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The Philippine Clean Cities Project:Promoting Waste Minimization Through Local Government

Burton Hamner1 and Anthony SF Chiu2

Keywords: Cleaner Production, Public Private Partnership, Local Government Unit, Multi-sector involvement


The Pacific Northwest Economic Region (PNWER) has partnered with the League of Cities of the Philippines (LCP) to demonstrate that local governments can successfully reduce resource use and waste generation in their own operations and in businesses and communities by applying the princi-ples of Cleaner Production. The project design has proven to be remarkably cost-effective and should serve as a model for other municipal associations concerned about sustainable resource use and waste management.



Solid waste management has long been a major concern for cities around the world. In some re-gions, the available disposal facilities have reached their capacity and local governments are faced with difficult decisions. The City of Seattle was faced with closure of its major landfill and a seri-ous need to control waste volumes. The City responded by aggressively promoting waste separa-tion and recycling by residents and businesses. This generated large quantities of recovered materi-als. However, this was not matched by an increase in the processing technologies and markets for these materials and the City quickly found itself with stockpiles of paper, plastics, and other materi-als for which no commercially feasible processing technologies or markets existed.

Realizing that other cities in the state would soon face similar problems, in 1988 the Clean Wash-ington Center (CWC) was established. Over the next ten years, the CWC became a national Recy-cling Center of Excellence and produced over 300 technical reports on recycling technologies and market development. From 1997 onward, the CWC’s remaining projects and its knowledge base were merged into the Pacific Northwest Economic Region.

In 1998, PNWER received a grant from the US-Asia Environmental Partnership (US-AEP) to bring the CWC’s recycling expertise to the Philippines. PNWER found that the private sector was rela-tively uninterested in recycling technologies, because they have relatively low costs for waste dis-posal and little governmental incentive to pursue recycling. However PNWER made contacts with the League of Cities of the Philippines (LCP) and found great interest in recycling and waste mini-mization. The LCP represents over 100 cities in the Philippines, including almost all the largest cities and provincial capitals.

Solid Waste Management Challenges in the Philippine Cities

1 Lead author. President, [email protected] Consultant, CDG EMCBP Project. [email protected]


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Solid waste management is a major cost for Philippine cities. The mayors who met with PNWER estimated that they spend between 10 and 20 percent of their budgets on waste management. This estimate is supported by sources such as the World Bank, which estimates that the urban areas of Asia now spend about US$25 billion on solid waste management per year; this figure will increase to about US$47 billion in 2025. [1]

Cities in developing countries typically produce about 0.5 – 1 kg. of solid waste per day per capita. Management costs for collection, transfer and disposal range between $20 and $60 per ton, with collection being about 70% of the total costs. Using the low-end estimates of these ranges (0.5 kg/day @ $20/ton), a city of 100,000 people might expect to spend about $365,000 per year on solid waste management. However this is no doubt an underestimate since it multiplies two low-end values and also does not include the cost of acquiring land for disposal, which is both expen-sive and highly political due to local community resistance to new garbage dumps. It may be more realistic to estimate that solid waste management costs cities in developing countries about $5 per capita per year. Thus a city of a million people would spend at least several million dollars per year on solid waste management, even allowing for some economies of scale. This corresponds to findings by the World Bank and other agencies. While some cities are able to recover some of the costs through waste fees, a large portion of the population in cities in developing countries are slum-dwellers who cannot be charged for waste collection. Even with some cost recovery, solid waste management costs cities a very large amount of money. And unlike municipal costs for edu-cation and infrastructure, costs for waste management do not have a tangible return on investment.

In the Philippines, PNWER found that the mayors who are the members of the LCP are extremely aware and concerned about these facts. The politics of waste management are also a major concern because many landfills are reaching capacity, and the mayors must negotiate, often at peril to their elected positions, with neighboring communities for new landfill sites. Thus the LCP members were very interested in any solutions that could reduce the volume of waste being generated by their cities.

Fortunately, the Philippines has seen some notable successes with waste minimization. The US Agency for International Development, the World Bank, and other donors have sponsored large and small projects to demonstrate the concepts of Cleaner Production (CP) to industry and govern-ment. CP is the term used by the United Nations around the world for practices that prevent pollu -tion at the source through increased efficiency, product changes and better management methods. In the Philippines and elsewhere, thousands of companies have found that they can reduce water and energy use and waste generation, typically by 20-30%, with little or no capital investment, by applying CP methods.

PNWER and the LCP therefore organized a training program on CP for LCP member cities. It was conducted by a prominent CP expert and included concepts such as process analysis, cost of waste measurement and environmental accounting, the CP hierarchy of waste solutions (source reduction, waste reduction, recycling and finally disposal), green teams, and more. A dozen cities sent senior representatives to the two-day training event in Manila. This was the first time these representa-tives had learned of CP and its potential for reducing municipal waste management costs and the training was eagerly received.


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The Clean Cities Project

Following the training program, the city representatives and the LCP secretariat decided to initiate a program with PNWER to promote CP to member cities. The Clean Cities project was established to help a group of pilot cities learn about and implement CP practices with the objective of reduc-ing waste management costs, improving efficiency and productivity, and creating social benefits from having cleaner and greener cities. Twelve cities decided to participate in the pilot project.

City Name Population1. Angeles City 300,0002. Antipolo 1,300,0003. Bais 68,0004. Dagupan 130,0005. Iloilo 363,0006. La Carlota 56,0007. Mandaue 300,0008. Naga City 130,0009. Island Garden City of


10. San Fernando 102,00011. Tagaytay 32,00012. Toledo 130,000

The importance of Cleaner Production to the cities can be estimated using the World Bank parame-ters described above. With about 3 million people in the twelve cities, the cost of solid waste man-agement to the cities can be conservatively estimated as follows:

3,000,000 peoplex 0.5 kg solid waste/day/per capita= 1500 tons per day, or 547, 500 tons per year= $10,950,000 per year @ $20/ton

Following the experience of Cleaner Production world wide, it is quite reasonable to expect that solid waste volumes could be reduced by at least 10% by promoting and implementing CP meth-ods, not including new investment. Such a reduction could well save the twelve participating cities over a million dollars per year in total, counting only the avoided waste management costs. Since CP is based on improving efficiency and productivity, there would also be revenue gains from in-creased profitability and tax collection in the cities, and political benefits from this positive and non-regulatory approach.

Clean Cities Project Structure


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PNWER provided additional training to the city representatives in group workshops. However it was apparent to all that they would need to have additional training in their own cities. To meet this need, PNWER and LCP developed a novel approach that has proved to be very cost-effective. With funding from USAID via PNWER, the LCP hired two experienced city managers from two of the participating cities. They were hired on six-month contracts and paid the equivalent of their city salaries. Effectively, the cities loaned their staff to the project at cost. The sponsoring mayors supported this largely because they realized that, at the end of the project, their returning staff would be experts in CP for cities and would become assets in their own communities. This enabled the project to be staffed at a very low cost compared to other development projects staffed by pro-fessional consultants hired at market rates.

To assist the cities, the two trainers were assigned to northern and southern regions of the country. They each traveled to six cities on a circuit, returning every few months to conduct another work-shop and help the city progress. This “circuit rider” concept has been very effective at maintaining the momentum of the project and for helping the cities learn from each other. The cost of in-coun-try travel was covered by the PNWER funds and in fact amounted to about half of the funding. The trainers quickly became familiar with the challenges and opportunities faced by the cities and were able to identify and share common solutions.

An important development was the decision of the participating cities to practice Cleaner Produc-tion concepts on themselves, before promoting CP to local companies and communities. They agreed to initiate CP projects at their City Halls, focusing on water and energy conservation, paper minimization, waste segregation, composting of food waste and other topics. They also recognized the importance of the city as a purchaser of goods and services. In many of the cities, the local government is the largest individual buyer of goods and services. As such it has potential to create market demand for improved environmental performance, which will thereby stimulate an entre-preneurial response from companies eager to do business with the city.

To further encourage the city representatives, PNWER organized an international Workshop on Pollution Prevention for Sustainable Cities, held in Seattle, Washington in May 2001. This work-shop was attended by a dozen Philippine project representatives and also by another 30 participants from 7 other countries. They heard from local experts and program staff about successful methods for recycling and conservation and had many opportunities to see effective projects in action. The participants reported that it was very helpful for them to see the kinds of results that they could eventually expect and they were highly motivated to emulate the successes in their own cities.

Project Results to Date

The appendix contains the fact sheets showing summary results from each city. In all of them the CP projects at City Hall resulted in measurable savings in water, energy, paper use and waste gen-eration. For example in more details, the Tagaytay City Hall reduced its daily solid waste volume by 25% by relatively simple methods of waste separation. In Iloilo City, the number of daily bags of garbage from City Hall was reduced from eleven to two. In Dagupan City the procurement of office supplies was reduced by 30% over a 4-month period, thus saving on purchasing costs. Their water and electric bills were reduced from 10 – 15%. Naga City reduced office supply purchases by 10% and saved millions of pesos per year by reducing air conditioning by two hours every day


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throughout all government offices by simply turning it on later in the morning, turning it off at lunch, and turning off earlier in the evening.

These quick and obvious results have helped the Mayors to embrace CP practices and endorse the project. In fact, this may be the most important project result so far. In all the cities, the Mayors joined in the initial workshops to learn about the potential for CP and to endorse its importance to the community. This is a critically important outcome because, especially in the smaller cities, the Mayor has great influence and authority. In the Philippines, businesses must have an annually-re-newed Mayor’s Operating Permit for their business. This is primarily to aid in tax collection, but in fact the Mayors have the discretion to withdraw the permit to operate if they feel it is necessary. Of course they hardly ever do so, but business owners are quite aware of this power and therefore are very responsive to the Mayors’ requests that they join in CP training and try applying the con-cepts to their own operations. Other leading city officials also joined in the workshops. As a result the cities have very strong top-level support for CP, and they are convinced that it works because they have made it happen in their own operations at City Hall.


L a C a r l o t a : T O T A L s o l i d w a s t e 3 7 % , = 1 5 t o n s / d a y !

T a g a t a y C i t y H a l l : S o l i d w a s t e 2 5 % I l o i l o C i t y H a l l : S o l i d w a s t e 8 8 % B a i s C i t y H a l l : W a t e r 1 0 % , e l e c t r i c i t y 1 5 % ,

s o l i d w a s t e 2 0 % D a g u p a n : O f f i c e p r o c u r e m e n t 3 0 % ; w a t e r a n d

e n e r g y 1 0 - 1 5 % A n t i p o l o C i t y H a l l : E l e c t r i c i t y 1 0 %

B a i s C i t y : I n v o l v e d f i v e n e i g h b o r h o o d s a n d 3 0 0 v e n d o r s

D a g u p a n C i t y : C P P r o j e c t i n c l u d e s r e p s f r o m 2 8 o u t o f 3 1 n e i g h b o r h o o d s

I l o i l o : I n v o l v e d 1 6 0 o u t o f 1 8 0 n e i g h b o r h o o d s i n 4 2 k m 2 a r e a

E V E R Y c i t y C P p r o g r a m i s l e d b y t h e M a y o r P r o j e c t B u d g e t : 1 3 C i t i e s , 2 f u l l t i m e t r a i n e r s :

$ 3 0 k / y e a r ! $ 1 5 k j u s t f o r t r a v e l .

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The participation in the workshops has been excellent, due to this top-level support. Invitations to the workshops came from the City Hall, and leading business owners and managers and other com-munity leaders attended. Some of the workshops were for mixed government and industry audi-ences; others were just for government or for industry. In all cases they resulted in a great deal of brainstorming and problem solving. As CP experience around the world has demonstrated, many solutions for CP can be found when the attention of managers is directly focused on the problems. Also, the sharing of information about common problems and solutions inspired many participants to recognize their own opportunities for the first time.

While data is still being collected on the reductions of wastes from communities and business as a result of the project, it is clear that it has inspired the private sector and communities to begin re-ducing and conserving resources. In some of the cities, the top polluting companies were identified and invited into the program, and they signed agreements with the city to initiate CP programs in their companies. In other cities the focus has been on local communities or barangays and on household separation of wastes. In all cases, the identification of priorities and opportunities was done voluntarily and cooperatively, which has produced strong support for the project throughout the communities.

Next Steps

The participating cities have initiated a wide range of projects, as outlined in the attached sum-maries. More data on results is being collected, since measurement is a vital part of CP and has been continually emphasized throughout the project. With the experience of applying CP success-fully to their own operations, the local governments now have the confidence and expertise to pro-mote it further to businesses and the community.

The LCP has decided to establish a permanent office of environmental management to continue supporting the Clean Cities project. The next major challenge will be expanding the number of participating cities. The circuit-rider concept for staffing has proved to be very successful and cost-effective so far, but adding more cities requires adding more staff for the training circuit. The LCP is considering a range of options for funding these additional staff, including subscription fees from participating cities, corporate sponsorship and foreign donor support. The US-Asia Environmental Partnership regards the project as a success and is planning to provide further financial support. Most importantly, a number of other cities have observed the results to date and have asked to join in the program.

Lessons Learned

The Clean Cities Project has revealed several lessons that are very important for organizations seeking to promote environmentally sustainable businesses and communities:

Local governments are the best paying customer for Cleaner Production concepts. Experience has shown that industry itself is not interested in CP because waste is not a major concern of most man-agers, and they are unconcerned about environmental agencies or donor programs trying to pro-mote CP. But local governments are intensely interested in reducing waste volumes because it is a


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major budget and political issue for them. They can apply CP to their own operations, and most importantly, become effective promoters of it. While a local company might ignore a national en-vironmental agency’s efforts, it is much more likely to pay attention when the Mayor invites them to learn about CP, because the Mayor and the local government have real power to affect the busi-ness.

Cleaner Production creates many different benefits for local governments at very low costs. These include reduced costs for solid waste disposal, and also reduced costs for water and energy sup-plies. Because it is based on principles of better operations management, CP also improves effi-ciency and productivity and can improve the local economy, thus increasing local revenues. Fi-nally, it is a highly participatory and partnership-based concept and is politically positive. A num-ber of participating Mayors in the project have said they see this as a “legacy” project that will leave their positive mark on their cities. To obtain these benefits does not take capital investment; rather it takes commitment and coordination and voluntary action. Thus it is unusually cost-effec-tive.

Many communities can participate at very low cost. The project has a budget of about $60,000 to support 12 participating cities for a full year, with an expectation of eventually saving them over a million dollars per year in avoided waste management costs alone. Compared to many other efforts to reduce waste and pollution, this is extraordinarily cost-effective. The secret has been the use of city staff on loan to the project, which keeps labor costs very low. Working through a municipal association allows many cities to participate and share experiences. In the future, the cities might rotate the circuit-rider assignments among their staff, thus greatly increasing their own staff capaci-ties while building the overall capacity of the project.


[1] Hoornweg, D. and L. Thomas. “What A Waste: Solid Waste Management in Asia.” Urban and Local Government Working Paper Series #1, Washington, DC, 1999.[2] Bartone, C.R. "Financial Management of Urban Solid Waste Services: Lessons from a Decade of World Bank Lending", World Bank Partnership in Municipal Solid Waste Management workshop, Cairo, Egypt, April 2000.


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Angeles City now known as the “entertain-ment city” of Central Luzon lies in the west-ern part and 16 kilometers away from the provincial capital of Pampanga. Angeles City was the formerly the home of the largest Ameri-can Military Base in Asia. The City was severely affected by the US base’s immediate pull out after the great eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in 1991. Angeles City is now rising from the ashes by regaining its economic status and surpassing feats independently of the US bases, a feat before accomplished by any city or province in the Philippines.

Angeles City joined the CCC Project in 2002 and expected that the CCC Project will provide necessary technical and fi-nancial assistance to the local government.

CCC and priority issues of the city Energy Conservation (City Halls /

Barangays) Recycling Solid Waste Management Advocacy on Environmental Ordinances /

Laws “Economy of Garbage” (Pera sa Basura) Public-private partnership: cooperation of the Metro Angeles Chamber of

Commerce & Inc. (MACCI), Furniture Group, Friendship Wash & Dry, Zenith Insurance Comp., TIPCO, Weavers Craft (AWECA Group of Companies), and MECCA


ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATION PROGRAM Assessed current energy consumption to establish baseline data Consultative meetings with NGO’s for guidelines on energy efficiency Cost-sharing scheme with barangay and budget cut down Site visits and exchange programs for barangay Taped TV and radio programs for information campaigns. Formal Launch of CCC reaching around 60 individuals including city coun-

cilors Encourage schools to adopt Waste management and Conservation Pro-



Project Champions

City Mayor:Hon. Carmelo F. Lazatin

Project Implementers:1. Mayor Carmelo

Lazatin2. Department Heads3. AC Clean and Green

Council4. Lingap Pandan5. Pandan barangay

officialsAngeles city is located in the western part of the province and 16 kilometers away from the provincial capital of Pampanga. It is bordered on the north and northeast by the towns of Mabalacat and Magalang, respectively.

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SPONSORED ENVIRONMENT-RELATED BILL Allocation of budget for drainage sys-

tem Creation of new slaughterhouse that

meets the requirements of the National Inspection Commission


recycling facilities

FUTURE PLANS Cut down on the City hall’s energy con-

sumption Provide livelihood resources especially for women (“Pera Sa Basura”) in the

Barangays Maintain / Improve status as Regional

Clean & Green Champion


For more info, contact:Hon. Vicky VegaCouncilor, City of AngelesTel: (045) 893-1316Fax: (045) 323-4105E-mail: [email protected]

Angeles City has a total land area of 6,432.82 hectares divided among its 33 barangays, with a popula-tion of 300,000. Similar to any town in Central Luzon, Angeles City has two pro-nounced seasons: dry from November to April and wet the rest of the year. In sum-mer, it is very hot due to hu-midity coming from Mt. Pinatubo. During the rainy season, residents are ad-vised to take precautionary

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The municipality of Antipolo was officially transformed into a component city in February 1998.

Agriculture used to be the main livelihood here. Emerging entrepreneurs eventually spiced up the economic diversity of Antipolo. The City has preserved many of its green areas and has gained popularity for its wide, low-lying valleys and rolling hills.

CCC and Priority issues of the City*None identified*CCC PROGRAMS AND THE ACTIVITIES DONE:

ADOPTED “BASURA MO, PAMASKO KO” PRO-GRAM Orientation training of the employees Partnership of women (Green Ladies Associ-

ation) and youth associations Established livelihood projects using waste



minimizing waste

SETTING UP OF ECOLOGY CENTER FOR 16 BARANGGAYS Orientations and seminars for barangays,

covered 31 out 38 barangays Budget allocation Received grants from a Korean donor for a

composting machine.

FUTURE PLANS*None identified*


Project Champions

City Mayor:Hon. Angelito Gatbalayan

Project Implementers:1. City government2. Department heads3. Private companies

around the city

Antipolo City with a con-certed effort of the differ-ent sectors and organiza-tions was able to fulfill its listed programs and ac-tivities. Great impact was manifested as a signifi-cant 10% savings on electricity of the city hall and recovered 27 kilos of waste paper for reuse.In addition, a pledge was signed in order to ensure cooperation of compa-nies from different indus-tries for environmental management. This is sig-nificant in identifying the 16 industry pollutants in the city. The help gathered from the Korean donor in set-ting up ecology centers was likewise substantial in realizing the environ-mental responsibility of the City.

For more info, contact:

Antipolo City has a popu-lation of 1,312,480. The City has a land area of 130,383 hectares.

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Bais is a Visayan word for an elongated, eel-like fish. But like most places in the country, whose names were the result of a language barrier, this particular aquatic species succeeded in attaining epic prominence by a stroke of luck.

The City has a total land area of 31,690 hectares, 9,000 hectares of which is used for sugarcane farming. More than 100,000 tons of sugar are pro-duced annually by two sugar mills in Bais. This makes sugar farming the primary source of liveli-hood among Baisanons. Aquaculture ranks in sec-ond in the north and south bases. The City main-tains a population of 68,115 and has 35 barangays.

CCC and Priority Issues of the City

Bais has been very active in the CCC project, having the city mayor himself participating in the CCC workshops. Bais City joined the Clean Cities Center (CCC) project to develop its strategies for envi-ronmental improvement and to get support for its other plans:

a) Reduce or prevent pollution by local industries. Training local experts within the city helps industry practice cleaner production in analyzing their opera-tions and finding ways to lessen resource usage and waste generation prof-itably.

b) Recycle solid wastes or by-products and treat liquid wastes from local indus-tries and communities. This can be done through technical analysis of waste sources, types, quantity and appropriate technologies.

c) Develop new eco-business that turns wastes into commercial by-products. This green market can be supported by economic and market analysis and joint ventures with technology providers.

The City has made a list of its priority issues:

Enhancing strategy of treating sugarcane waste Enhancing solid waste management system especially in the sugar mills industry Utilizing organic residues from agricultural and sugar industry Determining environmental factors and conducting awareness campaigns Developing water resource management


Project Champions

City Mayor:Hon. Hector Villanueva

Project Implementors:1. Mayor Villanueva2. Dr. Alfredo Maturan3. Radyo Natin FM (radio sta-

tion)4. Sugar Mill industries: Cen-

tral Azoucarera de Bais (CAB), United Robina Sugar Milling Corp. (URSMCO)

5. Mr. Johannes Paul – Ger-man Development Ser-vice (GDS)

6. Engr. Eric Laxina – City Planning & Development Office (CPDO)

7. Ms. Cindy Cabio

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WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Entrepreneurship and education Waste Management orientation seminar Promoting 3 R’s Awareness Program (Recycle,

Reuse, Recover) Strategic plan for 2001-2006 (integrated envi-

ronment and waste management plan) Two barangay material recovery centers estab-


SOLID WASTE ORDINANCE BEING IMPLEMENTED Orientation seminar conducted targeting

CAB, URSMCO, representatives from medium & light industry, NGOs

5 year plan developed CONSULTANCY FOR PRODUCTION AND SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT IN THE SUGAR MILL INDUSTRY Orientation held with the German Development

Service Identified problem of air pollution coming from

smoke stacks in sugar cane manufacturing areas 15% savings on the generation of mutress, a

waste product that can be used as fertilizer; large productions come from two major sugar mills


ity of using indigenous resources, e.g. clay lining for the sanitary landfill Executive Order issued by the city mayor The CCC organized a Technical Working Group to monitor implementation

and progress

FUTURE PLANS Develop of domestic wastewater management system Ban open pit burning of residential waste and incinerating commercial

waste Reduce of soil erosion through integrated wastewater management Improve the surface water and freshwater bodies affected by precipitation

or overland flow


With a strong initial en-dorsement from the Mayor, the project helped the city hall save its resources, i.e. 10% savings on water, 15% savings on electricity, and an at source reducting. Ur-ban solid waste was re-duced by 20% through city-wide solid waste manage-ment efforts.

IEC on the CCC project reached out to five barangays and public mar-kets, including 15 city offi-cers and 300 vendors. IEC on solid waste manage-ment, on the other hand, reached out to 4000 indi-viduals from the house-holds, city offices and pub-lic markets.

The City of Bais also looked into the possibility of using its indigenous resources, e.g. agricultural wastes converted to organic fertil-izer or used as clay lining for the landfill.

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The province occupies the northern portion of the central plains of Luzon with its eastern and western pieces forming peninsulas that extend out into the China Sea. Dagupan City is the transportation hub of Pangasinan from Manila.Dagupan is rich in marine resources particularly in aquaculture, with trade and commerce as the major economic activities. It is also the center for education and health services. The city has a diverse cultural heritage being the melting pot of people from northern Luzon.

CCC and Priority Issues of the City

Solid waste management and waste reduc-tion

Sanitary landfill River dredging and grove re-vegetation Vehicle volume reduction Sewerage and waste management facility


WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Paper use efficiency Waste minimization and segregation imple-

mented Continuing IEC Recycling


Project Champions

City Mayor: Hon. Alipio Fernandez Jr.

Project Imple-menters:34 department heads, division head of city government and 17 managers of food establishment

Dagupan City became a sig-nificant model and a case study for neighboring com-munities and other city halls due to its advocacy on en-ergy conservation and its program on waste manage-ment.

The city hall monitored 20% reduction in waste and 30% reduction on procurement of office supplies from Septem-ber to December.

The Mayor organized a multi-sectoral participation to form a Solid Waste Man-agement Technical Working Group representing 28 barangays out of the total 31. Adopting the Award Pro-gram contributed well in the realization of the CCC pro-gram in Dagupan City.

For more info, contact:Mr. Reginaldo Ubando

Dagupan City consists of 31 barangays and a population of 130,260.

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ENERGY/ WATER CONSERVATION ENCOURAGED IN OFFICES AND SCHOOLS Assessment conducted to develop baseline data Continuing IEC Internal Control Unit strengthened Shift to environmentally sustainable products with streetlights being


BACKYARD AND CLEAN PROGRAM Sanitary Landfill Special training on composting for 3 barangays Award Program adopted


Address the problem on sewerage and waste water treatment facilities Preserve natural resources such as fishponds, rivers, and mangrove system

and sustainable aquifers Address the general traffic problem and the increasing volume of vehicles

clogging city routes


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Iloilo province is the jewel of the South Orient and the origin of the local Ilonggo’s folk, wisdom, and tradition. Iloilo City has so much to give for its people to see and appreciate. Iloilo is primar-ily an agricultural city. The supply of rice is not only limited to the region but is also distributed to various regions in the Philippines. Even then, Iloilo’s economy posesses widespread reach in the commercial and industrial sectors. It is blessed with rich natural and aquatic resources, extending its market share both locally and internationally. Iloilo is known as a supplier of fish for Japan’s canning industry.

CCC and Priority Issues of the City

Iloilo City sees the CCC project as a helpful medium for its projects. Its con-stituents anticipate assistance in facilitating resource mobilization as well as technical assistance in conducting capacity building activities like workshops, study tours and action learning exercises on the environment.

The City prioritizes solid and liquid waste management issues:

A. SOLID WASTE Poor IEC and advocacy initiatives on proper solid waste management, which

in turn aggravates the amount of city garbage estimated at 228.45 tons per day

Insufficient supply of properly designed equipment, facilities and other in-frastructure to support for area-based and city wide SWM

B. DRAINAGE, SEWERAGE AND ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Worsening flood conditions particularly in Jaro, Mandurriao and La Paz due

to the constricted waterways and increased silting Inadequacy of structural arrangements and development programs


Project Champions

City Mayor:Hon. Geronimo Treñas

Implementers / Partners1. City Solid Waste

Manager2. City Environmental

Management System Team

3. Chairman and

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WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Develop an action plan Encourage recycling particularly in households and among


ESWM PROGRAM Orientation for the barangays Training and seminar for pilot barangays, scheduled at 3

barangays per district. There are 21 pilot barangays in the 7 districts of the city.


The City wants to decrease its per capital waste generation by at least 30% in 2006 and by 70% at the end of 2010. Maximizing the existing Cala-junan dumpsite and extending its life to at least 10 years and preserving the city’s structures and sites is also among its future plans.


The CCC project reached out to 160 of 180 barangays last Septem-ber 2001. More semi-nars are lined up for year 2002. The 180 barangays cover the city land area of 41.94 sq. km. and a total popula-tion of 365,820.

The training seminars also provided the city hall employees with the tools on resource con-servation. City hall garbage significantly took a drop from 11 garbage bags per day to only 2 bags per day.

Through the CCC project, the City Hall re-gained its positive image of being a clean city as reported by the media.

For more info, contact:Ma. Cristina Octavio

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La Carlota City is situated at the southern Part of Negros Occidental. Bacolod City borders it on the north and is also connected on the east by the Cities of San Carlos and Canlaon, Guimaras Strait on the west, municipalities of Valladolid and Pulupandan on the southwest, and on the northwest by the City of Bago. La Carlota is primarily an agricultural city, inhabited mostly by people coming from different places in the island of Panay. The City has an ample source of manpower in commerce and indus-try, agriculture, and information technology. The City’s economy is centered on the sugar industry while medium-sized commercial establishments are concen-trated in the urban center.

CCC and Priority Issues of the City

Through the CCC Project, the City government of La Car-lota expected to learn effective strategies on waste mini-mization. Through this, they could realize economic re-wards by reducing the usage of office supplies. From a macro perspective, La Carlota aims to become an envi-ronmentally sound local government unit by implement-ing a pollution prevention program.

(a)Inefficient dispersion of office supplies(b)Outmoded office equipment and machineries(c) Poor state of public health and sanitation(d)Inefficient management of domestic waste(e)Aimed at the control and prevention of air and water pollution


Project Champions:

City Mayor:Hon. Luis Jalandoni III

CCC Implementors:1. Mayor Luis Jalandoni

III2. SP Members3. Kabataang

Barangay (Youth Council)

4. Department Heads

La Carlota has a land area of 137.29 square kilometers and has a population of 56,408.

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Issuance of Executive Order to effect waste minimization

Orientation and training workshop Ecological balance Waste segregation and waste management Pollution preventive methods, especially

using the preventive maintenance in the City Hall facilities

Waste minimization program


The major objective of the City government of La Carlota is the total completion of the land-fill, where more than a half is already com-pleted. Motor tricycles will be eliminated, these being the major pollutants in the urban area.


The City showed a drop in ac-tual energy consumption of streetlights and in the city hall of about 33% from PhP 113,947 to PhP 77,000 since the CCC Project started.

Upon implementation of a pol-lution prevention program, the City was able to recycle 37.5% of its total waste. This pre-vents 15 tons of waste going to the controlled dumpsite.

Through the channel of the barangays, especially the Youth Council in the pilot barangays, the pollution pre-vention program disseminated to the general public the im-portance of pollution preven-tion. Three pilot barangays were initially selected to ex-plain with the methodologies of pollution prevention.

For more info, contact: Mr. Jose Diamante

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Considered the Industrial capital of Cebu Province, Mandaue is the province’s smallest city with only 32.96 square kilometers in total land area but with a relatively large population than the prov-ince’s other cities. The national government has categorized Mandaue as a highly urbanized city with economic stability and growth.

CCC and Priority issues of the City

*No data gathered*


WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Memorandum Order issued by the City Mayor designating a Recycling Offi-

cer per building in the city hall Trainings for department heads were held Total Quality and Environmental Management action plan was developed

and implemented Zoning permit was issued to encourage recyclers to re-locate Segregation bins were donated by shipping company to use as garbage

containers for the City hall and the barangays Recyclers and junk shops were linked to sources/suppliers Energy efficiency was promoted New strategy for handling special waste was developed The City identified 16 polluting industries

ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Anti-Littering and anti vandalism strongly enforced Core groups of Environmental Management System working with USAEP Close monitoring of fuel consumption by LGU vehicles Medical Waste Thermal Plant to open in 2002

MANDAUE ENVIRONMENT CODE PASSED Other environment laws being enforced


Project Champions

City Mayor:Hon. Thadeo Ouano

Project Imple-menters:*None identified*

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Nightly IEC at barangays and household 4 model barangays selected and trained

ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM TO CLUSTER FAMILIES Assigned one Environmental Officer per

cluster Environment Officer to coordinate various

programs and projects within these clusters Benchmarking (values per project and while

project is being implemented)ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM WITH INDUSTRIES ALONG BUTUAN RIVER Negotiating common wastewater treatment plant

FUTURE PLANS*None identified*


Mandaue City has a total population of 300,000 and the place is strategi-cally located near almost all of the country’s major tourist spots, in-cluding exotic white sandy beaches and islets famous for scuba diving.

For more info, contact:Mr. Serafin BlancoTel: (032) 345-2035 Fax: (032) 346-0784Email: [email protected]

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Naga is said to have been named after the Bi-colano word naga for narra trees or, as some believed, for wild ducks that were then both in abundance. Naga City, in the province of Camarines Sur is surrounded by rich agricul-tural plains, forest reserves, and fishing prod-ucts.

Knowledge to be gained through the CCC was greatly anticipated by the citizens of Naga City.

CCC and priority issues of the city Putting up a controlled dumpsite Environmental project: “Naga Cares” Issues in housing Anti-drug campaign Anti-smoke belching campaign



holiday package, scholarship and trips)



ENERGY AND WATER CONSERVATION BEING PROMOTED Electric meter being installed per depart-

ment to monitor energy consumption


Continuously implement the projects. In the future, the City plans to implement its “4 S” program: Sell Naga, Serve Naga, Share Naga and Store Naga.


Project Champions

City Mayor:Hon. Sulpicio S. Roco Jr.Project Implementors1. Mayor Sulpicio Roco2. Mr. Simeon Adan – Chair-

man, Sangguniang Panlung-sod

3. Naga City Solid Waste Mgt. Board

22 members of the Solid Waste Management Board benefited the ESWM program including government offices and NGOs: DTI, DENR, CENRO. DECS, PNP, DILG, City Planning Develop-ment Office (CPDO), City Engi-neer’s Office, some day care centers, Knights of Rizal, and Ladies in Green Foundation, Inc.Naga City saved 8-10% on office supplies consumption through recycling and waste segregation. Waste products were reduced by 20% by selling plastics, cartons and other recyclables to Manila. Presently only 10 tons of trash are brought to Manila every week. The City saved 15% of waste, lessening eyesore areas and reducing occurrence of dis-eases (e.g. colds, diphtheria, pul-monary diseases).

For more info, contact:Ms. Erlinda BayleDivision Chief Socio – Cultural

The City wants to make progress through their tourism project, to increase more opportunities that will engage to livelihood pro-gram, peace and order and tech-nology transfer (unique quality of life).The land area of the city is about 84.48 sq km, has 27 barangays

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The Island Garden City of Samal (IgaCoS) is a newly created City. Despite its youth the City has risen to prominence, even shortly before it was converted into a city in March 1998, Its con-version owes it much to the City’s natural en-dowments and vast eco-tourism potentials. In fact, it has been identified as one of the two is-lands in the Philippines groomed to become the tourism hubs of the future, as laid out in the Medium Term Philippine Tourism Master Plan (MTPDP).

CCC and Priority issues of the city Water Systems Coastal Resources Management Housing Concern Revitalizing of Flora and Fauna Eco-Tourism as Develop ParadigmCCC PROGRAMS AND THE ACTIVITIES DONE

ISSUE OF EXECUTIVE ORDER ON ESWM CCC Orientation for Vice-Mayor, Councilors, and Department Heads in Au-

gust 2001 Green building using SWOT Analysis Analysis / Framework Efficiency Advocacy Business Incubation (seek buyers of wastes or by-products) IEC – radio jingles, stickers, billboards Distribution of book containing environmental messages authored by the

City Mayor

GREENING OF CITY Shift to sanitary landfill Regular tree planting Conducted Inter-LGU study supported by CIDA

`CLEANER PRODUCTION PROGRAM IEC – Cleanliness and Waste Reduction Four barangays out of 46 initially selected as pilot areas. Now expanded to

10 pilots under redemption cut Segregation of waste in schools


Project Champions

City Mayor:Hon. Rogelio P. Antalan

Implementers of CCC:1. Mayor Rogelio Anta-

lan2. Tourism Council 3. Multi-sectoral Com-

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from various sectors – (representative sits as ex-officio member of SWM Council); em-phasize dialogue not command and control approaches

CCC Orientation for tourism sector (resorts, restaurants, and transportation) last August

Coordinated waste collection along the coastline


The people of the Island Garden City of Samal shall work for: Sustainable development to market Samal Island as a garden city and a re-

tirement haven known for natural healing; Moral and citizenship-building renewal for all sectors towards becoming a

City of Character; Global COOPetitiveness (competitive, yet cooperative) for its human re-

sources; Good governance towards building a bankable bureaucracy; Optimum stakeholders’ participation towards becoming an inclusive City; Cultural reawakening and heritage enhancement; Eco-Tourism towards becoming the Eco-Adventure Capital of Southern

Philippines; Information technology towards becoming the IT Resort Hub of the South

and venue for premier institutions of learning; and, Growth with equity


The Island Garden City of Samal has a total land area of 288.44 square kilome-ters. The total population is 82,609.For more info, contact:Mr. Cleto Bravo Gales Jr.Tel: (082) 562-7037Fax: (082) 227-0964Email: [email protected]

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The City of San Fernando is the melting pot of many cultures. Founded in 1759, the city is origi-nally called Pindangan after the fish named “pin-dang.” It became the capital town of the province of La Union in March 2, 1850.

San Fernando City is a complete city with a nur-tured ecosystem and tourist spots (eg. botanical gardens, historical structures) not only in the prov-ince of La Union but also in the Northern Luzon. The City has sufficient facilities including a local airport & seaport and schools including a state uni-versity. This makes San Fernando a center of trade and commerce, tourism, education and agricul-ture. Among its 59 barangays, San Fernando has 21 urban barangays, 14 coastal barangays, and the rest are rural barangays.

CCC and Priority issues of San Fernando City

San Fernando City is one of the 12 pioneer city participants who joined the Clean Cities Center (CCC) project. The city expressed full cooperation in learn-ing environmental management, pollution abatement, and waste minimization. San Fernando is one of the model cities in the Philippines, with its city Mayor committed to share experiences with other member city participants.

San Fernando listed four areas of priority issues, namely: Energy and Re-source Management, Water Pollution, Traffic Congestion and Noise Pollution, Urban Overcrowding and Resource Depletion. The CCC project used the Cleaner Production (CP) system strategy to tackle the concerns on energy, re-source, and pollution issues. Significant outcomes are evident from introduc-ing this systems approach in the city hall, various sub-city components or barangays, schools, public markets, and the selected industry of the city.

The City has taken serious actions and planning for a cleaner and greener city, including a major move to phase out 2-stroke engine tricycles (contributing to air pollution equal to that of one car), promotion of anti-smoke belching ordi-nances, coastal management, urban management, zoning ordinances, land use plans, and resource conservation schemes within the City Hall itself.

The local government of San Fernando has also established partnerships with the private sector, particularly the restaurant industry. Already 17 establish-ments are being eyed, two of which are Oasis Country Resort and Greenwich


Project Champions

City Mayor: Hon. Mary Jane Ortega

Project Implementors:1. Mayor Ortega2. Mr. Valmas Valdez3. Environment Coun-

cil4. NGO’s – Inner

Wheel Club; Home-owners Namamal Vil-lage Neighborhood Association, Inc.

5. City Environment & Natural Resources

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Pizza. Further partnerships are seen with in-dustrial firms including Celtech, an agri-indus-trial company and also those in the warehous-ing industry.


CITY WIDE Solid Waste Management (SWM) Established Committee on Ecological SWM Conducted city-wide IEC on SWM among

its communities and several commercial establishments

Conducted Clean and Green contest among schools

ECC for the SWM program to be endorsed by the DENR

INDUSTRY Established SWM Board for the city Develop action plan on pollution prevention

activities Conducted seminars and trainings on

Cleaner Production Introduction of Polluter’s Pay Program (PPP)

among selected industries

PREPARATION OF CITY ENVIRONMENT CODE Information gathering and data encoding

on coastal management, forestry, popula-tion dynamics, pollution, existing landfill & eco-tourism

Legal studies – review of related and existing codes, ordinances, laws, poli-cies

Revisions and finalization

ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAM AND OFFICE SUPPLY REDUCTION SCHEMES Use of lighting fixtures Maintenance program of city hall facilities Reduced usage of office supplies (around 10% reduction)


The CCC Project in San Fernando benefited many constituents through its programs in the city hall, barangays, public markets, and selected industries. Specifi-cally, five city officers are set to be-come trainers while two more are coming from the advisory councils.

A total of 24 urban barangays and 35 rural barangays were introduced to the ESWM. Residential subdivi-sions, comprised of 102,559 people also learned of EWSM through suc-ceeding awareness seminars.

The proposed model controlled dumpsite project in San Fernando City has attracted more than 10,000 visitors who did ocular in-spection and learned of proper waste management, both for the site itself and from other cities’ ex-periences in waste management.

For more info, contact: Mr. Valmar Valdez5200 City Hall Compound City of San Fernando, La Union, PhilippinesTel.: (072) 242-5601Fax: (072) 888-2003

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Finance issues Waste segregation


The City aims to adapt an integrated environmental management plan, focus-ing on five concerns, namely SWM, eco-tourism, coastal management, pollu-tion prevention, and advocacy. This plan is envisioned to reach every industry and community in the city.


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Tagaytay City is 40.24 square kilometers and is situated on a highly elevated area. It is strategi-cally bounded by the towns of Amadeo, Mendez – Nunez and Alfonso (Cavite Province), Talisay and Taal (Batangas Province), and the Taal Lake. Taal Volcano is known as the smallest ac-tive volcano in the world and famed to be the “volcano within a lake,” the lake being Taal Lake. Tagaytay has a relatively low temperature averaging at 22.70C, low humidity at 78% aver-age, and abundant rainfall. With its cool and in-vigorating climate, the city attracts visitors year-round making local tourism boom.

Tagaytay City is a suburban area yet people carry out a traditional way of life characteristic of old practices. The local economies come from agriculture, agri-tourism, and skilled labor.

CCC and Priority Issues of the City

The City expects to increase new technologies and strategies in Environ-mental Management, Pollution Prevention and Resource Conservation by addressing the following concerns:

Land use plan program Garbage collection fee imposed Environmental policies on segregation, disposal and cleanliness Greening the city

Project ChampionsCity MayorHon. Francis TolentinoImplementers/Partners1. Vice Mayor as TWG

Chair2. Technical Working

Group3. City Department

Heads4. Barangay officers 5. DOST-ITDI Cleaner

Production Technol-ogy Center


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LAUNCHING THE CCC Creation of Technical Working Group

headed by the Vice Mayor IEC for specific groups in the barangays

(e.g. nutrition scholars, health workers, development council), schools (teach-ers), and a religious group

Multiplier effects through training the trainers, such as nutrition scholars to train other classes and teachers to their students.

WASTE MANAGEMENT Segregation and recycling

ENERGY AND RESOURCE CONSERVATION Provide shuttle bus for city hall employ-

ees, benefting a Total of 180 employ-ees and 200 high school students

ECO – TOURISM PROGRAM Orientation and training workshops on

cleaner production assessment in se-lected industries serving the tourism.


Future focus will be on eco-tourism estab-lishment through internalization of the Cleaner Production strategies. Waste management will be targeted through an integrated resource re-covery and disposal approach. Waste minimization becomes the key to the city’s focus on waste management.

Tagaytay City Hall with 600 staff now produces 25% less waste due to recycling. Improved traffic flow through the city hall shuttle bus ser-vices reduced carbon emission. Ph-P5,000 per month was saved, ac-counting for 3% reduced paper use.

IEC on the CCC Project made a strong impact on the community. The event attracted specific groups like barangay nutrition scholars, health workers, development council mem-bers and a religious group. The city has 35 barangays with a 45,287 population. CEOs and managers com-ing from 25 major tourism establishments (restau-rants & hotels) attended the workshops on Cleaner Production.

For more info, contact:Emma Pello or Carlos Suñi-gaCPDO, City Hall, City Centrum, Tagaytay CityTel: (046) 413-1679


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More than a century ago, Toledo was estab-lished as a municipality called “Hinulawan” which derived its name from the Hinulawan River running across the municipality. One of the earliest covered histories of Toledo through the “estadismo” of Fr. Joaquin de Zuñiga reported that Toledo already had a settled community of a little over 500 inhabi-tants as early as 1800. Cureently, Toledo has a total land area of 24,425.7 hectares, with an average population density of 620 persons per square kilometer.

Toledo City is rich in mineral reserves making mining a primary industry. Atlas Consolidated Mining and Development Corporation (ACMDC) is one major company located 15 km from the city proper. The city also produces agricultural and fish prod-ucts that are distributed commercially. There are two airstrips in Toledo City, one located at Don Andres Soriano while the other is at Barangay Sangi. Both are owned and operated by ACMDC.

CCC and Priority Issues of the City

Toledo City anticipated learning from the CCC Project and acquiring additional knowledge on waste reduction technologies, legislative strategies, and sharing experiences with other local government units.

The City experienced many challenges in its locality, and the CCC partic-ipation is expected to help them solve part of the city’s priority issues:

Local ordinances are insufficiently implemented vis a vis the city’s en-vironmental management objectives;

The city needs a consistent and deliberate educational campaign and implementation programs on waste reduction;

The city lacks financial, logistical, and technical support for a consis-tent implementation of waste management program;

Vague laws need to be consistently enforced; and The city needs coordination among LGU, NGO’s, and the private sec-

tor to successfully implement programs

Project Champions

City Mayor: Hon. Arlene Espinosa

Project Implemen-tors:1. Mayor Arlene Es-

pinosa2. Vice Mayor3. Technical Work-

ing Group 4. Committee on

Health and Sanita-tion

5. City Engineer 6. Barangay Cap-

tains7. Market Adminis-


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ENERGY CONSERVATION AND WASTE MINI-MIZATION Orientation on Resource Conservation Anti-littering Ordinance

IMPLEMENTING ESWM Waste Management Orientation Sanitary and Beautification Contest Action plan started January 2002

IMPROVING DUMPSITE Relocation of a controlled dumpsite from

the mined out area by ACMDC Proposed use of pyrolysis technology in

waste reduction plant Project site approved by DENR Approved by the Sangguniang Panlunsod

(City Council).

ADOPTED ESWM FOR PUBLIC MARKET Market remodeling with ESWM system


The City’s objective is to include the following in its sustainable environmental management master plan: Viable controlled dumpsite, waste minimization equipment and technology in all barangay levels, improvement of citywide garbage collection and disposal, inclusion/re-evaluation of recycled materials with commercial value, formulation of additional ordinances for the protection of the coastline and forest areas.

The CCC program targeted 38 delegates from differ-ent local and national of-fices to participate in the Waste Management Train-ing. The training reached out to 7 barangays and the number is continu-ously increasing. There are about 50,000 people residing in the Poblacion area and in other neigh-boring barangays of Toledo.

The City also used recy-cled materials for its con-struction work, e.g. motor-pool used old galvanized steel sheets.

Local residents volun-teered to help clean schools and barangays in support of the ecological solid waste management program.

City is exploring private consultation on proposed controlled dumpsite and waste reduction plant us-


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