Page 1: Personalized breast cancer treatment and other survival tool for breast cancer

Personalized Breast Cancer

Treatment and Other Survival

Tool for Breast Cancer

DirectHit® Test Panel for Breast Cancer

Page 2: Personalized breast cancer treatment and other survival tool for breast cancer

Everyone in their lifetime may have known a woman suffering from breast cancer. I have known women going through the same ordeal and I know it is not only difficult for them but for their family who loves them as well.

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What is most difficult is that despite the advancement of technology and knowledge we have about breast cancer we still haven't found a bullet proof cure for it. Even the prevention is not yet validated to be one hundred percent accurate. In the process of fighting breast cancer, we exhaust our energy, emotional strength and even our resources. It could take so much of us and our family and we don't deserve to suffer. Life goes on despite breast cancer.

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Here are some of the things we should remember to avoid or prevent breast cancer:

1. Live a healthy life

Although breast cancer can be hereditary or a result of some hereditary cancer cells, our lifestyle is still a factor to be considered. Living a healthy life is a must especially nowadays that we are presented with so many unhealthy choices.

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2. Have a regular schedule of check upThis will not only help you detect breast cancer but will also help you detect other health problems. It is a fact that early detection of breast cancer can save your life. Everyone is at risk to have this illness, you are not exempted, take your stand.

I even read a good suggestion over the net. There is a group of women having mammogram party at a regular interval and having breakfast and chit-chat. This will not only make you remember your check up schedule but lets you enjoy the moment with it.

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3. When worst comes to worst, learn more about breast cancerWhen worst comes to worst and you found out that you have breast cancer. Do not let it kill you personality. Breast can cancer is just an illness you have, it is not you.

Read blogs, they will inspire you. Check medical options, they will lighten up you views. Be pro-active instead of letting yourself suffer the illness. Consider alternatives like personalized breast cancer treatment and other options. Know what the best medical option for you is and continue to live your life.

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4. Be happy for happiness is a choiceChoose to be happy despite breast cancer. This will not only lift your disposition but will also help the people you love deal with breast cancer in a positive way. Constantly remind yourself that all is well and everything will be.

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The whole point of this article is can be summarized in four big words. PREVENT, DETECT, CURE and LIVE. In every step of the way, you sure will have the support you need to make matters easier. And by having easy access to personalized breast cancer treatment, you surely will live a wonderful life while having life savings secured.

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DirectHit® Test Panel for Breast Cancer helps physicians predict which anticancer therapy treatments will be the most effective for individual breast cancer patients. Clinical trial results show that DirectHit® predicts, with a high degree of accuracy, the tumor’s resistance and sensitivity to four commonly prescribed classes of breast cancer treatments.
