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DrinkSnapsAutomatic Barman

"We'll do the selling job, and we'll do it fast"

 "DrinkSnaps is a automatic drink-ordering

system developed to reduce waiting times on clubs and generating revenues by marketing on

the menu." 


● Lines: Wost nightmare. ● Often in clubs.

The Problem

● Simple idea, has worked everywhere: automate the selling.

● Easy to use, fast to pay.

The Solution

● 1.5 millions of 18-30 segment in Stgo.● 500.000 attends clubs.● 100.000 would buy more alcohol with

shorter lines● 1 extra drink● US$4 per drink● 1 days per week● 52 weeks per year

Market Size


US$20.800.000 per year!

● Charge the building costs. ● Charge for marketing on the machine.

Business Model

● No competitors in chilean market yet.  Against Amanda:● Easy to pay (Redcompra)● Easy to use.


● Direct marketing. ● Youtube videos for the users.


George Cadena● Electrical engineer from Caltech● StudiosnapsJuan Pablo Salas● Marketing expert● StudiosnapsFelipe del Río● Engineer student from PUC

The Team
