Page 1: Pharom House: Guys Education

Pharom House: Guys Education

Lesson Objectives

Target Audience: Teenagers aged 18-20+

Pharom House Education, as it has been so called, focuses on educating the youth and challenging their own perspectives on the topics of love and responsibility. As the topics that are intended to be discussed are very sensitive, two important considerations must be made: 1) The disabilities that many of the boys have, and 2) The starkly different perspectives that Cambodia have on these topics. As such, students have to be mindful of these special circumstances when they engage the Cambodians on the topics.

The lesson objectives at the end of this phase of the discussion comprises:

• Leaving the Cambodian teenagers with a challenged mindset about sexuality and moral responsibility

• Approaching their perspectives and concepts of love (loving others and being loved) • Providing and highlighting the differences in perspectives of girls and guys • Bringing awareness about the consequences of their actions

• STDs • Psychological consequences • Emotional consequences

• Broaching the subject of having urges and controlling them

Lesson Outline

Previous Activity: “Who do I love?” Group Activity

Possible Scenarios

1) Family misses him, no money, only one in the city 2) Loves his friends, have fun together, plays games together 3) Mother, do not spend much time with her, father left them 4) Younger brother, spend his entire life with brother, weird without brother 5) Parents, help them in the field


1) The varied meaning of the word ‘love’ 2) Should we have girls and boys together?

Page 2: Pharom House: Guys Education

Time Activity Description

Content Prompting Questions


5 min The discussion should begin with a preliminary follow-up to the activity

• Bringing the activity into focus

• Highlighting the fact that they are part of this loving relationship

• Two important considerations: • Be aware of the

other parties in this relationship

• Feel the love they encounter in their lives

Do you agree with the activity? What is your favourite sharing? Do you have a girlfriend? Personal Sharing

Have directed questions Do you have a girlfriend? -> how did you meet her? -> what do you like about her? -> why?

10 min The concepts of love (loving others and being loved) will be started to be discussed

Open-ended discussion

Possible areas of discussion: 1. Love being a

feeling 2. Love being

actions 3. Love being sex 4. Feeling hurt 5. Feeling good

What does love mean? What does loving someone mean? What does being loved mean? Personal Sharing

Have directed questions again: Do you think love is a feeling? What do you do for your friends?

If stuck: bring up what their parents do for them/your own family dynamics

What is love? (Possible answers) 1) Expensive

things? 2) Kissing/holding

hands 3) Mother making

breakfast 4) Willing to do

anything 5) Spending time


5 min Highlighting the different perspectives (guys vs. girls)

Bottom line:

Guys - physically gratification Girls - emotional satisfaction

What do you think girls feel after sex? What do you feel like after sex?

Change perspectives Ask them directly: what do you think they feel?


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Troubleshooting/Potential Problems

Unresponsiveness Unable to understand Awkwardness

7 min Raising awareness about the various consequences


- HIV/AIDS - Chlamydia - Gonorrhoea - Syphillis

Consequences as a direct result of the different perspectives (guys vs. girls)

Emotional struggles

What can you do about these consequences? Are you willing to do something about these consequences?

5 min Dealing with urges What do you feel? Personal Sharing

Activity Description

Content Prompting Questions
