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LOGIC QUIZ 5 ( 1-62 ) & QUIZ 6 ( 61-124)

NAME: _____________________________ SCORES: Q5: _________ Q6: ____________

DATE: ___________________ COURSE/SECTION: ____________________

I. VENN DIAGRAM . Diagram the given syllogisms and use it as a reference in answering if the given number INSIDE the diagram is: (A). Shaded (B). Marked by an X or (C). Empty ( neither shade or X) Note: If “X” exists on the line, X exist in both numbers. (For items 8, 16, 24 and 30) determine if the given syllogism is (A). Valid or (B). Invalid.


A. Some priests are intellectuals, but some friends of mine are priests, therefore, some are intellectuals.B. Since some teachers are strict, and some mothers are not teachers, therefore, no mothers are strict.C. All heroes are patriotic, Jose Rizal is a hero, therefore, He is patriotic.D. No man is an angel, but some men are creatures, hence some creatures are not angels.

II. HYPOTHETICAL SYLLOGISM : Identify if the given statement/symbol is a:

(A). Valid Conditional Syllogism (B). Valid Disjunctive Syllogism (C). Valid Conjunctive Syllogism(D). Invalid Conditional Syllogism (E). Invalid Disjunctive or Conjunctive Syllogism.

31. If you study, you will pass the exam. But you do not study; therefore you will not pass the exam.32. You cannot be sad and happy at the same time, but you were said since you got a failing grade in logic, therefore, you were not happy33. If the patient is brain dead, then he will never be alive again. But, the patient is comatose, therefore, he is not brain dead.34. It is impossible to love and hate at the same time, but she denies loving him, thus, she really hates him.35. Either you are a nurse or a doctor. But, you are a doctor; therefore you are not a nurse.36. Either you are a student or a worker. But you are not a worker, therefore; you are a student.37. One cannot be an angel and a devil at the same time. But she is not a good angel, thus; she is a devil.38. You are a philosopher or a scientist, but you are not a scientist, therefore; you are a philosopher.39. God is either loving or merciful, but He is a loving God, therefore; He is not a merciful God.40. Whom would you choose, the one you love or the one who loves you? But you prefer to love unconditionally, and then you will say no to the one who loves you.41. It seems that He is courting you, would you accept or deny him? But, you won’t deny him, so you will accept him.42. If you walk away from me today, then, surely, my world will collapse. But, my world seems to be in ecstasy; therefore, you choose to walk with me.43. This exam is either easy or difficult. But they say it’s not easy, consequently, it is complicated.44. You are either single or married, but you remain celibate, therefore, you are unmarried.45. If you affirm yourself, then you will gain self-confidence, but you reject yourself, thus, you lose confidence on yourself.46. She cannot be M or F at the same time. But M, and so, not F.47. C-G, -G, Therefore, -C.48. D-O, But O, Therefore D.49. A . B not B, Therefore, A.50. Not both S and P; -S, Therefore, P.51. H v B, it is B, Therefore; -H.

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52. If A, then C. But not A; Therefore, not C.53. Either A or C (or both). But not C. Therefore A.54. Either X or Y ( cannot be both true ). But not X, Therefore, Y.55. To accept the consequent is to accept the antecedent.56. To sublate the consequent is to sublate the antecedent.57. Sublating one disjunct in the minor premise, then positing the other disjunct ( broad)58. Sublating one conjunct in the minor premise, and then positing the other conjunct.59. To accept the antecedent is to accept the consequent.60. Positing one conjunct in the minor premise, and then sublating the other conjunct.

III. DILEMMA : Answer the dilemma by stating whether the given rebuttal or counter argument is (A). Valid or True Or (B). Invalid or False

Given: A student to his father : “ I do not want to take the final exam”. “Either the final examination is easy or complicated. If the exam is easy, you will not be challenged. But, if it is complicated, you will never be able to answer all the questions.”

Q: If you are the father, how will you convince the student to take the exam?

61. The father must reply: “if you do not take the exam, I’ll never send you to school anymore”. 62. “If its not easy, you will be challenged”. 63. If its complicated, you will be challenged”.

64. “ If you do not take the exam, you will never know if its easy or complicated”.65. “ If its easy, you will be able to answer all the questions”.66. “ If its not complicated, you will be able to answer all the questions”.67. The above example is a complex dilemma.68. The disjunctive enumeration is a dilemma must be complete.69. The consequent must flow validly from the antecedent.70. The disjunction must state all pertinent alternatives.

IV: In each HYPOTHETICAL SYLLOGISM, determine whether the argument is valid or not (with fallacies involved) and then choose the single best answer from the following choices:

A. accepting the consequent B. denying a conjunct C. denying the antecedent D. accepting a disjunct E. valid

71. If the new medicine is working, the tumor will have reduced in size. But the tumor has not reduced in size, so the new medicine is not working.

72. Jane is talking to Fred, and look how dilated her pupils are.  She's obviously interested in him because if a girl is interested in a guy, her pupils will dilate when she talks to him.

73. If the suspect had been a stranger, Igor would have barked loudly and attacked him when he came into Igor's room to take the money Igor was guarding. But Igor didn't make any noise or attack at all. So the suspect must be an acquaintance.

74. We would expect to find that the plane hit the ground in a nose up attitude if wind shear caused the crash. And look at this chart. The plane did indeed hit the ground in a nose up attitude. So wind shear was the cause of the accident.

75. Mel cannot both draw the Venn diagram for Logic and do career orientation at the same time. I know he is not drawing the Venn diagram because he finished it yesterday, so he must therefore be doing the career orientation now in Ondoy National High School.

76. If the ship can maintain a speed of twenty knots, then it can outrun the storm. The captain assures me that the ship is capable of a sustained 32 knots. So it must be able to outrun the storm.

77. The errors we are experiencing with the computer system must be caused by either a hardware or a software problem. The technician has just finished running tests on the hardware and it is working all right. So the errors must be caused by a software problem.

78. If the victim was murdered with this gun, it would mean that Mike is almost certainly guilty. But the victim was murdered with a knife, so Mike is almost certainly not guilty.

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79. We've established that the same person cannot be both the bank robber and the getaway driver. This man was photographed driving the getaway car during the crime. He therefore cannot be the bank robber

80. Electricity is obviously getting to the power supply if the fan, which runs off the power supply, is running.  And the power supply must be getting electricity since the fan is indeed running.

81. You cannot have both a sloppy lab technique and a good experiment. And since you do have a good experiment, you do not have a sloppy lab technique.

82. A cell phone cannot be both durable and inexpensive. But this cell phone is expensive, so it must be durable.

83. The vegetables will be free from harmful pests if they have been fumigated. The inspector confirms that they are indeed free from harmful pests, so we can conclude that these vegetables have been fumigated.

84. The patient cannot be both completely healthy and have a blood pressure of more than 150/100. The patient is not completely healthy. So he must have a blood pressure of more than 150/100.

85. Either the witness is telling the truth or the suspect is innocent. But the witness is lying so the suspect is innocent.

86. Jay has either the flu or food poisoning or amebic dysentery. Ah, here's the lab report on the amebic dysentery test: Positive--he has it. So at least we know he doesn't have the flu or food poisoning

87. If this river is being polluted by the Chemical factory, the fish will be dying. The fish, however, are very healthy and alive. Thus, the river is not being polluted by the Chemical factory.

88. It's clear that the book we are looking for cannot be on the shelf and checked out at the same time. I just looked and it isn't on the shelf, so it must be checked out.

89. We'll know that the lodge is open if we see the flag flying. But look, the flag isn't flying, so the lodge must be closed.

90. PAL Flight 103 will be late if the jet stream shifts down from Manila into Cebu. Here's the weather report: the jet stream has shifted down into Cebu. Well, that means that PAL Flight 103 will be late.

V: IDENTIFICATION (Identify the following statements from the choices below after each group.)

91. Refer to that being asserted as true on the condition that the other member is true.92. An argument whose main intention is to deceive others.93. Another term for fallacy of double meaning.94. You commit the fallacy of ____ when you attack the person who composed the argument, rather than

the argument.(A). Ad hominem ( B). Conditional syllogism ( C). Ad Ignorantiam (D). Accent ( E). Equivocation

95. Fallacies that emphasizes or is associated with stick or rod.96. Syllogism that is both conditional and disjunctive.97. You commit the fallacy of ___ when you infer the truth of a conclusion because it cannot be disproved.

(A). Ad baculum (B). Bifurcation ( C). Post hoc ergo propter hoc ( D). Dilemma (E). Ad Ignorantiam

98. The two poles of the proposition that exhaust all possibilities.99. It is no evidence that one event is caused by another event, simply because the former follows the latter.100. The fallacy that assumes the truth of a hidden conclusion that you have contemplated upon at least once.

(A). Begging the questions (B). Bifurcation (C). Post hoc ergo propter hoc (D). Non Sequitur (E). Complex questions

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VI: INFORMAL FALLACIES (Read the following arguments carefully and determine the fallacy committed by each number. Choose your best answer from choices below of each group.

101. “I don’t have any mice in my house. I haven’t seen a single one.”102. Man has free will because he is responsible for his actions and he is responsible for all his actions

because man is free.103. If you persist in this line of reasoning I will give you low grade, refer you to the guidance office, or

even ask you to bring your parents for conference. Your argument is unethical and it means you fail in your health ethics subject.

104. “I know my paper is late, Prof. Alcala, but my roommate was sick last night, and my folks’ll kill me if I flunk this subject.”

105. “I met an accident on Friday the 13th. That’s a very unlucky day and a diabolic number indeed.”

(A). Ignorantiam (B).Petitio Principii (C). Ad Baculum (D). Post hoc, ergo propter hoc (E). Misericordiam

106. Mario is a native of a far-flung interior barrio. Therefore, he knows nothing about the underlying principles of politics..

107. Those who keep quiet about this funding won’t have to look for other jobs. Do you understand?108. “You better think twice – vote for my candidate or lose your job.”109. I know your doctor says you need your appendix removed, but according to Reader’s Digest, people

with your symptoms just need a change in their diet, so forget about having your appendix out?110. Who among your friends are you contemplating to kill next?

(A.) Complex Questio (B). Verecundiam (C). Ad Baculum (D). Ad Hominem (E). Bifurcation

111. Either you do not value human life or you love your Uncle Fred; it seems to us that you do not love your Uncle Fred. Therefore, you do not value human life.

112. Thomas Edison said that man’s soul is a form of intellectual energy. He should know; he was a wizard in electricity.

113. Welcome! Pediatric Ward, Children are not allowed inside.114. Don’t worry son, your friend will live longer because he is the most handsome and intelligent in your


(A). Petitio Principii (B). Accent (C). Verecundiam (D). Non Sequitor (E). Bifurcation

115. If you don’t accept Christ in your heart this very night, you will lose your immortal soul.116. Prof. M. Isidoro, my logic and language professor, warned us against the danger of global warming, so

I’m in favour of the sustainable environment programs of our present Government.117. “Sure I was speeding, officer, but so were you! How else would you ever have caught me?”118. People have no reason to be afraid to love, for love is just a four-letter word.

(A). Ad Hominem ( B). Ad Baculum (C). Verecundiam (D). Equivocation (E). Bifurcation


119. A mother is 21 years older than her child. In exactly 6 years from now, the mother will be exactly 5 times as old as the child. Where is the father?

A. With the child B. With the mother C. With his mother D. With his father E. none of the choices

120. A man and his son are in a car crash. The father is killed and the child is taken to hospital gravely injured. When he gets there the surgeon says, “I can’t operate on this boy – for he is my son!!!? Who is the surgeon?

A. the boy’s father B. the boy’s mother C. the boy’s grandfather D. the boy’s grandmother

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121. In a group of siblings, there are seven sisters, and each has one brother. How many siblings are there in total?

A. Six B. Seven C. Eight D. Fourteen E. Fifteen

122. If you had one match and entered a room in which there were kerosene lamp, an oil burner and a wood burning stove, which would you light first.

A. The wood burning stove B. The Kerosene lamp C. The Oil burner D. The match

123. My teacher came into our classroom and said “Class is cancelled today because I’m not feeling well. We will meet again at 10 A.M., three days after two days before the day before tomorrow. What day should I go back to class?

A. Tomorrow B. Two days after C. Three days after D. Four days after E. Next Week

124. How many people go fishing with the following clues: Two fathers, Two sons, a grandfather and a grandson.

A. Two People B. Three People C. Four People D. Five People E. Six People
