" (ibid ., p. 881) . In fact, Livy re-


ports that the T iber River by Rome inancient times [roz e over in the winter( Book V, 13) . Slich a pbenomenon isunheard of today. Without doubt, Ita ly,just as the ancient Near East, was muchmore tempe rate in climate than it istoday.

W hen you read what the ancient,classical writers say of Greece and theBalkan Countries, you would think theywere describing mode rn Siberia. Athen ­aeus describes the year in the Balkans asconsisting of eight mont hs severe coldand four mont hs of norma l winter( Book VIII , p. 351. "Th e climate ofTh race [ modern Bulgaria] is alwaysspoken of as being extremel y cold andrigou rous" (Smith, Vol. II, p. 1178).

"O vid describes the cold of thewestern Black Sea and its ad jacentcoasts as a modern traveller would des­cribe the temperature of Stockholm andthe Baltic" (Smith, Vol. I, p. 881 ) . Thepeople who lived in this region ex­perienced such cold that they habituallyclothed themselves with fox-skinnedcaps cOlJ(!ring their ears, 1"1' and leatherbreeches and knee high boots (ibid. ,p. 1183)!

Today the climate does not call forsuch garments (except high in themountains). In fact, the valleys andsouthern regions of this area have aMedi terran ean agriculture and travelbrochures rave about the warmth of theBulgarian Riviera where Soviet touristssunbathe in Bikinis '

Western and Cen tral Europe

Th e records of history show theclimate of Europe some 2000 years agowas several degrees colder on the aver­age, with more freq uent precipitationthan now. W e read : "Gaul and Ger­many experienced almost the rigours ofan A rctic winter." "Central Europe was,for many centuries , as regards its cli­mate , what Canada is at the presentday. Th e vast forests and morasses ofGaul (France) and Germany were, untilthe 9th Century of our era, unfelledand und rained and aggravated the coldand humidity." " In the latitude ofSaxony (the Ruhr region of Germany),the legions of D rusus and Germanicusendured many of the hardships of aRIIJJiall winter" (Smith, vol.I, p .881) .

These facts show one important truth

August, 1964

wh ich is ind isputable! In earlier times,the cold winters which we now experi­ence in central European areas were oc­curr ing much further south . This pro·vided ancient Italy and Greece-and thewhole of the Near East as well-withtemperate zone weather patterns ratherthan the arid sub-tropical climates theynow experience.

All these southern regions have be­come dr ier because of SIN . God punish­ed Assyria, Bablyon, the Tr ans-Jordan­ian countries and even Palestine fortheir disobedience! God contro ls theweather . HE shifts the weathe r pat­terns / 0 carry alit His proph ecies.

W eather Changes Still Ahead

Today Almighty God still is in con­tol of the weather ! When God un­leashes the forces of natur e, man beginsto realize how puny are his mightiestweapon s.

God has, in the past, used the weath­er cycles to bring the greatest nationsof this world to their kn ees becausethey openly disobeyed H is laws.

Do you suppose that God will allowmen TODAY to disobey His laws withimpunity ?

Through your Bible God says, "I willcome near to you to judgment; and Iwill be a swift witness against thesorcerers, and against the adulterers,and again st false swearers, and againstthose that oppress the h ireling in hiswages, the widow and the fat herlessthat turn aside the stranger from hisright, and fear not me, saith the Lordof hosts. FOR I AM THE LORD, ICHANGE N OTj"

God will bring justice upon the na­tions of this modern 20th Century justas surely as H e did upon ancient Egyptand Babylon!

He warns against the attitude ofthose who trust in the seeming per­manence of the world around them:". . . there shall come in the last daysscoffers, walking after their own lusts,and saying, where is the promise of Hiscoming? For since the fathers fellasleep, all things conti nue as they werefrom the beginning of creat ion" ( IIPet. 3:3-4).

God is not thr ough intervening in

(Please continue Oil page 16 )

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Ambassador College Bible Correspondence CourseWorld events have raced by these past ten years. Few realizehow many major changes have occurred. Fewer still know

what the future holds.

by William H. Ellis

W HY is it more people ownBibles than ever before-yetreal earnest Bible study is

almost nnbeard of today?New translations of the Bible into

modern English are available at mostbookstores. But few people bother toread them. The Bible seems alit of date,archaic, irrelevant to most.

Bib le Records Tomorrow'sN ews-Today !

In the lightn ing pace of this 20thCentury space age, the Bible has be­come a book few people read. Biblesgather dust on family bookshelveseverywhere.

Little wonde r so few really under­stand the headlines that scream acrossthe front pages of their daily news­papers.

Nothing is as dull as yesterday'snews! As fast as modern news report­ing is, it can only tell you what hashappened in the PAST! Most reportersand news commentators can only guessat the REAL MEANING of world events­and are unable /0 see i1110 the III/lire!

Few realize that the Bible is actuallythe MOST UP-TO-DATE book they canown. That it deals with worldnews-giving the events of today realmeaning .'

And, more imp ortant, the Biblecontains the HEADLINES OF TOMORROW!News-brought by the greatest news­caster of all times, Jesus Christ­news that is Jet to happ en was writtenin advance millenniwns ago in yourBible! The Ambassador College BibleCorrespondence Course gives you thisnews in advance-the news you will bereading in your newspaper in the nextfew short years.'

Di fferent Kind of Bible Course

It was just ten Jears ago that Mr.Herbert W . Armstrong first invitedlisteners to The W orld T omorrowbroadcast to enroll in a really uniqne,scintillating, tl"1lly jaJrinating, NEWWAY to study their Bibles.

At that time The World T omorrowaudience was small, but growing.Among the listene rs as many as SEVENTHOUSAND people took the challenge 10

really stlldy their Bibles. Th at wasTEN YEA RS AGO!

Today nearly 70,000 active studentsreceive and study the Ambassador Col­lege Bible Correspondence Course intheir own homes. Since 1954, enroll ­ments have doubled and redoubled-:-:till they are now TEN TIMES the originalenrollment!

The Correspondence Course isREALLY DIFFERENT! It is a regular,monthly course in the personal Jilldyof the Bible. It is not a study of men'sideas about the Bible, but a study ofthe BIBLE ITSELF! Th e Bible is itsollly textbook!

Th e Ambassador College Bible Cor­respondence Course was created toguide students through the study oftheir own Bibles . To show the realmeaning behind today's world chaos,and God's purpose for human life. TheCorrespondence Course has opened theBible to the understanding of multiplethousands . It shows , in detail , theBible KEYS to prophecy-answering thereally BIG QUESTIONS of life-makingthe Bible MEANINGFUL TODAY !

Nearly ten years ago the Corre­spondence Course was fi rst sent to itsbeg inning class of students. Do YOUrealize how very milch has happened

since these fi rst lessons were sent outa short ten years ago?

Bible Is Up-To-Date

Beginning in 1954 these major newsevents have changed the world of to­day:

GERMANY REARMED! In Paris, onOctober 23, 1954, the defeated Ger­many of World Wa r II regained its sov­ereignty. and was permitted to beginREARMAMENT! Not ten years af terAdo!ph Hitler held Europe in terror,the allied powers gave Western Ger­many the weapons with which to moldits IlItllre.'

INTEGRATION ENFORCED! In Ameri­ca, May 31, 1955, the U_ S. SupremeCourt placed the issue of school de­segregation in the hands of federalcourts, Since that time America hasbeen shaken with racial rioting, blood­shed and terrorism . A dark shadow hasdescended on the leading nation of the" free" world! Factions within the U. S_are preparing for a summer of racialvio lence when armed police w ill clashw ith rioting mobs.

BRITAIN LOSES SUEZ CANAL! July 26,1956 Egyptian troops "nationalized"the Suez Canal. Britain suffered the lossof one of its most valuable sea gates.The world witnessed the rapid declineof the great British Empire. Since 1956Britain has lost many of her colonies.Now, stripped of its vast empire, ex­eluded from the European CommonMarket. without a nuclear striking forceof its own, the British have become athird -rate world power.

EUROPEAN CATHOLICS BOUND ECO·NOMICALLY ! On March 25, 1957, thenations of France, W est Germany, Italy,

Page 16: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w

1,657 dead

Here they are:

2,000 dead2,500 dead1,062 dead1,200 dead

12,000 dead5,700 dead

10,000 dead


Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxem­bourg signed the TREATY OF R OME.

A British news magazine editorial­ized, "The Vatican. ..considers theCommon Market the work of divineprovidence. . . ! Not since the end ofthe H oly Roman Empire has the HolySee been offered a Catholic rallyingpoint like the Common Market. If the" PACT OF R OM E," which created theCommon Market had been signed with­in the Vatican walls, it could not havefavoured the Church more" ( T opic,March 24, 1962) .

Th is Common Market, to be dorni­nated by religion, is the beginning ofthe prop hesied United States ofEurope.'

In the words of W alter Hall stein ,president of the Common Market,"They are building a NEW EMP IRE, anew political power, a new federation,a new political force big enollgh tochallenge the United Stales. . . . "

If you had enroll ed in the Ambas­sador College Bible Corresponden ceCourse just TEN YEARS AGO you wouldhave learned in advance the meaning ofthese world events even before theyhappened ! THE BIG EVENTS IN THE

NEWS TODAY were in the Ambassa­dor College Bible CorrespondenceCourse ten years ago!

Man Enters Space!

Since 19 54, man has achieved thedream of science fiction writers just afew decades ago. Alan has enteredspace.'

On October 4, 1957, Russia launchedits now-famous Sputnik satellite, andwas followed in 1958 by the U. S.satellite, Exp!orer I.

Events in the "space- race" havemoved so quickly you probably hadn 'trealized the supposed ly first humanbeing, Major Yuri Gagarin of theUSSR, was hurt led into orbit FIVE


Mankind's goals in the space raceare the dream of new frontiers, a brightfuture held out before the world to­day. But your Bible has somethingquite differelll to say about what willreally happen in the next tell years!You need to know what the BIG NEWSof the future will be.


Ambassador College Bible Corre­spondence Course students are busystudying God's Word which alone canprovide the KEYS to God's PLAN andthe future.

New Leaders BringCHANGES!

Do you realize how man)' of theGREAT MEN of the world have beenreplaced in the last ten leal's?

Premier Kbmsbcbeu took over in theU.S.S.R.! Now the IRON RULEonce heldby Joseph Stalin is slipping from hisgrasp. W hat will he do now?

Konrad Adenaser has been replaced!Germany is in the hands of youngerPOWER·MINDED leaders ! They are shap­ing the Germany of the future. Wh atwill it be like ?

W imlon Cburcbill retired ! The West­ern powers have lost a great statesman.Where will British leadership comefrom now?

Charles DeGalllle became Presidentof France! The French people aresubmitting to his near-NAPo LEONICRULE in order to shape the France oftomorrow. What does the Bible sayabout France in the next few years ?You need to know!

Fidel Castro rose to power in Cuba­made it Communist! No w a RED MIS­SILE BASE is only 90 miles from Ameri­can shores- why has America permittedcommunism such a foothold ?

Dag Hammarsk jold was killed in aCongo crash, marking the decline inU.N . power. The U.N . supposed to beMAN'S LAST HOPF. FOR WORLD PEACE!

Pope Pius XII died; Pope JohnXXIII in turn died and was succeededby Pope Pa,,1 V I! The Catholic Church,quiet for 70 years in world politics( Isaiah 23:15-18) , has suddenly grasp­ed the limeligh t. Now it leads in thePUSH for European Unity! What arethe Catholic plans for the WORLD TO·


President John F. Kennedy, Catho ­lic President of the United States, wasassassinated .' A NEW ERA of racialbloodshed and violence is ahead!

Earthquakes Foretold

Increasing EARTHQUAKE ACTIVITYwas prophesied by Jesus Christ as one

August, 1964

of the signs that would mark the closeof this age!

Since 1954, when the first Corre­spondence Courses were sent out fromAmbassador College, there have beenELEVEN CATASTROP HIC EARTHQUAKES !:MORE THAN ON E A YEAR!

Notice what Jesus Christ said inMatthew 24 :7. "For nation shall riseagainst nation and kingdom againstkingdom: and there shall be famines,and pestilences, and EARTHQUAKES indivers places."

Immediately following WORLD WARS,Jesus prophesied MAJOR EARTHQUAKESWOULD INCREASE!

1954 No rthern Algeria1956 No rthern

Afghanistan1957 Northern Iran19 57 Western Iran . . ..1957 Mongolia1960 Agadir , Morocco . .1960 Southern Chile1962 Northwestern Jran1963 Skoplje,

Yugoslavia 1,011 dead1964 Alaska, U.S.A. . . .over 100 dead

(a figu re not admitted at first)1964 Niigato, Japan . . 24 dead

A total of 37,000 people are knowndead-KILLED BY QUAKEs-since 1954!Thousands were injured, many areMISSING! Hundreds of thousands weremade homeless and billions of dollarsworth of prope rty damaged. Many moretremors shook isolated areas. Propertydamage and lost lives would havemounted had these quakes shaken largecities! ( If you have not yet receivedthe free booklet, "The Trutb AbostEarthqllakel', write for it immediately!)

H ydrogen Bomb FulfillsProphecy!

Jesus Christ said, " For then shall begreat tribulation, such as was notsince the beginnhlg of the world to thistime, no, nor ever shall be, AND EX­CEPT THOSE DAYS SHOULD BE SHORT­ENED, THERE SHOU LD NO FLESH BESAVE D. .. ," ( Mat. 24 :20·21.)

Total and immediate destruction ofthe entire world population was not

( Please continue 0 11 page 16 )

Page 17: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w

Ten Years of BIG NEWS!

W id. WO¥Id

Old enem ies, fr ench andGerman troops, rearmed byU.S., cooperote in prop he·sied l O-not ion Euro p e a n

revivef l

Race riots und ermin e Ame rica n worldlea dershipl W id., wO¥Id



El e ve n MA JOR ear th ­quakes rock the world lProp he cy re vea ls MORE

TO COME IWid. W orld

Pope Paul VI at thetomb of John XXIII iss pe a r he a d ing world­wide chang e in Vati-

can influencelWid. World

Page 18: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w

(Cot1tit1Ned [rom page 12)

WHO Controls the Weather?



TORy- until 1955!

Un bel ievable ? Yes, BUT IT'S TRU E !

Since the fi rst Ambassa dor CollegeBible Correspondence Course lesson wassent out in 1954 , mankind has enteredthe VE RY TIME of wh ich Jesus Christspoke!

Th e Encyclopaedia Britannica says," ... in August 19 55...there was a gen­eral conviction amo ng the governmentsthat both sides in the cold war hadSNfficienl retaliatory POli/eJ' to make

hydrogen bomb war SUIC IDAL!"

Since 1955, the nuclear powers havepiled bomb upon bomb, until today thecitizens of th is whole planet live inconstant fear of extinctio n! It is ac­knowledged by world leaders that allhuman beings walking the streets oftoday's cities, town s and villages havea NUCLEAR PISTOL POINTED AT T H EIR

TEM PLES, as politicians engage in adeadly game of toorld-tuide RUSSIA Nroulette !

No longer do politicians speak interms of the mass murder of wholecities, or even whole conti nents ! N owthey speak of OVERKILL! Al readyenough nuclear weapons arc prepa redto wipe all life fro m th is planet TENTIMES OVER! Just once would beenough .

Today statesmen speak of COSMO·CIDE-the MASS-MURD ER OF EVE RY LIV·ING PERSON ON EART H! There are­RIGHT Now-at least THREE SEPARATEWAYS to dest roy all human life onearth!

Jesus said, " Verily I say un to you,Thi s generatio n [the gen erat ion livingwith the fear of total nuclear war]shall 1I0t pass, till all these thillgs befltlfilled"! (Mat. 24 :34 .)

The Next Ten Years !

You are living in the last days ofthis - man's - age! Th e world haschanged a great deal since 1954 whenthe Ambassador College Bible Cor­respondence Course was first sent out.What will it be like by 1974 ?

You can know; you don't have toguess!

The Ambassa dor College Bible Cor­respon dence Course reveals the climac­tic years just ahead !

Current events are meaningless to th e


average man on the st reet, but by un­de rstand ing your Bible, yo" can knowwh at lies ahead fo r this world !

TIle Correspo ndence Course is abso­lutely free of tuition cost. You neednot be a h igh schoo l graduate to en­rol l.

If you really want to understandyour Bible, and if you will ded icateyourself to studying just THIRTY MIN­UTES each day, you wi ll be rewardedwith FORE-KNOWLEDGE of the eventsthat will shape yom' f"t"re.'

In addition you will be able to kno wthe answers to questions that puzzle somany people today.

W hy did God put man here onearth? W ere you, as an individual, puthere for a PURPOSE-and what is thatpurpose? What is the Utay to worldpeace-the way to FREEDOM fromworry, pove rty, sickness, unhappiness?W hat is the reward of the saved? Canit be proved that God exists? What isGod like ? Is He a TRINITY? A person?A family? W hat does He look like­can we know ?

What about such doctrinal matters asheaven, hell, salvation, law and grace,the raptu re-the virgin birth, the sec­ond coming, the millenni um ? Whereare the dead ? Are they conscious?­are they suffe ring or are they happy ?W ha t about the immortality of thesoul-where, and by whom, did th isdoctr ine originate?

All these and man)' more questions

the weather patterns of this earth ! Manstill has lessons to learn !

To any nation that rebels agai nst H islaws God prophesies: "a nd thy heaventhat is ove r thy head sha ll be brass,and the ear th that is under thee shallbe iron . Th e Lord shall make the rainof thy land powder and dsst : fromheaven shall it come down upon thee,un til thou be destroyed"! (Deut. 28 :23-24 .)

Your Bible is not out of da te-Godin Heaven still sits at tbe controls ofthe WEATHER! He is about to do inthis one generation what He did overmany centuries to the mighty nations ofthe ancient world!

Aug ust, 1964

-the MOST VITAL, MOST IM PORT A N Tquestions of your life- are thoroughlygo ne into, and you are directed to theclear , plain, simple ANSWE RS in )'0"'­

Bible!The Ambassador College Bible Cor·

respo ndence Course is an ";11 depthJlstudy of God's W ord- the Holy Bib le.

Many min isters are enrolled in th isunique Bihle Study Course.

You will want to know what new in­formatio n, greater knowledge, is beingadded with each lesson of the Corre­spondence Course .

Let me urge you 110t to delay.Righ t now whi le you are th inki ng

about it request Lesson O ne. Encloseyour name and address, and mail to theCorrespondence Course Department incare of your Regional Edi tor (see in­side fron t cover for add resses). O therswho have been enro lled, but moved,shou ld be sure to send to the Corre­spondence Cou rse Depa rtment the ir newadd ress, so they will not miss a sing lelesson.

W e are now beginning the [ina! lap-Ihe end of this age is in sight.'Soon, very soon, Jesus Christ will t e­turn in POWER to this earth! Wi ll Hebe able to say to you: "Well do ne,thou good and faithful servant?"

Enro ll today in the Ambassa do r Col­lege Bible Corresponde nce Course. Jointhe nea rly 70,000 students presen tlylearn ing the PLAIN TRUTHS of thei rBible!

To day newspaper head lines fromevery pa rt of this earth scream thewarnings God recorded mill enniumsago in your Bible. Drought and alter­nat ing floods are ful f illing H is proph­ecies all around us- yet mos t peop lewill not hearken.

These weather disturba nces are theresult of SIN-BREA KING G OD'S LAWS!Thi s world is about to reap one finalseries of WEATHER CATASTROPHES thatwill devas tate civilization.

T he only way of deliverance isthro ugh REPENTANCE. God Himself oi­fers protection from the troubles aheadto those few who will tu rn to H imand beg in to OBEY Him.

Page 19: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w

WHY Ministers say:"You don't need to understand the Bible"!

by Roder ick C. Meredith

IN THiS AGE of the "Sputnik" and"Explorer" earth satellites-in thisage of TREMENDOUS change in all

life and thought, caused by the fan­tastic scientific Inventions of man­u/here is the voice of God's PROPHET?

What does Almighty GOD have tosay about the awesome time in whi chwe live?

Is THERE REALLY A GOO? Has God[orsaeen H is creatures? Why do webehold the deafen ing StLENeE from theprofessi ng ministers of Go d about thereal meaning of the age in which welive?

Or, if we hear anything at all, why isthe message couched in generalities, inuncertainties, in empty platitudes, In

the mumbo- jumbo double talk sofamiliar to theologians ?

Yes, WHy-if God is speakingthrough the min isters today?

The Shocking Truth

Part of the answer is revealed inrecent surveys of American church­goers.

Notice! One recent survey found thatmore than half of those interviewedwere unable to name even one of the

four Gospels!Another survey asked people whether

they felt that relig ion was "very im­portant." A vast majority of Americanssaid that it was. But then they wereasked: "Would you say that your re­ligious beliefs have any effect on yourideas on politics and business? "

Fifty-four per cent said, "No."Pollsters found that eighty per cent

of Americans believe Christ is God . Butwhen thirty outstanding Ame ricanswere recently asked to name the hun­dred most important events in history,the birth of Christ came [osrteentb-:-­

tied with the discovery of X-ray andthe Wright brothers' fi rst plane flight !

In the light of these facts, is it anywonder that the Amer ican church-goeris IGNO RANT of any possible relation-

ship between the Bible and the mo­men/oil! limes in which we live ?

Same Shocking Conditionsin Britain

It is significant that a Gallup Poll inBritain disclosed similar findings . Asreported by the london "News Chroni­cle," the rel ig ious poll in Britainrevealed that: "Only one in nine re­gards acceptance of the New Testamentas the hallmark of a Christian. In theview of most peop le it is no longer es­sential to accept the Bible as Gospel tobe a Christian."

The poll also revealed : "The trendtoday is away from the churches andfrom the concept of a personal God, to­wards the uncertainty of agnosticismand the impersonality o f a life force."

It may be painful to admit-espe­cially in the face of growing "modern­ism" and moral laxity-but peoplefollow their leaders! If the ministers ofBritain and America were thundering tothe ir congregations the message o f theBible, if they were reading, explainingand expolinding the very word of Godin the church services, thei r flockswou ld all/oma/icall)' come to understandthe reality of God and the importanceof His will and way.

There is a REASON for the appallingignorance and spiritual Ie/harK)' exist­ing even among those who attendchurch regularly !

Why No Prophets Today?

Man)' people have wondered whyGod Almighty has not inspired the lipsof denominational preachers with pro­phetic messages on the meaning of theawesome events occurring before oureyes. W HY are the pulpits so silent orso vague in the face of some of themost dramatic events in earth's history ?

Here again, the real reason is that theminister are not s/IId)'ing and preachingthe BIBLE as the solid found ation of alltheir ministry. Remember that Jesus saidwe are to live by EVERY word of God .

© 1958 by Ambouador College

D id you know that fulJy ONE THIRDof the Bible is prophecy? How manysermons on Bible PROPHECY have YON

heard in church during the past year?Does this nwnber represent about onethird of the total? If not, WHY not ?

God revealed to the apostle Paul thespiritual degeneracy that would domi­nate in these last days. Under inspira­tion, Paul warned Timothy: "Preachthe WORD; be instant in season, out ofseason ; reprove, rebuke, exhort wi th alllongsuff ering and doctrine." How FEW

are the ministers who preach this waytoday!

Paul continued: "For the time willcome when they will not endure sounddoctrine; but after their ow n lusts shallthey heap to themselves teachers, hav­ing itching ears; and they shall turndway their ear! [rom tbe tmtb, andshall be turned /lIItO fables" (II T imo­thy 4 :2-4).

Paul's prophetic warning has becomea sad REALITY!

In increasing nwnber, the new lead­ers of this professed Christianity consistof modernists, psychologists and "do­gooder' , sociologists-all of whom havepractically no knowledge wbatever ofthe Bible, and very little interest in ac­quiring any. Is it any wo nder thatchurch members themselves exhib it anabJSmal ignorance of what is sup­posedly the very source of their beliefs?

H ow the Bible is Regarded

Perhaps many of you have not fulJyrealized the extent to which our mod­ern-day organized church denominationshave departed completely and absollitelyfrom the Bible in their faith and prac­tice--and in many cases without anyapologies whatever.

The folJowing newspaper headlineillustrates this heathenish trend: "Bib­Iical Law Ignored; Ladies IFill Preach:"

The newspaper article continues :"Two of the nation's largest Protestantdenominations are making a clean breakwith St. Paul' s classic advice to early

Page 20: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w

Well-known rcdio minister, left, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Maj . Gen. Edwin A.Walker, right, of Dallas, staged joint speaking tour in U. S. recently. Termingtheir tour "Operation Midnight Ride," they said its purpose was to warnAmerican citizens of "the communist threat, internally and internationally ."Mo st ministers today don't understand what Bible prophecy reveals aboutCommunism-or what will happen to the Western World before Communismis stamped out! Wid. World Pho'o


Christians: 'Let your women keep silentin the churches.' Henceforth, womenwill be able to speak- with the fullauthority of ordained ministers. . . ."

Ask yourself candidly, how do youthink Jesus Christ feels about thatheadline-"Biblical Law Ignored" ?

Did you notice the careful way inwhich this newspaper writer worded hisannouncement of rank heres)'? He saidthe denominations were making a breakwith Paul's "classic" advice to "early"Christians.

LeI I/J correct that misleading state­ment .' These two large denominationsarc making a dean break with Paul'sinspired COMMAN D to ALL Christians ofEVER Y generation!

God's Word tells us: "ALL scriptureis given by inspiration of God, and isprofitable for doctrine, for reproof, forcorrection, for ius/me/ion in righteous­ness" (II Tim. 3 :16) .

N o matter how well organized, howdeeply intrenched within our socialstructure, how highly regarded by thisworld's society any group of ministersmay be, they CANNOT be the true minis­ters of God if they ..eject His Wordand re/ me obedience to His commands!

When men openly substitute humanreason and the cm toms of worldly so­ciety for the divine revelation of God,then we have "respectable" PAGANISM!Such worship is a vain thing in theeyes of God. Jesus said : "Howbeit i llvain do they worship me, teaching fordoctrines the commandments of men"(Mark 7 :7) . Th en He added : "Fullwell ye reject the commandment ofGod, that ye may keep your own tradi­tion" (verse 9) .

How often do the dignified clergy­men of today announce that such andsuch a custom has been "hallowed" by"traditional" observance in their par­ticular denomination ? Since when doeshuman reason or human tradition hal­low-or make hol)~anything ?

No, it is G OD who sets the stand­ards. It is Almighty GOD who deter­mines what is right and what is wrong-not a divided and confused "churchi­anity."

W hat Is Sin ?

Another example of how denomina­tional leaders cast aside the Bible au­thority was given to me not long ago


in the form of a newspaper advertise­ment. It was a religious advertisementby a major Protestant denomination,and the headline read : "IF hat is SIN ?"

In the key paragraph which answersthe question. this Church publiclystates: "The way we look at it-thatis. the way it's interpreted to us-sinis defined as the error of imposing ourown wills over God's will."

To anyone who does not know hisBible, this might not seem like such abad definition. But if you think aboutit, this "definition" of sin is not a defi ­nition of sin at all !

It leaves completely open for in­terpretation what God's will reall), is.And only the answer to THAT defineswhat sin is!

Moreover, this man-made definitioncompletely overlooks and evades theplain, clear, divinely inspired definitionof sin given in the Bible. In I John3:4, God says: "Sin IS the transgressionof the law ."

What is wrong with Goo's definitionof sin?

The trut h of the matter is thatchurchmen don't like God's definitionand they don't like God 's law as sum­marized in the Ten Commandments.Taken for what is says, that law stripsbare all the rottenness and perversitythat has crept into modern churchi­anity!

August, 1964

Instead of admitting this-and cor­recting it- men prefer to reason : "Theway W E look at it- that is, the way it'sinterpreted [ by whom?] to us ... "

It's time to WAKE up!Do you begin to realize how FAR

modern "Christendom" has departedfrom the Christianity of the New Tes­tament? Do you see W HY God has notraised up any inspired propbets as apart of modern churchianity? Why suchlittle understanding of these times isvoiced from the pulp its? Why the in­spired voice of Divine AUTHORITY islacking among today 's prominent re­ligious leaders?


Many people become frustrated andturn away from religion altogether be­cause their ministers do not understandthe meaning of these turbulent times.They seem able to preach only emptyplatitudes which have 110 connectionwith the dramatic happenings about us.

The obvious reason is that these min­isters do NOT study or understandwhole sections of the Bible. The vitalone tbird of the Bible which is devotedto prophecy is particularly neglected.But many other parts which make pos·sible a right understanding of prophecyare also considered "unimportant" andll11k 110 W l1.

Shocking as it may seem, even the

Page 21: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w

Wide World PIloto

LEAD INTERRELIGIOUS RALLY-Protestant, Roman Catholic and Jewish clergypledge themse lves to coopera te in moral crusade. Probl ems of und e rstandingBible are generally a void ed in joint efforts by appeali ng to com mon practice sa nd traditions of men.

August, 1964

lier)' plan of salvation is not considered" important" to understand by some ofthe well known evangelists tour ing thenation and the world!

A whi le back, on a radio broa d­cast, I was surp rised to hear one suchwell-know n evangelist say in effect:"You say you can't understand all thecomplexities of God's plan as revealedin the Gospe ls? Well, )'011 don't need tounderstand it. D Ol/[ TRY to understandit now. Just come to God throughsimple fai th in Jesus Christ ."

W ithout being sarcastic, I would liketo ask- how "s imple" can your fa ith bewhen you don 't even attempt to under­stand the trut h on which God's Plan

is founded ?The apost le Pau l was insp ired to

write: "W herefore be ye not unwise,but UNDE RSTANDING what the will ofthe Lord is" (Eph . 5: 17).

The instruction he gave Timothy isrecorded for Christians of all ages:"Study to show thyself approved untoGod, a wo rkman that needeth not to beashamed, rig htly dividing the word oftruth" ( II T im. 2: 15).

W e can understand th e Bible if wewill stNdy it, and if we will OBEY it.The lack of willingness to obey God hascaused many a minister and many acburcb 10 close their eyes for all time 10

basic scriptllral truth,

All too often, ministers hire them ­selves out to the people and preachonly what the peop le want to hear. As awarn ing to ministers of every age, Godsays: "My people are destroyed forlack of knowledge: because thou hastrejected knowledge, I will also rejectthee , that thou shalt be no priest tome : seeing thou hast forgotten the lawof thy God , I will also forget thychildren" (Hosea 4:6) .

If any church or any individual iswilling to OBEY God's law, and towalk in the light as God reveals thatligh t, God 's plan and purpose WILL beunderstood .

But th e Ho ly Spirit is given only tothose who OBEY God (Acts 5:32) , " Agood understandi ng have all they thatDO his commandments" (Psalm 111 :10) .

And an inspired understanding ofBible prophecy is available to thosewho will obey God' s law! You canKNOW what lies just ahead, and under-


stand the real meaning of the dramaticage in wh ich we live !

God's P rophetic W arning Is BeingPreached

God has NOT left this confused, di­vided, war-torn world without an in­spired PROPHETIC MESSAGE revealingthe exact course of future events-andthe vita l meaning of these t imes inGod 's grea t P lan.

There is one work- ONE Church­which alone is preaching to the nationsthe same message of repentance andobed ience which Jesus preached, andwh ich is being w ed and empowered byAlm ighty God in preaching H is pro­phetic WARNING to the entire world.

It is not a big , popular , organizeddenominat ion of men-because GodNEVER used such an organization tocarry His prophetic warn ings . You willsearch the Bib le in vain for an exampleof this.

God's Church today is not "accepte d"by the ecclesiastical organ izat ions ofmen. And it sbosld not be.' Jesussaid :"WOE unto you, when all menshall speak well of you! for so did theirfathers to the false prophets" (Luke6:26) .


Chr ist called H is Church the " littleflock" (Luke 12 :32) . He said it wouldbe scatte red and persecuted (J ohn15:20). But God always describesH is Church as an obedient Chu rch­keeping ALL of Hi s commandments."Here is the patience of the saints :here are they that keep the comma nd­ments of God , and the fai th of Jesus"(Rev. 14 :12) .

Because of thei r willingness to obeyGod has opened wide an understand ingof the Bible prophecies to His servants.His Church is now preaching with Di­vine AUTHORITY the exact, specific andDEFINITE prophesied events that liejust ahead in world affairs. His Churc his the only one that is warning Americaand Br itain of the imminent DANGERthat looms just ahead for our peop les­of where that danger lies, when it willmanifest itself , how it will come about,and WHY God is permitting it.

No, God's insp ired prophets haveNOT vanished from the earth .' In spe­cific terms , Hi s servants are now be­ginning to THUNDER His warning mes­sage to a misguided, heedless world!

YOil are NOW reading part .of thatmessage! Withhl this present living

(Please continue on page 22)

Page 22: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w

20 Th e PLAIN TRUTH August, 1964



Mountain StatesCFRN-Edmonton, Alta .- 1260 on

dial , 100.3 FM, 7:30 p.m.daily.

KOA-Denver-850 on dial, 9:30a.m. Sun.

W est CoastKIRo-Seat tle-710 on dial, 100.7

FM, JO:30 p.m. Mon. thruSat., 5:30 a.m. Tu es. thru Sat.

KG BS- Los Angeles-l020 ondial, 10 p.m. Sun.

KRAK-Sacramento-1140 on dial,8 p.m. da ily.

XERB-Lower CaIif .-1090 on dial,7 p.m. daily, 9:30 a.m. Mo n.thru Fri.

WNOE-New Orleans-I060 ondial , 9:30 a.m. Sun.

KAAY-Liule Rock-I090 on dial.9:30 a.m. Sun.. 7:30 p.m.daily.

WGUN-Atlanta-1010 on dial. 4p.m . Sun., II a.m. Mon. thruSac

KRMG-Tulsa- 740 on dial, 10:00a.m. Sun.

XEG-I050 on dial, 8:30 p.m. daily.(C.S.T.)


WSPD-Toledo. Ohio--1370 ondial. 101.5 FM, 9:00 p.m.Sun., 9:05 p.m . Mon. thru Sat.

WJBK-Detroit-1500 on dial. 93.1FM, 9:30 a.m. Sun.

WADC-Akron, Ohio-1350 ondial, 9:30 p.m. dail y.

WJW-Cleveland, Ohio-850 ondial, 10'1. 1 FM, 10 a.m. Sun.

WOW-omaha. Nebr.-590 on dial,8:30 p.m. Sun.

KRVN-Lexington. Nebr.-l0lO ondial , 10:30 a.m. Sun., 3:00p.m. Mon. thru Sat.

WNAX-Yankton, S. Dak.-570 ondial, 8:30 p.m. dail y.

WEAW-Chicago-1330 on dial ,105.1 FM. 9:30 a.m. Sun.(also 8:00 p.m. Sun., FM)8:00 a.m. Mon. thru Fri .• 7:30a.m. Sat. AM and 7:00 a.m.Mon. thru SaL FM.

W AAP-Peoria-1350 on dial, 6:30p.m. daily .

WIBC-Indianapolis-I070 on dial ,10:30 p.m. Sun.

KWTo-Springfield, Mo.-560 ondial. 7:00 p.m. daily.

KFDI-Wichita, Kans.-l070 ondial, 12:30 p.m. da ily.

KFH-Wichita, Kans.-1330 on dial .100.3 FM, 9: 30 a.m., Sun.,6:30 p.m. daily .

WMT-Cedar Rapids-600 on dial,11:30 a.m. Sun.

KEVE-Minneapolis-t440 on dial .10:00 a.m . Sun., 7:00 a.m.Mon. thr u Sat.

'\VWNH-Rochester, N.H.-930 ondial , 9:05 a.m. Sun., 7:05 p.m.Mon. thru Sat.

'WDEV-Waterbury, VL-550 ondial, 8:00 p.m. Sun., 6:30p.m. Mon. thru Sat.

\X'POR-Portland, Maine--1490 ondial. 9:00 a.m. Sun.

W CO U-Lewiston, Maine-- 1240 ondial, 9:30 p.m. Sun.

WAAB-Worcest er , Mass .-1440on dial. 107.3 F~I, 8:30 a.m.Sun.

WMAS-SP.rin gfield, Mass .-1450on dial , 94.7 FM, 9:30 p.m.Sun.

WEIM-Fitchburg, Mass.-1280 ondial. 8:30 p.m. Sun.

\VNLC-New London, Conn .-1490on dial, 8:30 p.m. Sun.

In Fren ch­

CFMB-Montreal-1410 kc., 5 p.m.,Sat. and Sun.

CKJL-St. Jerome, Quebec-900 kc.,10:30 a.m . Sun.

8 p.m.(C.S.T.)

dial ,p.m.

XELO-BOO on(M .S.T.) 9da ily.

EastWJRZ-Newark, N .}.-970 on dial,

11:00 p.m. Sun., 10:30 p.m .Mon. thru Sat.

WBMD-Baltimore-750 on dial ,12:30 p.m. daily.

WPIT-Pinsburgh-730 on dial.101.5 FM, 7:00 a.m. daily.

WHP-Harrisburg, Pa.-580 ondial, 7:30 p.m. daily.

WCHS--Charleston W . Va .-580 ondial, 7:30 p.m. daily .

CFMB-Montreal-1410 on dial,1:30 p.m. Sun., 6:30 a.m.Mon. thru Sat.

CKFH-Toronto-1430 on dial ,9:00 p.m. Mon. thru Fri.,10:00 p.m. Sat. and Sun.

CKLB--Oshawa. Ontario--1350 ondial , 9:05 p.m. Mon. thruPri., 10:30 p.m . Sat. and Sun.

CKCR-Kitchener, O ntar io--1490on dial, 8:00 p.m. Sun., 7:30p.m. Mon. thru Sat.

W MI E- Miami, Fla.-1l40 on dia l,8 :30 a.m. Sun., 12 noon Mo n.thru Sat.

MAJOR STATIONS-­Heard over wide areas

EastW HN- N ew York-IOSO on dial,

9:00 a.m. Sun.W\VVA-Wheeling, W . Va.-1l70

on dial, 98.7 FM. 10:30 a.m.and 11:15 p.m. Sun., 5 a.m. &7: 15 p.m. Mon. th ru Fri .(E.S.T.)

W N AC-Boston--680 on dial. 98.5FM (WRKO· FM), 8:30 p.m.Sun.

WIBG-Pbiladelph ia-990 on dial,94.1 FM, 12:30 p.m. Sun.

WPTF- Raleigh, N .C.--680 on dial,94.7 FM, 9:30 a.m. Sun ., 8:30p.m. Mo n. thru Sat.

Central StatesWLAC-Nashville-15 1O on dial,

10:30 a.m. Sun ., 7 p.m. dailyand 5 a.m. Mon. tbru Sat.(C.S.T.)

WSM-Nashville-650 on dial, 9p.m. Sun ., 12 a.m. Mon. thruFrt., 1 a.m. Sun, (C.S.T.)

W CKY- Cindnnati - 1530 on dial,7 and 9:30 p.m. Sun., 5:30a.m. and 11:05 p.m. Mon.theu Sat., E.S.T. (Times willvary).

CKLW-Deuoit-W indsor-BOO ondial, 93.9 FM, 7 p.m. Sun.,5:30 a.m . Mo n. thru Fri.,6:15 a.m. Sar.: 11:00 p.m .Mo n. th ru Sat.

CKY-Winn ip eg, Manitoba-580on dia l, 10 p.m. Sun., 6:00a.m. Mon . thru Sat.

W JJD-Chicago-1160 on dial ,104.3 FM, 11:00 a.m. and9:30 p.m. Sun. , 5:30 a.m.Mon . thru Sat.

KCMo-Kansas City-810 on dial.7:30 p.m. Sun., 8:15 p.m. and5 a.m. Mon. thru Sat.

KXEL-Waterloo, Ia.- 1540 on dial,8 p.m. Sun.• 9:30 p.m. Mon.thru Sat.

KXEN-St. Louis-IOIO on dial,10:30 a.m. Sun., 12 noonMo n. thru Sat.

SouthKRLD-Dallas-1080 on dial, 92.5

FM, 8:15 p.m. Sun., 6:30p.m. Mo n. thru Fri.

KTRH-Houston-740 on d ial ,101.1 FM, 8:00 p.m . Sun.,8:30 p.m. Mo n. thru Sat.

KWKH-Shreveport-1130 on dial,94.5 FM, 8:30 a.m. & p.m.Sun., 1:00 p.m. Sun. thru Fri .,11:30 a.m . and 11:30 p.m.Sat.

• Aster isk indicates new sta tio n ortime change.

Page 23: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w

August. 1964

WEBC-Duluth, Minn.-560 ondial, 7:00 p.m. daily.

WMIL- .Milwaukee, Wis.-1290on dial, 95.7 FM, 4:30 p .m.Sun., 7:00 a.m. Mon. thruSat .

KFYR-Bismarck, N. Dak .-550 ondial . 7 p.m. daily except 6:45 p.m.

CFQC-Saskatoon, Sask.---600 ondial, 9:30 p.m. dail y.


KCTA-Corpu s Christi , Tex.-1030on dial. 2 p.m . Sun. , 12:30p.m. Mon. thru Fri ., 4:30p .m. Sat.

KCUL- Ft. Worth-1540 on dial, Ip.rn. Sun., 8:30 a.m. Mon .thru Sat.

KMAC-San Antonio-630 on dial,9:00 a.m. Sun., 7:15 a.m .Mon. thru Sat.

KGN C-Amarillo-710 on dial. 9:00p.m. dail y.

KFMJ -Tuisa-l050 on dial , 12:30p.m. daily .

KBYE-Okla. City-890 on dial,10:30 a.m. Sun., 12:30 p.m.Mon. thru Sat.

KW AM-Memphis-990 on dial, 10a.m. Sun ., II :00 a.m. Mon.rhru Sat .

WDEF-Chattanooga, Tenn .-1 370on dial, 8:05 p.m. dail y.

WAKE-Atlantu-1340 on dial ,10:30 a.m. Sun.

WBRC-Birmingham. AIa.-960 ondial, 106.9 FM. 7:30 p.m.dail y.

WYDE-Birrningh am, Ala.-SSO ondial. 12 noon Sun.

WKYB--Paducah, Ky.- 570 on dial,93.3 FM, 12 noon daily .

Mountain States

KPHO-Phoenix-910 on dial , 6:30p.m . dail y.

KFIF-Tucson-1550 on dial, 5:00p.m. daily.

KLZ- Denver-560 on dial , 106.7FM , 10:45 p.m. Sun. , 8:00p.m. Mon. thru Fri . 10:30a.m. Sat.

KCPX-Salt Lake City-1320 ondial, 98.7 FM, 7 p.m. daily .

KIDD-Boise, Idah o-630 on dial 7p.m. dail y.

West Coast

CJ OR-Vancouv er , B.C.---600 ondial. 9:00 p.m. Mon . thru Fri.

CKLG-V a nco uve r, B.C.- 730 ondial, 7:00 a.m. Sun., 6:00 a.m.Mon . thru Sat.

*CKOV - Kelowna, B.c. - 630 ondial. 7:30 p .m. Sun., 8:30 p.m.Man, thru Sat.

*CKOK - Penricton, H.C. - 800 ondial, 7:30 a.m. Sun., 8:30 p.m.Man , thru Sat.

*CKPG- Prince George. B.C.-550on dial, 10=30 a.rn. Sun., 6:30a.m. Mon . thru Sat.


*CJ IB---Vemon, B.C.-940 on dial,7:30 p.m . Sun., 6:30 p.m.Mon . thru Sar.

KHQ-5pokane-590 on dial, 8:05p.m. daily .

KVI-Seattle-570 on dial , 8 a.m .Sun.

KBLE-Seattle-1050 on dia l, 12noon daily .

KWJJ-Portland-l0S0 on dial, 10p.m. Sun., 9 p.m. Man , thruSat.

KEX-Portland-1190 on dial, 8:30a.m. Sun.

KUGN-Eugene-590 on dial 7p.m. dail y.

KUMA-PendlelOn, Oregon-c-t zcnon dial. 7:00 p.m. dail y,

KAGO-Klamath Falls , Oregon­1150 on dial , 8:00 p.m- dail y.

KSAY-S an Fran ci sc o-IOIO ondial, 8:30 a.m. Sun., 7:05 a.m.Mon. thru Sat .

KFRC-San Francis co-GI0 on dial,10G.I FM, 8:30 a.m. Sun.

KFAX-San Francisco-II 00 ondial, 10:00 a.m. Sun.. 10:45p.m. Mon . thru Fri .; 4:15p-m- Mon . th ru Sat.

KG~I5-Sa('ramento--I 380 on dial,8:30 a.m. Sun.

KDB---Santa Barbara. Calif.-1490on dial, 93.7 FM. G:30 p.m.daily.

KRKD -Los Angeles-I 150 on dial ,96.3 FM, 9:30 a.m . and 6:30p.m. Sun ., 6: 15 a.m. and 7p .rn. Mon. thru Sat.

KBLA-Burbank- 1490 on dial, 7:30a.m., daily; 12:30 p.m., Sat.and Sun ., 12 noon Mon . thruFri .

KA CE-San Bernardino-Riverside­1570 on dial, 92.7 FM, 9 =30a.m . Sun., 7:05 a.m. Mon .thru Sat.

KNEZ-Lompoc Calif .- 960 on dial ,9:00 a.m. Sun.

In Spanish-KALI-Los Angeles, Calif.-1430 on

dial . 4:45 p.m. Sun.

Alaska & Hawa;iKFQD-Anchorage, Alaska - 730 on

dial. 7:30 p.m. daily.KULA-Honolulu, Hawaii---690 on

dial. 7:30 p.m. daily .


metres ( 1439 kc.) mediumwave and 49 metres (6090kc.) sho rt wave-7:00 p.m.Mon. and Tues.• B.S.T.

In French-RADIO LUXEMBOURG-I 293 me­

tr es-5:40 a.m. Mon.EUROPE NO. ONE-Fclsberg en

Sa r re , G ermany-182 k c,(1647 m.)---6:00 a.m. Sun.,5:45 a.m. \Ved. and Sat.

In German-RADIO LUXEMBOURG--49 metres

(6090 kc.) shortwave and 208metres (1439 kc.) mediumwave-Sun" 6:05 a.m .: Wed.,7:00 e.m ., M.E.T.


"The 3rd Network, B.C.C."-BED23 Taichung 1380 kc. ;BED55 Taipei 960 kc.;BED78 Tainan City 1540 kc.;BED79 Kaohsiung 1220 kc.:BED82 Chiayi 1460 kc.­18:00 T.S.T., Wed. and Fri ._

RADIO OKINAWA-KSBK-880kc. Sundays: 12:06 noon.


DZAQ, Manila-620 kc.-8:30 p.m.daily,

DZRI, Da gupan City-1040 kc. ;DZRB, Naga City-lOGO kc .;DXAW, Davao City-640 kc.-

9:00 p.m. Sunday.DYCB, Cehu City-570 kc.-9:30

p .m. Friday.RADIO GUAM-KUAM-610 kc.,

6 p.m. daily.


town, Barbados - 975 kc, ­9:30 a.m. Sun., 10:30 a.m .Mon. thru Fri., 9:30 p.m. Sal.

RADIO AMERICA-Lima, Peru­1010 kc.-5:15 p.m. Satur­days.

HOe21, Panama City-lll5 kc.:HP5A . Panama City-H170 kc.;HOK, Colon, Panama---640 kc.:HP5K, Colon, Panama---6005 kc.­

7:00 p.m.• Sundays.

In French-4VBM-Port au Prince, Haiti-1430

kc., 7:45 p.m. Wed.4VCM-Port au Prince, Haiti---6165

kc., 7:45 p.rn. Wed.RADIO CARAI BES- St. Lu cia,

West Indies-840 kc.-6:45a.rn., Mon . and Tues.

In Spanish-RADIO LA CRONICA-Lima, Peru

-1320 kc.-7:00 p.m . Sun.RADIO COMUNER05-Asuncinn,

Paraguay-970 kc.-8:30 p.m.Thursdays.

RADIO SPORT-CXAI9-Montevideo, Uruguay- 11835 kc.­4:00 p.m., Sundays.

RADIO CARVE-<:X 16, 850 kc.,and CXAI3. 6156 kc.-Mon·revideo, Uruguay-3:30 p.m.•Saturdays.

(Continued on next page)


Page 24: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w

22 The PLAIN TR UT H August, 1964

WHY Ministers Say--( Conti nued fro m page 19)



MOZAMBIQ UE-BOI kc. ,92 metres and 4925 kc., 60mctres-IO:OO p .m. Mon.,Wed., and Sar., 10:30 p.m.Tues., Thur. , and Fri .

RADIO UFAC, ELIZABETHVILLE-OQ2AD-4980 kc. (60 m.)-6:30 p.m. Sun . thru Fri .

WNB5-Lagos-602 kc.-8:30 p.m.daily.

WNBS-lbadan---656 kc.• 3380 kc.,6185 kc. and 9500 kc,-8:30p.m. daily.


2KY-Sydne)" NSW-I 02 0 kc. ­10:15 p.m. Mon. thru Tburs.;10:45 p.m. Fri.; 11 p.m. Sat .

2AY-Albury, NSW-1490 kc .­10:00 p.m. Sun. rhru Fri .

2GF-Grafton, NSW-l21O kc.­10:00 p.m. Mon. theu Sat .

2GN-Goulburn, NSW - 1380 kc .-9:30 p.m. Mon. thru Sat .

2HD-Newl-astle. NSW - 1140 kc.- 10:30 p.m. Sun .; 9 :00 p.m .Mo n. thr u Thurs.; 6:30 p.m.Fri.

2KA-Katoomba. NS W - 780 kc.­10:00 p.m. Mon. thru Sat .

3AW- Melbourne, Vic.-1280 kc.­10:30 p.rn. Sun.

3BD-Bend igo, Vic.-960 kc.- 9:30p.m. Mo n. thru Sat.

3KZ-Melboucne, Vic. - 1180 kc.­10:30 p.m. Sun.; 10:45 p.m .Mon. thru Thurs.; 10: 15 p.m.Fri .

3MA-MiIdura, Vic. - 1470 kc.­3:30 p.m. Mon. thru Fri.;10:00 p.m. Sat.

3XY-Melbourne, Vic-1420 kc.­10:30 p.m. Sun., 10:00 p.m.Mon., 10:30 p.m. Tues. thruFri.

4AK-Oakey, Qld. - 1220 kc.-9:30p.m. Sun.; 10:15 p.m. Mon.thru Thurs.; 10:30 p.m. Fri .

4BK-Brisban e. Qld. - 1300 kc.­9:30 p.m. Sun.; 10:15 p.m.Mon. thru Th urs .; 10:30 p.m.Fri .

4CA-<:airns, Qld.-IOI0 kc.-IO:OOp.m. Sun. thru Fri.

4KQ-Bri,bane Qld .-69 0 kc.­10:30 p.m. Sun.

4TQ-Townsyille. Qld.-:.780 kc.­9:30 p.m . Mon. thru Sat.

4WK-Warwick, Qld.-880 kc.­10:00 p.m. Mon . thru Sat.

6KG-Kalgoorlie. W A-860 kc.­10:00 p.m. Mon. thru SaL

6PM-Perth. WA-IOOO kc.-1O:00p.m. Sun.; 10:15 p.m. Mon .thru Fri .

6AM-Northam, WA-980 kc.­10:00 p.m. Sun.; 10:15 p.m.Mon. thru Fri.

7AD-Devonpoct, Tas.-900 kc.­3:30 p.m. Sun thru Fri.

7HT-Hobart. Tas.- I080 kc.­7:30 p.m . Sun. thru Fri .

7SD-Scottsdale. Tas.-540 kc.­4:00 p.m. Sun. thru Fri.

generation, men and nations will come/0 realize tbat tbe message JOII hearove r The W ORLD TOMORROW broadcast

al1d read in The PLAI N T RUTH maga­zine if directly fr om /llmighl)' God,tbe Creator-Ruler of tbe nnirersel

"Respo nsible" Ministers?

Regardless of the PROOF of fllifilledpropbecy and the evidence of an in­spired Imderstandillg of God 's Word ,carnal huma n church leaders will alwaysseek to justify themselves. Th ey willviciously attack, slander, and label as"irresponsible" anyone who disagreeswith thei r basic doctrines and who willnot join or "co-ope rate" with their ec­d esiastical-politica! machine.

The charge of " irrespo nsible" is theone most freq uently leveled againstthose who refuse to confo rm. In actualfact, by "i rresponsible" min isters theymean those who are not appoillted orelected by some board or human organi­zation of men wh ich, in turn, is electedby the lay church members.

Also, to be considered "responsibl e"the minister and church must be anactive part of the ecclesiastical organiza­tions and councils of the land. They

must show an attit ude of going alongwith and co-operating with the variouschurch agencies established and con­trolled by the majo r Protestant denorn­inations. In order to have a "clean billof health ," thei r doctrine must not beconside red "offensive" to any of themajo r denominations.

The "responsible" ministe r must alsotake an active part in the political andsocial life of his community. He shouldbe a member of the Kiwanis, Lions,Rotary Club or similar organ izations. Inall th ings, he should demonstrate hisapprQtlal and participation in the com­munity's civic and social organizations.

In plain language, to be considered" responsible" a minister must be PARTAND PARCEL WITH THIS HELL·BENTWORLD!

In the final analysis, he must be"responsible" to the people and preachwhat THEY tuant 10 hear, take part intheir PAGAN traditi ons, and approve oftheir SINFUL ways!

N ow let's get tbis Jlraighl once and'fo r al/ !

God 's true mini sters are NOT calledby men. They are called and inspi redby Him. They are NOT responsible tomen- but to GOD!

They are to serve the peop le bypreaching God'J message whether thepeople like it or not!

God's ministers must come OUT ofthis world- its human organi zationsand societies (James 4:4) . They mustpreach the TRUTH-regardless of whomit offends.

A true minister must be lotally SUR­RENDER ED to the mle and will ofAlmighty God. He must STUDY theBible humbly as a little child to drinkGod 's will 0111 of it- not to read hisdenom ination's doctr ine into it. Hemust let God's Word CORRECT andREPROVE him where he is wrong.

He must obey ALL of God's com­mandments through Chr ist in Him. N ottrying to argue or reason around it, hemust strive to LIVE by EVERY word ofGod . He must surrender to let Godguide him, lise him, lpea k throllghhim.

Is such ;3. man a " responsible" min ­ister?

Yes, he is 10lal/y " responsible" to Al­might)' GOD!

Now do )'011 understand?As proof , tu rn and read some of the

other fascinating articles in this maga ­zine ! In each issue are prophetic articiesand they will tell rou EXACTLY andSPECIFICALLY what is soon going tooccur. Th e doct rinal articles will reveala depth of understanding of God'sWord, plan and purpose that is unsur­passed. This is the ONLY work onearth where this spirilllal and prophetic101derJlandillg is available. The~e is NOOTHER source!

Many of you have realized this andhave wondered why. That is becausethe ministers in this Work of God aretml)' "responsible." They are God'smin isters-and this is the work of oGod's tme Ch"r ch l

"He that hath ears to hear, lei himhear."

Page 25: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w

Can U.S. President's "Waron Poverty" SUCCEED?

,Poverty ;s a W ORLD-WIDE issue. Can it be legislated out ofexistence?-solved with public funds? Here's the so beringTRUTH of a problem facin g NINE-TENTHS of this earth's


by Roderick C. Meredith

W H AT is the real ANSWER to thegri nd ing poverty facing mil­lions of Americans? What

about the bnndreds of millions whoare even worse off in Europe, Asia,Africa and South America? Is there nosolution to thei r miserable existence ?

Poverty a WORLD-WIDEProblem !

In America, a strange paradox exists.While we are the most affluent nationin the history of the world, yet fu llytwentJ per cent of American citizensare classified as living below minimumeconomic standards.

T he problem in the AppalachianRegion alone is so severe that FOUR

BILLION dollars are being earmarkedover the next five ye~rs to try to liftthe beleaguered ten-state area out of itseconomic doldrums.

Mayor Robert Wagner, of NewYork City, recently declared that atotal war on poverty in America wouldrequire twenty years and two htmdredfifty-fh'e BILLION dollars. A tru ly stag­gering sum!

Yet American AffluenceIs Widesp read

The four-fift hs of Americans whoare prospering, howeve r, have neverhad it so good. Incomes are at a recordlevel. The Gross National Product isclipping along at an all-time h igh .

T he new "good life" allows plentyof time for leisure activities. It seemswe can't build sports stadiums fastenough. Private boat marinas dot ourseacoasts and inland lakes. Camping isa big business. The less energetic justwatch their TV sets-which will soon be

able to receive eighty-two morechannels.

American young people, especially,are expecting a higher and h igherstandard of living as a "right. " Acommon complaint of children is:"Why can't we have two cars? " Athree-car fam ily is no longer unusual.

Developing N ations DemandA Share in Prosperiry

Not only among the poor in Ameri­ca is there a demand to share in the"affluent society." But among thenewer and smaller nations of the world.Some of the new "developi ng" coun­tries are attem pting to make the leapfrom savagery to prosperity in one ortwo generations-a He rculean task.

A new "Third Force" bloc of und er­privileged nations f rom Africa, Asiaand Latin America has been the mostsalient featu re of the one-hundred­nineteen-nation De velopment Confer­ence held recent ly in Geneva. Theseventy-five nations banded toge ther topush for a speed-up of their economicemancipation. They have created aunited front in defence of the claimsof the "underprivileged."

The bloc has served notice it meansbusiness and wants to push for the re­organization of world trade and an endto the division of the world into areasof poverty on the one hand, and pros­perity on the other !

Un ited Press International reports thatthese developing nations warn "thatthey will NOT TOLERATE the existinggulf in living standards indefinitely!"(Emphasis ours.)

It seems these "developing" nations-along with the Socialists, Commu n-

ists and others-fail utte rly to recog­nize the REASON for poverty.

There is a cause for every effect.There is a cause or REASON why peopleand nations are poor . IV'"e need to learnwhat that reason is.'

Why Communism andSocialism FAIL

The early Communist idealists In

Russia and the Socialist planners inBritain, Ind ia and elsewhere attemp ted- in varying degrees-to solve theproblem of poverty by limiting Cap­italism and personal initiative. Theyengaged in massive government con­trols, handouts and aid, and " redis­tributed the wealth" th rough thesemeans coupled with progressive income #

taxes and other governmental devices.Yet, in the Soviet, the gigantic ex­

periment of Communism has FAI LED !

Even realistic Communist leaders arebeginning to admit this sobering truth .To retain power, Red leaders-in na­tion after natio n-are being forced toalter the Communist system to adapt toreality.

Th e Associated Press recently report­ed that Premier Nikita Kh ruschev hasrecommended bringin g into the Sovieteconomy "all progressive things whichhave been done in Capitalistic coun­tries." "There is nothing shameful inthis ," the Premier added .

"He again said farm workers mustbe given an IN CE N TIV E to produce,"Associated Press reported. (Emphasisours.) "We must," he said, " find amethod of paying for labor whichcould encourage growth of production."

(Please continue on page 26­pictures on next two pages)

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RTY -- World-Wide Catastrophe!',¢ )

Without God's prot e ction, huma n bei ngs a re a t theme rcy of sudden ca tastrop hes . Her e a fl oo d in Italyhas destroyed crops a nd homes. Poverty quickly

fo llows.

Wide Wor ld Photo

Indio possesses more cattle than an y oth er na tion.Yet, because of religious belief- they a re not usedfor food . Such religi ou s superstition lea ds to profes ­sional begging, hunge r a nd povert y, as illustrated by

th ese w omen .

Why is po vert y rampant in this wo rld? Rea d the a c­com panying e ye- ope ning article be g inning page 23 .To the left is a sta rving Baluba yo ungste r. He typifie sth e wret chedn ess of world-wide hunger a nd po verty .His co nd ition is caused by Congolese ina bility to rule

th em selves. Wide World Photo




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Wid. WOI'ld ,holo

The dole. It accomplishes little. Most of these derelicts ore just lazy. Any war on povertymust start in the mind of the individual. He must be willing to work!

Vietnamese rounded up in Mekong Delto, South Vietnam . War causes destruct ion andsuffering . Poverty ensues. As long as war exists-poverty will grow.

Wide Wg,ld ' ''0'0

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War on Poverty(Colll1/lIIe fr011l page 23j

On Apr il 20, 1964, the US. Newsand If/orld Report magazine stated :"Communists now realize thei r systemwill not work. To retain power, theyare trying to change the system. Thereis a visible trend toward de-centraliza­tion of economic power and the adop­tion of Capitalist-style IN CENT IVES....

" IPhat the Communists toaste mostis 110t raw materials or ellen lime, bill

human btit ietiue and inventiveness. Un­der their system, the horizons of free­dom are simply not wide enough, theINCENTIV ES not big enough , the RE­

WAR DS not Jarge enough to call forththe best efforls of men and wom­en. . . ." ( Emphasis ours.)

Notice that people need initiative,freedom and IN CEN Ti VE to producegoods.

Although the "government dole"system may tempo rarily alleviate thesurface 1ym P/ 0111J of poverty- it canNEVER get at and alleviate the realCAUSE.

Where Wealth Comes From

For all wealth comes out of theground. It is the resnlt of man's dili­gence and wisdom in cultivating, usingand distribut ing what comes out ofGod's earth!

The ver}' fo od we eat comes out ofthe grou nd. Yet man 's knowledge andefforl is required to produce it. Thelumber we use to build our houses andfactories, our tables and the very chairswe sit on-this too comes from theground and must be intelligently ex­tracted by man's effo rl. The gold, sil­ver, iron, copper, tin and alwn inummust all be extracted from the groundby man's intelligence and efforl.

The processing and manufacturing ofthese and many other basic elements in­to f inished products is not somethingthat just "h appens." It is something thatrequires man's initiative, intelligenceand EFFORT.

In plain language, it requlCes physi­cal and mental WORK!

Th is factor is tremendoml v importantto understand when consider ing theworld-wide problem of poverty. For


the prosperity that these "developing"nations suddenly DEMAND is somethingthat l11/IJt be u-orbed f or and PRO­DUCED !

Conversely, the LACK of menta l andphysical effort and product ion actuallyproduces POVERTY!

Poverty Results FromBROKEN LAW

Poverty is the result of broken law.It is the result of physical and spiritualSIN! "For sin is the transgression ofthe law" ( J John 3:4).

Nearly every account of the reasonsfor poverty in Amer ica shows thatSIN - MISMANAGE MENT, LAZINESS,VANITY and STUBBORNNESS - is verydeeply involved.

A continuing phenomenon in thepoverty cycle is that of the brokenhome. Nearly half of all familiesheaded by a woman are poor . Sicknessis a constant factor in the povertycycle-involving, as it does, brokenhealth laws.

Drinking, dope, prostitution andcriminality are often basic contributingfactors as well as continuing effects inthe vicious cycle of poverty .

The stubbornness of many ind ivid­uals and families in fail ing to changetheir occupation or geog raphical loca­tion is a primary factor in many povertysituations. Also, the stubborn fefllsalto acquire a proper education has pJayeda tremendous part in the poverty ofmany.

And , very frankly, just plain LAZI­

NESS exists in more millions of casesthan the idealists and social plannerslike to admit ! Often, this very lazinesshas been or is being encouraged byvarious types of government "doles"which stifle init iative and the desire tobe employed.

Of course, and let me make thisVERY PLAIN, the above-mentioned fac­tors are not always the "fau lt" of thosewho are preseIllly slif fering [rom tbeeffeets of poverl)"! Th e real blame mayrest on parents and g randpa rents, olderbrothers and sisters, husbands, or­admittedly in many cases-those out­siders who, through covetomness,WITHHOLD a fair oppo rtunity for help,education and opportunity.

But whether committed by the poor

August, 1964

individual or by others, all of the abovefactors are the result of SIN. T here isno mistaking thai .'

Broken homes and fatherless childrenare the result of SIN. Drunkenness, dopeaddiction and crimina lity are SIN. Theyinvolve breaking God's [atr,

Th e unfai r discrimination againstNegroes and those of other minoritygroups is certa inly SIN.

When you understand the principlesof God such as Jesus' instruction tobecome perfect even as your HeavenlyFather (Matt. 5:48) , then you cangrasp the fact that even the laziness orstubbornness involved in one's fai lureto get a prope r education is SIN. Yes,we recognize that some are preventedfrom gain ing a proper education be­cause of wretched fami ly situations ,racial discrimination and other causes.Bnt remember that these canses are intbemselres the result of SIN.

Th ere is no getti ng around it! Pov­erty is the result of broken LAw-theresult of SIN.

Who, then, can forgiv, this SIN'

Can President John son and the socialplann ers in Amer ica ? Can the Socialistsin England ? Can the Communists inAsia and Africa?

Th e answer, of course, to the abovequestions is that GOD [orgives Sill .

'.=Z ;

-,-'- .-- -.....

W id" World Pholo

The home in which President Johnsonwas born. Few non -Americans areawa re of the fact that many Ame ricansof th e older generation grew up inpovert y. But they wor ked ha rd to geta hea d .

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Wid. World Pho ' o

The younger generation in America today grew up under the New Dealphilosophy. They think the world owes them a Iivingl What politicians todayseem to forget is that hard work , with a minimum of economic " pump priming",and obedience to God 's laws are the only sure way to prosperity.

August, 1964

" ' 1.1, '


Quit BREAKING the Laws!

But He 0111)' does so af ter we RE­

PENT and qllil breaking the lau'/The desi re of President Joh nson and

other benevolen t leaders to help th epoo r is a good thing. And certa inGOOD will result from it !

But-if we are to face the facts­we must realize th at it will do only aLIMITED amount of good for a veryLIM ITED amout of time .

Robert M. Hutchins , noted educatorand columnist, recently mad e this com­ment on President Johnson's "PovertyProgram " : " Whatever the value of thewar on poverty as a means of drawingpublic attention to a grave issue, as anactual war it is a HOAX so far. No lessthan FIFTEEN TIMES the proposed ini ­tial expenditures would have to be laidout annually to make a dent In thesituation.

"The A ppa lachian venture In itspresent fo rm is a HOAX. Eighty-eightper cent of the mo ney to be spent on itwou ld go to high ways. These migh thelp the people leave Appalachie forthe urban slums. H ighway constructionwill not hr ing work, to say nothing ofprospe rity, to Appalachia." (E mphasisours.)


- .

Mr . Hutchins, we might add, is notalone in his views. Most economistsrealize that a [antaitic amount of moneywould have to be do led out to reall y"so lve" the poverty situation eren inthe u-ealtbiest land that has ever ex­isted ! Such a "solution" would soonleave the enti re nation bankrupt andhelpless !

Clearly , the way to solve the povertyproblem is to get at the CAUSE-notmere ly to soothe the surface symptomsof the disease .

And that cause involves the brokenlaws of marri age, health, personal dili­gence and reJpollJibilily to God andfellow man .

T he Re al ANSWERto Poverty

You readers of The PLAtN TRUTHregularl y receive-through this maga­zine-the means to prove the existenceof a literal, person al GOD. He is theO ne who make s and nnmai:es nations .He is the O ne who has set in motioninexo rable , invis ible, spi ritua l laws­laws which produce great BLESSINGS ifobeyed, and definite CU RS ES if dis ­obeyed. Laws which are as real and asactive as the law of gravity !

T he tru e ANSWER to poverty all re-


volves around the tru e GOSPEL of JesusChrist. He preached the Kingdom ofGod-which means God's GOVERN­MENT over our lives and our society.God 's Government has LAw-the" royal" law composed of ten points(Jas. 2:10), the Ten Commandments.

These laws of God's Go vernmentare the wars of LOVE-of giving, ratherthan getting-of serving, rather thantaking.

The great overall LAW of G od is de­signed to protect the family, rid theenti re society of crime and coemption.elim inate discrimination by causmgeveryone to love his neighbo r, and topromote diligence and IND USTRY asopposed to laziness-fl5ix tla)! shalttbou LABOR."

In plain language, this great LAW ofGod's Gorernment is the ONLY 117AI'to peace, tru e beppiness, physical andmental health and lasting PROSPERITY.Ever)' last vestage of hum an suffering,inequality and pm'ert}' has come fromtramgressing that gft>(l t spiri t/MI, etern­al LAW. Sin IS the transgression of thatLAW ( I John 3 :4) ,

The only true WAY to PROSPERITY,then , is to obey God's Llw-and tofollow His instructions. th e example!in His Word , and to trust in thewritten promises in His Bible.

Does God \Vant us toLive in Poverty ?

Many rel igious people have felt that- because God call s the " poo r of theworld rich in faith "-He is dKainstprosperity.

Is this true?

" I wish above all things tha t thoumayest PROSPER and be in health : 'says God through John ( III Joh n 2) .

"B lessed is th e man th at walketh notin the counsel of the ungodly . . , buthis del ight is in the lA\'I;' Of THEETERNAL. . . wbatsoerer be doeth shallPROSPER" (Ps. 1:1-3) .

Jesus said : " I am come that theymight have life , and that they mightbaoe i f more ABUNDANTLY! ' (J ohn

10 :10) . The G reek word translated"abundantly" means just th at. It is notthe synonym for eternal life, but forthe full, happy, PROSPEROUS life whichChrist wants EVERYONE to enjoy as the

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Wid. World Photo

" HOME STREET HOME" in India. Driven out of the countryside by lock of londor work, the villagers of India flock to the big cities. In the unfamiliar andfrightening new environment, many find themselves fo rced to live, sleep a ndeat in the streets. Most earn little more tha n 60 cents a da y.


world eventually learns and obeys God' sWAY OF LIFE.

Prosperity, then, may often be God'sexpress will fo r a true Christian oncehe has learned to put the Kingdom ofGod [irst in his life- and OBEY thela os of God which PRODUCE prosperityand happiness.

Although God often calls the poor tospiritual conversion, then, because theyare willing to HUMBLE THEMSELVES

and trust in Him- He does 1/01 in/endthai the)' remain in ignorance, squalorand poverty ! Rather, His leios and theexamples in His Word-reveal theWAY of life which would bring pros­perity to every family and individual.

In the JV orld T omorrow, this WAY

OF LIFE-with its BLESSINGS-will

eventually be practiced by everyone asthe knowledge of God's Word gradu­ally covers the entire surface of thisearth. There is no sane reason whyYON should not learn this W AY rightnow-dnd begin 10 practice il .'

How Do es Prosperity Come?

W ho is the most fal1/dJ!ically wealth)'person in the universe ? D o you know ?

Wh}\ GOD is o f course !

"Whatsoever is under the whol eheaven is mine," says God (Jo b 41:11) ."The silver is mine, and the gold ismine, saith the Lord of hosts" (Haggai2:8) .

But what is the reason for Go d'sright to cont rol all this immense wealthand power? For all those things hathmine hand made," God might well an­

swer ( Isa. 66 :2) .God has worked-God has labored

-He has prodneed, CREA TED andbrought into being eIJu)'/hing in thisuniverse . " My Father worketh hitherto,and I u'ork," said Jesus (John 5:17) .

God is a WORKER-a LABORER! H eis bllsy-<m the job 24 hours a day.

He does H is work with ZEAL. "Thezeal of the Lord" is an expression usedmany times in the Bible.

And every real, Spirit-filled Christianis to be LIKE God!

"Let this mind be in you, which wasalso in Christ Jesus" ( Phil. 2:5). Thevery MIND of God which we receivethrough the Holy Spirit is the mind ofthe Planner, Creator, and Builder of theuniverse and of the One who sustains


the universe and keeps it operating con­tinuously in perfect order and harmony.

The product of God 's mind reflectsdiligence, perseoerance, abilitJ, enoud­edge, and wisdom. It reflects the mindof one who has great /lnders/andingand SELF-MASTERY.

This is the kind of mind which canwork for and produce great materialwealth and can then w;sely use anddirect that wealth.

As true Christians - overcoming"self" and grou/;l1g in the grace andknowledge of Christ-wE are to de­velop that kind of mind. And as weyield to God 's Spirit within us, weshould grow in kuou4edge and wisdomto the point where greater material re­ward will dutomaticall)' come our way.

Prosperity, then. usually comesthrough the exercise of wisdom, knowl­edge, zeal, and perset-'eraJ1ce in ourwork or profession. These are 1101 EVIL

qualities-to be looked down on bythose who are " just poor, humblefolks."

False Idea of Humility

We should take time right here toexp lain the false concept some people

August, 1964

have which actually causes them to beproud of their IJol'nl)'. Many such peo­ple notice that very few of the richare called to spiritual truth-whereasmore of the very poo r are. They alsosee and hear of a few examples of menwho became wealthy through dis­honesty and greed.

These poor people automatically AS­

SUMF. , then, that all wealth is "tainted"- and is probably the result of sinfulads and thoughts. This idea producesin them a feeling of spiritual superior­ity, or-in plain language-spiritualpride and VANITY.

Being blinded to the real nature ofthis feeling-as most of us are to OUf

own sins-they fail to see this vanityin themse lves. More often than not,they come to regard their lack of mate­rial goods as being synonymous withhumility. Thus they often speak ofthemselves as "just poor, humblefolks."

Such an attitude is 1101 humility, butVANITY- which God condemns, And

such people would do well to REPENT

and be really humble, and meek, andteachable, Then they might learn

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August . 1964

through God's Spirit how to exercisethe good qualities of diligence, perse­verance, depemlabilil)" and wisdomwhich those who have material goodshave had to emp loy-even though theyhave sometimes misdirected their quali­ties and abilities because they lackedGod's Spirit to guide them.

The right USE of material wealth­and of the qualities which help produceit-is NOT !~ ·rong . Remember, God isno pallper!

On the contrary, the right use ofwealth is fulfilling part of the veryPURPOSE for which we were placed onthis earth. It is helping us to groU' inright mental direction and character tobecome like God-like Christ, WORTHY

of being bom of tbe Spirit into theSupreme. Divine. world-ruling king­dom and fami ly of God!

Jesus Christ said: "Be ye thereforePERFECT, even as your Father which ism heaven is perfect" (Matt. 5:48) .

De velup Right Qualities

In the book of Proverbs, God warnsus against the habits that would tend toproduce poverty. He shows that anIIprighl and dilige11l man will have areasonable amount of material wealth.

Proverbs 6:6- 1t gives us the example

D.e .!..-

~_!"";..Wid. World Photo

As his home burns, a sma ll bo ygathers his fa mily's meager posses­sions to save them from the fla mes.South Vietnamese fo rces often burndown entire reb el village s in struggleagainst Communists.


of saving ahead for a rainy day-andwarns us against laziness: "How longwilt thou sleep. 0' , Iuggard ?" (verse9) .

God continues: "He becometh poorthat dealeth with a slack hand: but thehand of the diligelll maketh rich"( Pro. 10:4) , "The hand of the diligelllshall bear rule . . . The rigbteom ismore abundant than his neighbors . . .The substance of a diligent man isprecious" (Pro. 12 :24 . 26·27) .

Notice how often Solomon was 111 ­

spired to use the word "diligent" indescribing a man who would be suc­cessful. Thi s thought is repeated inProverbs 13:4 : "Th e soul of the , Iug ­gard desireth, and hath nOlhing : butthe soul of the diligent shall be madefat."

\Y/e are further instructed on how todo our work in Ecclesiastes 9 :10:"Wbatsoever thy hand findeth to it with th)' MIGHT."

Even the New Testament aboundswith instruction on doing our workwith zeel. Notice Colossians 3:22 -24 :"Servants [or laboring men]. obey inall things your masters according to theflesh; not with eyeservice, as men­pleasers: but ill singleness of heart,fearing God. And u-batsoeier JI? do, doit HEARTILY, as to the Lord, and notunto men." Then Paul continues toshow that we are bomrd to be rewardedby God for our efforts-and we are tolook to Him for our reward: "Knowingthat of tbe Lord ye shall receive thereward of the inheritance : for ye servetbe Lord Christ" (verse 24).

In this age of strife and jealousy be­tween labor and capital-when the pre·vailing attitude is to "gel as much asyou can and gire as little as you can"­how many men really do their workwith zeal, with wisdom, with diligence]and with all their MIGHT?

The Eternal God in His Word in­structs us to do our work in this man­ner. If we yield to Him and developthese qualities within ourselves, Hepromises us material blessings here andnow-and spiritual, everlasting bless­ings as well.

As the Apost le John wrote: " I wishabove all things that thou mayestPROSPER and be in health ." God has

Wid. World ""0'0FACING POVERTY AND WANT. Happ ychildren play in this shanty-town sec­tion of Recife, Brazil. It is only one ofmany slum area s in Brazil's sprawlingnortheast. With a huge and ever­growing population and not enoughproductive land, children like thesehave little to look ahead to. It willtake the reign of God in the WorldTomorrow to bring prosperity.

shown us the WAY to achieve thatprospe rity,

The Re al OUTCOME of rhe"W ar Against Poverty"

As stated earlier in this article.President Johnson's "\'(far Against Pov­erty" may temporari ly alleviate the fi­nancial hardship of many people . Butmost economists agree that it will 1101

ellen BEGIN to solve the financial prob­lems of the majority,

In its present form, all it can do isprovide temporary financial help for avery small percentage of those sufferingfrom poverty. To do much more mightwell WRECK the economy of the entirenation!

But what about those in this nationwho DON'T benefit from this program?What about the more tban TWO BIL­

LION people in Asia, Africa and SouthAmerica who are suffering far worsepoverty than most of their "poor"American cousins would 'dare toimagine?

The 0111)' real answer to poverty isfor people everywhere to begin to co­operate and to PRODUCE- to learn andto practice God's WAY OF LIFE. The

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30 The PLAIN TRUTH August, 1964

Dire poverty along the Nile. Millions of people around the world don't under­sta nd the most rudimentary business prin ciples. Here farm women wa ste theirtime trying to sell to consumers, what ought to be sold to the retailer. Theycould produce much more if the time wa sted in the native market places werespent on the fa rm or in better training the ir children.


So many ask: "HOW does it happ~n that r findmy subscription price for The PLAIN TRUTH hasalready been paId? How can you publish such ahig h class magazine without advertising revenue?"

The answer is as simple as it is astonishing I It isa paradox. Chris t's Gospel canno t be sold likemerchandise. You cannot buy salvation. Yet it doescost money to publish Christ's T RUTH and mail ,itto all continents on earth. It does have to be paIdforl T his is Christ's work. W e solve this problemChrist's WAY!

Jesus said, "This Gospel of the Kingdom shallbe preached (and published-Mark 13:10) in allthe world Ior a wuness unto all na tions" (Mat.24:14) at this rime, just before the end of this age.A PRICE mu,l be paid for the magazine. thebroadcast. the Correspon dence Course . or other lit­erature. But HOW? Ch rist forbids us to setl it tothose who receive it: "Freely ye have received.' ·said Jesus to His disciples whom He was sendinj:to proclaim His Gospel. "freely GIVE!" "It ISmoyt hlessed;" He said. " to G IVE than to re­ceive."

God's W AY is the way of LOVE-and that isthe 'Wa.y of gil·in/: . God expects every child of Histo gire free-will offe rings and to tithe. as Hismeans nf paying the costs of carrying His Gospelto others, \X'e, therefore. simply trust our LordJesus Christ to lay it on the minds and hearts ofl-lis followers to give generously . thus . .paying thecost of ruttin~ the precious Gospel TRlITH in thehands 0 othe'l . Yet it must "0 01'11)' to those whoaJR for ;/ for rht'muhnl Each must. for himself. ' ) ,,uburibt--and his subscription has thus alreadv ~heeol Ilt/id.

Thus the living dynamic Ch rist Himself enablesus to hroadcast , world-wide, without ever askingfor contributions over the air; to enroll many thou­sands in the Ambassador College Bible Corres­pondence Course with full tuition cost dlrcddy paid;to seod your PLAIN TRlITH on an dlready pdidbasis. God's w;ty is GOOD!

like the GARDEN OF EDEN . . . " (Ezek .36:33-35).

It takes WORK to rebuild entire l ,... lcities.' It requires thollghl and EFFO RT ~

to plant and harvest bountiful crops!But God will inspire and BLI~ SS His

peop le in that day to rebuild civiliza­tion ill tbo ri;;ht /l·ay. As picturedabove, God says a veritab le TRO PICAL

PARADISE is coming , a restored "Gardenof Eden" !

Quite evidently the cities will besmaller and more open than they arenow. Most fami lies will have their ownplot of ground, with a garden and per­haps frui t trees . For, "the), sha ll sitet'el:y mall under his vine and underhis fig tree; and nom: shall make themafraid" (Micah 4 :4) . No more fear ofwar or pO("erty/

Chr ist's soon-coming Government­His WAY OF L1FE-lhis will be the fina land glorious SOLUTION to man 's age-old"fight against poverty."

You, persona lly, need to grasp theREA LITY of that solution. Y ou deed tolearn and practice God's WAY rightnow-so you will be qllalified to teachthi.r Wd)' to others in His Kin gdom.

If you are concerned about the 011/)'

REA L solution to poverty-and to ALL

of humanity's ills, you need to thillk­to piaII-to prepare-to pray: "Thykingdom COME."

~ .tr

"'l --.,.."....-~ •• &::

Lord God; In the day that I sha ll havecleansed you from all your iniqu ities rwill also cause you to dwell in thecities, and the wastes sha ll be builded.And the desolate land shall be tiJJed,whereas it lay desolate in the sight ofaJJ that passed by. And they shaJJ say,This land that was desolate is become

lehnert '" Londro ck



I ,

..Wide World Pholo

This tin y house, witho ut run ning wa te r or el ectricity, shelters the 19 members ofthe James Big Crow family on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in SouthDa kota . Many poor fam ilies remain in dire po verty because they do not under­sta nd the responsibility of parents to limit the number of children in accordancewith the po tent ia l f a mily income.

solution is for Christ's Government tobe set up on this eart h!

After describing a soon -coming na­tional PUNISHMENT for our sins, noticehow God says He will BLESS the mod­ern descendants of the " House of Is­rael"-the British Commonwealth andthe American peop les! "Thus saith the

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TWELVE RULES forBible Study

W hy is the Bible the most misunderstood book in all history?The most twisted, distorted, ma ligned, misrepresented andlied-about book there is? Because people re fuse to belie veit means exa ctly what it says! Apply these simple basicrules and you will begin to really understand the plain truth

of God's W ord!by David Jon Hill

W H AT are we ? Were we put onearth for a PU RPOSE? AndWHAT is that purpose? WHY

are human lives empty, discontented,unhappy ? How may human life becomeHAPPY, [illed with interest, ABUNDANT,

successful, prosperous? WHAT is the realcause of wars, and T HE WA Y to worldpeace?

WHAT lies on after death- what isTHE WAY to a happy, abundant,ETERNAL life ? No book ever written,except the Holy Bible, reveals tbeanswers to these fundamental questionsof life!

Yet, why do we find such confusion- such disagreement as to what it says?WHY don't the hundreds of differingchurch denominations and sects AGREE

on what their acknowledged textbookSAYS ? WH Y do so many individuals,capable of understanding almost anyother book, say: "I just can't under­stand the BIBLE" ?

Study for Yourself

You yourself need to understandHOW to get the most out of God' sWord .

You need to KNOW that GOD DOESEXIST-and you need to KNOW thatTH E BIBLE IS GOD'S INSPIRED WORD! Ifyou are in any doubt about these twobasic points, write immediately for ourfree booklets, Does God Exist? andProof of The Bible. Before even be­g inning to seriously STUDY the Bible,you must realize that your Creator ishe Divine author of it!

In Bible study, as well as withanything else, there is a right and awrong way to accomplish. There arecertain rules which, if followed, will

g ive you a more thorough understand­ing of God' s Word- leave you withfewer questions, begin to help youthink and act as God does because youunderstand what He says in His Wo rd.

The following rules are not neces­sarily in order-they are certainly notall the rules of Bible study-but theyare basic and important and will helpyou gain the Truth from God 's Word.

Pray for Guidance

First, before you even open the Bible,you must ask God in PRAYER to openyour mind to His Word in the studythat you intend to make. David was aman after God's own heart-he studiedthat portion of God 's Word which wasavailable to him in his day. He medi­tated, thought about and consideredGod's laws and His ways. He wasclose to God in every way and yetmany times throughout the Psalms weread how David ASKED God to guidehim in his study, to ope1l his mind,to reveal His Truth.

"TEACH ME, 0 Lord, the way of thystatutes; and I shall keep it unto theend. GIVE ME understanding, and I

shall keep thy law; yea, I shall observeit with my whole heart. MAKE ME TO

GO in the path of thy commandments;for therein do I delight. INCLINE MYHEART unto thy testimonies, and not tocovetousness . . . STABLlSH THY WORD

unto thy servant, who is devoted to thyfear . .. Behold , I have longed afterthy precepts: QUICKEN ME in thyrighteousness" (Ps. 119 :33-40) .

Without sincerely and beJievinglyasking God's direction in your Biblestudy-without seeking God's King­dom and His righteousness first (Matt.

6:3 3) - Bible study of itself would befutile. Just as you can worship Godin vain ( Mark 7 :7) , so you can studyHis Word in vain! Many wise and in­telIigent men have made a life studyof God's Word in its original lan­guages, and profi ted nothing from it!

Men like Moffatt, who translated theentire Bible from Genesis to Revela­tion-a-certa inly he studied God's Word,but he did not get the Message, he didnot understand the Gospel-even in theintroduction to his translation he ex­plains how he fe'"l,' the Old Testa­ment is a compilation of Jewish litera­ture! Adam Clarke wrote six volumesof commentary on nearly every verse inthe Bible-yet not by any stretch ofthe imagination could he be construedto have understood God' s Plan .

The study and work that men of thisintelligence have contributed CAN behelpful 10 us. But not because of anyspecial intellig ence that we may have­only because we have asked God toopen our minds and give us His under­standing of His Word .

Formal Education Not Necessary

Don't use the excuse that you havenot had enough education, or that youare 110t intelligent enough to reallystudy God 's Word. God tells us plainlythat it is not the wise, the mighty orthe noble that He is calling to anunderstanding of His word now-readI Corinth ians 1:25-27.

Take for granted that you do notknow of yourself how to understandthe Plan of God-that's why you mustASK Him to make it plain !

If all that was needed to understandGod's Word were brains, then a vast

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number of the peop le of the worldwould have a thorough unde rstand ingof God's Word! God says, " .. , theyare wise to do evil, but to do goodthey have no knowledge" (Jer, 4 :22).As long as you know bou: /0 read.

}'OU get down on your knees and sin­cerely ask God to guide you in a studyof His Word. He will open your mindto understand things that the most in­telligent minds of mankind have notbeen able to understand . Prayer willopen to you an understanding of God'sWord that Einstein did not have.Prayer will open your mind to under­stand God 's Word in a way that thegraduates of Harvard and Yale, Oxfordand Cambridge, the great universities ofEurope and Asia, are not able to un­derstand.

PRAYER-your contact with God- isimportant in the begi nning of yourstudy of His Word . Without this contactwith God, you may spend endless hoursof studying His Word like a Pharisee.

The time spent in memorizat ion of howmany verses there are in the Bible willbe of NO AVAil at the return of Jesus

Chr ist! Dilly tbat 1''''·1 of His IVordwhich YO/l have made a part of yo"rtier)' character will be of (ml' accountto you!

HEART-FELT PRAYER fo r God's guid­ance in your own personal Bible studywill insure success!

Attitude Must Be for


This SECOND rule really goes hand­in-hand with the first . Before } 'OU risefrom your knees in prayer, you shouldfully recognize in your own mind andheart that your purpose for this Biblestudy is not just to gain academicknowledge, not only to prove or dis ­prove a certain doctrine or fact-butto get you closer to the stature of thefullness of the very characte r of JesusChr ist. T he only way this can be doneis for the carnal )'0/1 TO BE CORRECTED!

God 's Word is written directly toeach of us as an ind ividua l-it is per­sonal, direct- and as far as ou r achiev­

ing salvation is concerned has noth ing

to do with anybody else on the face of

the earth !

Therefore your attitude should be


the same as Jeremiah's, In fact, sinceyou' re go ing to be J!ml)'ing the Bible,turn to Jeremiah 10 :23 and read twoverses there meaningfu lly and as partof your prayer! "0 Lord, I know thatthe way of man is 110t ill bimsei], itis NOT IN MAN that walketh to directhis steps . 0 Lord, CORRECT su; butwith jlldgmen/: not in thine anger. lestthou bring me to nothing."

Don't just go through this mechani­cally, really mean it! Don't just do thisbecause this article sa)'J to do it, butbecause )'0/1 u'ant correction fr om ) Ollr

Creator .'

How ? For your attitude to be properin your approach to God's Word, turnto one other scripture. This passagewill aid you in understanding whatyour approach should be - in edu­cating your attitude to be righ t beforeyou begin, "Thus saith the Lord , Th eheaven is my throne, and the earth ismy footstool : where is the house that)'e build unto me ? and whe re is theplace of my rest ? For all those thi ngshath mine hand made, and all thosethings have been, saith the Lord : but10 THIS MA N will I look. even to h imthat is poor and of a contrite spi rit,and TREMBlE TH AT MY WORD . . , Hearth e word of the Lord, ye tbat trembleat his word!" ( Isa, 66 :1.2 ,5.)

Th is Bible that you are studying isthe f-.·ery MIND and THOUG HTS of JO",.Creator-God.' It is not to be arguedabout. It is not meant to be a dub tochas tise OTHER peop le with! In otherwords, if you are a husband, DO NOTuse Ephesians 5:22 as a weapon againstyour wife--or, if you are a wife, DONOT use Ephesians 5 :25 as a weaponagainst your husband ! But each of youas husband or wife apply 10 yo/melf and

YOURSELF ONLY that scripture whichrefers to YOu!

Prove All T hings

This THIRD rule is in a wayan ex­tens ion of the proper attitude of rulenumbe r two. Your approach to God'sWord shou ld be completely POSIT IVE!

Th e example given by the Bereans inActs 17 :11-"These were more nobleth an th ose in Thessalonica, in that theyreceived the word with all readiness ofmind, and searched the scriptures daily,

wheth er those things WERE SO"-this

August, 19(,·i

was a posun.e att itude ! T he Bereanswere not searching the Script ures toprove Pau l was UTOJlg .' They wereNOT negative, angry, bitter.

So if you have hea rd somet hingabout the Bible that you do not fu llyunderstand, your approach in rour ownpersonal Bible study shou ld be to provethat - it IS so.

The common miJunderstanding of IThessalonians 5 :21 which sap, " Proveall things," is that this proof mustentail a deep research into the Hebrewor G reek backgrounds, and into en ­cyclopedias and historical references ,lexicons and must}" historical records.This is erroneous. If your research takesyou into references of this sort , andyou are endeavoring to prove POSITIVE·LY God's Truth, this is perfect ly allright-hut it is not always nf!r (!JJdl')'.

This word "prore:" is POS ITIVE. Thatis the one main point of this particularlaw of Bible study . But the word itsel fmeans, to P"! to the test. Th ere areproL!iJJg groun ds on wh ich the modernautomob iles manufactur ed in Detroitare tested. In the parable Jesus Christuses regarding the wedding supper,there is a reference to a man who hadjust bough t five yoke of oxen. The ex­cuse he ga ve for not coming to thesupper was that he wanted to prove

these oxen ( Luke 14:19) . Th is is thesame Greek tJ.'ord as used in I T hessa­lonians 5:21. Yet this man did notmean that he was going to go to hislocal library and look up in some die­rionary a description of oxen to findout for sure wheth er th ey WERE oxen­it meant he wanted to be excused fromthe wedding supper so that he mighttake the oxen out to the field , yokethem up, hook a plow behind themand find out whether they would beable to do what oxen are supposed tobe able to do! This is basically whatGod means in I Thessalon ians 5: 21.

For example, God commands us inthe book of Malachi to prove H im intithing. What He wants us to DO is not

to technically search lexicons to find outG reek and Heb rew derivations, but­just as the principle is throughout thentire Bible- to DO what He Ja)'s to DO.

"Bring ye all the tithes into the store­house, that there may be meat in mine

(Please continue 011 page 41)

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7:lte 16ible StOfgby Basil Wol verton



S AMSON, the young Danite who insisted on marrying a Philistine woman, was

on his way with his paren ts to where the woman lived. Suddenly he was attacked

by a full-grown lion.

Samson Slays a Lion

W hen he saw the beast coming for him from among the rocks that lined the

trai l (Judges 14:1-5), Samson deft ly moved off his mount. Instead of trying to

escape he deliberately lunged toward the lion. Just as it leaped for him, he dodged.

The mighty cat landed on the ground instead of on Samson, who swiftly leaped on the

lion the moment it was confused by its failure. Samson straddled the animal's back,

locked his arms around the shaggy neck and squeezed hard against the lion's throat.

The beast emitted a short roar of rage that trailed off to a gasp as its wind was cut

off . It struggled over on its back, frantically pawing the air with claw-extended feet,

pinning Samson to the ground.

The thumping weight of the lion might have fatally crushed an ordinary man,

but Samson was far from ordinary physically. He hung on, constantly tightening

his grip . His head was buried in the beast's thick mane, and breathing was diffi ­

cult. Summoning all his strength, Samson jerked the massive head backward. He

heard the bones snap, and felt the great body go limp. The lion rolled off him,

and he lay for a few moments renewing his breath . He staggered to his feet to

stare at the dead beast. Samson was a littl e surprised that he was able to overcome

such a powerful animal. He didn 't fully understand that he had been given special

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Samson wait ed until the fierce lion wa s nearly onhim-then dodged with unusual swiftness!


protection and a great amount of extra strength by a loving God. (Judges 14:6.)

Not wishing to startle or concern his parents with what had happened , Samson

dragged the dead lion back from the trail before they rode into sight. He regained

his mount and continued with them

to the town of Timnath, where ar­

rangements were made for his mar­

riage to the Philistine woman whom

God had put in Samson's life so that

he would have a necessary closer

association with the Philistine op'

pressors. (Verse 7.)

In those days it was a custom

for a period of time to pass after

a couple decided to marry till the

time of the wedding. It was many

months later, therefore, that Samson

and his parents set out for the mar­

riage ceremony at Timnath.

When they arr ived at the place

where Samson had slain the lion, the

young Danite went aside by himself

to the spot where he had left the car­

cass, Animals and insects had long

since consumed the flesh of the ani­

mal. Only the bleached skeleton reo

mained. Samson discovered that bees

had built their comb inside the rib

cage, and that there was honey in­

side. Although bees were swarming

about, he surprisingly managed to

get some of the honey to eat without

being stung. Neither did the bees at­

tack him while he filled a leather

bag with honey. He brought some of

the honey also to his father and

mother, but he told them nothing

about the lion. (Judge s 14:8-9.)

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August, 1964 Tbe PLAIN TRUTH

Samson's wedding turned out to be quite a social event in Timnatb. It included

a seven-day feast to which thirty young men were invited as friends of the bride­

groom .

Young women were also invited as companions of the bride. Besides these,there were friends and relatives. Most of the people were Philistines, a fact that

caused Samson's parents to be rather uneasy, what with some of the Philistine over­

lords acting unfriendly and suspicious.

At that time ridd les were a popu lar form of conversational entertainment. In

the course of the festivities, Samson posed a riddle to his thirty companions, basing

it on his experience with the lion and the honey.

A Riddle Spells Trouble

" If you men can give me the answer to a certain riddle before this feast is

over," Samson told them, "I' ll give each of you a fancy shirt and costly robe. Here's

the riddle : 'Out of the eater came something to eat; out of the strong came some­

thing sweet: Now if you fail to give me the right answer before the feast is over,

then you shall give me thirty expensive shirts and thirty fine robes. Agreed?"

The thirty men nodded in agreement. They welcomed any oppor tunity for

something that might develop into an argument or trouble for Samson. They acted

friendly toward him, but inwardly felt just the opposite. Some of them resented

Samson's marri age to a woman with whom they had been more than friendly from

time to time, and who had no intent ion of changing her ways. (Judges 14:10.14.)

The thirty men had no intention of providing shirts and robes for Samson. They

therefore went to his wife to force from her the answer to the riddle.

"] would tell you if ] knew," she told them. "Samson didn't give me the.answer."

"Then find out before this feast is over!" they said to her. "Otherwise, we' ll

burn you together with your parents' home!"

Fearful of what would happen , Samson's wife tried to get the answer to the

riddle from her new husband . At first he refused to tell her. She wept bitterly,

complaining that it wasn't fair of him to start out their married life by keeping

secrets from her. Samson finally was so moved by her tears, pleas and feminine

wiles that he told her all about the lion and the honey. Although she didn 't be­

lieve the story, Samson's wife disclosed to the men who had threatened her, at the

first opportunity, all that had been told to her.

"Your husband 's story is ridiculous," they told her. "No man could kill a full­

grown lion with his bare hands , Possibily he told you this tale to avoid giving you


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the right answer. And if you're not provid ing the right answer, we'll carry out that

threat we made!"

That afternoon, only two or three hours before the feast ended, the men

approached Samson to inform him that they at last had an answer to his riddle.

Samson noted that some of them looked very confident. Inasmuch as only he and

his wife supposedly knew the answer to the riddle, he could think of only one rea­

son why the men should display such an expression.

"Give me your answer," Samson said to them. "If you have it, I'll stick to my

offer to reward you."

"We gave your riddle much thought," one of the men told Samson, "and

we were really stumped for days. After some time in conference, we believe that we

have the answer. He re it is: 'What is sweeter than honey? And what is stronger

than a lion? ' "

Samson wasn't too surprised by such an accurate answer. He realized that it

was as he had lately suspected-that his wife was overly familiar with these men,

and that she didn 't :care for him much more than she cared for them.

"Your answer is right, and I congratulate you on your cleverness," Samson

informed them. "You mentioned how hard you worked to find the answer. That

was a lie ! You found the answer only because you forced it from my wife, whom

you have known too well!" (Judges 14: 15-18.)

These accusations, though true, would ordinari ly have brought men swarming

over the accuser. Not one man, however, moved against Samson. None was in­

clined to tangle with this broad-shouldered, powerfu l man in his time of anger.

There was an awkward silence as Samson surveyed the crowd.

"I'll go now to get those thirty shirts and thirty robes I promised you!" he

muttered as he stalked out.

"All those clothes would cost him too much," one man remarked with a grin as

Samson disappeared . "That's the last we' ll see of him!"

But Samson did return . It was a few days later. He was carrying a large, bulging

bag. He called the thirty men together and emptied the contents of the bag-thirty

shirts and thirty robes!

"Where did you get these?" the men inquired as they picked them up and

admiringly examined the fine material.

"What does it matter to you?" Samson replied tartly. "I took them from thirty

well-dressed Philistine men I met on the various streets of Ashkelon. But they don't

need the clothes any more because they're all dead now!"

Jaws dropped in consternat ion at the same moment the men dropped the pieces

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August, 1964 The PLAIN TRUTH

of clothing as though they were sizzling hot potatoes . Samson walked away, leav­

ing the Philistines wondering if he were a muscular monster or merely a purveyor

of tall tales-or both.

Later they learned that the bodies of thirty Philistines had been found one

morning in various parts of their city of Ashkelon, about twenty-four miles south­

west of Timnath. All thirty of the bodies were found to be without shirts and


On hearing this report, the so-called companions of the bridegroom were

convinced that a monster had indeed been in their midst. They had no way of knowing

that Samson's violent actions had been inspired by the God of Israel, who was

directing the young Danite in a move for freedom for the southern tribes of Israel

against their Philistine oppressors. After delivering the shirts and robes, Samson re­

turned in anger to his home at Zorah without making any effort to visit his bride.

(Judges 14:19.)

As the weeks went by, his anger and disgust diminished, and he decided to

return to his wife. Taking a young goat as a gift, he went to the home of his

wife's father , who was surprised and uneasy when he opened the door and saw


"I've come to see my wife," Samson said firmly to his father-in -law. "I trust she

IS here."

Samson's Wife Stolen

"She-she is," the father answered hesitantly . "But weeks ago you gave me the

definite impression that you would have no more to do with her, and consequently

I gave her in marriage to the man who was your chief companion at your wedding!"

Samson was stunned by this news, though he might have known that anything

could have happened among Philistines during his long absence.

"I should have expected something like that," he murmured bitterly. "She

seemed to like him more than me or any of the other twenty-nine."

"Forget her!" the father exclaimed in an attempt to pacify Samson. "As you

know, I have a younger and prettier daughter. If you would take her for your bride,

I would be greatly pleased-and so would she!"

"But I wouldn't!" Samson retorted . (Judges 15: 1-2.)

Burning with anger, he returned at once to Zorah . On the way he devised a

plan to chastise at least some of the Philistine overlords because of their unjust

treatment to him and to most ether Israelites.

Within the next few days, with the help of several friends, he trapped three


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hundred foxes. These animals were especially abundant in Canaan, and were a

specially great nuisance in raiding the vineyard areas .

Samson and his helpers took the caged animals, by nigh t, down into Philistine

farming terri tory where various grains were raised. It was the dry harvest season.

Some of the corn, oats, wheat and barley was still standing. Some of it had been

cut and stacked or stored.

Samson and his men took short cords and tied the foxes together in couples,

with one end of a cord tied to each animal's tail. Th en they fastened a firebrand to

each cord midway between the tails, and freed them in various areas. The result

was that each pair of foxes rolled, raced and struggled all over the fields, dragging

their torches and setting fire to the tinder-like grain shocks and uncut fields for

miles around. Dry breezes spread the many fires over wide territory , insomuch that

the re was a tremendous loss of crops to the Philistines during the next several

hours. (Judges 15:3-5.)

After the fires were finally put out , the leaders in that area investigated to

find out how the fires had started. W hen they discovered that Samson was responsi­

ble, and that he had done it because his father-in-law had given Samson's wife to

another man, the Philistines became even more alarmed. Samson had become an

object of their fear and respect in recent weeks because of his unusual strength and

daring. No one, even in groups, wished to oppose him. The nat ural thing to do,

therefore, was blame Samson's wife and her father for the loss.

It wasn't long before an angry mob converged on the home of Samson's

father-in -law, loud ly demanding the appearance of the man and his daughter. The

two feared the crowd too much to come out. After a while the house was set on

fire. The occupan ts still refused to come out , and perished when the house burned

to the ground. (Verse 6.)

When Samson heard what had happened, he boldly appeared before the Philistine

leaders. He told them that he was well aware that their actions were in vengeance

against him. Then he shouted to them that he wouldn 't cease his violent actions

toward them unt il he considered the score settled. This statement greatly disturbed

the Phi listine oppresso rs. They decided that they shou ld speak out against Samson

so that they wouldn 't lose face in the estimation of the oppressed Israelites.

"You 've had your way around here too long!" someone shouted.

This was the signal for the Philist ines to choose what shou ld be done, Some,

though they disliked Samson, feared him too much to oppose him. These tr ied to

quiet others who wanted to make a stand against him. They quickly found them­

selves outnumbered as feeling against the Danite welled up with in minutes.

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Samson angrily snatched up the insolent Philistineas though he were a light bundle of rag s!

August, 1964 r i, PLAIN T RUTH

One man, certain that he would have plenty of backing, and wishing to become

a hero by opposing Samson, walked up to him and shook his fist in his face.

"W e've had enough of you!" he screamed indignantly. "After all , you're only

an Israelite who should realize that

we are your masters!"

The unfortunate fellow couldn' t

have made a poorer choice of words.

Samson stared at him while all

looked on in expectant silence. Like

a cat leaping for a bird Samson

pounced on the speaker, then

snatched him up as though he were

a ligh t bundle of rags. Before any­

one could move to interfere, he

hurled the fellow into the knot of

men grouped before him. There

were gru nts and howIs of pa in as the

Phil istines were floored under the

impact of the hurtling body.

Most of those who were able to

get up left the vicinity as quickly as

they could. A few joined forces to

try to stand up to Samson, coming at

him from all sides. This was a fool­

ish move. The Danite beat them off

with a fury that spelled death for


The sound of the fight quickly

attracted other men. Samson planned

to get away before the Philistines

could attack him in greater numbers,

but it appeared that the opportunity

had slipped by. From all directions

he saw men moving menacingly to­

ward him, men who were deter­

mined that his trouble-making for

them was about to cease. Some of


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40 Th e PLAI N TR UTH Augus r, 1964

Even before 0 messenger arrived to announce thecoming of an army, Samson viewed the men ofJudah from atop the rock fortress where he hadta ken refuge.

More Trouble for Samson

Instead of going to the home of

his parents, where the Philistines

would be certain to look for him,

Samson went eastward into the land

of the tribe of Judah . The Philistines

were in power there, too, but he

found refuge near Jerusalem in a

cave-like fortress named Etam, where

some Israelites had gathered to de­

fend themselves against their oppres­

sors. (Judges 15:7-8.)

Th e Ph ili stines immediately

them carried knives and swords. Others carried clubs. There seemed to be no way

of breaking out of the tightening circle of aggressors. The panting, sweating Danite

realized that this could be the end .

As the crowd closed in tightly,

one over-anxious Philistine leaped at

Samson. He proved to be the needed

weapon for the man at bay. Samson

caught him, flipped him upside

down to seize him by his ankles and

swing him around and around with

such force and speed that those clos­

ing in on him were mowed down in

a senseless heap.

The violence of Samson's ac­

tion, which left dead and dying all

around, was a quick convincer to the

Philistines that they were dealing

with a man of super-human strength,

and that further opposition would

result only in more death and injury.

They melted away in retreat, giving lSamson the opportunity, at last, to ~

get out of that region.

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August, 1964 The PLAIN TRUTH

formed an army which marched eastwa rd into the territory of Judah, where the

soldiers camped in a rugged area of limestone cliffs in Lehi , near where Samson

was hiding . When the leaders of Judah inqu ired why an army had come against

them, they were told tha t it had come to insure that the men of Ju dah would find

Samson and deliver him, as a bound cap tive, to the Phi listine army .

The men of Judah had no choice in the matter. T hey knew that the Phi listines

wou ld attack them if they refused. They bowed to the wishes of their tyrants by

promising that they would bring Samson back as a helpless prisoner.

Later, at the fortress of Etam where Samson was staying, a messenger excitedly

rushed in with the news that an army was approaching from the north .

"T here must be at least three thousand l" he panted . "They've come down to

try to capture Samson, the long-haired nazari te! " (J udges 15:9-11.)

(To be continued next issue)


Bible Study(Co ntinued t ram page 32)

house, and PROVE ME (TEST ME ) nowherewith, saith the Lord of hosts, ifI will not open you the windows ofheaven, and pour you out a blessing,that there shall not be room enoughto receive it" (Mal. 3:10). This is aPOSITIVE going [orward, a findin g outof what God DOES say, not a searchfor error or diJproof.

Bible Never Contradicts Itself

If you have difficulty in understand­ing any particular scripture-if it seemsto say something different from anotherscripture, you may just need to studyfurther. Always remember beyond anyshadnw of a doubt the principle ofrule [osr: that God neoer contradictsHimself. Therefore, either your under­standing of the particular scripture orthe translation that you are reading isincorrect or misunderstood.

Malachi 3:6-"For I am the Lord,I CHANGE NOT; therefore ye sons ofJacob are not conswned"- MEANS whatit says. Hebrews 13:8-"Jesus Christ theSAME yesterday, and to day, and forever"-MEANS what it says.

The very source of truth is God'sWord (John 17:I 7) -and unless yourapproach to it, your study of it is from

this point of view you will never gainany understanding from it.

Let's notice an apparent contradictionappearing in Proverbs 26 :4, 5-versefour reads " ANSWER N OT a foolaceO/'dillg to his folly." Yet, the verynext verse tells us, "ANSWER a foolaccordillg to his folly."

Actually, these two verses are notcontradictory- BUT COMPLEMENTARY!The use of either verse-that is, itsprinciple applied to a particular use­depends on the set of circumstances.Both these verses contain gems of wis­dom that each one of us needs to learnto properly apply in answering otherpeople's questions.

The LAST PART OF EACH VERSE holdsthe KEY which unlocks the meaningof these verses-and shows them to bepractical, /lIable and wise principles.

Verse four reads, "Answer not a foolaccording to his folly, lest thou also belike I/ l1tO him." The last part of theverse holds the K EY : don't degradeyourself by descending to HIS LEV ELin an ARGUMEN T I Don't harangue- don't bite hack-don't try to "orgaeback" with someone who is obviouslytrying to stir contention.

The perfect example of this is foundin Luke 20 :1-8. Here Christ was teach ­ing in the temple. The Pharisees cameto Him with these words: "Tell us,

BY IFHAT A UTH ORITY doest thouthese things ? or WHO is he that gavethee this authority ?"

Quite obviously, they weren't inter­ested in learning anything - theyweren't coming as humble individualshungering after new knowledge. THEYWERE THERE TO ARGUE WITHCHRISTI

Notice, how Christ handled thesituation.

"And he answered and said untothem, I will also ASK YOU ON E thing;and answer me: The baptism of John,was it from heaven, or of men ?

"And they reasoned with themselves,saying, If we shall say. From heaven;he will say, Why then believed ye himnot ?

"But and if we say, Of men; all thepeople will stone us: for they be per­suaded that John was a prophet.

"And they answered, that they couldnot tell whence it was.

"And Jesus said unto them, NEI ·THER TELL I YO U by what authorityI do these things" (Luke 20:3·8) .

Christ answered their question witha question! To answer their questiondirectly would have only resulted in averbal battle, An argument would haveensued. Christ avoided strife by NOTanswering them accol'dhzg to their fall),.

Now, understand verse five in PrO'.'·

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erbs 26. Aga in, the last part of theverse holds the K EY : "A nswer a foo laccord ing to his folly, lest he be wise inhis own conceit.' I

In this case-if you don't answer hisquestion- if you don 't accept his cha l­lenge-he is going to TH IN K H IMS EL F

to be wise !

The Apostle Paul had th is problem.False apostles in Corinth were claim ingTHEY WE RE the true A postles of Christ.

Th e congregati on was being LE D


No w was not the time for silence­or clever questions! Now was the t imeto SMAS H the conte ntions-to ANSW ER

these false apost les !

Notice II Corint hians 11:23-andhow he answered these foolish men.

" Are they ministers of Ch rist? (lSPEAK AS A FOOL ) I am more ; inlabours more abundant, in stripes abovemeasure, in prisons more frequent, indeaths oft.

"Of the Jews five times received Iforty stripes save one. . . In wearinessand painfulness, in watchi ngs ofte n, inhunger and thirst, in fastings often, incold and nakedness."

Paul showed the peop le HE was theirtrue min ister! He answered and de ­bunked the claims of these other men.

Th ere is no contradiction! But rathermuch wisdom in these two verses. Wi s­dom we need to A PPLY in 0 /11" dailylives.'

What DOES the Bible Say ?

Th is FIFTH rule of Bible study ofteosolves many problems . Many times ourmisunderstanding comes from the con­

[s sion that this world cames-from a

misinterpretation, a direct twi.rti1Jg ofa scripture to confo rm to the doc­trines of demons pro mulgated by Satan' s


"Woe unto them that call evil good,

and good evil; tha t P"t darkness forligh t, and light for da rkness; that P"tbitte r for sweet , and sweet for bitter !Woe unto them that are wise in THEIR

OWN eyes! and prude nt in THEIR OWNsight"! (lsa. 5 :20-23.) Many who

claim to be representat ives of God, theinterpreters of His Word, TWIST andWREST that Word to thei r own des-


truction and the destruction of theirhearers.

So always remember to ask yourse lf- and. answer-the question: "W hatdoes the BIBLE say?"

John 3:6 is a good examp le of this ."That which is ba m of the flesh ISflesh ; and that which is born of theSpirit IS spir it." This is a very clearscriptu re, exp laining that flesh is fleshand Spirit is spir it ! Th at' s what theBible says! But that' s not what peoplesay the Bible says!

Somet imes you may have to refer toa reference work (wh ich we will coverunder a separate rule) for scripturessuch as I John 5 :7.

Or perhaps a note in the marghlof your Bible will hel p you und erstanda scripture that seems to contradict whatyou koow to be the tru th . Take theexample of Luke 17: 20-21- "Thekingdom of God cometh not with ob­servation: Ne ither shall they say, Lahere ! or, 10 there ! for, behold, thekingd om of God is WITHIN )'01/." Here,the Bible don say, "The kiogdom ofGod is with in you." But he re it is onlythe King James Transla tion which saysthis- not necessarily God's exact Word.So, since it is not clear in the KingJames T ranslation, othe r aids are nec­essary to find out what it does say.

This leads automatically to the nextru le of Bible study, rule number SIX.

Check the Context

Context means, con-with, text­text, In order to check the context youmerely read the texts which come WITHthe text that is in question, You readthe texts BEFORE and the texts AFTER.10 th is examp le of Luke l7 :21, youneed to also ask yourself a nwn ber ofquestions regardi ng the context. Thetext that is with (COI/) Luke 17 :21,is Luke 17 :20 ! This verse jlls/ beforeanswers the ques tion regarding Verse 21,

but in order to answer that questionyou must ask yourself the question,"W HO?"

In othe r words you must ask your­self, if "the Kingd om of God iswithin YOU"-WHO is the YOU that theBible is referr ing to? In this case verse20 exp lains that it is the Pharisees .'Now you KNOW that certainly JesusChrist wasn 't saying that the Kingdom

August. 1964

of God is inside of PHARISEES! There­fore , the con (with) text helps you tosee that the re must be a mistranslationin thi s particular verse.

And sure enough , when you check:the margin of your Bible you will findthat the word "within" shou ld be trans­lated "among"-referring to JesusHimself as a Representative of God'sKingdom who was at that time"among" the Phar isees!

In order to understand any scrip turethoroughly , in its context, you need toask yourself-and answer for yourself-all the following questions: W HAT?WHEN ? WH ERE? W HY? W HO? Ho \X' ?When you have answered these ques w

tion s regard ing any particular text, andyou have read all of the accompanyiogtexts, with the text in question, y OIl

will have Goo's ansu-er to th e problem .

Many peop le misunderstand Mark7 :19-th inking that in this place un­clean meats were cleansed by Chr ist- simply because they do not readthe contex t. In this case the con­text is the entire chapter, You mustgo back from verse 19, unt il you beginto find the subject about which verse19 is talkiog. That subject has to dowith whether or not to wash your handsceremonially before you eat, and hasnothing to do with whether the foo dyou eat is clean or unclean accordingto the laws of Leviticus 11 and D eu­teronomy 14.

There are even lies wr itten in theBible and you have to be carefu l thatyou ask yourself exactly what the Biblesays in the entirety of the context ofanyone statement. The Bible says, "Yesha ll NOT surely die" (Geo. 3:4) . This

is a Biblical statement! But in orderto find out whether it's true or notyou have to find out WHO said it. Inthis particular case the same verse ex­plains that Satan the Devi l said it, butin order to f ind out whether it is true

or not ( because sometimes even Satantells the truth) you have to go back iothe context until you come to Genesis2 :17 wher e the Creator-God is quotedas sayiog , "T HOU SHALT SURELYDIE!"- then you know what the Bible}

in its ENTIRETY and in its trmb, DOESSAY!

( To be continued next issue)

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Why Teenage Gangs RIOTat .England's Seaside

Mob violence is increasing in Britain. So is prosperity! Here'swhat happened recently in England, why it happened-and

the solution to the problem .

by Robe rt C. Boro ker

ATRADITlON AL holiday week-end atthe beach was not to be! Theusual scene of Dad asleep in the

deckchair and Mom making sandcast leswith the children, turned out to be thebattleground for a fight between twoteenage British gangs- the "Mods"and "Rockers." They stormed thebeaches at Margate and Brighton. ForMom, D ad and the children, the holi­day ended in terror.

Without Parallel inEnglan d's History

It was bad enough when Ol)t'r a

thousand teenagers terrorized the sea­side town of Clacton during the Easterholiday. But this juvenile violence andbloodshed was without para llel in Eng­land's history.

The "Mods"-in their drainpipetrousers, pastel-colored shirts, suedeboots and with chrom ed, decked-outmotorscooters- are at war with theirrivals, the "Rockers" who sport them­selves encased in black leather jacketsand ride motorcycles. Some 600 Modsand Rockers clashed in fights at Mar­gate leaving stabbings, devastation andterror in their wake.

Dr. George Simpson, Chairman ofthe Magistrates at the court in Margate,summed up the fracas with this aptdescription: "These long-haired, men­tally unstab le, petty little sawdust Cae­sars, seem to find courage, like rats,by hunting in packs."

And so the packs went hunting " .fo r trouble.

Other Mods and Rockers convergedon Brighton resulting in 76 being ar­rested. The court had to hear cases ofmass hysteria, jostling, stone-throwingand the terrorization of elderly people.Teenagers were arrested for carryingoffensive weapons (i ncluding pistols,

leather belts with brass buckles, cricketbats, golf clubs, and chains), for usingthreatening behavior and for using ob­scene language.

The fighting is now over. The debrishas been cleared off the beaches.Smashed windows have been replaced.But the Mods and Rockers still roamthe cafes and streets of London. W hatwill happen at August Bank Holiday isanybody's guess.

T eenage G angs N ot New

Teenage gangs-and fights betweenthese gangs--certainly is nothing new.But the clothes style of gang members,the number involved, and the extent ofthe damage and violence have changed-and for the worsel N or is thischange a prob lem peculiar only toGreat Britain. Juvenile delinquencywith its gangs and mob violence is ag igantic problem faced by every majorcity in the Un ited States and through­out the world.'

Pupils in New York's schools havebecome so blatantly violent that theschoolteachers are appealing for betterprotection. Attacks on teachers AVER­

AGE ONE A DAY- SO reported the U.S.News & If/odd Report, March 16,1964. Two teachers' unions in Detroithave asked for life insurance "in caseof death attributable to school-con­nected violence" (Detroit Free Press,February 12, 1964 ) .

A representative of the Detroit Fed­eration of Teachers said in this same re­por t : "Teachers are not equi pped bytraining or inclination to control thekind of terrorism and violence whichappears to be on the increase in ourschools. We need help ."

Chicago has the same problem."Love mingles with hate in the schoolstoday. And the shame is Chicago's and

the nation's. Violence and terror are onthe upswing in Chicago's 600 publicschools. Pupil and parent assaults onteachers have skyrocketed TENFOLD inthe last three rears, according to a law­yer for the Board of Education. . ..Said one substitute teacher: 'I have seenpolicemen walk through grade schoolsand frisk the pupils for weapons-and[ind weapons: " (Chicago Daily New s,March 5,1964; emphasis mine through­out article).

Even some parents are responsible forattacks on teachers. As one young wo­man teacher reported, "Attacks andthreats by mothers-man)' of them asdisturbed as the-ir children-seem to bepart of a teacher's lot." Another teachertold about the time when "the motherof a yth grade pup il burst into herclassroom Ap ril 15, 1963, twisted herarm, threatened to kilt her and heldher captive for 15 minutes in front ofher students" (Chicago Daily Ne ws,March 6, 1964) ,

Now take a look at how this present~

day society broug ht into being suchgangs as the Mods and Rockers.

Origin of Mo ds and Rockers

The Mods and Rockers in Englandevolved from the now-historic Teddy­boys. The split occurred some five orsix years ago with the gap wideningever since until the only thing that theMods and Rockers have in commonwith yesteryear's Teddy-boys is the iryouth and mutual rebellion.

The Teddy-boy movement developedduring the 1950s among a section ofworking-class youth. Gang life becamemore intensified-the kind of lifewhere members, being hostile towardsa"thority in every form, could flare intoviolence at the slightest cause. Exag­gerated Teddy-boy suits and the prac-

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tice of carrying improvised weapons setthe teenager apart from the rest of so­ciety and bound him to the gang. Theyalso developed a sort of stylized war­fare between the gangs themselves.

When the Teddy-boys began to makemore money, all the chief gangs hadmembers with cars, motor-bikes andscooters. Tho se who had motor-bikesand those who had scooters evolvedinto two distinct groups-the motor­bike mob with their black leatherjackets thinking themselves as being atthe top and better than the scootermob. And so competition and rivalrybegan between the two gangs, calledtoday "Mods" and "Rockers."

The dress style of the Mods andRockers sets them apart and gives thema pack instinct.

The Rockers, as the Teddy-boys, arealso basical1y working-class. manualworkers. The Mods, howe ver, aremiddle-class and tend to be self-con­sciously superior white-collar types. Th erivalry between the Mods and Rockersis actually class resentment - theworking-class fighting aga inst themiddle-class.

The Cult of Violence

From the very beginning, the Teddy­boy movement was involved in violenceand a general hostility towards society.Their acts of ten ended in criminality.A complete di, regard for the law be­came an accepted feature along with theusual adolescent rebellio n and antag­onism against teachers, employers, andthe State. Law-breaking was part oftheir ordinary way of life-the police­men always being the chief enemy.

What are the CAUSES behind thisyouthful rebellion and juvenile gangwarfare? And remember that for every10 known delinquents there are 100 ,·000 other children who are usually 110t

the decent, respectful , humble and obed­ient children their parents would likethem to be. The broad majority of ouryouth disrespect authority, disobey theirparents, def y their teachers, and "getaway" with many lawless acts eventhough they are not detected or are not


W hy are littl e children g rowing uptoday disrespectful of their parents,


disobedient, and haughty? What causedthe Mods and Rockers to act the waythey do? There is a reason fo r this typeof behavior. Few understand what it is.

Why Ga ng Warfare?

Ye s, there is a reason. Not onereason, but many sickening and de­pIarable reasons ! As the Bishop ofBath and W ells said, "Too much money,no social or sporting facilities, boredom.lack of parental control, and break-upof family life were possib le reasons foranti-social teenage behavior" (Alan­chester Guardian, May 25, 1964) _

The pressures of a society gone ber­serk certainly contribute to the increasein delinquency. Society is bent on self­satisfaction, with nothing more worth­while to do than to spend time thrill­seeking and being pleasure-mad. Every­one seems out to have a good time withan abundance of time and money tospend. Thi s is exactly the cause ofScdom's fall (Ezekiel 16 :49 ) _

Teenagers live in a commercial worldwhich infl uences them to overspendfor "pop" records, soft dr inks, glossymagazines and special styles of clothes.All these products cater especially to theteenager and tend to set him apart fromthe adult world, thus further weakeningfamily ties-,

W ith the barrage of advertising andmass entertainment hitting them fromall directions, teenagers find it harderand harder to distinguish righ t fromwrong. They are more and more sub­jected to a confusion of values. Thereis no 011e to guide them to a rightsense of responsibility. Parents are toobusy foll owin g their own pursuits­looking at the " telly" (TV) or havinga drink at the pub. Wh en mothersshould be at home training their chil­dren in the most critical time of theirchildren's lives, they are either out

working in ninety per cent of the casesbingo or at the pubs, leaving thechildren to fend for themselves.

In the opinion of one experiencedjuvenile off icer at the Stamford Housecorrective school , "The raising of ma­

terial standards has meant an increasein seliisbness. Mother is f inanciallyindependent of father-the mother isworking in ninety per cent of the cases

August, 1964

we get here. You get a boy of fifteenbroug ht here with £5 ($1 4.00) in hispocket. The parents are often not inneed: the kids are left with a highproportion of what they earn, and 110

sense of responsibility in spending it . . .The parents don't supervise leisuretime. You ask what was Tony doinglast week, and they haven't the vaguestidea. He was knocking about in someother part of London, in dives or cafes- they didn't even know" (The In­secure Offender, by T. R. Fyvel, P'215) .

Family Life Gone to Pot !

Wi th nothing to do at home, teen­agers take to the streets to seek whatamusement they can find. This usuallymeans sitting in a cafe, listening to poprecords blaring out of the juke box.Few realize the detrimental effect thispop music has on teenagers.

"Pop music is turning Britain'syoungsters into the Aimless Ones," saidtop industrialist Paul Chambers, chair­man of the giant Imperial ChemicalIndustries company. He went on tosay: "Listening to this outpouring fromthe radio and telev ision requires nomental effo rt and is a form of dopewhich , for its t ime-wasting alone, mustdo damage at an age when there is amaximum amount of mental and physi­cal energy available" (Daily Mirror,June 3, 1964). And girls will even sitin d asses at school listening to popmusic coming from a transistor radiothrough an earphone hidden in theirhair.'

The cafe or coffee bar in Britain ismore of an influence on gang troublethan the public house (bar). "Wh enyoung people were traditionally int ro­duced to sociability in pubs they wentin on adult terms, and their status wasdecided by how they emerged as per­sonalities in adult terms. In the coffeebars, youth makes its own rules and issometimes, understandably, not verygood at it. In the pubs, the presenceof the old regulars in the corner wasa calming infl uence. In the coffee barsthe presence of g irls out for an excitingtime is sometimes the reverse" (lWan­chester Guardian, May 19, 1964 ) .

T he boys want to impress the girlsby showing off their masculinity-

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AuguS4 1964

often in crude and primitive ways suchas gang fighting.

Teenagers Are Bored andFrustrated

But the problem of rivalry overgirls is only one factor. Deep boredomand frustration are responsible for muchof the gang warfare. One teenager atMargate admitted that this is why Modsand Rockers fight. "There's nothingbetter to do. Boredom's at the root ofit" ("ranchester Guardian, ~fay 18,1964) .

But whJ are they so bored with life?Don't they have anything more worth­while to do than sitting in a cafe orriding around on their motorcycles andscooters? As young rebels, the Modsand Rockers-like the Teds beforethem-are automatically against anyideas of working hard and "gettingon." The)' have 110 objective. They'vegot no faith, no religion. They don'tsee why they're in this world. Basically,they are more interested in seeing howselfish they can be. They have no in­terest in their jobs. Money does count,but they don't like working for it.Stealing and resorting to prostitutionare thought to be easier-and moredaring-at obtaining the material pos­sessions they want.

Just as there is no sense of nationalpllrpo!e in Great Britain, teenagers seeno purpose in their individual lives,Without goal or purpose for which tolive and work, they are frustrated.bored. cynical, anti-authority and in a"couldn't-care-less" attitude, living bythe motto: "What have I got to lose?"

Broken Homes CauseInsecurity

To understand how they got thatway, we must go back to the family.The Mods and Rockers are a concen­tration of the insecure, unstable ado­lescents-those with weak family tieswho are drawn to the nightly cafe lifeas to a drug, to hold back their anx­ieties. The lack of parental control andbreak-up of family life cause teenagersto seek the security of gang life.

To quote from our free booklet,The Plein Trmb About Child Rearing,"An undisciplined home, disagreeing


parents bent on their own se/f-satisfac­tion, upside-down homes where motherwears the pants, broken homes-noneof these can be expected to producehappy children" (page 8).

A child from a broken home or badfamily background, feeling emotionallyinsecure and unloved, rejects ratherthan leaves home. His one prospect ofsecurity. esteem, and status seems to liein the street gang and defiance of so­ciety. This too often is the start ofdelinquency, A new member is intro­duced to a way of life devoted tocrime and "violence just for kicks."

What Your Bible Prophesied

What an evil and rotten world youlive in! But the Bible prophesied itwould be this way. The apostle Paulsaid: "This know also, that in thelast days perilous times shall come. Formen shall be lovers of their own selves,covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers,DISOBEDIENT TO PARENTS, unthankful,unholy . .. lovers of pleasures more thanlooers of God; Having a FORM ofgodliness, but denying the power there­of : from such tum away!" ( II Tim.3:1-5) .

DISOB EDIENCE TO PARENTS is one ofthe major problems of our day! ReadRomans 1:28-32 and Isaiah 3:12. Godwarned that disobedience to parentswould be the curse of OUI age.

'Children are disobedient because par­ents have failed in their job as parents.They haven't trained their children toOBEY them and all in authority! Ifchildren are disobedient, it is the par­ents who are primarily at fault . If thehome is broken, unhappy or upside­down with the woman ruling over theman (see Eph. 5:23; I Cor. 11:3, 8-9;I Pet. 3:1), it is the parents who aremainly to blame.

And why have parents not beensuccessful in creating a happy home lifewhere children grow up happy, secureand well-trained? Because of ignoranceof God's laws that govern marriage,family life and child training. Thesolution to misbehaved, rebellious, dis­obedient children and juvenile delia­quenry is in the Bible. Theologianseither are ignorant of that solution orhave rejected it. Ministers too often


have not been teaching the people thetruth!

You need not remain in ignorance.Y 011 can know the laws that govern asuccessful and happy marriage, thatproduce well-trained children, an abun­dant life in every way.

To find what )'0/1 can do to insureyourself against the eventuality of hav­ing ),011Y children become delinquent,and to have a guarantee that yourchildren will grow up being obedient,respectful, considerate and loving­having the RIGHT VALUES and a realsense of responsibility-write for ourfree booklet, "The Plain Trutb AboutChild Rearing."

You'll be glad you did. It can makea world of difference in your life!

IT'S EASY believe a lie

(Continued from page 7)EASY it has been for you to believe ina series of lies-and to sincerely andearnestly STRIVE to understand God'sTRUTH!

In this magazine, with its apt andwell suited name, The PLAIN TRUTH,we do not pull punches. We let thechips fall where they may. We speakPLAINLY. It is entirely up to you whatyou then DO about the knowledge youreceive.

NEVER FORGET, Satan the Devil un­derstands all the Bible essentials! HeKNOWS Jesus is the Christ! "Thou be­Jievest that there is one God ; thoudoest well: the devils also believe, andtremble" (Jas. 2:19). Yes, even thedemons BELIEVE, and tremble! TheyBELIEVE-but they will not OBEY!

And so, even KNOWING the truth isnot enough-but knowing it and OBEY­ING it is one of the beginning stepsto salvation. Are you OBEYING thetruths you learn through the pages ofThe PLAIN TRUTH, or hear over TheWORLD TOMORROW program? Don't"kid yourself" any longer. Don't "de­ceive yourself" any further! "But beyou DOERS of the Word, and not hear­ers only, deceiving your own selves"(Jas. 1:22 ) .

Page 48: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w

THIS •IS Ambassador College • • •Ambassador Colleges ARE recapturing the TRUE values! Andit's FUN! It's EXClTlNGI But it's also challenging, and deeplyrewarding . Rea d , in this article, about student life at the

happiest p laces on earth I

by Garner Ted Armstrong

I ' V E just returned from AmbassadorCollege, St. Albans, England. Mywife and I were the re for ten days

dur ing the final activities at th e endof the academic year for the Brit ish

institution .A nd what a tu ek it teas.'

It str ikes me that MANY of ourlisteners and readers stiil do not know,

REALLY , what it is that makes Am ­bassado r Colleges truly different !

Perhaps, by reliving a littl e of th esepast few weeks wit h you, you will cometo see, as neve r before, W HY the y're

tru ly different-and what life at Am­

bassador is really like !In this art icle I want to give you a

littl e inside view of exactly wh at I

mean. I'm certain there are no otherinst itutions on the face of the earthwit h such a Jeep sens e of tore and

respert between students an d facu lty!

Further, I'm sure the re are no ot he rinstitutions where students have any­wher e near as mu ch wholesome fun!

Sports Day at St. Albans

was really struck by the enthusiasm

and "co llege sp irit" of our stu dents atthe Br itish institution during ou r recent

trip. Perhaps nothing better serves to ex­

plain just how mu ch of a COLLEGEAmbassador really is!

It was th e morning of the Am bas­sad or Field Day-our annual sports

day, with all students pa rt icipating,each class field ing a team for var ious

events. T he right k ind of friendly,

competit ive sp irit prevai ls-r-each onehoping 10 U'in-but in no way at­tempting to hi nder the otber team from

doing its best !We of the facul ty were informed

there wou ld be a pa rade of th e teamson to the fie ld as a prelude to th e

sports events. So, on a typical Brit ishmorn ing of grey mists and ha ze, wh ich

I'm happy to say soon burnt off toprovide on e of the n icest sun-filled

days possible fo r ou r ou tdoors act ivi­ties, we all assembled along th e mall .

Soon, wit h a fanfa re of hom e-made

trumpets and horns, a grotesque"float"

appear ed ! On a large farm cart, witha huge sail. were several students of

th e senior class, rowing along in ama ke -sh ift viking shi p!

They were fo llowed by various oth eringenious floats, or g roups of march ingstud ents, each representi ng one of the

classes. Br inging up th e rear was oneof our recen tly tra nsferred Am ericanstudents, big Bob Haworth (6' 7" ),d ressed as a Persian slave driver, with

a hu ge whip in hi s hand . He washerding a " ha rem" of diminutive "slave

gi rls" tow ard th e spacious quarter-mileolym pic standard tra ck! What a show!

I'm afraid we weren't a very large

crow d, since the bulk o f the studentswere in the parade , but we cer tainl y

were an apprecia tive one!

The day was one of the most thor­oughly en joyable I' ve eve r experienced .

There were all the usua l spo rts event s :dashes, d istance runs, high jum p, broad

jump (or " long jump", as it' s calledin England), shot-put and javelin.

W e saw fine tenn is, a good footballmatc h ("socce r" to Americans ) , somefrantic, yelli ng, struggling tug-a ' -war

matches, an d an outdoor basketball

game-faculty aga inst students.

Fo r weeks, team points had alreadybeen accum ulated in various other

events preceding the actual sports day,

such as handball, played on our newlycompleted indoor courts on campus.

If there is any aspect to Am bassadorCo llege th at makes it REAL is the tremendou s enthusiasm of the

students for college life .

But it's really MORE than just en­th usiasm. Perhaps some of us, accus­

tomed to livi ng and wo rking with.the se studen ts, become a litt le "out oftou ch " with the way it is in other


\,(,ha, Makes It Different

At another college, the re could have

been no such field day.

In the first place-nearly all ofthem are ent irely too large. But th ere

are a few ot he r importan t reason s itwas such an enjoyable da y. There

wasn 't any riot. Students d id not de s­

troy property. Studen ts d id not jeer atopponents. N o cigarette smoke to wateryour eyes and cho ke your th roat in the

stands . No wild, weird, idiotic hairstyles ( me n are wearing it shoulderlen gth in England, and some even wear

eye shadow and lipstick- "whoops,m'dear"} ! N o outlandish too-b rief and

too- tig ht clothing ; no drunks ; no po­

lice necessary ; no fights; no thefts; noair let out of any tires or any othe r ma­

licious mi sch ief.

In short, it was just a good , wh ole­some, enthusiast ic, day -lon g sports day .It was FUN! It was Am bassad or Col­


But behind it all-what really makesit different- is that Ambassado r stu­

dents don' t play frantically. Wh en theyplay, th ey're not FRANTICALLY try ingto fo rget-to escape-to GET the mostou t of every momen t. Instead , they're

trying to GIVE. T rying to CONTRIBUTE.

Trying to HELP the other pe rson .

While there is a fri endl y competition

for the trophy at day's end, the corn­petition is not one of PARTY SPIRIT !

It is NOT the "all for me , an d none

for you" att itude th at is so p reva lent

in the world today.

Ambassad or stu dents don 't need to

play frantically - trying to drink theUTMOST of physical satisfactio n out of

e\'ery event- no t reall y satisf ied unt il

something ILLEGAL. somethi ng WRONG.

someth ing EV IL has been accomplished.

They don't feel any "ad,. as psy­cholog ists cla im average students do , to

"blow off steam," by REBELLING

Page 49: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w

August. 1964

agains t law, government, order, author-ity.

They know the PURPOSE in life.They had studied hard-now it wastime to play hard. But play with asense of ba lance, and a sense of pur­pose. It wasn't a track meet. It was afamily affair !

That same oneness and fami ly spiritprevails at el'ef)' extracurricular occa­sion at each of the AmbassadorColleges.

Beach Party

Previous articles have told you aboutthe academic side of the colleges. Myfather 's autobiography has vividly des­cribed the beginning of the first col­lege at Pasadena, California, and itscontinuous development since.

In a recent PLAIN TRUTH, youlearned of some of the extensive re­search accomplished by Ambassadorstudents in the ir searching fo r truth,and striv ing to develop real and soun dinte llectua l cur iosity.

So let me tell you, now, a littlemore about the social life at Ambas­sador-and how UTTER LY DIFFERENTit is from oth er instituti ons.

Ever wonder why we keep Ambas­sador Colleges small? We have set theOUTSIDE LIMIT for the number of un ­dergraduates enrolled at anyone in­stitution at 550. The reason? So wewill never grow so large that ever}'sing le student cannot always participatein EVERY major social occasion. Thatis not to say smaller groups do notsponsor or hold various functions. Ourforeign language clubs, our Ambassa­dor Clubs (men's dinner speech clubs),and women's clubs all spo nsor variousmore private occasions-but in an eventlike the sports day I' ve already des­cribed, or a field trip to a point ofinterest, such as to a museum, theGriffith observatory, or the world ­known Huntington Library in Pasa­dena; or to the Tower of London, thebuildings of Parliament, the BritishMuseum in London-in such a college­wide event, we want AL L the studentsto participate.

Just before the commencem ent exer­cises in Pasadena, we had a collegefield trip to one of Southern Cali­forn ia's most attractive and well-keptbeaches, Huntington Beach State Park.


Af ter a day of f rolicking in the surf,playing volleyball, footba ll, softball andother games, or relaxing over a quietgame of chess or perhaps just sunbath­ing and reading a book, we all gatheredaround the tab les for a plate heapedwith de licious food, and some kosherwieners to roast over the open fires onthe beach.

Later, all the more than two dozenbeach umbrellas were put in a hugesemi-circle, and the whol e student bodygat hered around for a community sing !

It was terr ific ' We had all the Am­bassador College Chorale membe rs withus, of course, and plenty of stude ntscould sing parts to some of the oldfavo rites. We must have had at leastsix or eight guitars and uku leles ofvarious sizes and shapes ( I like to makea feeble attempt at the uke' on occa­sion , and had brough t my " barry" tothe beach) . And, at least from whereI sat, in the midd le of our "o rches­tra" section-it all sounded terr if ic!

It was DIH"ERENT from other beachpa rties. Do you know why? No onegot into any fights! No necking occur­red . No one stole any beach equ ipment( though we had two items myster iouslydisap pear and had to retrieve themlater fro m outside rs) .

No equipment was broken, or tossedon the bonfi res. Everyone boarded thebuses promptly when it was time toleave. Everyone listened to directionsfrom his class leaders. It was well or­ganized . Trucks had arrived in advancewith the heavy equipment- the many,many fold ing tables, f irewood, thesports equipm ent , the food . Each stu­dent pit ched in to do his part .

It was wholesome; it was just good,clean , outdoor t lm/ It was just Am­bassador College !

It was truly DIFFERENT from anyother g roup, anywhere!

N ow , at Big Sandy, Texas­a Third College

Here, on the site of the third Am­bassador College, to open this autumn,a new beginning is being made .

More than twenty students are pres­ent ly working on the grou nds, or invarious of the offices, help ing to laythe groundwork for the opening of thethird Ambassador College. Perhaps


you' ve heard me say by now: "And,GREETINGS, friends, around the world- this is Garner T ed Armstrong, speak­ing from BIG SANDY, TEXAS. . ."?

We have already converted a formerprivate study into a tempo rary radiostudio-so that, as I am on thegrounds , helping oversee the many de­tai ls prepa ratory to the beginning ofcollege-I can continue with the dailybroadcas ts.

There are suff icient men here to con­tinu e with a smnmer session of theAmbassador CI"h. the men's dinnerspeech club. It wasn't necessary-at­tendance is not required- No CREDITis give n. but the students wanted toattend!

Let me tell you about our first meet­mg .

In spite of its flaws-it was an out­standing success. Let me tell you why.

First, it was a "grab bag" session .Since it was the very first meeting, noreal organ ization had yet been estab­lished. Officers were yet to be an­nounced and assignments given forsucceeding club meetings. For the fi rstmeet ing each man drew, from a basket,a slip of paper. It was only af ter read­ing the slip that he knew whether hewould stand up to give a 6-minutespeech, or evaluate a speech. Thetoastmaster (who coordinates and in­troduces each speaker and evaluator,and is in charge of the after-dinnerspeaking section of the club) and thetab le topics master (who moderates astimulating and impromptu news andcurrent- top ics discussion during din ­ner) learned of their assignments in thesame way.

N aturally, all of the men were caughtflat-footed.

I was present, as guest overall evalu­ator . After the meeting, when it cametime to evaluate the club, I rose andwalked to the rostrum. I had previouslyinstructed the president of the club tocancel the presentation of an)' awardsfor most effective speaker , best evalu­ator, most improved , etc. I began b)'exp laining my reasons!

I felt the first club meeting was nooverwhelming success, I said . The menhad all been working in blazing sun­ligh t, in sometimes more than 100 de­gree weather, in the backbreaking ef -

Page 50: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w


fort of thinning and clearing youngpine trees for some weeks. It was op·pressively hot in the pine grove­their work was dusty. dirt y. They sleepin metal booths at night-really"roughing it" in the middle of a hot.dry, east Texas summer!

I sensed how many of them had be­gun to allow their work. the heat. thecloseness of their living conditions,and their general loss of contact withworld conditions to blunt their keen­ness in club.

I told them so. I remarked how theyshould come to club with dignity. withculture, with an awareness of the worldaround them- prepared to T HINK whenthey speak-to STIMU LATE the con­versation, the topics, the speeches. Iwas pretty rough on them. I guess.

Why then, was the meeting such asuccess, after all ? Because of the AT­

TITUDE in which the men TOOK TH E

CORRECTION ! Everyone AGREEo---each

one clearly SAW the truth of it ! Eachone busily jOlled dOUJn notes to helphim remember the important points fornext time!

Then. immediately followil/g ourclub session, we all donned basketballoutfits, went out to the new woodfloor in the giant Auditorium, with itsnew. professional-quality glass back­boards. and played a rousing game ofbasketball !

Th ere was rnperl-and yet a good ,fast. exhausting game of ball! After­wards. as we lounged briefly beforedispersing, the men asked me variousquestions about the work. about thecollege in England. about brothers orsisters. or about plans for the collegehere.

Believe me-i-xo such relationshipbetween facul ty and students exists any­where else !

At one moment, Ambassador stu­dents learn to be sober, serious-striv­ing to learn and develop . At another,in a completely different atmosphere.they can drive hard. play hard. andreally throw themselves into a sports ac­tivity.

At still another moment they can•.without losing any sense of decor­um or respect, lounge informally withme. or with Mr . Herbert W. Arm­strong. or with Mr. Meredith. Dr.


Hoeh , or any other faculty member­and discuss any subject In a friendlyand sincere way.

One of the greatest blessings anyhuman being can receive is CORREC­TION! David PRAYED for it, Jeremiahasked God for it. and Paul said GodCORRECTS every son He really loves !To WANT correction is rare !

That's why the club meeting wassuch a success, after all. Though need­ing CORRECTIoN-the correction waswelcomed, and sincerely received !

Th at is Ambassador College!

Kn owledge of NO ValueExcept as Applied

Let me again explain that Ambas­sador Colleges are not " Bible schools."They are not theological seminaries or"Church Camp Grounds for youngfolks."

Presently. I am on the grounds ofthe THIRD Ambassador College. nearBig Sandy. Texas. I was told. recently.of a neighboring lady. who resides ina nearby community, who called oneof our professors in an attempt to en­roll her son.

"I want my son to become apreacher... she said, " And I figgeredyou folks would know how to teachhim 'bout as good as anyone." She waspolitely informed that Ambassador Col­leges are full four-year liberal arts col­leges. with graduate schools of educa­tion and theology in connection-andthat they most certainly were notoriented toward teaching "preachers"to enter various of the disagreeing,conflicting denominations, in order tomake a liv ing in the ministry.

She was told Ambassador Collegesare NOT Bible schools--but co-educa­tional colleges. on a high academicuniversity level.

Ambassador offers courses in science,music. language. psychology. education.and MANY other fields , in addition totheology.

While Ambassador was Church­FOUNDED, it has since become separate­ly incorporated . and is governed by aBoard of Trustees.

Ambassador College students comefrom mallY different religious back­grounds- and admittance is 1101 de-

August, 1964

pendent upon being a member of anyone church !

Still , as our catalog explains, Am­bassador Colleges DO recognize thBible as the very [onndation of allkllou'ledge! Each student is asked tothoroughly research and to PROVE thatvital fact to himself. Recognition ofthese BASIC ESSENTIALS to all knowledgepermeates every class; whethe r psy·chology, biology. geology. music. litera­ture or language.

But Ambassador students do notleave their knowledge in the classrooms,and in thei r notebooks . They USE it!

Each student soon becomes a firmbeliever in the basic truth that "knowl­edge is of no value except as it isapplied !"

In their various acnvines, Ambas­sador students have opportunity toAPPLY the princip les of life they havelearned !

This thrill ing, exciting search for truevalues, and then learning to APPLYthem in every facet of lif e is at thevery heart and core of the tremendous"spirit" and vital attitude of Ambas­sador students ! They're alive! They'reactive! They're enthusiastic! Theysparkle with personality. with the rightkind of youthfu l zeal and bouyaney!

If Y 011 are of college age. and havebeen wondering about Ambassador,then write immediately for our catalog ,and read the whole story there! Andthis year, fo r the first time, we're go ­ing to be accepting appl ication frombeginning students in the Uni tedStates and Canada directly to the col­lege near St. Albans. England! Somemay have thought they were alreadytoo late.

N ot true! W e are working dail)"however, on applications-so if you'resincerely interested, then HURRY!

American and Canadian prospectivestudents should write to Th e Registrar.Ambassador College. P.O. Box 11I,Pasadena. California 91109. Prospec­tive applicants from the British Isles,Continental Europe. South Africa. Aus­tralia and New Zealand should requestthe Prospectus from The Registrar.Ambassador College. Bricket W ood.St. Albans. Herts.. England .

Don't delay!

Page 51: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w

Ambassador Colleges In Action!

Ready for another toboggan run!

Ambassador students know the mean ing ofreal study.


(Top right) The two-mile run onAmbassador Field Day, Peso ­dena . larry Neff, shown hereas race began, set new recordfor Ambassador. This waspromptly broken by EdwordGore, the winner in the two­mile run at Ambassador inEngland. He is shown out inthe leod - in photo 01 right .

lunch time on an AmbassadorCollege field trip I

Page 52: Plain Truth 1964 (Vol XXIX No 08) Aug_w


* Franco-German Axis Calls 'orUnited Europe!

It's now decided ! Germany-not France-is to lead infinal plans to unite Europe politically-without wait­ing for other Common Market nations! Britain willnot participate in the initial talks. See page 3.

* IT'S EASY ••• to believe a lie!People will believe almost ANYTHING! Hitlerproved it. You may not have believed Hitler's lies­but how do you know what you believe is the tru th?What is the REAL SOURCE AND AUTHORITY ofyour beliefs? See page 4.

* WHO Controls the Weather?Why, despite our vaunted scientific knowledge, ismodern man at the mercy of the elements? What isthe real cause of today's upset weather patterns? Seepage 9.

* WHY Ministers say: "You don'tneed to understand the Bible"!

See page 17.

* Can U.S. President's "Waron Poverty" SUCCEED?

Poverty is a 'WORLD-WIDE issue. Can it be legislatedout of existence ?-solved with public funds? Here'sthe sobering TRUTH of a problem facing NINE­TENTHS of this earth's population! See page 23.

* TWELVE RULES 'or Bible StudySee page 31.

* Why Teenage Gangs RIOTat England's Seaside

See page 43.

* THIS is Ambassador College •••See page 46.


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