Page 1: PICIUD, CDVZNftY, a.)DS IILA!p · After tbe atata letbllitura ,.,. tba Blurdoua ..ate lleMt-nt Aot in Mil reb 1171, elOO, 000 vaa aade a•ailabla for tM Mcillo dte clean-up


__~ ~emiddotJ r_



te Mclllo ~beaical and Nurdoua u dipoul dta h l ocated on approdutely 7 acr of cleared 9raunll aurrounded by woods and avpland be aite h pert f a 551cra am OWMd and open~ by warran v Mcillo Jr in Cowntry lboda Island be bllurdoua ua vbicb bullrbull duped into a lute open pit inclbull carbon tatracblodde toluene ylene prC~PYlene iaocyaute nitro-benl cyanide end odiua aluai byddde b auot auantitlaa of tbeM c~icala era Ynknown but tbera ara approxiMtly 11000 tan middotela of blurdoua atea in alx 1001ard loniJ t rancbea IIUdnt aitbt fHt dMp by lt fMt wW --=bate conUinint baaardoua c_icla baa anterell an adjaoent tat h ullltd bullbull an irdvat1on Maroa for Ocean lpny cnrriaa bebull bullten lud to Witford JII)Uftll and to Jlouinv lraolt wiiob h a tributary of tbe IIDOHp ahar


An exploeion and fha at tbe diiiPOMl aUe in apubtl 1177 alartd _ lelaad officiala to Ulepl 4-inv at tbe aite1 olfloiala bed prabullioualr Men _re of tbe Uletpl aite ale only ~lainta frca local ridltnta to tbe lood and atata policte wla about bruY truck Uaffiet on tbl to-lM ooutrr roe4 lMdiat to tM bullite lecllubull ot Ute IIMY tnok uatttc looal rebulltdenta tboutllt U bullitbull bullbull a nogiODal true~ Rap wbere ddwu trnafened tIOtb carto aa11 caoe

On Ootoblr l 1177 tbne claybull dter tM explaion bullnd Un abode IbullJnd Oputaent ot ad~ntal lllnev-nt (RIDIII) per~~GnMl attpted to iat tbe tte wunn Picillo Jr ~~G~~eW~u denied ta eooebullbull to t_ UNfdollbull u arbullbullmiddot It bullbull not until OCtober ll 1177 tbat bulltate otficidbull tained eooebullbull to tbe dte Dudng tbll iupection by bulltate tire uuMllbull -plebull at tbe baNrdoubull bullbulltbull dhpoeed bullt tbe bullite wre taken t or tbll Uut u IWO deybull lbullter tbe PicUlobull wen Hr-4 an ordar requiring tbll ral at tbll ccabllbulltible utedale on tbe prbullibullbullmiddot

After tbe ezploeion and before bulltate incton wn able to bullulfty tbll bullite local nbulltMntbull reported a~t non-etop illetal d_int at tbe tam lbOrtly after bulltete ottiolalbull inapected tbll dup bullite Mr Picillo buded 8011t ot tbe expolle4 drbullbull and putially tilled tbe pit Mr Picillobull 110n alletedly ueed a blllldoaer to cnab bernla bOldint tbe baurdoubull waate in order to caapre tbe yenk waate before cowering tbe etta In addition contenta ot truckbull were uid to be been diMrted into tlM open pita dudng tbia tiM Attn an OCtober 26 1977 in~PeCtion atate otticiala reported tbat approdtely one-tbird ot tbll wtbullbull tint ObMrftd at the dte still r_ined fidble

On Nobitr 18 1977 the tint court order wabull banded dawn by JUdge Donald Shea of tbe Superior Court o t Rbade llland anjoinint Warren v and Selina Picillo boa d-ping atodnt or buryi nt any waate at thair tam dte

- 2 shy

On r 2t lt17 IIDIM in-c=ud the aita to detemina if it bullbull beill9 claanecl and found that no bullbible cban1p bed been conducted lo in ocoer 1177 ampngllind Jtlating tbontory bullbull inithlly than the t ll of anqineeriftl and onitoriftll tM PicUlo d-eraquo alta

After tbe atata letbllitura tba Blurdoua ate lleMt-nt Aot in Mil reb 1171 elOO 000 vaa aade abullailabla for tM Mcillo dte clean-up bullttll tbe fundint in Nnd UDIM bullbull ready to prapra for an aaMa-nt and 10lution to tM Picillo aite problbull Protnn at tbe dte bowftr bullbullbull piec-al GrIU4 Dr1111nt cpeny W bMn bind to clo - initbl Uating In early ~Yrcb 1171 middotQaild placed bodnva at tbe HcUlo aitbullmiddot Dudng Apdl tbe ccpeny Mlllll mnitodnv wlla a round tbe ai~ to uple foe urdoua cbeaicala SUplee taken ruar ra a bullubf -p were found to be oontineUd with ortanic IOlnta WUr elllflea obtained in Aufuat conti~ tbe continuing praMnoe of ortanic IIOhanta

Dudng ~ 1171 ama requeated b14a to clMn up tbe aite A fa letd dte bullbull a l 10 IOUfbt fOI tbe exploeba bull itddlt beualll wbiall ra tt1nnill9 to deteriorate 4IM to upGellra atioft on tbb _t oocnarnd fOl abOUt a reer pendiDg 11 MtUa nat tbe aite CNMr

On 21 lt7t after a year and a balf of waeuooeaatul Utttatiolt it wea ellcMs tNt rnn Mcillo bullbull aitber unwilling unable or totll to talca naoerr radial eot1oll to clean up tbe _ aite ~ Au banlled dowD a decrH dincting ~ too bull OGIP811J to r- tbe aio u frbull tbe PiciUo aite llD8I bullbull aleo dinatMI to bullIce ey effort to oontein lite luabate by tewr Maeuary tbh court order tbull am rr eooeu aDd oaplftll oontrol oer tbe clean1f of lite HoUlo aite bull

am bad Mtun tbe job of r-ing tbe _iol bullat dt_ in 11arCb 1171 -n 27 tna of wrtoua bullbulltea oatly ferric cblodde bullrbull r~ tor diapoeal to acycUng lnduatriaa of Jraintne ucbuMtta Witb tbe 1171 oourt bullndate ampmilt drew up a bid pccpou1 for tbe ron1 of tbe baurdoampJa waat at tbe Mcillo property Dr- of ttdde bullrbull rapcll into orpecll drua for r-oal when a auitabla diapoeal aita could be lccatad alDitl took -plea of ~ pakging to ftdfy tba prabullnce of bitbly reactift dtdda In a1y 1119 ursr tba aupenhion of aJDIII CDaatal lardcea ditpOMd of 14 drua of aodiu duinu byddda at a MCUta aita outlide of lboda Ialand Jodiu a1bulli- bydride 1a a1eo axplcMift on contact witb bulltar

Witb aoat of ttsa up1oai cticala taftCl frbull tba aita ama batbulln bullarcbint for a qualifi conaultant to cbaractedaa tba Picillo prob~ and prant a1tarMtia to aolft it ftla aoat lilla1y candidate Mitra Corporation iniPICtad tba area on ana 22 lt1t On ane 29 1919 ltitn autaitt a propoaal for tba abltnt of aUtMiurfaca pollutanta at tbe PicUlo aita On Auguat 5 1979 a contrat waa aipWd ttn ltitra Corporation and RIDIM lVo vaalea later Mitre aulaittad a a~ry of apprCNCbaa to cleanint the Picillo alta to JUDDI and Prodded coat aatiaatea for tba firat tiM

- l-

On lept_r 27 lt1t Jtitre Corporation autittd a radMd propou l for tM study of tbe Mcillo aita atD rewl-4 and eccepted tM propoul and bullnt a letter of intent to IUtra Corpontlon Utd October 1 lt7t be Jtitra Corporation propoul ouUined taaka bullbull foUOW1

J Dltemination of buried dr~a concantntionl Uaited tiona

4 middot loU bodiiiJa and wll iutallation

s DllteraiMtioD of ground tar flaw pattbullrn

1 lew of nMilU aS pnUaiMIY OOODlllllioaa

011 Oclcllaer 17 117t am i~lltifllted tile Mcillo aite to OOMicler ~late ~ial aatioa to n tM flow of aMaJaala iato tM WlcwndiDI tH aut am per-1 Mt oat Mftnl nd alleoiMnt pillon to cnaruu tM of lMoMte iato ta -- -a ntaited ta aitbull tw ka later to oMok tile pillow and add __ wbltn

18 late OOtolller IUUa Q)rp~Katioll bullt ritb ~ to nfift u on tbe dU to reflrial of tM aru and o 1-t tat aooeu roed am penobullbulll aapleted OOMtruoUoa of tbe toed On r S lt7t allaiiiiJ tbe rwya to berlin

be au Gei_r apany in~ tile aite and witll tbe written pemiuioft of IUtroadlnt U_n drilled ten -itodng wlla uound tM aite by tbe end of ~r lt71 An Mditiond a igbt wlb wra planned for litO pelldint tbe raeulta of tbe neue auney

bt _tic IUrwy and naiatidty atlldy wre ~noecl by rred c But AaXietea in aid-llo-r lt7t beN voul4 4etemine the extent of oontaination at Ute Mcillo fua After OCIIIIIraquoletint tbe initial utnetic Hrwya rt Aaaociatea excate4 teat trencbea on tbe aite to detenine if tben wa any oontaination not dicoftre4 by tbe nabtidty atudy be 10 to U foot tnncMa wn dug in ai4-DactJar to CQIPlete tbe rt field work for tbe llitre aite a-nt effortbull

fore tM utneticnahthity auneya wn bltfun eotal amperdcea r Ute npacke4 ritdda 4ruaa for abis-nt to a -cure landfill in aatty laQ4a

rinally in rly Dacbal Mitre Corporation finalhe4 plana for tM analyab of tbe wll -plea vitb IPA lnrartY aaourcea opany Inc of Cabdd9e tNauehuMtta and the IUKde Island Departaant of Blth Xbontodu (AIDBL) IJIA ecrHned tbe -plea for pdury pollutants RIDBL tested for leac~ pollutantbull in the aoil and otbar lecte4 parteu

be r e-lte of tbll tta a nd alinya to cberectarJM tbe Picillo dta -re dlllhuedl to Mitre COrpontton by ita ubiaontrecton by the end of Jinuary 1110 IY Jenuery 22 ltiO bull total of Ufuen bullotdtodnv bull11bull bullrbull 1natalle4 br ar Oi_r InC 1011 -plea bullrbull tken by Kitn Corporation for aMlyail by IMIfY aurcea Water 1bullbull -re 11110 cbecluled to be taken during tbe k of Jinury n 1110 and aatttad to tbe ccpeny for aMlyail Mitrbull Corporation acGUiredl tbe Hica of Aaron P bull JtM1ft9bull bullbull bull bydroveolotiat oonaultant to tat in deteraininv tbe ground water flow A MP and UnitY bullre llllMitted to Mitre COrporation OD Jenuery 21 1110 to locete new itorial vella

Oft Jenury 27 ltiO ama and Kitre COrporatton Mt to ri tbe rulta obtained to dllte At tllia ung UDIII autbori-4 llitre COrpontion to proceed in Oloping a1ternatbe mlutiona eDit auociatad ooeta for tbe ctan1p of bllurtloua wate at tbe MciUo alta

Odng rbnery 1110 tbe PiaiUo pr-rty bullbull put up fot auatioll for beck taea and nwertad to tbe ftlllm of caU 1M MoiUo property 1a GUnnUy oooupied by a f-lly vitll Gltil4ree aDd ctatia aniaala

Die llitn corpoiatJoa attted bull draft report to ama cludng rbrury 1110 COIIGerDiftl tbllir 1oatioa of tbll aite A find report vea aabe4uled for tbe of bullreb U 1110 be oontanta of tM fiul report would iaalale ~luaiau 00110en1111 tbe utent of oaJoel oontalnatioe bu1tll effefta llpdrolofr _r of buried dra Ulld abll~nt opUone ~tiou wuld 1aa1ude -bullncr Ntioae if bull iDteria aurea 1tiou1 bforution aDil eatialted ooetli

oontrutadnru rr~=~ c= OUin eacattoa of tbll nortbMat trenab on tbll Mitre Corporationa report am UfIOted to find bebleen tO to 210 bernll of beurdoua c_icela

ly ~- 24 ltiO tban 1200 barrelbull r bullxc~~bullated in tbe noitbeeat trenoll and work bullbull terainetad to n bullbullbull tbe dtuation dUll to the ubullxpected nuaber of dnaa once tblty MtOtibullted bull new contrct Jttline n-4 ucabullatton An additional 410 bernla wre tunafured to bulk conta1Mra to M off-aite ay Aupat 20 ltiO the tnnater of bullteriala ftoll tbe nortbealt trench and into new MCUre bunla bullbull atill unMr wey A totl of 1 755 berrela blld been roftd by Aupat In le~r ltiO rtUM ~leted ita ral acthity vitb Olr 2300 drbullbull exczbullbullbulltad frca tbe nortbet trencb l tter the drbull contentbull and bulk liquidbull -re teated tbe weatea betbulln to be 4iapoeed off-aite

Wbilbull tbe bulk clean-up bullbullbull progreinv in July and AU9uat 1tiO RlDIII t vitb arntry lbwn officialbull to prodde Pf09 reportbull on tbe ellCnatton bey dhcued coordination and cuetion procedur in tbe eftnt of bull tte fire Abo in July lJIO arbullt rea14enta forcl an pound 9roup called left OUr Waten (SCif) to bdft9 puure on authOdtiea to baaten clean-up et the PicUlo aita

- 5shy

Wltb tM apprach of autun ltiO Oftl two tbouund traquornl8 of baurctoua bullbullbull~ bM been aacabullate4 at tbe Picillo aite aiDa bullbullbullbull

aontipulnv to cllllaify Nrnla for ~tablllty

buliing and OOMOlidatlnt ol14a

rabulliewing optiona for fiul dhpol of tbe blaardoua ba4 OCIIIIPleted UMI inatalllition af a tiiiiPOIUY on-ite ator ana for r a-berralled iftkCt dnabull

oontinulnt to t nnefac and ra1erral liwida baa U08bullated bauela into intact cure becnla

Nd epproKiMUily 100 aaubullatM Mrnb in uoracy Ror 011 dte

bed _JMtely sooo tbulllloM of aa ace4 in a tank tncll on a alte bull

rna ftcilloa aJIPNl bea been filed in tM bullbull- CDurt to date tiMI otMr saau auUar and Ute n teMntora bll yet to be uw

IIIMIII wck atill - bll 11oM at tbe PicUlo tm tbe alte r-1bull to be _ GMaioala bull1011 Mw S into tbe trouad t be aontalS and tu ot wlla vUbin a Nlf bull11bull ndiua of tJlllt alte bullbullt 1M ocplated

11 vupnm or CM

ftlh oabull b not been 09edy bulllalble in ~ Jaland or in tbe Mltroundiflll eraa be op aite h in a rural erea and doea not bne tba potentiel fOl effectint a lartbull population Jbr at lat the Uut yaer and a half alnct1 tM aite wa 4iecond local ndnta tbOutbt tbllt UDIM bM thll pr~ under control and tUt thll clMn-up would ~nee con Air pollution bullbull perciftd bullbull tbe bull)or prob~ and tbe potential for bulltar pollution vu aot 1m0wn until oontrectora diecored tbt quantity of barrela buried at tbe aite riMlly tbe Mcillo caM 1a Oftr~ bf tbe nitude of waate d~ing and publicity about tbe dangara at other aitea in MDrtll itbfield and nortbern JDode Jaland

ambull officialbull indicbullte tbey ba bad little or no preaaure for bull quick clebulln1p of tbe eite fra eitber tbe local reaidenta or fro adrM publicity in tbe Mdh After on tblln two yeua of whbullt local reaidenta perceifed bullbull relat1 towoerrental inacthty bower tbe ~ra bullffected by tbe bullita decided to fom bulln 2pound troup bullbull OUr Wbulltbulln (SON) to prbullure tbe atate IJOftrrent into cleaniiICJ tbe aita

-shybe ~nity h nov bdnv M naitl-d to tbe 411nteu of tbe Mcillo aita

dtMI to afforta by ICif be lUte of Ialand h curnntly anllysing the fatbUity of a new raHnoir called tM 111 Jiftr noir wbicb would be aubject to contbullinetion fra tbe Picillo dte lbia h baa prow14ed ICif witb a larter biN to attreot attention to tH Mcillo alle ICM h btcca1ng incratngly ectiftl after they aalted tbe tOftrnor of lboN Uland to t and dtiiCI tH oonditioft of tbe alte and be did not laliPOftd tH group Mld a pnaa oonferance to publiciu both the towrnor a rafuAl and tbe danger of tbe tta lbh 1nforut1on ncehed wW in botb tbe atetronic and print ln Mllition aCII h ournntly in contact witb otber ora experianoed and~nUl troutbull ab bullbull Protect oar bulltar CICif) in tlortb bullttbUal4 llbolll leland 8Cif baa rMMatelcl tbeir Sioe on bow to lobby and praaeuft __ntal depertMaU iato ction llleM loGel anbullt~ntal _ b~ the clun-QP delaya on ama and are tryiag to ottQin trter IPA infiOl_nt 1ltlty roeiH UA to be _ Yftlleratandint tban tbe atete about tM u of taanoua bullbullte aitea and eora willing to facilitate a quioi claea1p of tbe Picillo aite

1 lfatl OfOciele

At t11e Ubull of U uploion end fin et tbe Picillo eiQ ~1 officltle did aot lllldentud tM bull~iouentll or tbe aitude of tDt _i119 IM7 did aot btU tbef bed tbe Qobnicel know-bow o~ ta ry fllDdbull fo~ __1107 Cleeft1P end tltue telibllaitbed Ute teek to am A ker load oftioltl dadr19 tate Hdr eut-e of tbe oue lrlbullU aau e tome~ tawn counoun of cDwntry bullbullmiddot ltki blld bullnM liei tetn am lootl neidente in bullttinfl up -nitr _tillft to diecuee P~otr_ bullnd ~-bull ampo alatn up tbe bullitt bullbullmiddot aki beld nplu _tblr _t11191 witb reeidente to di~CUu t-Mnl ~1 i e Aa Ubull wnt on tatebull _U119e tce increeingly preooaupi witll Ute Picillo eitt end 100ft c tO be tbt ~nic~tion conduit bttwen lOCl ~bullbullidente 1nd JOftl~nt In Mty lt71 eft~ tbt oou~t order ampnet Picillo tbt Pnlident of tbt QD91entry ltJwn Council Prrick a obin etUUd unaafully to ta uebull ampnitntttcl e clie11tr u in order to obtein etllte 1nd are Uiportllntly tederel funde for clebulln-vp of tbe lite

2 ltlltt bullnet

aiD bet bMn iMOlwd with the Picillo lite Iince October 3 1177 be ltlltee inwol-nt bee been -ltibullltlcl a it bee 1ttepted to proeecute the tit owner trta8PC)r tere end the ttMratore ot the w11te1 middot bullnd bbulle belped to ditn bulltbode for r-odnt end di8PQiint the illttel wete H etete 11 pureuin~~ lttll action tteintt Werren Y Mcillo Jr out-of-etllte genentor end ral tank ~ bllrrel bellltre be lttel ctM bee bMn M~tlttd into two rt11 tbe Uret cebull egeinet the owner nt to trial on Mey 7 1971 bullnd il not yet ~eeolwd end tbe MCOnd CIM tc)ei nlt the teneretor end tten8POrten 1e etill being dtftloped ftlil dely in bringing e eucceeetul proMCution bee created e Hvere credibility gap blltwtn locel

- 7 shy

naidenta ancl tM nata owe ita ability to alMn P tbe tte Durlnt tbe letty court cbullbullbull little U any site clean-up waa u~rtakan by auta noiaa baeeiiM tbeY ~bt tbe oleu-up oney would ~ froa tbe owner In bindsitbt bOtll local ridenta and IIDIM ofUciela tbink tbia Wlla a atntatio aiatella on tbe pert of tbe atate all tblnlt tNt tbe approprhte atbullnGY abould bllft undertlllan tbe olean1p wbila dbulllUneoualy prOCIIMdint witb tbe Iepl caM ainat Pioillo for tbe oln~p funllla

1wo inoidenta at the aute 11 widened tbe orMibility tbullPmiddot be director of ambull Mr 14 110od adaitted tut bU deprtnt did not tlla tecbnical xpertiM 1n bilu~a bullbullte r_al nor oont1119ancy plana to addraaa tbe prob~ furtber rata tbe aitutlon ~ and atmL wn in tbe aidat of a rortaniutioa witJI rpouibility for beurdoua wau nddint in JlDIII ud foe Wlltt~r protection in ~L lbil norpniution cauS COMUrable tuion blltwMn tbe two depermllftta owr wblcb bM rpouibility for tbe aite c lHn1Pbull C-cb Wllted tbe otber to be r aiPOftlible ) rtally fWIIIa wra not aYaUabla for tbe clean-up for a~at aU -tba It WI 110t until Mercll 1171 tNt bull ~~J~Kial 1t1U bond bNt4 to nibull nooooo for oleelling gp tile Moillo lite Acoordint to am aboUt

middotasnooo baa bMn lflnt to bullu to olean up tile alta

l dFtl ln9lwPt

- I of tM lind_ntal hotantl AIJency bea been inol_ in tiM Mcillo alta froa U befinaing but OCMllAI little until Jll(k) fanda beoa aftilable durlnt ltto bullbullbull baa auiatM ama in oolleOtiDI and analyaiftiJ wedoua _leal aa4 wtar a-pliaa UA b IIOIked at tile alta in alauifyi peokati traB~PCKti middotand atod tM u Noua -1ca1a UA 11 a1ao unv viUt ~ to bOW tbl faderal nay can aid ia fandiDI tbe oant~ olean-up ot tile aite

UA olfiaiaU baft partiaipatMI ia a -r of town unga tbe ICY 11 peneiM br Jooal raa14enta aa tba Oftlr toft~atal nor tbat b tM -y bull r and -t Uportantly tba inclination to olean up sa aite Citbana appau to Mft little faith in RIObull ability to unMrtaH and aoebullafully copleta tbe project

1 Intrt Gfoypt

1 w ~GEM 11ben tM illatal ficillo baaardoubull aiU bullbull diiiCOftrad

1tata and locall officialbull wnt to court to blbullbull Mr 11anan Picillo Jr cleen up tM alt After a year of latal aaneuring tba 1Uta uniiVCCaaaful in proaecuting tba Picillo fbullUy In the intada local ridantbull Wllra willing to lat IJOrnt officiall taka tbe initiatift for claan-ap Attar a yaar and a balf of inaction RIDIM bullbullbull percebed bullbull bulldrat~Jing itbull ftbull and an pound interebullt ~Jroup called laft our Wateu famed in 1lly UIO In addition to prhata indiYiduala tbe trouP includebull lrad Gorhabull abode I1land ltata IA~Jillator and Wayne Luther - JoVn Councilaan Coftntry loth baft i ndicated that they Hrft in the orcjanhation privata citbanbullbull

-shy~n of ICII uny of vboa re ai6Ue cbaa baeoWnen ua direcUy

aUctd br Uir prciaity to tal alt and bad auUared frca ah pollution before tbe aaploeion linea tbe uploaioft tah oonaaru bl abifted to the Nfaty of Uir 4rinlci1WJ waur

trbullttioMl obio or bullnbulli~DUl ~~middot wob bullbull tbe Iiana Club not ~ 1ft90bcl in tbe Moillo oontroeny _r of 801 u not acthely outbt tbe iMOlnt of tbeM troupe tcauM uy bullnt Ute McU~ problbull to roet tbe umot attentia and bullhibility wbicll Cbey belie coul4 only oce tbrougb locel -=tlon

Leedrln of ICM ba oontacUd otber loal arrdr~nUl troupe auclt bullbull in atttlt itbUald wbioh tbey tbiftk can prodde uooeaafal caM biltodel and atnteti aa foe praUUrlniJ tbe fOCnt to clHn up tiM aita - -n alo jo1M4 a rtOMl tfOUP at lrown Ofttnity-ltDelition on ntoua He-to eolioit their aupport in tbe aite o lean-up ba CINUtioD a bulltlllodbull ua eadW ia U middot~n~tion atntetteabull MOtion

Mn are no iftlluautal tc- labor troupe or political perttaa UnoUy inrolw4 ift tH MaiUo OIIM

2 1111

OD a rionltl Mala th attentioe to tbe Molllo aita Ua Uaiamped _ of tM dtaa rote looeUoe ud tile U populetion Ut aold lie affeoted tbil laak of attentiOft b al8o due to U effeaUft taotioe ud bf ou~ 9~ to draw attenUoa to uunoua - ~ in U1~ anabullbull AI oould be expeated Ule local CDftfttry ptplr 91bull bullrbull llfliOII to U prall~ taen n lleS b ~ldeDOe and oUter bullbull atlend altiee ~1 naldenU aaplalnM bat ewry Ubull tae bulltte bullbull UOvn b a teUbulltS report tbe bulltatioaa YS be - tl tapt frca wo n and only tile audio portbull of U retort wa cbanpd wbicb _Uated to U bat U ateUou wre not nally intenated in knovlnv abolat aurnnt oond1Uooa at tbrl alta

be reporUnt b by and larva been balenoecl loth citlbullnbull and shy90ftrntal orvaniHtiona blft ocplei of 1aeacurate or Oftratetad pronoY-nta


A aourc of Intpnudon

ac citlbullnbull the little crtldence to inforaation tanerated by 90ftrnt avencJaa- a-clally RIDDta inforaaUon abOut the Plcillo aita - for tbrl following n onaa

IIDDI 414 not bawe a protrbull for tasting prbate walls aroUnd the situ

-shyAfter an outcry fro locd alUMna UDIII raiPOndecl

tut the ncy wold t t the wella wbicb r14enta

tbolatbt wa iaainent a~ tblln announced tbe ncy

could only tt aix wlla per tbbull

eidenta diec0Wire4 tMt n U a tt wt

ooa~Plillbed curra nt tecbnolo9Y ooul4 identify only

- 11 out of 140 poeaibla _icala 1a tbe tr

CoUCted lea wra epltt betvMn ama and UA Anlllyail of the _te l111Ulte4 iD iDCOUiatant concluaiOM tUt wra not ralea M4 to the public

am ref~Uelted UA to 1 and analyM tbe w lla

but UA could not under take the tk beclluM ita l unda

001114 aot be S tor public beal tb projata

a ftRtt of IetoeUon

_ raaideeta aleo tMugbt tblit am di-JMtiftl ooaflifting

infomatioll ampooel reaideeU add ~ aald tell tt aforta oaol4 not be

put iDto the Maillo eite beoaubull U Uait8d fonda wn tor ua

eritioal titea in otber peru of the atate all bullbull llllrttt itafiaJA

Aoaotdilll to raai6tau am tiOUl4 tblte 90 to llalrtb laitbtiald aad tell

realdeftu tbera tMt fuda Wll not ilable t11eceuee ot odtioel wocll at

Moillo bulln of the abartec of the CNUUon on Noaa at lkGWn

Oftinitr b to e a aitilena tnut atoll Oft tM eooureay of iafomtioft

frca am At 0 u a b ra-onaible for tidftl an te of

wotll --uMa at MOb bullJtbull 1n Mlole 1111an11

In edditton local rea16tnta t l IU 1a tbi taa falM or beoaurat

infomatioa bull-r (UDa) tell ua tbat 110 wlla wn teated bullnil _ found

to M ooetaaiMUd _r they teated 170 wellbull and 10 wn founll to bt t uy bull l UteGOMaiaacd eo itbulla not wMt U MY but wMt tbey don

olUoiala wn paroaiftd abull unwillint to t ell tbe trutl anll kint ery

bullUort to oowr up nality

CDM~erMly UA ofUciala w re perciMd aa people wbo would l el witb

tbe ~nity i nta w rbull UMntoua in wantint Do to undertake tbe

e ntire o lNn--ap _of McUlo

c ltfeeta of lnfOraation on JillbUc

be public would like to belie tUt tbe locl atata and fSral will recotniae tbeautboritiea ba tbe citiHna intereata at burt and

potntial dangerbull of tbe aite and do wUt b neceaMry to bring about a quick

and dable olution to tbe problbull UOat tbrH yean of bearing about bow

tbe dte would be cleaned up b dilliniabed local rident confidence inDue to itator_nt ftlh lo of contidence la4 to tbe creation of SCif

early bullb9bull of deNlopMnt ION ia only capable of a aderate effort in

bringing attention to tbe probl- M tiM voabull on and if the alta is not

cleaned up the pu~lic controny Oftr tbe alta could calata



Alter tM dicoNry of tbe PicUlo aite ul public ttlllbull weu bd4 to diacu tM laue witt abode Ialaftd oUioiala and DA IDCiil rident cdtioibull about tbe wey tbebull tilllbull wre announced (or in bullbullny cabulla not anaounoed) naulted in low rtdent turn-out aidenta allete4 tNt no public IIIKtoe waa ts and tbe oaly wey -ople IIMW about tbe ulll wea by 1110rd1f1011tb be town oouncun auld bullt up bull ung witll tbe appropriate ei~ntal official and tben telepbone lley iftdhiduala in tbe ~ity to announce tbe ung A telepbone pyr-14 alerted indbtduala to tbe tt and pleoe of tbe ung bia ~nicatton networll often prot1-

Qanently under tbe dhation of - an appere ntly aoaeuful e ffort baa been to auure local oittbulln perttoipation at unga witb emh~ntal offioiala ICif 1a alao uaing otber ~tty oqaniutione auob bullbull tbe Gnan 1ablia Library Anoai ation (-nbip 200) to announce unga progre reporta aad poeitioM to looal realdaata


lbe looel realdanta an olurly irrttated about tbe ltate of abode lelaada iaMiUty to alMa IP tbe Pioillo baunklua bullau aite be atate taittUy Vied u foroe bullrna MoiUo to c1n tbe atte tbtollfb aoart aotioo llot __ of delayillf teotica and aUatift f bullnauftn it _ fnatlats in tbia at~ Wben oUiciala o- to tbe rNltution tbat ita aUaten bullbull not worllilll and Mode IaYnd woul4 baft to uaderteke tbe alee Uttla or no at~ wea to coordinate pcooedYr or intom looal nawata _t alee aotiritiea ftlta 1M to nbullnmant by looal reaidenta Wo peroei tbat no actioa bullbull bullint Uken In tact both ama aDd DA were wocUng t1110ufb Uaitedly on tbe OlNft1P aUoct lb ccpound tba aituation tile aattaatea of tbl IUibac of Nrnla of baurdoua weata on tbe atte wen too l~Mfr all concerned _ -tillar aitbar nay will pcoi4e tbra funda f or c lMn-up

  1. barcode 565344
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 565344
Page 2: PICIUD, CDVZNftY, a.)DS IILA!p · After tbe atata letbllitura ,.,. tba Blurdoua ..ate lleMt-nt Aot in Mil reb 1171, elOO, 000 vaa aade a•ailabla for tM Mcillo dte clean-up

- 2 shy

On r 2t lt17 IIDIM in-c=ud the aita to detemina if it bullbull beill9 claanecl and found that no bullbible cban1p bed been conducted lo in ocoer 1177 ampngllind Jtlating tbontory bullbull inithlly than the t ll of anqineeriftl and onitoriftll tM PicUlo d-eraquo alta

After tbe atata letbllitura tba Blurdoua ate lleMt-nt Aot in Mil reb 1171 elOO 000 vaa aade abullailabla for tM Mcillo dte clean-up bullttll tbe fundint in Nnd UDIM bullbull ready to prapra for an aaMa-nt and 10lution to tM Picillo aite problbull Protnn at tbe dte bowftr bullbullbull piec-al GrIU4 Dr1111nt cpeny W bMn bind to clo - initbl Uating In early ~Yrcb 1171 middotQaild placed bodnva at tbe HcUlo aitbullmiddot Dudng Apdl tbe ccpeny Mlllll mnitodnv wlla a round tbe ai~ to uple foe urdoua cbeaicala SUplee taken ruar ra a bullubf -p were found to be oontineUd with ortanic IOlnta WUr elllflea obtained in Aufuat conti~ tbe continuing praMnoe of ortanic IIOhanta

Dudng ~ 1171 ama requeated b14a to clMn up tbe aite A fa letd dte bullbull a l 10 IOUfbt fOI tbe exploeba bull itddlt beualll wbiall ra tt1nnill9 to deteriorate 4IM to upGellra atioft on tbb _t oocnarnd fOl abOUt a reer pendiDg 11 MtUa nat tbe aite CNMr

On 21 lt7t after a year and a balf of waeuooeaatul Utttatiolt it wea ellcMs tNt rnn Mcillo bullbull aitber unwilling unable or totll to talca naoerr radial eot1oll to clean up tbe _ aite ~ Au banlled dowD a decrH dincting ~ too bull OGIP811J to r- tbe aio u frbull tbe PiciUo aite llD8I bullbull aleo dinatMI to bullIce ey effort to oontein lite luabate by tewr Maeuary tbh court order tbull am rr eooeu aDd oaplftll oontrol oer tbe clean1f of lite HoUlo aite bull

am bad Mtun tbe job of r-ing tbe _iol bullat dt_ in 11arCb 1171 -n 27 tna of wrtoua bullbulltea oatly ferric cblodde bullrbull r~ tor diapoeal to acycUng lnduatriaa of Jraintne ucbuMtta Witb tbe 1171 oourt bullndate ampmilt drew up a bid pccpou1 for tbe ron1 of tbe baurdoampJa waat at tbe Mcillo property Dr- of ttdde bullrbull rapcll into orpecll drua for r-oal when a auitabla diapoeal aita could be lccatad alDitl took -plea of ~ pakging to ftdfy tba prabullnce of bitbly reactift dtdda In a1y 1119 ursr tba aupenhion of aJDIII CDaatal lardcea ditpOMd of 14 drua of aodiu duinu byddda at a MCUta aita outlide of lboda Ialand Jodiu a1bulli- bydride 1a a1eo axplcMift on contact witb bulltar

Witb aoat of ttsa up1oai cticala taftCl frbull tba aita ama batbulln bullarcbint for a qualifi conaultant to cbaractedaa tba Picillo prob~ and prant a1tarMtia to aolft it ftla aoat lilla1y candidate Mitra Corporation iniPICtad tba area on ana 22 lt1t On ane 29 1919 ltitn autaitt a propoaal for tba abltnt of aUtMiurfaca pollutanta at tbe PicUlo aita On Auguat 5 1979 a contrat waa aipWd ttn ltitra Corporation and RIDIM lVo vaalea later Mitre aulaittad a a~ry of apprCNCbaa to cleanint the Picillo alta to JUDDI and Prodded coat aatiaatea for tba firat tiM

- l-

On lept_r 27 lt1t Jtitre Corporation autittd a radMd propou l for tM study of tbe Mcillo aita atD rewl-4 and eccepted tM propoul and bullnt a letter of intent to IUtra Corpontlon Utd October 1 lt7t be Jtitra Corporation propoul ouUined taaka bullbull foUOW1

J Dltemination of buried dr~a concantntionl Uaited tiona

4 middot loU bodiiiJa and wll iutallation

s DllteraiMtioD of ground tar flaw pattbullrn

1 lew of nMilU aS pnUaiMIY OOODlllllioaa

011 Oclcllaer 17 117t am i~lltifllted tile Mcillo aite to OOMicler ~late ~ial aatioa to n tM flow of aMaJaala iato tM WlcwndiDI tH aut am per-1 Mt oat Mftnl nd alleoiMnt pillon to cnaruu tM of lMoMte iato ta -- -a ntaited ta aitbull tw ka later to oMok tile pillow and add __ wbltn

18 late OOtolller IUUa Q)rp~Katioll bullt ritb ~ to nfift u on tbe dU to reflrial of tM aru and o 1-t tat aooeu roed am penobullbulll aapleted OOMtruoUoa of tbe toed On r S lt7t allaiiiiJ tbe rwya to berlin

be au Gei_r apany in~ tile aite and witll tbe written pemiuioft of IUtroadlnt U_n drilled ten -itodng wlla uound tM aite by tbe end of ~r lt71 An Mditiond a igbt wlb wra planned for litO pelldint tbe raeulta of tbe neue auney

bt _tic IUrwy and naiatidty atlldy wre ~noecl by rred c But AaXietea in aid-llo-r lt7t beN voul4 4etemine the extent of oontaination at Ute Mcillo fua After OCIIIIIraquoletint tbe initial utnetic Hrwya rt Aaaociatea excate4 teat trencbea on tbe aite to detenine if tben wa any oontaination not dicoftre4 by tbe nabtidty atudy be 10 to U foot tnncMa wn dug in ai4-DactJar to CQIPlete tbe rt field work for tbe llitre aite a-nt effortbull

fore tM utneticnahthity auneya wn bltfun eotal amperdcea r Ute npacke4 ritdda 4ruaa for abis-nt to a -cure landfill in aatty laQ4a

rinally in rly Dacbal Mitre Corporation finalhe4 plana for tM analyab of tbe wll -plea vitb IPA lnrartY aaourcea opany Inc of Cabdd9e tNauehuMtta and the IUKde Island Departaant of Blth Xbontodu (AIDBL) IJIA ecrHned tbe -plea for pdury pollutants RIDBL tested for leac~ pollutantbull in the aoil and otbar lecte4 parteu

be r e-lte of tbll tta a nd alinya to cberectarJM tbe Picillo dta -re dlllhuedl to Mitre COrpontton by ita ubiaontrecton by the end of Jinuary 1110 IY Jenuery 22 ltiO bull total of Ufuen bullotdtodnv bull11bull bullrbull 1natalle4 br ar Oi_r InC 1011 -plea bullrbull tken by Kitn Corporation for aMlyail by IMIfY aurcea Water 1bullbull -re 11110 cbecluled to be taken during tbe k of Jinury n 1110 and aatttad to tbe ccpeny for aMlyail Mitrbull Corporation acGUiredl tbe Hica of Aaron P bull JtM1ft9bull bullbull bull bydroveolotiat oonaultant to tat in deteraininv tbe ground water flow A MP and UnitY bullre llllMitted to Mitre COrporation OD Jenuery 21 1110 to locete new itorial vella

Oft Jenury 27 ltiO ama and Kitre COrporatton Mt to ri tbe rulta obtained to dllte At tllia ung UDIII autbori-4 llitre COrpontion to proceed in Oloping a1ternatbe mlutiona eDit auociatad ooeta for tbe ctan1p of bllurtloua wate at tbe MciUo alta

Odng rbnery 1110 tbe PiaiUo pr-rty bullbull put up fot auatioll for beck taea and nwertad to tbe ftlllm of caU 1M MoiUo property 1a GUnnUy oooupied by a f-lly vitll Gltil4ree aDd ctatia aniaala

Die llitn corpoiatJoa attted bull draft report to ama cludng rbrury 1110 COIIGerDiftl tbllir 1oatioa of tbll aite A find report vea aabe4uled for tbe of bullreb U 1110 be oontanta of tM fiul report would iaalale ~luaiau 00110en1111 tbe utent of oaJoel oontalnatioe bu1tll effefta llpdrolofr _r of buried dra Ulld abll~nt opUone ~tiou wuld 1aa1ude -bullncr Ntioae if bull iDteria aurea 1tiou1 bforution aDil eatialted ooetli

oontrutadnru rr~=~ c= OUin eacattoa of tbll nortbMat trenab on tbll Mitre Corporationa report am UfIOted to find bebleen tO to 210 bernll of beurdoua c_icela

ly ~- 24 ltiO tban 1200 barrelbull r bullxc~~bullated in tbe noitbeeat trenoll and work bullbull terainetad to n bullbullbull tbe dtuation dUll to the ubullxpected nuaber of dnaa once tblty MtOtibullted bull new contrct Jttline n-4 ucabullatton An additional 410 bernla wre tunafured to bulk conta1Mra to M off-aite ay Aupat 20 ltiO the tnnater of bullteriala ftoll tbe nortbealt trench and into new MCUre bunla bullbull atill unMr wey A totl of 1 755 berrela blld been roftd by Aupat In le~r ltiO rtUM ~leted ita ral acthity vitb Olr 2300 drbullbull exczbullbullbulltad frca tbe nortbet trencb l tter the drbull contentbull and bulk liquidbull -re teated tbe weatea betbulln to be 4iapoeed off-aite

Wbilbull tbe bulk clean-up bullbullbull progreinv in July and AU9uat 1tiO RlDIII t vitb arntry lbwn officialbull to prodde Pf09 reportbull on tbe ellCnatton bey dhcued coordination and cuetion procedur in tbe eftnt of bull tte fire Abo in July lJIO arbullt rea14enta forcl an pound 9roup called left OUr Waten (SCif) to bdft9 puure on authOdtiea to baaten clean-up et the PicUlo aita

- 5shy

Wltb tM apprach of autun ltiO Oftl two tbouund traquornl8 of baurctoua bullbullbull~ bM been aacabullate4 at tbe Picillo aite aiDa bullbullbullbull

aontipulnv to cllllaify Nrnla for ~tablllty

buliing and OOMOlidatlnt ol14a

rabulliewing optiona for fiul dhpol of tbe blaardoua ba4 OCIIIIPleted UMI inatalllition af a tiiiiPOIUY on-ite ator ana for r a-berralled iftkCt dnabull

oontinulnt to t nnefac and ra1erral liwida baa U08bullated bauela into intact cure becnla

Nd epproKiMUily 100 aaubullatM Mrnb in uoracy Ror 011 dte

bed _JMtely sooo tbulllloM of aa ace4 in a tank tncll on a alte bull

rna ftcilloa aJIPNl bea been filed in tM bullbull- CDurt to date tiMI otMr saau auUar and Ute n teMntora bll yet to be uw

IIIMIII wck atill - bll 11oM at tbe PicUlo tm tbe alte r-1bull to be _ GMaioala bull1011 Mw S into tbe trouad t be aontalS and tu ot wlla vUbin a Nlf bull11bull ndiua of tJlllt alte bullbullt 1M ocplated

11 vupnm or CM

ftlh oabull b not been 09edy bulllalble in ~ Jaland or in tbe Mltroundiflll eraa be op aite h in a rural erea and doea not bne tba potentiel fOl effectint a lartbull population Jbr at lat the Uut yaer and a half alnct1 tM aite wa 4iecond local ndnta tbOutbt tbllt UDIM bM thll pr~ under control and tUt thll clMn-up would ~nee con Air pollution bullbull perciftd bullbull tbe bull)or prob~ and tbe potential for bulltar pollution vu aot 1m0wn until oontrectora diecored tbt quantity of barrela buried at tbe aite riMlly tbe Mcillo caM 1a Oftr~ bf tbe nitude of waate d~ing and publicity about tbe dangara at other aitea in MDrtll itbfield and nortbern JDode Jaland

ambull officialbull indicbullte tbey ba bad little or no preaaure for bull quick clebulln1p of tbe eite fra eitber tbe local reaidenta or fro adrM publicity in tbe Mdh After on tblln two yeua of whbullt local reaidenta perceifed bullbull relat1 towoerrental inacthty bower tbe ~ra bullffected by tbe bullita decided to fom bulln 2pound troup bullbull OUr Wbulltbulln (SON) to prbullure tbe atate IJOftrrent into cleaniiICJ tbe aita

-shybe ~nity h nov bdnv M naitl-d to tbe 411nteu of tbe Mcillo aita

dtMI to afforta by ICif be lUte of Ialand h curnntly anllysing the fatbUity of a new raHnoir called tM 111 Jiftr noir wbicb would be aubject to contbullinetion fra tbe Picillo dte lbia h baa prow14ed ICif witb a larter biN to attreot attention to tH Mcillo alle ICM h btcca1ng incratngly ectiftl after they aalted tbe tOftrnor of lboN Uland to t and dtiiCI tH oonditioft of tbe alte and be did not laliPOftd tH group Mld a pnaa oonferance to publiciu both the towrnor a rafuAl and tbe danger of tbe tta lbh 1nforut1on ncehed wW in botb tbe atetronic and print ln Mllition aCII h ournntly in contact witb otber ora experianoed and~nUl troutbull ab bullbull Protect oar bulltar CICif) in tlortb bullttbUal4 llbolll leland 8Cif baa rMMatelcl tbeir Sioe on bow to lobby and praaeuft __ntal depertMaU iato ction llleM loGel anbullt~ntal _ b~ the clun-QP delaya on ama and are tryiag to ottQin trter IPA infiOl_nt 1ltlty roeiH UA to be _ Yftlleratandint tban tbe atete about tM u of taanoua bullbullte aitea and eora willing to facilitate a quioi claea1p of tbe Picillo aite

1 lfatl OfOciele

At t11e Ubull of U uploion end fin et tbe Picillo eiQ ~1 officltle did aot lllldentud tM bull~iouentll or tbe aitude of tDt _i119 IM7 did aot btU tbef bed tbe Qobnicel know-bow o~ ta ry fllDdbull fo~ __1107 Cleeft1P end tltue telibllaitbed Ute teek to am A ker load oftioltl dadr19 tate Hdr eut-e of tbe oue lrlbullU aau e tome~ tawn counoun of cDwntry bullbullmiddot ltki blld bullnM liei tetn am lootl neidente in bullttinfl up -nitr _tillft to diecuee P~otr_ bullnd ~-bull ampo alatn up tbe bullitt bullbullmiddot aki beld nplu _tblr _t11191 witb reeidente to di~CUu t-Mnl ~1 i e Aa Ubull wnt on tatebull _U119e tce increeingly preooaupi witll Ute Picillo eitt end 100ft c tO be tbt ~nic~tion conduit bttwen lOCl ~bullbullidente 1nd JOftl~nt In Mty lt71 eft~ tbt oou~t order ampnet Picillo tbt Pnlident of tbt QD91entry ltJwn Council Prrick a obin etUUd unaafully to ta uebull ampnitntttcl e clie11tr u in order to obtein etllte 1nd are Uiportllntly tederel funde for clebulln-vp of tbe lite

2 ltlltt bullnet

aiD bet bMn iMOlwd with the Picillo lite Iince October 3 1177 be ltlltee inwol-nt bee been -ltibullltlcl a it bee 1ttepted to proeecute the tit owner trta8PC)r tere end the ttMratore ot the w11te1 middot bullnd bbulle belped to ditn bulltbode for r-odnt end di8PQiint the illttel wete H etete 11 pureuin~~ lttll action tteintt Werren Y Mcillo Jr out-of-etllte genentor end ral tank ~ bllrrel bellltre be lttel ctM bee bMn M~tlttd into two rt11 tbe Uret cebull egeinet the owner nt to trial on Mey 7 1971 bullnd il not yet ~eeolwd end tbe MCOnd CIM tc)ei nlt the teneretor end tten8POrten 1e etill being dtftloped ftlil dely in bringing e eucceeetul proMCution bee created e Hvere credibility gap blltwtn locel

- 7 shy

naidenta ancl tM nata owe ita ability to alMn P tbe tte Durlnt tbe letty court cbullbullbull little U any site clean-up waa u~rtakan by auta noiaa baeeiiM tbeY ~bt tbe oleu-up oney would ~ froa tbe owner In bindsitbt bOtll local ridenta and IIDIM ofUciela tbink tbia Wlla a atntatio aiatella on tbe pert of tbe atate all tblnlt tNt tbe approprhte atbullnGY abould bllft undertlllan tbe olean1p wbila dbulllUneoualy prOCIIMdint witb tbe Iepl caM ainat Pioillo for tbe oln~p funllla

1wo inoidenta at the aute 11 widened tbe orMibility tbullPmiddot be director of ambull Mr 14 110od adaitted tut bU deprtnt did not tlla tecbnical xpertiM 1n bilu~a bullbullte r_al nor oont1119ancy plana to addraaa tbe prob~ furtber rata tbe aitutlon ~ and atmL wn in tbe aidat of a rortaniutioa witJI rpouibility for beurdoua wau nddint in JlDIII ud foe Wlltt~r protection in ~L lbil norpniution cauS COMUrable tuion blltwMn tbe two depermllftta owr wblcb bM rpouibility for tbe aite c lHn1Pbull C-cb Wllted tbe otber to be r aiPOftlible ) rtally fWIIIa wra not aYaUabla for tbe clean-up for a~at aU -tba It WI 110t until Mercll 1171 tNt bull ~~J~Kial 1t1U bond bNt4 to nibull nooooo for oleelling gp tile Moillo lite Acoordint to am aboUt

middotasnooo baa bMn lflnt to bullu to olean up tile alta

l dFtl ln9lwPt

- I of tM lind_ntal hotantl AIJency bea been inol_ in tiM Mcillo alta froa U befinaing but OCMllAI little until Jll(k) fanda beoa aftilable durlnt ltto bullbullbull baa auiatM ama in oolleOtiDI and analyaiftiJ wedoua _leal aa4 wtar a-pliaa UA b IIOIked at tile alta in alauifyi peokati traB~PCKti middotand atod tM u Noua -1ca1a UA 11 a1ao unv viUt ~ to bOW tbl faderal nay can aid ia fandiDI tbe oant~ olean-up ot tile aite

UA olfiaiaU baft partiaipatMI ia a -r of town unga tbe ICY 11 peneiM br Jooal raa14enta aa tba Oftlr toft~atal nor tbat b tM -y bull r and -t Uportantly tba inclination to olean up sa aite Citbana appau to Mft little faith in RIObull ability to unMrtaH and aoebullafully copleta tbe project

1 Intrt Gfoypt

1 w ~GEM 11ben tM illatal ficillo baaardoubull aiU bullbull diiiCOftrad

1tata and locall officialbull wnt to court to blbullbull Mr 11anan Picillo Jr cleen up tM alt After a year of latal aaneuring tba 1Uta uniiVCCaaaful in proaecuting tba Picillo fbullUy In the intada local ridantbull Wllra willing to lat IJOrnt officiall taka tbe initiatift for claan-ap Attar a yaar and a balf of inaction RIDIM bullbullbull percebed bullbull bulldrat~Jing itbull ftbull and an pound interebullt ~Jroup called laft our Wateu famed in 1lly UIO In addition to prhata indiYiduala tbe trouP includebull lrad Gorhabull abode I1land ltata IA~Jillator and Wayne Luther - JoVn Councilaan Coftntry loth baft i ndicated that they Hrft in the orcjanhation privata citbanbullbull

-shy~n of ICII uny of vboa re ai6Ue cbaa baeoWnen ua direcUy

aUctd br Uir prciaity to tal alt and bad auUared frca ah pollution before tbe aaploeion linea tbe uploaioft tah oonaaru bl abifted to the Nfaty of Uir 4rinlci1WJ waur

trbullttioMl obio or bullnbulli~DUl ~~middot wob bullbull tbe Iiana Club not ~ 1ft90bcl in tbe Moillo oontroeny _r of 801 u not acthely outbt tbe iMOlnt of tbeM troupe tcauM uy bullnt Ute McU~ problbull to roet tbe umot attentia and bullhibility wbicll Cbey belie coul4 only oce tbrougb locel -=tlon

Leedrln of ICM ba oontacUd otber loal arrdr~nUl troupe auclt bullbull in atttlt itbUald wbioh tbey tbiftk can prodde uooeaafal caM biltodel and atnteti aa foe praUUrlniJ tbe fOCnt to clHn up tiM aita - -n alo jo1M4 a rtOMl tfOUP at lrown Ofttnity-ltDelition on ntoua He-to eolioit their aupport in tbe aite o lean-up ba CINUtioD a bulltlllodbull ua eadW ia U middot~n~tion atntetteabull MOtion

Mn are no iftlluautal tc- labor troupe or political perttaa UnoUy inrolw4 ift tH MaiUo OIIM

2 1111

OD a rionltl Mala th attentioe to tbe Molllo aita Ua Uaiamped _ of tM dtaa rote looeUoe ud tile U populetion Ut aold lie affeoted tbil laak of attentiOft b al8o due to U effeaUft taotioe ud bf ou~ 9~ to draw attenUoa to uunoua - ~ in U1~ anabullbull AI oould be expeated Ule local CDftfttry ptplr 91bull bullrbull llfliOII to U prall~ taen n lleS b ~ldeDOe and oUter bullbull atlend altiee ~1 naldenU aaplalnM bat ewry Ubull tae bulltte bullbull UOvn b a teUbulltS report tbe bulltatioaa YS be - tl tapt frca wo n and only tile audio portbull of U retort wa cbanpd wbicb _Uated to U bat U ateUou wre not nally intenated in knovlnv abolat aurnnt oond1Uooa at tbrl alta

be reporUnt b by and larva been balenoecl loth citlbullnbull and shy90ftrntal orvaniHtiona blft ocplei of 1aeacurate or Oftratetad pronoY-nta


A aourc of Intpnudon

ac citlbullnbull the little crtldence to inforaation tanerated by 90ftrnt avencJaa- a-clally RIDDta inforaaUon abOut the Plcillo aita - for tbrl following n onaa

IIDDI 414 not bawe a protrbull for tasting prbate walls aroUnd the situ

-shyAfter an outcry fro locd alUMna UDIII raiPOndecl

tut the ncy wold t t the wella wbicb r14enta

tbolatbt wa iaainent a~ tblln announced tbe ncy

could only tt aix wlla per tbbull

eidenta diec0Wire4 tMt n U a tt wt

ooa~Plillbed curra nt tecbnolo9Y ooul4 identify only

- 11 out of 140 poeaibla _icala 1a tbe tr

CoUCted lea wra epltt betvMn ama and UA Anlllyail of the _te l111Ulte4 iD iDCOUiatant concluaiOM tUt wra not ralea M4 to the public

am ref~Uelted UA to 1 and analyM tbe w lla

but UA could not under take the tk beclluM ita l unda

001114 aot be S tor public beal tb projata

a ftRtt of IetoeUon

_ raaideeta aleo tMugbt tblit am di-JMtiftl ooaflifting

infomatioll ampooel reaideeU add ~ aald tell tt aforta oaol4 not be

put iDto the Maillo eite beoaubull U Uait8d fonda wn tor ua

eritioal titea in otber peru of the atate all bullbull llllrttt itafiaJA

Aoaotdilll to raai6tau am tiOUl4 tblte 90 to llalrtb laitbtiald aad tell

realdeftu tbera tMt fuda Wll not ilable t11eceuee ot odtioel wocll at

Moillo bulln of the abartec of the CNUUon on Noaa at lkGWn

Oftinitr b to e a aitilena tnut atoll Oft tM eooureay of iafomtioft

frca am At 0 u a b ra-onaible for tidftl an te of

wotll --uMa at MOb bullJtbull 1n Mlole 1111an11

In edditton local rea16tnta t l IU 1a tbi taa falM or beoaurat

infomatioa bull-r (UDa) tell ua tbat 110 wlla wn teated bullnil _ found

to M ooetaaiMUd _r they teated 170 wellbull and 10 wn founll to bt t uy bull l UteGOMaiaacd eo itbulla not wMt U MY but wMt tbey don

olUoiala wn paroaiftd abull unwillint to t ell tbe trutl anll kint ery

bullUort to oowr up nality

CDM~erMly UA ofUciala w re perciMd aa people wbo would l el witb

tbe ~nity i nta w rbull UMntoua in wantint Do to undertake tbe

e ntire o lNn--ap _of McUlo

c ltfeeta of lnfOraation on JillbUc

be public would like to belie tUt tbe locl atata and fSral will recotniae tbeautboritiea ba tbe citiHna intereata at burt and

potntial dangerbull of tbe aite and do wUt b neceaMry to bring about a quick

and dable olution to tbe problbull UOat tbrH yean of bearing about bow

tbe dte would be cleaned up b dilliniabed local rident confidence inDue to itator_nt ftlh lo of contidence la4 to tbe creation of SCif

early bullb9bull of deNlopMnt ION ia only capable of a aderate effort in

bringing attention to tbe probl- M tiM voabull on and if the alta is not

cleaned up the pu~lic controny Oftr tbe alta could calata



Alter tM dicoNry of tbe PicUlo aite ul public ttlllbull weu bd4 to diacu tM laue witt abode Ialaftd oUioiala and DA IDCiil rident cdtioibull about tbe wey tbebull tilllbull wre announced (or in bullbullny cabulla not anaounoed) naulted in low rtdent turn-out aidenta allete4 tNt no public IIIKtoe waa ts and tbe oaly wey -ople IIMW about tbe ulll wea by 1110rd1f1011tb be town oouncun auld bullt up bull ung witll tbe appropriate ei~ntal official and tben telepbone lley iftdhiduala in tbe ~ity to announce tbe ung A telepbone pyr-14 alerted indbtduala to tbe tt and pleoe of tbe ung bia ~nicatton networll often prot1-

Qanently under tbe dhation of - an appere ntly aoaeuful e ffort baa been to auure local oittbulln perttoipation at unga witb emh~ntal offioiala ICif 1a alao uaing otber ~tty oqaniutione auob bullbull tbe Gnan 1ablia Library Anoai ation (-nbip 200) to announce unga progre reporta aad poeitioM to looal realdaata


lbe looel realdanta an olurly irrttated about tbe ltate of abode lelaada iaMiUty to alMa IP tbe Pioillo baunklua bullau aite be atate taittUy Vied u foroe bullrna MoiUo to c1n tbe atte tbtollfb aoart aotioo llot __ of delayillf teotica and aUatift f bullnauftn it _ fnatlats in tbia at~ Wben oUiciala o- to tbe rNltution tbat ita aUaten bullbull not worllilll and Mode IaYnd woul4 baft to uaderteke tbe alee Uttla or no at~ wea to coordinate pcooedYr or intom looal nawata _t alee aotiritiea ftlta 1M to nbullnmant by looal reaidenta Wo peroei tbat no actioa bullbull bullint Uken In tact both ama aDd DA were wocUng t1110ufb Uaitedly on tbe OlNft1P aUoct lb ccpound tba aituation tile aattaatea of tbl IUibac of Nrnla of baurdoua weata on tbe atte wen too l~Mfr all concerned _ -tillar aitbar nay will pcoi4e tbra funda f or c lMn-up

  1. barcode 565344
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 565344
Page 3: PICIUD, CDVZNftY, a.)DS IILA!p · After tbe atata letbllitura ,.,. tba Blurdoua ..ate lleMt-nt Aot in Mil reb 1171, elOO, 000 vaa aade a•ailabla for tM Mcillo dte clean-up

- l-

On lept_r 27 lt1t Jtitre Corporation autittd a radMd propou l for tM study of tbe Mcillo aita atD rewl-4 and eccepted tM propoul and bullnt a letter of intent to IUtra Corpontlon Utd October 1 lt7t be Jtitra Corporation propoul ouUined taaka bullbull foUOW1

J Dltemination of buried dr~a concantntionl Uaited tiona

4 middot loU bodiiiJa and wll iutallation

s DllteraiMtioD of ground tar flaw pattbullrn

1 lew of nMilU aS pnUaiMIY OOODlllllioaa

011 Oclcllaer 17 117t am i~lltifllted tile Mcillo aite to OOMicler ~late ~ial aatioa to n tM flow of aMaJaala iato tM WlcwndiDI tH aut am per-1 Mt oat Mftnl nd alleoiMnt pillon to cnaruu tM of lMoMte iato ta -- -a ntaited ta aitbull tw ka later to oMok tile pillow and add __ wbltn

18 late OOtolller IUUa Q)rp~Katioll bullt ritb ~ to nfift u on tbe dU to reflrial of tM aru and o 1-t tat aooeu roed am penobullbulll aapleted OOMtruoUoa of tbe toed On r S lt7t allaiiiiJ tbe rwya to berlin

be au Gei_r apany in~ tile aite and witll tbe written pemiuioft of IUtroadlnt U_n drilled ten -itodng wlla uound tM aite by tbe end of ~r lt71 An Mditiond a igbt wlb wra planned for litO pelldint tbe raeulta of tbe neue auney

bt _tic IUrwy and naiatidty atlldy wre ~noecl by rred c But AaXietea in aid-llo-r lt7t beN voul4 4etemine the extent of oontaination at Ute Mcillo fua After OCIIIIIraquoletint tbe initial utnetic Hrwya rt Aaaociatea excate4 teat trencbea on tbe aite to detenine if tben wa any oontaination not dicoftre4 by tbe nabtidty atudy be 10 to U foot tnncMa wn dug in ai4-DactJar to CQIPlete tbe rt field work for tbe llitre aite a-nt effortbull

fore tM utneticnahthity auneya wn bltfun eotal amperdcea r Ute npacke4 ritdda 4ruaa for abis-nt to a -cure landfill in aatty laQ4a

rinally in rly Dacbal Mitre Corporation finalhe4 plana for tM analyab of tbe wll -plea vitb IPA lnrartY aaourcea opany Inc of Cabdd9e tNauehuMtta and the IUKde Island Departaant of Blth Xbontodu (AIDBL) IJIA ecrHned tbe -plea for pdury pollutants RIDBL tested for leac~ pollutantbull in the aoil and otbar lecte4 parteu

be r e-lte of tbll tta a nd alinya to cberectarJM tbe Picillo dta -re dlllhuedl to Mitre COrpontton by ita ubiaontrecton by the end of Jinuary 1110 IY Jenuery 22 ltiO bull total of Ufuen bullotdtodnv bull11bull bullrbull 1natalle4 br ar Oi_r InC 1011 -plea bullrbull tken by Kitn Corporation for aMlyail by IMIfY aurcea Water 1bullbull -re 11110 cbecluled to be taken during tbe k of Jinury n 1110 and aatttad to tbe ccpeny for aMlyail Mitrbull Corporation acGUiredl tbe Hica of Aaron P bull JtM1ft9bull bullbull bull bydroveolotiat oonaultant to tat in deteraininv tbe ground water flow A MP and UnitY bullre llllMitted to Mitre COrporation OD Jenuery 21 1110 to locete new itorial vella

Oft Jenury 27 ltiO ama and Kitre COrporatton Mt to ri tbe rulta obtained to dllte At tllia ung UDIII autbori-4 llitre COrpontion to proceed in Oloping a1ternatbe mlutiona eDit auociatad ooeta for tbe ctan1p of bllurtloua wate at tbe MciUo alta

Odng rbnery 1110 tbe PiaiUo pr-rty bullbull put up fot auatioll for beck taea and nwertad to tbe ftlllm of caU 1M MoiUo property 1a GUnnUy oooupied by a f-lly vitll Gltil4ree aDd ctatia aniaala

Die llitn corpoiatJoa attted bull draft report to ama cludng rbrury 1110 COIIGerDiftl tbllir 1oatioa of tbll aite A find report vea aabe4uled for tbe of bullreb U 1110 be oontanta of tM fiul report would iaalale ~luaiau 00110en1111 tbe utent of oaJoel oontalnatioe bu1tll effefta llpdrolofr _r of buried dra Ulld abll~nt opUone ~tiou wuld 1aa1ude -bullncr Ntioae if bull iDteria aurea 1tiou1 bforution aDil eatialted ooetli

oontrutadnru rr~=~ c= OUin eacattoa of tbll nortbMat trenab on tbll Mitre Corporationa report am UfIOted to find bebleen tO to 210 bernll of beurdoua c_icela

ly ~- 24 ltiO tban 1200 barrelbull r bullxc~~bullated in tbe noitbeeat trenoll and work bullbull terainetad to n bullbullbull tbe dtuation dUll to the ubullxpected nuaber of dnaa once tblty MtOtibullted bull new contrct Jttline n-4 ucabullatton An additional 410 bernla wre tunafured to bulk conta1Mra to M off-aite ay Aupat 20 ltiO the tnnater of bullteriala ftoll tbe nortbealt trench and into new MCUre bunla bullbull atill unMr wey A totl of 1 755 berrela blld been roftd by Aupat In le~r ltiO rtUM ~leted ita ral acthity vitb Olr 2300 drbullbull exczbullbullbulltad frca tbe nortbet trencb l tter the drbull contentbull and bulk liquidbull -re teated tbe weatea betbulln to be 4iapoeed off-aite

Wbilbull tbe bulk clean-up bullbullbull progreinv in July and AU9uat 1tiO RlDIII t vitb arntry lbwn officialbull to prodde Pf09 reportbull on tbe ellCnatton bey dhcued coordination and cuetion procedur in tbe eftnt of bull tte fire Abo in July lJIO arbullt rea14enta forcl an pound 9roup called left OUr Waten (SCif) to bdft9 puure on authOdtiea to baaten clean-up et the PicUlo aita

- 5shy

Wltb tM apprach of autun ltiO Oftl two tbouund traquornl8 of baurctoua bullbullbull~ bM been aacabullate4 at tbe Picillo aite aiDa bullbullbullbull

aontipulnv to cllllaify Nrnla for ~tablllty

buliing and OOMOlidatlnt ol14a

rabulliewing optiona for fiul dhpol of tbe blaardoua ba4 OCIIIIPleted UMI inatalllition af a tiiiiPOIUY on-ite ator ana for r a-berralled iftkCt dnabull

oontinulnt to t nnefac and ra1erral liwida baa U08bullated bauela into intact cure becnla

Nd epproKiMUily 100 aaubullatM Mrnb in uoracy Ror 011 dte

bed _JMtely sooo tbulllloM of aa ace4 in a tank tncll on a alte bull

rna ftcilloa aJIPNl bea been filed in tM bullbull- CDurt to date tiMI otMr saau auUar and Ute n teMntora bll yet to be uw

IIIMIII wck atill - bll 11oM at tbe PicUlo tm tbe alte r-1bull to be _ GMaioala bull1011 Mw S into tbe trouad t be aontalS and tu ot wlla vUbin a Nlf bull11bull ndiua of tJlllt alte bullbullt 1M ocplated

11 vupnm or CM

ftlh oabull b not been 09edy bulllalble in ~ Jaland or in tbe Mltroundiflll eraa be op aite h in a rural erea and doea not bne tba potentiel fOl effectint a lartbull population Jbr at lat the Uut yaer and a half alnct1 tM aite wa 4iecond local ndnta tbOutbt tbllt UDIM bM thll pr~ under control and tUt thll clMn-up would ~nee con Air pollution bullbull perciftd bullbull tbe bull)or prob~ and tbe potential for bulltar pollution vu aot 1m0wn until oontrectora diecored tbt quantity of barrela buried at tbe aite riMlly tbe Mcillo caM 1a Oftr~ bf tbe nitude of waate d~ing and publicity about tbe dangara at other aitea in MDrtll itbfield and nortbern JDode Jaland

ambull officialbull indicbullte tbey ba bad little or no preaaure for bull quick clebulln1p of tbe eite fra eitber tbe local reaidenta or fro adrM publicity in tbe Mdh After on tblln two yeua of whbullt local reaidenta perceifed bullbull relat1 towoerrental inacthty bower tbe ~ra bullffected by tbe bullita decided to fom bulln 2pound troup bullbull OUr Wbulltbulln (SON) to prbullure tbe atate IJOftrrent into cleaniiICJ tbe aita

-shybe ~nity h nov bdnv M naitl-d to tbe 411nteu of tbe Mcillo aita

dtMI to afforta by ICif be lUte of Ialand h curnntly anllysing the fatbUity of a new raHnoir called tM 111 Jiftr noir wbicb would be aubject to contbullinetion fra tbe Picillo dte lbia h baa prow14ed ICif witb a larter biN to attreot attention to tH Mcillo alle ICM h btcca1ng incratngly ectiftl after they aalted tbe tOftrnor of lboN Uland to t and dtiiCI tH oonditioft of tbe alte and be did not laliPOftd tH group Mld a pnaa oonferance to publiciu both the towrnor a rafuAl and tbe danger of tbe tta lbh 1nforut1on ncehed wW in botb tbe atetronic and print ln Mllition aCII h ournntly in contact witb otber ora experianoed and~nUl troutbull ab bullbull Protect oar bulltar CICif) in tlortb bullttbUal4 llbolll leland 8Cif baa rMMatelcl tbeir Sioe on bow to lobby and praaeuft __ntal depertMaU iato ction llleM loGel anbullt~ntal _ b~ the clun-QP delaya on ama and are tryiag to ottQin trter IPA infiOl_nt 1ltlty roeiH UA to be _ Yftlleratandint tban tbe atete about tM u of taanoua bullbullte aitea and eora willing to facilitate a quioi claea1p of tbe Picillo aite

1 lfatl OfOciele

At t11e Ubull of U uploion end fin et tbe Picillo eiQ ~1 officltle did aot lllldentud tM bull~iouentll or tbe aitude of tDt _i119 IM7 did aot btU tbef bed tbe Qobnicel know-bow o~ ta ry fllDdbull fo~ __1107 Cleeft1P end tltue telibllaitbed Ute teek to am A ker load oftioltl dadr19 tate Hdr eut-e of tbe oue lrlbullU aau e tome~ tawn counoun of cDwntry bullbullmiddot ltki blld bullnM liei tetn am lootl neidente in bullttinfl up -nitr _tillft to diecuee P~otr_ bullnd ~-bull ampo alatn up tbe bullitt bullbullmiddot aki beld nplu _tblr _t11191 witb reeidente to di~CUu t-Mnl ~1 i e Aa Ubull wnt on tatebull _U119e tce increeingly preooaupi witll Ute Picillo eitt end 100ft c tO be tbt ~nic~tion conduit bttwen lOCl ~bullbullidente 1nd JOftl~nt In Mty lt71 eft~ tbt oou~t order ampnet Picillo tbt Pnlident of tbt QD91entry ltJwn Council Prrick a obin etUUd unaafully to ta uebull ampnitntttcl e clie11tr u in order to obtein etllte 1nd are Uiportllntly tederel funde for clebulln-vp of tbe lite

2 ltlltt bullnet

aiD bet bMn iMOlwd with the Picillo lite Iince October 3 1177 be ltlltee inwol-nt bee been -ltibullltlcl a it bee 1ttepted to proeecute the tit owner trta8PC)r tere end the ttMratore ot the w11te1 middot bullnd bbulle belped to ditn bulltbode for r-odnt end di8PQiint the illttel wete H etete 11 pureuin~~ lttll action tteintt Werren Y Mcillo Jr out-of-etllte genentor end ral tank ~ bllrrel bellltre be lttel ctM bee bMn M~tlttd into two rt11 tbe Uret cebull egeinet the owner nt to trial on Mey 7 1971 bullnd il not yet ~eeolwd end tbe MCOnd CIM tc)ei nlt the teneretor end tten8POrten 1e etill being dtftloped ftlil dely in bringing e eucceeetul proMCution bee created e Hvere credibility gap blltwtn locel

- 7 shy

naidenta ancl tM nata owe ita ability to alMn P tbe tte Durlnt tbe letty court cbullbullbull little U any site clean-up waa u~rtakan by auta noiaa baeeiiM tbeY ~bt tbe oleu-up oney would ~ froa tbe owner In bindsitbt bOtll local ridenta and IIDIM ofUciela tbink tbia Wlla a atntatio aiatella on tbe pert of tbe atate all tblnlt tNt tbe approprhte atbullnGY abould bllft undertlllan tbe olean1p wbila dbulllUneoualy prOCIIMdint witb tbe Iepl caM ainat Pioillo for tbe oln~p funllla

1wo inoidenta at the aute 11 widened tbe orMibility tbullPmiddot be director of ambull Mr 14 110od adaitted tut bU deprtnt did not tlla tecbnical xpertiM 1n bilu~a bullbullte r_al nor oont1119ancy plana to addraaa tbe prob~ furtber rata tbe aitutlon ~ and atmL wn in tbe aidat of a rortaniutioa witJI rpouibility for beurdoua wau nddint in JlDIII ud foe Wlltt~r protection in ~L lbil norpniution cauS COMUrable tuion blltwMn tbe two depermllftta owr wblcb bM rpouibility for tbe aite c lHn1Pbull C-cb Wllted tbe otber to be r aiPOftlible ) rtally fWIIIa wra not aYaUabla for tbe clean-up for a~at aU -tba It WI 110t until Mercll 1171 tNt bull ~~J~Kial 1t1U bond bNt4 to nibull nooooo for oleelling gp tile Moillo lite Acoordint to am aboUt

middotasnooo baa bMn lflnt to bullu to olean up tile alta

l dFtl ln9lwPt

- I of tM lind_ntal hotantl AIJency bea been inol_ in tiM Mcillo alta froa U befinaing but OCMllAI little until Jll(k) fanda beoa aftilable durlnt ltto bullbullbull baa auiatM ama in oolleOtiDI and analyaiftiJ wedoua _leal aa4 wtar a-pliaa UA b IIOIked at tile alta in alauifyi peokati traB~PCKti middotand atod tM u Noua -1ca1a UA 11 a1ao unv viUt ~ to bOW tbl faderal nay can aid ia fandiDI tbe oant~ olean-up ot tile aite

UA olfiaiaU baft partiaipatMI ia a -r of town unga tbe ICY 11 peneiM br Jooal raa14enta aa tba Oftlr toft~atal nor tbat b tM -y bull r and -t Uportantly tba inclination to olean up sa aite Citbana appau to Mft little faith in RIObull ability to unMrtaH and aoebullafully copleta tbe project

1 Intrt Gfoypt

1 w ~GEM 11ben tM illatal ficillo baaardoubull aiU bullbull diiiCOftrad

1tata and locall officialbull wnt to court to blbullbull Mr 11anan Picillo Jr cleen up tM alt After a year of latal aaneuring tba 1Uta uniiVCCaaaful in proaecuting tba Picillo fbullUy In the intada local ridantbull Wllra willing to lat IJOrnt officiall taka tbe initiatift for claan-ap Attar a yaar and a balf of inaction RIDIM bullbullbull percebed bullbull bulldrat~Jing itbull ftbull and an pound interebullt ~Jroup called laft our Wateu famed in 1lly UIO In addition to prhata indiYiduala tbe trouP includebull lrad Gorhabull abode I1land ltata IA~Jillator and Wayne Luther - JoVn Councilaan Coftntry loth baft i ndicated that they Hrft in the orcjanhation privata citbanbullbull

-shy~n of ICII uny of vboa re ai6Ue cbaa baeoWnen ua direcUy

aUctd br Uir prciaity to tal alt and bad auUared frca ah pollution before tbe aaploeion linea tbe uploaioft tah oonaaru bl abifted to the Nfaty of Uir 4rinlci1WJ waur

trbullttioMl obio or bullnbulli~DUl ~~middot wob bullbull tbe Iiana Club not ~ 1ft90bcl in tbe Moillo oontroeny _r of 801 u not acthely outbt tbe iMOlnt of tbeM troupe tcauM uy bullnt Ute McU~ problbull to roet tbe umot attentia and bullhibility wbicll Cbey belie coul4 only oce tbrougb locel -=tlon

Leedrln of ICM ba oontacUd otber loal arrdr~nUl troupe auclt bullbull in atttlt itbUald wbioh tbey tbiftk can prodde uooeaafal caM biltodel and atnteti aa foe praUUrlniJ tbe fOCnt to clHn up tiM aita - -n alo jo1M4 a rtOMl tfOUP at lrown Ofttnity-ltDelition on ntoua He-to eolioit their aupport in tbe aite o lean-up ba CINUtioD a bulltlllodbull ua eadW ia U middot~n~tion atntetteabull MOtion

Mn are no iftlluautal tc- labor troupe or political perttaa UnoUy inrolw4 ift tH MaiUo OIIM

2 1111

OD a rionltl Mala th attentioe to tbe Molllo aita Ua Uaiamped _ of tM dtaa rote looeUoe ud tile U populetion Ut aold lie affeoted tbil laak of attentiOft b al8o due to U effeaUft taotioe ud bf ou~ 9~ to draw attenUoa to uunoua - ~ in U1~ anabullbull AI oould be expeated Ule local CDftfttry ptplr 91bull bullrbull llfliOII to U prall~ taen n lleS b ~ldeDOe and oUter bullbull atlend altiee ~1 naldenU aaplalnM bat ewry Ubull tae bulltte bullbull UOvn b a teUbulltS report tbe bulltatioaa YS be - tl tapt frca wo n and only tile audio portbull of U retort wa cbanpd wbicb _Uated to U bat U ateUou wre not nally intenated in knovlnv abolat aurnnt oond1Uooa at tbrl alta

be reporUnt b by and larva been balenoecl loth citlbullnbull and shy90ftrntal orvaniHtiona blft ocplei of 1aeacurate or Oftratetad pronoY-nta


A aourc of Intpnudon

ac citlbullnbull the little crtldence to inforaation tanerated by 90ftrnt avencJaa- a-clally RIDDta inforaaUon abOut the Plcillo aita - for tbrl following n onaa

IIDDI 414 not bawe a protrbull for tasting prbate walls aroUnd the situ

-shyAfter an outcry fro locd alUMna UDIII raiPOndecl

tut the ncy wold t t the wella wbicb r14enta

tbolatbt wa iaainent a~ tblln announced tbe ncy

could only tt aix wlla per tbbull

eidenta diec0Wire4 tMt n U a tt wt

ooa~Plillbed curra nt tecbnolo9Y ooul4 identify only

- 11 out of 140 poeaibla _icala 1a tbe tr

CoUCted lea wra epltt betvMn ama and UA Anlllyail of the _te l111Ulte4 iD iDCOUiatant concluaiOM tUt wra not ralea M4 to the public

am ref~Uelted UA to 1 and analyM tbe w lla

but UA could not under take the tk beclluM ita l unda

001114 aot be S tor public beal tb projata

a ftRtt of IetoeUon

_ raaideeta aleo tMugbt tblit am di-JMtiftl ooaflifting

infomatioll ampooel reaideeU add ~ aald tell tt aforta oaol4 not be

put iDto the Maillo eite beoaubull U Uait8d fonda wn tor ua

eritioal titea in otber peru of the atate all bullbull llllrttt itafiaJA

Aoaotdilll to raai6tau am tiOUl4 tblte 90 to llalrtb laitbtiald aad tell

realdeftu tbera tMt fuda Wll not ilable t11eceuee ot odtioel wocll at

Moillo bulln of the abartec of the CNUUon on Noaa at lkGWn

Oftinitr b to e a aitilena tnut atoll Oft tM eooureay of iafomtioft

frca am At 0 u a b ra-onaible for tidftl an te of

wotll --uMa at MOb bullJtbull 1n Mlole 1111an11

In edditton local rea16tnta t l IU 1a tbi taa falM or beoaurat

infomatioa bull-r (UDa) tell ua tbat 110 wlla wn teated bullnil _ found

to M ooetaaiMUd _r they teated 170 wellbull and 10 wn founll to bt t uy bull l UteGOMaiaacd eo itbulla not wMt U MY but wMt tbey don

olUoiala wn paroaiftd abull unwillint to t ell tbe trutl anll kint ery

bullUort to oowr up nality

CDM~erMly UA ofUciala w re perciMd aa people wbo would l el witb

tbe ~nity i nta w rbull UMntoua in wantint Do to undertake tbe

e ntire o lNn--ap _of McUlo

c ltfeeta of lnfOraation on JillbUc

be public would like to belie tUt tbe locl atata and fSral will recotniae tbeautboritiea ba tbe citiHna intereata at burt and

potntial dangerbull of tbe aite and do wUt b neceaMry to bring about a quick

and dable olution to tbe problbull UOat tbrH yean of bearing about bow

tbe dte would be cleaned up b dilliniabed local rident confidence inDue to itator_nt ftlh lo of contidence la4 to tbe creation of SCif

early bullb9bull of deNlopMnt ION ia only capable of a aderate effort in

bringing attention to tbe probl- M tiM voabull on and if the alta is not

cleaned up the pu~lic controny Oftr tbe alta could calata



Alter tM dicoNry of tbe PicUlo aite ul public ttlllbull weu bd4 to diacu tM laue witt abode Ialaftd oUioiala and DA IDCiil rident cdtioibull about tbe wey tbebull tilllbull wre announced (or in bullbullny cabulla not anaounoed) naulted in low rtdent turn-out aidenta allete4 tNt no public IIIKtoe waa ts and tbe oaly wey -ople IIMW about tbe ulll wea by 1110rd1f1011tb be town oouncun auld bullt up bull ung witll tbe appropriate ei~ntal official and tben telepbone lley iftdhiduala in tbe ~ity to announce tbe ung A telepbone pyr-14 alerted indbtduala to tbe tt and pleoe of tbe ung bia ~nicatton networll often prot1-

Qanently under tbe dhation of - an appere ntly aoaeuful e ffort baa been to auure local oittbulln perttoipation at unga witb emh~ntal offioiala ICif 1a alao uaing otber ~tty oqaniutione auob bullbull tbe Gnan 1ablia Library Anoai ation (-nbip 200) to announce unga progre reporta aad poeitioM to looal realdaata


lbe looel realdanta an olurly irrttated about tbe ltate of abode lelaada iaMiUty to alMa IP tbe Pioillo baunklua bullau aite be atate taittUy Vied u foroe bullrna MoiUo to c1n tbe atte tbtollfb aoart aotioo llot __ of delayillf teotica and aUatift f bullnauftn it _ fnatlats in tbia at~ Wben oUiciala o- to tbe rNltution tbat ita aUaten bullbull not worllilll and Mode IaYnd woul4 baft to uaderteke tbe alee Uttla or no at~ wea to coordinate pcooedYr or intom looal nawata _t alee aotiritiea ftlta 1M to nbullnmant by looal reaidenta Wo peroei tbat no actioa bullbull bullint Uken In tact both ama aDd DA were wocUng t1110ufb Uaitedly on tbe OlNft1P aUoct lb ccpound tba aituation tile aattaatea of tbl IUibac of Nrnla of baurdoua weata on tbe atte wen too l~Mfr all concerned _ -tillar aitbar nay will pcoi4e tbra funda f or c lMn-up

  1. barcode 565344
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 565344
Page 4: PICIUD, CDVZNftY, a.)DS IILA!p · After tbe atata letbllitura ,.,. tba Blurdoua ..ate lleMt-nt Aot in Mil reb 1171, elOO, 000 vaa aade a•ailabla for tM Mcillo dte clean-up

be r e-lte of tbll tta a nd alinya to cberectarJM tbe Picillo dta -re dlllhuedl to Mitre COrpontton by ita ubiaontrecton by the end of Jinuary 1110 IY Jenuery 22 ltiO bull total of Ufuen bullotdtodnv bull11bull bullrbull 1natalle4 br ar Oi_r InC 1011 -plea bullrbull tken by Kitn Corporation for aMlyail by IMIfY aurcea Water 1bullbull -re 11110 cbecluled to be taken during tbe k of Jinury n 1110 and aatttad to tbe ccpeny for aMlyail Mitrbull Corporation acGUiredl tbe Hica of Aaron P bull JtM1ft9bull bullbull bull bydroveolotiat oonaultant to tat in deteraininv tbe ground water flow A MP and UnitY bullre llllMitted to Mitre COrporation OD Jenuery 21 1110 to locete new itorial vella

Oft Jenury 27 ltiO ama and Kitre COrporatton Mt to ri tbe rulta obtained to dllte At tllia ung UDIII autbori-4 llitre COrpontion to proceed in Oloping a1ternatbe mlutiona eDit auociatad ooeta for tbe ctan1p of bllurtloua wate at tbe MciUo alta

Odng rbnery 1110 tbe PiaiUo pr-rty bullbull put up fot auatioll for beck taea and nwertad to tbe ftlllm of caU 1M MoiUo property 1a GUnnUy oooupied by a f-lly vitll Gltil4ree aDd ctatia aniaala

Die llitn corpoiatJoa attted bull draft report to ama cludng rbrury 1110 COIIGerDiftl tbllir 1oatioa of tbll aite A find report vea aabe4uled for tbe of bullreb U 1110 be oontanta of tM fiul report would iaalale ~luaiau 00110en1111 tbe utent of oaJoel oontalnatioe bu1tll effefta llpdrolofr _r of buried dra Ulld abll~nt opUone ~tiou wuld 1aa1ude -bullncr Ntioae if bull iDteria aurea 1tiou1 bforution aDil eatialted ooetli

oontrutadnru rr~=~ c= OUin eacattoa of tbll nortbMat trenab on tbll Mitre Corporationa report am UfIOted to find bebleen tO to 210 bernll of beurdoua c_icela

ly ~- 24 ltiO tban 1200 barrelbull r bullxc~~bullated in tbe noitbeeat trenoll and work bullbull terainetad to n bullbullbull tbe dtuation dUll to the ubullxpected nuaber of dnaa once tblty MtOtibullted bull new contrct Jttline n-4 ucabullatton An additional 410 bernla wre tunafured to bulk conta1Mra to M off-aite ay Aupat 20 ltiO the tnnater of bullteriala ftoll tbe nortbealt trench and into new MCUre bunla bullbull atill unMr wey A totl of 1 755 berrela blld been roftd by Aupat In le~r ltiO rtUM ~leted ita ral acthity vitb Olr 2300 drbullbull exczbullbullbulltad frca tbe nortbet trencb l tter the drbull contentbull and bulk liquidbull -re teated tbe weatea betbulln to be 4iapoeed off-aite

Wbilbull tbe bulk clean-up bullbullbull progreinv in July and AU9uat 1tiO RlDIII t vitb arntry lbwn officialbull to prodde Pf09 reportbull on tbe ellCnatton bey dhcued coordination and cuetion procedur in tbe eftnt of bull tte fire Abo in July lJIO arbullt rea14enta forcl an pound 9roup called left OUr Waten (SCif) to bdft9 puure on authOdtiea to baaten clean-up et the PicUlo aita

- 5shy

Wltb tM apprach of autun ltiO Oftl two tbouund traquornl8 of baurctoua bullbullbull~ bM been aacabullate4 at tbe Picillo aite aiDa bullbullbullbull

aontipulnv to cllllaify Nrnla for ~tablllty

buliing and OOMOlidatlnt ol14a

rabulliewing optiona for fiul dhpol of tbe blaardoua ba4 OCIIIIPleted UMI inatalllition af a tiiiiPOIUY on-ite ator ana for r a-berralled iftkCt dnabull

oontinulnt to t nnefac and ra1erral liwida baa U08bullated bauela into intact cure becnla

Nd epproKiMUily 100 aaubullatM Mrnb in uoracy Ror 011 dte

bed _JMtely sooo tbulllloM of aa ace4 in a tank tncll on a alte bull

rna ftcilloa aJIPNl bea been filed in tM bullbull- CDurt to date tiMI otMr saau auUar and Ute n teMntora bll yet to be uw

IIIMIII wck atill - bll 11oM at tbe PicUlo tm tbe alte r-1bull to be _ GMaioala bull1011 Mw S into tbe trouad t be aontalS and tu ot wlla vUbin a Nlf bull11bull ndiua of tJlllt alte bullbullt 1M ocplated

11 vupnm or CM

ftlh oabull b not been 09edy bulllalble in ~ Jaland or in tbe Mltroundiflll eraa be op aite h in a rural erea and doea not bne tba potentiel fOl effectint a lartbull population Jbr at lat the Uut yaer and a half alnct1 tM aite wa 4iecond local ndnta tbOutbt tbllt UDIM bM thll pr~ under control and tUt thll clMn-up would ~nee con Air pollution bullbull perciftd bullbull tbe bull)or prob~ and tbe potential for bulltar pollution vu aot 1m0wn until oontrectora diecored tbt quantity of barrela buried at tbe aite riMlly tbe Mcillo caM 1a Oftr~ bf tbe nitude of waate d~ing and publicity about tbe dangara at other aitea in MDrtll itbfield and nortbern JDode Jaland

ambull officialbull indicbullte tbey ba bad little or no preaaure for bull quick clebulln1p of tbe eite fra eitber tbe local reaidenta or fro adrM publicity in tbe Mdh After on tblln two yeua of whbullt local reaidenta perceifed bullbull relat1 towoerrental inacthty bower tbe ~ra bullffected by tbe bullita decided to fom bulln 2pound troup bullbull OUr Wbulltbulln (SON) to prbullure tbe atate IJOftrrent into cleaniiICJ tbe aita

-shybe ~nity h nov bdnv M naitl-d to tbe 411nteu of tbe Mcillo aita

dtMI to afforta by ICif be lUte of Ialand h curnntly anllysing the fatbUity of a new raHnoir called tM 111 Jiftr noir wbicb would be aubject to contbullinetion fra tbe Picillo dte lbia h baa prow14ed ICif witb a larter biN to attreot attention to tH Mcillo alle ICM h btcca1ng incratngly ectiftl after they aalted tbe tOftrnor of lboN Uland to t and dtiiCI tH oonditioft of tbe alte and be did not laliPOftd tH group Mld a pnaa oonferance to publiciu both the towrnor a rafuAl and tbe danger of tbe tta lbh 1nforut1on ncehed wW in botb tbe atetronic and print ln Mllition aCII h ournntly in contact witb otber ora experianoed and~nUl troutbull ab bullbull Protect oar bulltar CICif) in tlortb bullttbUal4 llbolll leland 8Cif baa rMMatelcl tbeir Sioe on bow to lobby and praaeuft __ntal depertMaU iato ction llleM loGel anbullt~ntal _ b~ the clun-QP delaya on ama and are tryiag to ottQin trter IPA infiOl_nt 1ltlty roeiH UA to be _ Yftlleratandint tban tbe atete about tM u of taanoua bullbullte aitea and eora willing to facilitate a quioi claea1p of tbe Picillo aite

1 lfatl OfOciele

At t11e Ubull of U uploion end fin et tbe Picillo eiQ ~1 officltle did aot lllldentud tM bull~iouentll or tbe aitude of tDt _i119 IM7 did aot btU tbef bed tbe Qobnicel know-bow o~ ta ry fllDdbull fo~ __1107 Cleeft1P end tltue telibllaitbed Ute teek to am A ker load oftioltl dadr19 tate Hdr eut-e of tbe oue lrlbullU aau e tome~ tawn counoun of cDwntry bullbullmiddot ltki blld bullnM liei tetn am lootl neidente in bullttinfl up -nitr _tillft to diecuee P~otr_ bullnd ~-bull ampo alatn up tbe bullitt bullbullmiddot aki beld nplu _tblr _t11191 witb reeidente to di~CUu t-Mnl ~1 i e Aa Ubull wnt on tatebull _U119e tce increeingly preooaupi witll Ute Picillo eitt end 100ft c tO be tbt ~nic~tion conduit bttwen lOCl ~bullbullidente 1nd JOftl~nt In Mty lt71 eft~ tbt oou~t order ampnet Picillo tbt Pnlident of tbt QD91entry ltJwn Council Prrick a obin etUUd unaafully to ta uebull ampnitntttcl e clie11tr u in order to obtein etllte 1nd are Uiportllntly tederel funde for clebulln-vp of tbe lite

2 ltlltt bullnet

aiD bet bMn iMOlwd with the Picillo lite Iince October 3 1177 be ltlltee inwol-nt bee been -ltibullltlcl a it bee 1ttepted to proeecute the tit owner trta8PC)r tere end the ttMratore ot the w11te1 middot bullnd bbulle belped to ditn bulltbode for r-odnt end di8PQiint the illttel wete H etete 11 pureuin~~ lttll action tteintt Werren Y Mcillo Jr out-of-etllte genentor end ral tank ~ bllrrel bellltre be lttel ctM bee bMn M~tlttd into two rt11 tbe Uret cebull egeinet the owner nt to trial on Mey 7 1971 bullnd il not yet ~eeolwd end tbe MCOnd CIM tc)ei nlt the teneretor end tten8POrten 1e etill being dtftloped ftlil dely in bringing e eucceeetul proMCution bee created e Hvere credibility gap blltwtn locel

- 7 shy

naidenta ancl tM nata owe ita ability to alMn P tbe tte Durlnt tbe letty court cbullbullbull little U any site clean-up waa u~rtakan by auta noiaa baeeiiM tbeY ~bt tbe oleu-up oney would ~ froa tbe owner In bindsitbt bOtll local ridenta and IIDIM ofUciela tbink tbia Wlla a atntatio aiatella on tbe pert of tbe atate all tblnlt tNt tbe approprhte atbullnGY abould bllft undertlllan tbe olean1p wbila dbulllUneoualy prOCIIMdint witb tbe Iepl caM ainat Pioillo for tbe oln~p funllla

1wo inoidenta at the aute 11 widened tbe orMibility tbullPmiddot be director of ambull Mr 14 110od adaitted tut bU deprtnt did not tlla tecbnical xpertiM 1n bilu~a bullbullte r_al nor oont1119ancy plana to addraaa tbe prob~ furtber rata tbe aitutlon ~ and atmL wn in tbe aidat of a rortaniutioa witJI rpouibility for beurdoua wau nddint in JlDIII ud foe Wlltt~r protection in ~L lbil norpniution cauS COMUrable tuion blltwMn tbe two depermllftta owr wblcb bM rpouibility for tbe aite c lHn1Pbull C-cb Wllted tbe otber to be r aiPOftlible ) rtally fWIIIa wra not aYaUabla for tbe clean-up for a~at aU -tba It WI 110t until Mercll 1171 tNt bull ~~J~Kial 1t1U bond bNt4 to nibull nooooo for oleelling gp tile Moillo lite Acoordint to am aboUt

middotasnooo baa bMn lflnt to bullu to olean up tile alta

l dFtl ln9lwPt

- I of tM lind_ntal hotantl AIJency bea been inol_ in tiM Mcillo alta froa U befinaing but OCMllAI little until Jll(k) fanda beoa aftilable durlnt ltto bullbullbull baa auiatM ama in oolleOtiDI and analyaiftiJ wedoua _leal aa4 wtar a-pliaa UA b IIOIked at tile alta in alauifyi peokati traB~PCKti middotand atod tM u Noua -1ca1a UA 11 a1ao unv viUt ~ to bOW tbl faderal nay can aid ia fandiDI tbe oant~ olean-up ot tile aite

UA olfiaiaU baft partiaipatMI ia a -r of town unga tbe ICY 11 peneiM br Jooal raa14enta aa tba Oftlr toft~atal nor tbat b tM -y bull r and -t Uportantly tba inclination to olean up sa aite Citbana appau to Mft little faith in RIObull ability to unMrtaH and aoebullafully copleta tbe project

1 Intrt Gfoypt

1 w ~GEM 11ben tM illatal ficillo baaardoubull aiU bullbull diiiCOftrad

1tata and locall officialbull wnt to court to blbullbull Mr 11anan Picillo Jr cleen up tM alt After a year of latal aaneuring tba 1Uta uniiVCCaaaful in proaecuting tba Picillo fbullUy In the intada local ridantbull Wllra willing to lat IJOrnt officiall taka tbe initiatift for claan-ap Attar a yaar and a balf of inaction RIDIM bullbullbull percebed bullbull bulldrat~Jing itbull ftbull and an pound interebullt ~Jroup called laft our Wateu famed in 1lly UIO In addition to prhata indiYiduala tbe trouP includebull lrad Gorhabull abode I1land ltata IA~Jillator and Wayne Luther - JoVn Councilaan Coftntry loth baft i ndicated that they Hrft in the orcjanhation privata citbanbullbull

-shy~n of ICII uny of vboa re ai6Ue cbaa baeoWnen ua direcUy

aUctd br Uir prciaity to tal alt and bad auUared frca ah pollution before tbe aaploeion linea tbe uploaioft tah oonaaru bl abifted to the Nfaty of Uir 4rinlci1WJ waur

trbullttioMl obio or bullnbulli~DUl ~~middot wob bullbull tbe Iiana Club not ~ 1ft90bcl in tbe Moillo oontroeny _r of 801 u not acthely outbt tbe iMOlnt of tbeM troupe tcauM uy bullnt Ute McU~ problbull to roet tbe umot attentia and bullhibility wbicll Cbey belie coul4 only oce tbrougb locel -=tlon

Leedrln of ICM ba oontacUd otber loal arrdr~nUl troupe auclt bullbull in atttlt itbUald wbioh tbey tbiftk can prodde uooeaafal caM biltodel and atnteti aa foe praUUrlniJ tbe fOCnt to clHn up tiM aita - -n alo jo1M4 a rtOMl tfOUP at lrown Ofttnity-ltDelition on ntoua He-to eolioit their aupport in tbe aite o lean-up ba CINUtioD a bulltlllodbull ua eadW ia U middot~n~tion atntetteabull MOtion

Mn are no iftlluautal tc- labor troupe or political perttaa UnoUy inrolw4 ift tH MaiUo OIIM

2 1111

OD a rionltl Mala th attentioe to tbe Molllo aita Ua Uaiamped _ of tM dtaa rote looeUoe ud tile U populetion Ut aold lie affeoted tbil laak of attentiOft b al8o due to U effeaUft taotioe ud bf ou~ 9~ to draw attenUoa to uunoua - ~ in U1~ anabullbull AI oould be expeated Ule local CDftfttry ptplr 91bull bullrbull llfliOII to U prall~ taen n lleS b ~ldeDOe and oUter bullbull atlend altiee ~1 naldenU aaplalnM bat ewry Ubull tae bulltte bullbull UOvn b a teUbulltS report tbe bulltatioaa YS be - tl tapt frca wo n and only tile audio portbull of U retort wa cbanpd wbicb _Uated to U bat U ateUou wre not nally intenated in knovlnv abolat aurnnt oond1Uooa at tbrl alta

be reporUnt b by and larva been balenoecl loth citlbullnbull and shy90ftrntal orvaniHtiona blft ocplei of 1aeacurate or Oftratetad pronoY-nta


A aourc of Intpnudon

ac citlbullnbull the little crtldence to inforaation tanerated by 90ftrnt avencJaa- a-clally RIDDta inforaaUon abOut the Plcillo aita - for tbrl following n onaa

IIDDI 414 not bawe a protrbull for tasting prbate walls aroUnd the situ

-shyAfter an outcry fro locd alUMna UDIII raiPOndecl

tut the ncy wold t t the wella wbicb r14enta

tbolatbt wa iaainent a~ tblln announced tbe ncy

could only tt aix wlla per tbbull

eidenta diec0Wire4 tMt n U a tt wt

ooa~Plillbed curra nt tecbnolo9Y ooul4 identify only

- 11 out of 140 poeaibla _icala 1a tbe tr

CoUCted lea wra epltt betvMn ama and UA Anlllyail of the _te l111Ulte4 iD iDCOUiatant concluaiOM tUt wra not ralea M4 to the public

am ref~Uelted UA to 1 and analyM tbe w lla

but UA could not under take the tk beclluM ita l unda

001114 aot be S tor public beal tb projata

a ftRtt of IetoeUon

_ raaideeta aleo tMugbt tblit am di-JMtiftl ooaflifting

infomatioll ampooel reaideeU add ~ aald tell tt aforta oaol4 not be

put iDto the Maillo eite beoaubull U Uait8d fonda wn tor ua

eritioal titea in otber peru of the atate all bullbull llllrttt itafiaJA

Aoaotdilll to raai6tau am tiOUl4 tblte 90 to llalrtb laitbtiald aad tell

realdeftu tbera tMt fuda Wll not ilable t11eceuee ot odtioel wocll at

Moillo bulln of the abartec of the CNUUon on Noaa at lkGWn

Oftinitr b to e a aitilena tnut atoll Oft tM eooureay of iafomtioft

frca am At 0 u a b ra-onaible for tidftl an te of

wotll --uMa at MOb bullJtbull 1n Mlole 1111an11

In edditton local rea16tnta t l IU 1a tbi taa falM or beoaurat

infomatioa bull-r (UDa) tell ua tbat 110 wlla wn teated bullnil _ found

to M ooetaaiMUd _r they teated 170 wellbull and 10 wn founll to bt t uy bull l UteGOMaiaacd eo itbulla not wMt U MY but wMt tbey don

olUoiala wn paroaiftd abull unwillint to t ell tbe trutl anll kint ery

bullUort to oowr up nality

CDM~erMly UA ofUciala w re perciMd aa people wbo would l el witb

tbe ~nity i nta w rbull UMntoua in wantint Do to undertake tbe

e ntire o lNn--ap _of McUlo

c ltfeeta of lnfOraation on JillbUc

be public would like to belie tUt tbe locl atata and fSral will recotniae tbeautboritiea ba tbe citiHna intereata at burt and

potntial dangerbull of tbe aite and do wUt b neceaMry to bring about a quick

and dable olution to tbe problbull UOat tbrH yean of bearing about bow

tbe dte would be cleaned up b dilliniabed local rident confidence inDue to itator_nt ftlh lo of contidence la4 to tbe creation of SCif

early bullb9bull of deNlopMnt ION ia only capable of a aderate effort in

bringing attention to tbe probl- M tiM voabull on and if the alta is not

cleaned up the pu~lic controny Oftr tbe alta could calata



Alter tM dicoNry of tbe PicUlo aite ul public ttlllbull weu bd4 to diacu tM laue witt abode Ialaftd oUioiala and DA IDCiil rident cdtioibull about tbe wey tbebull tilllbull wre announced (or in bullbullny cabulla not anaounoed) naulted in low rtdent turn-out aidenta allete4 tNt no public IIIKtoe waa ts and tbe oaly wey -ople IIMW about tbe ulll wea by 1110rd1f1011tb be town oouncun auld bullt up bull ung witll tbe appropriate ei~ntal official and tben telepbone lley iftdhiduala in tbe ~ity to announce tbe ung A telepbone pyr-14 alerted indbtduala to tbe tt and pleoe of tbe ung bia ~nicatton networll often prot1-

Qanently under tbe dhation of - an appere ntly aoaeuful e ffort baa been to auure local oittbulln perttoipation at unga witb emh~ntal offioiala ICif 1a alao uaing otber ~tty oqaniutione auob bullbull tbe Gnan 1ablia Library Anoai ation (-nbip 200) to announce unga progre reporta aad poeitioM to looal realdaata


lbe looel realdanta an olurly irrttated about tbe ltate of abode lelaada iaMiUty to alMa IP tbe Pioillo baunklua bullau aite be atate taittUy Vied u foroe bullrna MoiUo to c1n tbe atte tbtollfb aoart aotioo llot __ of delayillf teotica and aUatift f bullnauftn it _ fnatlats in tbia at~ Wben oUiciala o- to tbe rNltution tbat ita aUaten bullbull not worllilll and Mode IaYnd woul4 baft to uaderteke tbe alee Uttla or no at~ wea to coordinate pcooedYr or intom looal nawata _t alee aotiritiea ftlta 1M to nbullnmant by looal reaidenta Wo peroei tbat no actioa bullbull bullint Uken In tact both ama aDd DA were wocUng t1110ufb Uaitedly on tbe OlNft1P aUoct lb ccpound tba aituation tile aattaatea of tbl IUibac of Nrnla of baurdoua weata on tbe atte wen too l~Mfr all concerned _ -tillar aitbar nay will pcoi4e tbra funda f or c lMn-up

  1. barcode 565344
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 565344
Page 5: PICIUD, CDVZNftY, a.)DS IILA!p · After tbe atata letbllitura ,.,. tba Blurdoua ..ate lleMt-nt Aot in Mil reb 1171, elOO, 000 vaa aade a•ailabla for tM Mcillo dte clean-up

- 5shy

Wltb tM apprach of autun ltiO Oftl two tbouund traquornl8 of baurctoua bullbullbull~ bM been aacabullate4 at tbe Picillo aite aiDa bullbullbullbull

aontipulnv to cllllaify Nrnla for ~tablllty

buliing and OOMOlidatlnt ol14a

rabulliewing optiona for fiul dhpol of tbe blaardoua ba4 OCIIIIPleted UMI inatalllition af a tiiiiPOIUY on-ite ator ana for r a-berralled iftkCt dnabull

oontinulnt to t nnefac and ra1erral liwida baa U08bullated bauela into intact cure becnla

Nd epproKiMUily 100 aaubullatM Mrnb in uoracy Ror 011 dte

bed _JMtely sooo tbulllloM of aa ace4 in a tank tncll on a alte bull

rna ftcilloa aJIPNl bea been filed in tM bullbull- CDurt to date tiMI otMr saau auUar and Ute n teMntora bll yet to be uw

IIIMIII wck atill - bll 11oM at tbe PicUlo tm tbe alte r-1bull to be _ GMaioala bull1011 Mw S into tbe trouad t be aontalS and tu ot wlla vUbin a Nlf bull11bull ndiua of tJlllt alte bullbullt 1M ocplated

11 vupnm or CM

ftlh oabull b not been 09edy bulllalble in ~ Jaland or in tbe Mltroundiflll eraa be op aite h in a rural erea and doea not bne tba potentiel fOl effectint a lartbull population Jbr at lat the Uut yaer and a half alnct1 tM aite wa 4iecond local ndnta tbOutbt tbllt UDIM bM thll pr~ under control and tUt thll clMn-up would ~nee con Air pollution bullbull perciftd bullbull tbe bull)or prob~ and tbe potential for bulltar pollution vu aot 1m0wn until oontrectora diecored tbt quantity of barrela buried at tbe aite riMlly tbe Mcillo caM 1a Oftr~ bf tbe nitude of waate d~ing and publicity about tbe dangara at other aitea in MDrtll itbfield and nortbern JDode Jaland

ambull officialbull indicbullte tbey ba bad little or no preaaure for bull quick clebulln1p of tbe eite fra eitber tbe local reaidenta or fro adrM publicity in tbe Mdh After on tblln two yeua of whbullt local reaidenta perceifed bullbull relat1 towoerrental inacthty bower tbe ~ra bullffected by tbe bullita decided to fom bulln 2pound troup bullbull OUr Wbulltbulln (SON) to prbullure tbe atate IJOftrrent into cleaniiICJ tbe aita

-shybe ~nity h nov bdnv M naitl-d to tbe 411nteu of tbe Mcillo aita

dtMI to afforta by ICif be lUte of Ialand h curnntly anllysing the fatbUity of a new raHnoir called tM 111 Jiftr noir wbicb would be aubject to contbullinetion fra tbe Picillo dte lbia h baa prow14ed ICif witb a larter biN to attreot attention to tH Mcillo alle ICM h btcca1ng incratngly ectiftl after they aalted tbe tOftrnor of lboN Uland to t and dtiiCI tH oonditioft of tbe alte and be did not laliPOftd tH group Mld a pnaa oonferance to publiciu both the towrnor a rafuAl and tbe danger of tbe tta lbh 1nforut1on ncehed wW in botb tbe atetronic and print ln Mllition aCII h ournntly in contact witb otber ora experianoed and~nUl troutbull ab bullbull Protect oar bulltar CICif) in tlortb bullttbUal4 llbolll leland 8Cif baa rMMatelcl tbeir Sioe on bow to lobby and praaeuft __ntal depertMaU iato ction llleM loGel anbullt~ntal _ b~ the clun-QP delaya on ama and are tryiag to ottQin trter IPA infiOl_nt 1ltlty roeiH UA to be _ Yftlleratandint tban tbe atete about tM u of taanoua bullbullte aitea and eora willing to facilitate a quioi claea1p of tbe Picillo aite

1 lfatl OfOciele

At t11e Ubull of U uploion end fin et tbe Picillo eiQ ~1 officltle did aot lllldentud tM bull~iouentll or tbe aitude of tDt _i119 IM7 did aot btU tbef bed tbe Qobnicel know-bow o~ ta ry fllDdbull fo~ __1107 Cleeft1P end tltue telibllaitbed Ute teek to am A ker load oftioltl dadr19 tate Hdr eut-e of tbe oue lrlbullU aau e tome~ tawn counoun of cDwntry bullbullmiddot ltki blld bullnM liei tetn am lootl neidente in bullttinfl up -nitr _tillft to diecuee P~otr_ bullnd ~-bull ampo alatn up tbe bullitt bullbullmiddot aki beld nplu _tblr _t11191 witb reeidente to di~CUu t-Mnl ~1 i e Aa Ubull wnt on tatebull _U119e tce increeingly preooaupi witll Ute Picillo eitt end 100ft c tO be tbt ~nic~tion conduit bttwen lOCl ~bullbullidente 1nd JOftl~nt In Mty lt71 eft~ tbt oou~t order ampnet Picillo tbt Pnlident of tbt QD91entry ltJwn Council Prrick a obin etUUd unaafully to ta uebull ampnitntttcl e clie11tr u in order to obtein etllte 1nd are Uiportllntly tederel funde for clebulln-vp of tbe lite

2 ltlltt bullnet

aiD bet bMn iMOlwd with the Picillo lite Iince October 3 1177 be ltlltee inwol-nt bee been -ltibullltlcl a it bee 1ttepted to proeecute the tit owner trta8PC)r tere end the ttMratore ot the w11te1 middot bullnd bbulle belped to ditn bulltbode for r-odnt end di8PQiint the illttel wete H etete 11 pureuin~~ lttll action tteintt Werren Y Mcillo Jr out-of-etllte genentor end ral tank ~ bllrrel bellltre be lttel ctM bee bMn M~tlttd into two rt11 tbe Uret cebull egeinet the owner nt to trial on Mey 7 1971 bullnd il not yet ~eeolwd end tbe MCOnd CIM tc)ei nlt the teneretor end tten8POrten 1e etill being dtftloped ftlil dely in bringing e eucceeetul proMCution bee created e Hvere credibility gap blltwtn locel

- 7 shy

naidenta ancl tM nata owe ita ability to alMn P tbe tte Durlnt tbe letty court cbullbullbull little U any site clean-up waa u~rtakan by auta noiaa baeeiiM tbeY ~bt tbe oleu-up oney would ~ froa tbe owner In bindsitbt bOtll local ridenta and IIDIM ofUciela tbink tbia Wlla a atntatio aiatella on tbe pert of tbe atate all tblnlt tNt tbe approprhte atbullnGY abould bllft undertlllan tbe olean1p wbila dbulllUneoualy prOCIIMdint witb tbe Iepl caM ainat Pioillo for tbe oln~p funllla

1wo inoidenta at the aute 11 widened tbe orMibility tbullPmiddot be director of ambull Mr 14 110od adaitted tut bU deprtnt did not tlla tecbnical xpertiM 1n bilu~a bullbullte r_al nor oont1119ancy plana to addraaa tbe prob~ furtber rata tbe aitutlon ~ and atmL wn in tbe aidat of a rortaniutioa witJI rpouibility for beurdoua wau nddint in JlDIII ud foe Wlltt~r protection in ~L lbil norpniution cauS COMUrable tuion blltwMn tbe two depermllftta owr wblcb bM rpouibility for tbe aite c lHn1Pbull C-cb Wllted tbe otber to be r aiPOftlible ) rtally fWIIIa wra not aYaUabla for tbe clean-up for a~at aU -tba It WI 110t until Mercll 1171 tNt bull ~~J~Kial 1t1U bond bNt4 to nibull nooooo for oleelling gp tile Moillo lite Acoordint to am aboUt

middotasnooo baa bMn lflnt to bullu to olean up tile alta

l dFtl ln9lwPt

- I of tM lind_ntal hotantl AIJency bea been inol_ in tiM Mcillo alta froa U befinaing but OCMllAI little until Jll(k) fanda beoa aftilable durlnt ltto bullbullbull baa auiatM ama in oolleOtiDI and analyaiftiJ wedoua _leal aa4 wtar a-pliaa UA b IIOIked at tile alta in alauifyi peokati traB~PCKti middotand atod tM u Noua -1ca1a UA 11 a1ao unv viUt ~ to bOW tbl faderal nay can aid ia fandiDI tbe oant~ olean-up ot tile aite

UA olfiaiaU baft partiaipatMI ia a -r of town unga tbe ICY 11 peneiM br Jooal raa14enta aa tba Oftlr toft~atal nor tbat b tM -y bull r and -t Uportantly tba inclination to olean up sa aite Citbana appau to Mft little faith in RIObull ability to unMrtaH and aoebullafully copleta tbe project

1 Intrt Gfoypt

1 w ~GEM 11ben tM illatal ficillo baaardoubull aiU bullbull diiiCOftrad

1tata and locall officialbull wnt to court to blbullbull Mr 11anan Picillo Jr cleen up tM alt After a year of latal aaneuring tba 1Uta uniiVCCaaaful in proaecuting tba Picillo fbullUy In the intada local ridantbull Wllra willing to lat IJOrnt officiall taka tbe initiatift for claan-ap Attar a yaar and a balf of inaction RIDIM bullbullbull percebed bullbull bulldrat~Jing itbull ftbull and an pound interebullt ~Jroup called laft our Wateu famed in 1lly UIO In addition to prhata indiYiduala tbe trouP includebull lrad Gorhabull abode I1land ltata IA~Jillator and Wayne Luther - JoVn Councilaan Coftntry loth baft i ndicated that they Hrft in the orcjanhation privata citbanbullbull

-shy~n of ICII uny of vboa re ai6Ue cbaa baeoWnen ua direcUy

aUctd br Uir prciaity to tal alt and bad auUared frca ah pollution before tbe aaploeion linea tbe uploaioft tah oonaaru bl abifted to the Nfaty of Uir 4rinlci1WJ waur

trbullttioMl obio or bullnbulli~DUl ~~middot wob bullbull tbe Iiana Club not ~ 1ft90bcl in tbe Moillo oontroeny _r of 801 u not acthely outbt tbe iMOlnt of tbeM troupe tcauM uy bullnt Ute McU~ problbull to roet tbe umot attentia and bullhibility wbicll Cbey belie coul4 only oce tbrougb locel -=tlon

Leedrln of ICM ba oontacUd otber loal arrdr~nUl troupe auclt bullbull in atttlt itbUald wbioh tbey tbiftk can prodde uooeaafal caM biltodel and atnteti aa foe praUUrlniJ tbe fOCnt to clHn up tiM aita - -n alo jo1M4 a rtOMl tfOUP at lrown Ofttnity-ltDelition on ntoua He-to eolioit their aupport in tbe aite o lean-up ba CINUtioD a bulltlllodbull ua eadW ia U middot~n~tion atntetteabull MOtion

Mn are no iftlluautal tc- labor troupe or political perttaa UnoUy inrolw4 ift tH MaiUo OIIM

2 1111

OD a rionltl Mala th attentioe to tbe Molllo aita Ua Uaiamped _ of tM dtaa rote looeUoe ud tile U populetion Ut aold lie affeoted tbil laak of attentiOft b al8o due to U effeaUft taotioe ud bf ou~ 9~ to draw attenUoa to uunoua - ~ in U1~ anabullbull AI oould be expeated Ule local CDftfttry ptplr 91bull bullrbull llfliOII to U prall~ taen n lleS b ~ldeDOe and oUter bullbull atlend altiee ~1 naldenU aaplalnM bat ewry Ubull tae bulltte bullbull UOvn b a teUbulltS report tbe bulltatioaa YS be - tl tapt frca wo n and only tile audio portbull of U retort wa cbanpd wbicb _Uated to U bat U ateUou wre not nally intenated in knovlnv abolat aurnnt oond1Uooa at tbrl alta

be reporUnt b by and larva been balenoecl loth citlbullnbull and shy90ftrntal orvaniHtiona blft ocplei of 1aeacurate or Oftratetad pronoY-nta


A aourc of Intpnudon

ac citlbullnbull the little crtldence to inforaation tanerated by 90ftrnt avencJaa- a-clally RIDDta inforaaUon abOut the Plcillo aita - for tbrl following n onaa

IIDDI 414 not bawe a protrbull for tasting prbate walls aroUnd the situ

-shyAfter an outcry fro locd alUMna UDIII raiPOndecl

tut the ncy wold t t the wella wbicb r14enta

tbolatbt wa iaainent a~ tblln announced tbe ncy

could only tt aix wlla per tbbull

eidenta diec0Wire4 tMt n U a tt wt

ooa~Plillbed curra nt tecbnolo9Y ooul4 identify only

- 11 out of 140 poeaibla _icala 1a tbe tr

CoUCted lea wra epltt betvMn ama and UA Anlllyail of the _te l111Ulte4 iD iDCOUiatant concluaiOM tUt wra not ralea M4 to the public

am ref~Uelted UA to 1 and analyM tbe w lla

but UA could not under take the tk beclluM ita l unda

001114 aot be S tor public beal tb projata

a ftRtt of IetoeUon

_ raaideeta aleo tMugbt tblit am di-JMtiftl ooaflifting

infomatioll ampooel reaideeU add ~ aald tell tt aforta oaol4 not be

put iDto the Maillo eite beoaubull U Uait8d fonda wn tor ua

eritioal titea in otber peru of the atate all bullbull llllrttt itafiaJA

Aoaotdilll to raai6tau am tiOUl4 tblte 90 to llalrtb laitbtiald aad tell

realdeftu tbera tMt fuda Wll not ilable t11eceuee ot odtioel wocll at

Moillo bulln of the abartec of the CNUUon on Noaa at lkGWn

Oftinitr b to e a aitilena tnut atoll Oft tM eooureay of iafomtioft

frca am At 0 u a b ra-onaible for tidftl an te of

wotll --uMa at MOb bullJtbull 1n Mlole 1111an11

In edditton local rea16tnta t l IU 1a tbi taa falM or beoaurat

infomatioa bull-r (UDa) tell ua tbat 110 wlla wn teated bullnil _ found

to M ooetaaiMUd _r they teated 170 wellbull and 10 wn founll to bt t uy bull l UteGOMaiaacd eo itbulla not wMt U MY but wMt tbey don

olUoiala wn paroaiftd abull unwillint to t ell tbe trutl anll kint ery

bullUort to oowr up nality

CDM~erMly UA ofUciala w re perciMd aa people wbo would l el witb

tbe ~nity i nta w rbull UMntoua in wantint Do to undertake tbe

e ntire o lNn--ap _of McUlo

c ltfeeta of lnfOraation on JillbUc

be public would like to belie tUt tbe locl atata and fSral will recotniae tbeautboritiea ba tbe citiHna intereata at burt and

potntial dangerbull of tbe aite and do wUt b neceaMry to bring about a quick

and dable olution to tbe problbull UOat tbrH yean of bearing about bow

tbe dte would be cleaned up b dilliniabed local rident confidence inDue to itator_nt ftlh lo of contidence la4 to tbe creation of SCif

early bullb9bull of deNlopMnt ION ia only capable of a aderate effort in

bringing attention to tbe probl- M tiM voabull on and if the alta is not

cleaned up the pu~lic controny Oftr tbe alta could calata



Alter tM dicoNry of tbe PicUlo aite ul public ttlllbull weu bd4 to diacu tM laue witt abode Ialaftd oUioiala and DA IDCiil rident cdtioibull about tbe wey tbebull tilllbull wre announced (or in bullbullny cabulla not anaounoed) naulted in low rtdent turn-out aidenta allete4 tNt no public IIIKtoe waa ts and tbe oaly wey -ople IIMW about tbe ulll wea by 1110rd1f1011tb be town oouncun auld bullt up bull ung witll tbe appropriate ei~ntal official and tben telepbone lley iftdhiduala in tbe ~ity to announce tbe ung A telepbone pyr-14 alerted indbtduala to tbe tt and pleoe of tbe ung bia ~nicatton networll often prot1-

Qanently under tbe dhation of - an appere ntly aoaeuful e ffort baa been to auure local oittbulln perttoipation at unga witb emh~ntal offioiala ICif 1a alao uaing otber ~tty oqaniutione auob bullbull tbe Gnan 1ablia Library Anoai ation (-nbip 200) to announce unga progre reporta aad poeitioM to looal realdaata


lbe looel realdanta an olurly irrttated about tbe ltate of abode lelaada iaMiUty to alMa IP tbe Pioillo baunklua bullau aite be atate taittUy Vied u foroe bullrna MoiUo to c1n tbe atte tbtollfb aoart aotioo llot __ of delayillf teotica and aUatift f bullnauftn it _ fnatlats in tbia at~ Wben oUiciala o- to tbe rNltution tbat ita aUaten bullbull not worllilll and Mode IaYnd woul4 baft to uaderteke tbe alee Uttla or no at~ wea to coordinate pcooedYr or intom looal nawata _t alee aotiritiea ftlta 1M to nbullnmant by looal reaidenta Wo peroei tbat no actioa bullbull bullint Uken In tact both ama aDd DA were wocUng t1110ufb Uaitedly on tbe OlNft1P aUoct lb ccpound tba aituation tile aattaatea of tbl IUibac of Nrnla of baurdoua weata on tbe atte wen too l~Mfr all concerned _ -tillar aitbar nay will pcoi4e tbra funda f or c lMn-up

  1. barcode 565344
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 565344
Page 6: PICIUD, CDVZNftY, a.)DS IILA!p · After tbe atata letbllitura ,.,. tba Blurdoua ..ate lleMt-nt Aot in Mil reb 1171, elOO, 000 vaa aade a•ailabla for tM Mcillo dte clean-up

-shybe ~nity h nov bdnv M naitl-d to tbe 411nteu of tbe Mcillo aita

dtMI to afforta by ICif be lUte of Ialand h curnntly anllysing the fatbUity of a new raHnoir called tM 111 Jiftr noir wbicb would be aubject to contbullinetion fra tbe Picillo dte lbia h baa prow14ed ICif witb a larter biN to attreot attention to tH Mcillo alle ICM h btcca1ng incratngly ectiftl after they aalted tbe tOftrnor of lboN Uland to t and dtiiCI tH oonditioft of tbe alte and be did not laliPOftd tH group Mld a pnaa oonferance to publiciu both the towrnor a rafuAl and tbe danger of tbe tta lbh 1nforut1on ncehed wW in botb tbe atetronic and print ln Mllition aCII h ournntly in contact witb otber ora experianoed and~nUl troutbull ab bullbull Protect oar bulltar CICif) in tlortb bullttbUal4 llbolll leland 8Cif baa rMMatelcl tbeir Sioe on bow to lobby and praaeuft __ntal depertMaU iato ction llleM loGel anbullt~ntal _ b~ the clun-QP delaya on ama and are tryiag to ottQin trter IPA infiOl_nt 1ltlty roeiH UA to be _ Yftlleratandint tban tbe atete about tM u of taanoua bullbullte aitea and eora willing to facilitate a quioi claea1p of tbe Picillo aite

1 lfatl OfOciele

At t11e Ubull of U uploion end fin et tbe Picillo eiQ ~1 officltle did aot lllldentud tM bull~iouentll or tbe aitude of tDt _i119 IM7 did aot btU tbef bed tbe Qobnicel know-bow o~ ta ry fllDdbull fo~ __1107 Cleeft1P end tltue telibllaitbed Ute teek to am A ker load oftioltl dadr19 tate Hdr eut-e of tbe oue lrlbullU aau e tome~ tawn counoun of cDwntry bullbullmiddot ltki blld bullnM liei tetn am lootl neidente in bullttinfl up -nitr _tillft to diecuee P~otr_ bullnd ~-bull ampo alatn up tbe bullitt bullbullmiddot aki beld nplu _tblr _t11191 witb reeidente to di~CUu t-Mnl ~1 i e Aa Ubull wnt on tatebull _U119e tce increeingly preooaupi witll Ute Picillo eitt end 100ft c tO be tbt ~nic~tion conduit bttwen lOCl ~bullbullidente 1nd JOftl~nt In Mty lt71 eft~ tbt oou~t order ampnet Picillo tbt Pnlident of tbt QD91entry ltJwn Council Prrick a obin etUUd unaafully to ta uebull ampnitntttcl e clie11tr u in order to obtein etllte 1nd are Uiportllntly tederel funde for clebulln-vp of tbe lite

2 ltlltt bullnet

aiD bet bMn iMOlwd with the Picillo lite Iince October 3 1177 be ltlltee inwol-nt bee been -ltibullltlcl a it bee 1ttepted to proeecute the tit owner trta8PC)r tere end the ttMratore ot the w11te1 middot bullnd bbulle belped to ditn bulltbode for r-odnt end di8PQiint the illttel wete H etete 11 pureuin~~ lttll action tteintt Werren Y Mcillo Jr out-of-etllte genentor end ral tank ~ bllrrel bellltre be lttel ctM bee bMn M~tlttd into two rt11 tbe Uret cebull egeinet the owner nt to trial on Mey 7 1971 bullnd il not yet ~eeolwd end tbe MCOnd CIM tc)ei nlt the teneretor end tten8POrten 1e etill being dtftloped ftlil dely in bringing e eucceeetul proMCution bee created e Hvere credibility gap blltwtn locel

- 7 shy

naidenta ancl tM nata owe ita ability to alMn P tbe tte Durlnt tbe letty court cbullbullbull little U any site clean-up waa u~rtakan by auta noiaa baeeiiM tbeY ~bt tbe oleu-up oney would ~ froa tbe owner In bindsitbt bOtll local ridenta and IIDIM ofUciela tbink tbia Wlla a atntatio aiatella on tbe pert of tbe atate all tblnlt tNt tbe approprhte atbullnGY abould bllft undertlllan tbe olean1p wbila dbulllUneoualy prOCIIMdint witb tbe Iepl caM ainat Pioillo for tbe oln~p funllla

1wo inoidenta at the aute 11 widened tbe orMibility tbullPmiddot be director of ambull Mr 14 110od adaitted tut bU deprtnt did not tlla tecbnical xpertiM 1n bilu~a bullbullte r_al nor oont1119ancy plana to addraaa tbe prob~ furtber rata tbe aitutlon ~ and atmL wn in tbe aidat of a rortaniutioa witJI rpouibility for beurdoua wau nddint in JlDIII ud foe Wlltt~r protection in ~L lbil norpniution cauS COMUrable tuion blltwMn tbe two depermllftta owr wblcb bM rpouibility for tbe aite c lHn1Pbull C-cb Wllted tbe otber to be r aiPOftlible ) rtally fWIIIa wra not aYaUabla for tbe clean-up for a~at aU -tba It WI 110t until Mercll 1171 tNt bull ~~J~Kial 1t1U bond bNt4 to nibull nooooo for oleelling gp tile Moillo lite Acoordint to am aboUt

middotasnooo baa bMn lflnt to bullu to olean up tile alta

l dFtl ln9lwPt

- I of tM lind_ntal hotantl AIJency bea been inol_ in tiM Mcillo alta froa U befinaing but OCMllAI little until Jll(k) fanda beoa aftilable durlnt ltto bullbullbull baa auiatM ama in oolleOtiDI and analyaiftiJ wedoua _leal aa4 wtar a-pliaa UA b IIOIked at tile alta in alauifyi peokati traB~PCKti middotand atod tM u Noua -1ca1a UA 11 a1ao unv viUt ~ to bOW tbl faderal nay can aid ia fandiDI tbe oant~ olean-up ot tile aite

UA olfiaiaU baft partiaipatMI ia a -r of town unga tbe ICY 11 peneiM br Jooal raa14enta aa tba Oftlr toft~atal nor tbat b tM -y bull r and -t Uportantly tba inclination to olean up sa aite Citbana appau to Mft little faith in RIObull ability to unMrtaH and aoebullafully copleta tbe project

1 Intrt Gfoypt

1 w ~GEM 11ben tM illatal ficillo baaardoubull aiU bullbull diiiCOftrad

1tata and locall officialbull wnt to court to blbullbull Mr 11anan Picillo Jr cleen up tM alt After a year of latal aaneuring tba 1Uta uniiVCCaaaful in proaecuting tba Picillo fbullUy In the intada local ridantbull Wllra willing to lat IJOrnt officiall taka tbe initiatift for claan-ap Attar a yaar and a balf of inaction RIDIM bullbullbull percebed bullbull bulldrat~Jing itbull ftbull and an pound interebullt ~Jroup called laft our Wateu famed in 1lly UIO In addition to prhata indiYiduala tbe trouP includebull lrad Gorhabull abode I1land ltata IA~Jillator and Wayne Luther - JoVn Councilaan Coftntry loth baft i ndicated that they Hrft in the orcjanhation privata citbanbullbull

-shy~n of ICII uny of vboa re ai6Ue cbaa baeoWnen ua direcUy

aUctd br Uir prciaity to tal alt and bad auUared frca ah pollution before tbe aaploeion linea tbe uploaioft tah oonaaru bl abifted to the Nfaty of Uir 4rinlci1WJ waur

trbullttioMl obio or bullnbulli~DUl ~~middot wob bullbull tbe Iiana Club not ~ 1ft90bcl in tbe Moillo oontroeny _r of 801 u not acthely outbt tbe iMOlnt of tbeM troupe tcauM uy bullnt Ute McU~ problbull to roet tbe umot attentia and bullhibility wbicll Cbey belie coul4 only oce tbrougb locel -=tlon

Leedrln of ICM ba oontacUd otber loal arrdr~nUl troupe auclt bullbull in atttlt itbUald wbioh tbey tbiftk can prodde uooeaafal caM biltodel and atnteti aa foe praUUrlniJ tbe fOCnt to clHn up tiM aita - -n alo jo1M4 a rtOMl tfOUP at lrown Ofttnity-ltDelition on ntoua He-to eolioit their aupport in tbe aite o lean-up ba CINUtioD a bulltlllodbull ua eadW ia U middot~n~tion atntetteabull MOtion

Mn are no iftlluautal tc- labor troupe or political perttaa UnoUy inrolw4 ift tH MaiUo OIIM

2 1111

OD a rionltl Mala th attentioe to tbe Molllo aita Ua Uaiamped _ of tM dtaa rote looeUoe ud tile U populetion Ut aold lie affeoted tbil laak of attentiOft b al8o due to U effeaUft taotioe ud bf ou~ 9~ to draw attenUoa to uunoua - ~ in U1~ anabullbull AI oould be expeated Ule local CDftfttry ptplr 91bull bullrbull llfliOII to U prall~ taen n lleS b ~ldeDOe and oUter bullbull atlend altiee ~1 naldenU aaplalnM bat ewry Ubull tae bulltte bullbull UOvn b a teUbulltS report tbe bulltatioaa YS be - tl tapt frca wo n and only tile audio portbull of U retort wa cbanpd wbicb _Uated to U bat U ateUou wre not nally intenated in knovlnv abolat aurnnt oond1Uooa at tbrl alta

be reporUnt b by and larva been balenoecl loth citlbullnbull and shy90ftrntal orvaniHtiona blft ocplei of 1aeacurate or Oftratetad pronoY-nta


A aourc of Intpnudon

ac citlbullnbull the little crtldence to inforaation tanerated by 90ftrnt avencJaa- a-clally RIDDta inforaaUon abOut the Plcillo aita - for tbrl following n onaa

IIDDI 414 not bawe a protrbull for tasting prbate walls aroUnd the situ

-shyAfter an outcry fro locd alUMna UDIII raiPOndecl

tut the ncy wold t t the wella wbicb r14enta

tbolatbt wa iaainent a~ tblln announced tbe ncy

could only tt aix wlla per tbbull

eidenta diec0Wire4 tMt n U a tt wt

ooa~Plillbed curra nt tecbnolo9Y ooul4 identify only

- 11 out of 140 poeaibla _icala 1a tbe tr

CoUCted lea wra epltt betvMn ama and UA Anlllyail of the _te l111Ulte4 iD iDCOUiatant concluaiOM tUt wra not ralea M4 to the public

am ref~Uelted UA to 1 and analyM tbe w lla

but UA could not under take the tk beclluM ita l unda

001114 aot be S tor public beal tb projata

a ftRtt of IetoeUon

_ raaideeta aleo tMugbt tblit am di-JMtiftl ooaflifting

infomatioll ampooel reaideeU add ~ aald tell tt aforta oaol4 not be

put iDto the Maillo eite beoaubull U Uait8d fonda wn tor ua

eritioal titea in otber peru of the atate all bullbull llllrttt itafiaJA

Aoaotdilll to raai6tau am tiOUl4 tblte 90 to llalrtb laitbtiald aad tell

realdeftu tbera tMt fuda Wll not ilable t11eceuee ot odtioel wocll at

Moillo bulln of the abartec of the CNUUon on Noaa at lkGWn

Oftinitr b to e a aitilena tnut atoll Oft tM eooureay of iafomtioft

frca am At 0 u a b ra-onaible for tidftl an te of

wotll --uMa at MOb bullJtbull 1n Mlole 1111an11

In edditton local rea16tnta t l IU 1a tbi taa falM or beoaurat

infomatioa bull-r (UDa) tell ua tbat 110 wlla wn teated bullnil _ found

to M ooetaaiMUd _r they teated 170 wellbull and 10 wn founll to bt t uy bull l UteGOMaiaacd eo itbulla not wMt U MY but wMt tbey don

olUoiala wn paroaiftd abull unwillint to t ell tbe trutl anll kint ery

bullUort to oowr up nality

CDM~erMly UA ofUciala w re perciMd aa people wbo would l el witb

tbe ~nity i nta w rbull UMntoua in wantint Do to undertake tbe

e ntire o lNn--ap _of McUlo

c ltfeeta of lnfOraation on JillbUc

be public would like to belie tUt tbe locl atata and fSral will recotniae tbeautboritiea ba tbe citiHna intereata at burt and

potntial dangerbull of tbe aite and do wUt b neceaMry to bring about a quick

and dable olution to tbe problbull UOat tbrH yean of bearing about bow

tbe dte would be cleaned up b dilliniabed local rident confidence inDue to itator_nt ftlh lo of contidence la4 to tbe creation of SCif

early bullb9bull of deNlopMnt ION ia only capable of a aderate effort in

bringing attention to tbe probl- M tiM voabull on and if the alta is not

cleaned up the pu~lic controny Oftr tbe alta could calata



Alter tM dicoNry of tbe PicUlo aite ul public ttlllbull weu bd4 to diacu tM laue witt abode Ialaftd oUioiala and DA IDCiil rident cdtioibull about tbe wey tbebull tilllbull wre announced (or in bullbullny cabulla not anaounoed) naulted in low rtdent turn-out aidenta allete4 tNt no public IIIKtoe waa ts and tbe oaly wey -ople IIMW about tbe ulll wea by 1110rd1f1011tb be town oouncun auld bullt up bull ung witll tbe appropriate ei~ntal official and tben telepbone lley iftdhiduala in tbe ~ity to announce tbe ung A telepbone pyr-14 alerted indbtduala to tbe tt and pleoe of tbe ung bia ~nicatton networll often prot1-

Qanently under tbe dhation of - an appere ntly aoaeuful e ffort baa been to auure local oittbulln perttoipation at unga witb emh~ntal offioiala ICif 1a alao uaing otber ~tty oqaniutione auob bullbull tbe Gnan 1ablia Library Anoai ation (-nbip 200) to announce unga progre reporta aad poeitioM to looal realdaata


lbe looel realdanta an olurly irrttated about tbe ltate of abode lelaada iaMiUty to alMa IP tbe Pioillo baunklua bullau aite be atate taittUy Vied u foroe bullrna MoiUo to c1n tbe atte tbtollfb aoart aotioo llot __ of delayillf teotica and aUatift f bullnauftn it _ fnatlats in tbia at~ Wben oUiciala o- to tbe rNltution tbat ita aUaten bullbull not worllilll and Mode IaYnd woul4 baft to uaderteke tbe alee Uttla or no at~ wea to coordinate pcooedYr or intom looal nawata _t alee aotiritiea ftlta 1M to nbullnmant by looal reaidenta Wo peroei tbat no actioa bullbull bullint Uken In tact both ama aDd DA were wocUng t1110ufb Uaitedly on tbe OlNft1P aUoct lb ccpound tba aituation tile aattaatea of tbl IUibac of Nrnla of baurdoua weata on tbe atte wen too l~Mfr all concerned _ -tillar aitbar nay will pcoi4e tbra funda f or c lMn-up

  1. barcode 565344
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 565344
Page 7: PICIUD, CDVZNftY, a.)DS IILA!p · After tbe atata letbllitura ,.,. tba Blurdoua ..ate lleMt-nt Aot in Mil reb 1171, elOO, 000 vaa aade a•ailabla for tM Mcillo dte clean-up

- 7 shy

naidenta ancl tM nata owe ita ability to alMn P tbe tte Durlnt tbe letty court cbullbullbull little U any site clean-up waa u~rtakan by auta noiaa baeeiiM tbeY ~bt tbe oleu-up oney would ~ froa tbe owner In bindsitbt bOtll local ridenta and IIDIM ofUciela tbink tbia Wlla a atntatio aiatella on tbe pert of tbe atate all tblnlt tNt tbe approprhte atbullnGY abould bllft undertlllan tbe olean1p wbila dbulllUneoualy prOCIIMdint witb tbe Iepl caM ainat Pioillo for tbe oln~p funllla

1wo inoidenta at the aute 11 widened tbe orMibility tbullPmiddot be director of ambull Mr 14 110od adaitted tut bU deprtnt did not tlla tecbnical xpertiM 1n bilu~a bullbullte r_al nor oont1119ancy plana to addraaa tbe prob~ furtber rata tbe aitutlon ~ and atmL wn in tbe aidat of a rortaniutioa witJI rpouibility for beurdoua wau nddint in JlDIII ud foe Wlltt~r protection in ~L lbil norpniution cauS COMUrable tuion blltwMn tbe two depermllftta owr wblcb bM rpouibility for tbe aite c lHn1Pbull C-cb Wllted tbe otber to be r aiPOftlible ) rtally fWIIIa wra not aYaUabla for tbe clean-up for a~at aU -tba It WI 110t until Mercll 1171 tNt bull ~~J~Kial 1t1U bond bNt4 to nibull nooooo for oleelling gp tile Moillo lite Acoordint to am aboUt

middotasnooo baa bMn lflnt to bullu to olean up tile alta

l dFtl ln9lwPt

- I of tM lind_ntal hotantl AIJency bea been inol_ in tiM Mcillo alta froa U befinaing but OCMllAI little until Jll(k) fanda beoa aftilable durlnt ltto bullbullbull baa auiatM ama in oolleOtiDI and analyaiftiJ wedoua _leal aa4 wtar a-pliaa UA b IIOIked at tile alta in alauifyi peokati traB~PCKti middotand atod tM u Noua -1ca1a UA 11 a1ao unv viUt ~ to bOW tbl faderal nay can aid ia fandiDI tbe oant~ olean-up ot tile aite

UA olfiaiaU baft partiaipatMI ia a -r of town unga tbe ICY 11 peneiM br Jooal raa14enta aa tba Oftlr toft~atal nor tbat b tM -y bull r and -t Uportantly tba inclination to olean up sa aite Citbana appau to Mft little faith in RIObull ability to unMrtaH and aoebullafully copleta tbe project

1 Intrt Gfoypt

1 w ~GEM 11ben tM illatal ficillo baaardoubull aiU bullbull diiiCOftrad

1tata and locall officialbull wnt to court to blbullbull Mr 11anan Picillo Jr cleen up tM alt After a year of latal aaneuring tba 1Uta uniiVCCaaaful in proaecuting tba Picillo fbullUy In the intada local ridantbull Wllra willing to lat IJOrnt officiall taka tbe initiatift for claan-ap Attar a yaar and a balf of inaction RIDIM bullbullbull percebed bullbull bulldrat~Jing itbull ftbull and an pound interebullt ~Jroup called laft our Wateu famed in 1lly UIO In addition to prhata indiYiduala tbe trouP includebull lrad Gorhabull abode I1land ltata IA~Jillator and Wayne Luther - JoVn Councilaan Coftntry loth baft i ndicated that they Hrft in the orcjanhation privata citbanbullbull

-shy~n of ICII uny of vboa re ai6Ue cbaa baeoWnen ua direcUy

aUctd br Uir prciaity to tal alt and bad auUared frca ah pollution before tbe aaploeion linea tbe uploaioft tah oonaaru bl abifted to the Nfaty of Uir 4rinlci1WJ waur

trbullttioMl obio or bullnbulli~DUl ~~middot wob bullbull tbe Iiana Club not ~ 1ft90bcl in tbe Moillo oontroeny _r of 801 u not acthely outbt tbe iMOlnt of tbeM troupe tcauM uy bullnt Ute McU~ problbull to roet tbe umot attentia and bullhibility wbicll Cbey belie coul4 only oce tbrougb locel -=tlon

Leedrln of ICM ba oontacUd otber loal arrdr~nUl troupe auclt bullbull in atttlt itbUald wbioh tbey tbiftk can prodde uooeaafal caM biltodel and atnteti aa foe praUUrlniJ tbe fOCnt to clHn up tiM aita - -n alo jo1M4 a rtOMl tfOUP at lrown Ofttnity-ltDelition on ntoua He-to eolioit their aupport in tbe aite o lean-up ba CINUtioD a bulltlllodbull ua eadW ia U middot~n~tion atntetteabull MOtion

Mn are no iftlluautal tc- labor troupe or political perttaa UnoUy inrolw4 ift tH MaiUo OIIM

2 1111

OD a rionltl Mala th attentioe to tbe Molllo aita Ua Uaiamped _ of tM dtaa rote looeUoe ud tile U populetion Ut aold lie affeoted tbil laak of attentiOft b al8o due to U effeaUft taotioe ud bf ou~ 9~ to draw attenUoa to uunoua - ~ in U1~ anabullbull AI oould be expeated Ule local CDftfttry ptplr 91bull bullrbull llfliOII to U prall~ taen n lleS b ~ldeDOe and oUter bullbull atlend altiee ~1 naldenU aaplalnM bat ewry Ubull tae bulltte bullbull UOvn b a teUbulltS report tbe bulltatioaa YS be - tl tapt frca wo n and only tile audio portbull of U retort wa cbanpd wbicb _Uated to U bat U ateUou wre not nally intenated in knovlnv abolat aurnnt oond1Uooa at tbrl alta

be reporUnt b by and larva been balenoecl loth citlbullnbull and shy90ftrntal orvaniHtiona blft ocplei of 1aeacurate or Oftratetad pronoY-nta


A aourc of Intpnudon

ac citlbullnbull the little crtldence to inforaation tanerated by 90ftrnt avencJaa- a-clally RIDDta inforaaUon abOut the Plcillo aita - for tbrl following n onaa

IIDDI 414 not bawe a protrbull for tasting prbate walls aroUnd the situ

-shyAfter an outcry fro locd alUMna UDIII raiPOndecl

tut the ncy wold t t the wella wbicb r14enta

tbolatbt wa iaainent a~ tblln announced tbe ncy

could only tt aix wlla per tbbull

eidenta diec0Wire4 tMt n U a tt wt

ooa~Plillbed curra nt tecbnolo9Y ooul4 identify only

- 11 out of 140 poeaibla _icala 1a tbe tr

CoUCted lea wra epltt betvMn ama and UA Anlllyail of the _te l111Ulte4 iD iDCOUiatant concluaiOM tUt wra not ralea M4 to the public

am ref~Uelted UA to 1 and analyM tbe w lla

but UA could not under take the tk beclluM ita l unda

001114 aot be S tor public beal tb projata

a ftRtt of IetoeUon

_ raaideeta aleo tMugbt tblit am di-JMtiftl ooaflifting

infomatioll ampooel reaideeU add ~ aald tell tt aforta oaol4 not be

put iDto the Maillo eite beoaubull U Uait8d fonda wn tor ua

eritioal titea in otber peru of the atate all bullbull llllrttt itafiaJA

Aoaotdilll to raai6tau am tiOUl4 tblte 90 to llalrtb laitbtiald aad tell

realdeftu tbera tMt fuda Wll not ilable t11eceuee ot odtioel wocll at

Moillo bulln of the abartec of the CNUUon on Noaa at lkGWn

Oftinitr b to e a aitilena tnut atoll Oft tM eooureay of iafomtioft

frca am At 0 u a b ra-onaible for tidftl an te of

wotll --uMa at MOb bullJtbull 1n Mlole 1111an11

In edditton local rea16tnta t l IU 1a tbi taa falM or beoaurat

infomatioa bull-r (UDa) tell ua tbat 110 wlla wn teated bullnil _ found

to M ooetaaiMUd _r they teated 170 wellbull and 10 wn founll to bt t uy bull l UteGOMaiaacd eo itbulla not wMt U MY but wMt tbey don

olUoiala wn paroaiftd abull unwillint to t ell tbe trutl anll kint ery

bullUort to oowr up nality

CDM~erMly UA ofUciala w re perciMd aa people wbo would l el witb

tbe ~nity i nta w rbull UMntoua in wantint Do to undertake tbe

e ntire o lNn--ap _of McUlo

c ltfeeta of lnfOraation on JillbUc

be public would like to belie tUt tbe locl atata and fSral will recotniae tbeautboritiea ba tbe citiHna intereata at burt and

potntial dangerbull of tbe aite and do wUt b neceaMry to bring about a quick

and dable olution to tbe problbull UOat tbrH yean of bearing about bow

tbe dte would be cleaned up b dilliniabed local rident confidence inDue to itator_nt ftlh lo of contidence la4 to tbe creation of SCif

early bullb9bull of deNlopMnt ION ia only capable of a aderate effort in

bringing attention to tbe probl- M tiM voabull on and if the alta is not

cleaned up the pu~lic controny Oftr tbe alta could calata



Alter tM dicoNry of tbe PicUlo aite ul public ttlllbull weu bd4 to diacu tM laue witt abode Ialaftd oUioiala and DA IDCiil rident cdtioibull about tbe wey tbebull tilllbull wre announced (or in bullbullny cabulla not anaounoed) naulted in low rtdent turn-out aidenta allete4 tNt no public IIIKtoe waa ts and tbe oaly wey -ople IIMW about tbe ulll wea by 1110rd1f1011tb be town oouncun auld bullt up bull ung witll tbe appropriate ei~ntal official and tben telepbone lley iftdhiduala in tbe ~ity to announce tbe ung A telepbone pyr-14 alerted indbtduala to tbe tt and pleoe of tbe ung bia ~nicatton networll often prot1-

Qanently under tbe dhation of - an appere ntly aoaeuful e ffort baa been to auure local oittbulln perttoipation at unga witb emh~ntal offioiala ICif 1a alao uaing otber ~tty oqaniutione auob bullbull tbe Gnan 1ablia Library Anoai ation (-nbip 200) to announce unga progre reporta aad poeitioM to looal realdaata


lbe looel realdanta an olurly irrttated about tbe ltate of abode lelaada iaMiUty to alMa IP tbe Pioillo baunklua bullau aite be atate taittUy Vied u foroe bullrna MoiUo to c1n tbe atte tbtollfb aoart aotioo llot __ of delayillf teotica and aUatift f bullnauftn it _ fnatlats in tbia at~ Wben oUiciala o- to tbe rNltution tbat ita aUaten bullbull not worllilll and Mode IaYnd woul4 baft to uaderteke tbe alee Uttla or no at~ wea to coordinate pcooedYr or intom looal nawata _t alee aotiritiea ftlta 1M to nbullnmant by looal reaidenta Wo peroei tbat no actioa bullbull bullint Uken In tact both ama aDd DA were wocUng t1110ufb Uaitedly on tbe OlNft1P aUoct lb ccpound tba aituation tile aattaatea of tbl IUibac of Nrnla of baurdoua weata on tbe atte wen too l~Mfr all concerned _ -tillar aitbar nay will pcoi4e tbra funda f or c lMn-up

  1. barcode 565344
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 565344
Page 8: PICIUD, CDVZNftY, a.)DS IILA!p · After tbe atata letbllitura ,.,. tba Blurdoua ..ate lleMt-nt Aot in Mil reb 1171, elOO, 000 vaa aade a•ailabla for tM Mcillo dte clean-up

-shy~n of ICII uny of vboa re ai6Ue cbaa baeoWnen ua direcUy

aUctd br Uir prciaity to tal alt and bad auUared frca ah pollution before tbe aaploeion linea tbe uploaioft tah oonaaru bl abifted to the Nfaty of Uir 4rinlci1WJ waur

trbullttioMl obio or bullnbulli~DUl ~~middot wob bullbull tbe Iiana Club not ~ 1ft90bcl in tbe Moillo oontroeny _r of 801 u not acthely outbt tbe iMOlnt of tbeM troupe tcauM uy bullnt Ute McU~ problbull to roet tbe umot attentia and bullhibility wbicll Cbey belie coul4 only oce tbrougb locel -=tlon

Leedrln of ICM ba oontacUd otber loal arrdr~nUl troupe auclt bullbull in atttlt itbUald wbioh tbey tbiftk can prodde uooeaafal caM biltodel and atnteti aa foe praUUrlniJ tbe fOCnt to clHn up tiM aita - -n alo jo1M4 a rtOMl tfOUP at lrown Ofttnity-ltDelition on ntoua He-to eolioit their aupport in tbe aite o lean-up ba CINUtioD a bulltlllodbull ua eadW ia U middot~n~tion atntetteabull MOtion

Mn are no iftlluautal tc- labor troupe or political perttaa UnoUy inrolw4 ift tH MaiUo OIIM

2 1111

OD a rionltl Mala th attentioe to tbe Molllo aita Ua Uaiamped _ of tM dtaa rote looeUoe ud tile U populetion Ut aold lie affeoted tbil laak of attentiOft b al8o due to U effeaUft taotioe ud bf ou~ 9~ to draw attenUoa to uunoua - ~ in U1~ anabullbull AI oould be expeated Ule local CDftfttry ptplr 91bull bullrbull llfliOII to U prall~ taen n lleS b ~ldeDOe and oUter bullbull atlend altiee ~1 naldenU aaplalnM bat ewry Ubull tae bulltte bullbull UOvn b a teUbulltS report tbe bulltatioaa YS be - tl tapt frca wo n and only tile audio portbull of U retort wa cbanpd wbicb _Uated to U bat U ateUou wre not nally intenated in knovlnv abolat aurnnt oond1Uooa at tbrl alta

be reporUnt b by and larva been balenoecl loth citlbullnbull and shy90ftrntal orvaniHtiona blft ocplei of 1aeacurate or Oftratetad pronoY-nta


A aourc of Intpnudon

ac citlbullnbull the little crtldence to inforaation tanerated by 90ftrnt avencJaa- a-clally RIDDta inforaaUon abOut the Plcillo aita - for tbrl following n onaa

IIDDI 414 not bawe a protrbull for tasting prbate walls aroUnd the situ

-shyAfter an outcry fro locd alUMna UDIII raiPOndecl

tut the ncy wold t t the wella wbicb r14enta

tbolatbt wa iaainent a~ tblln announced tbe ncy

could only tt aix wlla per tbbull

eidenta diec0Wire4 tMt n U a tt wt

ooa~Plillbed curra nt tecbnolo9Y ooul4 identify only

- 11 out of 140 poeaibla _icala 1a tbe tr

CoUCted lea wra epltt betvMn ama and UA Anlllyail of the _te l111Ulte4 iD iDCOUiatant concluaiOM tUt wra not ralea M4 to the public

am ref~Uelted UA to 1 and analyM tbe w lla

but UA could not under take the tk beclluM ita l unda

001114 aot be S tor public beal tb projata

a ftRtt of IetoeUon

_ raaideeta aleo tMugbt tblit am di-JMtiftl ooaflifting

infomatioll ampooel reaideeU add ~ aald tell tt aforta oaol4 not be

put iDto the Maillo eite beoaubull U Uait8d fonda wn tor ua

eritioal titea in otber peru of the atate all bullbull llllrttt itafiaJA

Aoaotdilll to raai6tau am tiOUl4 tblte 90 to llalrtb laitbtiald aad tell

realdeftu tbera tMt fuda Wll not ilable t11eceuee ot odtioel wocll at

Moillo bulln of the abartec of the CNUUon on Noaa at lkGWn

Oftinitr b to e a aitilena tnut atoll Oft tM eooureay of iafomtioft

frca am At 0 u a b ra-onaible for tidftl an te of

wotll --uMa at MOb bullJtbull 1n Mlole 1111an11

In edditton local rea16tnta t l IU 1a tbi taa falM or beoaurat

infomatioa bull-r (UDa) tell ua tbat 110 wlla wn teated bullnil _ found

to M ooetaaiMUd _r they teated 170 wellbull and 10 wn founll to bt t uy bull l UteGOMaiaacd eo itbulla not wMt U MY but wMt tbey don

olUoiala wn paroaiftd abull unwillint to t ell tbe trutl anll kint ery

bullUort to oowr up nality

CDM~erMly UA ofUciala w re perciMd aa people wbo would l el witb

tbe ~nity i nta w rbull UMntoua in wantint Do to undertake tbe

e ntire o lNn--ap _of McUlo

c ltfeeta of lnfOraation on JillbUc

be public would like to belie tUt tbe locl atata and fSral will recotniae tbeautboritiea ba tbe citiHna intereata at burt and

potntial dangerbull of tbe aite and do wUt b neceaMry to bring about a quick

and dable olution to tbe problbull UOat tbrH yean of bearing about bow

tbe dte would be cleaned up b dilliniabed local rident confidence inDue to itator_nt ftlh lo of contidence la4 to tbe creation of SCif

early bullb9bull of deNlopMnt ION ia only capable of a aderate effort in

bringing attention to tbe probl- M tiM voabull on and if the alta is not

cleaned up the pu~lic controny Oftr tbe alta could calata



Alter tM dicoNry of tbe PicUlo aite ul public ttlllbull weu bd4 to diacu tM laue witt abode Ialaftd oUioiala and DA IDCiil rident cdtioibull about tbe wey tbebull tilllbull wre announced (or in bullbullny cabulla not anaounoed) naulted in low rtdent turn-out aidenta allete4 tNt no public IIIKtoe waa ts and tbe oaly wey -ople IIMW about tbe ulll wea by 1110rd1f1011tb be town oouncun auld bullt up bull ung witll tbe appropriate ei~ntal official and tben telepbone lley iftdhiduala in tbe ~ity to announce tbe ung A telepbone pyr-14 alerted indbtduala to tbe tt and pleoe of tbe ung bia ~nicatton networll often prot1-

Qanently under tbe dhation of - an appere ntly aoaeuful e ffort baa been to auure local oittbulln perttoipation at unga witb emh~ntal offioiala ICif 1a alao uaing otber ~tty oqaniutione auob bullbull tbe Gnan 1ablia Library Anoai ation (-nbip 200) to announce unga progre reporta aad poeitioM to looal realdaata


lbe looel realdanta an olurly irrttated about tbe ltate of abode lelaada iaMiUty to alMa IP tbe Pioillo baunklua bullau aite be atate taittUy Vied u foroe bullrna MoiUo to c1n tbe atte tbtollfb aoart aotioo llot __ of delayillf teotica and aUatift f bullnauftn it _ fnatlats in tbia at~ Wben oUiciala o- to tbe rNltution tbat ita aUaten bullbull not worllilll and Mode IaYnd woul4 baft to uaderteke tbe alee Uttla or no at~ wea to coordinate pcooedYr or intom looal nawata _t alee aotiritiea ftlta 1M to nbullnmant by looal reaidenta Wo peroei tbat no actioa bullbull bullint Uken In tact both ama aDd DA were wocUng t1110ufb Uaitedly on tbe OlNft1P aUoct lb ccpound tba aituation tile aattaatea of tbl IUibac of Nrnla of baurdoua weata on tbe atte wen too l~Mfr all concerned _ -tillar aitbar nay will pcoi4e tbra funda f or c lMn-up

  1. barcode 565344
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 565344
Page 9: PICIUD, CDVZNftY, a.)DS IILA!p · After tbe atata letbllitura ,.,. tba Blurdoua ..ate lleMt-nt Aot in Mil reb 1171, elOO, 000 vaa aade a•ailabla for tM Mcillo dte clean-up

-shyAfter an outcry fro locd alUMna UDIII raiPOndecl

tut the ncy wold t t the wella wbicb r14enta

tbolatbt wa iaainent a~ tblln announced tbe ncy

could only tt aix wlla per tbbull

eidenta diec0Wire4 tMt n U a tt wt

ooa~Plillbed curra nt tecbnolo9Y ooul4 identify only

- 11 out of 140 poeaibla _icala 1a tbe tr

CoUCted lea wra epltt betvMn ama and UA Anlllyail of the _te l111Ulte4 iD iDCOUiatant concluaiOM tUt wra not ralea M4 to the public

am ref~Uelted UA to 1 and analyM tbe w lla

but UA could not under take the tk beclluM ita l unda

001114 aot be S tor public beal tb projata

a ftRtt of IetoeUon

_ raaideeta aleo tMugbt tblit am di-JMtiftl ooaflifting

infomatioll ampooel reaideeU add ~ aald tell tt aforta oaol4 not be

put iDto the Maillo eite beoaubull U Uait8d fonda wn tor ua

eritioal titea in otber peru of the atate all bullbull llllrttt itafiaJA

Aoaotdilll to raai6tau am tiOUl4 tblte 90 to llalrtb laitbtiald aad tell

realdeftu tbera tMt fuda Wll not ilable t11eceuee ot odtioel wocll at

Moillo bulln of the abartec of the CNUUon on Noaa at lkGWn

Oftinitr b to e a aitilena tnut atoll Oft tM eooureay of iafomtioft

frca am At 0 u a b ra-onaible for tidftl an te of

wotll --uMa at MOb bullJtbull 1n Mlole 1111an11

In edditton local rea16tnta t l IU 1a tbi taa falM or beoaurat

infomatioa bull-r (UDa) tell ua tbat 110 wlla wn teated bullnil _ found

to M ooetaaiMUd _r they teated 170 wellbull and 10 wn founll to bt t uy bull l UteGOMaiaacd eo itbulla not wMt U MY but wMt tbey don

olUoiala wn paroaiftd abull unwillint to t ell tbe trutl anll kint ery

bullUort to oowr up nality

CDM~erMly UA ofUciala w re perciMd aa people wbo would l el witb

tbe ~nity i nta w rbull UMntoua in wantint Do to undertake tbe

e ntire o lNn--ap _of McUlo

c ltfeeta of lnfOraation on JillbUc

be public would like to belie tUt tbe locl atata and fSral will recotniae tbeautboritiea ba tbe citiHna intereata at burt and

potntial dangerbull of tbe aite and do wUt b neceaMry to bring about a quick

and dable olution to tbe problbull UOat tbrH yean of bearing about bow

tbe dte would be cleaned up b dilliniabed local rident confidence inDue to itator_nt ftlh lo of contidence la4 to tbe creation of SCif

early bullb9bull of deNlopMnt ION ia only capable of a aderate effort in

bringing attention to tbe probl- M tiM voabull on and if the alta is not

cleaned up the pu~lic controny Oftr tbe alta could calata



Alter tM dicoNry of tbe PicUlo aite ul public ttlllbull weu bd4 to diacu tM laue witt abode Ialaftd oUioiala and DA IDCiil rident cdtioibull about tbe wey tbebull tilllbull wre announced (or in bullbullny cabulla not anaounoed) naulted in low rtdent turn-out aidenta allete4 tNt no public IIIKtoe waa ts and tbe oaly wey -ople IIMW about tbe ulll wea by 1110rd1f1011tb be town oouncun auld bullt up bull ung witll tbe appropriate ei~ntal official and tben telepbone lley iftdhiduala in tbe ~ity to announce tbe ung A telepbone pyr-14 alerted indbtduala to tbe tt and pleoe of tbe ung bia ~nicatton networll often prot1-

Qanently under tbe dhation of - an appere ntly aoaeuful e ffort baa been to auure local oittbulln perttoipation at unga witb emh~ntal offioiala ICif 1a alao uaing otber ~tty oqaniutione auob bullbull tbe Gnan 1ablia Library Anoai ation (-nbip 200) to announce unga progre reporta aad poeitioM to looal realdaata


lbe looel realdanta an olurly irrttated about tbe ltate of abode lelaada iaMiUty to alMa IP tbe Pioillo baunklua bullau aite be atate taittUy Vied u foroe bullrna MoiUo to c1n tbe atte tbtollfb aoart aotioo llot __ of delayillf teotica and aUatift f bullnauftn it _ fnatlats in tbia at~ Wben oUiciala o- to tbe rNltution tbat ita aUaten bullbull not worllilll and Mode IaYnd woul4 baft to uaderteke tbe alee Uttla or no at~ wea to coordinate pcooedYr or intom looal nawata _t alee aotiritiea ftlta 1M to nbullnmant by looal reaidenta Wo peroei tbat no actioa bullbull bullint Uken In tact both ama aDd DA were wocUng t1110ufb Uaitedly on tbe OlNft1P aUoct lb ccpound tba aituation tile aattaatea of tbl IUibac of Nrnla of baurdoua weata on tbe atte wen too l~Mfr all concerned _ -tillar aitbar nay will pcoi4e tbra funda f or c lMn-up

  1. barcode 565344
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 565344
Page 10: PICIUD, CDVZNftY, a.)DS IILA!p · After tbe atata letbllitura ,.,. tba Blurdoua ..ate lleMt-nt Aot in Mil reb 1171, elOO, 000 vaa aade a•ailabla for tM Mcillo dte clean-up



Alter tM dicoNry of tbe PicUlo aite ul public ttlllbull weu bd4 to diacu tM laue witt abode Ialaftd oUioiala and DA IDCiil rident cdtioibull about tbe wey tbebull tilllbull wre announced (or in bullbullny cabulla not anaounoed) naulted in low rtdent turn-out aidenta allete4 tNt no public IIIKtoe waa ts and tbe oaly wey -ople IIMW about tbe ulll wea by 1110rd1f1011tb be town oouncun auld bullt up bull ung witll tbe appropriate ei~ntal official and tben telepbone lley iftdhiduala in tbe ~ity to announce tbe ung A telepbone pyr-14 alerted indbtduala to tbe tt and pleoe of tbe ung bia ~nicatton networll often prot1-

Qanently under tbe dhation of - an appere ntly aoaeuful e ffort baa been to auure local oittbulln perttoipation at unga witb emh~ntal offioiala ICif 1a alao uaing otber ~tty oqaniutione auob bullbull tbe Gnan 1ablia Library Anoai ation (-nbip 200) to announce unga progre reporta aad poeitioM to looal realdaata


lbe looel realdanta an olurly irrttated about tbe ltate of abode lelaada iaMiUty to alMa IP tbe Pioillo baunklua bullau aite be atate taittUy Vied u foroe bullrna MoiUo to c1n tbe atte tbtollfb aoart aotioo llot __ of delayillf teotica and aUatift f bullnauftn it _ fnatlats in tbia at~ Wben oUiciala o- to tbe rNltution tbat ita aUaten bullbull not worllilll and Mode IaYnd woul4 baft to uaderteke tbe alee Uttla or no at~ wea to coordinate pcooedYr or intom looal nawata _t alee aotiritiea ftlta 1M to nbullnmant by looal reaidenta Wo peroei tbat no actioa bullbull bullint Uken In tact both ama aDd DA were wocUng t1110ufb Uaitedly on tbe OlNft1P aUoct lb ccpound tba aituation tile aattaatea of tbl IUibac of Nrnla of baurdoua weata on tbe atte wen too l~Mfr all concerned _ -tillar aitbar nay will pcoi4e tbra funda f or c lMn-up

  1. barcode 565344
  2. barcodetext SDMS Doc ID 565344
